December 2012, Volume 49, Issue 8
- 1389-1394 The Mirage of Microfoundations
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 1395-1401 Dynamic Capabilities: Routines versus Entrepreneurial Action
by David J. Teece - 1402-1406 Capabilities: Their Origins and Ancestry
by Sidney G. Winter - 1407-1434 Examining the Stability and Variability of Routine Performances: The Effects of Experience and Context Change
by Scott F. Turner & Michael J. Fern - 1435-1458 The Effect of Managerial Bias on Employees' Specific Human Capital Investments
by Heli Wang & Kin Fai Ellick Wong - 1459-1483 Determinants of Strategic HR Capabilities in MNC Subsidiaries
by Kristiina Mäkelä & Jennie Sumelius & Mathias Höglund & Catarina Ahlvik - 1484-1508 Dynamics of Organizational Routines: A Generative Model
by Brian T. Pentland & Martha S. Feldman & Markus C. Becker & Peng Liu - 1509-1535 Microfoundations of Firm R&D Capabilities: A Study of Inventor Networks in a Merger
by Srikanth Paruchuri & Micki Eisenman - 1536-1558 Dynamics of Performing and Remembering Organizational Routines
by Kent D. Miller & Brian T. Pentland & Seungho Choi - 1559-1585 Resolving Conflict in Problem-Solving: Systems of Artefacts in the Development of New Routines
by Eugenia Cacciatori - 1586-1607 Intentions, Intermediaries, and Interaction: Examining the Emergence of Routines
by Hari Bapuji & Manpreet Hora & Akbar M. Saeed
November 2012, Volume 49, Issue 7
- 1137-1167 Defensive Practice Adoption in the Face of Organizational Stigma: Impression Management and the Diffusion of Stock Option Expensing
by Edward J. Carberry & Brayden G King - 1168-1193 TMT Potency and Strategic Decision-Making in High Technology Firms
by Kevin D. Clark & Patrick G. Maggitti - 1194-1220 A Stupidity-Based Theory of Organizations
by Mats Alvesson & André Spicer - 1221-1245 Sub-National Institutional Contingencies, Network Positions, and IJV Partner Selection
by Weilei (Stone) Shi & Sunny Li Sun & Mike W. Peng - 1246-1273 The Dynamics of Influence in Corporate Co-Evolution
by John Child & Suzana B. Rodrigues & Kenneth K-T. Tse - 1274-1303 How Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement Strategy Moderates the CSR–Financial Performance Relationship
by Zhi Tang & Clyde Eiríkur Hull & Sandra Rothenberg - 1304-1328 Context and Action in the Transformation of the Firm: A Reprise
by Andrew M. Pettigrew - 1329-1349 Context and Action in the Transformation of Strategy Scholarship
by Harry Sminia & Mark de Rond
September 2012, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 1001-1022 The Importance of Attributional Complexity for Transformational Leadership Studies
by Peter Y. T. Sun & Marc H. Anderson - 1023-1051 Reproduction and Change on the Global Scale: A Bourdieusian Perspective on Management Education
by Eero Vaara & Eric Faÿ - 1052-1077 Knowledge Benefits of Social Capital upon Repatriation: A Longitudinal Study of International Assignees
by B. Sebastian Reiche - 1078-1108 Dynamics of Unclosed Triangles in Alliance Networks: Disappearance of Brokerage Positions and Performance Consequences
by Jungwon Min & Hitoshi Mitsuhashi - 1109-1135 An Integrative HRM Process Theorization: Beyond Signalling Effects and Mutual Gains
by Mats Ehrnrooth & Ingmar Björkman
July 2012, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 843-868 Career Change and the Iron Cage: Organizations and the Early Labour Market Experience of Professional Managers
by Stanislav D. Dobrev - 869-895 Psychological Ownership: How Having Control Matters
by Jun Liu & Hui Wang & Chun Hui & Cynthia Lee - 896-917 Comparing Aspiration Models: The Role of Selective Attention
by Mark Washburn & Philip Bromiley - 918-944 Social Value Orientation and Climate Strength as Moderators of the Impact of Work Group Cooperative Climate on Affective Commitment
by Sandy Bogaert & Christophe Boone & Arjen van Witteloostuijn - 945-969 Reexamining the Workplace Justice to Outcome Relationship: Does Frame of Reference Matter?
