April 2009, Volume 88, Issue 1
- 167-183 A Comparative Study of Ethical Perceptions of Managers and Non-Managers
by Noel Siu & Kit-Chun Lam - 185-196 Do Traditional Chinese Cultural Values Nourish a Market for Pirated CDs?
by Wendy Wan & Chung-Leung Luk & Oliver Yau & Alan Tse & Leo Sin & Kenneth Kwong & Raymond Chow - 197-210 Isolating Cultural and National Influence on Value and Ethics: A Test of Competing Hypotheses
by Justin Tan & Irene Chow - 211-224 The Challenge of Developing a Business Ethics in China
by Po Ip
August 2009, Volume 88, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword: Professional Ethics in Business and Social Life
by Mahmut Arslan & Alejo Sison - 3-4 Leadership and the Ethics of Care
by Joanne Ciulla - 5-9 Developing Students’ Competence for Ethical Reflection While Attending Business School
by Heidi Weltzien Hoivik - 11-19 The Nature of Responsibility in a Professional Setting
by Simon Robinson - 21-34 The Managerial Law Firm and the Globalization of Legal Ethics
by Bjorn Fasterling - 35-52 Research Methods in Taxation Ethics: Developing the Defining Issues Test (DIT) for a Tax-Specific Scenario
by Elaine Doyle & Jane Frecknall-Hughes & Barbara Summers - 53-64 Effects of Personal Values on Auditor’s Ethical Decisions: A Comparison of Pakistani and Turkish Professional Auditors
by Semra Karacaer & Raheel Gohar & Mehmet Aygün & Cem Sayin - 65-82 Putting Ethics on the Agenda for Real Estate Agents
by Johannes Brinkmann - 83-101 Non-Discrimination in Human Resources Management as a Moral Obligation
by Geert Demuijnck - 103-113 Marketing Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Marriage of Convenience or Shotgun Wedding?
by Khosro Jahdi & Gaye Acikdilli - 115-135 Examining the Effects of Moral Development Level, Self-Concept, and Self-Monitoring on Consumers’ Ethical Attitudes
by Bahtışen Kavak & Eda Gürel & Canan Eryiğit & Öznur Tektaş - 137-156 Is There Any Change in the Public Service Values of Different Generations of Public Administrators? The Case of Turkish Governors and District Governors
by Ugur Omurgonulsen & M. Oktem - 157-173 Organizational Moral Learning: What, If Anything, Do Corporations Learn from NGO Critique?
by Heiko Spitzeck - 175-197 The Role of NGOs in CSR: Mutual Perceptions Among Stakeholders
by Daniel Arenas & Josep Lozano & Laura Albareda - 199-210 “Ethics Hotlines” in Transnational Companies: A Comparative Study
by Reyes Calderón-Cuadrado & José Álvarez-Arce & Isabel Rodríguez-Tejedo & Stella Salvatierra - 211-225 The Islamic Work Ethic and the Emergence of Turkish SME Owner-Managers
by Selçuk Uygur - 227-244 Integrating Personalism into Virtue-Based Business Ethics: The Personalist and the Common Good Principles
by Domènec Melé
July 2009, Volume 87, Issue 4
- 441-453 Ordinary People can Reason: A Rhetorical Case for Including Vernacular Voices in Ethical Public Relations Practice
by Calvin Troup - 455-462 Co-Evolution: Law and Institutions in International Ethics Research
by Carla Millar & Chong-Ju Choi & Philip Cheng - 463-476 Testing the Value-Pragmatics Hypothesis in Unethical Compliance
by George Watson & Robyn Berkley - 477-494 Connecting the Two Faces of CSR: Does Employee Volunteerism Improve Compliance?
by Susan Houghton & Joan Gabel & David Williams - 495-517 Testing a Model of Behavioral Intentions in the Republic of Macedonia: Differences Between the Private and the Public Sectors
by Elisaveta Sardžoska & Thomas Tang - 519-533 The Heterogeneity of Socially Responsible Investment
by Joakim Sandberg & Carmen Juravle & Ted Hedesström & Ian Hamilton - 535-553 Competitive Bluffing: An Examination of a Common Practice and its Relationship with Performance
by Rebecca Guidice & G. Alder & Steven Phelan - 555-572 Keeping Ethical Investment Ethical: Regulatory Issues for Investing for Sustainability
by Benjamin Richardson - 589-598 Perceived Ethicality of Insurance Claim Fraud: Do Higher Deductibles Lead to Lower Ethical Standards?
