October 2012, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 261-274 Parallel branch and bound for multidimensional scaling with city-block distances
by Julius Žilinskas - 275-293 Duality and solutions for quadratic programming over single non-homogeneous quadratic constraint
by Joe-Mei Feng & Gang-Xuan Lin & Reuy-Lin Sheu & Yong Xia - 295-306 Duality on a nondifferentiable minimax fractional programming
by Hang-Chin Lai & Hui-Mei Chen - 307-323 Optimal control problems arising in the zinc sulphate electrolyte purification process
by Ling Wang & Wei Gui & Kok Teo & Ryan Loxton & Chun Yang - 325-339 On reduction of duality gap in quadratic knapsack problems
by X. Zheng & X. Sun & D. Li & Y. Xu - 341-351 Canonical dual approach to solving the maximum cut problem
by Zhenbo Wang & Shu-Cherng Fang & David Gao & Wenxun Xing - 353-366 New parameterized kernel functions for linear optimization
by Yanqin Bai & Wei Xie & Jing Zhang - 367-373 Common best proximity points: global minimization of multi-objective functions
by S. Sadiq Basha - 375-388 Duality for optimization problems in Banach algebras
by M. Soleimani-damaneh - 389-404 Scheduling linear deteriorating jobs to minimize the number of tardy jobs
by Abbasali Jafari & Ghasem Moslehi - 405-429 Exploiting run time distributions to compare sequential and parallel stochastic local search algorithms
by Celso Ribeiro & Isabel Rosseti & Reinaldo Vallejos - 431-431 Erratum to: Global optimization of stochastic black-box systems via sequential kriging meta-models
by D. Huang & T. Allen & W. Notz & N. Zheng
September 2012, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-15 The economic production and pricing model with lot-size-dependent production cost
by Alireza Kabirian - 17-26 Existence and stability of minimax regret equilibria
by Zhe Yang & Yong Pu - 27-46 Existence theorems and iterative approximation methods for generalized mixed equilibrium problems for a countable family of nonexpansive mappings
by Uthai Kamraksa & Rabian Wangkeeree - 47-58 Duality theorems for a new class of multitime multiobjective variational problems
by Ariana Pitea & Mihai Postolache - 59-73 Expected improvement in efficient global optimization through bootstrapped kriging
by Jack Kleijnen & Wim Beers & Inneke Nieuwenhuyse - 75-82 Inverse 1-median problem on trees under weighted Hamming distance
by Xiucui Guan & Binwu Zhang - 83-100 A hybrid method for a family of relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings and an equilibrium problem in Banach spaces
by Prasit Cholamjiak & Suthep Suantai - 101-116 Strong convergence theorems for variational inequality problems and quasi- $${\phi}$$ -asymptotically nonexpansive mappings
by H. Zegeye & N. Shahzad - 117-128 A distance-based measure of super efficiency in data envelopment analysis: an application to gas companies
by Alireza Amirteimoori & Sohrab Kordrostami - 129-153 Using the parametric approach to solve the continuous-time linear fractional max–min problems
by Ching-Feng Wen & Hsien-Chung Wu - 155-171 Strong convergence theorems for variational inequality, equilibrium and fixed point problems with applications
by Shenghua Wang & Giuseppe Marino & Yeong-Cheng Liou - 173-184 Strong convergence of an iterative method for pseudo-contractive and monotone mappings
by Habtu Zegeye & Naseer Shahzad - 185-197 Viscosity approximation methods for a nonexpansive semigroup in Banach spaces with gauge functions
by Prasit Cholamjiak & Suthep Suantai - 199-218 An alternating variable method for the maximal correlation problem
by Lei-Hong Zhang & Li-Zhi Liao
August 2012, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 587-614 Nonsmooth optimization reformulations of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems
by Axel Dreves & Christian Kanzow & Oliver Stein - 615-639 On the equivalence of strong formulations for capacitated multi-level lot sizing problems with setup times
by Tao Wu & Leyuan Shi & Joseph Geunes & Kerem Akartunalı - 641-661 The positiveness of lower limits of the Hoffman constant in parametric polyhedral programs
by A. Jourani & D. Zagrodny - 663-681 Curvature-constrained directional-cost paths in the plane
by Alan Chang & Marcus Brazil & J. Rubinstein & Doreen Thomas - 683-697 Saddle points of general augmented Lagrangians for constrained nonconvex optimization
