December 2021, Volume 62, Issue 8
- 1248-1275 Improving Institutional Evaluation Methods: Comparing Three Evaluations Using PSM, Exact and Coarsened Exact Matching
by Bob Blankenberger & Sophia Gehlhausen Anderson & Eric Lichtenberger - 1276-1277 Correction to: Are Artificially Intelligent Conversational Chatbots Uniformly Effective in Reducing Summer Melt? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
by Aizat Nurshatayeva & Lindsay C. Page & Carol C. White & Hunter Gehlbach - 1278-1279 Correction to: Are Artificially Intelligent Conversational Chatbots Uniformly Effective in Reducing Summer Melt? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
by Aizat Nurshatayeva & Lindsay C. Page & Carol C. White & Hunter Gehlbach - 1280-1280 Correction to: Structuring First‑Year Retention at a Regional Public Institution: Validating and Refining the Structure of Bowman’s SEM Analysis
by Daniel A. Collier & Dan Fitzpatrick & Chelsea Brehm & Keith Hearit & Andrea Beach
November 2021, Volume 62, Issue 7
- 915-941 Consolidation of Class Advantages in the Wake of the Great Recession: University Enrollments, Educational Opportunity and Stratification
by Karly S. Ford & Kelly Ochs Rosinger & Qiong Zhu - 942-975 Early Effects of North Carolina’s Comprehensive Articulation Agreement on Credit Accumulation Among Community College Transfer Students
by Rachel Worsham & Andrea L. DeSantis & Melissa Whatley & Katie R. Johnson & Audrey J. Jaeger - 976-997 Are There Gender Differences in Quantitative Student Evaluations of Instructors?
by Nina Zipser & Lisa Mincieli & Dmitry Kurochkin - 998-1038 Are Broad-Based Vouchers an Effective Way to Support Life-Long Learning? Evidence from an Australian Reform
by Cain Polidano & Justin Ven & Sarah Voitchovsky - 1039-1085 Who Studies Abroad? Understanding the Impact of Intent on Participation
by Hee Sun Kim & Janet H. Lawrence - 1086-1111 Heterogeneity in the Effects of College Course Placement
by Lindsay Daugherty & Russell Gerber & Francisco Martorell & Trey Miller & Emily Weisburst
September 2021, Volume 62, Issue 6
- 733-764 The Impact of No-Loan Policies on Student Economic Diversity at Public Colleges and Universities
by Qiong Zhu & Junghee Choi & Yi Meng - 765-788 How Students’ Intellectual Orientations and Cognitive Reasoning Abilities and May Shape Their Perceptions of Good Teaching Practices
by K. C. Culver & Nicholas A. Bowman & Ernest T. Pascarella - 789-828 Optimizing Intent to Transfer: Engagement and Community College English Learners
by Catherine Hartman & Rebecca Callahan & Hongwei Yu - 829-854 Examining the Psychometric Properties of a New Integrative Learning Scale
by Ethan Youngerman & Laura S. Dahl & Matthew J. Mayhew - 855-884 Undermatching and Noncognitive Development during the First Year of College: A Longitudinal Study of College Students in the Netherlands
by Gregory C. Wolniak & Marjolein Muskens - 885-913 College Costs and Credit Cards: How Student Credit Card Use Influences College Degree Attainment
by Benjamin D. Andrews - 914-914 Correction to: College Costs and Credit Cards: How Student Credit Card Use Influences College Degree Attainment
by Benjamin D. Andrews
August 2021, Volume 62, Issue 5
- 569-599 Taken for Granted? Effects of Loan-Reduction Initiatives on Student Borrowing, Admission Metrics, and Campus Diversity
by Christopher Bennett & Brent Evans & Christopher Marsicano - 600-622 The Impact of Early Colleges on Students’ Postsecondary Education Trajectories: Can Early Colleges Overcome the (Supposedly) Diversionary Role of Community Colleges?