by Jeremy Bernerth & H. Jack Walker - 970-999 Foreign Direct Investment and Managerial Knowledge Spillovers through the Diffusion of Management Practices
by Xiaolan Fu
June 2012, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 661-683 Innovation for Inclusive Growth: Towards a Theoretical Framework and a Research Agenda
by Gerard George & Anita M. McGahan & Jaideep Prabhu - 684-717 Capital Is Not Enough: Innovation in Developing Economies
by Steven W. Bradley & Jeffery S. McMullen & Kendall Artz & Edward M. Simiyu - 718-742 Do Powerful CEOs Determine Microfinance Performance?
by Rients Galema & Robert Lensink & Roy Mersland - 743-784 Innovation for Inclusive Business: Intrapreneurial Bricolage in Multinational Corporations
by Minna Halme & Sara Lindeman & Paula Linna - 785-812 Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Base of the Pyramid: A Recipe for Inclusive Growth or Social Exclusion?
by Jeremy Hall & Stelvia Matos & Lorn Sheehan & Bruno Silvestre
May 2012, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 463-491 Collaborative Knowing: The Adaptive Nature of Cross‐Boundary Spanning
by Ruey‐Lin Hsiao & Dun‐Hou Tsai & Ching‐Fang Lee - 492-514 Corporate Governance and the Environment: What Type of Governance Creates Greener Companies?
by Carl J. Kock & Juan Santaló & Luis Diestre - 515-537 Does Illegitimate Corporate Behaviour Follow the Forms of Polity? The Turkish Experience
by Şükrü Özen & K. Ali Akkemik - 538-570 The Performance Implications of Financial and Non‐Financial Rewards: An Asian Nordic Comparison
by Flora F. T. Chiang & Thomas A. Birtch - 571-599 ‘My Brilliant Career’? New Organizational Forms and Changing Managerial Careers in Japan, the UK, and USA
by John Hassard & Jonathan Morris & Leo McCann - 600-618 Designing a Better Business School: Channelling Herbert Simon, Addressing the Critics, and Developing Actionable Knowledge for Professionalizing Managers
by Denise M. Rousseau - 619-639 Herbert A. Simon on What Ails Business Schools: More than ‘A Problem in Organizational Design’
by Rakesh Khurana & J. C. Spender
March 2012, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 279-305 The Effects of Culture and Structure on Strategic Flexibility during Business Model Innovation
by Adam J. Bock & Tore Opsahl & Gerard George & David M. Gann - 306-331 Motivating Employees to Work Beyond Retirement: A Multi‐Level Study of the Role of I‐Deals and Unit Climate
by P. Matthijs Bal & Simon B. De Jong & Paul G. W. Jansen & Arnold B. Bakker - 332-355 IJV Partner Trustworthy Behaviour: The Role of Host Country Governance and Partner Selection Criteria
by Jean‐Paul Roy - 356-380 Solving the Entrepreneurial Puzzle: The Role of Entrepreneurial Interpretation in Opportunity Formation and Related Processes
by Ilídio Barreto - 381-402 Developing and Utilizing Network Resources: Roles of Political Skill
by Li‐Qun Wei & Flora F. T. Chiang & Long‐Zeng Wu - 403-428 Time in the New Economy: The Impact of the Interaction of Individual and Structural Temporalities on Job Satisfaction
by Brett Agypt & Beth A. Rubin - 429-462 Victim or Victimizer: Firm Responses to Government Corruption
by Roberto Martin N. Galang
January 2012, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-27 The Impact of Organizational and National Cultural Differences on Social Conflict and Knowledge Transfer in International Acquisitions
by Eero Vaara & Riikka Sarala & Günter K. Stahl & Ingmar Björkman - 28-51 Management Innovation and Leadership: The Moderating Role of Organizational Size
by Ignacio G. Vaccaro & Justin J. P. Jansen & Frans A. J. Van Den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda - 52-76 Organizational Accidents: A Systemic Model of Production versus Protection
by Yang Miang Goh & Peter E. D. Love & Helen Brown & Jeffery Spickett - 77-101 The ‘Company with Committees’: Change or Continuity in Japanese Corporate Governance?
