March 2014, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 582-595 Multivariate extreme value analysis and its relevance in a metallographical application
by A.B. Schmiedt & H.H. Dickert & W. Bleck & U. Kamps - 596-611 Hansen and Hurwitz estimator with scrambled response on the second call
by Giancarlo Diana & Saba Riaz & Javid Shabbir - 612-621 Hierarchical Bayesian bivariate disease mapping: analysis of children and adults asthma visits to hospital
by Mahmoud Torabi - 622-634 Modeling categorical covariates for lifetime data in the presence of cure fraction by Bayesian partition structures
by Francisco Louzada & M�rio de Castro & Vera Tomazella & Jhon F.B. Gonzales - 635-651 A novel auto-regressive fractionally integrated moving average--least-squares support vector machine model for electricity spot prices prediction
by Najeh Chaâbane - 652-659 A statistical testing framework for evaluating the quality of measurement processes
by Edgard Nyssen & Wolfgang Jacquet - 660-676 Inference for mixed generalized exponential distribution under progressively type-II censored samples
by Yuzhu Tian & Qianqian Zhu & Maozai Tian - 677-687 Bivariate beta regression models: joint modeling of the mean, dispersion and association parameters
by Edilberto Cepeda-Cuervo & Jorge Alberto Achcar & Liliana Garrido Lopera - 688-700 Evaluation of incomplete multiple diagnostic tests, with an application in the colon cancer family registry study
by Yi Zhang & Haitao Chu & Donglin Zeng
February 2014, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 233-241 Dummy variables vs. category-wise models
by H.E.T. Holgersson & L. Nordstr�m & Ö. Öner - 242-258 Image warping using radial basis functions
by Ting-Li Chen & Stuart Geman - 259-274 Comparing the mean vectors of two independent multivariate log-normal distributions
by S.H. Lin - 275-293 Mixtures of autoregressive-autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic models: semi-parametric approach
by Arash Nademi & Rahman Farnoosh - 294-319 A non-homogeneous hidden Markov model for predicting the distribution of sea surface elevation
by Tsukasa Hokimoto & Kunio Shimizu - 320-331 Bayesian multivariate GARCH models with dynamic correlations and asymmetric error distributions
by Jos� A. Fioruci & Ricardo S. Ehlers & Marinho G. Andrade Filho - 332-350 Reconstructing nonlinear structure in regression residuals
by Michael McCullough & Thomas L Marsh & Ron C Mittelhammer - 351-363 A powerful test for multivariate normality
by Ming Zhou & Yongzhao Shao - 364-381 Linear regression model with new symmetric distributed errors
by A. Asrat Atsedeweyn & K. Srinivasa Rao - 382-392 The determinants of price in online auctions: more evidence from unbalanced panel data
by Ji-Liang Shiu & Chia-Hung D. Sun - 393-406 Variable selection for multivariate generalized linear models
by Xiaoguang Wang & Junhui Fan - 407-422 The resampling of entropies with the application of biodiversity
by Saeid Amiri - 423-438 A Bayesian approach for locating change points in a compound Poisson process with application to detecting DNA copy number variations
by Paul J. Plummer & Jie Chen - 439-453 Hybrid-based confidence intervals for the ratio of two treatment means in the over-dispersed Poisson data
by Krishna K. Saha & Roger Bilisoly & Darius M. Dziuda - 454-466 Analyzing non-stationarity in cement stone pit by median polish interpolation: a case study
by Bulent Tutmez
January 2014, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Robert G. Aykroyd - 2-25 Modelling oil and gas supply disruption risks using extreme-value theory and copula
by Nalan G�lpınar & Kabir Katata - 26-45 A method for choosing the smoothing parameter in a semi-parametric model for detecting change-points in blood flow
by Sung Wan Han & Rickson C. Mesquita & Theresa M. Busch & Mary E. Putt - 46-59 Statistical profiling methods with hierarchical logistic regression for healthcare providers with binary outcomes
