August 2014, Volume 16, Issue 37
- 885-885 Contemporary Business Education: a Solution for Global Leadership Challenges
by Tudor Cristian Ticlau - 902-902 Investigating the Impact uf E-Learning as an Alternative for Business Education in Pharmaceutical Industry in Romania by Roi Methodology
by Petruta Blaga & Manuela Rozalia Gabor - 917-917 The Integration of the Ethical Dimension into Business Education
by Monica Petcu & Eduard Dinu - 932-932 The Management Education of the Rural Entrepreneur
by Eugen Bruno Stefan - 951-951 Estimation of Potential GDP and output Gap. Comparative Perspective
by Dorin Mantescu & Dan-Tudor Lazar - 965-965 The Impact of Research and Development for Business Innovations in Lithuania
by Dalia Streimikiene - 980-980 Income Distribution Determinants and Inequality – International Comparison
by Marinko Škare & Saša Stjepanovic - 994-994 Influence of Clusters on the Intensity of Innovation Outputs
by Miroslav Žižka & Petra Rydvalová - 1014-1014 High School Vocational Counseling Role in Leveraging Students` Professional Inclinations
by Gabriel Bratucu & Anca Madar & Nicoleta Andreea Neacsu & Dana Boscor - 1026-1026 Board Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Mariana Nedelcu (Bunea) - 1032-1032 Quality Management. Global Conception and Researches
by Juozas Ruževicius
May 2014, Volume 16, Issue 36
- 449-449 The Protection of the Consumers Rights in an Era of Technological Changes and Globalization
by Vasile Dinu - 452-452 Consumer Right to Information before Purchase: Research on the Romanian Online Stores for Technical Consumer Goods
by Carmen Balan - 470-470 Researching the Gap between Foodstuff’s Attractiveness and Real Nutritional Profile – Prerequisite for Strengthening Nutrition Education and Consumer Rights Protection
by Bogdan Cristian Onete & Lelia Voinea & Alina Filip & Razvan Dina - 483-483 Nano Food Packages: from Food Preservation Efficiency to Consumer Legal Protection
by Rodica Apan & Anca Mihaly Cozmuta & Anca Peter & Camelia Nicula - 501-501 Mobile Phone and Internet Consumers Rights Compliance in Romania
by Viorela Iacovoiu & Adrian Stancu & Crina Raluca Bucur - 517-517 Comparative Analysis of the Consumer Protection, Considering the Globalisation and Technological Changes, within Member States of the European Union
by Iulian Viorel Brasoveanu & Laura Obreja Brasoveanu & Simona Mascu - 535-535 Education – Determinant of Consumer`s Conditions in an Era of Technological Change
by Cristina Burghelea & Mirela Ionela Aceleanu - 550-550 Analysis of the Romanian Insurance Market Based on Ensuring and Exercising Consumers` Right to Claim
by Dan Armeanu & Nicolae Istudor & Sgârdea Marian Florinel & Ana-Maria Burca - 563-563 Consumers` Attitude towards Consumer Protection in the Digital Single Market, as Reflected by European Barometers
by Plesea Doru Alexandru & Maiorescu Irina & Cîrstea Alice - 578-578 Tools for Consumer Rights Protection in the Prediction of Electronic Virtual Market and Technological Changes
by Mikuláš Gangur & Miroslav Plevný - 594-594 Lithuanian Consumer`s Willingness to Pay and Feed-in Prices for Renewable Electricity
by Dalia Streimikiene & Asta Mikalauskiene - 606-606 Examining the Link between Innovation, Productivity and Growth: a Global View
by Marinko Škare & Daniel Tomic - 625-625 Concentration and Competition in the Banking Sector of Turkey
by Iveta Repková & Daniel Stavárek - 641-641 The Concept of Carrying Capacity in Tourism
by Josef Zelenka & Jaroslav Kacetl - 655-655 Promoting and Financing Cultural Tourism in Europe through European Capitals of Culture: A Case Study of Košice, European Capital of Culture 2013