by Kristina L. Zeiser & Mengli Song & Drew Atchison - 623-650 Semester Course Load and Student Performance
by Nick Huntington-Klein & Andrew Gill - 651-679 The Nudge to Finish Up: A National Study of Community College Near-Completion Students
by Yu Chen & Xiaodan Hu - 680-708 “What’s High School Got to do With It?” Secondary School Composition, School-Wide Social Capital and Higher Education Enrollment
by Isis Vandelannote & Jannick Demanet - 709-732 Increases in Graduate Student Debt in the US: 2000 to 2016
by Karen L. Webber & Rachel Burns
June 2021, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 403-447 The Role of Math Misalignment in the Community College STEM Pathway
by Elizabeth S. Park & Federick Ngo & Tatiana Melguizo - 448-477 Gatekeepers of Engineering Workforce Diversity? The Academic and Employment Returns to Student Participation in Voluntary Cooperative Education Programs
by Joyce B. Main & Beata N. Johnson & Yanbing Wang - 478-497 Women’s Daily Performance, Enjoyment, and Comfort in Male-Dominated Majors: The Role of Social Interactions in Classes
by Katie M. Lawson - 498-527 Major Decision: The Impact of Major Switching on Academic Outcomes in Community Colleges
by Vivian Liu & Soumya Mishra & Elizabeth M. Kopko - 528-555 How Does Undergraduate Debt Affect Graduate School Application and Enrollment?
by Rong Chen & Peter Riley Bahr - 556-568 Beyond the Binary: Sophisticating Diversity Climate Considerations and Assessments
by Christa E. Winkler & Matthew J. Mayhew & Alyssa N. Rockenbach
May 2021, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 259-308 The College Promise in Communities: Do Place-based Scholarships Affect Residential Mobility Patterns?
by Elaine W. Leigh & Manuel S. González Canché - 309-331 College Students with Disabilities: Factors Influencing Growth in Academic Ability and Confidence
by Mikyong Minsun Kim & Elisabeth Louise Kutscher - 332-358 The Paradox of HBCU Graduation Rates
by Ethan K. Gordon & Zackary B. Hawley & Ryan Carrasco Kobler & Jonathan C. Rork - 359-391 Modeling the Pathways to Self-Confidence for Graduate School in Computing
by Annie M. Wofford - 392-402 Are Artificially Intelligent Conversational Chatbots Uniformly Effective in Reducing Summer Melt? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
by Aizat Nurshatayeva & Lindsay C. Page & Carol C. White & Hunter Gehlbach
March 2021, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 121-150 The Effect of Enrolling in Minority Serving Institutions on Earnings Compared to Non-minority Serving Institutions: A College Scorecard Analysis
by William Casey Boland & Marybeth Gasman & Andrés Castro Samayoa & DeShaun Bennett - 151-174 What Happens to Efficiency and Equity? The Cost Implications of Developmental Education Reform
by Christine G. Mokher & Toby J. Park-Gaghan & Shouping Hu - 175-205 A Typology of State Financial Aid Grant Programs Using Latent Class Analysis
by Bradley D. Custer & Hope O. Akaeze - 206-229 Developing a Shared Vision for Change: Moving toward Inclusive Empowerment
by Kerice Doten-Snitker & Cara Margherio & Elizabeth Litzler & Ella Ingram & Julia Williams - 230-257 Delayed Time-to-Degree and Post-college Earnings
by Dirk Witteveen & Paul Attewell
February 2021, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-25 Evaluating South Korea’s Introduction of an Income Contingent Loan Program
by Jeongeun Kim & Mark Wiederspan - 26-44 Beyond Graduation: Socio-economic Background and Post-university Outcomes of Australian Graduates
by Wojtek Tomaszewski & Francisco Perales & Ning Xiang & Matthias Kubler - 45-71 Sense of Belonging and Student Engagement: A Daily Study of First- and Continuing-Generation College Students
by Cari Gillen-O’Neel - 72-97 Are School-Provided Skills Useful at Work? Results of the Wiles Test
by Jacek Liwiński & Francesco Pastore - 98-119 Managing Relationships: Insights from a Student Gratitude Model
by Syed Muhammad Fazal-e-Hasan & Gary Mortimer & Ian Lings & Harjit Sekhon & Kerry Howell
December 2020, Volume 61, Issue 8
- 917-942 Structuring First-Year Retention at a Regional Public Institution: Validating and Refining the Structure of Bowman’s SEM Analysis
by Daniel A. Collier & Dan Fitzpatrick & Chelsea Brehm & Keith Hearit & Andrea Beach - 943-965 Do Differential Grading Standards Across Fields Matter for Major Choice? Evidence from a Policy Change in Florida
by Veronica Minaya - 966-1001 Aiding or Dissuading? The Effects of Reducing Lifetime Eligibility Limits for Need-Based Aid on Bachelor’s Degree Attainment and Time to Completion
by Zachary Mabel - 1002-1026 Multilevel Factors Affecting College Students’ Perceived Knowledge Transferability: From the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory
by Cong Wang & Ying Zhang & Jennifer D. Moss & Emily M. Bonem & Chantal Levesque-Bristol - 1027-1053 Shifting Gears: Characteristics and Consequences of Latent Class Transitions in Doctoral Socialization
by Soojeong Jeong & Kaylee Litson & Jennifer Blaney & David F. Feldon
November 2020, Volume 61, Issue 7
- 795-822 Gaps in the College Application Gauntlet
by Brian Holzman & Daniel Klasik & Rachel Baker - 823-824 Correction to: Gaps in the College Application Gauntlet
by Brian Holzman & Daniel Klasik & Rachel Baker - 825-848 Geographic Inequalities and Access to Higher Education: Is the Proximity to Higher Education Institution Associated with the Probability of Attendance in England?
