1999, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 5-18 A Markov chain model for longitudinal categorical data when there may be non-ignorable non-response
by Saling Huang & Morton Brown - 19-34 Optimal orthogonal block designs for a quadratic mixture model for three components
by L. Y. Chan - 35-44 Exact joint forecast regions for vector autoregressive models
by Wai-Sum Chan - 45-58 Non-parametric estimation with doubly censored data
by Guadalupe Gomez & M. Luz Calle - 59-67 Antedependence models in the analysis of multi-group high-dimensional data
by W. J. Krzanowski - 69-80 Paired comparison models applied to the design of the Major League baseball play-offs
by Donald Martin - 81-96 Interval estimators for the population mean for skewed distributions with a small sample size
by Glen Meeden - 97-101 Remarks on the 'Bayesian' method of moments
by Seymour Geisser - 103-128 Recursive and en-bloc approaches to signal extraction
by Peter Young - 129-160 Shewhart control charts for the scale parameter of a Weibull control variable with fixed and variable sampling intervals
by M. F. Ramalhoto & M. Morais
1998, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 723-731 Mechanics of microelectrics examined by design of experiments techniques
by Vladimir Brajkovic - 733-738 Minimum average fraction inspected for short-run CSP-1 plan
by Reay-Chen Wang - 739-750 Improved penalized mean for estimating the mean concentration of contaminants
by Ling Chen - 751-762 An outlier problem in the determination of ore grade
by Brenton Clarke & Toby Lewis - 763-775 Projected polynomial autoregression for prediction of stationary time series
by Xavier De Luna - 777-783 Hybrid test for the hypothesis of symmetry
by Reza Modarres & Joseph Gastwirth - 785-799 General formulae for expectations, variances and covariances of the mean squares for staggered nested designs
by Yoshikazu Ojima - 801-810 New generalization of process capability index Cpk
by W. L. Pearn - 811-816 Rounding halves
by Graham Upton - 817-826 Application of genetic algorithms to the construction of exact D-optimal designs
by Grace Montepiedra - 827-837 Robustness of complete diallel crosses plans to the unavailability of one block
by D. K. Ghosh
June 1998, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 579-592 Vector autoregression modelling and forecasting growth of South Korea
by Anita Ghatak - 593-600 Testing for brain anomalies: A hippocampus study
by Larisa Matejic - 601-612 Identification of outlying height and weight data in the Iranian National Health Survey 1990-92
by M. Hosseini & R. G. Carpenter & K. Mohammad - 613-638 Mixture designs for constrained components in orthogonal blocks
by Philip Prescott & Norman R. Draper - 639-649 Assessing parameter uncertainty via bootstrap likelihood ratio confidence regions
by James Carpenter - 651-669 Contributions to adaptive estimation
by James F. Reed - 671-683 Testing for multivariate normality via univariate tests: A case study using lead isotope ratio data
by M. J. Baxter & N. H. Gale - 685-698 Evaluation of alternative model selection criteria in the analysis of unimodal response curves using CART
by Christine A. Ribic & Thomas W. Miller - 699-706 Calculating the total vote where the district magnitude is greater than one: A test of some algorithms using British local election data
by Christine Gunter & Colin Rallings & Michael Thrasher - 707-714 Reliability sampling plans for the two-parameter exponential distribution under progressive censoring
by Uditha Balasooriya & Sutaip L. C. Saw
1998, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 451-461 Tightened single-level continuous sampling plan
by K. Govindaraju & S. Balamurali - 463-474 Test of alternative strike settlement models
by Fritz Efaw - 475-488 Aggregate consumption functions for India: A cointegration analysis under structural changes, 1919-86
by Anita Ghatak - 489-515 Carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth: A structural approach
by Gary Koop - 517-523 The 'demon' problem of Youden: Exponential case
by Alexei Dmitrienko & Z. Govindarajulu - 525-533 Direct estimation of the percentile 'p-value' for the one-sample median test
by Alan Hutson - 535-543 Effects of correlation on fraction non-conforming statistical process control procedures
by C. D. Lai & K. Govindaraju & M. Xie - 545-558 Viability and capability indexes for multiresponse processes
by Alan Veevers - 559-574 Estimating process capability indexes for autocorrelated data
by Nien Fan Zhang
1998, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 307-317 Gauge imprecision effect on the performance of the X-S control chart
by Hans-Joachim Mittag & Dietmar Stemann - 319-332 Use of a mixture model for the analysis of contraceptive-use duration among long-term users
by Duolao Wang & Mike Murphy - 333-340 Analysis of tidal data via the blockwise bootstrap
