June 2020, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 837-866 Divided we stand: How contestation can facilitate institutionalization
by Eun Young Song - 867-872 Actors and Actorhood in Institutional Theory
by Gerardo Patriotta - 873-884 People, Actors, and the Humanizing of Institutional Theory
by Maxim Voronov & Klaus Weber - 885-897 Inhabited Actors: Internalizing Institutions through Communication and Actorhood Models
by Alex Bitektine & Patrick Haack & Joel Bothello & Johanna Mair - 898-910 Institutions and Actorhood as Co‐Constitutive and Co‐Constructed: The Argument and Areas for Future Research
by Renate E. Meyer & Eero Vaara
May 2020, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 411-437 Managing Technological, Sociopolitical, and Institutional Change in the New Normal
by David Ahlstrom & Jean‐Luc Arregle & Michael A. Hitt & Gongming Qian & Xufei Ma & Dries Faems - 438-469 Does Monetary Aid Catalyse New Business Creation? Analysing the Impact of Global Aid Flows on Formal and Informal Entrepreneurship
by Elizabeth M. Moore & Luis Alfonso Dau & Jonathan Doh - 470-504 Packs, Troops and Herds: Prosocial Cooperatives and Innovation in the New Normal
by Pablo Muñoz & Jonathan Kimmitt & Dimo Dimov - 505-536 Towards a Democratic New Normal? Investor Reactions to Interim‐Regime Dominance during Violent Events
by Omar El Nayal & Arjen Slangen & J. (Hans) van Oosterhout & Marc van Essen - 537-568 Transformational Strategies and Productivity Growth: A Transformational‐Activities Perspective on Stagnation in the New‐Normal Business Landscape
by Joseph A. Clougherty & Tomaso Duso & Jo Seldeslachts & Lorenzo Ciari - 569-596 Navigating the New Normal: Political Affinity and Multinationals’ Post‐Acquisition Performance
by Dinesh Hasija & Ru‐Shiun Liou & Alan Ellstrand - 597-625 The Bribery Paradox in Transition Economies and the Enactment of ‘New Normal’ Business Environments
by Kimberly A. Eddleston & Elitsa R. Banalieva & Alain Verbeke - 626-663 The Emergence of Proto‐Institutions in the New Normal Business Landscape: Dialectic Institutional Work and the Dutch Drone Industry
by Katrin M. Smolka & Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens - 664-697 The Roles of Chinese CEOs in Managing Individualistic Cultures in Cross‐border Mergers and Acquisitions
by Hong Zhu & Qi Zhu & Zhiwen Ding - 698-726 Thriving in the New Normal: The HR Microfoundations of Capabilities for Business Model Innovation. An Integrated Literature Review
by Mark Loon & Lilian Otaye‐Ebede & Jim Stewart
March 2020, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 177-209 How Collective Engagement Creates Competitive Advantage for Organizations: A Business‐Level Model of Shared Vision, Competitive Intensity, and Service Performance
by Liat Eldor - 210-245 In and Out of Balance: Industry Relatedness, Learning Capabilities and Post‐Acquisition Innovative Performance
by Elena Cefis & Orietta Marsili & Damiana Rigamonti - 246-286 Saving Our Oceans: Scaling the Impact of Robust Action Through Crowdsourcing
by Amanda J. Porter & Philipp Tuertscher & Marleen Huysman - 287-313 Person or Job? Change in Person‐Job Fit and Its Impact on Employee Work Attitudes over Time
by Tae‐Yeol Kim & Sebastian C. Schuh & Yahua Cai - 314-350 Strategic CSR: A Concept Building Meta‐Analysis
by Pushpika Vishwanathan & Hans (J.) van Oosterhout & Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens & Patricio Duran & Marc van Essen - 351-376 Advancing Theory with Review Articles
by Corinne Post & Riikka Sarala & Caroline Gatrell & John E. Prescott - 406-407 Obituary
by Timothy Clark
January 2020, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-24 Connecting Eastern and Western Perspectives on Management: Translation of Practices Across Organizations, Institution and Geographies
by Igor Filatotchev & Li‐Qun Wei & Riikka M. Sarala & Penny Dick & John E. Prescott - 25-56 Confucian Entrepreneurship: Towards a Genealogy of a Conceptual Tool
