February 2021, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-13 Sexual Prejudice in the Portuguese Political Context
by Maria Ferros & Henrique Pereira - 1-13 Training Elites and Structuring the Medico-Social Sector in Guadeloupe (1967–1980). The Role of the 1967 Generation
by Sylvain Ferez & Sébastien Ruffié & Gaël Villoing - 1-13 “Sometimes You Just Need People around You Who Understand You”: A Qualitative Study of Everyday Life at a Residential Care Unit for Young People with Diabetes
by Lise Bro Johansen & Dan Grabowski - 1-14 An Exploration of Ethical Decision Making with Intelligence Augmentation
by Niyi Ogunbiyi & Artie Basukoski & Thierry Chaussalet - 1-14 Distrust of Authorities: Experiences of Outcome and Processes of People Who Had Their Driving License Withdrawn Due to Visual Field Loss
by Jonna Nyberg & Lena Levin & Katarina Larsson & Thomas Strandberg - 1-15 Military Service and Offending Behaviors of Emerging Adults: A Conceptual Review
by Christopher Salvatore & Travis Taniguchi - 1-15 The What, Why and How of Child Participation—A Review of the Conceptualization of “Child Participation” in Child Welfare
by Berit Skauge & Anita Skårstad Storhaug & Edgar Marthinsen - 1-15 Publishing Patterns in Greek Media Websites
by Evangelia Avraam & Andreas Veglis & Charalampos Dimoulas - 1-15 Managing Expectations: Impacts of Hostile Migration Policies on Practitioners in Britain, Denmark and Sweden
by Victoria Canning - 1-16 Theorizing the Continuities Between Marriage and Sex Work in the Experience of Female Sex Workers in Pune, Maharashtra
by Shakthi Nataraj & Sutapa Majumdar - 1-16 Decolonising the Terrorism Industry: Indonesia
by Mohammed Ilyas - 1-16 The Relationship between Familizing and Individualizing Policies and Mental Health in Parents in Europe
by Nikolett Somogyi & Wim Van Lancker & Rossella Ciccia & Sarah Van de Velde - 1-16 Young Teenagers’ Views Regarding Residential Care in Portugal and Spain: A Qualitative Study
by Carme Montserrat & Paulo Delgado & Marta Garcia-Molsosa & João M. S. Carvalho & Joan Llosada-Gistau - 1-16 Dismantling the Deadlock: Australian Muslim Women’s Fightback against the Rise of Right-Wing Media
by Chrisanthi Giotis - 1-16 Physical Education in the Colonial Gold Coast: From a Civilizing Mission to “Useful Citizens”
by Claire Nicolas - 1-17 East Side Story: Disaggregating Gang Homicides in East Los Angeles
by Matthew Valasik & Shannon E. Reid - 1-17 Im/Mobility at the US–Mexico Border during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Sarah A. Blue & Jennifer A. Devine & Matthew P. Ruiz & Kathryn McDaniel & Alisa R. Hartsell & Christopher J. Pierce & Makayla Johnson & Allison K. Tinglov & Mei Yang & Xiu Wu & Sara Moya & Elle Cross & Carol Anne Starnes - 1-17 The Chemsex ‘Consent Ladder’ in Male Sex Work: Perspectives of Health Providers on Derailment and Empowerment
by Belinda Brooks-Gordon & Euan Ebbitt - 1-18 Anti-Trafficking in the Time of FOSTA/SESTA: Networked Moral Gentrification and Sexual Humanitarian Creep
by Jennifer Musto & Anne E. Fehrenbacher & Heidi Hoefinger & Nicola Mai & P. G. Macioti & Calum Bennachie & Calogero Giametta & Kate D’Adamo - 1-18 COVID-19 Campus Closures in the United States: American Student Perceptions of Forced Transition to Remote Learning
by Susan W. Parker & Mary A. Hansen & Carianne Bernadowski - 1-18 Human Values and Religion: Evidence from the European Social Survey
by Ana Carneiro & Hélder Fernando Pedrosa e Sousa & Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis & Ângela Leite - 1-20 Learning Body Techniques: Dance and Body Flexibility among Gay Black Teens in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
by Maycon Lopes - 1-22 An Exploratory Study on the Attitudes of the Greek Believers towards the State’s Measures during the First Wave of Coronavirus Pandemic
by Panagiotis Michailidis & Vlasis Vlasidis & Sofia Karekla - 1-23 Uptake of Childcare Arrangements—Grandparental Availability and Availability of Formal Childcare
by Naomi Biegel & Karel Neels & Layla Van den Berg - 1-23 Policing Minority Communities: How Perception of Engagement and Level of “Awareness” Influence Officer Attitudes toward Practice
by Toby Miles-Johnson & Suzanna Fay & Susann Wiedlitzka - 1-25 Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Human Value Priorities and Associations with Subjective Well-Being, Subjective General Health, Social Life, and Depression across Europe
by Ângela Leite & Ana Ramires & Diogo Guedes Vidal & Hélder Fernando Pedrosa e Sousa & Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis & Alexandra Fidalgo - 1-29 Intersections of Immigration and Sexual/Reproductive Health: An Umbrella Literature Review with a Focus on Health Equity
by Violeta Alarcão & Miodraga Stefanovska-Petkovska & Ana Virgolino & Osvaldo Santos & Andreia Costa - 1-36 Rival Bodies: Negotiating Gender and Embodiment in Women’s Bikini and Figure Competitions
by Favor Campbell & Myra B. Haverda & John P. Bartkowski
January 2021, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-7 Maintaining Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Outbreak
by Krzysztof Goniewicz & Amir Khorram-Manesh - 1-9 Intercultural Education and Sustainable Development. A Crucial Nexus for Contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
by Marco Catarci - 1-11 Gendered and Ethnic Captivity and Slavery in Safavid Persia: A Literature Review
by Ladan Rahbari - 1-13 The Sustainability of the Portuguese Prison System: A Criminal Justice System in Masculine Form?