by Michael Sherman & F. Michael Speed & F. Michael Speed - 341-348 Design and evaluation of skip-lot sampling inspection plans with double-sampling plan as the reference plan
by R. Vijayaraghavan & V. Soundararajan - 349-356 Identification of confounded design and its interactions
by D. K. Ghosh & S. C. Bagui - 357-374 Parametric versus semi-parametric models for the analysis of correlated survival data: A case study in veterinary epidemiology
by M. M. Shoukri & M. Attanasio & J. M. Sargeant - 375-385 Non-parametric procedure for knockout tournaments
by Christopher Todd Edwards - 387-398 Power-divergence-type measure of departure from symmetry for square contingency tables that have nominal categories
by Sadao Tomizawa & Takashi Seo & Hideharu Yamamoto - 399-407 Zero acceptance number quick switching system for compliance sampling
by K. Govindaraju & S. Ganesalingam - 409-424 Analyzing the effects of level shifts and temporary changes on the identification of ARIMA models
by F. Javier Trivez & Javier Nievas - 425-443 Bayesian object matching
by Stan Li
1998, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 155-171 A review of image-warping methods
by C. A. Glasbey & K. V. Mardia - 173-179 Imperfectly shuffled decks in bridge
by Edvin Bredrup & Li-Chun Zhang - 181-191 A non-parametric index of tracking
by James Koziol - 193-206 Combining forecast quantiles using quantile regression: Investigating the derived weights, estimator bias and imposing constraints
by James Taylor & Derek Bunn - 207-219 Estimation of Weibull distribution parameters for irregular interval group failure data with unknown failure times
by A. B. M. Zohrul Kabir - 221-229 Probability models on horse-race outcomes
by Mukhtar Ali - 231-235 Fisher's repeated normal integral function and shape distributions
by K. V. Mardia - 237-244 Profile analysis for randomized complete block experiments
by Dalton Andrade & Julio Singer - 245-255 Tests for multiple upper or lower outliers in an exponential sample
by Jin Zhang - 257-261 Unmasking test for multiple upper or lower outliers in normal samples
by Jin Zhang & Xueren Wang - 263-282 Comparison of Akaike information criterion and consistent Akaike information criterion for model selection and statistical inference from capture-recapture studies
by D. R. Anderson & K. P. Burnham & G. C. White - 283-299 Forecasting electricity consumption with extra-model information provided by consumers
by Victor Guerrero & Edmundo Berumen
1998, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 23-40 A statistical signalling model for use in surveillance of adverse drug reaction data
by Eric Hillson & Jaxk Reeves & Charlotte Mcmillan - 41-62 Optimal design of accelerated life tests under modified stress loading methods
by Sang-Jun Park & Bong-Jin Yum - 63-74 Robustness of the t and U tests under combined assumption violations
by John Stonehouse & Guy Forrester - 75-83 Expected experiment times for the Weibull distribution under progressive censoring with random removals
by Siu-Keung Tse & Hak-Keung Yuen - 85-102 Estimation of HIV seroconversion and effects of age in the San Francisco homosexual population
by Wai-Yuan Tan & Si Chin Tang & Sho Rong Lee - 103-109 Chain sampling plan for variables inspection
by K. Govindaraju & S. Balamurali - 111-120 Best efficient estimates of the intensity function of the power law process
by Hongzhu Qiao & Chris Tsokos - 121-129 Graphical approach to model adequacy based on exact and near replicates
by M. Yahyah & A. Baines & D. N. Joanes - 131-143 Genotypic performance over environmental arrays: A non-linear grouping protocol
by J. E. Toler & P. M. Burrows - 145-152 Local influence on a test of linear hypothesis in multiple regression model
by Myung Geun Kim
1997, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 635-646 Survey of the major world sports rating systems
by Raymond Stefani - 647-658 New approach in biased regression
by E. M. Qannari & E. Vigneau & M. Semenou - 659-670 Estimating time to detect time trends in continuous cropping
by Murari Singh & Michael Jones - 671-688 Non-traditional analysis of stock returns
by M. A. Kaboudan - 689-696 Determination of an attribute single sampling scheme
by S. Balamurali & M. Kalyanasundaram - 697-710 Best linear unbiased estimates in ranked-set sampling with particular reference to imperfect ordering
by Vic Barnett & Karen Moore - 711-722 Quantile dispersion graphs for analysis of variance estimates of variance components
by A. I. Khuri - 723-732 Estimating turning points using polynomial regression
by Ram Mudambi - 733-746 Mean squared error of prediction approach to the analysis of a combined array
by Eileen O'Donnell & G. Geoffrey Vining
1997, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 499-512 Estimating principal points of univariate distributions
by Thaddeus Tarpey - 513-538 Review of the use of context in statistical image analysis