by Andrew Smith & Miriam Kaminishi - 57-86 Reversing the Translation Flow: Moving Organizational Practices from Japan to the U.S
by D. Eleanor Westney & Rebecca Piekkari - 87-128 The Surprising Duality of Jugaad: Low Firm Growth and High Inclusive Growth
by Dean A. Shepherd & Vinit Parida & Joakim Wincent - 129-162 Parasites and Paragons: Ownership Reform and Concentrated Interest among Minority Shareholders
by Nan Jia & Jing Shi & Changyun Wang & Yongxiang Wang - 163-170 The Transferability of Western Business Education to the East
by Paul W. Beamish
December 2019, Volume 56, Issue 8
- 1517-1526 The Challenges of March and Simon’s Organizations: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Philip Bromiley & Rouslan Koumakhov & Denise M. Rousseau & William H. Starbuck - 1527-1536 Evolving Reactions: 60 Years with March and Simon's ‘Organizations’
by Karl E. Weick - 1537-1569 An Empirical Assessment of the Influence of March and Simon’s Organizations: The Realized Contribution and Unfulfilled Promise of a Masterpiece
by Marc H. Anderson & Russell K. Lemken - 1570-1604 60 Years of March and Simon’s Organizations: An Empirical Examination of its Impact and Influence on Subsequent Research
by Ralf Wilden & Jan Hohberger & Timothy M. Devinney & Fabrice Lumineau - 1605-1629 Attainment Discrepancy and New Geographic Market Entry: The Moderating Roles of Vertical Pay Disparity and Horizontal Pay Dispersion
by Elizabeth Lim - 1630-1654 Causality Rules: Performance Feedback on Hierarchically Related Goals and Capital Investment Variability
by Ambra Mazzelli & Robert S. Nason & Alfredo De Massis & Josip Kotlar - 1655-1682 The Manager’s Notepad: Working Memory, Exploration, and Performance
by Daniella Laureiro‐Martinez & Stefano Brusoni & Amulya Tata & Maurizio Zollo - 1683-1712 The Dynamics of Embedded Rules: How Do Rule Networks Affect Knowledge Uptake of Rules in Healthcare?
by Kejia Zhu & Martin Schulz - 1713-1747 The Hierarchical Erosion Effect: A New Perspective on Perceptual Differences and Business Performance
by Cristina B. Gibson & Julian Birkinshaw & Dana McDaniel Sumpter & Tina Ambos - 1753-1765 Imagination, Self‐Knowledge, and Poise: Jim March’s Lessons for Leadership
by Gerardo Patriotta
November 2019, Volume 56, Issue 7
- 1241-1259 The Who, Where, What, How and When of Market Entry
by Gideon D. Markman & Peter Gianiodis & G. Tyge Payne & Christopher Tucci & Igor Filatotchev & Reddi Kotha & Eric Gedajlovic - 1260-1286 Spoils from the Spoiled: Strategies for Entering Stigmatized Markets
by Angelique Slade Shantz & Eileen Fischer & Aurora Liu & Moren Lévesque - 1287-1313 Five Configurations of Opportunism in International Market Entry
by Alain Verbeke & Luciano Ciravegna & Luis E. Lopez & Sumit K. Kundu - 1314-1344 Following in Partners’ Footsteps: An Uncertainty‐Reduction Perspective on Firms’ Choice of New Markets
by Alex Makarevich & Young‐Choon Kim - 1345-1376 Do Prior Experiences of Top Executives Enable or Hinder Product Market Entry?
by Hakan Ener - 1377-1413 Fearlessly Swimming Upstream to Risky Waters: The Role of Geographic Entry in Innovation
by Curba Morris Lampert & Minyoung Kim & Timothy David Hubbard & Raja Roy & George Leckie - 1414-1451 Through the Looking‐Glass: The Impact of Regional Institutional Logics and Knowledge Pool Characteristics on Opportunity Recognition and Market Entry
by Siddharth Vedula & Jeffrey G. York & Andrew C. Corbett - 1452-1481 Follow the Crowd or Follow the Trailblazer? The Differential Role of Firm Experience in Product Entry Decisions in the US Video Game Industry
by Hakan Ozalp & Tobias Kretschmer - 1482-1512 Entry‐Timing Advantages in Renewable Natural Resources Industries
by Alejandro F. Mac Cawley & Ángel Sevil & Roberto S. Vassolo & José Ignacio Sepúlveda Vargas
September 2019, Volume 56, Issue 6
- 1045-1072 Mutual Gains? Health‐Related HRM, Collective Well‐Being and Organizational Performance
by Hendrik Huettermann & Heike Bruch - 1073-1104 When Do Expert Teams Fail to Create Impactful Inventions?
