September 2022, Volume 59, Issue 6
July 2022, Volume 59, Issue 5
- 1103-1131 Where ‘The Rules Don’t Apply’: Organizational Isolation and Misbehaviour in Elite Kitchens
by Robin Burrow & Rebecca Scott & David Courpasson - 1132-1161 Hard and Soft Integration: Towards a Dynamic Model of Post‐Acquisition Integration
by David P. Kroon & Niels G. Noorderhaven & Kevin G. Corley & Eero Vaara - 1162-1197 The Effects of Objective and Subjective Social Class on Leadership Emergence
by Andrew C. Loignon & Georg Kodydek - 1198-1226 A Review of Fatherhood and Employment: Introducing New Perspectives for Management Research
by Caroline Gatrell & Jamie J. Ladge & Gary N. Powell - 1227-1252 It’s Not What You Say, But How You Sound: CEO Vocal Masculinity and the Board's Early‐Stage CEO Compensation Decisions
by Krishnan Nair & Waqas Haque & Steve Sauerwald - 1253-1283 From Seats at the Table to Voices in the Discussion: Antecedents of Underrepresented Director Participation in Board Meetings
by Christopher S. Tuggle & David G. Sirmon & Cameron J. Borgholthaus & Leonard Bierman & A. Erin Bass - 1284-1314 Once a Founder, Always a Founder? The Role of External Former Founders in Corporate Boards
by Hendrik Terbeck & Verena Rieger & Niels Van Quaquebeke & Andreas Engelen - 1315-1353 The Role of Frictions due to Top Management in Alliance Termination Decisions: Insights from Established Bio‐Pharmaceutical Firms
by Anindya Ghosh & Thomas Klueter
June 2022, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 857-885 Incomplete Institutional Change and the Persistence of Racial Inequality: The Contestation of Institutional Misalignment in South Africa
by Ansellia Adams & John M. Luiz - 886-924 Why Local Adaptation Sometimes Fails to be Effective for MNEs: Exploring the Dynamics of Collective Bonuses, Egalitarianism, and Informal Norms
by Nishani Bourmault & Jordan Siegel - 925-957 How do Intermediaries Build Inclusive Markets? The Role of the Social Context
by Babita Bhatt & Israr Qureshi & Christopher Sutter - 958-997 Post‐Acquisition Retention of Target Founder‐CEOs: Looking Beneath the Surface
by Keivan Aghasi & Massimo G. Colombo & Cristina Rossi‐Lamastra - 998-1031 How to Build a Network that Facilitates Firm‐level Innovation: An Integration of Structural and Managerial Perspectives
by Fabian Reck & Alexander Fliaster & Michael Kolloch - 1032-1035 Re‐Conceptualizing Management Theory: How do we Move Away from Western‐Centred Knowledge?
by Daniel Muzio - 1036-1056 Contextualizing Management Research: An Open Systems Perspective
by Igor Filatotchev & R. Duane Ireland & Günter K. Stahl - 1057-1073 Indigenous Theory Uses, Abuses, and Future
by Garry D. Bruton & Shaker A. Zahra & Andrew H. Van de Ven & Michael A. Hitt - 1074-1087 Decolonizing Management Theory: A Critical Perspective
by Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee - 1088-1097 The Tragic Failings of Political CSR: A Damning Verdict from the Indigenous Pehuenche Highlands in Chile
by Rajiv Maher & Hilda Huenteao & Eduardo Quintremán
May 2022, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 627-659 Using Macro Archival Databases to Expand Theory in Micro Research
by N. Sharon Hill & Herman Aguinis & Josiah Drewry & Sanjay Patnaik & Jennifer J. Griffin - 660-694 ‘There’s Many a Slip “Twixt the Cup and the Lip”’: HR Management Practices and Firm Performance
by Lien Vossaert & Frederik Anseel & Veroniek Collewaert & Nicolai J. Foss - 695-723 Paradoxical Leadership, Subjective Ambivalence, and Employee Creativity: Effects of Employee Holistic Thinking
by Yan Zhang & Ying Zhang & Kenneth S. Law & Jing Zhou - 724-754 Organizational Dischronization: On Meaning and Meaninglessness, Sensemaking and Nonsensemaking
by Mats Alvesson & Anna Jonsson - 755-781 Common Sense, New Sense or Non‐Sense? A Critical Discursive Perspective on Power in Collective Sensemaking