by Peter M. White & David M. Lee - 849-870 Imagine No Remediation: Evaluation of a Placement Policy Change
by Alexei Kolesnikov & Xiaoyin Wang & Michael Bonaduce & Mark Cunningham & Lillian Fontinell & Tyler Halliwell & Maura Twillman - 871-915 Community College Students Who Attained a 4-Year Degree Accrued Lower Student Loan Debt than 4-Year Entrants Over 2 Decades: Is a 10 Percent Debt Accumulation Reduction Worth the Added “Risk”? If So, for Whom?
by Manuel S. González Canché
September 2020, Volume 61, Issue 6
- 679-705 What Catalyzes Research Universities to Commit to Interdisciplinary Research?
by Sondra N. Barringer & Erin Leahey & Karina Salazar - 706-724 Peer Feedback Improves Students’ Academic Self-Concept in Higher Education
by Bianca A. Simonsmeier & Henrike Peiffer & Maja Flaig & Michael Schneider - 725-763 The Role of Non-cognitive Variables in Identifying Community College Students in Need of Targeted Supports
by Loris P Fagioli & Rachel Baker & Gabe Avakian Orona - 764-779 Who are Rural Students? How Definitions of Rurality Affect Research on College Completion
by Catherine A. Manly & Ryan S. Wells & Suzan Kommers - 780-793 The NCAA’s Graduation Success Rate: How Successful Is It?
by E. Woodrow Eckard
August 2020, Volume 61, Issue 5
- 567-587 Well-Placed: The Geography of Opportunity and High School Effects on College Attendance
by Noah Hirschl & Christian Michael Smith - 588-602 How Relationships Support and Inform the Transition to Community College
by Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana & Rachel Hare Bork - 603-627 Global Learning for Local Serving: Establishing the Links Between Study Abroad and Post-college Volunteering
by Radomir Ray Mitic - 628-651 Tenure and Promotion Outcomes at Four Large Land Grant Universities: Examining the Role of Gender, Race, and Academic Discipline
by Raifu Durodoye & Marcia Gumpertz & Alyson Wilson & Emily Griffith & Seher Ahmad - 652-678 Challenges Mitigating a Darwinian Application of Social Capital: How Specific Advising Activities by High School Counselors Shift Measures of College Readiness But Not College-Going
by Dan Fitzpatrick
June 2020, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 431-458 Employer-Sponsored Education Assistance and Graduate Program Choice, Cost, and Finance
by Gregory Gilpin & Michael Kofoed - 459-484 Failing at Remediation? College Remedial Coursetaking, Failure and Long-Term Student Outcomes
by Tanya Sanabria & Andrew Penner & Thurston Domina - 485-509 Using Panel Data to Identify the Effects of Institutional Characteristics, Cohort Characteristics, and Institutional Actions on Graduation Rates
by Gary R. Pike & Kirsten R. Robbins - 510-539 Choosing the Future: Economic Preferences for Higher Education Using Discrete Choice Experiment Method
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Tomasz Gajderowicz & Marek Giergiczny & Gabriela Grotkowska & Urszula Sztandar-Sztanderska - 540-565 Running the STEM Gauntlet: The Complicity of Four-Year Universities in the Transfer Penalty
by Diane Cárdenas Elliott & Joni M. Lakin
May 2020, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 297-329 Examining the Relationship Between 2-year College Entry and Baccalaureate Aspirants’ Academic and Labor Market Outcomes: Impacts, Heterogeneity, and Mechanisms
by Di Xu & Sabrina Solanki & Ashley Harlow - 330-356 Student–Faculty Interaction and Discrimination from Faculty in STEM: The Link with Retention
by Julie J. Park & Young K. Kim & Cinthya Salazar & Shannon Hayes - 357-382 Does the Bennett Hypothesis Hold in Professional Education? An Empirical Analysis
by Robert Kelchen - 383-407 The Impact of an Interest-Major Fit Signal on College Major Certainty
by Joann L. Moore & Ty M. Cruce - 408-429 Parenting on the Path to the Professoriate: A Focus on Graduate Student Mothers
by Amanda M. Kulp
March 2020, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 167-196 Is What Glitters Really Gold? A Quasi-Experimental Study of First-Year Seminars and College Student Success
by K. C. Culver & Nicholas A. Bowman - 197-228 University and Department Influences on Scientists’ Occupational Outcomes
by Jeongeun Kim & Molly Ott & Lindsey Dippold - 229-247 Examining the Meaning of Vague Quantifiers in Higher Education: How Often is “Often”?