by Simon J. D. Schillebeeckx & Yimin Lin & Gerard George - 1105-1137 Well It’s Only Fair: How Perceptions of Manager Discretion in Bonus Allocation Affect Intrinsic Motivation
by Rebecca Hewett & Hannes Leroy - 1138-1193 Board Committees in Corporate Governance: A Cross‐Disciplinary Review and Agenda for the Future
by Kalin D. Kolev & David B. Wangrow & Vincent L. Barker & Donald J. Schepker - 1194-1196 The Context of Entrepreneurship
by Gerardo Patriotta & Don Siegel - 1197-1213 The Context of Entrepreneurial Judgment: Organizations, Markets, and Institutions
by Nicolai J. Foss & Peter G. Klein & Christian Bjørnskov - 1214-1236 Beyond Homo Entrepreneurus: Judgment and the Theory of Cultural Entrepreneurship
by Michael Lounsbury & Joel Gehman & Mary Ann Glynn
July 2019, Volume 56, Issue 5
- 865-894 Theories from the Lab: How Research on Science Commercialization can Contribute to Management Studies
by Riccardo Fini & Einar Rasmussen & Johan Wiklund & Mike Wright - 895-928 How do Scientists Contribute to the Performance of Innovative Start‐ups? An Imprinting Perspective on Open Innovation
by Davide Hahn & Tommaso Minola & Kimberly A. Eddleston - 929-965 Logics, Leaders, Lab Coats: A Multi‐Level Study on How Institutional Logics are Linked to Entrepreneurial Intentions in Academia
by Caren Klingbeil & Thorsten Semrau & Mark Ebers & Hendrik Wilhelm - 966-999 Markets under the Microscope: Making Scientific Discoveries Valuable through Choreographed Contestations
by Katy Mason & Martin Friesl & Chris J. Ford - 1000-1039 Public Funding for Science and the Value of Corporate R&D Projects; Evidence from Project Initiation and Termination Decisions in Cell Therapy
by Hsini Huang & Simcha Jong
June 2019, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 725-757 Are All Private Benefits of Control Ineffective? Principal–Principal Benefits, External Governance Quality, and Firm Performance
by Steve Sauerwald & Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens & Roxana Turturea & Marc van Essen - 758-787 When do Dynamic Capabilities Lead to Competitive Advantage? The Importance of Strategic Fit
by Stav Fainshmidt & Lucas Wenger & Amir Pezeshkan & Mark R. Mallon - 788-822 Achieving Temporal Ambidexterity in New Ventures
by Stephanie L. Wang & Yadong Luo & Vladislav Maksimov & Jinyun Sun & Nikhil Celly - 823-853 Anchors in Rough Seas: Understanding Category Spanning as a Source of Market Coordination
by Martina Montauti - 854-861 The Imposter Syndrome, or the Mis‐Representation of Self in Academic Life
by Joel Bothello & Thomas J. Roulet
May 2019, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 481-499 The Five Paradoxes of Meaningful Work: Introduction to the special Issue ‘Meaningful Work: Prospects for the 21st Century’
by Catherine Bailey & Marjolein Lips‐Wiersma & Adrian Madden & Ruth Yeoman & Marc Thompson & Neal Chalofsky - 500-528 Outcomes of Meaningful Work: A Meta‐Analysis
by Blake A. Allan & Cassondra Batz-Barbarich & Haley M. Sterling & Louis Tay - 529-557 The Experience of Untapped Potential: Towards a Subjective Temporal Understanding of Work Meaningfulness
by Giverny De Boeck & Nicky Dries & Hans Tierens - 558-588 The Dark Side of Deeply Meaningful Work: Work‐Relationship Turmoil and the Moderating Role of Occupational Value Homophily
by Carrie R. Oelberger - 589-616 Struggling with Meaningfulness when Context Shifts: Volunteer Work in a German Refugee Shelter
by Mona Florian & Jana Costas & Dan Kärreman - 617-654 Serving Time: Volunteer Work, Liminality and the Uses of Meaningfulness at Music Festivals
by Maria Laura Toraldo & Gazi Islam & Gianluigi Mangia - 655-684 The Sociomaterial Negotiation of Social Entrepreneurs’ Meaningful Work
by Gillian Symon & Rebecca Whiting - 685-717 Datification and the Pursuit of Meaningfulness in Work
by Mari‐Klara Stein & Erica L. Wagner & Pamela Tierney & Sue Newell & Robert D. Galliers
March 2019, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 303-342 Do Disruptive Visions Pay Off? The Impact of Disruptive Entrepreneurial Visions on Venture Funding
by Timo van Balen & Murat Tarakci & Ashish Sood - 343-371 Growing Followers: Exploring the Effects of Leader Humility on Follower Self‐Expansion, Self‐Efficacy, and Performance