by Eero Vaara & Andrea Whittle - 782-818 The Rise and Fall of Structural Contingency Theory: A Theory’s ‘autopsy’
by Oded Shenkar & Shmuel Ellis - 819-842 Under the Radar: Institutional Drift and Non‐Strategic Institutional Change
by Maxim Voronov & Mary Ann Glynn & Klaus Weber - 843-850 Academia in the Post‐Pandemic World: Leapfrogging into the Unknown – Tales from Organizing EGOS 2020
by Markus A. Höllerer & Daniel Geiger
March 2022, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 249-283 On Gendered Justification: A Framework for Understanding Men's and Women's Entrepreneurial Resource‐Acquisition
by Talia Pfefferman & Michal Frenkel & Sharon Gilad - 284-318 Workers' Rites: Ritual Mediations and the Tensions of New Management
by Gazi Islam & Roberta Sferrazzo - 319-348 Overcoming the Incumbent Dilemma: The Dual Roles of Multimarket Contact During Disruption
by Sean T. Hsu & Susan K. Cohen - 349-389 Non‐Market Strategies and Credit Benefits: Unpacking Heterogeneous Political Connections in Response to Government Anti‐Corruption Initiatives
by Yu Fengyan & Zhang Hongjuan & Justin Tan & Liang Qi - 390-416 Transactional Dependence and Technological Upgrading in Global Value Chains
by Ziliang Deng & Xufei Ma & Ziyan Zhu - 417-459 Strategic Venturing as Legitimacy Creation: The Case of Sustainability
by Markus Reihlen & Jan‐Florian Schlapfner & Monika Seeger & Hannah Trittin‐Ulbrich - 460-488 Unified Divergence and the Development of Collective Leadership
by Charlotte Croft & Gerry McGivern & Graeme Currie & Andy Lockett & Dimitrios Spyridonidis - 489-517 A Multi‐Level Model of I‐deals in Workgroups: Employee and Coworker Perceptions of Leader Fairness, I‐Deals and Group Performance
by Smriti Anand & Jeremy D. Meuser & Prajya R. Vidyarthi & Robert C. Liden & Denise M. Rousseau & Srinivas Ekkirala - 518-525 Introduction to the Point‐Counterpoint: The Corporate Objective as a Contingency
by Jonathan Doh - 526-554 The Corporate Objective Revisited: The Shareholder Perspective
by Maria Goranova & Lori Verstegen Ryan - 555-568 The Endurance of Shareholder Value Maximization as the Preferred Corporate Objective
by Andrew C. Inkpen & Anant K. Sundaram - 569-582 Stakeholder Management & The Value of Human‐Centred Corporate Objectives
by Bidhan (Bobby) L. Parmar & Andrew C. Wicks & R. Edward Freeman
January 2022, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-28 Grand Societal Challenges and Responsible Innovation
by Christian Voegtlin & Andreas Georg Scherer & Günter K. Stahl & Olga Hawn - 29-60 Stakeholder Governance for Responsible Innovation: A Theory of Value Creation, Appropriation, and Distribution
by Sophie Bacq & Ruth V. Aguilera - 61-91 From ‘Publish or Perish’ to Societal Impact: Organizational Repurposing Towards Responsible Innovation through Creating a Medical Platform
by Madeleine Rauch & Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari - 92-125 Building Responsible Innovation in International Organizations through Intrapreneurship
by Tina C. Ambos & Katherine Tatarinov - 126-162 Negative Spillovers Across Partnerships for Responsible Innovation: Evidence from the 2014 Ebola Outbreak
by Birgul Arslan & Murat Tarakci - 163-193 Toward a Theory of Activist‐Driven Responsible Innovation: How Activists Pressure Firms to Adopt More Responsible Practices
by Theodore L. Waldron & Chad Navis & Elizabeth P. Karam & Gideon D. Markman - 197-235 Family Business Restructuring: A Review and Research Agenda
by David R. King & Olimpia Meglio & Luis Gomez‐Mejia & Florian Bauer & Alfredo De Massis - 236-242 Researching for Desirable Futures: From Real Utopias to Imagining Alternatives
by Ali Aslan Gümüsay & Juliane Reinecke
December 2021, Volume 58, Issue 8
- 1-17 Corporate Social Responsibility Research in the Journal of Management Studies: A Shift from a Business‐Centric to a Society‐Centric Focus
by Christopher Wickert - 2003-2023 Theorizing Diversity in Management Studies: New Perspectives and Future Directions