by Anthony Miyazaki
August 2009, Volume 87, Issue 2
- 367-383 Human Rights, Transnational Corporations and Embedded Liberalism: What Chance Consensus?
by Glen Whelan & Jeremy Moon & Marc Orlitzky - 385-400 Corporate Social Responsibility and International Human Rights Law
by Robert McCorquodale - 401-417 Business and the International Human Rights Regime: A Comparison of UN Initiatives
by Nina Seppala - 419-432 Human Rights and the New Corporate Accountability: Learning from Recent Developments in Corporate Criminal Liability
by Aurora Voiculescu - 433-451 Corporate Responsibility for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Rights in Search of a Remedy?
by Justine Nolan & Luke Taylor - 453-473 Business and Human Rights in South Africa: An Analysis of Antecedents of Human Rights Due Diligence
by Ralph Hamann & Paresha Sinha & Farai Kapfudzaruwa & Christoph Schild
June 2009, Volume 87, Issue 2
- 153-168 CSR Practices and Corporate Strategy: Evidence from a Longitudinal Case Study
by Lucio Lamberti & Emanuele Lettieri - 169-188 Transnational Governance of Workers’ Rights: Outlining a Research Agenda
by Niklas Egels-Zandén - 189-197 A Change in Business Ethics: The Impact on Employer–Employee Relations
by Roger Karnes - 199-210 Responsible Ads: A Workable Ideal
by M. Hyman - 211-220 Ethical Leadership and Organizations: An Analysis of Leadership in the Manufacturing Industry Based on the Perceived Leadership Integrity Scale
by Jack McCann & Roger Holt - 221-236 Greening the Corporation Through Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
by Olivier Boiral - 237-253 The Strength of an Accounting Firm’s Ethical Environment and the Quality of Auditors’ Judgments
by Nonna Martinov-Bennie & Gary Pflugrath - 255-268 Understanding Consumers’ Ethical Justifications: A Scale for Appraising Consumers’ Reasons for Not Behaving Ethically
by Alain d’Astous & Amélie Legendre - 269-283 Global Software Piracy: Searching for Further Explanations
by Deli Yang & Mahmut Sonmez & Derek Bosworth & Gerald Fryxell - 285-298 Corporate Argumentation for Acceptability: Reflections of Environmental Values and Stakeholder Relations in Corporate Environmental Statements
by Tiina Onkila
April 2009, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 1-2 Globalization and the Good Corporation
by S. Sethi - 3-24 Corporate Social Responsibility for Developing Country Multinational Corporations: Lost War in Pertaining Global Competitiveness?
by Philippe Gugler & Jacylyn Shi - 25-40 Investment Decisions, Liquidity, and Institutional Activism: An International Study
by Alfredo Bobillo & Juan Rodriguez Sanz & Fernando Tejerina Gaite - 41-55 Understanding Socially Responsible Investing: The Effect of Decision Frames and Trade-off Options
by Katherina Glac - 57-69 Exploring the Nature of the Relationship Between CSR and Competitiveness
by Marc Vilanova & Josep Lozano & Daniel Arenas - 71-89 Designing and Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility: An Integrative Framework Grounded in Theory and Practice
by François Maon & Adam Lindgreen & Valérie Swaen - 91-109 Corporate Motives for Social Initiative: Legitimacy, Sustainability, or the Bottom Line?