by Sandra Patrícia Marques Pereira & Pedro Miguel Alves Ribeiro Correia - 1-13 Information and Communication Technologies in Commercial Sex Work: A Double-Edged Sword for Occupational Health and Safety
by Sunny Jiao & Vicky Bungay & Emily Jenkins - 1-13 What about the “Social Aspect of COVID”? Exploring the Determinants of Social Isolation on the Greek Population during the COVID-19 Lockdown
by Evgenia Anastasiou & Marie-Noelle Duquenne - 1-14 Politics, Power, and Influence: Defense Industries in the Post-Cold War
by João Carlos Gonçalves dos Reis - 1-14 Improvements in Evaluating Grids for Basic Living Infrastructure: The Case of Gwangjin District in Seoul, South Korea
by Wooseok Kang & Narang Park & Wookjae Heo - 1-15 Simulation in Social Work: Creativity of Students and Faculty during COVID-19
by Christina Tortorelli & Peter Choate & Marissa Clayton & Naya El Jamal & Sukhman Kaur & Katherine Schantz - 1-15 Entrepreneurial Behavior of SMEs and Characteristics of the Managers of Northwest Mexico
by Sergio Ochoa Jiménez & Alma Rocío García García & Beatriz Alicia Leyva Osuna & Sacnicté Valdez del Río - 1-15 Sex Workers’ Access to Police Assistance in Safety Emergencies and Means of Escape from Situations of Violence and Confinement under an “End Demand” Criminalization Model: A Five City Study in Canada
by Anna-Louise Crago & Chris Bruckert & Melissa Braschel & Kate Shannon - 1-15 The Visual Politics of the Alternative for Germany (AfD): Anti-Islam, Ethno-Nationalism, and Gendered Images
by Nicole Doerr - 1-15 Technology Makes the Heart Grow Fonder? A Test of Media Multiplexity Theory for Family Closeness
by Bhoj Balayar & Michael Langlais - 1-15 Effectiveness of Regulation of Educational Requirements for Non-Bank Credit Providers in Czech Republic
by Ivan Soukal & Eva Hamplová & Jiri Haviger - 1-16 Drivers of Human Migration: A Review of Scientific Evidence
by Dino Pitoski & Thomas J. Lampoltshammer & Peter Parycek - 1-17 Subject-Specific Self-Concept and Global Self-Esteem Mediate Risk Factors for Lower Competency in Mathematics and Reading
by Jeffrey M. DeVries & Carsten Szardenings & Philipp Doebler & Markus Gebhardt - 1-17 Can Digital Technology Bridge the Classroom Engagement Gap? Findings from a Qualitative Study of K-8 Classrooms in 10 Ontario School Boards
by Jessica Rizk & Scott Davies - 1-18 The Sociology of Prayer: Dimensions and Mechanisms
by Paul Froese & Rory Jones - 1-18 Making Sense of Murder: The Reality versus the Realness of Gang Homicides in Two Contexts
by Marta-Marika Urbanik & Robert A. Roks - 1-19 Trustworthiness in Higher Education: The Role of Professor Benevolence and Competence
by Silvia Di Battista & Heather J. Smith & Chiara Berti & Monica Pivetti - 1-22 Do Work–Life Measures Really Matter? The Impact of Flexible Working Hours and Home-Based Teleworking in Preventing Voluntary Employee Exits
by Charlotte K. Marx & Mareike Reimann & Martin Diewald - 1-27 Stonewalling in the Brick City: Perceptions of and Experiences with Seeking Police Assistance among LGBTQ Citizens
by Danielle M. Shields - 1-29 A Qualitative Study of Black College Women’s Experiences of Misogynoir and Anti-Racism with High School Educators
by Seanna Leath & Noelle Ware & Miray D. Seward & Whitney N. McCoy & Paris Ball & Theresa A. Pfister
December 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-14 Reactions of Prison Staff to the Needs of Culturally Different Convicts
by Arkadiusz Urbanek - 1-14 Sports under Quarantine: A Case Study of Major League Baseball in 2020
by Kari L. J. Goold & Reynafe N. Aniga & Peter B. Gray - 1-14 Money, Agency, and Self-Care among Cisgender and Trans People in Sex Work
by Treena Orchard & Katherine Salter & Mary Bunch & Cecilia Benoit - 1-15 Brothels as Sites of Third-Party Exploitation? Decriminalisation and Sex Workers’ Employment Rights
by Gillian Abel & Melissa Ludeke - 1-20 Sex Work, Essential Work: A Historical and (Necro)Political Analysis of Sex Work in Times of COVID-19 in Brazil