by Corinne Post & Daniel Muzio & Riikka Sarala & Liqun Wei & Dries Faems - 2024-2051 Why Difference Makes a Difference: Diversity, Inequality, and Institutionalization
by Nancy DiTomaso - 2052-2081 From Cultural Differences to Identity Politics: A Critical Discursive Approach to National Identity in Multinational Corporations
by Eero Vaara & Janne Tienari & Alexei Koveshnikov - 2082-2110 From Attention to Action: The Influence of Cognitive and Ideological Diversity in Top Management Teams on Business Model Innovation
by Somendra Narayan & Jatinder S. Sidhu & Henk W. Volberda - 2111-2136 Bridging Caste Divides: Middle‐Status Ambivalence, Elite Closure, and Lower‐Status Social Withdrawal
by Arjun Bhardwaj & Sushanta Kumar Mishra & Israr Qureshi & Kunal Kamal Kumar & Alison M. Konrad & Marc‐David L. Seidel & Babita Bhatt - 2137-2179 The Relationship Between Team Deep‐Level Diversity and Team Performance: A Meta‐Analysis of the Main Effect, Moderators, and Mediating Mechanisms
by María del Carmen Triana & Kwanghyun Kim & Seo‐Young Byun & Dora María Delgado & Winfred Arthur - 2180-2206 Both Diversity and Meritocracy: Managing the Diversity‐Meritocracy Paradox with Organizational Ambidexterity
by Alison M. Konrad & Orlando C. Richard & Yang Yang - 2207-2239 Interpersonal Outcomes of Religious Identity Management at Work
by Afra S. Ahmad & Eden King & Alex Lindsey & Isaac Sabat & Cassandra Phetmisy & Amanda Anderson - 2240-2274 Organizational Demographic Faultlines: Their Impact on Collective Organizational Identification, Firm Performance, and Firm Innovation
by Ulrich Leicht‐Deobald & Hendrik Huettermann & Heike Bruch & Barbara S. Lawrence
November 2021, Volume 58, Issue 7
- 1695-1720 Corporate Strategy and the Theory of the Firm in the Digital Age
by Markus Menz & Sven Kunisch & Julian Birkinshaw & David J. Collis & Nicolai J. Foss & Robert E. Hoskisson & John E. Prescott - 1721-1760 First Impressions Stick: Market Entry Strategies and Category Priming in the Digital Domain
by Paolo Aversa & Annelore Huyghe & Giulia Bonadio - 1761-1799 Understanding interorganizational big data technologies: How technology adoption motivations and technology design shape collaborative dynamics
by Katharina Cepa - 1800-1831 Chief Digital Officers: An Analysis of the Presence of a Centralized Digital Transformation Role
by Sebastian Firk & André Hanelt & Jana Oehmichen & Michael Wolff - 1832-1868 Same Old Song with a Different Melody: The Paradox of Market Reach and Financial Performance on Digital Platforms
by Mikko Hänninen & Anssi Smedlund - 1869-1898 Signalling Strategies of Exporters on Internet Business‐to‐Business Platforms
by Ruey‐Jer “Bryan” Jean & Daekwan Kim - 1899-1932 Overcoming the Early‐stage Conundrum of Digital Platform Ecosystem Emergence: A Problem‐Solving Perspective
by Ramya K. Murthy & Anoop Madhok - 1933-1961 Strategic Decision Making in the Digital Age: Expert Sentiment and Corporate Capital Allocation
by Steffen Nauhaus & Johannes Luger & Sebastian Raisch - 1962-1993 Technological Frames in the Digital Age: Theory, Measurement Instrument, and Future Research Areas
by Patrick Spieth & Tobias Röth & Thomas Clauss & Christoph Klos
September 2021, Volume 58, Issue 6
- 1441-1470 The Relationship between Stakeholder Theory and Corporate Social Responsibility: Differences, Similarities, and Implications for Social Issues in Management
by Sergiy D. Dmytriyev & R. Edward Freeman & Jacob Hörisch - 1471-1506 The Lived Experience of Managerialization: Understanding Values Conflict in Non‐profits through a Pragmatic Institutionalism
by Erynn E. Beaton & Rich DeJordy & Pacey Foster - 1507-1531 Helping While Competing? The Complex Effects of Competitive Climates on the Prosocial Identity and Performance Relationship
by Emily M. David & Tae‐Yeol Kim & Matt Rodgers & Tingting Chen - 1532-1568 Are There Limits to Diversification in Emerging Economies? Distinguishing between Firm‐Level and Business Group Strategies