by Peggy Brønn & Deborah Vidaver-Cohen - 111-135 Managing Efficient Capital Allocation with Emphasis on the Chinese Experience
by Zhuang Cai & Peter Wheale - 137-146 Beyond Credibility of Doing Business in China: Strategies for Improving Corporate Citizenship of Foreign Multinational Enterprises in China
by Maria Lam - 147-155 Who will Guard the Guardians? The Social Responsibility of NGOs
by Murray Weidenbaum - 157-171 The Spanish Discourse on Corporate Social Responsibility
by Natàlia Cantó-Milà & Josep Lozano - 173-183 An Analysis of International Accounting Codes of Conduct
by Curtis Clements & John Neill & O. Stovall - 185-197 Global Standards and Ethical Stock Indexes: The Case of the Dow Jones Sustainability Stoxx Index
by Costanza Consolandi & Ameeta Jaiswal-Dale & Elisa Poggiani & Alessandro Vercelli - 199-219 Fostering Labor Rights in Developing Countries: An Investors’ Approach to Managing Labor Issues
by Robert Montgomery & Gregory Maggio - 221-232 An Analysis of U.S. Multinationals’ Recruitment Practices in Mexico
by Eileen Daspro - 233-249 From Passive Beneficiary to Active Stakeholder: Workers’ Participation in CSR Movement Against Labor Abuses
by Xiaomin Yu - 251-265 Best Practices in Credit Accessibility and Corporate Social Responsibility in Financial Institutions
by Francesc Prior & Antonio Argandoña - 267-277 Does Increased Equity Ownership Lead to More Strategically Involved Boards?
by Sayan Chatterjee - 279-288 Corporate Sustainability Reporting: A Study in Disingenuity?
by Güler Aras & David Crowther - 289-298 Assurance Services for Sustainability Reports: Standards and Empirical Evidence
by Giacomo Manetti & Lucia Becatti - 299-317 Is Corporate Responsibility Converging? A Comparison of Corporate Responsibility Reporting in the USA, UK, Australia, and Germany
by Stephen Chen & Petra Bouvain - 319-332 Corporation as a Crucial Ally Against Corruption
by Reyes Calderón & José Álvarez-Arce & Silvia Mayoral - 333-351 Corporate Governance Practices: A Proposed Policy Incentive Regime to Facilitate Internal Investigations and Self-Reporting of Criminal Activities
by Thomas Hemphill & Francine Cullari - 353-365 Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues Between Shareholder Activists and Corporations
by Jeanne Logsdon & Harry Buren
June 2009, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 1-13 An Analysis of the Ethical Codes of Corporations and Business Schools
by Harrison McCraw & Kathy Moffeit & John O’Malley - 15-30 An Examination of the Association Between Gender and Reporting Intentions for Fraudulent Financial Reporting
by Steven Kaplan & Kurt Pany & Janet Samuels & Jian Zhang - 31-43 A Stakeholder’s Perspective on Human Resource Management
by Michel Ferrary - 45-57 Reflecting on the Common Discourse on Piracy and Intellectual Property Rights: A Divergent Perspective
by Betty Yung - 59-74 Bribery: Australian Managers’ Experiences and Responses When Operating in International Markets
by Kerry Pedigo & Verena Marshall - 75-88 Determinants of Bribery in Asian Firms: Evidence from the World Business Environment Survey
by Xun Wu - 89-108 Why Firms Engage in Corruption: A Top Management Perspective
by Jamie Collins & Klaus Uhlenbruck & Peter Rodriguez - 109-116 Approaches to Ethics for Corporate Crisis Management
by Per Sandin - 117-132 Social Relationship of a Firm and the CSP–CFP Relationship in Japan: Using Artificial Neural Networks
by Daisuke Okamoto - 133-151 A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Business Ethics Instruction
by Ethan Waples & Alison Antes & Stephen Murphy & Shane Connelly & Michael Mumford
June 2009, Volume 86, Issue 4
- 417-428 Political and Economic Arguments for Corporate Social Responsibility: Analysis and a Proposition Regarding the CSR Agenda
