February 2025, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 04-07 Exceeding Customers’ Expectations by Improving AI – Human Mix, and Considering Significant Predictions To Be Used by CMOs
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 08-18 Marketing positioning for medical optics – S.C. Dayane GT Impex S.R.L.: Part III, Description of the Company
by TALPEANU, Andra Elena & EDU, Tudor - 19-25 The AI-Augmented Marketers’ Advancement and the Best Way to Address B2C and B2B Marketers’ Skill Gaps
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 32-34 The 25th Anniversary of the prestigious “Amfiteatru Economic” Review
by PURCAREA, Theodor
December 2024, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 04-08 Reflecting on Spreading Positivity, Developing Authentic Relationships, Balancing the Human Touch and AI, Thinking in Systems and Considering Drivers of Growth
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 09-13 Marketing positioning for medical optics – S.C. Dayane GT Impex S.R.L.: Part II, Marketing positioning. Theoretical-methodological aspects
by TALPEANU, Andra Elena & EDU, Tudor - 14-21 Marketing at the Crossroad: Digital Workforce Focused on AI Integration, Leveraging E-Commerce Personalization
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 28-30 High value-added content that extends beyond significant events
by PURCAREA, Theodor
August 2024, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 04-07 Placing Continuous Emphasis on Resilience, Agility and Innovation, Effectively Managing Technological Priorities
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 08-10 Marketing positioning for medical optics – S.C. Dayane GT Impex S.R.L.: Part I, Introduction
by TALPEANU, Andra Elena & EDU, Tudor - 11-17 Ensuring digital marketing performance improvement, making difference between today’s and tomorrow’s marketing function
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
June 2024, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 04-08 Building Trust in AI-Driven Tools While Advancing on the Maturation of AI Use, Considering Consumers’ Views
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 09-16 General Overview of England, Australia, Canada, and Romania’s Healthcare Systems and Human Resources Management Strategies
by COVACHE-BUSUIOC, Razvan-Adrian & GLAVAN, Luca-Andrei & BRATU, Bogdan-Gabriel & CIUREA, Alexandru Vladimir - 17-20 The influence of social media on contemporary consumer behavior: Part IV, Research Conclusions
by MAGNO, Dominic Elena & EDU, Tudor - 21-28 Redefining Marketing While Advancing on the Path to AI Innovation, Better Assessing AI Model Performance
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
March 2024, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 04-08 At the Confluence of Disruptive Technologies and Leadership by Collaboration and Correct Consensus, Combining ICT/AI with Human Intelligence/Values
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 09-16 The influence of social media on contemporary consumer behavior: Part III, Research Findings and Discussion
by MAGNO, Dominic Elena & EDU, Tudor - 17-23 Challenges for Modern Marketing and E-Commerce Merchandising
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
December 2023, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 04-08 Embracing AI-Driven Transformation as a Comprehensive Mindset, Better Serving Customers
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 09-13 The influence of social media on contemporary consumer behavior: Part II, Research Methodology
by MAGNO, Dominic Elena & EDU, Tudor - 14-22 E-Commerce Personalization and Digital Merchandising Strategy
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 30-31 Romanian Competition Council Conference, November 6, 2023, at the National Military Circle, Marble Hall
by PURCAREA, Theodor
September 2023, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 04-10 Rewriting the Rules, 17 Years from the Launch of RAU Marketing Initiative Regarding New Skill Sets
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 11-36 The influence of social media on contemporary consumer behavior: Part I, Introduction and Literature Review
by MAGNO, Dominic Elena & EDU, Tudor - 37-46 E-Commerce, E-Fulfillment, Last Mile Delivery and CX
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 53-58 RAU Engagement in Bridging and Broadening Perspectives – Promoting Romania’s Brand Through University Study Programs
by PURCAREA, Theodor
July 2023, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 04-08 A New Revolution in Marketing and Sales or a Role Redefinition?