by H. Wu & H. Luo - 699-736 An experimental methodology for response surface optimization methods
by Daniel Lizotte & Russell Greiner & Dale Schuurmans - 737-748 Gap functions and error bounds for quasi variational inequalities
by Rachana Gupta & Aparna Mehra - 749-767 Theoretical rate of convergence for interval inclusion functions
by Daniel Scholz - 769-808 Clonal selection: an immunological algorithm for global optimization over continuous spaces
by Mario Pavone & Giuseppe Narzisi & Giuseppe Nicosia
July 2012, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 381-390 Equilibrium existence theorems for multi-leader-follower generalized multiobjective games in FC-spaces
by Xie Ding - 391-415 Global minimization of multivariate polynomials using nonstandard methods
by Guangxing Zeng & Shuijing Xiao - 417-430 Seller’s optimal credit period and replenishment time in a supply chain with up-stream and down-stream trade credits
by Jinn-Tsair Teng & Kuo-Ren Lou - 431-440 Saddle points for vector valued functions: existence, necessary and sufficient theorems
by Dorel Duca & Liana Lupsa - 441-473 Rigorous filtering using linear relaxations
by Ferenc Domes & Arnold Neumaier - 475-495 Extremal values of global tolerances in combinatorial optimization with an additive objective function
by Vyacheslav Chistyakov & Boris Goldengorin & Panos Pardalos - 497-524 On solving continuous-time dynamic network flows
by S. Hashemi & Ebrahim Nasrabadi - 525-537 Existence and iterative algorithm of solutions for a class of bilevel generalized mixed equilibrium problems in Banach spaces
by Xie Ding - 539-561 Financing policies via stochastic control: a dynamic programming approach
by Roy Cerqueti - 563-572 Complexity and approximation of the connected set-cover problem
by Wei Zhang & Weili Wu & Wonjun Lee & Ding-Zhu Du - 573-586 Bilevel problems over polyhedra with extreme point optimal solutions
by Herminia Calvete & Carmen Galé & Stephan Dempe & Sebastian Lohse
June 2012, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 135-135 Preface
by Nicolas Hadjisavvas - 137-163 Some criteria for maximal abstract monotonicity
by H. Mohebi & J.-E. Martínez-Legaz & M. Rocco - 165-184 Weak stability and strong duality of a class of nonconvex infinite programs via augmented Lagrangian
by T. Son & D. Kim & N. Tam - 185-201 A complete characterization of strong duality in nonconvex optimization with a single constraint
by Fabián Flores-Bazán & Fernando Flores-Bazán & Cristián Vera - 203-214 On the image space analysis for vector quasi-equilibrium problems with a variable ordering relation
by G. Mastroeni - 215-229 Variational relation problems and equivalent forms of generalized Fan-Browder fixed point theorem with applications to Stampacchia equilibrium problems
by Lai-Jiu Lin - 231-241 Local boundedness of monotone bifunctions
by Mohammad Alizadeh & Nicolas Hadjisavvas - 243-254 Nondifferentiable minimax fractional programming in complex spaces with parametric duality
by Hang-Chin Lai & Tone-Yau Huang - 255-269 On duality gap in binary quadratic programming
by X. Sun & C. Liu & D. Li & J. Gao - 271-284 Generalized vector variational-like inequalities and vector optimization
by Qamrul Ansari & Mahboubeh Rezaie & Jafar Zafarani - 285-296 Nonsmooth semi-infinite programming problem using Limiting subdifferentials
by S. Mishra & M. Jaiswal & H. Le Thi - 297-315 Asset portfolio optimization using support vector machines and real-coded genetic algorithm
by Pankaj Gupta & Mukesh Mehlawat & Garima Mittal - 317-329 Behavior of DCA sequences for solving the trust-region subproblem
by Hoai Le Thi & Tao Pham Dinh & Nguyen Yen - 331-346 Existence and algorithms for bilevel generalized mixed equilibrium problems in Banach spaces
by X. Ding & Y. Liou & J. Yao - 347-361 On stable uniqueness in linear semi-infinite optimization
by M. Goberna & M. Todorov & V. Vera de Serio - 363-380 Dynamic optimal portfolio with maximum absolute deviation model
by Mei Yu & Shouyang Wang
May 2012, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-3 Preface
by S. Schaible & J. Yao - 5-28 Gauss–Newton method for convex composite optimizations on Riemannian manifolds
by Jin-Hua Wang & Jen-Chih Yao & Chong Li - 29-51 On linear programs with linear complementarity constraints