by Betania Santos & Indianarae Siqueira & Cristiane Oliveira & Laura Murray & Thaddeus Blanchette & Carolina Bonomi & Ana Paula da Silva & Soraya Simões - 1-20 Applied Machine Learning in Social Sciences: Neural Networks and Crime Prediction
by Ricardo Francisco Reier Forradellas & Sergio Luis Náñez Alonso & Javier Jorge-Vazquez & Marcela Laura Rodriguez
November 2020, Volume 9, Issue 12
- 1-11 Non-Parental Family Members as Brokers of Family Social Capital: Compensatory Time Use in India
by Melissa Alcaraz & Ashley Larsen Gibby & Nancy Luke - 1-12 Traditional Male Role Norms and Sexual Prejudice in Sport Organizations: A Focus on Italian Sport Directors and Coaches
by Anna Lisa Amodeo & Sabrina Antuoni & Manuela Claysset & Concetta Esposito - 1-14 Support or Punishment Practices: What Works to Reduce School Violence
by Charles Crawford & Ronald Burns - 1-21 Cultural Heterogeneity and the Diverse Success Frames of Second-Generation Mexicans
by Estela B. Diaz & Jennifer Lee - 1-21 Grounded Theory as an Approach for Exploring the Effect of Cultural Memory on Psychosocial Well-Being in Historic Urban Landscapes
by Fatmaelzahraa Hussein & John Stephens & Reena Tiwari
December 2020, Volume 9, Issue 12
- 1-13 Vox Populi? Trump’s Twitter Page as Public Forum
by Carles Roca-Cuberes & Alyssa Young - 1-14 Family Structure Stability and Transitions, Parental Involvement, and Educational Outcomes
by Shana L. Pribesh & Jane Smith Carson & Mikaela J. Dufur & Yuanyuan Yue & Kathy Morgan - 1-15 Relation between College Students’ Conservatism and Negative Stereotypes about Social Groups
by Sylvia Beyer - 1-15 The Influence of Emerging Adulthood on the Risky and Dangerous Behaviors of LGBT Populations
by Christopher Salvatore & Tarika Daftary-Kapur - 1-15 Unconditional Quantile Regression Approach: Effects of Education on Housework Time in the US and Japan
by Kamila Kolpashnikova & Man-Yee Kan - 1-16 The Functionality of Dissimilarity: Pro-Environmental Behavior through Heterogenous Networks
by Robbe Geerts & Frédéric Vandermoere & Stijn Oosterlynck - 1-16 Motherhood in Context—Life Course Interviews with Young Mothers in Contact with Child Welfare
by Anne Juberg & Turid Midjo & Halvor Fauske - 1-17 The Rise of Fascist Formations in Chile and in the World
by Rene Leal - 1-18 Sweden and Coronavirus: Unexceptional Exceptionalism
by Staffan Andersson & Nicholas Aylott - 1-19 Figures of Postwar Sliding: Utopia and Violence in the Extreme Sport Performances of James Bond
by Jonnie Eriksson & Kalle Jonasson - 1-22 Motherhood in Europe: An Examination of Parental Leave Regulations and Breastfeeding Policy Influences on Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration
by Karen Vanderlinden & Veerle Buffel & Bart Van de Putte & Sarah Van de Velde - 1-23 Family Income and Student Educational and Cognitive Outcomes in China: Exploring the Material and Psychosocial Mechanisms
by Ming Wen & Weidong Wang & Neng Wan & Dejun Su - 1-24 Exceptional Injustice: Facebook as a Reflection of Race- and Gender-Based Narratives Following the Death of George Floyd
by Patricia J Dixon & Lauren Dundes - 1-24 What Do Adolescents Know about Citizenship? Measuring Student’s Knowledge of the Social and Political Aspects of Citizenship
by Geert Ten Dam & Anne Bert Dijkstra & Ineke Van der Veen & Anne Van Goethem - 1-27 “Traditions Are Not for Me”: Curriculum, Alternative Schools, and Formerly Incarcerated Young Black Men’s Academic Success
by Charles H. Lea & Henry Joel Crumé & Demond Hill - 1-37 Stress, Emotion Regulation, and Well-Being among Canadian Faculty Members in Research-Intensive Universities
by Raheleh Salimzadeh & Nathan C. Hall & Alenoush Saroyan
November 2020, Volume 9, Issue 11
- 1-9 Connection between Social Capital and Sport Success of Young Tennis Players
by Dario Novak & Filip Svalina & Eva Anđela Delale - 1-12 Introduction to “Reshaping the World: Rethinking Borders”
by Ernesto Castañeda - 1-13 Comparing Violent and Non-Violent Gang Incidents: An Exploration of Gang-Related Police Incident Reports