by Jianghua Mao & Chia‐Yen (Chad) Chiu & Bradley P. Owens & Jacob A. Brown & Jianqiao Liao - 372-407 Indirect Reciprocity and Corporate Philanthropic Giving: How Visiting Officials Influence Investment in Privately Owned Chinese Firms
by Ming Jia & Yi Xiang & Zhe Zhang - 408-440 Authentication as Institutional Maintenance Work
by Sylvain Colombero & Eva Boxenbaum - 441-447 Objectivity and Truth: The Role of the Essay in Management Scholarship
by Roy Suddaby
January 2019, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-18 Meta‐Analytic Research in Management: Contemporary Approaches, Unresolved Controversies, and Rising Standards
by James G. Combs & T. Russell Crook & Andreas Rauch - 19-56 A Process Perspective on Organizational Failure: A Qualitative Meta‐Analysis
by Stefanie Habersang & Jill Küberling‐Jost & Markus Reihlen & Christoph Seckler - 57-90 How Competitive Action Mediates the Resource Slack–Performance Relationship: A Meta‐Analytic Approach
by Christina Matz Carnes & Kai Xu & David G. Sirmon & Reha Karadag - 91-133 Organizational Controls and Performance Outcomes: A Meta‐Analytic Assessment and Extension
by Vikrant Sihag & Serge A. Rijsdijk - 134-171 Illuminating the ‘Face’ of Justice: A Meta‐Analytic Examination of Leadership and Organizational Justice
by Elizabeth P. Karam & Jinyu Hu & Robert B. Davison & Matthew Juravich & Jennifer D. Nahrgang & Stephen E. Humphrey & D. Scott DeRue - 172-202 Board Antecedents of CEO Duality and the Moderating Role of Country‐level Managerial Discretion: A Meta‐analytic Investigation
by Gang Wang & Kaitlyn DeGhetto & B. Parker Ellen & Bruce T. Lamont - 203-233 Innovation Offshoring, Institutional Context and Innovation Performance: A Meta‐Analysis
by Nina Rosenbusch & Michael Gusenbauer & Isabella Hatak & Matthias Fink & Klaus E. Meyer - 234-269 Viceroys or Emperors? An Institution‐Based Perspective on Merger and Acquisition Prevalence and Shareholder Value
by A. J. J. (Ron) Maas & P. P. M. A. R. (Pursey) Heugens & Taco H. Reus - 270-298 Does the Diversification–Firm Performance Relationship Change Over Time? A Meta‐Analytical Review
by Monika Schommer & Ansgar Richter & Amit Karna
December 2018, Volume 55, Issue 8
- 1323-1355 Identity Co‐Formation in an Emerging Industry: Forging Organizational Distinctiveness and Industry Coherence Through Sensemaking and Sensegiving
by Ileana Stigliani & Kimberly D. Elsbach - 1356-1385 Stock Return or Sales Growth? Multiple Performance Feedback and Strategic Investments Under Securities Analysts’ Earnings Pressure
by Yu Zhang & Yan Gong - 1386-1422 Alliance Portfolio Diversity and Innovation: The Interplay of Portfolio Coordination Capability and Proactive Partner Selection Capability
by Philip Degener & Indre Maurer & Suleika Bort - 1423-1451 Executives’ Stakeholder Values in the Prediction of Work Process Change
by Nathan T. Washburn & David A. Waldman & Mary F. Sully de Luque & Min Z. Carter - 1452-1487 “I Shot the Sheriff”: Irony, Sarcasm and the Changing Nature of Workplace Resistance
by Rafael Alcadipani & John Hassard & Gazi Islam - 1488-1489 Navigating a Dialectical Journey on Paradox Research: An Introduction to the Point–Counterpoint on Paradox Theory
by Dries Faems & Igor Filatotchev - 1490-1506 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: How a Systems Perspective Informs Paradox Research
by Jonathan Schad & Pratima Bansal - 1507-1526 The Learning Spiral: A Process Perspective on Paradox
by Sebastian Raisch & Timothy J. Hargrave & Andrew H. van de Ven
November 2018, Volume 55, Issue 7
- 1025-1042 Perspectives on Disruptive Innovations
by Arun Kumaraswamy & Raghu Garud & Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari - 1043-1078 Disruptive Innovation: An Intellectual History and Directions for Future Research
by Clayton M. Christensen & Rory McDonald & Elizabeth J. Altman & Jonathan E. Palmer - 1079-1121 Embracing Bewilderment: Responding to Technological Disruption in Heterogeneous Market Environments
by Saeed Khanagha & Mohammad Taghi Ramezan Zadeh & Oli R. Mihalache & Henk W. Volberda - 1122-1165 Why Do Incumbents Respond Heterogeneously to Disruptive Innovations? The Interplay of Domain Identity and Role Identity
by Nadine Kammerlander & Andreas König & Melanie Richards - 1166-1202 Unpacking the Disruption Process: New Technology, Business Models, and Incumbent Adaptation