by Louis M. Rocconi & Amber D. Dumford & Brenna Butler - 248-269 Peers, Study Effort, and Academic Performance in College Education: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Roommates in a Flipped Classroom
by Shi Pu & Yu Yan & Liang Zhang - 270-295 Structure and Agency in Adolescents’ Expectations of Pursuing Post-secondary Education
by Chrysa Pui Chi Keung & Esther Sui Chu Ho
February 2020, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-25 Will the Tide Lift All Boats? Examining the Equity Effects of Performance Funding Policies in U.S. Higher Education
by Nathan Favero & Amanda Rutherford - 26-50 Can Pre-entry Characteristics Account for the Ethnic Attainment Gap? An Analysis of a Flemish University
by Dries Lens & François Levrau - 51-87 I’ll Know One When I See It: Using Social Network Analysis to Define Comprehensive Institutions Through Organizational Identity
by Graham N. S. Miller - 88-116 How Personality Shapes Study Location Choices
by Reinhard A. Weisser - 117-141 Non-completion, Transfer, and Dropout of Traditional and Non-traditional Students in Germany
by Nicole Tieben - 142-166 The Impact of a Goal-Setting Intervention for Engineering Students on Academic Probation
by Nicholas A. Bowman & Nayoung Jang & D. Martin Kivlighan & Nancy Schneider & Xiaomeng Ye
December 2019, Volume 60, Issue 8
- 1065-1089 The Effect of the Gainful Employment Regulatory Uncertainty on Student Enrollment at For-Profit Institutions of Higher Education
by Joselynn Hawkins Fountain - 1090-1112 Estimating the Impact of Developmental Education on Associate Degree Completion: A Dose–Response Approach
by Jonathan M. Turk - 1113-1141 The Correlates of Credit Loss: How Demographics, Pre-Transfer Academics, and Institutions Relate to the Loss of Credits for Vertical Transfer Students
by Matt S. Giani - 1142-1170 Stratification in Study Abroad Participation After Accounting for Student Intent
by Mitchell D. Lingo - 1171-1194 Behavior-Based Student Typology: A View from Student Transition from High School to College
by Lanlan Mu & James Cole - 1195-1226 Correlates of Bystander Readiness to Help Among a Diverse College Student Population: An Intersectional Perspective
by M. Candace Christensen & Richard J. Harris
November 2019, Volume 60, Issue 7
- 905-930 Study Abroad Participation: An Unintended Consequence of State Merit-Aid Programs?
