February 2009, Volume 85, Issue 1
- 39-47 Globalization and Poverty: Oxymoron or New Possibilities?
by Ronald Hill & Justine Rapp - 49-58 The Relative Importance of Ethics as a Selection Criterion for Entry-Level Public Accountants: Does Gender Make a Difference?
by Nabil Ibrahim & John Angelidis - 59-71 Responsible Leaders as Agents of World Benefit: Learnings from “Project Ulysses”
by Nicola Pless & Thomas Maak - 73-82 On Multinational Corporations and the Provision of Positive Rights
by Baris Parkan - 83-95 Why Wine is not Glue? The Unresolved Problem of Negative Screening in Socially Responsible Investing
by Simone Colle & Jeffrey York - 97-109 Pragmatic Sustainability: Translating Environmental Ethics into Competitive Advantage
by Jeffrey York - 111-120 A Model for Partnering with Not-for-Profits to Develop Socially Responsible Businesses in a Global Environment
by Kathleen Wilburn - 121-132 Snapshots of the Future: Darfur, Katrina, and Maple Sugar (Climate Change, the Less Well-Off and Business Ethics)
by Edward Romar - 133-146 Understanding Japanese CSR: The Reflections of Managers in the Field of Global Operations
by Kyoko Fukukawa & Yoshiya Teramoto - 147-156 What’s Wrong with Executive Compensation?
by Jared Harris - 157-172 King Car and the Ethics of Automobile Proponents’ Strategies in China
by Martin Calkins - 173-178 Knobe, Side Effects, and the Morally Good Business
by Andy Wible - 179-185 Corporate Responsibility in Scandinavian Supply Chains
by Robert Strand - 187-199 Does Job Function Influence Ethical Reasoning? An Adapted Wason Task Application
by David Wasieleski & James Weber - 201-216 Social Entrepreneurship: The Role of Institutions
by Mukesh Sud & Craig VanSandt & Amanda Baugous - 217-224 Multinational Firms’ Leadership Role in Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America
by Gladys Torres-Baumgarten & Veysel Yucetepe - 225-237 Corporate Governance, Ethics, and the Backdating of Stock Options
by Avshalom Adam & Mark Schwartz - 239-249 The Business Ethics of Short Selling and Naked Short Selling
by James Angel & Douglas McCabe
February 2009, Volume 84, Issue 4
- 457-478 Ethical Decision-Making Differences Between American and Moroccan Managers
by A. Oumlil & Joseph Balloun - 479-495 Governing Corporate Social Responsibility: An Assessment of the Contribution of the UN Global Compact to CSR Strategies in the Telecommunications Industry
by Hens Runhaar & Helene Lafferty - 497-527 The Supply of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures Among U.S. Firms
by Lori Holder-Webb & Jeffrey Cohen & Leda Nath & David Wood - 529-547 TNC Motives for Signing International Framework Agreements: A Continuous Bargaining Model of Stakeholder Pressure
by Niklas Egels-Zandén - 549-563 The Role of Personal Values in Fair Trade Consumption
by Caroline Doran - 565-576 Marxism, Business Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility
by William Shaw - 577-588 Organisational Spirituality – A Literature Review
by Eve Poole - 589-603 Exploring the Geography of Corporate Philanthropic Disaster Response: A Study of Fortune Global 500 Firms
by Alan Muller & Gail Whiteman - 605-605 Exploring the Geography of Corporate Philanthropic Disaster Response: A Study of Fortune Global 500 Firms
by Alan Muller & Gail Whiteman
February 2009, Volume 84, Issue 3
- 279-280 Global and Contextual Values for Business in a Changing World: Editorial
by Geoff Moore & Christoph Stückelberger - 281-295 A Rich Concept of Wealth Creation Beyond Profit Maximization and Adding Value