by Alessio Cozzolino & Gianmario Verona & Frank T. Rothaermel - 1203-1241 Disruption in Platform‐Based Ecosystems
by Hakan Ozalp & Carmelo Cennamo & Annabelle Gawer - 1242-1277 Unobtrusive Maintenance: Temporal Complexity, Latent Category Control and the Stalled Emergence of the Cleantech Sector
by Charlene Zietsma & Trish Ruebottom & Angelique Slade Shantz - 1278-1316 An Ecosystem‐Level Process Model of Business Model Disruption: The Disruptor's Gambit
by Yuliya Snihur & Llewellyn D. W. Thomas & Robert A. Burgelman
September 2018, Volume 55, Issue 6
- 883-909 How a Firm's Domestic Footprint and Domestic Environmental Uncertainties Jointly Shape Added Cultural Distances: The Roles of Resource Dependence and Headquarters Attention
by Guus Hendriks & Arjen H. L. Slangen & Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens - 910-942 To the Rescue!? Brokering a Rapid, Scaled and Customized Compassionate Response to Suffering after Disaster
by Trenton A. Williams & Dean A. Shepherd - 943-979 Corporate Governance in China: A Meta‐Analysis
by Canan C. Mutlu & Marc Van Essen & Mike W. Peng & Sabrina F. Saleh & Patricio Duran - 980-1013 Let’s Talk about Language: A Review of Language‐Sensitive Research in International Management
by Päivi Karhunen & Anne Kankaanranta & Leena Louhiala‐Salminen & Rebecca Piekkari - 1014-1020 Fast Food Research in the Era of Unplanned Obsolescence
by Michael Marinetto
July 2018, Volume 55, Issue 5
- 739-769 Managing Persistent Tensions on the Frontline: A Configurational Perspective on Ambidexterity
by Alexander Zimmermann & Sebastian Raisch & Laura B. Cardinal - 770-808 When a Sinner Does a Good Deed: The Path‐Dependence of Reputation Repair
by Haibing Shu & Sonia Man‐Lai Wong - 809-836 Partner Type Diversity in Alliance Portfolios: Multiple Dimensions, Boundary Conditions and Firm Innovation Performance
by John Hagedoorn & Boris Lokshin & Ann‐Kristin Zobel - 837-872 Navigating Ambivalence: Perceived Organizational Prestige–Support Discrepancy and Its Relation to Employee Cynicism and Silence
by Karim Mignonac & Olivier Herrbach & Carolina Serrano Archimi & Caroline Manville - 873-879 Poles Apart: The Arctic & Management Studies
by Gail Whiteman & Dmitry Yumashev
June 2018, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 583-618 Meta†Analysis of Coefficient Alpha: A Reliability Generalization Study
by Lindsey M. Greco & Ernest H. O'Boyle & Bethany S. Cockburn & Zhenyu Yuan - 619-647 The Convergence and Divergence of Job Discretion Between Occupations and Institutional Regimes in Europe from 1995 to 2010
by David Holman & Anthony Rafferty - 648-676 Socio†Emotional Wealth Separation and Decision†Making Quality in Family Firm TMTs: The Moderating Role of Psychological Safety
by Pieter Vandekerkhof & Tensie Steijvers & Walter Hendriks & Wim Voordeckers - 677-702 Picking the Measuring Stick: The Role of Leaders in Social Comparisons
by Karan Sonpar & Ian J. Walsh & Federica Pazzaglia & Miranda Eng & Ali Dastmalchian - 703-727 Prying Eyes: A Dramaturgical Approach to Professional Surveillance
by Laura M. Visser & Inge L. Bleijenbergh & Yvonne W. M. Benschop & Allard C. R. van Riel - 728-734 Making a Niche: The Marketization of Management Research and the Rise of ‘Knowledge Branding’
by Afshin Mehrpouya & Hugh Willmott
May 2018, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 381-393 What We Talk About When We Talk About Inequality: An Introduction to the Journal of Management Studies Special Issue
by Roy Suddaby & Garry D. Bruton & James P. Walsh - 394-423 The Institutional Work of Exploitation: Employers’ Work to Create and Perpetuate Inequality
by Ralph Hamann & Stephanie Bertels - 424-456 ‘Why Even Bother Trying?’ Examining Discouragement among Racial†Minority Entrepreneurs
by François Neville & Juanita Kimiyo Forrester & Jay O'Toole & Allan Riding - 457-485 Breaking Boundaries: Exploring the Process of Intersective Market Activity of Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the Context of High Economic Inequality
by Eliada Wosu Griffin†EL & Joy Olabisi - 486-516 The Legitimacy of Inequality: Integrating the Perspectives of System Justification and Social Judgment
by Patrick Haack & Jost Sieweke - 517-544 Achieving Social and Economic Equality by Unifying Business and Ethics: Adam Smith as the Cause of and Cure for the Separation Thesis