by Melissa Whatley - 931-959 The Structure of Peers: The Impact of Peer Networks on Academic Achievement
by Matias Berthelon & Eric Bettinger & Diana I. Kruger & Alejandro Montecinos-Pearce - 960-999 Making the Connection: Broadband Access and Online Course Enrollment at Public Open Admissions Institutions
by Benjamin T. Skinner - 1000-1024 The Stigma of Tenure Denied: An Exploration of Individual and Institutional Implications
by Nathan F. Alleman & Justin J. Nelson & Cara Cliburn Allen - 1025-1047 How Research, Teaching, and Leadership Roles are Recommended to Male and Female Engineering Faculty Differently
by Eugene Judson & Lydia Ross & Kristi Glassmeyer - 1048-1064 Predicting University Students’ Academic Success and Major Using Random Forests
by Cédric Beaulac & Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
September 2019, Volume 60, Issue 6
- 737-759 Knowing is Half the Battle, or Is It? A Randomized Experiment of the Impact of Supplemental Notification Letters on Placement Exam Participation, Preparation, and Performance
by Brian G. Moss & Peter Riley Bahr & Leigh Arsenault & Meghan Oster - 760-802 How Much Does Merit Aid Actually Matter? Revisiting Merit Aid and College Enrollment When Some Students “Come Anyway”
by Matthew Birch & Robert Rosenman - 803-822 How Valid is Grit in the Postsecondary Context? A Construct and Concurrent Validity Analysis
by Kevin Fosnacht & Keeley Copridge & Shimon A. Sarraf - 823-843 Patching Up the “Leaking Leadership Pipeline”: Fostering Mid-career Faculty Succession Management
by Vicki L. Baker & Laura Gail Lunsford & Meghan J. Pifer - 844-869 Perceived Outcomes Associated with Engagement in and Design of Faculty Communities of Practice Focused on STEM Reform
by Sean Gehrke & Adrianna Kezar - 870-904 The Lure of Academic and Social Reputations Versus Athletic Success: Influences on Enrollment Yield at NCAA Division I Institutions
by D. Randall Smith
August 2019, Volume 60, Issue 5
- 577-605 The Equalizing Power of a College Degree for First-Generation College Students: Disparities Across Institutions, Majors, and Achievement Levels
by Anna Manzoni & Jessi Streib - 606-635 Taking a Break, or Taking a Class? Examining the Effects of Incentivized Summer Enrollment on Student Persistence
by Ray Franke & Brian Bicknell - 636-669 Public Tuition on the Rise: Estimating the Effects of Louisiana’s Performance-Based Funding Policy on Institutional Tuition Levels
by Xiaodan Hu & Pedro Villarreal - 670-683 Learning Communities and Unlinked Sections: A Contrast of Student Backgrounds, Student Outcomes, and In-class Experiences
by Emily A. Holt & Amanda Nielson - 684-710 Adjustment Trajectories During the College Transition: Types, Personal and Family Antecedents, and Academic Outcomes
by Simon Larose & Stéphane Duchesne & David Litalien & Anne-Sophie Denault & Michel Boivin - 711-735 College Teaching from Multiple Angles: A Multi-trait Multi-method Analysis of College Courses
by Corbin M. Campbell & Jessica Ostrow Michel & Shikha Patel & Maia Gelashvili
June 2019, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 415-436 The Role of Family Support in Facilitating Academic Success of Low-Income Students
by Josipa Roksa & Peter Kinsley - 437-437 Correction to: The Role of Family Support in Facilitating Academic Success of Low-Income Students
by Josipa Roksa & Peter Kinsley - 438-457 Framing and Labeling Effects in Preferences for Borrowing for College: An Experimental Analysis
by Brent J. Evans & Angela Boatman & Adela Soliz - 458-484 Can Transfer Guides Improve the Uptake of Major Prerequisites? Evidence from Ohio’s Transfer and Articulation Policy Reform
by George Spencer - 485-520 Fractions in College: How Basic Math Remediation Impacts Community College Students
by Federick Ngo - 521-552 Does Inducing Students to Schedule Lecture Watching in Online Classes Improve Their Academic Performance? An Experimental Analysis of a Time Management Intervention
by Rachel Baker & Brent Evans & Qiujie Li & Bianca Cung - 553-575 Connecting School and Home: Examining Parental and School Involvement in Readiness for College Through Multilevel SEM
by Chrystal A. George Mwangi & Alberto F. Cabrera & Elizabeth R. Kurban
May 2019, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 273-292 The Unfolding of Student Adjustment During the First Semester of College
by Nicholas A. Bowman & Lindsay Jarratt & Nayoung Jang & Timothy J. Bono - 293-314 Effect of Critical Thinking Education on Epistemically Unwarranted Beliefs in College Students