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 9-23 The Effect of Positive and Negative Nutrition/Health Advertising Label Claims on Intention to Buy
by STANTON, John L & BAGLIONE, Stephen & SALNIKOVA, Ekaterina - 24-30 E-Commerce Business Under Pressure To Grow
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 31-33 Researching the behavioral elements of online video game players. A detailed analysis using SPSS. Part IV: Research Conclusions and Recommendations
by STOICA, Valentin Marius & EDU, Tudor
February 2023, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 04-11 Disrupted and Reshaped Global Supply Chains, Marketing Performance, and Marketers’ New Tool ChatGPT and Its Competition
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 12-25 Researching the Behavioral Elements of Online Video Game Players. A Detailed Analysis Using SPSS. Part III: Analysis of Video Game Users’ Behavior in Romania
by STOICA, Valentin Marius & EDU, Tudor - 30-40 E-Commerce, Marketing Technology Stake, and Improved DCX
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 43-48 Measuring the Impact of E-Commerce on the Economy
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
December 2022, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 04-10 Brand as an Important Source of Power, and Risk Culture in Dealing with Organization’s Most Pressing Issues
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 11-20 Researching the behavioral elements of online video game players. A detailed analysis using SPSS. Part II: Analysis of company’s marketing environment
by STOICA, Valentin Marius & EDU, Tudor - 40-53 E-Commerce Development and Entering the Path to NeXT Commerce
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
October 2022, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 04-07 Marketing Strategy to Navigate the Current Uncertain Landscape, Advancing on the Path to the Next Frontier of Resilience
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 08-12 Researching the behavioral elements of online video game players. A detailed analysis using SPSS. Part I: A marketing approach to the video game industry
by STOICA, Valentin Marius & EDU, Tudor - 13-21 Digital Customer Engagement, CX Future and the Advance of the Metaverse-Related Activities Including in E-Commerce Retail
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 28-36 Location-based market positioning a company – A case study of food retailers in Romania. Part I: Literature Review
by BOTZOKAN, Nicolas Alexander & EDU, Tudor
July 2022, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 04-09 On the Path to a Culture Transformation in the Era of Uncertainty, Progressing by Taking Responsibility for the Journey Orchestration
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 10-15 From Big Volume and Big Boxes to Big Data
by HALLIER, Bernd - 16-30 Shaping the Future of E-Commerce in Relation with the Data Economy
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 40-67 The Digital Transformation and e-commerce
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
March 2022, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 04-09 Today’s World, Living History, Conscious Experience, Institutional Response, Composable Business, Collaborative Interactions, and Fair Performance Management System
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 15-25 Agile Marketing and Empowered E-Commerce
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
December 2021, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 04-08 Digital Channels, Budgeting Decisions, and Marketing Metrics
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 13-24 Digital Maturity improved by Digital Marketing in Harmony with e-commerce
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 34-112 Considerations regarding the effects of Industrie 4.0 on e-commerce
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
October 2021, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 04-10 Moving forward the frontiers of the feasible, considering marketing’s digital orchestrator role, and rethinking the marketing technology ecosystem
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 14-39 The Impact of Robotics on E-commerce, and the Challenge of Delivering Great CX
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 48-49 Professor Ioan Ursachi, Founding Member of RAFPEC (FRAPEC)
by MIRON, Dumitru
August 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 04-08 Resilience and Strategic Risk Management, Reskilling Considering Skills Descriptions and Enabling Learning, Accelerating the Innovation Cycle
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 16-31 Digital Marketing and Ecommerce in the Digital Neo-Economy, Discovering by Learning in the New Era of Innovation, and Re-engaging the Marketing Team
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 40-43 Despre Marketing. Antologie (Iacob Catoiu on Marketing. Anthology, ASE Publishing House, 2019)
by CATOIU, Iacob - 44-47 Leadership in the new era of human-machine relationships, cultural architecture through digital marketing
