March 2016, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 767-781 Missing value imputation method for disaster decision-making using K nearest neighbor
by Xiaofei Ma & Qiuyan Zhong
March 2016, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 387-395 An empirical Bayes' procedure for ranking players in Ryder Cup golf
by Rose D. Baker & Ian G. McHale - 396-411 Robust Bayesian analysis of loss reserving data using scale mixtures distributions
by S.T. Boris Choy & Jennifer S.K. Chan & Udi E. Makov - 412-429 Tests of goodness of fit based on Phi-divergence
by Hadi Alizadeh Noughabi & Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan - 430-440 Bayesian longitudinal models for paediatric kidney transplant recipients
by C. Armero & A. Forte & H. Perpiñán - 441-460 Indirect membership function assignment based on ordinal regression
by Qing Li - 461-475 A test for the linearity of the nonparametric part of a semiparametric logistic regression model
by Chin-Shang Li - 476-489 New influence diagnostics in ridge regression
by Hadi Emami & Mostafa Emami - 490-508 Factor screening in nonregular two-level designs based on projection-based variable selection
by John Tyssedal & Shahrukh Hussain - 509-525 Identification and classification of multiple outliers, high leverage points and influential observations in linear regression
by A.A.M. Nurunnabi & M. Nasser & A.H.M.R. Imon - 526-537 A variant of K nearest neighbor quantile regression
by Xuejun Ma & Xiaoqun He & Xiaokang Shi - 538-549 A test for detecting etiologic heterogeneity in epidemiological studies
by S. Karagulle & Z. Kalaylioglu - 550-562 A non-inferiority test for diagnostic accuracy in the absence of the golden standard test based on the paired partial areas under receiver operating characteristic curves
by Shu-Man Shih & Wei-Hwa Wu & Hsin-Neng Hsieh - 563-571 Maximum likelihood estimation of sensitive proportion using repeated randomized response techniques
by Sayed Mohammad Reza Alavi & Mahboobeh Tajodini - 572-584 Unified multivariate survival model with a surviving fraction: an application to a Brazilian customer churn data
by Vicente G. Cancho & Dipak K. Dey & Francisco Louzada
February 2016, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 280-298 Bayesian analysis of covariance under inverse Gaussian model
by Mohammadreza Meshkani & Afshin Fallah & Amir Kavousi - 299-316 Evaluation of open items using the many-facet Rasch model
by Sonia Ferreira Lopes Toffoli & Dalton Francisco de Andrade & Antonio Cezar Bornia - 317-335 New bootstrap inference for spurious regression problems
by H.D. Vinod - 336-350 Type I and Type II error rates in the last observation carried forward method under informative dropout
by Chandan Saha & Michael P. Jones - 351-369 Short-term wind speed forecasting in Germany
by Daniel Ambach - 370-386 A new painting process for vessel radiators of transformer: wet-on-wet
by Aslan Deniz Karaoglan & Nihat Celik
January 2016, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-2 Statistics in Education
by Massimo Attanasio & Vincenza Capursi - 3-15 Degree course change and student performance: a mixed-effect model approach
by Giada Adelfio & Giovanni Boscaino - 16-30 Departures from the formal of actual students' university careers: an application of non-homogeneous fuzzy Markov chains
by F. Crippa & M. Mazzoleni & M. Zenga - 31-45 A biclustering approach to university performances: an Italian case study
by Valentina Raponi & Francesca Martella & Antonello Maruotti - 46-57 An association model for bivariate data with application to the analysis of university students' success
by Marco Enea & Massimo Attanasio - 58-71 Aranda-Ordaz quantile regression for student performance assessment
by Hakim-Moulay Dehbi & Mario Cortina-Borja & Marco Geraci - 72-86 Academic performance of students from entrance to graduation via quasi U-statistics: a study at a Brazilian research university
by Rafael Pimentel Maia & Hildete Prisco Pinheiro & Aluísio Pinheiro - 87-97 Comparative analysis of classification methods in determining non-active student characteristics in Indonesia Open University