by Georges Enderle - 297-311 Cultural Values, Economic Growth and Development
by Symphorien Ntibagirirwa - 313-324 The Ethical Rational of Business for the Poor – Integrating the Concepts Bottom of the Pyramid, Sustainable Development, and Corporate Citizenship
by Rüdiger Hahn - 313-328 African Ubuntu Philosophy and Global Management
by David Lutz - 325-339 Philanthropy, Integration or Innovation? Exploring the Financial and Societal Outcomes of Different Types of Corporate Responsibility
by Minna Halme & Juha Laurila - 329-339 Dialogue Ethics: Ethical Criteria and Conditions for a Successful Dialogue Between Companies and Societal Actors
by Christoph Stückelberger - 341-348 Ethical Values and Environmentalism in China: Comparing Employees from State-Owned and Private Firms
by Rosa Chun - 341-365 Related Debates in Ethics and Entrepreneurship: Values, Opportunities, and Contingency
by Susan Harmeling & Saras Sarasvathy & R. Freeman - 349-360 Barriers Against Globalizing Corporate Ethics: An Analysis of Legal Disputes on Implementing U.S. Codes of Ethics in Germany
by Till Talaulicar - 361-372 The Cosmopolitical Corporation
by Thomas Maak - 367-387 Design and Validation of a Novel New Instrument for Measuring the Effect of Moral Intensity on Accountants’ Propensity to Manage Earnings
by Jeanette Ng & Gregory White & Alina Lee & Andreas Moneta - 373-385 Transparency to Reduce Corruption?
by Maria Halter & Maria Arruda & Ralph Halter - 387-404 From an Implicit Christian Corporate Culture to a Structured Conception of Corporate Ethical Responsibility in a Retail Company: A Case-Study in Hermeneutic Ethics
by Geert Demuijnck - 389-403 A Four-Country Study of the Associations Between Bribery and Unethical Actions
by Richard Bernardi & Michael Witek & Michael Melton - 405-416 Corporate Social Responsibility as Support for Employee Volunteers: Impacts, Gender Puzzles and Policy Implications in Canada
by Fiona MacPhail & Paul Bowles - 405-425 Fairness in International Trade and Investment: North American Perspectives
by Frederick Bird & Thomas Vance & Peter Woolstencroft - 417-425 Transparent Practices: Primary and Secondary Data in Business Ethics Dissertations
by Shawn Nicholson & Terrence Bennett - 427-456 A Genealogy of Business Ethics: A Nietzschean Perspective
by Skip Worden
January 2009, Volume 84, Issue 2
- 137-149 CSR Communication of Corporate Enterprises in Hungary
by György Ligeti & Ágnes Oravecz - 151-164 Sustaining Employee Owned Companies: Seven Recommendations
by William Sauser - 165-187 Inside Agency: The Rise and Fall of Nortel
by Timothy Fogarty & Michel Magnan & Garen Markarian & Serge Bohdjalian - 167-172 Working to Live or Living to Work: Should Individuals and Organizations Care?
by Ronald Burke - 173-194 Story and Narrative Noticing: Workaholism Autoethnographies
by David Boje & Jo Tyler - 189-208 Accountability in Crisis: The Sponsorship Scandal and the Office of the Comptroller General in Canada
by Clinton Free & Vaughan Radcliffe - 195-208 Ethical Issues Relating to the Health Effects of Long Working Hours
by Allard Dembe - 209-216 “Karoshi (Work to Death)” in Japan
by Atsuko Kanai - 209-219 Aristotle’s Natural Wealth: The Role of Limitation in Thwarting Misordered Concupiscence
by Skip Worden - 217-227 A Brief History of Long Work Time and the Contemporary Sources of Overwork
by Lonnie Golden - 221-235 A Puzzle in SRI: The Investor and the Judge
by Jos Leys & Wim Vandekerckhove & Luc Liedekerke - 229-241 Worktime Demands and Work-Family Interference: Does Worktime Control Buffer the Adverse Effects of High Demands?