by NEGRICEA, Costel - 48-59 Maratonul vietii sau permanenta misiune (Nicholas DIMA, Maratonul vietii, Editura Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2019 / Nicholas DIMA, The Marathon of Life, National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Publishing House, 2019)
by CORBU, Ion
April 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 04-08 Honoring building organizational resilience and driving value, impacting positively on society, showing respect
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 35-53 Marketing 5.0, Society 5.0, Leading-Edge Technologies, New CX, and New Engagement Capacity within the Digital Transformation
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 61-100 E-Commerce Contribution In Sustainable Development: Towards A New Era Of Safe And More Sustainable Products
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
December 2020, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 04-07 Restarting the internal processes of the company’s receptive ecosystem, and managing complexity by better impacting organization based on the humanocratic management model
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 08-12 Aspects regarding the advantages and disadvantages of online education
by BUDACIA, Andreea Elisabeta & BUDACIA, Lucian Constantin Gabriel - 13-22 Marketing transformation under the pressure of the new technologies and emotions impact on decision making
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
November 2020, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 04-08 Adjusting to the New Reality on the Path to the Next Normal, Connecting to Customers, and Responding Appropriately to the Current Unprecedented Crisis
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 09-19 America and the Rise of China – A potential Clash of Giants
by DIMA, Nicholas - 20-29 The Azov Regiment
by BOWERS, Stephen R. - 30-39 Over Tipping Point for Digital Disruption: E-Commerce & Omni Channel Working Together Within the Acceleration of the Digitization of Customer and Supply Chain Interactions
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
July 2020, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 04-07 Paying Attention to the Unrevealed Slice of the Current Unprecedented Crisis: Leadership Accountability, Making Evolving the Business Models and Implementing Lean Marketing Actions
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 08-20 The Connection between Digital Marketing and Relevant Public Relations. The Brand Building Role of Digital Communication
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 32-43 Putting Radical Marketing into Practice Immediately, Keeping Agile and Adaptable
by PURCAREA, Theodor
March 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 04-10 The Future of Marketing Management and Accurately Understanding the News Impacting the Business, Resetting our Guiding Values
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 11-26 Adequately Managing Digital Marketing, Considering the New Consumer Behaviors Driven Including by the Daily Health News
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 36-50 Marketing Differentiators and the Corollary Mindset Shifts within the New Marketing
by PURCAREA, Theodor
December 2019, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 04-07 Romanian Nation Branding New Moment of Reference, the Challenge of Creating Social and Economic Value, and Improving Social Constructs and Paradigms
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 12-21 The Ongoing Digital Revolution, Mobile Transformation, MarTech Applications, and Retraining
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 28-38 Aligning Marketing and Sales within the Evolving CMO Responsibilities: Ensuring Greater CX, Customer Success, and Value
by PURCAREA, Theodor
September 2019, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 04-06 Human Capital, Reskilling, Learning culture, and Microlearning
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 11-22 Marketers’ Reskilling within the Digital Transformation, a Today’s Essential Task for Approaching New Digital Roles
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 28-43 Marketing’s Re-innovation in Terms of Will and Skill
by PURCAREA, Theodor
June 2019, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 04-09 Modern Marketing within the Context of the Significant Disruption, and Marketers’ Future Challenges including CX Success
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 14-21 Digital Marketing Trends Transforming Marketing. Digital Marketing to Patients
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 26-37 The future of marketing. Enabling personalization and focusing on the content experience at scale
by PURCAREA, Theodor
March 2019, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 04-09 The Real Need of Being Equipped with Food and Nutrition Education
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 10-27 Organic Food: Identifying Actionable Segments
by BAGLIONE, Stephen L. & TUCCI, Louis A. & STANTON, John L. - 28-37 Digital Customers, Digital Marketers, and Keeping up with Trends in Today’s Digital World
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 42-55 Modern Marketing, CX, CRM, Customer Trust and Identity
by PURCAREA, Theodor