by Xiaowei Yang & Bin Peng & Rongqi Chen & Qian Zhang & Dianwen Zhu & Qing J. Zhang & Fuzhong Xue & Lihong Qi - 60-72 Incorporating diagnostic accuracy into the estimation of discrete survival function
by Abidemi K. Adeniji & Steven H. Belle & Abdus S. Wahed - 73-94 A Bayesian cluster analysis of election results
by Xavier Puig & Josep Ginebra - 95-108 Variable selection for varying dispersion beta regression model
by Weihua Zhao & Riquan Zhang & Yazhao Lv & Jicai Liu - 109-117 Notes on two sample tests for partially correlated (paired) data
by Hani M. Samawi & Robert Vogel - 118-126 A proposal for plotting positions in probability plots
by E.D. Lozano-Aguilera, & Mar�a Dolores Estudillo-Mart�nez & Sonia Castillo-Guti�rrez - 127-141 Analyzing propensity matched zero-inflated count outcomes in observational studies
by Stacia M. DeSantis & Christos Lazaridis & Shuang Ji & Francis G. Spinale - 142-163 Dynamic functional data analysis with non-parametric state space models
by M�rcio Poletti Laurini - 164-199 A first-digit anomaly in the 2009 Iranian presidential election
by Boudewijn F. Roukema - 200-214 Control chart for monitoring multivariate COM-Poisson attributes
by Aamir Saghir & Zhengyan Lin - 215-232 Parameter estimation and prediction of order statistics for the Burr Type XII distribution with Type II censoring
by Hanieh Panahi & Abdolreza Sayyareh
December 2013, Volume 40, Issue 12
- 2549-2563 Efficient sample size allocation with cost constraints for heterogeneous-variance group comparison
by Jiin-Huarng Guo & Wei-Ming Luh - 2564-2578 A new variable selection method for uniform designs
by E. Androulakis & C. Koukouvinos - 2579-2600 Posterior likelihood ratios for evaluation of forensic trace evidence given a two-level model on the data
by Ivo Alberink & Annabel Bolck & Sonja Menges - 2601-2616 Identification of multiple high leverage points in logistic regression
by A.H.M. Rahmatullah Imon & Ali S. Hadi - 2617-2636 Parametric and nonparametric confidence intervals for estimating the difference of means of two skewed populations
by B. M. Golam Kibria & Shipra Banik - 2637-2652 Variable selection for partially varying coefficient single-index model
by Sanying Feng & Liugen Xue - 2653-2669 Integer autoregressive models with structural breaks
by Akanksha S. Kashikar & Neelabh Rohan & T.V. Ramanathan - 2670-2680 Frailty modeling for clustered survival data: an application to birth interval in Bangladesh
by Sharif Mahmood & Begum Zainab & A.H.M. Mahbub Latif - 2681-2698 The use of a reference variety for comparisons in incomplete series of crop variety trials
by Johannes Forkman - 2699-2719 A fast Monte Carlo expectation--maximization algorithm for estimation in latent class model analysis with an application to assess diagnostic accuracy for cervical neoplasia in women with atypical glandular cells
by Le Kang & Randy Carter & Kathleen Darcy & James Kauderer & Shu-Yuan Liao - 2720-2734 Estimation under modified Weibull distribution based on right censored generalized order statistics
by Saieed F. Ateya - 2735-2748 Fractionally integrated ARMA for crude palm oil prices prediction: case of potentially overdifference
by Abdul Aziz Karia & Imbarine Bujang & Ismail Ahmad - 2749-2759 Modular-transform based clustering
by Gang Wang & Jun Wang & Mingyu Wang - 2760-2770 A new discrete distribution: properties and applications in medical care
by Emilio Gómez Déniz - 2771-2772 Advances in time series forecasting
by Mikhail Moklyachuk - 2772-2773 Handbook of statistics in clinical oncology
by Yves Laberge - 2773-2773 Methodology in robust and nonparametric statistics
by Eugenia Stoimenova - 2773-2774 Bayesian statistics
by Mark Webster - 2774-2775 The BUGS book: a practical introduction to Bayesian analysis
by Han Lin Shang - 2775-2776 Introduction to linear regression analysis
by Pieter Bastiaan Ober - 2776-2777 Regression analysis by example
by Giovanni C. Porzio - 2777-2777 Maximum-likelihood estimation for sample surveys
