August 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-16 Exchange Rate, Gold Price, and Stock Market Nexus: A Quantile Regression Approach
by Rizwan Ali & Inayat Ullah Mangla & Ramiz Ur Rehman & Wuzhao Xue & Muhammad Akram Naseem & Muhammad Ishfaq Ahmad - 1-16 Modelling Australian Dollar Volatility at Multiple Horizons with High-Frequency Data
by Long Hai Vo & Duc Hong Vo - 1-18 Deep Local Volatility
by Marc Chataigner & Stéphane Crépey & Matthew Dixon - 1-19 A Note on Simulation Pricing of π -Options
by Zbigniew Palmowski & Tomasz Serafin - 1-23 Variance and Interest Rate Risk in Unit-Linked Insurance Policies
by David Baños & Marc Lagunas-Merino & Salvador Ortiz-Latorre - 1-26 Joshi’s Split Tree for Option Pricing
by Guillaume Leduc & Merima Nurkanovic Hot - 1-26 Nagging Predictors
by Ronald Richman & Mario V. Wüthrich - 1-27 The Impact of Model Uncertainty on Index-Based Longevity Hedging and Measurement of Longevity Basis Risk
by Uditha Balasooriya & Johnny Siu-Hang Li & Jackie Li
July 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-8 A Poisson Autoregressive Model to Understand COVID-19 Contagion Dynamics
by Arianna Agosto & Paolo Giudici - 1-11 Retiree Mortality Forecasting: A Partial Age-Range or a Full Age-Range Model?
by Han Lin Shang & Steven Haberman - 1-15 The Dynamics of the S&P 500 under a Crisis Context: Insights from a Three-Regime Switching Model
by Lorenzo Cerboni Baiardi & Massimo Costabile & Domenico De Giovanni & Fabio Lamantia & Arturo Leccadito & Ivar Massabó & Massimiliano Menzietti & Marco Pirra & Emilio Russo & Alessandro Staino - 1-17 How Risky Are the Options? A Comparison with the Underlying Stock Using MaxVaR as a Risk Measure
by Saswat Patra & Malay Bhattacharyya - 1-17 Price Discovery and Market Reflexivity in Agricultural Futures Contracts with Different Maturities
by Steffen Volkenand & Günther Filler & Martin Odening - 1-17 Tail Risk Transmission: A Study of the Iran Food Industry
by Fatemeh Mojtahedi & Seyed Mojtaba Mojaverian & Daniel F. Ahelegbey & Paolo Giudici - 1-18 Fiscal Responsibility Legal Framework—New Paradigm for Fiscal Discipline in the EU
by Mihaela Tofan & Mihaela Onofrei & Anca-Florentina Vatamanu - 1-19 Estimating the Volatility of Non-Life Premium Risk Under Solvency II: Discussion of Danish Fire Insurance Data
by Rocco Roberto Cerchiara & Francesco Acri - 1-24 Neural Network Pricing of American Put Options
by Raquel M. Gaspar & Sara D. Lopes & Bernardo Sequeira - 1-30 Numerical Algorithms for Reflected Anticipated Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Two Obstacles and Default Risk
by Jingnan Wang & Ralf Korn - 1-34 Effect of Variance Swap in Hedging Volatility Risk
by Yang Shen
June 2020, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-12 Hedging with Liquidity Risk under CEV Diffusion
by Sang-Hyeon Park & Kiseop Lee - 1-13 A New Approach to Risk Attribution and Its Application in Credit Risk Analysis
by Christoph Frei - 1-15 Copula Model Selection for Vehicle Component Failures Based on Warranty Claims
by Kathryn Wifvat & John Kumerow & Arkady Shemyakin - 1-16 Risk and Policy Uncertainty on Stock–Bond Return Correlations: Evidence from the US Markets
by Thomas C. Chiang - 1-18 How Does the Volatility of Volatility Depend on Volatility?