by Dewi Juliah Ratnaningsih & Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang - 98-114 Performance and decisions: immigrant--native gaps in educational transitions in Italy
by Dalit Contini & Davide Azzolini - 115-127 Examining the effect of social influence on student performance through network autocorrelation models
by Maria Prosperina Vitale & Giovanni C. Porzio & Patrick Doreian - 128-139 Application of multinomial logistic regression to educational factors of the 2009 General Household Survey in South Africa
by Simon Monyai & 'Maseka Lesaoana & Timotheus Darikwa & Philimon Nyamugure - 140-168 Patterns of earnings differentials across three conservative European welfare regimes with alternative education systems
by Rosalia Castellano & Gennaro Punzo - 169-179 Investigating the determinants of job satisfaction of Italian graduates: a model-based approach
by Stefania Capecchi & Domenico Piccolo - 180-194 Flexible latent trait aggregation to analyze employability after the Ph.D. in Italy
by S. Fasola & O. Giambalvo & C. Romano - 195-211 A Bayesian hierarchical model for comparative evaluation of teaching quality indicators in higher education
by D. Fouskakis & G. Petrakos & I. Vavouras - 212-228 Unbiased one-dimensional university ranking -- application-based preference ordering
by András Telcs & Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán & Ádám Török - 229-243 Cognitive diagnosis models for baseline testing of educational standards in math
by J. Groß & A. Robitzsch & A.C. George - 244-261 Multivariate multilevel models for attitudes toward statistics: multi-disciplinary settings in Afghanistan
by Oyelola A. Adegboye & Asadullah Jawid - 262-279 Co-authorship networks and scientific performance: an empirical analysis using the generalized extreme value distribution
by Domenico De Stefano & Susanna Zaccarin
December 2015, Volume 42, Issue 12
- 2520-2530 Monitoring and change-point estimation for spline-modeled non-linear profiles in phase II
by Zahra Hadidoust & Yaser Samimi & Hamid Shahriari - 2531-2538 Joint coverage probability in a simulation study on continuous-time Markov chain parameter estimation
by Julia S. Benoit & Wenyaw Chan & Rachelle S. Doody - 2539-2553 Expanded renal transplantation: a competing risk model approach
by Pablo Mart�nez-Camblor & Jacobo de U�a-�lvarez & Carmen D�az Corte - 2554-2570 Dealing with the biased effects issue when handling huge datasets: the case of INVALSI data
by E. Raffinetti & I. Romeo - 2571-2583 On stratified bivariate ranked set sampling for regression estimators
by Daniel F. Linder & Hani Samawi & Lili Yu & Arpita Chatterjee & Yisong Huang & Robert Vogel - 2584-2596 Correction methods for ties in rank correlations
by Ilaria L. Amerise & Agostino Tarsitano - 2597-2613 Semiparametric regression for restricted mean residual life under right censoring
by Zahra Mansourvar & Torben Martinussen & Thomas H. Scheike - 2614-2630 Nonlinearity testing and modeling for threshold moving average models
by Rubing Liang & Cuizhen Niu & Qiang Xia & Zhiqiang Zhang - 2631-2638 A proposal for handling ordinal categorical variables in co-inertia analysis
by Antonio Lucadamo & Pietro Amenta - 2639-2653 Long-term experiments and strip plot designs
by Antonella Plaia - 2654-2670 A new four-parameter discrete distribution with bathtub and unimodal failure rate
by Vahid Nekoukhou & Hamid Bidram - 2671-2685 Detecting diagnostic accuracy of two biomarkers through a bivariate log-normal ROC curve
by Sudesh Pundir & R. Amala - 2686-2693 Test of two hypotheses explaining the size of populations in a system of cities
by Nikolay K. Vitanov & Marcel Ausloos - 2694-2714 Bayesian analysis of censored linear regression models with scale mixtures of normal distributions
by Aldo M. Garay & Heleno Bolfarine & Victor H. Lachos & Celso R.B. Cabral - 2715-2733 Robust confidence intervals for trend estimation in meta-analysis with publication bias
by H. Lu & P. Yin & R.X. Yue & J.Q. Shi - 2734-2753 Measures of biomarker dependence using a copula-based multivariate epsilon-skew-normal family of distributions