by Dena Carson & Natalie Kroovand Hipple - 1-13 Strategies for Territorial Peace: The Overcoming of the Structural Violence in Women Living in Palmira, Colombia
by Karen Quiñones & Paris A. Cabello-Tijerina & Máximo Vicuña de la Rosa & Wilfrido Newton Quiñones Londoño - 1-14 Mapping the Cultural Identities of Youths in Hong Kong from a Social Capital Perspective
by Qiaobing Wu & Ying Ou & Lucy P. Jordan - 1-14 A New Approach to Teaching Emotional Design
by Qinghua Yu & Yukari Nagai - 1-14 Influence of the Profession and Industry of Work on the Labor Mobility of the Applicant
by Alexey Tikhonov & Sergey Novikov & Vyacheslav Kalachanov & Umberto Solimene - 1-15 The Social Network Consequences of a Gang Murder Blowout
by Alice Airola & Martin Bouchard - 1-15 Beyond ‘Family Planning’—Local Realities on Contraception and Abortion in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
by Seydou Drabo - 1-15 Social Capital and Prosocial Behavior among German Children
by Helen Barton & Jared Thorpe & Mikaela Dufur - 1-16 Intergroup Threat and Heterosexual Cisgender Women’s Support for Policies Regarding the Admittance of Trans Women at a Women’s College
by H. Robert Outten & Marcella E. Lawrence - 1-16 “There We Are Nothing, Here We Are Nothing!”—The Enduring Effects of the Rohingya Genocide
by Melanie O’Brien & Gerhard Hoffstaedter - 1-17 Artificial Intelligence Research and Its Contributions to the European Union’s Political Governance: Comparative Study between Member States
by João Reis & Paula Santo & Nuno Melão - 1-18 Boundaryless Twitter Use: On the Affordances of Social Media
by Steffi Siegert & Mikael Holmgren Caicedo & Maria Mårtensson Hansson - 1-19 Evolving Patterns of Aggression: Investigating the Structure of Gang Violence during the Era of Civil Gang Injunctions
by Gisela Bichler & Alexis Norris & Citlalik Ibarra - 1-21 Exploring the Influence of Drug Trafficking Gangs on Overdose Deaths in the Largest Narcotics Market in the Eastern United States
by Nicole J. Johnson & Caterina G. Roman & Alyssa K. Mendlein & Courtney Harding & Melissa Francis & Laura Hendrick - 1-26 Promoting the Self-Determination of Mexican Young Adults Identified with Intellectual Disability: A Sociocultural Discourse Analysis of Their Discussion about Goal Setting
by Ana Luisa Rubio-Jimenez & Ruth Kershner
October 2020, Volume 9, Issue 11
- 1-12 Codependency in the Relations of Couples of Imprisoned Women
by Luz Adriana Aristizábal - 1-13 Coping Strategies, Immediate and Delayed Suggestibility among Children and Adolescents
by Tiziana Maiorano & Monia Vagni - 1-13 Compensatory School Effects and Social Capital
by Alireza Behtoui & Isabella Strömberg - 1-13 “How to Sustain National Security”: A Case Study of the Celebrations of the Slovak National Uprising as a Securitization Platform
by Vladimír Naxera & Petr Krčál - 1-14 Too Much of a Good Thing: Social Capital and Academic Stress in South Korea
by Jonathan A. Jarvis & Allison W. Corbett & Jared D. Thorpe & Mikaela J. Dufur - 1-14 Unveiling Trends in Cultural Participation: The Case of Slovakia
by Miriam Šebová & Zuzana Révészová - 1-15 Social Capital and Age at Sexual Debut: Race Differences in South Africa
by McKell A. Jorgensen-Wells & Spencer L. James - 1-19 Topic Modeling and Characterization of Hate Speech against Immigrants on Twitter around the Emergence of a Far-Right Party in Spain
by Carlos Arcila Calderón & Gonzalo de la Vega & David Blanco Herrero - 1-19 Framing the Mother Tac: The Racialised, Sexualised and Gendered Politics of Modern Slavery in Australia
by P. G. Macioti & Eurydice Aroney & Calum Bennachie & Anne E. Fehrenbacher & Calogero Giametta & Heidi Hoefinger & Nicola Mai & Jennifer Musto - 1-20 Racial Discrimination Stress, School Belonging, and School Racial Composition on Academic Attitudes and Beliefs among Black Youth
by Kamryn S. Morris & Eleanor K. Seaton & Masumi Iida & Sarah Lindstrom Johnson - 1-21 Addictions in Spanish College Students in Confinement Times: Preventive and Social Perspective