by Sigurd Emil Rømer & Rolf Poulsen - 1-20 Copula-Based Assessment of Co-Movement and Tail Dependence Structure Among Major Trading Foreign Currencies in Ghana
by Prince Osei Mensah & Anokye M. Adam - 1-20 A Raroc Valuation Scheme for Loans and Its Application in Loan Origination
by Bernd Engelmann & Ha Pham - 1-21 Heads and Tails of Earnings Management: Quantitative Analysis in Emerging Countries
by Pavol Durana & Katarina Valaskova & Darina Chlebikova & Vladislav Krastev & Irina Atanasova - 1-21 A Multivariate Model to Quantify and Mitigate Cybersecurity Risk
by Mark Bentley & Alec Stephenson & Peter Toscas & Zili Zhu - 1-29 A Multi-State Approach to Modelling Intermediate Events and Multiple Mortgage Loan Outcomes
by Richard Chamboko & Jorge Miguel Bravo - 1-31 A Bank Salvage Model by Impulse Stochastic Controls
by Francesco Giuseppe Cordoni & Luca Di Persio & Yilun Jiang - 1-34 No-Arbitrage Principle in Conic Finance
by Mehdi Vazifedan & Qiji Jim Zhu
May 2020, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-2 Special Issue “Machine Learning in Insurance”
by Vali Asimit & Ioannis Kyriakou & Jens Perch Nielsen - 1-12 Towards an Economic Cyber Loss Index for Parametric Cover Based on IT Security Indicator: A Preliminary Analysis
by Eric Dal Moro - 1-12 Die Hard: Probability of Default and Soft Information
by Giampaolo Gabbi & Michele Giammarino & Massimo Matthias - 1-13 Testing the Least-Squares Monte Carlo Method for the Evaluation of Capital Requirements in Life Insurance
by Massimo Costabile & Fabio Viviano - 1-15 Technical Analysis on the Bitcoin Market: Trading Opportunities or Investors’ Pitfall?
by Marina Resta & Paolo Pagnottoni & Maria Elena De Giuli - 1-16 Diversification and Desynchronicity: An Organizational Portfolio Perspective on Corporate Risk Reduction
by Xue-Feng Shao & Kostas Gouliamos & Ben Nan-Feng Luo & Shigeyuki Hamori & Stephen Satchell & Xiao-Guang Yue & Jane Qiu - 1-18 Machine Learning for Multiple Yield Curve Markets: Fast Calibration in the Gaussian Affine Framework
by Sandrine Gümbel & Thorsten Schmidt - 1-21 Ruin Probability for Stochastic Flows of Financial Contract under Phase-Type Distribution
by Franck Adékambi & Kokou Essiomle - 1-22 Bankruptcy Prediction and Stress Quantification Using Support Vector Machine: Evidence from Indian Banks
by Santosh Kumar Shrivastav & P. Janaki Ramudu - 1-28 Implementing the Rearrangement Algorithm: An Example from Computational Risk Management
by Marius Hofert - 1-29 Proactive Management of Regulatory Policy Ripple Effects via a Computational Hierarchical Change Management Structure
by Abdulrahman Alrabiah & Steve Drew - 1-31 Multivariate Collective Risk Model: Dependent Claim Numbers and Panjer’s Recursion
by Cordelia Rudolph & Uwe Schmock
April 2020, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-1 Erratum: Hui Ye, Anthony Bellotti. Modelling Recovery Rates for Non-Performing Loans. Risks 7 (2019): 19
by Hui Ye & Anthony Bellotti - 1-12 Systematic Risk at the Industry Level: A Case Study of Australia
by Thang Cong Nguyen & Tan Ngoc Vu & Duc Hong Vo & Michael McAleer - 1-14 A Note on Combining Machine Learning with Statistical Modeling for Financial Data Analysis
by José María Sarabia & Faustino Prieto & Vanesa Jordá & Stefan Sperlich - 1-14 Financial Bubbles: A Study of Co-Explosivity in the Cryptocurrency Market
by Arianna Agosto & Alessia Cafferata - 1-14 Impact of Credit Risk on Momentum and Contrarian Strategies: Evidence from South Asian Markets
by Ahmed Imran Hunjra & Tahar Tayachi & Rashid Mehmood & Sidra Malik & Zoya Malik - 1-15 Estimating Stochastic Volatility under the Assumption of Stochastic Volatility of Volatility
by Moawia Alghalith & Christos Floros & Konstantinos Gkillas - 1-16 Information Sharing, Bank Penetration and Tax Evasion in Emerging Markets
by Duc Hong Vo & Ha Minh Nguyen & Tan Manh Vo & Michael McAleer - 1-21 How Do Health, Care Services Consumption and Lifestyle Factors Affect the Choice of Health Insurance Plans in Switzerland?