December 2018, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 04-06 Competing on CX in the Digital Age by Working Deep, Focusing on Valuable Digital Activities and a Digital Culture Strategy specific to the Human-Machine Partnership
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 11-18 Digital marketers are going beyond the traditional DX metrics
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 23-32 An increase of marketers’ focus on insight and action, adequately approaching the marketing stack
by PURCAREA, Theodor
September 2018, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 04-07 Leadership in the Era of the Agile Revolution. Driving Transformational Change: Awareness, Acceptance and Progress
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 08-13 Digital marketers challenged to drive results within the connected world
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 16-25 New Challenges for CMOs while Embarking on the Growth Journey
by PURCAREA, Theodor
June 2018, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 04-06 Re-engineering marketing in the digital age
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 07-15 Digital Marketers challenged to create excellence in accordance with the expectations of digitally savvy customers
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 17-25 CMOs’ strategic empowerment by effectively managing customer feedback
by PURCAREA, Theodor
March 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 04-07 Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Marketing Redivivus. Lessons to Learn for CMOs from DTC Companies
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 08-10 Excessive offer of services & production/import of goods
by KILNER, Andrew - 11-17 Digital Marketers and the Challenge of Optimizing Omni channel CX
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 22-44 Developing Marketing Capabilities by Mapping Customer Journey and Employer Journey, Considering the Blurring of Boundaries between Marketing, Technology and Management
by PURCAREA, Theodor
December 2017, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 04-09 Understanding Emotion and Connecting It to the Brand, and the Brand to Results
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 10-19 The Growing Impact of the Macro Environment
by KILNER, Andrew - 20-26 Digital Marketers at the Intersection of Digital Transformation with CX
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 27-36 Negative interest rates - Absolute despair improvises the economy
by NEGREPONTI-DELIVANIS, Maria - 37-48 CMOs at the confluence of AI, CX, and Growth
by PURCAREA, Theodor
September 2017, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 04-06 Marketing Organization in the Digital Age, the Engagement Gap, Digital Investments, AI, and CLV’s Role
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 07-21 Building a Path toward Digital Marketing Maturity. The impact of digital marketing in healthcare
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 30-47 Marketing’s Renaissance by Committing to Improve CX
by PURCAREA, Theodor
June 2017, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 04-06 Telling the Truth about the Difference Made by Data and Analytics, Bridging the Gap between the Marketing and Technology, and Improving Data-Driven Results
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 07-13 Digital marketing challenged by delivering value in the flux business environment
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 18-28 Marketing’s progress beyond its heritage functions: New Marketing, New CMO, and the Revenue Potential
by PURCAREA, Theodor
March 2017, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 04-06 The Research of the Organizational Culture in Romania
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 07-11 From National Independence to International Integration: Europe and Romania
by DIMA, Nicholas - 12-17 Digital intelligence and digital marketing effectiveness
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 18-31 CMO priorities in approaching consumer decision journey, and inspiration and influence in marketing
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 32-35 Producers and consumers face to face with the technical advancements of the 3rd millennium
by SOCA, Diana Anca
December 2016, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 04-07 Marketing planning methodology, organizing for marketing transformation, and ensuring relevance and consistency for customers, while understanding emotional nuance
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 08-15 Challenges for digital marketing capabilities within the context of the main ongoing marketing management trend
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 16-27 A Holistic Approach of Revenue Management and its Relation to Agile Marketing. Tourist Experience in a Customer-Driven Era
by PURCAREA, Theodor
September 2016, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 04-06 Marketers’ Wisdom in Delivering What Customers Want
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 07-16 Digital marketing capabilities in today's evolving digital world
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 17-22 The Retailers’ Marketing Strategy: Adapting to the fast-evolving environment