by Cristina Lázaro-Pérez & José Ángel Martínez-López & José Gómez-Galán - 1-22 Far Away, So Close? The Role of Destructive Leadership in the Job Demands–Resources and Recovery Model in Emergency Telework
by Valentina Dolce & Emilie Vayre & Monica Molino & Chiara Ghislieri - 1-25 Trade and Strike Activity in the Postwar United States
by M. Rodwan Abouharb & Benjamin O. Fordham
October 2020, Volume 9, Issue 10
- 1-12 Comparative Case Study Methods in Urban Political Development
by Richardson Dilworth - 1-12 Social (Im)Mobility and Social Work with Families with Children. Case Study of a Disadvantaged Microregion in Hungary
by Andrea Rácz & Dorottya Sik - 1-13 Mothers as Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: The Decision to Leave or Stay and Resilience-Oriented Intervention
by Ana Isabel Sani & Dora Pereira - 1-13 The Consequences of Work–Family Enrichment in Families on the Behaviour of Children
by Annelies Van den Eynde & Dimitri Mortelmans - 1-15 Assessing Organizational Cultural Responsiveness among Refugee-Servicing Domestic Violence Agencies
by Jessica L. Lucero & Kristina M. Scharp & Tanni Hernandez - 1-15 Family Social Capital and Delinquent Behavior in the United Kingdom
by John P. Hoffmann & Jared D. Thorpe & Mikaela J. Dufur - 1-15 “We Have Advised Sex Workers to Simply Choose Other Options”—The Response of Adult Service Websites to COVID-19
by Lilith Brouwers & Tess Herrmann - 1-17 Exclusion and Antisystem Attitudes: The Impact of Perceived Discrimination in Attitudes towards Democracy and the Willingness to Use Violence among Adolescents in Brussels
by Elham Mansoury Babhoutak & Dimokritos Kavadias & Nohemi Jocabeth Echeverria Vicente - 1-20 Protecting Canyonlands: Anatomy of a National Park Struggle in Southeastern Utah, USA
by Natalie S. Mumich & Geoffrey L. Buckley & Yolonda Youngs & Tatyana Martello - 1-21 What Role Do Disaster Victims Play as the Mainstream for Future Disaster Preparedness in Korea? Case Studies of Foundations Established by Disaster Victims
by Seol A. Kwon & Sang Il Ryu - 1-22 Understanding Fake News Consumption: A Review
by João Pedro Baptista & Anabela Gradim - 1-26 African American Experiences in the Historic Dunbar Neighborhood in San Marcos, Texas: A Case Study of Counter-Life Stories
by Shetay Ashford-Hanserd & Eric Sarmiento & Colleen C. Myles & Steven W. Rayburn & Aimee Kendall Roundtree & Mary-Patricia Hayton & Edward Ybarra & Sarai Benitez & Theresa M. Clifford & Christopher Pierce & Chad D. Williams & Shadi Maleki
September 2020, Volume 9, Issue 10
- 1-4 Green Criminology for Social Sciences: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Bill McClanahan & Avi Brisman - 1-12 Reaching the Hard-To-Reach with Civic Education on the European Union: Insights from a German Model Project
by Monika Oberle & Märthe-Maria Stamer - 1-15 Online Discourse in the Context of COVID-19, the First Health Crisis in China after the Advent of Mobile Social Media: A Content Analysis of China’s Weibo and Baidu
by Christian Carvajal-Miranda & Luis Mañas-Viniegra & Li Liang - 1-18 Leaving a Violent Child Marriage: Experiences of Adult Survivors in Uganda
by Esther Nanfuka & Florence Turyomurugyendo & Eric Ochen & Graham Gibbs - 1-22 Marketing in the Public Sector—Benefits and Barriers: A Bibliometric Study from 1931 to 2020
by Nelson de Matos & Marisol B. Correia & José Ramón Saura & Ana Reyes-Menendez & Nuno Baptista - 1-23 Sports Influencers on Twitter. Analysis and Comparative Study of Track Cycling World Cups 2016 and 2018
by José María Lamirán-Palomares & Tomás Baviera & Amparo Baviera-Puig - 1-28 Co-Creative Action Research Experiments—A Careful Method for Causal Inference and Societal Impact
by Arjen van Witteloostuijn & Nele Cannaerts & Wim Coreynen & Zainab Noor el Hejazi & Joeri van Hugten & Ellen Loots & Hendrik Slabbinck & Johanna Vanderstraeten
September 2020, Volume 9, Issue 9
- 1-12 Tendency to Use Big Data in Education Based on Its Opportunities According to Andalusian Education Students
by Antonio Matas-Terrón & Juan José Leiva-Olivencia & Cristina Negro-Martínez - 1-13 Keeping the Nazi Menace Out: George Lincoln Rockwell and the Border Control System in Australia and Britain in the Early 1960s