by Veronika Kalouguina & Joël Wagner - 1-22 A Tail Dependence-Based MST and Their Topological Indicators in Modeling Systemic Risk in the European Insurance Sector
by Anna Denkowska & Stanisław Wanat - 1-30 Deep Arbitrage-Free Learning in a Generalized HJM Framework via Arbitrage-Regularization
by Anastasis Kratsios & Cody Hyndman - 1-34 Neural Networks for the Joint Development of Individual Payments and Claim Incurred
by Łukasz Delong & Mario V. Wüthrich
January 2020, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-4 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Risks in 2019
by Risks Editorial Office - 1-13 Modelling Unobserved Heterogeneity in Claim Counts Using Finite Mixture Models
by Lluís Bermúdez & Dimitris Karlis & Isabel Morillo - 1-14 Lead Behaviour in Bitcoin Markets
by Ying Chen & Paolo Giudici & Branka Hadji Misheva & Simon Trimborn - 1-17 In-Sample Hazard Forecasting Based on Survival Models with Operational Time
by Stephan M. Bischofberger - 1-20 Measuring Financial Contagion and Spillover Effects with a State-Dependent Sensitivity Value-at-Risk Model
by Alin Marius Andries & Elena Galasan - 1-22 A Discrete-Time Approach to Evaluate Path-Dependent Derivatives in a Regime-Switching Risk Model
by Emilio Russo - 1-29 General Conditions of Weak Convergence of Discrete-Time Multiplicative Scheme to Asset Price with Memory
by Yuliya Mishura & Kostiantyn Ralchenko & Sergiy Shklyar - 1-32 Pricing of Commodity Derivatives on Processes with Memory
by Fred Espen Benth & Asma Khedher & Michèle Vanmaele - 1-33 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Estimating Systemic Risk Allocations
by Takaaki Koike & Marius Hofert
February 2020, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-15 A Comprehensive Stability Indicator for Banks
by Robert J. Powell & Duc H. Vo - 1-17 Assessing Asset-Liability Risk with Neural Networks
by Patrick Cheridito & John Ery & Mario V. Wüthrich - 1-18 Portfolio Optimization under Correlation Constraint
by Aditya Maheshwari & Traian A. Pirvu - 1-19 A Survey of the Individual Claim Size and Other Risk Factors Using Credibility Bonus-Malus Premiums
by Emilio Gómez-Déniz & Enrique Calderín-Ojeda - 1-20 Do We Need Stochastic Volatility and Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity? Comparing Squared End-Of-Day Returns on FTSE
by David E. Allen & Michael McAleer - 1-21 Delta Boosting Implementation of Negative Binomial Regression in Actuarial Pricing
by Simon CK Lee - 1-23 Application of Diffusion Models in the Analysis of Financial Markets: Evidence on Exchange Traded Funds in Europe
by Adam Marszk & Ewa Lechman - 1-26 Loss Reserving Estimation With Correlated Run-Off Triangles in a Quantile Longitudinal Model
by Ioannis Badounas & Georgios Pitselis - 1-28 Stochastic Mortality Modelling for Dependent Coupled Lives
by Kira Henshaw & Corina Constantinescu & Olivier Menoukeu Pamen - 1-79 Machine Learning in Least-Squares Monte Carlo Proxy Modeling of Life Insurance Companies