by Francis Weyzig - 429-449 Empirical Business Ethics Research and Paradigm Analysis
by V. Brand - 451-461 A Chinese Perspective: Business Ethics in China Now and in the Future
by Xiaohe Lu - 463-471 What Plato Knew About Enron
by Michele Henderson & M. Gregory Oakes & Marilyn Smith - 473-484 Business is not a Game: The Metaphoric Fallacy
by Maurice Hamington - 485-506 Ethical Structures and Processes of Corporations Operating in Australia, Canada, and Sweden: A Longitudinal and Cross-Cultural Study
by Goran Svensson & Greg Wood & Jang Singh & Emily Carasco & Michael Callaghan - 507-518 The Influence of Distributive Justice on Lying for and Stealing from a Supervisor
by Elizabeth Umphress & Lily Ren & John Bingham & Celile Gogus - 519-534 Preserving Employee Dignity During the Termination Interview: An Empirical Examination
by Matthew Wood & Steven Karau - 535-539 APACS Response to “Irresponsible Lending? A Case Study of a Credit Industry Reform Initiative”
by Paul Rodford - 541-553 Linking Social Issues to Organizational Impact: The Role of Infomediaries and the Infomediary Process
by David Deephouse & Pursey Heugens
May 2009, Volume 86, Issue 3
- 257-271 Recognizing Business Ethics: Practical and Ethical Challenges in Awarding Prizes for Good Corporate Behaviour
by Wayne Norman & Caroline Roux & Philippe Bélanger - 297-312 An Optimally Viable Version of Stakeholder Theory
by J. Kaler - 313-325 Ethical Transparency and Economic Medicalization
by Geoffrey Poitras & Lindsay Meredith - 327-345 Towards a Performance Measurement Framework for Community Development Finance Institutions in the UK
by Christoph Kneiding & Paul Tracey - 347-361 Different Pathways that Suggest Whether Auditors’ Going Concern Opinions are Ethically Based
by Waymond Rodgers & Andrés Guiral & José Gonzalo - 363-378 How Leadership Characteristics Affect Organizational Decline and Downsizing
by Abraham Carmeli & Zachary Sheaffer - 379-396 A Word to the Wise: How Managers and Policy-Makers can Encourage Employees to Report Wrongdoing
by Marcia Miceli & Janet Near & Terry Dworkin - 397-416 The Impact of Ethics Education on Reporting Behavior
by Brian Mayhew & Pamela Murphy
March 2009, Volume 86, Issue 2
- 151-153 Multinational Corporations and Social Responsibility in Emerging Markets: Opportunities and Challenges for Research and Practice
by Justin Tan - 155-169 Antecedents of CSR Practices in MNCs’ Subsidiaries: A Stakeholder and Institutional Perspective
by Xiaohua Yang & Cheryl Rivers - 171-189 Institutional Structure and Firm Social Performance in Transitional Economies: Evidence of Multinational Corporations in China
by Justin Tan - 191-206 The Emergence of Corporate Social Responsibility in Chile: The Importance of Authenticity and Social Networks
by Terry Beckman & Alison Colwell & Peggy Cunningham - 207-223 Labour Relations and Ethical Dilemmas of Extractive MNEs in Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia: 1950–2000
by Gabriel Eweje - 225-239 Corporate Social Responsibility in Transnational Spaces: Exploring Influences of Varieties of Capitalism on Expressions of Corporate Codes of Conduct in Nigeria
by Kenneth Amaeshi & Olufemi Amao - 241-255 Business Responses to Climate Change Regulation in Canada and Germany: Lessons for MNCs from Emerging Economies
by Burkard Eberlein & Dirk Matten - 257-266 Managing Public Relations in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Mercedes in China
by Justin Tan & Anna Tan
May 2009, Volume 86, Issue 2
- 113-124 The Impact of Work-Related Values on the Readiness to Change in Estonian Organizations
by Ruth Alas - 125-141 Critical Role of Leadership on Ethical Climate and Salesperson Behaviors
by Jay Mulki & Jorge Jaramillo & William Locander - 143-157 Google in China: A Manager-Friendly Heuristic Model for Resolving Cross-Cultural Ethical Conflicts