by I. L. Dryden & K. V. Mardia & A. N. Walder - 539-548 Minimum average fraction inspected for continuous sampling plan CSP-1 under inspection error
by Reay-Chen Wang & Chung-Ho Chen - 549-558 Consistent selection of the actual model in regression analysis
by Gilles Ducharme - 559-572 Estimation of non-parametric regression in the analysis of the anti-inflammatory activity of diverse extracts of Sideritis foetens
by E. Ayuga Tellez & C. Ayuga Tellez & C. Gonzalez Garcia & E. Martinez Falero - 573-588 A statistical approach to multivariate evaluation of diversity with respect to quantitative characteristics in cereal germplasm collections
by Wieslaw Madry - 589-602 Using the chi-square statistic to monitor compositional process data
by Russell Boyles - 603-632 Power comparison of non-parametric tests: Small-sample properties from Monte Carlo experiments
by Hisashi Tanizaki
1997, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 371-382 An analysis of variance type test for comparing clusters of DNA sequences based on randomization test methodologies
by Charles Katholi & Anthony Merriweather & Thomas Unnasch - 383-394 The relationship between Zipf's law and the distribution of first digits
by Shragga Irmay - 395-408 Estimation of variance components in staggered nested designs
by Ravindra Khattree & Dayanand Naik & Robert Mason - 409-420 Design and analysis of a fractional 413125 split-plot experiment
by Eric Schoen & Kirsten Wolff - 421-436 A statistical approach to the resolution of point sources
by Carmen Acuna & Joseph Horowitz - 437-452 Catalogue of group structures for two-level fractional factorial designs
by M. L. Aggarwal & A. Goel & S. R. Chowdhury - 453-474 Factorial hypercube designs for spatial correlation regression
by Raviprakash Salagame & Russell Barton - 475-492 Detection capability of residual control chart for stationary process data
by Nien Fan Zhang
1997, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 251-264 One-sided sign-type non-parametric procedures for comparing treatments with a control in a randomized complete block design
by L. H. Kao & S. Chakraborti - 265-278 A mover-stayer mixture of Markov chain models for the assessment of dedifferentiation and tumour progression in breast cancer
by H. H. Chen & S. W. Duffy & L. Tabar - 279-288 A graphical method for testing the equality of several variances
by C. V. Rao & S. Hari Krishna - 289-300 Unit roots and structural breaks: The case of India 1900-1988
by Anita Ghatak - 301-318 The delta-corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the two-parameter Weibull distribution
by H. J. Khamis - 319-332 Robust analysis of variance
by Herbert Buning - 333-342 Identification of outlier bootstrap samples
by J. Munoz-Garcia & R. Pino-Mejias & J. M. Munoz-Pichardo & M. D. Cubiles-De-La-Vega - 343-362 Inter-university variations in undergraduate non-completion rates: A statistical analysis by subject of study
by Jill Johnes
1997, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 139-146 Seasonal patterns of fertility measures: A Bayesian approach
by L. I. Pettit & J. L. Palmer - 147-156 Further properties of mixture designs for five components in orthogonal blocks
by P. Prescott & N. R. Draper & S. M. Lewis & A. M. Dean - 157-168 Estimation in a random effects growth curve model
by Tapio Nummi - 169-180 Modelling the distribution of stamp paper thickness via finite normal mixtures: The 1872 Hidalgo stamp issue of Mexico revisited
by K. E. Basford & G. J. Mclachlan & M. G. York - 181-192 Multiple intervention analysis with application to sales promotion data
by Y. Eric Shao - 193-206 Power of tests for uniformity when limits are unknown
by Martin Schader & Friedrich Schmid - 207-218 Selection of single sampling variables plans based on the minimum angle
by V. Soundararajan & A. L. Christina - 219-236 A modification of the test of Shapiro and Wilk for normality
by M. Mahibbur Rahman & Z. Govindarajulu
1997, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-10 Gender and performance of world-class athletes
by Sangit Chatterjee & Matthew Laudato - 11-24 How to predict election winners from a poll
by P. L. H. Yu & K. Lam - 25-48 Critical values for unit root tests in seasonal time series
by Philip Hans Franses & Bart Hobijn - 49-76 Procedures and tables for the construction and selection of chain sampling plans ChSP-4A(c1 ,c2 )r-Part 5
by C. Raju & J. Jothikumar - 77-84 A comparison of two large sample confidence intervals for a proportion: A Monte Carlo simulation
by Ken Hung - 85-96 Distributions of the lifetimes of system components operating under an unknown common environment
by Dhaifalla Al-Mutairi & Satish Agarwal - 97-104 Hierarchic predictive ratio-based and product-based estimators and their efficiency
by M. C. Agrawal & A. B. Sthapit - 105-112 Interpretation of Kappa and B statistics measures of agreement
by Sergio Munoz & Shrikant Bangdiwala - 113-122 Modelling with quantile distribution functions
by Warren Gilchrist