by Anne-Sophie Krah & Zoran Nikolić & Ralf Korn
March 2020, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-15 CARL and His POT: Measuring Risks in Commodity Markets
by Bernardina Algieri & Arturo Leccadito - 1-16 Mean-Variance Optimization Is a Good Choice, But for Other Reasons than You Might Think
by Andrea Rigamonti - 1-16 Longevity Risk Measurement of Life Annuity Products
by Pauline Milaure Ngugnie Diffouo & Pierre Devolder - 1-18 Rational Savings Account Models for Backward-Looking Interest Rate Benchmarks
by Andrea Macrina & David Skovmand - 1-20 On Computations in Renewal Risk Models—Analytical and Statistical Aspects
by Josef Anton Strini & Stefan Thonhauser - 1-25 General Compound Hawkes Processes in Limit Order Books
by Anatoliy Swishchuk & Aiden Huffman - 1-25 Gerber–Shiu Function in a Class of Delayed and Perturbed Risk Model with Dependence
by Franck Adékambi & Essodina Takouda - 1-27 Prediction of Claims in Export Credit Finance: A Comparison of Four Machine Learning Techniques
by Mathias Bärtl & Simone Krummaker - 1-32 The Leaders, the Laggers, and the “Vulnerables”
by Veni Arakelian & Shatha Qamhieh Hashem - 1-36 Importance Sampling in the Presence of PD-LGD Correlation
by Adam Metzler & Alexandre Scott
December 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-2 Risks Special Issue on “Granular Models and Machine Learning Models”
by Greg Taylor - 1-14 Variations of Particle Swarm Optimization for Obtaining Classification Rules Applied to Credit Risk in Financial Institutions of Ecuador
by Patricia Jimbo Santana & Laura Lanzarini & Aurelio F. Bariviera
September 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-17 A New Heavy Tailed Class of Distributions Which Includes the Pareto
by Deepesh Bhati & Enrique Calderín-Ojeda & Mareeswaran Meenakshi - 1-21 Credit Valuation Adjustment Compression by Genetic Optimization
by Marc Chataigner & Stéphane Crépey
November 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-11 Omnichannel Banking Economy
by Sergey A. Vasiliev & Eugene R. Serov - 1-13 Market Risk Analysis of Energy in Vietnam
by Ngoc Phu Tran & Thang Cong Nguyen & Duc Hong Vo & Michael McAleer - 1-14 Tail Dependence in Financial Markets: A Dynamic Copula Approach
by Federico Pasquale Cortese - 1-18 High Frequency Price Change Spillovers in Bitcoin Markets
by Paolo Giudici & Paolo Pagnottoni - 1-21 Quantitative and Comparative Analyses of Limit Order Books with General Compound Hawkes Processes
by Qiyue He & Anatoliy Swishchuk - 1-21 A Review of First-Passage Theory for the Segerdahl-Tichy Risk Process and Open Problems
by Florin Avram & Jose-Luis Perez-Garmendia - 1-22 Conditional Variance Forecasts for Long-Term Stock Returns
by Enno Mammen & Jens Perch Nielsen & Michael Scholz & Stefan Sperlich - 1-25 On Market Share Drivers in the Swiss Mandatory Health Insurance Sector
by Dalit Daily-Amir & Hansjörg Albrecher & Martin Bladt & Joël Wagner