by Sabine Geurts & Debby Beckers & Toon Taris & Michiel Kompier & Peter Smulders - 237-258 A Social Cognition Framework for Examining Moral Awareness in Managers and Academics
by Jennifer Jordan - 243-255 Time Affluence as a Path toward Personal Happiness and Ethical Business Practice: Empirical Evidence from Four Studies
by Tim Kasser & Kennon Sheldon - 257-263 Work Motivations, Work Outcomes, and Health: Passion Versus Addiction
by Ronald Burke & Lisa Fiksenbaum - 259-275 Associations Between Epistemological Beliefs and Moral Reasoning: Evidence from Accounting
by Natalia M. Mintchik & Timothy A. Farmer - 265-278 Spiritual Leadership as a Paradigm for Organizational Transformation and Recovery from Extended Work Hours Cultures
by Louis Fry & Melanie Cohen - 277-295 Uneasy Alliances: Lessons Learned from Partnerships Between Businesses and NGOs in the context of CSR
by Dima Jamali & Tamar Keshishian
January 2009, Volume 84, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction: The Wide Reach of Business Ethics
by Patrick Flanagan & Marilynn Fleckenstein & Patrick Primeaux & Victoria Schoaf & Patricia Werhane - 1-15 The Missing Link Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Trust: The Case of Fair Trade Products
by Sandro Castaldo & Francesco Perrini & Nicola Misani & Antonio Tencati - 3-10 Boycott Basics: Moral Guidelines for Corporate Decision Making
by Mary Stoll - 11-24 Using Ibsen in Business Ethics
by Johannes Brinkmann - 17-28 Should Access to Credit be a Right?
by Marek Hudon - 25-32 Virtue Ethics in Business and the Capabilities Approach
by Alexander Bertland - 29-44 Consumer Ethics in Japan: An Economic Reconstruction of Moral Agency of Japanese Firms – Qualitative Insights from Grocery/Retail Markets
by Sigmund Wagner-Tsukamoto - 33-45 The Codes of Ethics of S&P/MIB Italian Companies: An Investigation of Their Contents and the Main Factors that Influence Their Adoption
by Ennio Lugli & Ulpiana Kocollari & Chiara Nigrisoli - 45-63 An Empirical Study of Environmental Awareness and Practices in SMEs
by David Gadenne & Jessica Kennedy & Catherine McKeiver - 47-64 The Smoking Penalty: Distributive Justice or Smokism?
by Martin Lecker - 65-73 Rationalization, Overcompensation and the Escalation of Corruption in Organizations
by Stelios Zyglidopoulos & Peter Fleming & Sandra Rothenberg - 65-78 The Role of Identity Salience in the Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behavior
by Longinos Marin & Salvador Ruiz & Alicia Rubio - 75-88 Where Strategy and Ethics Converge: Pharmaceutical Industry Pricing Policy for Medicare Part D Beneficiaries
by Edward Balotsky - 79-88 ‘Are Strategists from Mars and Ethicists from Venus?’ – Strategizing as Ethical Reflection
by Michael Behnam & Andreas Rasche - 89-95 Legitimating Market Egoism: The Availability Problem
by Tony Lynch - 89-102 What is Fair: Three Perspectives
by S. M. Patrick Primeaux & Frank Le Veness - 97-111 Violation of the Corporate Travel Policy: An Exploration of Underlying Value-Related Factors
by Anneli Douglas & Berendien Lubbe - 103-114 Trust, Faith, and Betrayal: Insights from Management for the Wise Believer
by Cam Caldwell & Brian Davis & James Devine - 115-134 Broadcasting Operation Iraqi Freedom: The People Behind Cable News Ethics, Decisions, and Gender Differences
by Larry Boone & Christine MacDonald - 135-149 On the Quality and Legitimacy of Green Narratives in Business: A Framework for Evaluation
by Lutz Preuss & David Dawson - 151-165 Effects of the Use of the Availability Heuristic on Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations
by Sefa Hayibor & David Wasieleski
December 2008, Volume 83, Issue 4
- 595-614 Business Ethics and Moral Motivation: A Criminological Perspective
by Joseph Heath - 615-625 In Defence of Principles? A Response to Lurie and Albin
by Paul Griseri - 627-640 Studying Ethical Judgments and Behavioral Intentions Using Structural Equations: Evidence from the Multidimensional Ethics Scale
by Nhung Nguyen & Michael Biderman - 641-656 The Perceptions of Consumers Regarding Online Retailers’ Ethics and Their Relationship with Consumers’ General Internet Expertise and Word of Mouth: A Preliminary Analysis
by Sergio Román & Pedro Cuestas - 657-671 Ethics vs. IT Ethics: Do Undergraduate Students Perceive a Difference?