by Miriam Šebová & Peter Džupka, Oto Hudec & Nataša Urbancíková - 672-672 Board Characteristics Best Practices and Financial Performance. Evidence from the European Capital Market
by Victor-Octavian Müller & Ionel-Alin Ienciu & Carmen Giorgiana Bonaci & Crina Ioana Filip - 684-684 Creator of Economic Opera, Founder and Reformer of Economic School – the Rector Paul Bran
by Ghenadie Ciobanu & Carmen Valentina Radulescu & Ildiko Ioan - 701-701 Academic education in business
by Gheorghe Săvoiu
February 2014, Volume 16, Issue 35
- 1-12 Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on OTC Medicines Consumers
by Vasja Roblek & Andrej Bertoncelj - 1-26 Ethical Responsibility of Neuromarketing Companies in Harnessing the Market Research – a Global Exploratory Approach
by Nicolae Al. Pop & Dan-Cristian Dabija & Ana Maria Iorga - 1-41 Practices Regarding the Forms of Communication with the Consumers used by a Multinational Company at Global and Local Level
by Madalina Dumitru & Nadia Albu & Valentin Florentin Dumitru & Catalin Nicolae Albu - 1-58 The Effects of Faulty or Potentially Harmful Products on Brand Reputation and Social Responsibility of Business
by Claudiu-Catalin Munteanu & Dorian-Laurentiu Florea & Andreea Pagalea - 1-73 The Social Responsibility of Retailers through the Eyes of Students of a Commerce Faculty – a Qualitative Approach
by Gabriela Tigu & Claudia-Elena Tuclea & Diana-Maria Vrânceanu & Dragos-Constantin Vasile - 1-88 Level of Satisfaction of Educational Services Consumers. Impact and Consequences for the Responsibility of an Economics Faculty
by Gheorghe Savoiu & Consuela Necsulescu & Marian Taicu & Luminita Serbanescu, Emil Crisan - 108-108 The Responsibility of Telemedicine Focused Organizations in regards to creating Compliant end Users Products and Services
by Adrian Dumitru Tantau & Cristian Vizitiu & Vlad Valeanu - 123-123 Social Corporate Responsibility regarding Household Consumer Satisfaction with the Electric Power Supply Services
by Maria-Ana Georgescu & Emilia Herman - 138-138 Survey on the Viewpoints of Credit Beneficiaries Qua Consumers in Order to increase Banking Accountability
by Dragos Ilie & Laura Ungureanu - 154-154 Responsibilities and Limits of Local Government Actions against Users of Public Services of Planning and Sustainable Territorial Development in Romania
by Bogdan Suditu & Mariana Nae & Silviu Negut & Aurel Gheorghilas - 171-171 Responsibility to Customers in the Context of Public Value Management – a German Case Study
by Markus Bodemann & Marieta Olaru - 187-187 Econometric Approach of the Scenarios regarding the Impact of the Consumer’s Empowerment and Companies’ Responsibility for Environment Sustainability on the Electricity Market Performance
by Camelia I. Lungu & Cornelia Dascalu & Chirata Caraini & Erica C. Balea - 201-201 Stochastic Dynamic Model on the Consumption – Saving Decision for Adjusting Products and Services Supply According with Consumers` Attainability
by Gabriela Prelipcean & Mircea Boscoianu - 215-215 Producer`s Responsibility Concerning the Assurance and Statement of Quality for Foods with “Organic Image” based on the Model of a Romanian Company
by Magdalena Bobe & Roxana Procopie & Rodica Pamfilie & Maria Alexandra Toma - 228-228 The System of the Geographical Indication – Important Component of the Politics of the Consumers` Protection in European Union
by Šárka Velcovská & Tomáš Sadílek - 243-243 The Sustainability of Fish Consumption in Romania: Customer Behaviour prior and after the Country`s Adherence to the EU
by Vlad Rosca & Raluca Ignat - 258-258 The Responsibility of Organisations towards Customers. Case Study – Romanian Travel Agencies