by Alan D. Hutson & Gregory E. Wilding & Terry L. Mashtare & Albert Vexler - 2754-2768 Household budget-share distributions and welfare implications: an application of multivariate distributional statistics
by Manisha Chakrabarty & Amita Majumder & Jeffrey Racine - 2769-2775 Combining the t test and Wilcoxon's rank-sum test
by Markus Neuh�user
November 2015, Volume 42, Issue 11
- 2293-2306 Robust pairwise multiple comparisons under short-tailed symmetric distributions
by Sibel Balci & Aysen Dener Akkaya - 2307-2320 A class of tests of proportional hazards assumption for left-truncated and right-censored data
by Wei Chen & Dehui Wang & Yanfeng Li - 2321-2334 Product partition latent variable model for multiple change-point detection in multivariate data
by Gift Nyamundanda & Avril Hegarty & Kevin Hayes - 2335-2352 The uncertainty of a selected graphical model
by Iris Pigeot & Fabian Sobotka & Svend Kreiner & Ronja Foraita - 2353-2366 The Poisson-exponential model for recurrent event data: an application to bowel motility data
by Francisco Louzada & M�rcia A.C. Macera & Vicente G. Cancho - 2367-2390 Climate, agriculture, and hunger: statistical prediction of undernourishment using nonlinear regression and data-mining techniques
by Julie E. Shortridge & Stefanie M. Falconi & Benjamin F. Zaitchik & Seth D. Guikema - 2391-2405 Overpayment models for medical audits: multiple scenarios
by Tahir Ekin & R. Muzaffer Musal & Lawrence V. Fulton - 2406-2419 An empirical study on the threshold cointegration of Chinese A and H cross-listed shares
by Haiqiang Chen & Yanli Zhu - 2420-2431 Detecting clusters with increased mean using scan windows with variable radius
by Chen-ju Lin & Yi-chun Shu - 2432-2448 Heteroscedasticity diagnostics in varying-coefficient partially linear regression models and applications in analyzing Boston housing data
by Jin-Guan Lin & Yan-Yong Zhao & Hong-Xia Wang - 2449-2460 The construction of a partial least-squares biplot
by Opeoluwa F. Oyedele & Sugnet Lubbe - 2461-2477 Semiparametric models of longitudinal and time-to-event data with applications to HIV viral dynamics and CD4 counts
by Xiaobing Zhao & Xian Zhou - 2478-2484 Experimental designs for open pollination in polycross trials
by Cini Varghese & Eldho Varghese & Seema Jaggi & Arpan Bhowmik - 2485-2496 A new S -super-2 control chart using repetitive sampling
by Muhammad Aslam & Nasrullah Khan & Chi-Hyuck Jun - 2497-2508 Robust estimation in partially linear regression models
by Yunlu Jiang - 2509-2519 Relative risk analysis of dengue cases using convolution extended into spatio-temporal model
by A. Sani & B. Abapihi & Mukhsar Mukhsar & Kadir Kadir
October 2015, Volume 42, Issue 10
- 2073-2079 Geometric aspects of deletion diagnostics in multivariate regression
by Myung Geun Kim - 2080-2099 Designing stratified sampling in economic and business surveys
by M.G.M. Khan & K.G. Reddy & D.K. Rao - 2100-2114 Crossover design in clinical trials for binary response
by Uttam Bandyopadhyay & Joydeep Basu & Ganesh Dutta - 2115-2125 Robust group testing for multiple traits with misclassification
by Juan Ding & Wenjun Xiong - 2126-2140 Smoothed functional canonical correlation analysis of humidity and temperature data
by Istem Koymen Keser & Ipek Deveci Kocako� - 2141-2158 A multilevel model with autoregressive components for the analysis of tribal art prices
by Lucia Modugno & Silvia Cagnone & Simone Giannerini - 2159-2179 New flexible models generated by gamma random variables for lifetime modeling
by Edwin M.M. Ortega & Artur J. Lemonte & Giovana O. Silva & Gauss M. Cordeiro - 2180-2191 Joint modeling of correlated binary outcomes: HIV-1 and HSV-2 co-infection
by Musie Ghebremichael - 2192-2202 A generalized analysis of the dependence structure by means of ANOVA
by Antonello D'Ambra & Anna Crisci & Pasquale Sarnacchiaro - 2203-2219 Distribution-free inference of zero-inflated binomial data for longitudinal studies
by H. He & W. Wang & J. Hu & R. Gallop & P. Crits-Christoph & Y. Xia - 2220-2232 An intuitive clustering algorithm for spherical data with application to extrasolar planets