by Claire Keeble - 2778-2778 Confidence intervals for proportions and related measures of effect size
by Mariano Ruiz Espejo - 2778-2779 Design and analysis of experiments in the health sciences
by Mariano Ruiz Espejo
November 2013, Volume 40, Issue 11
- 2317-2331 Temporal dynamics of inter-limb coordination in ice climbing revealed through change-point analysis of the geodesic mean of circular data
by Ludovic Seifert & Jean-Fran�ois Coeurjolly & Romain H�rault & L�o Wattebled & Keith Davids - 2332-2340 A revisitation of the export-led growth hypothesis in Malaysia using the leveraged bootstrap simulation and rolling causality techniques
by Chor Foon Tang - 2341-2353 Properties and performance of one-sided cumulative count of conforming chart with parameter estimation in high-quality processes
by Jing-Er Chiu & Chih-Hsin Tsai - 2354-2371 On a variance stabilizing model and its application to genomic data
by Filidor Vilca & Mariana Rodrigues-Motta & V�ctor Leiva - 2372-2384 Sequential LND sensitivity test for binary response data
by Lei Wang & Yukun Liu & Wei Wu & Xiaolong Pu - 2385-2406 Mobile safety cameras: estimating casualty reductions and the demand for secondary healthcare
by Lee Fawcett & Neil Thorpe - 2407-2422 Improving TAIEX forecasting using fuzzy time series with Box--Cox power transformation
by M. H. Lee & H. J. Sadaei & Suhartono - 2423-2436 Estimation of parameters in DNA mixture analysis
by Therese Graversen & Steffen Lauritzen - 2437-2450 Optimal progressive group censoring scheme under cost considerations for pareto distribution
by Coskun Kus & Yunus Akdogan & Shuo-Jye Wu - 2451-2461 Heterogeneous data modeling with two-component Weibull--Poisson distribution
by �lk� Erisoglu & Murat Erisoglu & Nazif Çalis - 2462-2479 Accuracy and fairness of rain rules for interrupted one-day cricket matches
by Robert Schall & Dianne Weatherall - 2480-2494 Decomposing the predictive performance of the moving average trading rule of technical analysis: the contribution of linear and non-linear dependencies in stock returns
by Alexandros E. Milionis & Evangelia Papanagiotou - 2495-2515 Robust and scale-free effect sizes for non-Normal two-sample comparisons, with applications in e-commerce
by David A. Wooff & Amin Jamalzadeh - 2516-2532 Hybrid Bayesian inference on HIV viral dynamic models
by Gang Han & Yangxin Huang & Qizhai Li & Lili Chen & Xi Zhang - 2533-2548 New measures of clumpiness for incidence data
by Yao Zhang & Eric T. Bradlow & Dylan S. Small
October 2013, Volume 40, Issue 10
- 2087-2109 A cointegration analysis of crime, economic activity, and police performance in São Paulo city
by Marcelo Justus dos Santos & Ana Lúcia Kassouf - 2110-2128 Variable dimension via stochastic volatility model using FX rates
by Wantanee Surapaitoolkorn - 2129-2149 A multiple group item response theory model with centered skew-normal latent trait distributions under a Bayesian framework
by Jose R.S. Santos & Caio L.N. Azevedo & Heleno Bolfarine - 2150-2162 Financial data modeling by Poisson mixture regression
by S. Faria & F. Gon�alves - 2163-2180 A concentration approach to sensitivity studies in statistical estimation problems
by Jacques B�nass�ni - 2181-2187 Confidence intervals for the ratio of two variances
by Vesna Ćojbašić Rajić & J. Stanojević - 2188-2203 Power-law scaling behavior analysis of financial time series model by voter interacting dynamic system
by Hongli Niu & Jun Wang - 2204-2218 Analysis of the amended Davidson model with order effect for paired comparison in the Bayesian paradigm
by Saima Altaf & Muhammad Aslam & Muhammad Aslam - 2219-2243 Influence measures in affine combination type regression
by M. Revan Özkale - 2244-2258 Segmental modeling of changing immunologic response for CD4 data with skewness, missingness and dropout
by Yangxin Huang & Getachew A. Dagne & Jeong-Gun Park - 2259-2274 Robust explicit estimation of the two-parameter Birnbaum--Saunders distribution