by J. Hamilton & Stephen Knouse & Vanessa Hill - 143-157 Google in China: A Manager-Friendly Heuristic Model for Resolving Cross-Cultural Ethical Conflicts
by J. Brooke Hamilton & Stephen B. Knouse & Vanessa Hill - 159-175 Corporate Social Responsibility in the International Banking Industry
by Bert Scholtens - 177-198 Linking Ethics and Risk Management in Taxation: Evidence from an Exploratory Study in Ireland and the UK
by Elaine Doyle & Jane Hughes & Keith Glaister - 199-209 The Impact of Anti-Intellectualism Attitudes and Academic Self-Efficacy on Business Students’ Perceptions of Cheating
by Rafik Elias - 211-225 “I don’t Care that People don’t Like What I Do” – Business Codes Viewed as Invisible or Visible Restrictions
by Peter Norberg - 227-242 Ethical Ideology and Ethical Judgments in the Portuguese Accounting Profession
by Pedro Marques & José Azevedo-Pereira
April 2009, Volume 86, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Darryl Reed & J. McMurtry - 1-13 Collectivism, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Resource Advantages in Retailing
by Yu-Chiang Hu & Chia-Ching Fatima Wang - 3-26 What do Corporations have to do with Fair Trade? Positive and Normative Analysis from a Value Chain Perspective
by Darryl Reed - 15-28 Positive Group Context, Work Attitudes, and Organizational Misbehavior: The Case of Withholding Job Effort
by Roland Kidwell & Sean Valentine - 27-49 Ethical Value-Added: Fair Trade and the Case of Café Femenino
by J. McMurtry - 29-41 Public Relations Autonomy, Legal Dominance, and Strategic Orientation as Predictors of Crisis Communicative Strategies
by Yi-Hui Huang & Shih-Hsin Su - 43-50 Alasdair Macintyre’s Aristotelian Business Ethics: A Critique
by John Dobson - 51-61 The Urgency and Necessity of a Different Type of Market: The Perspective of Producers Organized Within the Fair Trade Market
by Francisco VanderHoff Boersma - 51-63 Socio-Cultural Change and Business Ethics in Post-Soviet Countries: The Cases of Belarus and Estonia
by Christopher Rees & Galina Miazhevich - 63-79 The Institutionalization of Fair Trade: More than Just a Degraded Form of Social Action
by Corinne Gendron & Véronique Bisaillon & Ana Rance - 65-79 Business Ethics and the Decision to Adopt Golden Parachute Contracts: Empirical Evidence of Concern for All Stakeholders
by Jocelyn Evans & Frank Hefner - 81-90 Furthering Organizational Priorities with Less Than Truthful Behavior: A Call for Additional Tools
by William Keep - 81-95 The Co-Operative and the Corporation: Competing Visions of the Future of Fair Trade
by Gavin Fridell - 91-99 Exploring the Patient Consent Process in Community Pharmacy Practice
by Cicely Roche & Felicity Kelliher - 97-108 Organizational Leadership, Ethics and the Challenges of Marketing Fair and Ethical Trade
by Will Low & Eileen Davenport - 101-112 Understanding the Complex Relationship Between Creativity and Ethical Ideologies
by Paul Bierly & Robert Kolodinsky & Brian Charette - 109-126 Alliances and Networks: Creating Success in the UK Fair Trade Market
by Iain Davies - 127-149 Assessing the Impact of Fair Trade Coffee: Towards an Integrative Framework
by Karla Utting
April 2009, Volume 85, Issue 4
- 411-427 Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility: A Scale Development Study
by Duygu Turker - 429-443 Corporate Social Responsibility and Farmer Suicides: A Case for Benign Paternalism?
by Arun Iyer - 445-451 Characteristics of Ethical Business Cultures
by Alexandre Ardichvili & James Mitchell & Douglas Jondle - 453-478 Google, Human Rights, and Moral Compromise
by George Brenkert - 479-499 The Action Logics of Environmental Leadership: A Developmental Perspective
by Olivier Boiral & Mario Cayer & Charles Baron - 501-514 Are Ethical Codes of Conduct Toothless Tigers for Dealing with Employment Discrimination?