by Jing Hu & John Mitchell & Jong-Shi Pang & Bin Yu - 53-67 Survey on Vector Complementarity Problems
by F. Giannessi & G. Mastroeni & X. Yang - 69-96 Hybrid extragradient-like methods for generalized mixed equilibrium problems, systems of generalized equilibrium problems and optimization problems
by Lu-Chuan Ceng & Qamrul Ansari & Siegfried Schaible - 97-105 Gauss–Seidel method for multi-valued inclusions with Z mappings
by E. Allevi & A. Gnudi & I. Konnov & S. Schaible - 107-120 Semidefinite complementarity reformulation for robust Nash equilibrium problems with Euclidean uncertainty sets
by Ryoichi Nishimura & Shunsuke Hayashi & Masao Fukushima - 121-134 More results on Schur complements in Euclidean Jordan algebras
by Roman Sznajder & M. Gowda & Melania Moldovan
April 2012, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 663-687 Standard bi-quadratic optimization problems and unconstrained polynomial reformulations
by Immanuel Bomze & Chen Ling & Liqun Qi & Xinzhen Zhang - 689-710 The block diagram method for designing the particle swarm optimization algorithm
by Lu Baiquan & Gao Gaiqin & Lu Zeyu - 711-728 On the existence of solutions to generalized quasi-equilibrium problems
by Truong Duong & Nguyen Tan - 729-741 Radar placement along banks of river
by Zhao Zhang & Ding-Zhu Du - 743-756 Inequality problems of quasi-hemivariational type involving set-valued operators and a nonlinear term
by Nicuşor Costea & Vicenţiu Rădulescu - 757-778 A dual variant of Benson’s “outer approximation algorithm” for multiple objective linear programming
by Matthias Ehrgott & Andreas Löhne & Lizhen Shao - 779-795 Levitin-Polyak well-posedness of generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems with functional constraints
by Jian-Wen Peng & Soon-Yi Wu & Yan Wang - 797-829 An exact solution method for unconstrained quadratic 0–1 programming: a geometric approach
by D. Li & X. Sun & C. Liu - 831-842 Generalized projections onto convex sets
by O. Ferreira & S. Németh - 843-853 Stability properties of the Tikhonov regularization for nonmonotone inclusions
by Michaël Gaydu - 855-868 Packing congruent hyperspheres into a hypersphere
by Yuriy Stoyan & Georgiy Yaskov
March 2012, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 369-370 Preface
by Nguyen Thoai & Harold Benson & Panos Pardalos - 371-390 A convergent simplicial algorithm with ω-subdivision and ω-bisection strategies
by Takahito Kuno & Paul Buckland - 391-409 Convex envelopes of products of convex and component-wise concave functions
by Aida Khajavirad & Nikolaos Sahinidis - 411-421 On the relation between concavity cuts and the surrogate dual for convex maximization problems
by Marco Locatelli & Fabio Schoen - 423-445 Think co(mpletely)positive ! Matrix properties, examples and a clustered bibliography on copositive optimization
by Immanuel Bomze & Werner Schachinger & Gabriele Uchida - 447-469 Reduced RLT representations for nonconvex polynomial programming problems
by Hanif Sherali & Evrim Dalkiran & Leo Liberti - 471-485 Calibration of estimator-weights via semismooth Newton method
by Ralf Münnich & Ekkehard Sachs & Matthias Wagner - 487-497 Parameterized fairness axioms on cycle-free graph games
by S. Ryuo & K. Sato & Y. Yamamoto - 499-508 Criteria and dimension reduction of linear multiple criteria optimization problems
by Nguyen Thoai - 509-535 Exact penalty and error bounds in DC programming
by Hoai Le Thi & Tao Pham Dinh & Huynh Ngai - 537-551 An improved algorithm to test copositivity
by Julia Sponsel & Stefan Bundfuss & Mirjam Dür - 553-574 An outcome space algorithm for optimization over the weakly efficient set of a multiple objective nonlinear programming problem
by Harold Benson - 575-590 Global energy minimisation and cotranslational protein folding of HP models
by Graham Wood & Yumi Patton & David Fisher - 591-605 Mathematical programs with vanishing constraints: critical point theory
by Dominik Dorsch & Vladimir Shikhman & Oliver Stein - 607-626 A hybrid method for quantum global optimization
by Yipeng Liu & Gary Koehler - 627-639 An extragradient algorithm for solving bilevel pseudomonotone variational inequalities
by P. Anh & J. Kim & L. Muu - 641-661 Interior proximal methods for quasiconvex optimization
by Nils Langenberg & Rainer Tichatschke