by Amon Chizema & Yoshikatsu Shinozawa - 102-143 Episodic and Systemic Power in the Transformation of Professional Service Firms
by Thomas B. Lawrence & Namrata Malhotra & Tim Morris - 144-177 Typology of the Eight Domains of Discretion in Organizations
by Arran Caza - 178-199 Coping with Workplace Ostracism: The Roles of Ingratiation and Political Skill in Employee Psychological Distress
by Long‐Zeng Wu & Frederick Hong‐kit Yim & Ho Kwong Kwan & Xiaomeng Zhang - 202-222 Towards a Social Theory of Agency
by Robert M. Wiseman & Gloria Cuevas‐Rodríguez & Luis R. Gomez‐Mejia - 223-239 Agency Theory, Institutional Sensitivity, and Inductive Reasoning: Towards a Legal Perspective
by Loizos Heracleous & Luh Luh Lan - 240-277 Leadership in Organizational Knowledge Creation: A Review and Framework
by Georg von Krogh & Ikujiro Nonaka & Lise Rechsteiner
December 2011, Volume 48, Issue 8
- 1699-1726 A Communication‐Based Theory of the Choice Between Greenfield and Acquisition Entry
by Arjen H. L. Slangen - 1727-1751 Getting Trapped in the Suppression of Exploration: A Simulation Model
by Bob Walrave & Kim E. van Oorschot & A. Georges L. Romme - 1752-1781 Environmental and Firm Level Influences on Inter‐Organizational Trust and SME Performance
by Ajai S. Gaur & Debmalya Mukherjee & Sanjaya S. Gaur & Florian Schmid - 1782-1803 Antecedents of New Director Social Capital
by Scott Johnson & Karen Schnatterly & Joel F. Bolton & Chris Tuggle - 1804-1836 Maintaining Legitimacy: Controversies, Orders of Worth, and Public Justifications
by Gerardo Patriotta & Jean‐Pascal Gond & Friederike Schultz - 1837-1865 Adoption and Coverage of Performance‐Related Pay during Institutional Change: An Integration of Institutional and Agency Theories
by Sung‐Choon Kang & Yoshio Yanadori - 1866-1891 Qualitative Research in Management: A Decade of Progress
by Dustin J. Bluhm & Wendy Harman & Thomas W. Lee & Terence R. Mitchell - 1892-1923 Dimensions of CEO–Board Relations
by Brian K. Boyd & Katalin Takacs Haynes & Fabio Zona
November 2011, Volume 48, Issue 7
- 1479-1503 Dominant CEO, Deviant Strategy, and Extreme Performance: The Moderating Role of a Powerful Board
by Jianyun Tang & Mary Crossan & W. Glenn Rowe - 1504-1532 Analysing the ‘Black Box’ of HRM: Uncovering HR Goals, Mediators, and Outcomes in a Standardized Service Environment
by Peter Boxall & Siah Hwee Ang & Timothy Bartram - 1533-1561 ‘I Like How You Think’: Similarity as an Interaction Bias in the Investor–Entrepreneur Dyad
by Charles Y. Murnieks & J. Michael Haynie & Robert E. Wiltbank & Troy Harting - 1562-1585 Reputation and Corporate Social Responsibility Aberrations, Trends, and Hypocrisy: Reactions to Firm Choices in the Stock Option Backdating Scandal
by Jay J. Janney & Steve Gove - 1586-1611 Linking Transformational Leadership and Team Performance: A Conflict Management Approach
by Xin‐an Zhang & Qing Cao & Dean Tjosvold - 1612-1639 Internal Embeddedness, Headquarters Involvement, and Innovation Importance in Multinational Enterprises
by Francesco Ciabuschi & Henrik Dellestrand & Oscar Martín Martín - 1640-1661 De‐Essentializing the Knowledge Intensive Firm: Reflections on Sceptical Research Going against the Mainstream
by Mats Alvesson - 1662-1697 Rhetorical Institutionalism: Language, Agency, and Structure in Institutional Theory since Alvesson 1993
by Sandy Edward Green Jr & Yuan Li
June 2011, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 715-736 The Dynamics of Labour Flexibility: Relationships between Employment Type and Innovativeness
by Angel Martínez‐Sánchez & María‐José Vela‐Jiménez & Manuela Pérez‐Pérez & Pilar de‐Luis‐Carnicer - 737-771 Varieties of National Metonymy in Media Accounts of International Mergers and Acquisitions
by Sally Riad & Eero Vaara - 772-803 Structure and Governance in Industrial Districts: Implications for Competitive Advantage
by Andaç T. Arıkan & Melissa A. Schilling - 804-828 Organizational Contexts for Environmental Construction and Objectification Activity
by William McKinley - 829-856 Behavioural Orientations of Non‐Profit Boards as a Factor in Entrepreneurial Performance: Does Governance Matter?