by Kathleen Molnar & Marilyn Kletke & Jongsawas Chongwatpol - 673-683 Power and Size of Firms as Reflected in Cleaning Subcontractors’ Practices of Social Responsibility
by Sarit Nisim & Orly Benjamin - 685-701 Factors Influencing Social Responsibility Disclosure by Portuguese Companies
by Manuel Branco & Lúcia Rodrigues - 703-723 Do Competitive Environments Lead to the Rise and Spread of Unethical Behavior? Parallels from Enron
by Brian Kulik & Michael O’Fallon & Manjula Salimath - 725-743 Media Portrayal of Voluntary Public Reporting About Corporate Social Responsibility Performance: Does Coverage Encourage or Discourage Ethical Management?
by Marsha Dickson & Molly Eckman - 745-758 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Models and Theories in Stakeholder Dialogue
by Linda O’Riordan & Jenny Fairbrass - 759-771 Ethical Aspects of Using Government to Subvert Competition: Antidumping Laws as a Case Study of Rent Seeking Activity
by Robert McGee - 773-787 Moral Luck and Business Ethics
by Christopher Michaelson - 789-804 An Experimental Investigation of Emotions and Reasoning in the Trolley Problem
by Alessandro Lanteri & Chiara Chelini & Salvatore Rizzello - 805-812 Why Corporations Should Not Abandon Social Responsibility
by Moses Pava - 813-833 East Meets West: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Cultural Variations in Idealism and Relativism
by Donelson Forsyth & Ernest O’Boyle & Michael McDaniel - 835-843 Mentoring and Practical Wisdom: Are Mentors Wiser or Just More Politically Skilled?
by Dennis Moberg - 845-862 Anomie and the Marketing Function: The Role of Control Mechanisms
by Amit Saini & Mike Krush - 863-863 Anomie and the Marketing Function: The Role of Control Mechanisms
by Amit Saini & Mike Krush & Jean Johnson
December 2008, Volume 83, Issue 3
- 363-363 Assessing Arms Makers’ Corporate Social Responsibility
by Edmund Byrne - 365-368 Interpreting Structural Equation Modeling Results: A Reply to Martin and Cullen
by Paul Dion - 369-379 The Ethical Case for Affirmative Action
by Prue Burns & Jan Schapper - 381-395 Is Competition Law an Impediment to CSR?
by Wim Dubbink & Frans Putten - 397-408 Competitive Irrationality in Transitional Economies: Are Communist Managers Less Irrational?
by Lance Brouthers & Dana-Nicoleta Lascu & Steve Werner - 409-418 Sexual Issues: The Analysis of Female Role Portrayal Preferences in Taiwanese Print Ads
by Chyong-Ling Lin - 419-434 The Effect of Ethical Orientation and Professional Commitment on Earnings Management Behavior
by A. Greenfield & Carolyn Norman & Benson Wier - 435-451 Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Financial Performance
by Kevin Campbell & Antonio Mínguez-Vera - 453-467 Manager Trustworthiness or Interactional Justice? Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
by Dan Chiaburu & Audrey Lim - 469-487 Ethical Management, Corporate Governance, and Abnormal Accruals
by Pinghsun Huang & Timothy Louwers & Jacquelyn Moffitt & Yan Zhang - 489-501 Internet Technologies in China: Insights on the Morally Important Influence of Managers
by Kirsten Martin - 503-514 Power, Self-regulation and the Moralization of Behavior
by Chris Bell & Justin Hughes-Jones - 515-533 Ripped from the Headlines: What can the Popular Press Teach us about Software Piracy?