by Lars-Eric Petersen & Franciska Krings - 515-525 What’s in a Credo? A Critique of the Academy of Management’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Code of Ethics
by Daniel Skubik & Bruce Stening - 527-543 Cultural Crossvergence and Social Desirability Bias: Ethical Evaluations by Chinese and Canadian Business Students
by Paul Dunn & Anamitra Shome - 545-556 Whistleblowing as Planned Behavior – A Survey of South Korean Police Officers
by Heungsik Park & John Blenkinsopp
March 2009, Volume 85, Issue 3
- 277-279 Call for Papers: Special Issue/Forum
by Donna Wood & Antonino Vaccaro & Adele Queiroz - 281-299 Whistle-Blowing Among Young Employees: A Life-Course Perspective
by Jason Stansbury & Bart Victor - 301-308 Organizational Narcissism and Virtuous Behavior
by Dennis Duchon & Brian Drake - 309-332 Individual and Organizational Antecedents of Misconduct in Organizations
by Nicole Andreoli & Joel Lefkowitz - 333-345 Ethical Fairness and Human Rights: The Treatment of Employees with Psychiatric Disabilities
by Lizabeth Barclay & Karen Markel - 347-365 Mutually Dependent: Power, Trust, Affect and the Use of Deception in Negotiation
by Mara Olekalns & Philip Smith - 367-376 The Collaborative Enterprise
by Antonio Tencati & Laszlo Zsolnai - 377-389 Workplace Spirituality and Business Ethics: Insights from an Eastern Spiritual Tradition
by Patricia Corner - 391-401 The Exaggerated Moral Claims of Evolutionary Psychologists
by Moses Pava - 403-410 Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Ethical Climate, and Behavior of Peers on Ethical Behavior of Nurses
by Satish Deshpande & Jacob Joseph
April 2009, Volume 85, Issue 3
- 479-481 New Perspectives on Sustainable Business (Editorial)
by Paul Burger & Claus-Heinrich Daub & Yvonne M. Scherrer - 483-492 Risk Management as a Tool for Sustainability
by Frank Krysiak - 493-505 The Precautionary Principle as a Framework for a Sustainable Information Society
by Claudia Som & Lorenz Hilty & Andreas Köhler - 507-516 Strategy Development: Conceptual Framework on Corporate Social Responsibility
by Thomas Hanke & Wolfgang Stark - 517-533 Sustainability-Driven Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility: Application of the Integrative Sustainability Triangle
by Alexandro Kleine & Michael Hauff - 535-544 Toward Dynamic Corporate Stakeholder Responsibility
by Sybille Sachs & Marc Maurer - 545-554 The PEARL Model: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Sustainable Development
by Mert Bilgin - 555-571 Environmental Conservation NGOs and the Concept of Sustainable Development
by Yvonne Scherrer - 573-584 Doing the Right Thing Right: The Role of Sociological Research and Consulting for Corporate Engagement in Development Cooperation
by Claus-Heinrich Daub & Yvonne Scherrer
March 2009, Volume 85, Issue 2
- 107-108 Call for Papers
by Marc Jones & Carla Millar - 109-136 The Effects of Satisfaction with a Client’s Management During a Prior Audit Engagement, Trust, and Moral Reasoning on Auditors’ Perceived Risk of Management Fraud
by William Kerler & Larry Killough - 137-155 The Land of Realism and the Shipwreck of Idea-ism: Thomas Aquinas and Milton Friedman on the Social Responsibilities of Business
by Jim Wishloff - 157-171 The Effect of Implicit Moral Attitudes on Managerial Decision-Making: An Implicit Social Cognition Approach
by Nicki Marquardt & Rainer Hoeger - 173-192 A Three Country Comparative Analysis of Managerial CSR Perspectives: Insights From Lebanon, Syria and Jordan
by Dima Jamali & Yusuf Sidani & Khalil El-Asmar - 193-200 Ethics of Global Internet, Community and Fame Addiction
by Chong Choi & Ron Berger - 201-226 The Effects of Proximity and Empathy on Ethical Decision-Making: An Exploratory Investigation
by Jennifer Mencl & Douglas May - 227-243 Faith at Work Scale (FWS): Justification, Development, and Validation of a Measure of Judaeo-Christian Religion in the Workplace
by Monty Lynn & Michael Naughton & Steve VanderVeen - 245-261 Non-Compliant Work Behaviour in Purchasing: An Exploration of Reasons Behind Maverick Buying
by Katri Karjalainen & Katariina Kemppainen & Erik Raaij - 263-275 Is Whistle-blowing Compatible with Employee Loyalty?