by Susan M. T. Coombes & Michael H. Morris & Jeffrey A. Allen & Justin W. Webb - 857-890 Multimarket Competition, Mobility Barriers, and Firm Performance
by Zied Guedri & Jean McGuire - 891-898 On the Social Construction of Relevance: A Rejoinder
by Alfred Kieser & Lars Leiner - 899-931 The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World: A Review of a New Perspective on CSR and its Implications for the Firm, Governance, and Democracy
by Andreas Georg Scherer & Guido Palazzo
May 2011, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 487-513 Too Good to be True: Board Structural Independence as a Moderator of CEO Pay‐for‐Firm‐Performance
by Alessandra Capezio & John Shields & Michael O'Donnell - 514-543 Mediating Identity: A Study of Media Influence on Organizational Identity Construction in a Celebrity Firm
by Annemette Kjærgaard & Mette Morsing & Davide Ravasi - 544-567 The Stock Market Reaction to the Hiring of Management Consultants: A Signalling Theory Approach
by Donald D. Bergh & Patrick Gibbons - 568-590 Contracting Costs and Information Asymmetry Reduction in Cross‐Border M&A
by Kevin K. Boeh - 591-618 Shareholder Heterogeneity and Conflicting Goals: Strategic Investments in the Japanese Electronics Industry
by Asli M. Colpan & Toru Yoshikawa & Takashi Hikino & Esther B. Del Brio - 619-645 Business is Show Business: Management Presentations as Performance
by Brigitte Biehl‐Missal - 646-664 Competitive Groups as Cognitive Communities: The Case of Scottish Knitwear Manufacturers Revisited
by Joseph F. Porac & Howard Thomas & Charles Baden‐Fuller - 665-695 Research in Cognition and Strategy: Reflections on Two Decades of Progress and a Look to the Future
by Sarah Kaplan
March 2011, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 235-252 Multinational Enterprises and Local Contexts: The Opportunities and Challenges of Multiple Embeddedness
by Klaus E. Meyer & Ram Mudambi & Rajneesh Narula - 253-277 Re‐conceptualizing Bartlett and Ghoshal's Classification of National Subsidiary Roles in the Multinational Enterprise
by Alan Rugman & Alain Verbeke & Wenlong Yuan - 278-304 Knowledge Accumulation and Dissemination in MNEs: A Practice‐Based Framework
by Stephen Tallman & Aya S. Chacar - 305-329 The Impact of Added Cultural Distance and Cultural Diversity on International Expansion Patterns: A Penrosean Perspective
by Thomas Hutzschenreuter & Johannes C. Voll & Alain Verbeke - 330-351 The Moderating Impact of Informal Institutional Distance and Formal Institutional Risk on SME Entry Mode Choice
by Christian Schwens & Julia Eiche & Ruediger Kabst - 352-372 The Economic Geography of Offshoring: The Fit between Activities and Local Context
by Peter D. Ørberg Jensen & Torben Pedersen - 373-394 Distant Encounters of the Third Kind: Multinational Companies Locating Divisional Headquarters Abroad
by Gabriel R. G. Benito & Randi Lunnan & Sverre Tomassen - 395-416 Subsidiary Integration as Identity Construction and Institution Building: A Political Sensemaking Approach
by Ed Clark & Mike Geppert - 417-440 The Role of Dual Embeddedness in the Innovative Performance of MNE Subsidiaries: Evidence from Brazil
by Paulo N. Figueiredo - 441-455 Obligating, Pressuring, and Supporting Dimensions of the Environment and the Non‐Market Advantages of Developing‐Country Multinational Companies
by Alvaro Cuervo‐Cazurra & Mehmet Erdem Genc - 456-459 Governance: The Next Frontier for Research on Multinational Firms
by Andrew Delios - 460-470 The Governance of the Multinational Enterprise: Insights from Internalization Theory
by Peter J. Buckley & Roger Strange - 471-486 Agency Perspectives on Corporate Governance of Multinational Enterprises
by Igor Filatotchev & Mike Wright