by TANASE, Cosmin - 27-41 The practice of marketing under the pressure of continuously updating the marketing capabilities platform
by PURCAREA, Theodor
June 2016, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 04-05 Developing “Customer Engagement” Construct University
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 06-14 Engineering the Digital Transformation of Marketing
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 15-23 New Challenges for B2B Marketers
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 24-28 Relational Marketing in the New Service Economy
by SOCA, Diana - 29-31 The latest issue of our partner journal, „Marketing Science and Inspirations”, Vol. XI, 2016, Number 1, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
by PURCAREA, Theodor
March 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1
December 2015, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 04-06 Looking Ahead to the 25th Anniversary of the Romanian-American University
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 07-14 Marketers, challenged to meeting digital priorities
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 15-21 Cultural entrepreneurship. The importance of developing cultural competences within the framework of resource mobilization
by PURCAREA, Irina - 22-27 Organizing for digital marketing success in tourism
by RATIU, Monica Paula & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 28-35 Marketers, challenged to prove their new skills within the context of the actual trends
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 36-43 Kanban – An Alternative To The Agile Model Of Project Management
September 2015, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 04-06 Management, a Hard Job Filled with Complexity, Doing What Your Mission Is and Improving the Customer Experience
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 07-12 Failings in the Management of World Affairs
by KILNER, Andrew - 13-19 Rethinking the Business by Ensuring Marketing Transformation
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 20-25 Digital Marketer: Facing Digital Marketing Opportunities
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 26-31 Reaching Travelers Through Digital Marketing Channels
by RATIU, Monica Paula & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 32-41 Healing by Art within Palliative Therapy-Medicine: A Holistic Case-Study
by HALLIER, Marie Christin - 42-43 The Latest Issue of our Partner Journal, "Marketing Science and Inspirations", Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
by PURCAREA, Theodor
June 2015, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 04-10 AFER General Assembly and ONEF 2015, Section: Marketing. “ONEF me”–a Benchmark for Student Engagement
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 11-14 Improving company management: review of recent ideas
by KILNER, Andrew - 15-20 Digital marketing, addressability and time, the new currency for CMOs
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 21-29 At the confluence of customer knowledge, delivery and engagement forming a challenging evolving delta of marketing, technology and management
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 30-37 Digital Tourism on the Way to Digital Marketing Success
by RATIU, Monica Paula & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 38-39 The latest issue of our partner journal, "Marketing Science and Inspirations", Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
by PURCAREA, Theodor
March 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 04-05 Promoting the proper high quality educational media in the era of the Chief Executive Student
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 06-10 MANAGER or SPECIALIST. Which role is most suitable for you?
by KILNER, Andrew - 11-17 Digital Marketing, Digital Disruption, and the New Rules of Digitization
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 18-22 The store of tomorrow–a symbiosis between the real and the virtual
by SOCA, Diana - 23-29 The coordinates of quality and satisfying the consumers’ needs
by BUDACIA, Andreea & PERJU-MITRAN, Alexandra - 30-39 Marketing as a center of constant improvement and change
by PURCAREA, Theodor
December 2014, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 04-04 What we want readers to remember from this HMM reading experience
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 05-14 A Review of the Different Marketing Opinions on Marketers’ Maturity and Challenges in the Second Half of 2014
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 15-21 Digital Marketing and a Better Understanding of the Consumer Mobile Journey
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 22-27 The 14th International Conference of Urbanicom: "Commerce and the City"
by WEGNEZ, Leon F. - 28-31 Professional Readers Challenged Again by Prof. Dr. Bernd Hallier with "Food Waste Management"
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 32-34 Doctoral Dissertation Award: The Institute Of Food Products Marketing
by STANTON, John & LANG, Mark - 35-36 The latest issue of our partner journal, Marketing Science and Inspirations
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 37-49 The venerable Professor BENIAMIN COTIGARU passed away