by Min Wang & Jing Zhao & Xiaoqian Sun & Chanseok Park - 2275-2289 Forecasting the industrial production using alternative factor models and business survey data
by Mauro Costantini - 2290-2302 Forecasting before, during, and after recession with singular spectrum analysis
by Hossein Hassani & Saeed Heravi & Gary Brown & Daniel Ayoubkhani - 2303-2316 Bayesian estimation of log odds ratios over two-way contingency tables with intraclass correlated cells
by Haydar Demirhan
September 2013, Volume 40, Issue 9
- 1853-1863 Non-parametric estimation of data dimensionality prior to data compression: the case of the human development index
by David Canning & Declan French & Michael Moore - 1864-1874 Block and Basu bivariate lifetime distribution in the presence of cure fraction
by Jorge Alberto Achcar & Em�lio Augusto Coelho-Barros & Josmar Mazucheli - 1875-1892 Clustering algorithm for proximity-relation matrix and its applications
by Wen-Liang Hung & De-Hua Chen - 1893-1906 Estimation of cost allocation coefficients at the farm level using an entropy approach
by Rui Fragoso & Maria Leonor da Silva Carvalho - 1907-1920 A longitudinal analysis of infant and senescent mortality using mixture models
by R. M. Green & M. S. Bebbington - 1921-1930 A new behavioural model for fertility schedules
by Arindam Gupta & Samba Siva Rao Pasupuleti - 1931-1948 Integer-valued autoregressive models for counts showing underdispersion
by Christian H. Weiß - 1949-1964 Estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses using the pattern of observed p -values
by Tiejun Tong & Zeny Feng & Julia S. Hilton & Hongyu Zhao - 1965-1978 On a bounded bimodal two-sided distribution fitted to the Old-Faithful geyser data
by Donatella Vicari & Johan Ren� van Dorp - 1979-1995 Detection of multiple change-points in multivariate data
by Edgard M. Maboudou-Tchao & Douglas M. Hawkins - 1996-2008 An optimal allocation for response-adaptive designs
by Yanqing Yi & Yuan Yuan - 2009-2023 Band-limited component estimation in time-limited economic series
by Laura Barbieri & Mario Faliva & Maria Grazia Zoia - 2024-2040 Robust variable selection for the varying coefficient model based on composite L 1 -- L 2 regression
by Weihua Zhao & Riquan Zhang & Jicai Liu - 2041-2055 Searching for contaminants
by Nicholas T. Longford - 2056-2068 Score test for testing zero-inflated Poisson regression against zero-inflated generalized Poisson alternatives
by Hossein Zamani & Noriszura Ismail - 2069-2086 Identifying radon-prone building typologies by marginal modelling
by Riccardo Borgoni & Valeria Tritto & Daniela de Bartolo
August 2013, Volume 40, Issue 8
- 1619-1638 Application of ordinal correspondence analysis for submerged aquatic vegetation monitoring
by Claude Mant� & Guillaume Bernard & Patrick Bonhomme & David Nerini - 1639-1658 Selection of suitable prior for the Bayesian mixture of a class of lifetime distributions under type-I censored datasets
by Syed Mohsin Ali Kazmi & Muhammad Aslam & Sajid Ali & Nasir Abbas - 1659-1672 Medical diagnostic test based on the potential test result approach: bounds and identification
by Akiko Kada & Zhihong Cai & Manabu Kuroki - 1673-1681 Multivariate control chart based on the highest possibility region
by Ting-Ting Gang & Jun Yang & Yu Zhao - 1682-1700 A dynamic analysis of stock markets using a hidden Markov model
by Luca De Angelis & Leonard J. Paas - 1701-1716 Causality and interdependence analysis in linear econometric models with an application to fertility
by Laura Barbieri - 1717-1734 Pareto Poisson--Lindley distribution with applications
by A. Asgharzadeh & Hassan S. Bakouch & L. Esmaeili - 1735-1745 Detecting influential observations in Liu and modified Liu estimators
by Hasan Ertas & Murat Erisoglu & Selahattin Kaciranlar - 1746-1763 Bayesian semiparametric models for nonignorable missing mechanisms in generalized linear models
by Z. I. Kalaylioglu & O. Ozturk - 1764-1778 Do stock returns have an Archimedean copula?