by Olimpia State & Claudia Gabriela Baicu & Delia Popescu - 273-273 Organizations` Responsibility in Maintaining the Security of Personal Data posted Online by Romanian Consumers: an Exploratory Analysis of Facebook and Linkedin
by Andreea Ionescu & Laurentiu-Dan Anghel & Gheorghe Jinga - 289-289 Modelling Users` Trust in Online Social Networks
by Iacob Catoiu & Mihai Orzan & Octav-Ionut Macovei & Claudia Iconaru - 303-303 Client Oriented Approach for Assisting Business Improvement Decision Making
by Diana Pitic & Lucian Pitic - 318-318 Increasing Responsibility to Customers through a Dynamic Quality Assurance System in Software Development
by Catalin Afrasinei-Zevoianu & Ramona Lacurezeanu - 336-336 Ways to Reduce Consumer Complaints – the EU Perspective
by Catalina Soriana Sitnikov & Claudiu George Bocean - 351-351 Assessing the Impact of the National Cultural Framework on Responsible Corporate Behaviour towards Consumers: an Application of Geert Hofstede`s Cultural Model
by Cristina Ganescu & Andreea Gangone & Mihaela Asandei - 368-368 Constructing Official Poverty Lines for Countries in Transition – Beyond the Poverty Line (2000-2010)
by Marinko Škare & Romina Pržiklas Družeta - 390-390 A Hybrid Forecasting Approach
by Emilian Dobrescu - 403-403 The Impact of Growing Public Debt on Economic Growth in the European Union
by Jernej Mencinger & Aleksander Aristovnik & Miroslav Verbic - 415-415 Relationships among Shopping Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility of Shopping Centers and Consumer Satisfaction: Case from Novi Sad (Serbia)
by Ivana Blešic & Aleksandra Dragin & Jelica Markovic & Slobodan Cerovic and Lukrecija Deri - 431-431 The Changing Business Landscape of Romania
by Ioan Plaias - 440-440 Logistics Clusters. Delivering Value and Driving Growth
by Zoltan Kato
November 2013, Volume 15, Issue Special 7
- 569-572 Responsible and sustainable business in the context of sustainable development
by Gheorghe Savoiu - 573-582 Design: the answer of contemporary businesses to the requirements of sustainable development
by Rodica Pamfilie & Roxana Procopie & Magdalena Bobe & Smaranda Visan - 583-602 Towards a sustainable development of retailing in Romania
by Viorel Coca & Mihaela Dobrea & Cristinel Vasiliu - 603-616 Assessment on the “institutional economics” of corruption. Business and development in Romania, between formal and informal practices
by Cosmin Marinescu & Octavian-Dragomir Jora - 617-633 An approach to sustainable development from tourists` perspective. Empirical evidence in Romania
by Dan-Cristian Dabija & Raluca Babut - 634-644 A straightforward x-ray on applying the ecolabel to the hotel business area
by Nicolae Lupu & Mihail Ovidiu Tanase & Remus-Alexandru Tontoroiu - 645-658 Traditional products – vectors of sustainable development on the regional and national markets
by Georgica Gheorghe & Bogdan Gabriel Nistoreanu & Alina Filip - 659-670 Social media in the development of sustainable business
by Cristian Bogdan Onete & Razvan Dina & Denisa Elena Vlad - 671-686 Marketing communication as a vector of the Romanian small businesses sustainable development
by Ioana Cecilia Popescu & Ionel Dumitru & Calin Veghes & Camelia Kailani - 687-701 Sustainable development of a company: building of new level relationship with the consumers of XXI century
by Yuriy Bilan - 702-713 Buyer behaviour in the context of sustainable consumption policy pursued in Poland
by Jaroslaw Korpysa - 714-728 Monopolization versus sustainable growth – the case of postal services market in Poland
by Tomasz Bernat & Piotr Bartkowiak - 729-742 Plurality or convergence in sustainability reporting standards?