December 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-9 The Løkka–Zervos Alternative for a Cramér–Lundberg Process with Exponential Jumps
by Florin Avram & Dan Goreac & Jean-François Renaud - 1-15 The Effect of Jumps in the Crude Oil Market on the Sovereign Risks of Major Oil Exporters
by Elie Bouri - 1-15 On Identifying the Systemically Important Tunisian Banks: An Empirical Approach Based on the △CoVaR Measures
by Wided Khiari & Salim Ben Sassi - 1-16 Developing an Impairment Loss Given Default Model Using Weighted Logistic Regression Illustrated on a Secured Retail Bank Portfolio
by Douw Gerbrand Breed & Tanja Verster & Willem D. Schutte & Naeem Siddiqi - 1-20 A Likelihood Approach to Bornhuetter–Ferguson Analysis
by Valandis Elpidorou & Carolin Margraf & María Dolores Martínez-Miranda & Bent Nielsen - 1-24 On the Padé and Laguerre–Tricomi–Weeks Moments Based Approximations of the Scale Function W and of the Optimal Dividends Barrier for Spectrally Negative Lévy Risk Processes
by Florin Avram & Andras Horváth & Serge Provost & Ulyses Solon - 1-31 Social Security Benefit Valuation, Risk, and Optimal Retirement
by Yassmin Ali & Ming Fang & Pablo A. Arrutia Sota & Stephen Taylor & Xun Wang
October 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-10 Three Essays on Stopping
by Eberhard Mayerhofer - 1-14 Ruin Probability Approximations in Sparre Andersen Models with Completely Monotone Claims
by Hansjörg Albrecher & Eleni Vatamidou - 1-14 Aggregation of Incidence and Intensity Risk Variables to Achieve Reconciliation
by Clive Hunt & Ross Taplin - 1-16 Volatility Timing in CPF Investment Funds in Singapore: Do They Outperform Non-CPF Funds?
by Xiaoyi Shen & Albert K. Tsui & Zhaoyong Zhang - 1-16 Option Implied Stock Buy-Side and Sell-Side Market Depths
by Feng-Tse Tsai - 1-18 A Generalised CIR Process with Externally-Exciting and Self-Exciting Jumps and Its Applications in Insurance and Finance
by Angelos Dassios & Jiwook Jang & Hongbiao Zhao - 1-18 Credit Risk Migration and Economic Cycles
by Camilla Ferretti & Giampaolo Gabbi & Piero Ganugi & Federica Sist & Pietro Vozzella - 1-20 A Study on Global Investors’ Criteria for Investment in the Local Currency Bond Markets Using AHP Methods: The Case of the Republic of Korea
by Jae Young Jang & Min Jae Park - 1-36 Claim Watching and Individual Claims Reserving Using Classification and Regression Trees
by Massimo De Felice & Franco Moriconi
July 2019, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-11 De Finetti’s Control Problem with Parisian Ruin for Spectrally Negative Lévy Processes
by Jean-François Renaud - 1-11 Quantile Regression with Telematics Information to Assess the Risk of Driving above the Posted Speed Limit
by Ana M. Pérez-Marín & Montserrat Guillen & Manuela Alcañiz & Lluís Bermúdez - 1-15 Bankruptcy Risk, Its Financial Determinants and Reporting Delays: Do Managers Have Anything to Hide?