by Shaleen Gopal & K. S. Manikandan & J. Ramachandran - 1569-1608 You Speak, I Speak: The Social‐Cognitive Mechanisms of Voice Contagion
by Thomas W. H. Ng & Lorenzo Lucianetti & Dennis Y. Hsu & Frederick H. K. Yim & Kelly L. Sorensen - 1609-1639 How Country Reputation Differentials Influence Market Reaction to International Acquisitions
by Chengguang Li & Oded Shenkar & William E. Newburry & Yinuo Tang - 1640-1643 Distance as Diversity: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
by Jonathan P. Doh - 1644-1668 International Management as Management of Diversity: Reconceptualizing Distance as Diversity
by Fabrice Lumineau & Marvin Hanisch & Olivier Wurtz - 1669-1689 Integrating Diversity into Distance Research for Added Rigor, Parsimony, and Relevance
by Tatiana Kostova & Sjoerd Beugelsdijk
July 2021, Volume 58, Issue 5
- 1159-1197 A Systematic Review of the Literature on Digital Transformation: Insights and Implications for Strategy and Organizational Change
by André Hanelt & René Bohnsack & David Marz & Cláudia Antunes Marante - 1198-1236 A Meta‐Analytic Integration of Acquisition Performance Prediction
by David R. King & Gang Wang & Mehdi Samimi & Andres Felipe Cortes - 1237-1266 Acquirers’ Reception of Signals in M&A Markets: Effects of Acquirer Experiences on Target Selection
by Cheng‐Wei Wu & Jeffrey J. Reuer - 1267-1293 Great Successes and Great Failures: The Impact of Project Leader Status on Project Performance and Performance Extremeness
by Balazs Szatmari & Dirk Deichmann & Jan van den Ende & Brayden G. King - 1294-1330 Building Character: The Formation of a Hybrid Organizational Identity in a Social Enterprise
by Joep P. Cornelissen & Ona Akemu & Jeroen G. F. Jonkman & Mirjam D. Werner - 1331-1362 How Life Experiences and Cultural Context Matter: A Multilevel Framework of Global Leader Effectiveness
by Mansour Javidan & David A. Waldman & Danni Wang - 1363-1370 Social Entrepreneurship’s Solutionism Problem
by Dominic Chalmers - 1371-1377 COVID‐19 and the Future of Management Studies. Insights from Leading Scholars
by Daniel Muzio & Jonathan Doh - 1378-1382 Strategic Human Resource Management and COVID‐19: Emerging Challenges and Research Opportunities
by David G. Collings & John McMackin & Anthony J. Nyberg & Patrick M. Wright - 1383-1388 Researching the Post‐Pandemic Professional Service Firm: Challenging our Assumptions
by Laura Empson - 1389-1394 The Impact of Quarantines, Lockdowns, and ‘Reopenings’ on the Commercialization of Science: Micro and Macro Issues
by Donald S. Siegel & Maribel Guerrero - 1395-1399 Covid‐19 and The Study of Professionals and Professional Work
by Timothy Hoff - 1400-1404 Complexity and COVID‐19: Leadership and Followership in a Complex World
by Mary Uhl‐Bien - 1405-1410 Corporate Governance Research in the Wake of a Systemic Crisis: Lessons and Opportunities from the COVID‐19 Pandemic
by Alessandro Zattoni & Amedeo Pugliese - 1411-1415 Complex Times, Complex Time: The Pandemic, Time‐Based Theorizing and Temporal Research in Management and Organization Studies
by Sven Kunisch & Blagoy Blagoev & Jean M. Bartunek - 1416-1420 Recalibrating Management Research for the Post‐COVID‐19 Scientific Enterprise
by Stav Fainshmidt & Daniel S. Andrews & Ajai Gaur & Andreas Schotter - 1421-1425 No Need to Know It All: Implications of COVID‐19 for Corporate Communication Research
by Wei Guo & Albert A. Cannella - 1426-1430 Burning Down the House: COVID‐19 and Institutions
by A. Wren Montgomery & M. Tina Dacin - 1431-1435 COVID‐19 and the Scope of the Firm
by Mike W. Peng & Nishant Kathuria
June 2021, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 927-948 The Distinctive Domain of the Sharing Economy: Definitions, Value Creation, and Implications for Research
by Gideon D. Markman & Marvin Lieberman & Michael Leiblein & Li‐Qun Wei & Yonggui Wang - 949-976 The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design: A Configurational Approach