by Mark Trede & Cornelia Savu - 1779-1795 Bayesian growth curve models with the generalized error distribution
by Zhiyong Zhang - 1796-1816 Bayesian modeling of autoregressive partial linear models with scale mixture of normal errors
by Guillermo Ferreira & Luis M. Castro & Victor H. Lachos & Ronaldo Dias - 1817-1830 Multiple comparisons with a control for exponential location parameters under heteroscedasticity
by Vishal Maurya & Amar Nath Gill & Parminder Singh - 1831-1851 Measuring the impact of the Web: Rasch modelling for survey evaluation
by Paola Annoni & Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska & Hania Farhan
July 2013, Volume 40, Issue 7
- 1387-1401 A powerful test method for analyzing unreplicated factorials
by Ying Chen - 1402-1424 Bayesian factor models in characterizing molecular adaptation
by Saheli Datta & Raquel Prado & Abel Rodr�guez - 1425-1445 A Bayesian approach for analysing longitudinal nominal outcomes using random coefficients transitional generalized logit model: an application to the labour force survey data
by Z. Rezaei Ghahroodi & M. Ganjali - 1446-1452 Point-symmetry models and decomposition for collapsed square contingency tables
by Kouji Yamamoto & Shota Murakami & Sadao Tomizawa - 1453-1463 Wavelet fuzzy hybrid model for physico-financial signals
by Anouar BenMabrouk & Olfa Zaafrane - 1464-1479 Exact inferences of the two-parameter exponential distribution and Pareto distribution with censored data
by Conghua Cheng & Jinyuan Chen & Jianming Bai - 1480-1493 Discriminating between the generalized Rayleigh and Weibull distributions
by Mohammad Z. Raqab - 1494-1505 Extended tests for non-zero between-study variance
by K. H. Makambi - 1506-1519 Comparing the methods of measuring multi-rater agreement on an ordinal rating scale: a simulation study with an application to real data
by Y. Sertdemir & H. R. Burgut & Z. N. Alparslan & I. Unal & S. Gunasti - 1520-1532 Additive hazards model with truncated and doubly censored data
by Pao-Sheng Shen - 1533-1544 Predicting probabilities for the 2010 FIFA World Cup games using a Poisson-Gamma model
by Leonardo Soares Bastos & Joel Mauricio Correa da Rosa - 1545-1560 One-step M -estimators: Jones and Faddy's skewed t -distribution
by Sukru Acitas & Pelin Kasap & Birdal Senoglu & Olcay Arslan - 1561-1571 Effect of individual observations on the Box--Cox transformation
by L. I. Pettit & N. Sothinathan - 1572-1585 Things that make us different: analysis of deviance with time-use data
by Jorge Gonz�lez Chapela - 1586-1596 Multivariate models for correlated count data
by Mariana Rodrigues-Motta & Hildete P. Pinheiro & Eduardo G. Martins & M�rcio S. Araújo & S�rgio F. dos Reis - 1597-1607 Bayesian estimation of parameters of inverse Weibull distribution
by Sanjay Kumar Singh & Umesh Singh & Dinesh Kumar - 1608-1618 A subset selection procedure for multinomial distributions
by Saad T. Bakir
June 2013, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 1155-1171 Bayesian networks for sex-related homicides: structure learning and prediction
by Stephan Stahlschmidt & Helmut Tausendteufel & Wolfgang K. Härdle - 1172-1188 Modelling small and medium enterprise loan defaults as rare events: the generalized extreme value regression model
by Raffaella Calabrese & Silvia Angela Osmetti - 1189-1208 An extensive power evaluation of a novel two-sample density-based empirical likelihood ratio test for paired data with an application to a treatment study of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and severe mood dysregulation
