August 2017, Volume 58, Issue 5
- 520-544 Faculty Motivation to Mentor Students Through Undergraduate Research Programs: A Study of Enabling and Constraining Factors
by Danielle X. Morales & Sara E. Grineski & Timothy W. Collins - 545-567 A Criterion-Referenced Approach to Student Ratings of Instruction
by J. Patrick Meyer & Justin B. Doromal & Xiaoxin Wei & Shi Zhu - 568-579 Strategic Use of FAFSA List Information by Colleges
by Stephen R. Porter & Johnathan G. Conzelmann
June 2017, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 341-364 Measuring teaching quality in higher education: assessing selection bias in course evaluations
by Maarten Goos & Anna Salomons - 365-394 Choice of Academic Major at a Public Research University: The Role of Gender and Self-Efficacy
by Iryna Y. Johnson & William B. Muse - 395-429 Dramatic Declines in Higher Education Appropriations: State Conditions for Budget Punctuations
by Amy Y. Li - 430-448 The Relationship Between Students’ Perceptions of “Good Practices for Undergraduate Education” and the Paradigmatic Development of Disciplines in Course-Taking Behavior
by Cindy A. Kilgo & K. C. Culver & Ryan L. Young & Michael B. Paulsen - 449-467 The College Completion Puzzle: A Hidden Markov Model Approach
by Dirk Witteveen & Paul Attewell
May 2017, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 231-243 Does Student Effort Respond to Incentives? Evidence from a Guaranteed College Admissions Program
by Daniel M. Leeds & Isaac McFarlin & Lindsay Daugherty - 244-269 Selection into Online Community College Courses and Their Effects on Persistence
by Nick Huntington-Klein & James Cowan & Dan Goldhaber - 270-294 Postsecondary Student Persistence and Pathways: Evidence From the YITS-A in Canada
by Stephen E. Childs & Ross Finnie & Felice Martinello - 295-312 Coupling Admissions and Curricular Data to Predict Medical Student Outcomes
by Diana B. Sesate & Jeffrey F. Milem & Kadian L. McIntosh & W. Patrick Bryan - 313-339 Campus Strategic Action in the Fisher Case: Organizational Stakeholder Advocacy Across the Field of Higher Education
by Cassie L. Barnhardt & Ryan L. Young & Jessica K. E. Sheets & Carson W. Phillips & Eugene T. Parker III & Kimberly Reyes
March 2017, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 119-140 Racial Inequality in Critical Thinking Skills: The Role of Academic and Diversity Experiences
by Josipa Roksa & Teniell L. Trolian & Ernest T. Pascarella & Cindy A. Kilgo & Charles Blaich & Kathleen S. Wise - 141-183 The Heterogeneous Non-resident Student Body: Measuring the Effect of Out-Of-State Students’ Home-State Wealth on Tuition and Fee Price Variations
by Manuel S. González Canché - 184-213 Rethinking Graduation and Time to Degree: A Fresh Perspective
by Hongtao Yue & Xuanning Fu - 214-230 Gender Imbalance in Higher Education: Insights for College Administrators and Researchers
by Dylan Conger & Lisa Dickson
February 2017, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-39 To Apply or Not to Apply: FAFSA Completion and Financial Aid Gaps
by Michael S. Kofoed - 40-76 The Effects of Financial Aid on College Success of Two-Year Beginning Nontraditional Students
by Jin Chen & Don Hossler - 77-97 Evaluating the Impact of Crime and Discipline on Student Success in Postsecondary Education
by Amie M. Schuck - 98-118 College Students’ Appreciative Attitudes Toward Atheists
by Nicholas A. Bowman & Alyssa N. Rockenbach & Matthew J. Mayhew & Tiffani A. Riggers-Piehl & Tara D. Hudson
December 2016, Volume 57, Issue 8
- 913-942 Aspirations and Application for Graduate Education: Gender Differences in Low-Participation STEM Disciplines
by Yonghong Jade Xu - 943-967 Pell Grants as Performance-Based Scholarships? An Examination of Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements in the Nation’s Largest Need-Based Aid Program
by Lauren Schudde & Judith Scott-Clayton - 968-989 Student Participation in Academic Advising: Propensity, Behavior, Attribution and Satisfaction
by Jakob Braun & Mohammadali Zolfagharian - 990-1009 Family Friendly Policies in STEM Departments: Awareness and Determinants
by Xuhong Su & Barry Bozeman - 1010-1030 How University Websites’ Emphasis on Age Diversity Influences Prospective Students’ Perception of Person-Organization Fit and Student Recruitment
by Toni A. Ihme & Katharina Sonnenberg & Maria-Luisa Barbarino & Björn Fisseler & Stefan Stürmer
November 2016, Volume 57, Issue 7
- 795-822 Berkeley or Bust? Estimating the Causal Effect of College Selectivity on Bachelor’s Degree Completion
by Shomon Shamsuddin - 823-844 Life Happens (Outside of College): Non-College Life-Events and Students’ Likelihood of Graduation
by Bradley E. Cox & Robert D. Reason & Samantha Nix & Megan Gillman - 845-868 Counselors, Information, and High School College-Going Culture: Inequalities in the College Application Process
by Karen Jeong Robinson & Josipa Roksa - 869-891 Resources and Research Production in Higher Education: A Longitudinal Analysis of Chinese Universities, 2000–2010
by Liang Zhang & Wei Bao & Liang Sun - 892-912 A Second Dystopia in Education: Validity Issues in Authentic Assessment Practices
by John D. Hathcoat & Jeremy D. Penn & Laura L. B. Barnes & Johnathan C. Comer
September 2016, Volume 57, Issue 6
- 653-681 Does Financial Aid Impact College Student Engagement?