February 2012, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 193-193 Special issue on “Optimization and optimal control with applications” for the 4th International Conference on Optimization and Control with Applications (OCA2009), June 6–11, 2009, Harbin, China
by S. Wang & K. Teo - 195-209 Global optimal solutions to a class of quadrinomial minimization problems with one quadratic constraint
by Y.-B Yuan & S.-C. Fang & D. Gao - 211-227 Nonlinear optimal feedback control for lunar module soft landing
by Jingyang Zhou & Kok Teo & Di Zhou & Guohui Zhao - 229-242 On zero duality gap in nonconvex quadratic programming problems
by X. Zheng & X. Sun & D. Li & Y. Xu - 243-252 Second-order differentiability of generalized perturbation maps
by S. Li & C. Liao - 253-263 Minimum recession-compatible subsets of closed convex sets
by Yiran He & Jie Sun - 265-280 Optimal switching control of a fed-batch fermentation process
by Chongyang Liu & Zhaohua Gong & Enmin Feng & Hongchao Yin - 281-290 Anticipating synchronization through optimal feedback control
by Tingwen Huang & David Gao & Chuandong Li & MingQing Xiao - 291-304 Robust dynamical compensator design for discrete-time linear periodic systems
by Lingling Lv & Guangren Duan & Haibin Su - 305-322 An adaptive least-squares collocation radial basis function method for the HJB equation
by H. Alwardi & S. Wang & L. Jennings & S. Richardson - 323-334 Exponential stability analysis and impulsive tracking control of uncertain time-delayed systems
by Yuanqiang Chen & Honglei Xu - 335-351 Variance or spectral density in sampled data filtering?
by Graham Goodwin & Juan Yuz & Mario Salgado & Juan Agüero - 353-367 Performance analysis and evaluation of an enhanced power saving class type III in IEEE 802.16 with self-similar traffic
by Shunfu Jin & Wuyi Yue & Li Han
January 2012, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-28 Convergence rate of McCormick relaxations
by Agustín Bompadre & Alexander Mitsos - 29-43 Vector optimization problem and generalized convexity
by M. Oveisiha & J. Zafarani - 45-55 Low dimensional simplex evolution: a new heuristic for global optimization
by Changtong Luo & Bo Yu - 57-77 Iterative method for fixed point problem, variational inequality and generalized mixed equilibrium problems with applications
by Yekini Shehu - 79-94 Characterizations for solidness of dual cones with applications
by Y. Chiang - 95-108 Augmented Lagrangian functions for constrained optimization problems
by Y. Zhou & X. Yang - 109-121 Weak efficiency in multiobjective variational problems under generalized convexity
by M. Arana-Jiménez & G. Ruiz-Garzón & A. Rufián-Lizana & R. Osuna-Gómez - 123-137 An efficient algorithm for maximal margin clustering
by Jiming Peng & Lopamudra Mukherjee & Vikas Singh & Dale Schuurmans & Linli Xu - 139-159 Dual extragradient algorithms extended to equilibrium problems
by Tran Quoc & Pham Anh & Le Muu - 161-169 Second order duality in minmax fractional programming with generalized univexity
by Sarita Sharma & T. Gulati - 171-192 A Differential Evolution algorithm to deal with box, linear and quadratic-convex constraints for boundary optimization
by Massimo Spadoni & Luciano Stefanini
December 2011, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 569-606 Generalized McCormick relaxations
by Joseph Scott & Matthew Stuber & Paul Barton - 607-640 Self-adaptive randomized and rank-based differential evolution for multimodal problems
by Onay Urfalioglu & Orhan Arikan - 641-655 The prox-Tikhonov regularization method for the proximal point algorithm in Banach spaces
by D. Sahu & J. Yao - 657-675 Existence results for proper efficient solutions of vector equilibrium problems and applications
by Adela Capătă - 677-688 Calmness of efficient solution maps in parametric vector optimization
by T. Chuong & A. Kruger & J.-C. Yao - 689-714 Generalized equilibrium problems and fixed point problems for nonexpansive semigroups in Hilbert spaces
by Uthai Kamraksa & Rabian Wangkeeree - 715-742 Low order-value approach for solving VaR-constrained optimization problems
by E. Birgin & L. Bueno & N. Krejić & J. Martínez - 743-751 Markov modelling and parameterisation of genetic evolutionary test generations
by Adriel Cheng & Cheng-Chew Lim