by Kathleen D. Dyer & Raymond E. Hall - 315-337 Destinations of Admitted Out-of-State Students: A Case of One Institution
by Iryna Y. Johnson - 338-357 Should We Be Concerned About Nonresponse Bias in College Student Surveys? Evidence of Bias from a Validation Study
by Trey Standish & Paul D. Umbach - 358-391 Bigger Pie, Bigger Slice? The Impact of Higher Education Expansion on Educational Opportunity in China
by Dongshu Ou & Yuna Hou - 392-413 Examining a Comprehensive College Transition Program: An Account of Iterative Mixed Methods Longitudinal Survey Design
by Darnell Cole & Joseph A. Kitchen & Adrianna Kezar
March 2019, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 135-152 Understanding the Link Between Noncognitive Attributes and College Retention
by Nicholas A. Bowman & Annette Miller & Sherry Woosley & Nicholas P. Maxwell & Mary Jo Kolze - 153-183 Choosing College in the 2000s: An Updated Analysis Using the Conditional Logistic Choice Model
by Benjamin T. Skinner - 184-202 Giving Up on a Course: An Analysis of Course Dropping Behaviors Among Community College Students
by Lyle McKinney & Heather Novak & Linda Serra Hagedorn & Maria Luna-Torres - 203-218 The Impact of the Bologna Process on Graduation: New Evidence from Italy
by Laura Chies & Grazia Graziosi & Francesco Pauli - 219-244 Higher Education Student Engagement Scale (HESES): Development and Psychometric Evidence
by Karen C. H. Zhoc & Beverley J. Webster & Ronnel B. King & Johnson C. H. Li & Tony S. H. Chung - 245-272 Determinants of Attraction, Retention and Completion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Degree Research Students: A Systematic Review to Inform Future Research Directions
by Kate Hutchings & Roxanne Bainbridge & Kerry Bodle & Adrian Miller
February 2019, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Impact of U.S. News College Rankings on the Compensation of College and University Presidents
by Ryan Yeung & Philip Gigliotti & Phuong Nguyen-Hoang - 18-43 Exploring the Effects of Tuition Increases on Racial/Ethnic Diversity at Public Colleges and Universities
by Drew Allen & Gregory C. Wolniak - 44-63 The Effects of State Higher Education Policies and Institutions on Access by Economically Disadvantaged Students
by Robert C. Lowry - 64-82 Roma Undergraduates’ Personal Network in the Process of College Transition. A Social Capital Approach
by Ágnes Lukács J. & Beáta Dávid - 83-110 The Longitudinal Connections Between Undergraduate High Impact Curriculum Practices and Civic Engagement in Adulthood
by Carrie B. Myers & Scott M. Myers & Martha Peters - 111-133 Time to the Doctorate and Research Career: Some Evidence from Spain
by Antonio Caparrós-Ruiz
December 2018, Volume 59, Issue 8
- 979-1020 Kids, College, and Capital: Parental Financial Support and College Choice
by Allyson Flaster - 1021-1034 Do Students with Varying Academic Ability Benefit Equally from Personal Qualities? Applying a Trait and State Perspective
by A. Kool & M. T. Mainhard & A. D. C. Jaarsma & P. Beukelen & M. Brekelmans - 1035-1058 National Evidence of the Impact of First-Year Online Enrollment on Postsecondary Students’ Long-Term Academic Outcomes
by Justin C. Ortagus - 1059-1073 Kanter’s Theory of Proportions: Organizational Demography and PhD Completion in Science and Engineering Departments
by Joyce B. Main - 1074-1104 The Effect of Positive Faculty Support on Mathematical Self-Concept for Male and Female Students in STEM Majors
by Young K. Kim & Linda J. Sax - 1105-1132 Gender Differences in Faculty Member Job Satisfaction: Equity Forestalled?
by Karen L. Webber & Samantha M. Rogers
November 2018, Volume 59, Issue 7
- 825-846 Student Transfer-Out Behavior at Four-Year Institutions
by Terry T. Ishitani & Lee D. Flood - 847-865 An Examination of the Influence of Decreases in State Appropriations on Online Enrollment at Public Universities
by Justin C. Ortagus & Lijing Yang - 866-896 Student Veterans’ Outcomes by Higher Education Sector: Evidence from Three Cohorts of the Baccalaureate and Beyond
by Jennifer L. Steele & Peter Buryk & Geoffrey McGovern - 897-932 Is There a Gendered Path to Tenure? A Multi-State Approach to Examine the Academic Trajectories of U.S. Doctoral Recipients in the Sciences
by Karen L. Webber & Manuel González Canché - 933-957 Racial and Ethnic Heterogeneity in the Effect of MESA on AP STEM Coursework and College STEM Major Aspirations