by Jukka Varelius
April 2009, Volume 85, Issue 2
- 251-256 Introduction: Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation
by Adam Lindgreen & Valérie Swaen & François Maon - 257-272 Strengthening Stakeholder–Company Relationships Through Mutually Beneficial Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
by C. Bhattacharya & Daniel Korschun & Sankar Sen - 273-283 “Too Good to be True!”. The Effectiveness of CSR History in Countering Negative Publicity
by Joëlle Vanhamme & Bas Grobben - 285-301 Assessing the Prerequisite of Successful CSR Implementation: Are Consumers Aware of CSR Initiatives?
by Alan Pomering & Sara Dolnicar - 303-323 Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Investigation of U.S. Organizations
by Adam Lindgreen & Valérie Swaen & Wesley Johnston - 325-337 CSR Performance in Emerging Markets Evidence from Mexico
by Alan Muller & Ans Kolk - 339-353 Formal vs. Informal CSR Strategies: Evidence from Italian Micro, Small, Medium-sized, and Large Firms
by Angeloantonio Russo & Antonio Tencati - 355-370 RETRACTED ARTICLE: Corporate Social Responsibility in Purchasing and Supply Chain
by Mohammad Salam - 371-386 The Marketing of Employee Volunteerism
by John Peloza & Simon Hudson & Derek Hassay - 387-398 Company Support for Employee Volunteering: A National Survey of Companies in Canada
by Debra Basil & Mary Runte & M. Easwaramoorthy & Cathy Barr - 399-412 From Chain Liability to Chain Responsibility
by Rob Tulder & Jeroen Wijk & Ans Kolk - 413-429 Implementing CSR Through Partnerships: Understanding the Selection, Design and Institutionalisation of Nonprofit-Business Partnerships
by Maria Seitanidi & Andrew Crane - 431-444 An Integrated Approach to Implementing ‹Community Participation’ in Corporate Community Involvement: Lessons from Magadi Soda Company in Kenya
by Judy Muthuri & Wendy Chapple & Jeremy Moon - 445-462 Purchasing and Marketing of Social and Environmental Sustainability for High-Tech Medical Equipment
by Adam Lindgreen & Michael Antioco & David Harness & Remi Sloot - 463-477 CSR Implementation: Developing the Capacity for Collective Action
by Dasaratha Rama & Bernard Milano & Silvia Salas & Che-Hung Liu
March 2009, Volume 85, Issue 1
- 1-12 Examination on Philosophy-Based Management of Contemporary Japanese Corporations: Philosophy, Value Orientation and Performance
by Yingyan Wang - 13-25 The Link Between Management Behavior and Ethical Philosophy in the Wake of the Enron Convictions
by Shane Premeaux - 27-40 Bullying in the 21st Century Global Organization: An Ethical Perspective
by Michael Harvey & Darren Treadway & Joyce Heames & Allison Duke - 41-55 The Duality of Crony Corruption in Economic Transition: Toward an Integrated Framework
by Peter Li - 57-66 Noble Markets: The Noble/Slave Ethic in Hayek’s Free Market Capitalism
by Edward Romar - 67-75 The Shaping of a Society’s Economic Ethos: A Longitudinal Study of Individuals’ Morality of Profit-Making Worldview
by Walton Padelford & Darin White - 77-92 Implementing Supplier Codes of Conduct in Global Supply Chains: Process Explanations from Theoretic and Empirical Perspectives
by Bin Jiang - 93-101 The Business of Business is the Human Person: Lessons from the Catholic Social Tradition
by Lloyd Sandelands - 103-106 Book Review
by Krishna Dhir
February 2009, Volume 85, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by Marilynn Fleckenstein & Patrick Flanagan & Victoria Shoaf & Patricia Werhane - 3-23 Corporate Responsibilities for Access to Medicines
by Klaus Leisinger - 25-37 Reconsidering the Common Good in a Business Context
by Thomas O’Brien