by Nadia Albu & Catalin Nicolae Albu & Madalina Dumitru & Valentin Florentin Dumitru - 743-758 Analysing the sustainability of the entities quoted on the B.S.E. using accounting sustainability measures
by Florentin Caloian - 759-768 Relationships among social and environmental responsibility and business
by Catalina Soriana Sitnikov & Claudiu George Bocean - 769-783 A new approach to integral information system of a company for business and sustainable development
by Tatijana Minic & Bratislav Petrovic & Oliver Ilic - 784-801 Financial liquidity analysis of CSR based Capital Group Zywiec SA
by Aleksandra Gasior - 802-818 Business Education For Sustainable Development: The Case of Romanian Universities
by Razvan V. Mustata & Carmen Giorgiana Bonaci & Cristina Hintea & Bogdana Neamtu
June 2013, Volume 15, Issue 34
- 309-310 Protection of consumer rights in the field of economic services of general economic interest
by Vasile Dinu - 312-326 The quality of mobile phone services provided by Romanian operators, from consumers` perspective
by Doru Alexandru Pleşea & Roxana Sârbu & Zoltan Kato - 327-341 Consumer protection through prices: an analysis of the energetic sector in European Union countries
by Codruţa Mare & Simona Laura Dragoş & Dan Tudor Lazăr & Cristian Mihai Dragoş - 342-357 Declarativity and efficiency in providing services of general economic interest. Empirical study regarding the relation between heating costs and budget constraints
by Dumitru Miron & Monica Aureliana Petcu & Iulia David Sobolevschi - 358-368 Some hypotheses regarding the mobile telecommunications services marketing and consumers rights from Romania
by Nicu Marcu & Georgeta-Mădălina Meghişan - 369-384 A theory of the availability and level of consumer protection in online and mobile payments for public economic services
by Luminiţa Ionescu & George Lăzăroiu & Silviu Şerban - 385-400 Historical study regarding the protection of consumers within the electric energy and natural gas markets
by Ramona Pîrvu & Roxana Bădîrcea - 401-416 Considerations on the stochastic approach in economics
by Ion Smeureanu & Gheorghe Ruxanda - 417-430 Profitability determinants of fitness SMEs: Empirical evidence from Portugal using panel data
by Pedro Guedes de Carvalho & Zélia Serrasqueiro & Paulo Maças Nunes - 431-441 Analysis of auditor`s reports and bankruptcy risk in banking sector in the Republic of Serbia
by Milovan Stanisic & Danka Stefanovic & Nada Arezina & Vule Mizdrakovic - 442-454 Dynamic strategy for sustainable business development: mania or hazard?
by Jarmila Šebestová & Kateřina Nowáková - 455-468 A theoretical intellectual capital model applied to cities
by José Luis Alfaro Navarro & Víctor Raúl López Ruiz & Domingo Nevado Pena - 469-484 Suggestion of legal regulation of tax advisory services to ensure its higher quality – case study from Slovenia
by Stanko Čokelc & Jan Žan Oplotnik - 485-504 Consumer boycotts of foreign products: a metric model
by Murat Hakan Altintas & Bahar F. Kurtulmusoglu & Hans Ruediger Kaufmann & Serkan Kilic - 505-517 Relations between OCBs, organizational justice, work motivation and self-efficacy
by Lior Oren & Aharon Tziner & Yulia Nahshon & Gil Sharoni - 518-531 ERP implementation and organizational performance. A Romanian case study of best practices
by Valentin Florentin Dumitru & Nadia Albu & Cătălin Nicolae Albu & Mădălina Dumitru - 532-543 Using best practices in designing a lifelong learning strategy for human resources in Romania
by Dorel Mihai Paraschiv & Radu Stoika - 544-558 Marketing faculty of Bucharest Economic Studies University: historic landmarks, present and future developments