by Evan Smith - 1-14 Does Scientific Evaluation Matter? Improving Digital Simulation Games by Design-Based Research
by Sven Ivens & Monika Oberle - 1-14 The “New Normal” and “Pandemic Populism”: The COVID-19 Crisis and Anti-Hygienic Mobilisation of the Far-Right
by Ulrike M. Vieten - 1-16 “Should I Stay, or Should I Go?”: The Experiences of, and Choices Available to Women of South Asian Heritage Living in the UK When Leaving a Relationship of Choice Following Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
by Kalwinder K. Sandhu & Hazel R. Barrett - 1-16 The Effects of Gentrification on the Elderly: A Case Study in the City of Cáceres
by Lidia Domínguez-Parraga - 1-16 Democracy, Biodiversity and More than Human Justice Imperatives: Institutional Responses to Crisis
by Tracey Skillington - 1-17 Smallholder Farmers’ Perspectives on Advisory Extension Services: A Case Study of the Gamo Communities of Southern Ethiopia
by Miki Dowsing & Sarah Cardey - 1-18 Social and Political Attitudes of Moscow Students on the Background of the All-Russia and Regional Youth Studies
by Tatiana Litvinova & Olga Vershinina & Gennady Moskvitin - 1-19 Just a Matter of Time? Women’s Career Advancement in Neo-Liberal Academia. An Analysis of Recruitment Trends in Italian Universities
by Camilla Gaiaschi & Rosy Musumeci - 1-20 Interrelations between After-School Settings and the Delinquency and Emotional-Behavioral Problems of Elementary School Children: Findings from Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study
by Hyejoon Park & Siying Guo & Shinwoo Choi & Keeyoon Noh - 1-21 How Individual Involvement with Digitalized Work and Digitalization at the Workplace Level Impacts Supervisory and Coworker Bullying in German Workplaces
by Silvia Maja Melzer & Martin Diewald - 1-23 An Adaptive Machine Learning Methodology Applied to Neuromarketing Analysis: Prediction of Consumer Behaviour Regarding the Key Elements of the Packaging Design of an Educational Toy
by David Juárez-Varón & Victoria Tur-Viñes & Alejandro Rabasa-Dolado & Kristina Polotskaya - 1-24 Street Gang Intervention: Review and Good Lives Extension
by Jaimee Mallion & Jane Wood - 1-26 Service Organisations’ Cultural Competency When Working with Ethnic Minority Victims/Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse: Results from a Program Evaluation Study in Australia
by Pooja Sawrikar - 1-32 Towards a Comprehensive School Effectiveness Model of Citizenship Education: An Empirical Analysis of Secondary Schools in The Netherlands
by Manja Coopmans & Geert Ten Dam & Anne Bert Dijkstra & Ineke Van der Veen
August 2020, Volume 9, Issue 9
- 1-14 When Sexting Crosses the Line: Educator Responsibilities in the Support of Prosocial Adolescent Behavior and the Prevention of Violence
by Melinda Lemke & Katelyn Rogers - 1-20 Women in the Extreme and Radical Right: Forms of Participation and Their Implications
by Kristy Campion
August 2020, Volume 9, Issue 8
- 1-11 Group Asylum, Sovereignty, and the Ethics of Care
by Luis Xavier López-Farjeat & Cecilia Coronado-Angulo - 1-14 Scaling the INGO: What the Development and Expansion of Canadian INGOs Tells Us
by Logan Cochrane & John-Michael Davis - 1-14 Ambivalence of Professional Socialization in Social and Educational Professions
by Gabriella Pusztai & Cintia Csók - 1-15 Giving Guys Get the Girls: Men Appear More Desirable to the Opposite Sex When Displaying Costly Donations to the Homeless
by Wendy Iredale & Keli Jenner & Mark Van Vugt & Tammy Dempster - 1-16 Dialogic Feminist Gatherings : Impact of the Preventive Socialization of Gender-Based Violence on Adolescent Girls in Out-of-Home Care
by Marifa Salceda & Ana Vidu & Adriana Aubert & Esther Roca - 1-16 Sanctuary Cities: What Global Migration Means for Local Governments
by Juan Luis Manfredi-Sánchez - 1-17 From Preferential Trade Arrangements to Free Trade Agreements: One of the Downturns of Cooperation in International Relations?