by Shariffah Zamoon & Shawn Curley - 535-542 Impact of Managerial Dependencies on Ethical Behavior
by Satish Deshpande & Jacob Joseph & Rashmi Prasad - 543-563 A Survey of Governance Disclosures Among U.S. Firms
by Lori Holder-Webb & Jeffrey Cohen & Leda Nath & David Wood - 565-577 Proximity and Rationalisation: The Limits of a Levinasian Ethics in the Context of Corporate Governance and Regulation
by Samuel Mansell - 579-593 Accounting Window Dressing and Template Regulation: A Case Study of the Australian Credit Union Industry
by David Hillier & Allan Hodgson & Peta Stevenson-Clarke & Suntharee Lhaopadchan
December 2008, Volume 83, Issue 2
- 127-131 From Hippocrates to HIPPA: The Collapse of the Assumptive World
by Samuel Natale - 133-146 Spiraling Down into Corruption: A Dynamic Analysis of the Social Identity Processes that Cause Corruption in Organizations to Grow
by Niki A. Nieuwenboer & Muel Kaptein - 147-165 Bullying in the U.S. Workplace: Normative and Process-Oriented Ethical Approaches
by Helen LaVan & Wm. Martin - 167-175 Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Size
by Krishna Udayasankar - 177-192 Who are the Stakeholders Now? An Empirical Examination of the Mitchell, Agle, and Wood Theory of Stakeholder Salience
by Vanessa Magness - 193-205 Management Attempts to Avoid Accounting Disclosure Oversight: The Effects of Trust and Knowledge on Corporate Directors’ Governance Ability
by Anna Rose & Jacob Rose - 207-216 Do Firms Practice What They Preach? The Relationship Between Mission Statements and Stakeholder Management
by Barbara Bartkus & Myron Glassman - 217-232 Perceptions of Accountants’ Ethics: Evidence from Their Portrayal in Cinema
by Sandra Felton & Tony Dimnik & Darlene Bay - 233-246 Impact of MBA Education on Students’ Values: Two Longitudinal Studies
by Venkat Krishnan - 247-263 Employees and the Operation of Accountability
by Thomas Johansen - 265-283 Do Employees Care About CSR Programs? A Typology of Employees According to their Attitudes
by Pablo Rodrigo & Daniel Arenas - 285-296 ‹Loving the Distance Between Them:’ Thinking Beyond Howard Gardner’s “Five Minds for the Future”
by Moses Pava - 297-306 Institutional Impact on Work-related Values in Chinese Organizations
by Ruth Alas & Sun Wei - 307-325 Investment with a Conscience: Examining the Impact of Pro-Social Attitudes and Perceived Financial Performance on Socially Responsible Investment Behavior
by Jonas Nilsson - 327-339 Institutional Pillars and Corruption at the Societal Level
by Ji Li & Jane Moy & Kevin Lam & W.L. Chris Chu - 341-352 A Value-based Framework for Understanding Managerial Tolerance of Bribery in Latin America
by Juan Sanchez & Carolina Gomez & Guillermo Wated - 353-361 The Business Ethics of Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata – A Forerunner in Promoting Stakeholder Welfare
by N. Sivakumar
November 2008, Volume 83, Issue 1
- 55-63 Female Presence on Corporate Boards: A Multi-Country Study of Environmental Context
by Siri Terjesen & Val Singh
November 2008, Volume 82, Issue 4
- 775-791 Cross-cultural Comparisons of Managerial Perceptions on Profit
by Aster Yong - 793-805 Multinational Corporations and Local Communities: A Critical Analysis of Conflict
by Lisa Calvano - 807-819 The Political Roots of Corporate Social Responsibility
by David Detomasi - 821-834 Two Principles of Broadcast Media Ownership for a Democratic Society
by Michael Buckley - 835-850 Contrasting the Behavioural Business Ethics Approach and the Institutional Economic Approach to Business Ethics: Insights From the Study of Quaker Employers
by Sigmund Wagner-Tsukamoto - 851-864 A Virtue-Ethics Analysis of Supply Chain Collaboration
by Matthew Drake & John Schlachter - 865-887 To Help or Not to Help? The Good Samaritan Effect and the Love of Money on Helping Behavior
by Thomas Tang & Toto Sutarso & Grace Davis & Dariusz Dolinski & Abdul Ibrahim & Sharon Wagner - 889-898 On a Recent Naturalism Debate in Business Ethics – from a Philosophy Point of View
by Kwok Cheung - 899-905 How Can a Ratings-based Method for Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Provide an Incentive to Firms Excluded from Socially Responsible Investment Indices to Invest in CSR?