by Wen-Liang Hung & Shou-Jen Chang-Chien & Miin-Shen Yang - 2233-2256 Joint modeling of mixed skewed continuous and ordinal longitudinal responses: a Bayesian approach
by M. Teimourian & T. Baghfalaki & M. Ganjali & D. Berridge - 2257-2279 Testing the proportional odds assumption in multiply imputed ordinal longitudinal data
by A.F. Donneau & M. Mauer & P. Lambert & E. Lesaffre & A. Albert - 2280-2289 Joint distribution of new sample rank of bivariate order statistics
by Gulder Kemalbay & Ismihan Bayramoglu (Bairamov) - 2290-2290 Sequential analysis: hypothesis testing and changepoint detection
by Pieter Bastiaan Ober - 2291-2291 Handbook of univariate and multivariate data analysis with IBM SPSS, second edition
by Božidar V. Popović
September 2015, Volume 42, Issue 9
- 1843-1860 The effects of individually varying times of observations on growth parameter estimations in piecewise growth model
by Yuan Liu & Hongyun Liu & Hang Li & Qian Zhao - 1861-1876 Models for surveillance data under reporting delay: applications to US veteran first-time suicide attempters
by Y. Xia & N. Lu & I. Katz & R. Bossarte & J. Arora & H. He & J.X. Tu & B. Stephens & A. Watts & X.M. Tu - 1877-1895 Segmented classification analysis with a class of rectangle-screened elliptical populations
by Hea-Jung Kim - 1896-1910 Mixed-effect models for longitudinal responses with different types of dropout: an application to the Leiden 85-plus study
by A. Spagnoli & J.J. Houwing-Duistermaat & M. Alf� - 1911-1930 Robust first-order rotatable lifetime improvement experimental designs
by Rabindra Nath Das & Jinseog Kim & Youngjo Lee - 1931-1945 Joint modelling of longitudinal biomarker and gap time between recurrent events: copula-based dependence
by Amal Saki Malehi & Ebrahim Hajizadeh & Kambiz A. Ahmadi & Parvin Mansouri - 1946-1961 Two sample test for high-dimensional partially paired data
by Seokho Lee & Johan Lim & Insuk Sohn & Sin-Ho Jung & Cheol-Keun Park - 1962-1972 Dihedral angles principal geodesic analysis using nonlinear statistics
by A. Nodehi & M. Golalizadeh & A. Heydari - 1973-1983 Empirical likelihood ratio-based goodness-of-fit test for the logistic distribution
by Hadi Alizadeh Noughabi - 1984-1992 An alternative procedure for performing a power analysis of Mantel's test
by A.R. Silva & C.T.S. Dias & P.R. Cecon & E.R. Rêgo - 1993-2009 Bayesian spatial prediction of skew and censored data via a hybrid algorithm
by Firoozeh Rivaz & Majid Jafari Khaledi - 2010-2029 Regression model for interval-valued variables based on copulas
by Eufr�sio de A. Lima Neto & Ulisses U. dos Anjos - 2030-2037 The effects of data input errors on subsequent statistical inference
by Marcin Kozak & Wojtek Krzanowski & Izabela Cichocka & James Hartley - 2038-2055 Emulation and interpretation of high-dimensional climate model outputs
by Philip B. Holden & Neil R. Edwards & Paul H. Garthwaite & Richard D. Wilkinson - 2056-2072 Robust estimation for non-homogeneous data and the selection of the optimal tuning parameter: the density power divergence approach
by Abhik Ghosh & Ayanendranath Basu
August 2015, Volume 42, Issue 8
- 1617-1634 An outlier-resistant test for heteroscedasticity in linear models
by Ekele Alih & Hong Choon Ong - 1635-1644 CUSUM chart for detecting range shifts when monotonicity of likelihood ratio is invalid
by Guanfu Liu & Xiaolong Pu & Lei Wang & Dongdong Xiang - 1645-1658 Adaptive Bayesian bandwidth selection in asymmetric kernel density estimation for nonnegative heavy-tailed data
by Y. Ziane & S. Adjabi & N. Zougab - 1659-1676 The sinh-normal/independent nonlinear regression model
by Filidor Vilca & Camila Borelli Zeller & Gauss M. Cordeiro - 1677-1689 Estimating the minority class proportion with the ROC curve using Military Personality Inventory data of the ROK Armed Forces
by Meesun Sun & Kwanghyun Choi & Sungzoon Cho - 1690-1705 Multiple window discrete scan statistic for higher-order Markovian sequences