by Oliver Lukason & María-del-Mar Camacho-Miñano - 1-18 Individual Loss Reserving Using a Gradient Boosting-Based Approach
by Francis Duval & Mathieu Pigeon - 1-18 Loss Reserving Models: Granular and Machine Learning Forms
by Greg Taylor - 1-20 Market-Risk Optimization among the Developed and Emerging Markets with CVaR Measure and Copula Simulation
by Nader Trabelsi & Aviral Kumar Tiwari - 1-21 An Urn-Based Nonparametric Modeling of the Dependence between PD and LGD with an Application to Mortgages
by Dan Cheng & Pasquale Cirillo - 1-24 Hospital Proximity and Mortality in Australia
by Andrew Leung - 1-25 The Time-Spatial Dimension of Eurozone Banking Systemic Risk
by Matteo Foglia & Eliana Angelini - 1-27 Can Machine Learning-Based Portfolios Outperform Traditional Risk-Based Portfolios? The Need to Account for Covariance Misspecification
by Prayut Jain & Shashi Jain - 1-29 Premium Risk Net of Reinsurance: From Short-Term to Medium-Term Assessment
by Antonio Pallaria & Nino Savelli
September 2019, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-7 Special Issue “Risk, Ruin and Survival: Decision Making in Insurance and Finance”
by Jiandong Ren & Kristina Sendova & Ričardas Zitikis - 1-11 Penalising Unexplainability in Neural Networks for Predicting Payments per Claim Incurred
by Jacky H. L. Poon - 1-12 DeepTriangle: A Deep Learning Approach to Loss Reserving
by Kevin Kuo - 1-18 Coherent-Price Systems and Uncertainty-Neutral Valuation
by Patrick Beissner - 1-41 Optimal Stopping and Utility in a Simple Modelof Unemployment Insurance
by Jason S. Anquandah & Leonid V. Bogachev
August 2019, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-11 Potential Densities for Taxed Spectrally Negative Lévy Risk Processes
by Wenyuan Wang & Xiaowen Zhou - 1-13 Persistence of Bank Credit Default Swap Spreads
by Xin Huang - 1-14 Nash Bargaining Over Margin Loans to Kelly Gamblers
by Alex Garivaltis - 1-15 Optimal Risk Budgeting under a Finite Investment Horizon
by Marcos López de Prado & Ralph Vince & Qiji Jim Zhu - 1-15 On the Laplace Transforms of the First Hitting Times for Drawdowns and Drawups of Diffusion-Type Processes
by Pavel V. Gapeev & Neofytos Rodosthenous & V. L. Raju Chinthalapati - 1-15 LIBOR Fallback and Quantitative Finance
by Marc Pierre Henrard - 1-17 Parametric Conditions of High Financial Risk in the SME Sector
by Beata Ślusarczyk & Katarzyna Grondys - 1-18 Liquidity Risk Drivers and Bank Business Models
by Simona Galletta & Sebastiano Mazzù - 1-18 Bigger Is Not Always Safer: A Critical Analysis of the Subadditivity Assumption for Coherent Risk Measures
by Hans Rau-Bredow - 1-20 Drivers of Old-Age Dependence and Long-Term Care Usage in Switzerland—A Structural Equation Model Approach
by Iegor Rudnytskyi & Joël Wagner - 1-21 Logarithmic Asymptotics for Probability of Component-Wise Ruin in a Two-Dimensional Brownian Model
by Krzysztof Dȩbicki & Lanpeng Ji & Tomasz Rolski
June 2019, Volume 7, Issue 3
April 2019, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-12 Bank Competition in India: Some New Evidence Using Risk-Adjusted Lerner Index Approach
by Rakesh Arrawatia & Arun Misra & Varun Dawar & Debasish Maitra - 1-14 Simple Formulas for Pricing and Hedging European Options in the Finite Moment Log-Stable Model
by Jean-Philippe Aguilar & Jan Korbel - 1-18 Sound Deposit Insurance Pricing Using a Machine Learning Approach
by Hirbod Assa & Mostafa Pouralizadeh & Abdolrahim Badamchizadeh - 1-19 Recent Regulation in Credit Risk Management: A Statistical Framework
by Logan Ewanchuk & Christoph Frei - 1-19 Measuring and Allocating Systemic Risk
by Markus K. Brunnermeier & Patrick Cheridito - 1-20 Defining Geographical Rating Territories in Auto Insurance Regulation by Spatially Constrained Clustering
by Shengkun Xie - 1-21 Experience Prospective Life-Tables for the Algerian Retirees