by Avshalom Adam & Tal Shavit - 907-917 The Effect of Culture and Religiosity on Business Ethics: A Cross-cultural Comparison
by Md. Rashid & Saidatul Ibrahim - 919-928 Consumer Perceptions of Business Ethical Behavior in Former Eastern Block Countries
by John Tsalikis & Bruce Seaton - 929-939 Cultural Orientation and Attitudes Toward Different Forms of Whistleblowing: A Comparison of South Korea, Turkey, and the U.K
by Heungsik Park & John Blenkinsopp & M. Oktem & Ugur Omurgonulsen - 941-954 Perceptions of the Ethical Climate in the Korean Tourism Industry
by Nan Kim & Graham Miller - 955-968 The Relationship Between Paternalistic Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Investigating the Role of Climate Regarding Ethics
by Gül Erben & Ayşe Begüm Güneşer - 969-983 A History of Scandinavian Socially Responsible Investing
by Elias Bengtsson - 985-999 Reorienting the Business School Agenda: The Case for Relevance, Rigor, and Righteousness
by Andreas Birnik & Jon Billsberry
September 2008, Volume 82, Issue 1
- 1-26 Intelligence Vs. Wisdom: The Love of Money, Machiavellianism, and Unethical Behavior across College Major and Gender
by Thomas Tang & Yuh-Jia Chen - 27-44 Applicability of Corporate Social Responsibility to Human Resources Management: Perspective from Spain
by Fernando Fuentes-García & Julia Núñez-Tabales & Ricardo Veroz-Herradón - 45-58 Effect of Business Education on Women and Men Students’ Attitudes on Corporate Responsibility in Society
by Anna-Maija Lämsä & Meri Vehkaperä & Tuomas Puttonen & Hanna-Leena Pesonen - 59-76 Stakeholder’s Preference and Rational Compliance: A Comment on Sacconi’s “CSR as a Model for Extended Corporate Governance II: Compliance, Reputation and Reciprocity”
by Pedro Francés-Gómez & Ariel del Rio - 77-91 A Speech-Act Model for Talking to Management. Building a Framework for Evaluating Communication within the SRI Engagement Process
by Wim Vandekerckhove & Jos Leys & Dirk Braeckel - 93-106 Organisational Control and the Self: Critiques and Normative Expectations
by Karin Garrety - 107-118 Organisational Whistleblowing Policies: Making Employees Responsible or Liable?
by Eva Tsahuridu & Wim Vandekerckhove - 119-130 Galvanising Shareholder Activism: A Prerequisite for Effective Corporate Governance and Accountability in Nigeria
by Olufemi Amao & Kenneth Amaeshi - 131-144 Corporate Charitable Contributions: A Corporate Social Performance or Legitimacy Strategy?
by Jennifer C. Chen & Dennis M. Patten & Robin Roberts - 145-155 Ethical Ideologies of Senior Australian Managers: An Empirical Study
by Mario Fernando & Shyamali Dharmage & Shamika Almeida - 157-170 Fostering Ethics Research: An Analysis of the Accounting, Finance and Marketing Disciplines
by Richard Bernardi & Michael Melton & Scott Roberts & David Bean - 171-187 A Comparison of Models Describing the Impact of Moral Decision Making on Investment Decisions
by Eva Hofmann & Erik Hoelzl & Erich Kirchler - 189-211 A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Deliberative Reasoning of Canadian and Chinese Accounting Students
by Lin Ge & Stuart Thomas - 213-231 A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: A Fresh Perspective into Theory and Practice
by Dima Jamali - 233-250 Learning from Multi-Stakeholder Networks: Issue-Focussed Stakeholder Management
by Julia Roloff - 251-272 Responding Destructively in Leadership Situations: The Role of Personal Values and Problem Construction
by Jody Illies & Roni Reiter-Palmon
September 2008, Volume 81, Issue 4
- 715-732 Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Non-pirated Software
by Jane Hsu & Charlene Shiue - 733-750 The Dynamics of Fair Trade as a Mixed-form Market
by Leonardo Becchetti & Benjamin Huybrechts - 751-764 Moral Motivation Across Ethical Theories: What Can We Learn for Designing Corporate Ethics Programs?