by Wan-Min Tsai & Albert Vexler & Gregory Gurevich - 1209-1230 Multivariate linear regression for heterogeneous data
by Donatella Vicari & Maurizio Vichi - 1231-1245 A multi-index model for quantile regression with ordinal data
by Hyokyoung Grace Hong & Jianhui Zhou - 1246-1253 Hip fracture prediction from a new classification algorithm based on recursive partitioning methods
by Hua Jin & Qi Mo - 1254-1269 Bayesian structural equation modeling for the health index
by Ferra Yanuar & Kamarulzaman Ibrahim & Abdul Aziz Jemain - 1270-1288 Segmentation, alignment and statistical analysis of biosignals with application to disease classification
by Sebastian Kurtek & Wei Wu & Gary E. Christensen & Anuj Srivastava - 1289-1300 Bayesian analysis for partially complete time and type of failure data
by Debasis Kundu - 1301-1318 The economic design of multivariate binomial EWMA VSSI control charts
by Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki & Paravaneh Jahani - 1319-1332 Detecting and removing outlier(s) in electromyographic gait-related patterns
by Miler Jerkovic Vera & Bojanic Dubravka & Jorgovanovic Nikola & Ilic Vojin & Petrovacki-Balj Bojana - 1333-1348 A SARIMAX coupled modelling applied to individual load curves intraday forecasting
by Sophie Bercu & Fr�d�ric Proïa - 1349-1361 Robust testing for stationarity of global surface temperature
by Erhard Reschenhofer - 1362-1371 A stochastic frontier approach to survival analysis
by K. Suresh Chandra & G. Gopal & M. Ramadurai - 1372-1381 A note on statistical method for genotype calling of high-throughput single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays
by Jiaqi Yang & Wei Zhang & Baolin Wu - 1382-1383 Expect the unexpected: a first course in biostatistics
by Jing Xu - 1383-1384 Introduction to probability with Texas Hold'em examples
by Jing Xu - 1384-1385 Economic time series
by Abhay Kumar Tiwari
2013, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 925-940 Three-part model for fractional response variables with application to Chinese household health insurance coverage
by Kuangnan Fang & Shuangge Ma - 941-960 Identification of target clusters by using the restricted normal mixture model
by Seung-Gu Kim & Jeong-Soo Park & Yung-Seop Lee - 961-971 Scheduling parallel conference sessions: an application of a novel hybrid clustering algorithm for ensuring constrained cardinality
by B. Houlding & J. Haslett - 972-984 A modification of the Box–Meyer method for finding the active factors in screening experiments
by I-Tang Yu - 985-992 Zero-inflated beta distribution for modeling the proportions in quantitative fatty acid signature analysis
by Connie Stewart - 993-1016 Bayesian model comparison for compartmental models with applications in positron emission tomography
by Yan Zhou & John Aston & Adam Johansen - 1017-1031 A model of regression lines through a common point: estimation of the focal point in wind-blown sand phenomena
by Nagatomo Nakamura & Takahiro Tsuchiya - 1032-1043 Canonical correlation analysis in the definition of weight restrictions for data envelopment analysis
by Antonio Gonçalves & Renan Almeida & Marcos Lins & Carlos Samanez - 1044-1063 Intertemporal persistence in healthcare spending and utilization: the role of insurance
by David Zimmer - 1064-1075 A generalized bivariate Bernoulli model with covariate dependence
by M. Islam & Abdulhamid Alzaid & Rafiqul Chowdhury & Khalaf Sultan - 1076-1089 Bayesian inference of the inverse Weibull mixture distribution using type-I censoring
by Farzana Noor & Muhammad Aslam - 1090-1105 A generalized quantile regression model