by Feifei Jiang & Xiaoying Zheng & Di Fan & Pengxiang Zhang & Sali Li - 977-1001 Contextualizing the Sharing Economy
by Guo Bai & S. Ramakrishna Velamuri - 1002-1032 Assessing Trust and Risk Perceptions in the Sharing Economy: An Empirical Study
by Huimin Gu & Tingting (Christina) Zhang & Can Lu & Xiaoxiao Song - 1033-1069 A Relational‐Models View to Explain Peer‐to‐Peer Sharing
by Nicole Stofberg & Flore Bridoux & Francesca Ciulli & Niccolò Pisani & Ans Kolk & Marlene Vock - 1070-1106 Regulated Dependence: Platform Workers’ Responses to New Forms of Organizing
by Jovana Karanović & Hans Berends & Yuval Engel - 1107-1139 When Stigma Doesn’t Transfer: Stigma Deflection and Occupational Stratification in the Sharing Economy
by Kam Phung & Sean Buchanan & Madeline Toubiana & Trish Ruebottom & Luciana Turchick‐Hakak - 1146-1153 Caring as an Organizing Principle: Reflections on Ethnography of and as Care
by Samantha Ortiz Casillas
May 2021, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 649-672 Challenges and Best‐practice Recommendations for Designing and Conducting Interviews with Elite Informants
by Angelo M. Solarino & Herman Aguinis - 673-717 The Millennial ‘Meh’: Correlated Groups as Collective Agents in the Automobile Field
by A. Wren Montgomery & Kimberly S. Wolske & Thomas P. Lyon - 718-748 Hybrid Context, Management Practices and Organizational Performance: A Configurational Approach
by Leroy White & Andy Lockett & Graeme Currie & James Hayton - 749-781 Legitimacy Revisited: Disentangling Propriety, Validity, and Consensus
by Patrick Haack & Oliver Schilke & Lynne Zucker - 782-814 Stakeholder Agency Relationships: CEO Stock Options and Corporate Tax Avoidance
by Leon Zolotoy & Don O’Sullivan & Geoffrey P. Martin & Robert M. Wiseman - 815-848 The Role of Substantive Actions in Sensemaking During Strategic Change
by Ann‐Kristin Weiser - 849-878 Setting the Tone for the Team: A Multi‐Level Analysis of Managerial Control, Peer Control, and their Consequences for Job Satisfaction and Team Performance
by Jorge Walter & Markus Kreutzer & Karin Kreutzer - 879-886 The Future of the Corporation
by Gerardo Patriotta - 887-901 The Future of the Corporation and the Economics of Purpose
by Colin Mayer - 902-913 Corporate Purpose Needs Democracy
by Gerald F. Davis - 914-921 The Mobilization of Noncooperative Spaces: Reflections from Rohingya Refugee Camps
by Rashedur Chowdhury
March 2021, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 297-320 Management Research that Makes a Difference: Broadening the Meaning of Impact
by Christopher Wickert & Corinne Post & Jonathan P. Doh & John E. Prescott & Andrea Prencipe - 321-358 Rallying the Troops and Defending against Sanctions: A Government Body Breaking Decision‐Making Rules to Fund Entrepreneurial Ventures
by Dean A. Shepherd & Jeaneth Johansson & Malin Malmström & Joakim Wincent - 359-388 The Process Affordances of Strategy Toolmaking when Addressing Wicked Problems
by Gary T. Burke & Carola Wolf - 389-420 When Three’s (Good) Company: Third‐Party Friendships on Cooperation across Departments
by Sze‐Sze Wong & Wai Fong Boh & Anne Wu - 421-456 The Direct and Moderating Effects of Endogenous Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Valuation: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis
by Sean T. Hannah & Naz Sayari & Frederick H. deB. Harris & Carol L. Cain - 457-486 Political CSR at the Coalface – The Roles and Contradictions of Multinational Corporations in Developing Workplace Dialogue
by Juliane Reinecke & Jimmy Donaghey - 487-516 Meanings of Theory: Clarifying Theory through Typification
by Jörgen Sandberg & Mats Alvesson - 517-527 The Business Model Phenomenon: Towards Theoretical Relevance
by John E. Prescott & Igor Filatotchev - 528-539 What can Strategy Learn from the Business Model Approach?