January 2011, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-25 Family and Lone Founder Ownership and Strategic Behaviour: Social Context, Identity, and Institutional Logics
by Danny Miller & Isabelle Le Breton‐Miller & Richard H. Lester - 26-47 A Tale of Passion: Linking Job Passion and Cognitive Engagement to Employee Work Performance
by Violet T. Ho & Sze‐Sze Wong & Chay Hoon Lee - 48-74 Organic and Acquisitive Growth: Re‐examining, Testing and Extending Penrose's Growth Theory
by Andy Lockett & Johan Wiklund & Per Davidsson & Sourafel Girma - 75-98 Effects of Anonymous Whistle‐Blowing and Perceived Reputation Threats on Investigations of Whistle‐Blowing Allegations by Audit Committee Members
by James E. Hunton & Jacob M. Rose - 99-122 Virtual Design, Problem Framing, and Innovation: An Empirical Study in the Automotive Industry
by Antonino Vaccaro & Stefano Brusoni & Francisco M. Veloso - 123-150 Governance Mechanisms for the Promotion of Social Capital for Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Corporations
by Paul Gooderham & Dana B. Minbaeva & Torben Pedersen - 151-177 Top Management Team Functional Diversity and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of CEO Characteristics
by Tine Buyl & Christophe Boone & Walter Hendriks & Paul Matthyssens - 178-197 Assessing Cumulative Evidence within ‘Macro’ Research: Why Meta‐Analysis Should be Preferred Over Vote Counting
by James G. Combs & David J. Ketchen, Jr & T. Russell Crook & Philip L. Roth - 198-201 Ethnography in the Context of Management and Organizational Research: Its Scope and Methods, and Why We Need More of It
by Editors - 202-217 Ethnography, Reality, and Truth: The Vital Need for Studies of ‘How Things Work’ in Organizations and Management
by Tony J. Watson - 218-234 Ethnography as Work: Some Rules of Engagement
by John Van Maanen
September 2011, Volume 48
- 1141-1168 Revitalizing Entrepreneurship: The Search for New Research Opportunities
by Robert E. Hoskisson & Jeffrey Covin & Henk W. Volberda & Richard A. Johnson - 1169-1193 Knowledge Acquisition, Network Reliance, and Early‐Stage Technology Venture Outcomes
by Diane M. Sullivan & Matthew R. Marvel - 1194-1216 The Impact of Accumulating and Reactivating Technological Experience on R&D Alliance Performance
by Holger Ernst & Ulrich Lichtenthaler & Carsten Vogt - 1217-1242 An Integrated Agency–Resource Dependence View of the Influence of Directors' Human and Relational Capital on Firms' R&D Spending
by Thomas Dalziel & Richard J. Gentry & Michael Bowerman - 1243-1268 Political Heterarchy and Dispersed Entrepreneurship in the MNC
by Christopher Williams & Soo Hee Lee - 1269-1290 Entrepreneurial Initiative Selling within Organizations: Towards a More Comprehensive Motivational Framework
by Dirk De Clercq & Xavier Castañer & Imanol Belausteguigoitia - 1291-1313 Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of the Consequences of Differing Construct Representations
by Bradley A. George - 1314-1345 The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Competencies: A Longitudinal Study of University Spin‐Off Venture Emergence
by Einar Rasmussen & Simon Mosey & Mike Wright - 1346-1364 Principal Costs in Initial Public Offerings
by Thomas Dalziel & Robert E. White & Jonathan D. Arthurs - 1365-1391 Revitalizing Entrepreneurship: How Visual Symbols are Used in Entrepreneurial Performances
by Jean Clarke - 1392-1419 Regulatory Burden, Rule of Law, and Entry of Strategic Entrepreneurs: An International Panel Study
by Jonathan Levie & Erkko Autio - 1420-1442 Entrepreneurial Origin, Technological Knowledge, and the Growth of Spin‐Off Companies
by Bart Clarysse & Mike Wright & Els Van de Velde - 1443-1477 The Cognitive Perspective in Entrepreneurship: An Agenda for Future Research
by Denis A. Grégoire & Andrew C. Corbett & Jeffery S. McMullen