by Vahid Nassiri & Ignace Loris - 1106-1119 Bayesian estimation for randomly censored generalized exponential distribution under asymmetric loss functions
by Muhammad Danish & Muhammad Aslam - 1120-1131 An empirical goodness-of-fit test for multivariate distributions
by Michael McAssey - 1132-1139 A note on variance estimation in the Cox proportional hazards model
by Jiong Luo & Zheng Su - 1140-1154 Statistical considerations in bioequivalence of two area under the concentration–time curves obtained from serial sampling data
by Steven Hua & D. Hawkins & Jihao Zhou
2013, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 699-711 Grouped penalization estimation of the osteoporosis data in the traditional Chinese medicine
by Yang Li & Yichen Qin & Yanming Xie & Feng Tian - 712-720 A comparison of artificial neural network and multinomial logit models in predicting mergers
by Nilgun Fescioglu-Unver & Başak Tanyeri - 721-735 Some ridge regression estimators for the zero-inflated Poisson model
by B. Kibria & Kristofer Månsson & Ghazi Shukur - 736-746 Construction of disease risk scoring systems using logistic group lasso: application to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome survey data
by Hui Lin & Chong Wang & Peng Liu & Derald Holtkamp - 747-762 Adaptive choice of scale tests in flexible two-stage designs with applications in experimental ecology and clinical trials
by Marco Marozzi - 763-776 Sequential correction of linear classifiers
by T. Górecki - 777-794 Large-scale Bayesian spatial modelling of air pollution for policy support
by Gavin Shaddick & Haojie Yan & Ruth Salway & Danielle Vienneau & Daphne Kounali & David Briggs - 795-807 Functional principal component analysis for the explorative analysis of multisite–multivariate air pollution time series with long gaps
by Mariantonietta Ruggieri & Antonella Plaia & Francesca Di Salvo & Gianna Agró - 808-822 On the use of different metrics for assessing complex pattern reproductions
by Sandra De Iaco - 823-842 Exploring spatial dependence in area-level random effect model for disaggregate-level crop yield estimation
by Hukum Chandra - 843-861 A time-varying measurement error model for age of onset of a psychiatric diagnosis: applied to first depressive episode diagnosed by the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)
by Ole Klungsøyr & Joe Sexton & Inger Sandanger & Jan Nygård - 862-869 A new approach to choose acceptance cutoff for approximate Bayesian computation
by Muhammad Faisal & Andreas Futschik & Ijaz Hussain - 870-886 An efficient non-rejective implementation of the πps sampling designs
by Zaizai Yan & Miaomiao Li & Yalu Yan - 887-900 Inferences on the difference between future observations for comparing two treatments
by A. Hayter - 901-915 Volatility clustering in the presence of time-varying model parameters
by Edoardo Otranto - 916-916 Statistical computing in C++ and R
by Kassim Mwitondi - 917-917 A practitioner's guide to resampling for data analysis, data mining, and modeling
by Pieter Bastiaan Ober - 917-918 Data driven business decisions
by Pieter Bastiaan Ober - 918-919 Time series modelling of neuroscience data
by Anouar Ben Mabrouk - 919-920 Simulating nature: a philosophical study of computer-simulation uncertainties and their role in climate science and policy advice
by Yves Laberge - 920-921 Sampling
by Mariano Ruiz Espejo - 921-922 Ergodic control of diffusion processes
by Yiannis Kamarianakis - 922-922 Behavioural research data analysis with R
by Chris Beeley - 923-923 Geostatistics: modeling spatial uncertainty, second edition
by A. Mosammam - 924-924 R for statistics
by Hassan Bakouch