by Lyda S. Bigelow & Jay B. Barney - 540-553 A Business Model View of Strategy
by Gianvito Lanzolla & Constantinos Markides - 554-561 High Flying Business Schools: Working Together to Address the Impact of Management Education and Research on Climate Change
by Michael J. Gill - 562-566 COVID‐19 and Global Governance
by David L. Levy - 567-571 Pandemics and Network Scholarship
by Tiziana Casciaro - 572-576 Sensemaking in the Time of COVID‐19
by Marlys K. Christianson & Michelle A. Barton - 577-581 Whither Critical Management and Organization Studies? For a Performative Critique of Capitalist Flows in the Wake of the COVID‐19 Pandemic
by Patrizia Zanoni - 582-586 Organisational Change in a (Post‐) Pandemic World: Rediscovering Interests and Values
by John M. Amis & Royston Greenwood - 587-591 Can you Speak Covid‐19? Languages and Social Inequality in Management Studies
by Rebecca Piekkari & Susanne Tietze & Jo Angouri & Renate Meyer & Eero Vaara - 592-596 Temporal Strategies and Firms’ Speedy Responses to COVID‐19
by David Ahlstrom & Linda C. Wang - 597-601 A Few Implications of the COVID‐19 Pandemic for International Business Strategy Research
by Alain Verbeke & Wenlong Yuan - 602-606 How COVID‐19 Informs Business Sustainability Research: It’s Time for a Systems Perspective
by Pratima (Tima) Bansal & Sylvia Grewatsch & Garima Sharma - 607-610 Inequality in the Time of Corona Virus
by Kamal A. Munir
January 2021, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-26 Corporate Entrepreneurship and Family Business: Learning Across Domains
by Tommaso Minola & Nadine Kammerlander & Franz W. Kellermanns & Frank Hoy - 27-62 Entrepreneurial by Design: How Organizational Design Affects Family and Non‐family Firms’ Opportunity Exploitation
by Alfredo De Massis & Kimberly A. Eddleston & Paola Rovelli - 63-103 Next Generation External Venturing Practices in Family Owned Businesses
by Marcela Ramírez‐Pasillas & Hans Lundberg & Mattias Nordqvist - 104-134 System‐Spanning Values Work and Entrepreneurial Growth in Family Firms
by Johanna Raitis & Innan Sasaki & Josip Kotlar - 135-164 Responding to Digital Transformation by External Corporate Venturing: An Enterprising Family Identity and Communication Patterns Perspective
by Reinhard Prügl & Dinah Isabel Spitzley - 165-200 Family versus Non‐Family Firm Franchisors: Behavioural and Performance Differences
by Francesco Chirico & Dianne H. B. Welsh & R. Duane Ireland & Philipp Sieger - 201-235 Narrow‐Framing and Risk Preferences in Family and Non‐Family Firms
by Hanqing “Chevy” Fang & Esra Memili & James J. Chrisman & Linjia Tang - 238-239 News from the Editors: Celebrating the Past, Welcoming the Future
by Jonathan P. Doh & Daniel Muzio - 240-244 How Crisis Reveals the Structures of Practices
by David Seidl & Richard Whittington - 245-248 Covid‐19 and Our Understanding of Risk, Emergencies, and Crises
by Linda Rouleau & Markus Hällgren & Mark de Rond - 249-253 COVID‐19 and the New Technologies of Organizing: Digital Exhaust, Digital Footprints, and Artificial Intelligence in the Wake of Remote Work
by Paul M. Leonardi - 254-258 Grand Challenges, Covid‐19 and the Future of Organizational Scholarship
by Jennifer Howard‐Grenville - 259-264 Strategic Management Theory in a Post‐Pandemic and Non‐Ergodic World
by Michael A. Hitt & Jean‐Luc Arregle & R. Michael Holmes - 265-269 ‘15 Days to Slow the Spread’: Covid‐19 and Collective Resilience