by Steven Elías Alvarado & Paul Muniz - 958-978 First-Year Students’ Time Use in College: A Latent Profile Analysis
by Kevin Fosnacht & Alexander C. McCormick & Rosemarie Lerma
September 2018, Volume 59, Issue 6
- 681-703 Mitigating Unintended Impacts? The Effects of Premiums for Underserved Populations in Performance-Funding Policies for Higher Education
by Denisa Gándara & Amanda Rutherford - 704-743 Momentum Through Course-Completion Patterns Among 2-Year College Students Beginning in STEM: Variations and Contributing Factors
by Hsun-Yu Chan & Xueli Wang - 744-764 Measuring Undergraduates’ Innovation Capacities
by Benjamin S. Selznick & Matthew J. Mayhew - 765-791 Race-Specific High School Course Intensity and Student’s Post-secondary Education Attainment
by Nandan Kumar Jha & Elizabeth M. Stearns - 792-811 Factors Influencing American Indian and Alaska Native Postsecondary Persistence: AI/AN Millennium Falcon Persistence Model
by Jameson D. Lopez - 812-823 Improving SET Response Rates: Synchronous Online Administration as a Tool to Improve Evaluation Quality
by Trey Standish & Jeff A. Joines & Karen R. Young & Victoria J. Gallagher
August 2018, Volume 59, Issue 5
- 529-552 How to Increase PhD Completion Rates? An Impact Evaluation of Two Reforms in a Selective Graduate School, 1976–2012
by Koen Geven & Jan Skopek & Moris Triventi - 553-590 College Match and Undermatch: Assessing Student Preferences, College Proximity, and Inequality in Post-College Outcomes
by Sarah Ovink & Demetra Kalogrides & Megan Nanney & Patrick Delaney - 591-622 Understanding the Work and Perceptions of Teaching Focused Faculty in a Changing Academic Landscape
by Catherine D. Rawn & Joanne A. Fox - 623-649 The Optimal Global Integration–Local Responsiveness Tradeoff for an International Branch Campus
by Nigel Martin Healey - 650-679 The Psychological Contracts of Undergraduate University Students: Who Do They See as Exchange Partners, and What Do They Think the Deals Are?
by Joshua R. Knapp & Suzanne S. Masterson
June 2018, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 401-429 Does Work Harm Academic Performance of Students? Evidence Using Propensity Score Matching
by Tjaša Bartolj & Sašo Polanec - 430-447 What Role May Admissions Office Diversity and Practices Play in Equitable Decisions?
by Nicholas A. Bowman & Michael N. Bastedo - 448-460 The Role of Grit in Determining Engagement and Academic Outcomes for University Students
by Brad Hodge & Brad Wright & Pauleen Bennett - 461-488 Women Students’ Interactions with Faculty and Exposure to Good Teaching at Colleges and Universities with Varying Histories of Admitting Women
by Teniell L. Trolian & Elizabeth A. Jach & Christine A. Ogren & Jana M. Hanson - 489-518 Tuition-Setting Authority and Broad-Based Merit Aid: The Effect of Policy Intersection on Pricing Strategies
by Dennis A. Kramer & Justin C. Ortagus & T. Austin Lacy - 519-527 Do GPAs Differ Between Longer Classes and More Frequent Classes at Liberal Arts Colleges?
by Timothy M. Diette & Manu Raghav
May 2018, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 249-272 When Do Honors Programs Make the Grade? Conditional Effects on College Satisfaction, Achievement, Retention, and Graduation
by Nicholas A. Bowman & KC Culver - 273-301 Financial Aid and College Persistence: Do Student Loans Help or Hurt?
by Serge Herzog - 302-324 Costs on the Mind: The Influence of the Financial Burden of College on Academic Performance and Cognitive Functioning
by Mesmin Destin & Ryan C. Svoboda - 325-348 Occupational Well-being Among University Faculty: A Job Demands-Resources Model
by Jiri Mudrak & Katerina Zabrodska & Petr Kveton & Martin Jelinek & Marek Blatny & Iva Solcova & Katerina Machovcova - 349-381 Beyond Traditional Measures of STEM Success: Long-Term Predictors of Social Agency and Conducting Research for Social Change
by Juan C. Garibay - 382-400 Predicting Engineering Student Attrition Risk Using a Probabilistic Neural Network and Comparing Results with a Backpropagation Neural Network and Logistic Regression
by Cindi Mason & Janet Twomey & David Wright & Lawrence Whitman
March 2018, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 133-155 Predicting Graduation Rates at 4-year Broad Access Institutions Using a Bayesian Modeling Approach