by Farid Flici & Frédéric Planchet - 1-22 Asymptotically Normal Estimators of the Ruin Probability for Lévy Insurance Surplus from Discrete Samples
by Yasutaka Shimizu & Zhimin Zhang - 1-22 Treatment Level and Store Level Analyses of Healthcare Data
by Kaiwen Wang & Jiehui Ding & Kristen R. Lidwell & Scott Manski & Gee Y. Lee & Emilio Xavier Esposito - 1-29 Pricing of Longevity Derivatives and Cost of Capital
by Fadoua Zeddouk & Pierre Devolder - 1-30 Imbalance Market Real Options and the Valuation of Storage in Future Energy Systems
by John Moriarty & Jan Palczewski - 1-35 Contingent Convertible Debt: The Impact on Equity Holders
by Delphine Boursicot & Geneviève Gauthier & Farhad Pourkalbassi
March 2019, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-25 Mortality Projections for Small Populations: An Application to the Maltese Elderly
by Massimiliano Menzietti & Maria Francesca Morabito & Manuela Stranges
June 2019, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-8 A Renewal Shot Noise Process with Subexponential Shot Marks
by Yiqing Chen - 1-9 Generalized Multiplicative Risk Apportionment
by Hongxia Wang - 1-16 Ruin Probability Functions and Severity of Ruin as a Statistical Decision Problem
by Emilio Gómez-Déniz & José María Sarabia & Enrique Calderín-Ojeda - 1-16 Predicting Motor Insurance Claims Using Telematics Data—XGBoost versus Logistic Regression
by Jessica Pesantez-Narvaez & Montserrat Guillen & Manuela Alcañiz - 1-17 Default Ambiguity
by Tolulope Fadina & Thorsten Schmidt - 1-18 Smallholder Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Agricultural Production Cost Insurance in Rural West Java, Indonesia: A Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) Approach
by Dadang Jainal Mutaqin & Koichi Usami - 1-22 The Investigation of a Forward-Rate Mortality Framework
by Daniel H. Alai & Katja Ignatieva & Michael Sherris - 1-22 Risk Factor Evolution for Counterparty Credit Risk under a Hidden Markov Model
by Ioannis Anagnostou & Drona Kandhai - 1-23 Credit Risk Assessment Model for Small and Micro-Enterprises: The Case of Lithuania
by Rasa Kanapickiene & Renatas Spicas - 1-27 Analysis of Stochastic Reserving Models By Means of NAIC Claims Data
by László Martinek - 1-31 A General Framework for Portfolio Theory. Part III: Multi-Period Markets and Modular Approach
by Stanislaus Maier-Paape & Andreas Platen & Qiji Jim Zhu
May 2019, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-11 The Population Accuracy Index: A New Measure of Population Stability for Model Monitoring
by Ross Taplin & Clive Hunt - 1-14 Statistical Inference for the Beta Coefficient
by Taras Bodnar & Arjun K. Gupta & Valdemar Vitlinskyi & Taras Zabolotskyy - 1-15 The Determinants of Market-Implied Recovery Rates
by Pascal François - 1-16 Model Efficiency and Uncertainty in Quantile Estimation of Loss Severity Distributions
by Vytaras Brazauskas & Sahadeb Upretee - 1-20 Practice Oriented and Monte Carlo Based Estimation of the Value-at-Risk for Operational Risk Measurement
by Francesca Greselin & Fabio Piacenza & Ričardas Zitikis - 1-20 American Options on High Dividend Securities: A Numerical Investigation
by Francesco Rotondi - 1-22 Direct and Hierarchical Models for Aggregating Spatially Dependent Catastrophe Risks
by Rafał Wójcik & Charlie Wusuo Liu & Jayanta Guin - 1-23 Optimal Excess-of-Loss Reinsurance for Stochastic Factor Risk Models
by Matteo Brachetta & Claudia Ceci - 1-23 Stackelberg Equilibrium Premium Strategies for Push-Pull Competition in a Non-Life Insurance Market with Product Differentiation
by Søren Asmussen & Bent Jesper Christensen & Julie Thøgersen - 1-24 Revisiting Calibration of the Solvency II Standard Formula for Mortality Risk: Does the Standard Stress Scenario Provide an Adequate Approximation of Value-at-Risk?