by Mary Ann Glynn - 270-274 The Impact of the Covid‐19 Pandemic on Firms’ Organizational Designs
by Nicolai J. Foss - 275-279 COVID's Impacts on the Field of Labour and Employment Relations
by Adrienne Eaton & Charles Heckscher - 280-284 COVID‐19 and the Future of CSR Research
by Andrew Crane & Dirk Matten - 285-288 Social Entrepreneurship and COVID‐19
by Sophie Bacq & G. T. Lumpkin - 289-293 Shifting Team Research after COVID‐19: Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change
by Deborah Ancona & Henrik Bresman & Mark Mortensen
December 2020, Volume 57, Issue 8
- 1437-1472 Too Much of a Good Thing? The Boomerang Effect of Firms’ Investments on Corporate Social Responsibility during Product Recalls
by Alfred Zhu Liu & Angela Xia Liu & Rui Wang & Sean Xin Xu - 1473-1501 Toward A Temporal Theory of Faultlines and Subgroup Entrenchment
by Alyson Meister & Sherry M.B. Thatcher & Jieun Park & Mark Maltarich - 1502-1530 Benefits and Disadvantages of Individuals’ Multiple Team Membership: The Moderating Role of Organizational Tenure
by Hendrik J. van de Brake & Frank Walter & Floor A. Rink & Peter J. M. D. Essens & Gerben S. van der Vegt - 1531-1555 Coupling High Self‐Perceived Creativity and Successful Newcomer Adjustment in Organizations: The Role of Supervisor Trust and Support for Authentic Self‐Expression
by Lucas Dufour & Massimo Maoret & Francesco Montani - 1556-1588 When is Effort Contagious in New Venture Management Teams? Understanding the Contingencies of Social Motivation Theory
by Nicola Breugst & Holger Patzelt & Dean A. Shepherd - 1589-1609 How Exhausting!? Emotion Crossover in Organizational Social Networks
by Thomas J. Zagenczyk & E. Erin Powell & Kristin L. Scott - 1610-1642 Performative Achievement of Routine Recognizability: An Analysis of Order Taking Routines at Sushi Bars
by Yutaka Yamauchi & Takeshi Hiramoto - 1643-1689 Untangling the Integration–Performance Link: Levels of Integration and Functional Integration Strategies in Post‐Acquisition Integration
by Tian Wei & Jeremy Clegg - 1690-1717 Internal Resource Allocation and External Alliance Activity of Diversified Firms
by Joseph J. Cabral & Chaoqun Deng & M. V. Shyam Kumar - 1718-1724 Undoing Gender in Academia: Personal Reflections on Equal Opportunity Schemes
by Susanne Täuber - 1725-1726 Introduction to the COVID‐19 Commentaries
by Daniel Muzio & Jonathan P. Doh - 1727-1731 Covid‐19 and the Future of Family Business Research
by Alfredo De Massis & Emanuela Rondi - 1732-1736 The Implications of COVID‐19 for Nonmarket Strategy Research
by Thomas C. Lawton & Sinziana Dorobantu & Tazeeb S. Rajwani & Pei Sun - 1737-1740 Organizational Culture and COVID‐19
by André Spicer - 1741-1745 Movements, Societal Crisis, and Organizational Theory
by Brayden G King & Edward J. Carberry - 1746-1749 Lessons from the Losing: Implications of the COVID‐19 Pandemic for Organizational Diversity Scholarship and Practice
by Derek R. Avery - 1750-1753 COVID 19 and Entrepreneurship: Time to Pivot?
by Dean A. Shepherd - 1754-1758 What has changed? The Impact of Covid Pandemic on the Technology and Innovation Management Research Agenda
by Gerard George & Karim R. Lakhani & Phanish Puranam - 1759-1762 Learning Theory: The Pandemic Research Challenge
by Henrich R. Greve - 1763-1766 Identity and Identification During and After the Pandemic: How Might COVID‐19 Change the Research Questions we Ask?