by Călin Petrică Vegheş & Ionel Dumitru & Ioana Cecilia Popescu & Mihai Cristian Orzan - 559-559 Consumer between objective and subjective
by Răzvan Dina
February 2013, Volume 15, Issue 33
- 5-7 Supply Chain Management – Factor of Increased Firms Competitiveness
by Cristinel Vasiliu - 8-26 Solving a Supply Chain Management Problem to Near Optimality Using Ant Colony Optimization, in an International Context
by Luminiţa Nicolescu & Cristina Galalae & Alexandru Voicu - 27-43 Analysis of Risks Generated by Suppliers During the Period of Economic Fluctuations
by Pavla Macurová & Karla Jurásková - 44-55 State of Implementation of Supply Chain Management in Companies in Romania
by Cristinel Vasiliu & Mihaela Dobrea - 56-73 Systemic Thinking and Requisite Holism in Mastering Logistics Risks: the Model for Identifying Risks in Organisations and Supply Chain
by Borut Jereb & Teodora Ivanuša & Bojan Rosi - 74-88 Defining the Concept of Supply Chain Management and its Relevance to Romanian Academics and Practitioners
by Mihai Felea & Irina Albăstroiu - 89-102 Social Media and Supply Chain
by Sonja Markova & Tatjana Petkovska-Mirčevska - 103-115 Supply Chain Management Performance in Tourism. Continental Hotels Chain Case
by Gabriela Ţigu & Bogdan Călăreţu - 116-127 The Supply Chain, a Strategic Marketing Approach
by Ionel Dumitru & Ştefan Claudiu Căescu - 128-139 Considerations on Risk in Supply Chain Management Information Systems Implementation
by Valentin-Petru Măzăreanu - 140-153 The Financial Supply Chain Management: a New Solution for Supply Chain Resilience
by Virgil Popa - 154-169 Performance Determinants for Responsible Supply Chain Management in the European Emerging Countries
by Mariana Cristina Ganescu & Mihaela Asandei & Andreea Gangone & Camelia Chirilă - 170-179 Performance Metrics in Supply Chain Management. Evidence from Romanian Economy
by Alexandru Constăngioară - 180-196 Logistics Market Statistics and Opinions about the Supply Chain Management in Romania
by Ramona Iulia Ţarţavulea & Radu Ioan Petrariu - 198-209 Advantages and Limitations of the Front-of-Package (FOP) Labeling Systems in Guiding the Consumers’ Healthy Food Choice
by Angela Tarabella & Lelia Voinea - 210-223 Application of Transactional Analysis in Bullwhip Effect Analysis
by Ivana Kovacevic & Biljana Panic & Mirko Vujosevic & Marija Kuzmanovic - 224-245 Clusters as a Part of Improvement Function of Serbian Economy Real Sector Competitiveness
by Svetlana Vukotić & Jugoslav Aničić & Marko Laketa - 246-260 The Preliminary Ruling Decision in the Case of Google vs. Louis Vuitton Concerning the AdWord Service and its Impact on the Community Law
by Tomáš Gongol - 262-269 Laudatio – in Honour of His Majesty King Michael I of Romania, on the Occasion of the Conferral of the Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies
by Pavel Năstase & Ion Vorovenci - 270-287 Institutional Quality of the Business Environment: Some European Practices in a Comparative Analysis
by Cosmin Marinescu - 288-300 Relationship Marketing - Best Practice in the Banking Sector
by Cătălina Chirica - 301-304 Econophysics: Background and Applications in Economics Finance, and Sociophysics
by Constantin Manea
November 2012, Volume 14, Issue Special No. 6
- 578-579 Contribution of Services to Economic Development
by Laurentiu Tachiciu - 580-599 The Challenges of Service Provision and Economic Development in South Africa
by Cecile Gerwel Proches & Shamim Bodhanya & Stan Hardman - 600-620 A Note on the Links Between Manufacturing, Goods and Services Exports
by Broussolle Damien - 621-634 Econometric Estimations of the Services and Financial Sector Impact on Economic Growth Variations in Times of Crisis