by Rokas Gylys & Jonas Šiaulys - 1-26 Spatial Risk Measures and Rate of Spatial Diversification
by Erwan Koch - 1-30 The Optimum Leverage Level of the Banking Sector
by Sagara Dewasurendra & Pedro Judice & Qiji Zhu
February 2019, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-10 An Innovative Framework for Risk Management in Construction Projects in Developing Countries: Evidence from Pakistan
by Ahsan Nawaz & Ahsan Waqar & Syyed Adnan Raheel Shah & Muhammad Sajid & Muhammad Irslan Khalid - 1-13 An Indexation Mechanism for Retirement Age: Analysis of the Gender Gap
by Mariarosaria Coppola & Maria Russolillo & Rosaria Simone - 1-15 The W , Z / ν , δ Paradigm for the First Passage of Strong Markov Processes without Positive Jumps
by Florin Avram & Danijel Grahovac & Ceren Vardar-Acar - 1-15 Mortality Forecasting: How Far Back Should We Look in Time?
by Han Li & Colin O’Hare - 1-17 Modelling Recovery Rates for Non-Performing Loans
by Hui Ye & Anthony Bellotti - 1-18 Changes of Relation in Multi-Population Mortality Dependence: An Application of Threshold VECM
by Rui Zhou & Guangyu Xing & Min Ji - 1-18 Can Sustainable Investment Yield Better Financial Returns: A Comparative Study of ESG Indices and MSCI Indices
by Mansi Jain & Gagan Deep Sharma & Mrinalini Srivastava - 1-19 Application of Machine Learning to Mortality Modeling and Forecasting
by Susanna Levantesi & Virginia Pizzorusso - 1-20 Determining Distribution for the Product of Random Variables by Using Copulas
by Sel Ly & Kim-Hung Pho & Sal Ly & Wing-Keung Wong - 1-21 The OFR Financial Stress Index
by Phillip J. Monin - 1-22 Pricing Options and Computing Implied Volatilities using Neural Networks
by Shuaiqiang Liu & Cornelis W. Oosterlee & Sander M. Bohte - 1-22 Phase-Type Models in Life Insurance: Fitting and Valuation of Equity-Linked Benefits
by Søren Asmussen & Patrick J. Laub & Hailiang Yang - 1-22 Credible Regression Approaches to Forecast Mortality for Populations with Limited Data
by Apostolos Bozikas & Georgios Pitselis - 1-29 Market Risk and Financial Performance of Non-Financial Companies Listed on the Moroccan Stock Exchange
by Diby François Kassi & Dilesha Nawadali Rathnayake & Pierre Axel Louembe & Ning Ding
January 2019, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-4 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Risks in 2018
by Risks Editorial Office - 1-11 Efficient Retirement Portfolios: Using Life Insurance to Meet Income and Bequest Goals in Retirement
by Fangyuan Dong & Nick Halen & Kristen Moore & Qinglai Zeng - 1-12 Surplus Sharing with Coherent Utility Functions
by Delia Coculescu & Freddy Delbaen - 1-12 Multivariate Risk-Neutral Pricing of Reverse Mortgages under the Bayesian Framework
by Jackie Li & Atsuyuki Kogure & Jia Liu - 1-18 Dealing with Drift Uncertainty: A Bayesian Learning Approach
by Carmine De Franco & Johann Nicolle & Huyên Pham - 1-18 Convolutional Neural Network Classification of Telematics Car Driving Data
by Guangyuan Gao & Mario V. Wüthrich - 1-18 An Object-Oriented Bayesian Framework for the Detection of Market Drivers
by Maria Elena De Giuli & Alessandro Greppi & Marina Resta - 1-20 Measuring Equity Share Related Risk Perception of Investors in Economically Backward Regions
by Ranjit Singh & Jayashree Bhattacharjee - 1-23 Risk Model Validation: An Intraday VaR and ES Approach Using the Multiplicative Component GARCH
by Ravi Summinga-Sonagadu & Jason Narsoo