by PURCAREA, Theodor
September 2014, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 00-05 Editorial The launching ceremony of AFER’s Volume “Pages from the Romanian Economic Higher Education History, 1843-2013” at the Romanian-American University
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 06-25 Marketing’ S Continuous Rise And Shine
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 28-36 Chief Marketing Officer and the Challenge of Digital Maturity
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei & NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta - 37-44 CRM – the new business strategy in the digital age
by SOCA, Diana - 45-47 An Interview with Matthew R. Lee, Psychology Professor, James Madison University
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 48-49 The latest issue of our partner journal, Marketing Science and Inspirations, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
by PURCAREA, Ioan Matei
June 2014, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 05-08 Customers, Companies' Allies in Co-creating Value with the Support of Digital Technology and Marketers Want of Greater Levels of Integration in Their Digital Marketing Suite
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 09-13 Digital Marketing and the Pillars of Shopper Experience
by NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Ioan Matei - 14-17 Editorial: Innovation Management and Tuning the Entrepreneurial Process
by ZWAGA, Hans - 18-23 The Evolving Challenges Facing Project Managers and the Role of Human Resources Management in Fostering an Environment Best Propagating Success
by DULIERE, Virginie - 24-29 The Importance of Non Formal Education in a Formal World
by ROSU, Monica
March 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 05-06 Knowing and trusting each other’s know-how in spending time in an intelligent manner, becoming more innovative in managing change
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 07-14 The Impact of Human Ressources Management in Project Success
by LE FACHEUR, Lea - 15-19 Information Sharing in Project Management
by DELBAUCHE, Charline - 20-25 Self-Managing Teams in Agile Project Management – Pain or gain
by MULLER, Eva-Maria - 26-34 How to Deal with Project Risk Management Effectively in Your Organization
by LE BRAS, Maxime - 35-40 How External Stakeholder Impact Project Management Success
by RAMEL, Elodie - 41-43 Innovate to Survive
by WEGNEZ, Leon F. - 44-49 A Key Challenge, Marketing Resource Management, a Holistic System
by BEJAN, Andrei Alexandru
November 2013, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 05-06 Editorial: Broadening our thinking, understanding the need of studying situations in a holistic way, and the innovative project management as a true proper way of managing change
by Purcarea, Theodor Valentin - 06-09 Does age matter? Multigenerational Teams as a challenge in project management
by DWIECZOREK ESC, Dominika - 06-09 New Challenges And Key Success Factors For Project Management
by BALCOU, Anais - 20-28 Scrum Project: A Method That Undermines The Project Manager Role
by Amy Ibrahima, POUYE - 29-34 How To Manage Communication In Project Management?
by Meava, BIGOT - 35-40 The Relation between Project Management and Business Corporate Social Responsibility
by Elsa, GOBET
March 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 05-07 Editorial: Holistic Marketing Managers convicted to bringing data quality expertise, while spending and measuring the return of marketing investment in both, the physical and the second economy
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 08-12 How internet marketing has changed over the years and what the future will bring
by PERTTULA, William - 13-18 Internet advertising current situation and long-term perspective
by BUDACIA, Elisabeta Andreea - 19-40 Vocational training for Retail /Wholesale:an EU-Survey of 2010
by BERND, Hallier - 29-33 Discours pour la ceremonie de Doctorat Honoris Causa de lEcole Nationale d Etudes Politiques et Administratives (SNSPA)
by WEGNEZ, Leon F. - 34-36 LAUDATIO en lhonneur du Professeur Lon F. WEGNEZ a l occasion de la ceremonie de remise du Titre de Docteur Honoris Causa de l Ecole Nationale d Etudes Politiques et Administratives de Bucarest (SNSPA)
September 2012, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 04-05 Waiting for the third spring, by considering all related interactions with customer that make up the customer experience and expanding our role in leading this customer experience
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 06-18 The Scatol8 For Sustainability: An Update On The Remote Sensing System Of Environmental, Landscape And Management Variables
by BELTRAMO, Riccardo & MARGARITA, Sergio - 19-25 Price Risk Management In Hog Production Through The Vertical Coordination Theoretical And Practical Approach
by MIRONESCU, Alexandra & STEPIEN, Sebastian - 33-37 Relationship Marketing Communication Case Study: Communication Between Managers And Employees
by MIRONESCU, Alexandra & STEPIEN, Sebastian - 38-42 Strategy Main Component Of The Strategic Management Process, In The Context Of Organizations Adhering To The Knowledge Based Management
by CRUCERU, Anca