July 2011, Volume 48
- 933-952 Processes and Practices of Strategizing and Organizing: Review, Development, and the Role of Bridging and Umbrella Constructs
by Steven W. Floyd & Joep P. Cornelissen & Mike Wright & Andrew Delios - 953-983 Middle Managers, Strategic Sensemaking, and Discursive Competence
by Linda Rouleau & Julia Balogun - 984-1014 The Influence of Top Management Team's Corporate Governance Orientation on Strategic Renewal Trajectories: A Longitudinal Analysis of Royal Dutch Shell plc, 1907–2004
by Zenlin Kwee & Frans A. J. Van Den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda - 1015-1043 Why and How Will a Group Act Autonomously to Make an Impact on the Development of Organizational Capabilities?
by Krsto Pandza - 1044-1070 Sequence Patterns of Firms' Acquisition and Alliance Behaviour and their Performance Implications
by Weilei (Stone) Shi & John E. Prescott - 1071-1097 The Importance of Slack for New Organizations Facing ‘Tough’ Environments
by Steven W. Bradley & Dean A. Shepherd & Johan Wiklund - 1098-1125 The Role of Resource Flexibility in Leveraging Strategic Resources
by James G. Combs & David J. Ketchen, Jr & R. Duane Ireland & Justin W. Webb - 1126-1140 Firms as Systems of Interdependent Choices
by Nicolaj Siggelkow
December 2010, Volume 47, Issue 8
- 1417-1433 Reconceptualizing the Firm in a World of Outsourcing and Offshoring: The Organizational and Geographical Relocation of High‐Value Company Functions
by Farok J. Contractor & Vikas Kumar & Sumit K. Kundu & Torben Pedersen - 1434-1456 Make, Buy or Ally? Theoretical Perspectives on Knowledge Process Outsourcing through Alliances
by Susan M. Mudambi & Stephen Tallman - 1457-1482 Strategic Orientations, Knowledge Acquisition, and Firm Performance: The Perspective of the Vendor in Cross‐Border Outsourcing
by Yuan Li & Zelong Wei & Yi Liu - 1483-1509 Balancing Internal and External Knowledge Acquisition: The Gains and Pains from R&D Outsourcing
by Christoph Grimpe & Ulrich Kaiser - 1510-1533 The Strategic Nexus of Offshoring and Outsourcing Decisions
by Ram Mudambi & Markus Venzin - 1534-1560 Factors Determining Offshore Location Choice for R&D Projects: A Comparative Study of Developed and Emerging Regions
by Mehmet Demirbag & Keith W. Glaister - 1561-1589 Ownership as a Form of Corporate Governance
by Brian L. Connelly & Robert E. Hoskisson & Laszlo Tihanyi & S. Trevis Certo - 1590-1613 Institutional Investors and Institutional Environment: A Comparative Analysis and Review
by Richard A. Johnson & Karen Schnatterly & Scott G. Johnson & Shih‐Chi Chiu
November 2010, Volume 47, Issue 7
- 1219-1247 HRM Practices, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, and Performance: A Multi‐Level Analysis
by Ed Snape & Tom Redman - 1248-1271 A Property Rights Perspective on Venture Capital Investment Decisions
by Dimo Dimov & Eric Gedajlovic - 1272-1296 Modelling the Joint Impact of the CEO and the TMT on Organizational Ambidexterity
by Qing Cao & Zeki Simsek & Hongping Zhang - 1297-1316 Can Two Wrongs Make a Right? State Ownership and Debt in a Transition Economy
by Trien Vinh Le & Jonathan P. O'Brien - 1317-1342 A Critical Examination of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership
by Dirk Lindebaum & Susan Cartwright - 1343-1364 Top Management Team Advice Seeking and Exploratory Innovation: The Moderating Role of TMT Heterogeneity
by Alexander S. Alexiev & Justin J. P. Jansen & Frans A. J. Van den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda - 1365-1393 Appraising Performance across Borders: An Empirical Examination of the Purposes and Practices of Performance Appraisal in a Multi‐Country Context
by Flora F. T. Chiang & Thomas A. Birtch - 1394-1404 What Makes a Paper Influential and Frequently Cited?