November 2011, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 377-393 Combined bound-grid-factor constraints for enhancing RLT relaxations for polynomial programs
by Hanif Sherali & Evrim Dalkiran - 395-412 Subdifferential properties of the minimal time function of linear control systems
by Yi Jiang & Yi He & Jie Sun - 413-427 Evolution hemivariational inequality problems with doubly nonlinear operators
by Zijia Peng & Zhenhai Liu - 429-446 Alternating direction method for bi-quadratic programming
by Sheng-Long Hu & Zheng-Hai Huang - 447-462 Maximum lifetime coverage preserving scheduling algorithms in sensor networks
by Maggie Cheng & Xuan Gong - 463-471 Heuristic algorithms for the inverse mixed integer linear programming problem
by Zhaoyang Duan & Lizhi Wang - 473-495 A new smoothing Broyden-like method for solving nonlinear complementarity problem with a P 0 -function
by Bilian Chen & Changfeng Ma - 497-514 New decision rules for exact search in N-Queens
by Pablo San Segundo - 515-540 Seeking global edges for traveling salesman problem in multi-start search
by Weiqi Li - 541-548 Continuity of approximate solution mappings for parametric equilibrium problems
by X. Li & S. Li - 549-568 Global optimality conditions and optimization methods for quadratic integer programming problems
by Z. Wu & G. Li & J. Quan
October 2011, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 185-187 Guest editorial: a special issue on optimization techniques for business intelligence systems
by Jie Lu & Guangquan Zhang - 189-208 A multi-criteria optimization model for humanitarian aid distribution
by Begoña Vitoriano & M. Ortuño & Gregorio Tirado & Javier Montero - 209-226 A comparison study of fuzzy MADM methods in nuclear safeguards evaluation
by Özgür Kabak & Da Ruan - 227-244 An intelligent multi-criteria optimization method for quick and market-oriented textile material design
by Xiaoguang Deng & Xianyi Zeng & Philippe Vroman & Ludovic Koehl - 245-254 Particle swarm optimization for bi-level pricing problems in supply chains
by Ya Gao & Guangquan Zhang & Jie Lu & Hui-Ming Wee - 255-270 Optimization algorithm for learning consistent belief rule-base from examples
by Jun Liu & Luis Martinez & Da Ruan & Rosa Rodriguez & Alberto Calzada - 271-284 An improved training algorithm for feedforward neural network learning based on terminal attractors
by Xinghuo Yu & Bin Wang & Batsukh Batbayar & Liuping Wang & Zhihong Man - 285-300 Maturity, distance and density (MD 2 ) metrics for optimizing trust prediction for business intelligence
by Muhammad Raza & Omar Hussain & Farookh Hussain & Elizabeth Chang - 301-311 Pareto-optimality of oblique decision trees from evolutionary algorithms
by Jose Pangilinan & Gerrit Janssens - 313-324 Constructing composite search directions with parameters in quadratic interpolation models
by Qinghua Zhou & Yan Li & Minghu Ha - 325-344 Incremental learning optimization on knowledge discovery in dynamic business intelligent systems
by Dun Liu & Tianrui Li & Da Ruan & Junbo Zhang - 345-360 Multitime dynamic programming for multiple integral actions
by Constantin Udrişte & Ionel Ţevy - 361-376 Riemannian convexity of functionals
by Constantin Udrişte & Andreea Bejenaru
September 2011, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-10 Min-max and robust polynomial optimization
by J. Lasserre - 11-26 Inexact Halpern-type proximal point algorithm
by O. Boikanyo & G. Moroşanu - 27-46 The general iterative methods for nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces
by Rattanaporn Wangkeeree & Narin Petrot & Rabian Wangkeeree - 47-68 Discrete time dynamic traffic assignment models and solution algorithm for managed lanes
by Qipeng Zheng & Ashwin Arulselvan - 69-78 Iterative approximation method for finite family of relatively quasi nonexpansive mappings and systems of equilibrium problems
by Yekini Shehu - 79-104 Mixture surrogate models based on Dempster-Shafer theory for global optimization problems
by Juliane Müller & Robert Piché - 105-113 A new C-function for symmetric cone complementarity problems
by Jia Tang & Sanyang Liu & Changfeng Ma - 115-132 Geometric fit of a point set by generalized circles
by Mark-Christoph Körner & Jack Brimberg & Henrik Juel & Anita Schöbel - 133-148 A heterogeneous cooperative parallel search of branch-and-bound method and tabu search algorithm