by Scott L. Newbert - 545-577 Poverty's Monument: Social Problems and Organizational Field Emergence in Historical Perspective
by R. Daniel Wadhwani
March 2018, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 209-231 Toward a Cognitive View of Signalling Theory: Individual Attention and Signal Set Interpretation
by Will Drover & Matthew S. Wood & Andrew C. Corbett - 232-264 Flow Signals: Evidence from Patent and Alliance Portfolios in the US Biopharmaceutical Industry
by Turanay Caner & Olga Bruyaka & John E. Prescott - 265-294 Strategic Flexibility in New High†Technology Ventures
by Ye Dai & John C. Goodale & Gukdo Byun & Fangsheng Ding - 295-319 Resource Dependence and Network Relations: A Test of Venture Capital Investment Termination in China
by Yanfeng Zheng & Jun Xia - 320-351 In Pursuit of Time: Business Plan Sequencing, Duration and Intraentrainment Effects on New Venture Viability
by Christian Hopp & Francis J. Greene
January 2018, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-26 Knowledge Worker Mobility in Context: Pushing the Boundaries of Theory and Methods
by Mike Wright & Valentina Tartari & Kenneth G. Huang & Francesco Di Lorenzo & Janet Bercovitz - 27-59 Context Factors and the Performance of Mobile Individuals in Research Teams
by Chiara Franzoni & Giuseppe Scellato & Paula Stephan - 60-85 Leaving Employment to Entrepreneurship: The Value of Co†worker Mobility in Pushed and Pulled†Driven Start†ups
by Vera Rocha & Anabela Carneiro & Celeste Varum - 86-107 The Impact of Knowledge Worker Mobility through an Acquisition on Breakthrough Knowledge
by Haemin Dennis Park & Michael D. Howard & David M. Gomulya - 108-145 Do Higher Wages Reduce Knowledge Worker's Job Mobility? Evidence for Swedish Inventors
by Olof Ejermo & Torben Schubert - 146-173 Pre†Exit Bundling, Turnover of Professionals, and Firm Performance
by Rhett A. Brymer & David G. Sirmon - 174-203 Virtual Mobility and the Lonely Cloud: Theorizing the Mobility†Isolation Paradox for Self†Employed Knowledge†Workers in the Online Home†Based Business Context
by Elizabeth Daniel & MariaLaura Di Domenico & Daniel Nunan
December 2017, Volume 54, Issue 8
- 1121-1143 Reconceptualising Hierarchies: The Disaggregation and Dispersion of Headquarters in Multinational Corporations
by Phillip C. Nell & Philip Kappen & Tomi Laamanen - 1144-1169 MNE Headquarters Disaggregation: The Formation Antecedents of Regional Management Centers
by Andreas P. J. Schotter & Maximilian Stallkamp & Brian C. Pinkham - 1170-1205 Firm Bosses or Helpful Neighbours? The Ambiguity and Co-Construction of MNE Regional Management Mandates
by Eva A. Alfoldi & Sara L. McGaughey & L. Jeremy Clegg - 1206-1240 Explaining Mandate Loss of Regional Headquarters: The Difference between Full and Partial Loss
by Perttu Kähäri & Iiris Saittakari & Rebecca Piekkari & Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen - 1241-1270 Disaggregating the Corporate Headquarters: Investor Reactions to Inversion Announcements by US Firms
by Arjen H. L. Slangen & Marc Baaij & Riccardo Valboni - 1271-1302 Global Cities, Connectivity, and the Location Choice of MNC Regional Headquarters
by René Belderbos & Helen S. Du & Anthony Goerzen
November 2017, Volume 54, Issue 7
- 961-985 Rethinking ‘Top‐Down’ and ‘Bottom‐Up’ Roles of Top and Middle Managers in Organizational Change: Implications for Employee Support
by Mariano L. M. Heyden & Sebastian P. L. Fourné & Bastiaan A. S. Koene & Renate Werkman & Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari - 986-1018 Toward a Framework of Leader Character in Organizations
by Mary M. Crossan & Alyson Byrne & Gerard H. Seijts & Mark Reno & Lucas Monzani & Jeffrey Gandz - 1019-1049 Riding off into the Sunset: Organizational Sensegiving, Shareholder Sensemaking, and Reactions to CEO Retirement
by Hansin Bilgili & Joanna Tochman Campbell & Alan E. Ellstrand & Jonathan L. Johnson - 1050-1078 When Elites Forget Their Duties: The Double‐Edged Sword of Prestigious Directors on Boards
by Jana Oehmichen & Daniel Braun & Michael Wolff & Toru Yoshikawa - 1079-1110 Who's the Boss at the Top? A Micro‐Level Analysis of Director Expertise, Status and Conformity Within Boards
by Dennis B. Veltrop & Eric Molleman & Reggy B. H. Hooghiemstra & Hans van Ees - 1111-1117 Rana Plaza Fieldwork and Academic Anxiety: Some Reflections