by William H. Starbuck - 1405-1416 The Power of Knowledge: Learning from ‘Learning by Knowledge‐Intensive Firm’
by Dan Kärreman
September 2010, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 913-943 From National Service to Global Player: Transforming the Organizational Logic of a Public Broadcaster
by André Spicer & Graham Sewell - 944-966 Membership Matters: On the Value of Being Embedded in Customer Networks
by Øystein D. Fjeldstad & Amir Sasson - 967-994 The Dynamic Influence of Social Capital on the International Growth of New Ventures
by Shameen Prashantham & Charles Dhanaraj - 995-1019 Partner Selection Decisions in Interfirm Collaborations: The Paradox of Relational Embeddedness
by Miguel Meuleman & Andy Lockett & Sophie Manigart & Mike Wright - 1020-1047 Performance Implications of Ties to the Government and SOEs: A Political Embeddedness Perspective
by Ilya Okhmatovskiy - 1048-1071 Acquisitions and Real Options: The Greenfield Alternative
by Keith D. Brouthers & Desislava Dikova - 1072-1094 Adopting Proactive Environmental Strategy: The Influence of Stakeholders and Firm Size
by Nicole Darnall & Irene Henriques & Perry Sadorsky - 1095-1122 Relative CEO Underpayment and CEO Behaviour Towards R&D Spending
by Eric A. Fong - 1123-1153 Nascent Entrepreneurs and Venture Emergence: Opportunity Confidence, Human Capital, and Early Planning
by Dimo Dimov - 1154-1191 A Multi‐Dimensional Framework of Organizational Innovation: A Systematic Review of the Literature
by Mary M. Crossan & Marina Apaydin - 1194-1212 Analysing Texts in Context: Current Practices and New Protocols for Critical Discourse Analysis in Organization Studies
by Shirley Leitch & Ian Palmer - 1213-1218 Critical Discourse Analysis in Organizational Studies: Towards an Integrationist Methodology
by Lilie Chouliaraki & Norman Fairclough
July 2010, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 775-790 Guest Editors' Introduction
by Mary O'Sullivan & Margaret B. W. Graham - 791-813 Postcolonial Transitions in Africa: Decolonization in West Africa and Present Day South Africa
by Stephanie Decker - 814-836 Agency, Institutional Change, and Continuity: The Case of the Finnish Civil War
by Juha‐Antti Lamberg & Kalle Pajunen - 837-858 Enhancing Industry Association Theory: A Comparative Business History Contribution
by James Reveley & Simon Ville - 859-883 Chandler's Living History: The Visible Hand of Vertical Integration in Nineteenth Century America Viewed Under a Twenty‐First Century Transaction Costs Economics Lens
by Marcelo Bucheli & Joseph T. Mahoney & Paul M. Vaaler - 884-910 Technological Discontinuities and Competitive Advantage: A Historical Perspective on Formula 1 Motor Racing 1950–2006
by Mark Jenkins
June 2010, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 597-624 Quality Meets Structure: Generalized Reciprocity and Firm‐Level Advantage in Strategic Networks
by Joakim Wincent & Sergey Anokhin & Daniel Örtqvist & Erkko Autio - 625-653 Industry Event Participation and Network Brokerage among Entrepreneurial Ventures
by Wouter Stam - 654-678 Middle Manager Leadership and Frontline Employee Performance: Bypass, Cascading, and Moderating Effects
by Jixia Yang & Zhi‐Xue Zhang & Anne S. Tsui - 679-704 The Influence of Technological Knowledge Base and Organizational Structure on Technology Collaboration
by Jing Zhang & Charles Baden‐Fuller - 705-732 Transferring Organizational Practices and the Dynamics of Hybridization: Japanese Retail Multinationals in China
by Jos Gamble - 736-759 The Missing Link Between the Theory and Empirics of Path Dependence: Conceptual Clarification, Testability Issue, and Methodological Implications
by Jean‐Philippe Vergne & Rodolphe Durand - 760-774 Path Dependence or Path Creation?