by Cristian Dragos & Simona Laura Dragos - 635-652 Productivity of Services: an Explorative Study in the Electrical and Chemical Engineering Sector
by Andreas Petz & Sönke Duckwitz & Christina Schmalz - 653-664 Perception of Private and Public Medical Services In Romania
by Eva-Cristina Petrescu & Diana-Eugenia Ioncică - 665-679 Corruption and bureaucracy in public services
by Luminiţa Ionescu & George Lăzăroiu & Gheorghe Iosif - 680-697 New Link in Bioinformatics Services Value Chain: Position, Organization and Business Model
by Mladen Čudanov & Gheorghe Săvoiu & Ondrej Jaško - 698-719 Internet of Things in Service Innovation
by Xiangxuan Xu - 720-737 Strategic Directions for the Bucharest Strategy and City Brand
by Ana-Claudia Ţapardel & Florin-Alexandru Alexe - 738-754 The Effective Management of Municipal Real Property. The Question of Services for the Business Use of Real Property
by Daniela Luminiţa Constantin & Mariana Drăguşin & Raluca Mariana Petrescu & Alina Elena Iosif - 755-773 Innovation in the Management of SMEs in the Service Sector in Poland
by Robert Nowacki & Marcin W. Staniewski - 774-785 Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship Through Public Services in the Madrid Region: Succesful Aspects
by M. Teresa Fernández Fernández & Ana Fernández-Ardavín Martínez & David Berenguer Herrero - 786-801 Insights into the Development of the Market of Mobile Marketing Services in Romania
by Carmen Balan & Mirela-Patricia Zegreanu - 802-810 Researching the Mass Media Role in Promoting and Selling Tourists` Packages in Romania
by Andreea Marin Pantelescu & Maria Ioncica
June 2012, Volume 14, Issue 32
- 303-304 Sustainability and Organizational Change
by Catălina Sitnikov - 307-322 Public and Public Utility Enterprises Restructuring: Statistical and Quantitative Aid for Ensuring Human Resource Sustainability
by Mladen Čudanov & Ondrej Jaško & Gheorghe Săvoiu - 323-332 Corporate Sustainability and Organizational Change. Case of OMV Petrom
by Catalina Soriana Sitnikov & Claudiu George Bocean - 333-348 Change Management – Condition of Organizational Sustainability in IT&C Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
by Dan Popescu & Alina Ciocârlan-Chitucea & Alexandra Steriu & Cristina State - 349-364 Relationship Marketing, Engine of Sustainable Development and Organisational Change in the Romanian Business Environment
by Nicolae Al Pop & Mihaela Roman & Adina Săniuţă & Carmen Petrişoaia - 365-379 Sustainability of the Organizational Changes in the Context of Global Economic Crisis
by Armenia Androniceanu & Irina-Virginia Drăgulănescu - 380-392 Knowledge-based Economy, an Appropriate Response to Organizational Change Pressures, with a View to Sustainable Development
by Cristina Mihaela Lazar & Ramona Nicoleta Bunda - 393-403 Sustainability and Organizational Change by Sustainable Crediting Therapy
by Dragoş Ilie - 404-419 Eco-innovation, Responsible Leadership and Organizational Change for Corporate Sustainability
by Dorel Mihai Paraschiv & Estera Laura Nemoianu & Claudia Adriana Langă & Tünde Szabó - 420-435 A Pilot Study on the Relationships Among Organizational Learning, Change, and Sustainability in a Responsible Romanian Higher Education Institution
by Sorin-George Toma - 436-450 Banking Models Under the Impact of the Post-Crisis Organizational Changes Apt to Confer Sustainable Financial Stability - Romanian Experience
by Claudia Gabriela Baicu & Olimpia State - 451-469 Empirical Study on the Indicators of Sustainable Performance – the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard, Effect of Strategic Organizational Change
by Maria Radu - 470-484 The Management of Economic Decline and the Dimension of Organizational Change