by Angela Boatman & Bridget Terry Long - 682-713 How Many Credits Should an Undergraduate Take?
by Paul Attewell & David Monaghan - 714-738 Mentoring the Next Generation of Faculty: Supporting Academic Career Aspirations Among Doctoral Students
by Nicola Curtin & Janet Malley & Abigail J. Stewart - 739-767 International Postgraduate Students’ Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Malaysia: Antecedents and Outcomes
by Azadeh Shafaei & Nordin Abd Razak - 768-793 Developing and Evaluating the Culturally Engaging Campus Environments (CECE) Scale: An Examination of Content and Construct Validity
by Samuel D. Museus & Duan Zhang & Mee Joo Kim
August 2016, Volume 57, Issue 5
- 519-543 Turning the Question Around: Do Colleges Fail to Meet Students’ Expectations?
by James E. Rosenbaum & Kelly Iwanaga Becker & Kennan A. Cepa & Claudia E. Zapata-Gietl - 544-569 Course-Taking Patterns of Community College Students Beginning in STEM: Using Data Mining Techniques to Reveal Viable STEM Transfer Pathways
by Xueli Wang - 570-600 Understanding the Changing Dynamics of the Gender Gap in Undergraduate Engineering Majors: 1971–2011
by Linda J. Sax & M. Allison Kanny & Jerry A. Jacobs & Hannah Whang & Dayna S. Weintraub & Amber Hroch - 601-629 Layers of Influence: Exploring Institutional- and State-Level Effects on College Student Views Toward Access to Public Education for Undocumented Immigrants
by Juan C. Garibay & Felisha A. Herrera & Marc P. Johnston-Guerrero & Gina A. Garcia - 630-651 The Problem with the Delta Cost Project Database
by Ozan Jaquette & Edna Parra
June 2016, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 395-422 Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Investigating Rates and Patterns of Financial Aid Renewal Among College Freshmen
by Kelli Bird & Benjamin L. Castleman - 423-447 Examining the Impact of a Highly Targeted State Administered Merit Aid Program on Brain Drain: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Missouri’s Bright Flight Program
by James R. Harrington & José Muñoz & Bradley R. Curs & Mark Ehlert - 448-468 Which Peers Matter: How Social Ties Affect Peer-group Effects
by Oleg Poldin & Diliara Valeeva & Maria Yudkevich - 469-496 The Reliability and Validity of Using Regression Residuals to Measure Institutional Effectiveness in Promoting Degree Completion
by Aaron S. Horn & Giljae Lee - 497-517 The Influence of Campus Climate and Interfaith Engagement on Self-Authored Worldview Commitment and Pluralism Orientation Across Sexual and Gender Identities
by Alyssa N. Rockenbach & Tiffani A. Riggers-Piehl & Jason C. Garvey & Marc A. Lo & Matthew J. Mayhew
May 2016, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 310-334 College Enhancement Strategies and Socioeconomic Inequality
by Gregory C. Wolniak & Ryan S. Wells & Mark E. Engberg & Catherine A. Manly - 335-362 Does Holding a Postdoctoral Position Bring Benefits for Advancing to Academia?
by Eric S. Lin & Shih-Yung Chiu - 363-393 Co-Curricular Connections: The Role of Undergraduate Research Experiences in Promoting Engineering Students’ Communication, Teamwork, and Leadership Skills
by Deborah Faye Carter & Hyun Kyoung Ro & Benjamin Alcott & Lisa R. Lattuca
March 2016, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 190-222 Should Community College Students Earn an Associate Degree Before Transferring to a 4-Year Institution?
by Elizabeth M. Kopko & Peter M. Crosta - 258-259 Erratum to: Why the Boys are Missing: Using Social Capital to Explain Gender Differences in College Enrollment for Public High School Students
by Sarah Klevan & Sharon L. Weinberg & Joel A. Middleton