by Blake E. Ashforth - 1767-1772 Implications of the COVID‐19 Pandemic for Gender Equity Issues at Work
by Frances J. Milliken & Madeline K. Kneeland & Elinor Flynn - 1773-1777 Global Value Chains in the Post‐COVID World: Governance for Reliability
by Liena Kano & Chang Hoon Oh
November 2020, Volume 57, Issue 7
- 1315-1330 On the way to Ithaka[1]: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Publication of Karl E. Weick’s The Social Psychology of Organizing
by Haridimos Tsoukas & Gerardo Patriotta & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe & Sally Maitlis - 1331-1354 Of Organizing and Sensemaking: From Action to Meaning and Back Again in a Half‐Century of Weick’s Theorizing
by Mary Ann Glynn & Lee Watkiss - 1355-1383 Unconscious Processes of Organizing: Intergroup Conflict in Mental Health Care
by Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen & Barbara Gray & Anne Petersen - 1384-1419 Acting Intuition into Sense: How Film Crews Make Sense with Embodied Ways of Knowing
by Nora Meziani & Laure Cabantous - 1420-1431 Sensemaking, Organizing, and Surpassing: A Handoff
by Karl E. Weick
September 2020, Volume 57, Issue 6
- 1073-1105 A Transaction Cost Perspective of Alliance Portfolio Diversity
by Christopher R. Penney & James G. Combs - 1106-1142 Will We Ever Meet Again? The Relationship between Inter‐Firm Managerial Migration and the Circulation of Client Ties
by Joseph P. Broschak & Emily S. Block & Sharon Koppman & Idris Adjerid - 1143-1173 The Site of Diversalizing: The Accomplishment of Inclusion in Intergenerational Dance
by Maddy Janssens & Chris Steyaert - 1174-1216 The Turnover Intention–Behaviour Link: A Culture‐Moderated Meta‐Analysis
by Kin Fai Ellick Wong & Cecilia Cheng - 1217-1245 Narcissism and Empowerment: How Narcissism Influences the Trickle‐Down Effects of Organizational Empowerment Climate on Performance
by Joo Hun Han & Hui Liao & Seongsu Kim & Jian Han - 1246-1271 The Role of Dialectical Interrogation in Review Studies: Theorizing from What We See Rather Than What We Have Already Seen
by Christina Hoon & Alina M. Baluch - 1272-1276 Writing Impactful Review Articles
by Gerardo Patriotta - 1277-1289 Creating High‐Impact Literature Reviews: An Argument for ‘Integrative Reviews’
by Kimberly D. Elsbach & Daan van Knippenberg - 1290-1304 The Problematizing Review: A Counterpoint to Elsbach and Van Knippenberg’s Argument for Integrative Reviews
by Mats Alvesson & Jörgen Sandberg - 1305-1311 Dark Academia: Despair in the Neoliberal Business School
by Peter Fleming
July 2020, Volume 57, Issue 5
- 915-930 Contextual and Interactional Approaches to Advancing Leadership and Entrepreneurship Research
by Jeffrey M. Pollack & Jon C. Carr & Andrew C. Corbett & Crystal L. Hoyt & Franz W. Kellermanns & Bradley L. Kirkman & Corinne Post - 931-961 Leader Emergence in Nascent Venture Teams: The Critical Roles of Individual Emotion Regulation and Team Emotions
by Charlotta Sirén & Vivianna Fang He & Henrik Wesemann & Zoe Jonassen & Dietmar Grichnik & Georg von Krogh - 962-1001 Entrepreneurial Leadership as Creative Brokering: The Process and Practice of Co‐creating and Advancing Opportunity
by Elizabeth Long Lingo - 1002-1036 Entrepreneurial Hustle: Navigating Uncertainty and Enrolling Venture Stakeholders through Urgent and Unorthodox Action
by Greg Fisher & Regan Stevenson & Emily Neubert & Devin Burnell & Donald F. Kuratko - 1037-1067 Hubristic Start‐up Founders – The Neglected Bright and Inevitable Dark Manifestations of Hubristic Leadership in New Venture Creation Processes
by Janina Sundermeier & Martin Gersch & Jörg Freiling
June 2020, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 735-774 Preserving a Professional Institution: Emotion in Discursive Institutional Work
by Elizabeth Goodrick & Lee C. Jarvis & Trish Reay - 775-804 Managing Legitimacy in Business‐Driven Social Change: The Role of Relational Work
by Verena Girschik - 805-836 An Institutional Theory Approach to the Evolution of the Corporate Social Performance – Corporate Financial Performance Relationship
by Jacob Brower & Peter A. Dacin