by Mihaela Onofrei & Dan Lupu - 485-500 An Empirical Study on Key Indicators of Environmental Quality: Green Budgeting - a Catalyst for Sustainable Economy and a Factor for Institutional Change
by Violeta – Maria Cimpoeru - 502-521 On the Accuracy of RAS Method in an Emergent Economy
by Emilian Dobrescu & Viorel Gaftea - 522-536 Organizational Change and Corporate Sustainability in an Economic Crisis: Evidence from Slovenia
by Matevž Rasković & Barbara Mörec - 537-548 Sustainability and Readiness for Change: Insights from a Banking Case Study in Serbia
by Ljiljana Kontic & Jovan Kontic - 550-562 The Evolution of the Accounting Practices During the Recent Economic Crisis: Empirical Survey Regarding the Earnings Management
by Cătălina Gorgan & Vasile Gorgan & Valentin Florentin Dumitru & Ileana Cosmina Pitulice - 563-569 Alexandru Puiu –Passion for Building
by Ioan Popa - 570-572 International Marketing. Theory and Practice
by Constantin Sasu - 573-575 Political Market. Paradigms and Realities
by Vasile Macoviciuc
February 2012, Volume 14, Issue 31
- 5-6 Consumers’ Education and Information from the Perspective of Their Awareness and Ecological Behaviour
by Vasile Dinu - 8-24 Attitude of Romanian Consumers Related to Products’ Ecological Labelling
by Vasile Dinu & Ion Schileru & Anca Atanase - 25-37 Aspects Regarding the Impact of the "Rabla" Program and the "Casa Verde" Program on the Ecological Consumption in Romania
by Gabriela Prelipcean & Mircea Boscoianu - 38-49 Estimating the Impact of Landfill Proximity on the Value of Real Estate Goods
by Giani Ionel Grădinaru & Ildiko Ioan - 50-69 Factors Affecting Consumers’ Green Purchasing Behavior: An Integrated Conceptual Framework
by Hans Ruediger Kaufmann & Mohammad Fateh Ali Khan Panni & Yianna Orphanidou - 70-83 Transports and Consumers’ Ecological Behaviour
by Maria Ioncică & Eva-Cristina Petrescu & Diana Ioncică - 84-98 Studying Consumers’ Ecological Consciousness – A Comparative Analysis of Romania, Malaysia and Pakistan
by Jamilah Ahmad & Imran Ali & Georgiana Florentina Grigore & Alin Stancu - 99-113 Demand for Vacations /Travel in Protected Areas – Dimension of Tourists’ Ecological Behavior
by Rodica Minciu & Mihaela Pădurean & Delia Popescu & Remus Hornoiu - 114-128 Potential Interpretations of the Ecological Behaviour in Tourism
by Gabriela Cecilia Stănciulescu & Olimpia State - 129-141 Determinism in Assessing the Consumer’s Ecological Behaviour
by Monica Petcu & Dumitru Miron & Iulia David-Sobolevschi - 142-156 Information and Ecological Behaviour towards the Natural Resources Consumption of the Population of Bucharest
by Paul Marinescu & Marin Burcea - 157-171 Exploring the Eco-attitudes and Buying Behaviour of Facebook Users
by Kevin Kane & Codrin Chiru & Stela Georgiana Ciuchete - 173-194 Romania Foreign Trade in Global Recession, Revealed by the Extended Method of Exchange Rate Indicators
by Gheorghe Săvoiu & Vasile Dinu & Laurenţiu Tăchiciu - 195-206 Drivers of Marketing Innovation in Portuguese Firms
by Jacinta Moreira & Maria Jose Silva & Jorge Simões & Gastão Sousa - 207-222 The Effectiveness of Green Advertising: Influences of Claim Specificity, Product’s Environmental Relevance and Consumers’ Pro-environmental Orientation
by Umit Alniacik & Cengiz Yilmaz - 223-229 Investigating Asymmetries in Macroeconomic Aggregates of Central and Eastern European Economies
by Veli Yilanci - 230-245 Genetically Modified Products in Lithuania: Situational Analysis and Consumers’ Attitudes
by Dainora Grundey & Indre Rimkiene - 246-257 Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus: A Multivariate Analysis for Turkey
by Ali Acaravci & Ilhan Ozturk - 258-271 The Use of Internal Rating Models in Managing the Risks Related to the Exposures of Non-banking Financial Institutions