by Yi-Feng Hung & Wei-Chih Chen - 149-183 Generalized Benders’ Decomposition for topology optimization problems
by Eduardo Muñoz & Mathias Stolpe
August 2011, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 555-556 Preface: Special issue SAGO08
by M. Montaz Ali & Eligius Hendrix - 557-573 Parallel algorithms for continuous multifacility competitive location problems
by J. Redondo & J. Fernández & I. García & P. Ortigosa - 575-596 Dynamic sample budget allocation in model-based optimization
by Jiaqiao Hu & Hyeong Chang & Michael Fu & Steven Marcus - 597-627 Pattern discrete and mixed Hit-and-Run for global optimization
by Huseyin Mete & Yanfang Shen & Zelda Zabinsky & Seksan Kiatsupaibul & Robert Smith - 629-644 A metaheuristic methodology based on the limitation of the memory of interval branch and bound algorithms
by Jordan Ninin & Frédéric Messine - 645-655 On determining the cover of a simplex by spheres centered at its vertices
by L. Casado & I. García & B. Tóth & E. Hendrix - 657-673 An exact algorithm for the 0–1 linear knapsack problem with a single continuous variable
by Geng Lin & Wenxing Zhu & M. Ali - 675-694 A globally and superlinearly convergent quasi-Newton method for general box constrained variational inequalities without smoothing approximation
by Xuebin Wang & Changfeng Ma & Meiyan Li - 695-712 Nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming: best D.C. decompositions and their SDP representations
by X. Zheng & X. Sun & D. Li - 713-728 A continuation approach for the capacitated multi-facility weber problem based on nonlinear SOCP reformulation
by Jein-Shan Chen & Shaohua Pan & Chun-Hsu Ko
July 2011, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 371-378 A new topological minimax theorem with application
by Hoang Tuy - 379-396 Global descent methods for unconstrained global optimization
by Z. Wu & D. Li & L. Zhang - 397-416 An approximation algorithm for convex multi-objective programming problems
by Matthias Ehrgott & Lizhen Shao & Anita Schöbel - 417-437 Massively parallel differential evolution—pattern search optimization with graphics hardware acceleration: an investigation on bound constrained optimization problems
by Weihang Zhu - 439-455 Global optimization for the generalized polynomial sum of ratios problem
by Peiping Shen & Yuan Ma & Yongqiang Chen - 457-472 A new iterative algorithm for equilibrium and fixed point problems of nonexpansive mapping
by Zi-Ming Wang & Yongfu Su & Sun Cho & Wandong Lou - 473-483 Maximum information stored in a labeled connected network with minimum edges
by Chao-Lin Chen - 485-502 On the Dini-Hadamard subdifferential of the difference of two functions
by Radu Boţ & Delia-Maria Nechita - 503-518 A biased random-key genetic algorithm for routing and wavelength assignment
by Thiago Noronha & Mauricio Resende & Celso Ribeiro - 519-529 Second-order Kuhn-Tucker invex constrained problems
by Vsevolod Ivanov - 531-535 A note on the regularized proximal point algorithm
by Fenghui Wang - 537-547 Alternative principles and their applications
by Mircea Balaj - 549-553 Equivalent formulations of the gradient
by Sanjo Zlobec
May 2011, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-2 Preface
by Juan Martínez-Legaz & Wilfredo Sosa Sandoval - 3-22 Codifferential method for minimizing nonsmooth DC functions
by A. Bagirov & J. Ugon - 23-37 SSDB spaces and maximal monotonicity
by Stephen Simons - 39-57 Partial penalization for the solution of generalized Nash equilibrium problems
by Francisco Facchinei & Lorenzo Lampariello - 59-76 Korpelevich’s method for variational inequality problems in Banach spaces
by Alfredo Iusem & Mostafa Nasri - 77-91 Small sets in best approximation theory
by J. Revalski & N. Zhivkov - 93-105 Semicontinuity of the solution map of quasivariational inequalities
by D. Aussel & J. Cotrina - 107-118 Maximizing selections from the core of a cooperative game
by Hans Keiding - 119-125 Generalized Nash equilibrium problems for lower semi-continuous strategy maps
by P. Georgiev & P. Pardalos - 127-143 Optimizing microwind rural electrification projects. A case study in Peru
by Laia Ferrer-Martí & Rafael Pastor & G. Capó & Enrique Velo - 145-167 Enhanced metric regularity and Lipschitzian properties of variational systems
by Francisco Aragón Artacho & Boris Mordukhovich