by Deidra A. Coleman & Donald E.K. Martin & Brian J. Reich - 1706-1715 Testing the homogeneity of proportions for clustered binary data without knowing the correlation structure
by Tsung-Shan Tsou & Hsiao-Yun Liu - 1716-1722 A comparison of different procedures for principal component analysis in the presence of outliers
by B. Baris Alkan & Cemal Atakan & Nesrin Alkan - 1723-1739 Non-sparse ϵ -insensitive support vector regression for outlier detection
by Waleed Dhhan & Sohel Rana & Habshah Midi - 1740-1756 A Monte Carlo comparison of alternative methods of maximum likelihood ranking in racing sports
by Aaron Anderson - 1757-1758 Comment on multiple comparisons with a control under heteroscedasticity
by Mario Hasler - 1759-1769 Comment on testing for spurious and cointegrated regressions: a wavelet approach
by Javier Fern�ndez-Macho - 1770-1772 Response to the comment on testing for spurious and cointegrated regressions: a wavelet approach
by Chee Kian Leong - 1773-1781 Classification trees aided mixed regression model
by Oguz Akbilgic - 1782-1791 Saddlepoint p -values for a class of tests for comparing competing risks with censored data
by Ehab F. Abd-Elfattah - 1792-1812 Comparison of three-level cluster randomized trials using quantile dispersion graphs
by S.P. Singh & S. Mukhopadhyay & A. Roy - 1813-1828 Spatial modeling of extreme rainfall in northeast Thailand
by Sanghoo Yoon & Bungon Kumphon & Jeong-Soo Park - 1829-1841 Interval estimation for conformance proportions of multiple quality characteristics
by Chien-Lang Chen & Shang-Ling Ou & Chen-Tuo Liao
July 2015, Volume 42, Issue 7
- 1383-1401 Buckley-James-type estimation of quantile regression with recurrent gap time data
by Jung-Yu Cheng & Shinn-Jia Tzeng - 1402-1420 Testing the rate ratio under inverse sampling based on gradient statistic
by Cuizhen Niu & Qiang Xia - 1421-1441 Random effects regression mixtures for analyzing infant habituation
by Derek S. Young & David R. Hunter - 1442-1457 A software reliability model using mean residual quantile function
by Bijamma Thomas & N.N. Midhu & P.G. Sankaran - 1458-1471 Assessing influential trade effects via high-frequency market reactions
by Meihui Guo & Yi-Ting Guo & Chi-Jeng Wang & Liang-Ching Lin - 1472-1489 A comparison of the parameter estimation methods for bimodal mixture Weibull distribution with complete data
by Aydin Karakoca & Ulku Erisoglu & Murat Erisoglu - 1490-1502 Robust two parameter ridge M-estimator for linear regression
by Hasan Ertas & Selma Toker & Selahattin Ka�ıranlar - 1503-1518 Automatic clustering algorithm for fuzzy data
by Wen-Liang Hung & Jenn-Hwai Yang - 1519-1530 Migration pattern in Bangladesh: a covariate-dependent Markov model
by Jahida Gulshan & Md. Mejbahuddin Mina & Syed Shahadat Hossain - 1531-1546 Linear and segmented trends in sea surface temperature data
by Luis A. Gil-Alana - 1547-1555 Estimating the hazard functions of two alternately occurring recurrent events
by Sugata Sen Roy & Moumita Chatterjee - 1556-1571 An online copy number variant detection method for short sequencing reads
by Ayten Yiğiter & Jie Chen & Lingling An & Nazan Danacioğlu - 1572-1590 Analysing organic food buyers' perceptions with Bayesian networks: a case study in Turkey
by E. Cene & F. Karaman - 1591-1601 Wavelet and short-time Fourier transform comparison-based analysis of myoelectric signals
by Karan Veer & Ravinder Agarwal - 1602-1616 Nonparametric estimation and test of conditional Kendall's tau under semi-competing risks data and truncated data
by Jin-Jian Hsieh & Wei-Cheng Huang
June 2015, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 1148-1165 Bayesian estimation and case influence diagnostics for the zero-inflated negative binomial regression model
by Aldo M. Garay & Victor H. Lachos & Heleno Bolfarine - 1166-1182 Modeling veterans' health benefit grants using the expectation maximization algorithm
by Tatjana Miljkovic & Nikita Barabanov - 1183-1205 Robust estimation of the mean vector for high-dimensional data set using robust clustering
by Hamid Shahriari & Orod Ahmadi - 1206-1222 Bayesian joint modeling of correlated counts data with application to adverse birth outcomes