by Gloria Crisp & Erin Doran & Nicole A. Salis Reyes - 156-173 Explaining Estimated Economies of Scale and Scope in Higher Education: A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Liang-Cheng Zhang & Andrew C. Worthington - 174-197 Did the Recession Impact Student Success? Relationships of Finances, Staffing and Institutional Type on Retention
by Ann M. Gansemer-Topf & Jillian Downey & Katherine Thompson & Ulrike Genschel - 198-225 Understanding College Students’ Major Choices Using Social Network Analysis
by Rachel Baker - 226-247 Correlates of Work-Life Balance for Faculty Across Racial/Ethnic Groups
by Nida Denson & Katalin Szelényi & Kate Bresonis
February 2018, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-28 Ethnic Heterogeneity, Group Affinity, and State Higher Education Spending
by John M. Foster & Jacob Fowles - 29-53 Labor Market Returns for Graduates of Hispanic-Serving Institutions
by Toby J. Park & Stella M. Flores & Christopher J. Ryan - 54-87 The Functions and Dysfunctions of College Rankings: An Analysis of Institutional Expenditure
by Jeongeun Kim - 88-107 Student Employment and Persistence: Evidence of Effect Heterogeneity of Student Employment on College Dropout
by Yool Choi - 108-131 Testing the Efficacy of a Scholarship Program for Single Parent, Post-Freshmen, Full Time Undergraduates
by Dick M. Carpenter & Sarah J. Kaka & Jennifer A. Tygret & Katy Cathcart
December 2017, Volume 58, Issue 8
- 817-842 Predictors of College Attendance Patterns of Rural Youth
by Soo-yong Byun & Judith L. Meece & Charlotte A. Agger - 843-878 Who Benefits Most from a University Degree?: A Cross-National Comparison of Selection and Wage Returns in the US, UK, and Germany
by Renee Reichl Luthra & Jennifer Flashman - 879-879 Erratum to: Who Benefits Most from a University Degree?: A Cross-National Comparison of Selection and Wage Returns in the US, UK, and Germany
by Renee Reichl Luthra & Jennifer Flashman - 880-903 Student Engagement and Student Learning: Examining the Convergent and Discriminant Validity of the Revised National Survey of Student Engagement
by John Zilvinskis & Anthony A. Masseria & Gary R. Pike - 904-921 The Causal Effect of Survey Mode on Students’ Evaluations of Teaching: Empirical Evidence from Three Field Experiments
by Edgar Treischl & Tobias Wolbring - 922-933 Using Rasch Analysis to Inform Rating Scale Development
by Carol Van Zile-Tamsen
November 2017, Volume 58, Issue 7
- 695-722 Family Structure Changes During High School and College Selectivity
by Brian P. An & Kia N. Sorensen - 723-745 High School Students’ Accuracy in Estimating the Cost of College: A Proposed Methodological Approach and Differences Among Racial/Ethnic Groups and College Financial-Related Factors
by H. Kenny Nienhusser & Toko Oshio - 746-771 Covet Thy Neighbor or “Reverse Policy Diffusion”? State Adoption of Performance Funding 2.0
by Amy Y. Li - 772-772 Erratum to: Covet Thy Neighbor or ‘‘Reverse Policy Diffusion’’? State Adoption of Performance Funding 2.0
by Amy Y. Li - 773-804 Does Teacher Encouragement Influence Students’ Educational Progress? A Propensity-Score Matching Analysis
by Benjamin Alcott - 805-815 Cultural Diversity and Best Practices in the Teaching and Learning of Statistics: A Faculty Perspective from a Historically Black College/University (HBCU)
by Arthur L. Whaley
September 2017, Volume 58, Issue 6
- 581-604 From Comprehensive to Singular: A Latent Class Analysis of College Teaching Practices
by Corbin M. Campbell & Alberto F. Cabrera & Jessica Ostrow Michel & Shikha Patel - 605-616 Measuring Longitudinal Gains in Student Learning: A Comparison of Rasch Scoring and Summative Scoring Approaches
by Yue Zhao & Jenny M. Y. Huen & Y. W. Chan - 617-645 A Test of Leading Explanations for the College Racial-Ethnic Achievement Gap: Evidence from a Longitudinal Case Study
by Nathan D. Martin & Kenneth I. Spenner & Sarah A. Mustillo - 646-671 A Quest for Equity? Measuring the Effect of QuestBridge on Economic Diversity at Selective Institutions
by Fernando Furquim & Kristen M. Glasener - 672-694 Faculty Service Loads and Gender: Are Women Taking Care of the Academic Family?
by Cassandra M. Guarino & Victor M. H. Borden
August 2017, Volume 58, Issue 5
- 469-496 Are Public Master’s Institutions Cost Efficient? A Stochastic Frontier and Spatial Analysis
by Marvin A. Titus & Adriana Vamosiu & Kevin R. McClure - 497-519 Explaining Scientists’ Plans for International Mobility from a Life Course Perspective
by Nicolai Netz & Steffen Jaksztat