by Jose Jaime Baena-Rojas & Susana Herrero-Olarte - 1-19 The Academic Mobility of Students from Kazakhstan to Japan: Problems and Prospects
by Aktolkyn Rustemova & Serik Meirmanov & Akito Okada & Zhanar Ashinova & Kamshat Rustem - 1-19 Participation of Children and Parents in the Swiss Child Protection System in the Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
by Aline Schoch & Gaëlle Aeby & Brigitte Müller & Michelle Cottier & Loretta Seglias & Kay Biesel & Gaëlle Sauthier & Stefan Schnurr - 1-21 Transnational Advocacy Networks of Migrants and Asylum Seekers’ Human Rights: The San Diego—Tijuana Border in the Trump Era
by Philippe Stoesslé & Valeria Alejandra Patiño Díaz & Yetzi Rosales Martínez - 1-23 Sick Enough? Mental Illness and Service Eligibility for Homeless Individuals at the Border
by Curtis Smith & Ernesto Castañeda
July 2020, Volume 9, Issue 8
- 1-11 Pre-Service Teachers’ Critical Digital Literacy Skills and Attitudes to Address Social Problems
by Jordi Castellví & María-Consuelo Díez-Bedmar & Antoni Santisteban - 1-12 Gender and Social Justice in Urban Agriculture: The Network of Agroecological and Peripheral Female Urban Farmers from São Paulo
by Laura Martins de Carvalho & Cláudia Maria Bógus - 1-14 Understanding Procrastination in First-Year Undergraduates: An Application of Attribution Theory
by So Yeon Lee & Nathan C. Hall - 1-15 A Tendency to Essentialism? Discourses about Women’s Leadership
by Maria Medina-Vicent - 1-15 The Association between Family Structure Changes and High School Completion in South Africa
by Annah Vimbai Bengesai & Nompumelelo Nzimande - 1-17 The Return of Death in Times of Uncertainty—A Sketchy Diagnosis of Death in the Contemporary ‘Corona Crisis’
by Michael Hviid Jacobsen & Anders Petersen - 1-19 RETRACTED: Analysis of the Legal Framework Governing Gas Flaring in Nigeria’s Upstream Petroleum Sector and the Need for Overhauling
by Olusola Joshua Olujobi - 1-21 A Study of the Protocols for Action on Sexual Harassment in Public Universities—Proposals for Improvement
by Ignacio Rodriguez-Rodriguez & Purificación Heras-González - 1-27 Graduates’ Opium? Cultural Values, Religiosity and Gender Segregation by Field of Study
by Izaskun Zuazu - 1-27 Re-Examining the Public–Catholic School Gap in STEM Opportunity to Learn: New Evidence from HSLS
by Shangmou Xu & Sean Kelly - 1-44 The End of Resettlement? U.S. Refugee Policy in the Age of Trump
by Daniel J. Beers
July 2020, Volume 9, Issue 7
- 1-11 Food Crime: A Review of the UK Institutional Perception of Illicit Practices in the Food Sector
by Alice Rizzuti - 1-12 The Lived Experience of Gender and Gender Equity Policies at a Regional Australian University
by Jennifer Manyweathers & Jessie Lymn & Geraldine Rurenga & Katie Murrell-Orgill & Shara Cameron & Cate Thomas - 1-12 How Good Are Child Vulnerability Assessment Tools in China?