by Cindy Xin Feng - 1223-1239 Frequentist and Bayesian approaches for a joint model for prostate cancer risk and longitudinal prostate-specific antigen data
by Carles Serrat & Montserrat Ru� & Carmen Armero & Xavier Piulachs & H�ctor Perpi��n & Anabel Forte & �lvaro P�ez & Guadalupe G�mez - 1240-1254 Robust estimation of mean and covariance for longitudinal data with dropouts
by Guoyou Qin & Zhongyi Zhu - 1255-1277 The penalized biclustering model and related algorithms
by Thierry Chekouo & Alejandro Murua - 1278-1290 Using repeated-prevalence data in multi-state modeling of renal replacement therapy
by Antoine Dany & Emmanuelle Dantony & Mad-H�l�nie Elsensohn & Emmanuel Villar & C�cile Couchoud & Ren� Ecochard - 1291-1305 On the assessment of various factors effecting the improvement in CD4 count of aids patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy using generalized Poisson regression
by Gurprit Grover & Ravi Vajala & Prafulla Kumar Swain - 1306-1321 The total bootstrap median: a robust and efficient estimator of location and scale for small samples
by Peter A. Dowd & Eulogio Pardo-Igúzquiza & Juan Jos� Egozcue - 1322-1331 A modified approximate method for analysis of degradation data
by Thiago Rezende dos Santos & Enrico A. Colosimo - 1332-1347 Bootstrap unit root test based on least absolute deviation estimation under dependence assumptions
by Xiaorong Yang - 1348-1366 Standardized mortality ratio for an estimated number of deaths
by Xu Tang & Fah Fatt Gan & Lingyun Zhang - 1367-1373 Statistical diagnosis for non-parametric regression models with random right censorship based on the empirical likelihood method
by Shuling Wang & Xiaoyan Wang & Jiangtao Dai - 1374-1381 Notes on estimation of the intraclass correlation under the AB/BA crossover trial
by Kung-Jong Lui
May 2015, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 921-937 Statistical models for disaggregation and reaggregation of natural gas consumption data
by M. Brabec & O. Kon�r & M. Malý & I. Kasanický & E. Pelik�n - 938-955 Cluster-based multivariate outlier identification and re-weighted regression in linear models
by Ekele Alih & Hong Choon Ong - 956-966 Granger-causality in Markov switching models
by Monica Billio & Silvio Di Sanzo - 967-985 Nonnested hypothesis testing in the class of varying dispersion beta regressions
by Francisco Cribari-Neto & Sadraque E.F. Lucena - 986-993 A useful approach to identify the multicollinearity in the presence of outliers
by Alper Sinan & B. Barıs Alkan - 994-1016 Bayesian approach to the inverse problem in a light scattering application
by Fernando A. Otero & Helcio R. Barreto Orlande & Gloria L. Frontini & Guillermo E. Eli�abe - 1017-1031 Predictor relative importance and matching regression parameters
by Stan Lipovetsky & W. Michael Conklin - 1032-1042 Optimum multivariate stratified double sampling design: Chebyshev's Goal Programming approach
by Shazia Ghufran & Saman Khowaja & M.J. Ahsan - 1043-1063 Local labour markets delineation: an approach based on evolutionary algorithms and classification methods
by M. Pilar Alonso & Asunci�n Beamonte & Pilar Gargallo & Manuel Salvador - 1064-1079 Bayesian alignment of proteins via Delaunay tetrahedralization
by S.M. Najibi & M.R. Faghihi & M. Golalizadeh & S.S. Arab - 1080-1090 Simultaneous inference of a misclassified outcome and competing risks failure time data
by Sheng Luo & Xiao Su & Min Yi & Kelly K. Hunt - 1091-1105 Determination of the functional form of the relationship of covariates to the log hazard ratio in a Cox model
by B. Ganguli & M. Naskar & E.J. Malloy & E.A. Eisen - 1106-1119 Testing hypotheses about medical test accuracy: considerations for design and inference
by Adam J. Branscum & Dunlei Cheng & J. Jack Lee - 1120-1132 Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo imputation for the transiting exoplanets with an application in clustering analysis
by Huei-Wen Teng & Wen-Liang Hung & Yen-Ju Chao - 1133-1147 Multi-relational learning via hierarchical nonparametric Bayesian collective matrix factorization