by Simone Colle & Patricia H. Werhane - 765-778 The Impact of Perceived Leader Integrity on Subordinates in a Work Team Environment
by Darin White & Emily Lean - 779-795 Researcher Interaction Biases and Business Ethics Research: Respondent Reactions to Researcher Characteristics
by Anthony Miyazaki & Kimberly Taylor - 797-809 Social Desirability Response Bias, Gender, and Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment: An International Study
by Richard Bernardi & Steven Guptill - 811-822 A Decade of Service-learning: A Review of the Field Ten Years after JOBE’s Seminal Special Issue
by Amy Kenworthy-U’Ren - 823-835 Unenlightened Economism: The Antecedents of Bad Corporate Governance and Ethical Decline
by Matthias Huehn - 837-850 The Escalation of Deception in Organizations
by Peter Fleming & Stelios C. Zyglidopoulos - 851-861 Pseudo-Transformational Leadership: Towards the Development and Test of a Model
by Julian Barling & Amy Christie & Nick Turner - 863-873 Social Responsiveness, Profitability and Catastrophic Events: Evidence on the Corporate Philanthropic Response to 9/11
by William Crampton & Dennis Patten - 875-885 Demographic Effects of Work Values and Their Management Implications
by Wanxian Li & Xinmei Liu & Weiwu Wan - 887-904 Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Importance of Ethics in Marketing Situations: A Study of Thai Businesspeople
by Anusorn Singhapakdi & Mahesh Gopinath & Janet Marta & Larry Carter - 905-911 Ethical Cycles and Trends: Evidence and Implications
by Stephen Conroy & Tisha Emerson - 913-926 The Business of Commercial Legal Advice and the Ethical Implications for Lawyers and Their Clients
by Barbara Mescher - 927-944 Ethical Decision Making and the Employed Lawyer
by Sally Gunz & Hugh Gunz
September 2008, Volume 81, Issue 3
- 499-512 Irresponsible Lending? A Case Study of a U.K. Credit Industry Reform Initiative
by Maria Richards & Paul Palmer & Mariana Bogdanova - 513-529 Impacts of Corporate Code of Conduct on Labor Standards: A Case Study of Reebok’s Athletic Footwear Supplier Factory in China
by Xiaomin Yu - 531-543 The Driver of Green Innovation and Green Image – Green Core Competence
by Yu-Shan Chen - 545-553 Corporate Legal Responsibility: A Levinasian Perspective
by Conceição Soares - 555-559 Guide to the Ethics of Ex Parte Communications
by Patricia Wall - 561-578 Being Good Citizens: Understanding a Mediating Mechanism of Organizational Commitment and Social Network Ties in OCBs
by Chieh-Peng Lin & Wei-Ting Hung & Chou-Kang Chiu - 579-585 Whistle-Blowing and Morality
by Mathieu Bouville - 587-598 The Morality of Everyday Activities: Not the Right, But the Good Thing To Do
by Daniel Nyberg - 599-607 Does the Market Value Corporate Philanthropy? Evidence from the Response to the 2004 Tsunami Relief Effort
by Dennis Patten - 609-622 Creative Rebellion and Moral Efficiency as Elements of Managerial Ideology
by Stephen Sloane - 623-634 Vocational Ethics as a Subspecialty of Business Ethics – Structuring a Research and Teaching Field
by Johannes Brinkmann & Ann-Mari Henriksen - 635-646 Exploring Cognitive Moral Logics Using Grounded Theory: The Case of Software Piracy
by Kanika Bhal & Nivedita Leekha