by Rashedur Chowdhury
September 2017, Volume 54, Issue 6
- 763-792 Public-Private Collaboration, Hybridity and Social Value: Towards New Theoretical Perspectives
by Bertrand V. Quélin & Ilze Kivleniece & Sergio Lazzarini - 793-822 From Animosity to Affinity: The Interplay of Competing Logics and Interdependence in Cross-Sector Partnerships
by Naeem Ashraf & Alireza Ahmadsimab & Jonatan Pinkse - 823-853 Reconciling Conflicting Policy Objectives in Public Contracting: The Enabling Role of Capabilities
by Sandro Cabral - 854-875 Alliances between Firms and Non-profits: A Multiple and Behavioural Agency Approach
by M. Rivera-Santos & C. Rufín & U. Wassmer - 876-905 Understanding Value Creation in Public-Private Partnerships: A Comparative Case Study
by Elisa Villani & Luciano Greco & Nelson Phillips - 906-928 Social Value Creation and Relational Coordination in Public-Private Collaborations
by Nigel D. Caldwell & Jens K. Roehrich & Gerard George - 929-956 Social Value Creation in Inter-Organizational Collaborations in the Not-for-Profit Sector – Give and Take from a Dyadic Perspective
by Christiana Weber & Kathrin Weidner & Arne Kroeger & James Wallace
July 2017, Volume 54, Issue 5
- 583-612 Attention to Fairness versus Profits: The Determinants of Satisficing Pricing
by Brian T. McCann & George A. Shinkle - 613-646 Reconsidering the ‘Symmetry’ Between Institutionalization and Professionalization: The Case of Corporate Social Responsibility Managers
by David Risi & Christopher Wickert - 647-675 Seizing the Ethical High Ground: Ethical Reputation Building in Corrupt Environments
by S. Ramakrishna Velamuri & S. Venkataraman & William S. Harvey - 676-710 Maintaining Moral Legitimacy through Worlds and Words: An Explanation of Firms' Investment in Sustainability Certification
by Melanie Richards & Thomas Zellweger & Jean-Pascal Gond - 711-738 The Mind and Heart of Resonance: The Role of Cognition and Emotions in Frame Effectiveness
by Simona Giorgi - 739-746 The Rise of Alternative Currencies in Post-Capitalism
by Boyd Cohen - 747-759 Crafting Papers for Publication: Novelty and Convention in Academic Writing
by Gerardo Patriotta
June 2017, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 403-421 Boundary Spanning in Global Organizations
by Andreas P. J. Schotter & Ram Mudambi & Yves L. Doz & Ajai Gaur - 422-454 Boundary Spanning Activities of Corporate HQ Executives Insights from a Longitudinal Study
by Julian Birkinshaw & Tina C. Ambos & Cyril Bouquet - 455-482 Boundary Capabilities in MNCs: Knowledge Transformation for Creative Solution Development
by Esther Tippmann & Pamela Sharkey Scott & Andrew Parker - 483-510 How Does Performance Feedback Affect Boundary Spanning in Multinational Corporations? Insights from Technology Scouts
by Thomas Klueter & Felipe Monteiro - 511-539 The Scaffolding Activities of International Returnee Executives: A Learning Based Perspective of Global Boundary Spanning
by Michael J.D. Roberts & Paul W. Beamish - 540-577 ‘Am I Still One of Them?’: Bicultural Immigrant Managers Navigating Social Identity Threats When Spanning Global Boundaries
by Aimée A. Kane & Natalia Levina
May 2017, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 261-303 An Institutional Configurational Approach to Cross-National Diversity in Corporate Governance
by Ilir Haxhi & Ruth V. Aguilera - 304-339 Which Resources Matter How and Where? A Meta-Analysis on Firms’ Foreign Establishment Mode Choice
by Hendrik Klier & Christian Schwens & Florian B. Zapkau & Desislava Dikova - 340-365 The Foundations of International Business: Cross-Border Investment Activity and the Balance between Market-Power and Efficiency Effects
by Joseph A. Clougherty & Jin Uk Kim & Bradley R. Skousen & Florian Szücs - 366-367 Theoretical Progress in Management Studies and the Role of Qualitative Research
by Bill Harley & Dries Faems - 368-383 Preserving Theoretical Divergence in Management Research: Why the Explanatory Potential of Qualitative Research Should Be Harnessed Rather than Suppressed
by Joep P. Cornelissen - 384-390 Making Great Theories
by Patrick M. Wright - 391-397 The Death and Rebirth (?) of International Business Research
by Andrew Delios
March 2017, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 129-131 An Introduction to the Special Issue on Managing Complexity within and Across Organizational Boundaries