by Hongxia Yang & Aurelie Lozano
April 2015, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 690-704 Analyzing time-frequency relationship between oil price and exchange rate in Pakistan through wavelets
by Muhammad Shahbaz & Aviral Kumar Tiwari & Mohammad Iqbal Tahir - 705-721 Stabilizing heteroscedasticity for butterfly-distributed residuals by the weighting absolute centered external variable
by Resit Çelik - 722-744 The geography of Spanish bank branches
by L. Alam� & D. Conesa & A. Forte & E. Tortosa-Ausina - 745-761 A Bayesian approach of joint models for clustered zero-inflated count data with skewness and measurement errors
by Ying-zi Fu & Pei-xiao Chu & Li-ying Lu - 762-774 Variable selection via a multi-stage strategy
by Jing Chang & Herbert K.H. Lee - 775-788 A new financial stress index model based on support vector regression and control chart
by Mohamed El Ghourabi & Amira Dridi & Mohamed Limam - 789-805 Skew-normal factor analysis models with incomplete data
by M. Liu & T.I. Lin - 806-816 Urban public transport choice behavior analysis and service improvement policy-making: a case study from the metropolitan city, Chengdu, China
by Fei Yang & Lin Chen & Yang Cheng & Zhenxing Yao & Xu Zhang - 817-827 Multiple imputation of censored survival data in the presence of missing covariates using restricted mean survival time
by Gurprit Grover & Vinay K. Gupta - 828-833 On uncertainty of a proportion from a stratified random sample of a small population
by M.S. Hamada & B.L. Mitchell & C.T. Necker - 834-845 A spatio-temporal model for assessing winter damage risk to east coast vineyards
by Andrew Hoegh & Scotland Leman - 846-865 A minimum spanning tree equipartition algorithm for microaggregation
by Costas Panagiotakis & Georgios Tziritas - 866-875 Measure of departure from symmetry for the analysis of collapsed square contingency tables with ordered categories
by Kouji Yamamoto & Fumika Shimada & Sadao Tomizawa - 876-904 Generalized Nelson-Siegel term structure model: do the second slope and curvature factors improve the in-sample fit and out-of-sample forecasts?
by Wali Ullah & Yasumasa Matsuda & Yoshihiko Tsukuda - 905-913 Analysis of discrete lifetime data under middle-censoring and in the presence of covariates
by S. Rao Jammalamadaka & Elvynna Leong - 914-915 Applied meta-analysis with R
by Philip Pallmann - 915-915 Statistical analysis of human growth and development
by Marina A.P. Andrade - 916-916 Constrained principal component analysis and related techniques
by Jonathan Gillard - 916-917 Handbook of spatial point-pattern analysis in ecology
by Paul M. Ramsay - 917-918 Modern survey sampling
by Mariano Ruiz Espejo - 918-919 Circular statistics in R
by Giuseppe Pandolfo
March 2015, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 463-476 A multiple imputation approach to nonlinear mixed-effects models with covariate measurement errors and missing values
by Wei Liu & Shuyou Li - 477-491 Application of skew-normal distribution for detecting differential expression to microRNA data
by Ahmed Hossain & Joseph Beyene - 492-507 Kalman filter-based modelling and forecasting of stochastic volatility with threshold
by Himadri Ghosh & Bishal Gurung & Prajneshu - 508-519 Empirical Bayes estimation of parameters in Markov transition probability matrix with computational methods
by Babulal Seal & Sk Jakir Hossain - 520-534 Generalized cross entropy method for analysing the SERVQUAL model
by E. Ciavolino & A. Calcagnì - 535-554 A multidimensional view on poverty in the European Union by partial order theory
by Paola Annoni & Rainer Bruggemann & Lars Carlsen - 555-565 Predicting objective physical activity from self-report surveys: a model validation study using estimated generalized least-squares regression
by Nicholas Beyler & Wayne Fuller & Sarah Nusser & Gregory Welk - 566-576 Extreme values identification in regression using a peaks-over-threshold approach
by Tong Siu Tung Wong & Wai Keung Li - 577-588 Dynamic optimal capital growth of diversified investment
by Luo Yong & Zhu Bo & Tang Yong