by Di Qi & Shiyou Wu - 1-15 Direct and Indirect Impacts of Housing Tenure Mix on Antisocial Behavior: A Study of Hong Kong’s Private Housing Communities
by Yung Yau - 1-16 The Culture of Violent Talk: An Interpretive Approach
by Pete Simi & Steven Windisch - 1-16 Animals as Something More Than Mere Property: Interweaving Green Criminology and Law
by James Gacek & Richard Jochelson - 1-17 Help and Solidarity Interactions in Interactive Groups: A Case Study with Roma and Immigrant Preschoolers
by Andrea Khalfaoui & Rocío García-Carrión & Lourdes Villardón-Gallego & Elena Duque - 1-17 Correlations Between the Attitudes about Learning of After-School Club Students during School and the Teaching Quality of Elementary School Teachers
by Shih-Hsien Tseng & Huang-Yi Kang & Tien Son Nguyen & Meng-Yun Liu - 1-18 COVID-19 Infects Real Estate Markets: Short and Mid-Run Effects on Housing Prices in Campania Region (Italy)
by Vincenzo Del Giudice & Pierfrancesco De Paola & Francesco Paolo Del Giudice - 1-19 A Practical Guide for Managing Interdisciplinary Teams: Lessons Learned from Coupled Natural and Human Systems Research
by V. Reilly Henson & Kelly M. Cobourn & Kathleen C. Weathers & Cayelan C. Carey & Kaitlin J. Farrell & Jennifer L. Klug & Michael G. Sorice & Nicole K. Ward & Weizhe Weng - 1-20 Territorial Intelligence, a Collective Challenge for Sustainable Development: A Scoping Review
by Miguel-Ángel García-Madurga & Ana-Julia Grilló-Méndez & Miguel-Ángel Esteban-Navarro - 1-22 Metapolitical New Right Influencers: The Case of Brittany Pettibone
by Ico Maly - 1-22 “The Theater of the Mind”: The Effect of Radio Exposure on TV Advertising
by Vincenzo Russo & Riccardo Valesi & Anna Gallo & Rita Laureanti & Margherita Zito - 1-23 Non-Permanent Employment and Employees’ Health in the Context of Sustainable HRM with a Focus on Poland
by Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej & Dominika Bąk-Grabowska - 1-24 Social Work with Families in Special Distress: Collaborative Practices
by Tatiana Casado & Joan Albert Riera & Josefa Cardona
June 2020, Volume 9, Issue 7
- 1-14 Social Investment in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Meaning and Implications
by Michael O’Brien
May 2020, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 1-13 Do Low-Openness, Low-Transparency Procedures in Academic Hiring Disadvantage Women?
by Sofia Moratti - 1-15 The Dispossessed of Necropolitics on the San Diego-Tijuana Border
by Gustavo Aviña Cerecer - 1-22 The Maturity of Humanitarian Logistics against Recurrent Crises
by Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu & Mario Chong & Jorge Vargas-Florez & Irineu de Brito & Carlos Osorio-Ramirez & Eric Piatyszek & Renato Quiliche Altamirano
June 2020, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 1-2 Critical Debates and Developments in Child Protection: Some Introductory Comments
by Nigel Parton - 1-11 Assessment of Mental Burden of Family Caregivers of Persons with Health Disabilities in the Czech Republic
by Zuzana Truhlarova & Ondrej Stech & Alena Voseckova & Blanka Klimova & Kamil Kuca - 1-11 ‘The Feel of the Stones, Sounds of Cars, the Different Smells’: How Incorporating the Senses Can Help Support Equitable Health Promotion
by Andrew Barnfield - 1-12 Blame It on Individual or Organization Environment: What Predicts Workplace Deviance More?
by Ivana Načinović Braje & Ana Aleksić & Sanda Rašić Jelavić - 1-14 A Socio-Spatial Approach to Enable Inclusive Well-Being in Cities: A Case Study of Birmingham, UK
by Lakshmi P. Rajendran & Christopher T. Boyko & Claire J. Coulton & James D. Hale & Rachel F. D. Cooper - 1-15 Fostering the Social Development of Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) through Dialogue and Interaction: A Literature Review
by Aitana Fernandez-Villardon & Pilar Alvarez & Leire Ugalde & Itxaso Tellado - 1-15 No Power without Knowledge: A Discursive Subjectivities Approach to Investigate Climate-Induced (Im)mobility and Wellbeing
by Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson - 1-15 From Social Deviance to Art: Vandalism, Illicit Dumping, and the Transformation of Matter and Form
by Mark Tano Palermo - 1-15 Control on the ‘Boundary-Work’ in Work-Life Articulation for Flexible Knowledge Workers. Insights into Gender Asymmetries
by Anna Carreri - 1-15 The Unethical Managerial Behaviours and Abusive Use of Power in Downwards Vertical Workplace Bullying: A Phenomenological Case Study
by Alicia Medina & Eduardo Lopez & Rolf Medina