by Penny Dick & Dries Faems & Bill Harley - 129-131 An Introduction to the Special Issue on Managing Complexity within and Across Organizational Boundaries
by Penny Dick & Dries Faems & Bill Harley - 132-153 Don't Simplify, Complexify: From Disjunctive to Conjunctive Theorizing in Organization and Management Studies
by Haridimos Tsoukas - 132-153 Don't Simplify, Complexify: From Disjunctive to Conjunctive Theorizing in Organization and Management Studies
by Haridimos Tsoukas - 154-181 Navigating Institutional Complexity: The Production of Risk Culture in the Financial Sector
by Tommaso Palermo & Michael Power & Simon Ashby - 154-181 Navigating Institutional Complexity: The Production of Risk Culture in the Financial Sector
by Tommaso Palermo & Michael Power & Simon Ashby - 182-208 Reducing Complexity by Creating Complexity: A Systems Theory Perspective on How Organizations Respond to Their Environments
by Anselm Schneider & Christopher Wickert & Emilio Marti - 182-208 Reducing Complexity by Creating Complexity: A Systems Theory Perspective on How Organizations Respond to Their Environments
by Anselm Schneider & Christopher Wickert & Emilio Marti - 209-237 Are Managers Motivated to Explore in the Face of a New Technological Change? The Role of Regulatory Focus, Fit, and Complexity of Decision-Making
by Saeedeh Ahmadi & Saeed Khanagha & Luca Berchicci & Justin J. P. Jansen - 209-237 Are Managers Motivated to Explore in the Face of a New Technological Change? The Role of Regulatory Focus, Fit, and Complexity of Decision‐Making
by Saeedeh Ahmadi & Saeed Khanagha & Luca Berchicci & Justin J. P. Jansen
January 2017, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-31 Sociometric Status and Peer Control Attempts: A Multiple Status Hierarchies Approach
by Maurits C. de Klepper & Giuseppe (Joe) Labianca & Ed Sleebos & Filip Agneessens - 32-57 “I Am My Body”. Physical Selves of Police Officers in a Changing Institution
by David Courpasson & Vanessa Monties - 58-87 CEO Succession Origin and Firm Performance: A Multilevel Study
by Dimitrios Georgakakis & Winfried Ruigrok - 88-117 Pay for Talk: How the Use of Shareholder-Value Language Affects CEO Compensation
by Taekjin Shin & Jihae You - 118-124 ‘We're Sorry to Hear You've Been Unwell…’ Personal Reflections on Health and Well-being in the Workplace
by Andrea Prothero
December 2016, Volume 53, Issue 8
- 1257-1291 Entry and Technological Performance in New Technology Domains: Technological Opportunities, Technology Competition and Technological Relatedness
by Bart Leten & Rene Belderbos & Bart Van Looy - 1292-1319 Taking a Second Look in a Warped Crystal Ball: Explaining the Accuracy of Revised Forecasts
by Violetta Bacon-Gerasymenko & Russell Coff & Rodolphe Durand - 1320-1347 ‘Who Knows What?’ in New Venture Teams: Transactive Memory Systems as a Micro-Foundation of Entrepreneurial Orientation
by Ye Dai & Philip T. Roundy & Jay I. Chok & Fangsheng Ding & Gukdo Byun - 1348-1380 Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Performance: A Meta-Analytic Evaluation and Extension
by Stav Fainshmidt & Amir Pezeshkan & M. Lance Frazier & Anil Nair & Edward Markowski - 1381-1387 Biggart's Lament I am inspired by Lockhart's Lament in which he decries the transformation of mathematics from a creative art to a skill that is formulaic and trivial. Thanks to Tom Beamish, Gina Dokko, Richard Williams and the JMS-Says editors for their comments on an earlier draft. , or Getting Out of the Theory Cave Plato has an allegory in which he has Socrates describe a cave in which prisoners are chained to a wall their entire lives. All that they can see are shadows made by a fire behind them and they debate endlessly the shadows’ meanings. The prisoners believe that the shadows are reality and even when given evidence of another reality they stay in the relative comfort of their small and known world
by Nicole Woolsey Biggart
November 2016, Volume 53, Issue 7
- 1109-1112 The Distinctive Identity of the Journal of Management Studies
by Dries Faems & Igor Filatotchev & Bill Harley & Don Siegel - 1113-1140 Strategic Choices at Entry and Relative Survival Advantage of Cooperatives versus Corporations in the US Bio-Ethanol Industry, 1978-2015
by Christophe Boone & Serden Özcan