by Raghu Garud & Arun Kumaraswamy & Peter Karnøe
May 2010, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 367-390 Organizational Justice and Individuals' Withdrawal: Unlocking the Influence of Emotional Exhaustion
by Michael S. Cole & Jeremy B. Bernerth & Frank Walter & Daniel T. Holt - 391-415 The Multiple Effects of Business Planning on New Venture Performance
by Andrew Burke & Stuart Fraser & Francis J. Greene - 416-436 Stages of Organizational Transformation in Transition Economies: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach
by Sarah E. A. Dixon & Klaus E. Meyer & Marc Day - 437-454 Political Skill, Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi and Career Prospects in Chinese Firms
by Li‐Qun Wei & Jun Liu & Yuan‐Yi Chen & Long‐Zeng Wu - 455-482 Governing Knowledge Sharing in Organizations: Levels of Analysis, Governance Mechanisms, and Research Directions
by Nicolai J. Foss & Kenneth Husted & Snejina Michailova - 483-508 A Study of the Association between Level of Slack Reduction Following Downsizing and Innovation Output
by Kamel Mellahi & Adrian Wilkinson - 509-532 Do Institutionalized Traditions Matter During Crisis? Employee Downsizing in Korean Manufacturing Organizations
by Ekin Alakent & Seung‐Hyun Lee - 537-550 Reflections on Enacted Sensemaking in the Bhopal Disaster
by Karl E. Weick - 551-580 Sensemaking in Crisis and Change: Inspiration and Insights From Weick (1988)
by Sally Maitlis & Scott Sonenshein
March 2010, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 191-204 Whither Family Business?
by William S. Schulze & Eric R. Gedajlovic - 205-222 Top Management Teams in Family‐Controlled Companies: ‘Familiness’, ‘Faultlines’, and Their Impact on Financial Performance
by Alessandro Minichilli & Guido Corbetta & Ian C. MacMillan - 223-252 Diversification Decisions in Family‐Controlled Firms
by Luis R. Gomez‐Mejia & Marianna Makri & Martin Larraza Kintana - 253-273 Institutions Behind Family Ownership and Control in Large Firms
by Mike W. Peng & Yi Jiang - 274-295 Family Control and Ownership Monitoring in Family‐Controlled Firms in Japan
by Toru Yoshikawa & Abdul A. Rasheed - 296-321 Locus of Ownership and Family Involvement in Small Private Firms
by Mark K. Fiegener - 322-344 The Effects of Family Firm Specific Sources of TMT Diversity: The Moderating Role of Information Exchange Frequency
by Yan Ling & Franz W. Kellermanns - 345-366 Harvesting Family Firms' Organizational Social Capital: A Relational Perspective
by Shaker A. Zahra
January 2010, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-26 Extrinsic and Intrinsic Drivers of Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from Foreign and Domestic Firms in Mexico
by Alan Muller & Ans Kolk - 27-54 Multinational Firm Knowledge, Use of Expatriates, and Foreign Subsidiary Performance
by Yulin Fang & Guo‐Liang Frank Jiang & Shige Makino & Paul W. Beamish - 55-84 Florence Nightingale Endures: Legitimizing a New Professional Role Identity
by Elizabeth Goodrick & Trish Reay