by Nicolae Dardac & Petronel Chiriac & Bogdan Moinescu - 273-285 Best Practices in Incentive Compensation from the Perspective of Value-based Management
by Eduard Mădălin Dinu & Costin Ciora - 286-292 Mr. Radu Emilian – A Visionary Professor
by Gabriela Ţigu - 293-295 Consumers Protection
by Cătălina Soriana Sitnikov - 296-298 Consumer Protection in the ‘Information Economy’
by Ionica Holban (Oncioiu)
November 2011, Volume 13, Issue Special No. 5
- 667-668 Quality - Information Technologies - Consumer
by Vasile Dinu - 669-678 The Impact of the Implementation of ISO 9000 Quality Management System on the Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Process by the Romanian SMEs
by Marieta Olaru & Ghiorghita Stoleriu & Claudia Langa & Ionela Flood - 679-687 The Necessity of Implementing a Quality Management System in the Romanian Medical Units. An Approach from the Patients Point of View
by Roxana Sarbu & Adriana Zamfir - 688-697 Sustainable Success in Higher Education by Sharing the Best Practices as a Result of Benchmarking Process
by Anca Gabriela Ilie & Mihaela Maftei & Oana Antonia Colibasanu - 698-711 Good Practices Preceding the Implementation of the System of Management of Environment, on Small and Medium Enterprises
by Anca Atanase & Ion Schileru & Smaranda Visan - 712-724 Quality Uncertainty as a Barrier to Business Services Development
by Laurentiu Tachiciu & Vasile Dinu & Iacob Kerbalek - 725-735 The Development of Touristic Services through Individual and Organizational Learning. Study Case: Romania and Spain
by Dan Popescu & Iulia Chivu & Alina Ciocarlan-Chitucea & Daniela-Oana Popescu - 736-745 Estimating the Importance of Social Media in Consumers’ Education and Information Using New Techniques
by Cristian Bogdan Onete & Razvan Dina & Remus Negoi - 746-753 The Relationship Communication Structure - Uncertainty Avoidance Reflected in Romanian Websites Design
by Doru Plesea & Rodica Pamfilie & Irina Maiorescu - 754-770 The Impact of Information Technologies on the Organization and Functioning of the Company
by Valentin Florentin Dumitru - 771-779 Mutations in the Foodstuff Quality Perception of the New Consumers in Romania
by Dorin Popescu & Mihai Negrea & Lelia Voinea - 780-789 The Psycho-sensorial Value of the Food Products a Provocative Component in Purchase Decision
by Magdalena Bobe & Roxana Procopie - 790-802 Potential Connections between Migration and Immigrants Food Consumption Habits. The Case of Romanian Immigrants in Andalusia, Spain
by Andreea Simona Saseanu & Raluca Mariana Petrescu
June 2011, Volume 13, Issue 30
- 343-344 The Knowledge - Based Economy: Implications for Higher Education in Economics and Business
by Vasile Dinu - 347-361 Universities as Suppliers of Entrepreneurship Education Services. The Cases of The University of Seville and The Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest
by Isidoro Romero & Raluca Mariana Petrescu & Alina Elena Balalia (Iosif) - 362-376 Relative efficiency of higher education in Croatia and Slovenia: an international comparison
by Alka Obadić & Aleksander Aristovnik - 377-391 Evaluation of the Entrepreneurship Education Programme in University: A New Approach
by Urve Venesaar & Hannes Ling & Karen Voolaid - 392-403 Intergenerational knowledge transfer in the academic environment of knowledge-based economy
by Viorel Lefter & Constantin Brătianu & Adriana Agapie & Simona Agoston & Ivona Orzea - 404-419 Knowledge based economy –technological perspective: implications and solutions for agility improvement and innovation achievement in higher education
by Bogdan Ghilic-Micu & Marinela Mircea & Marian Stoica - 420-436 Universities` Role in Knowledge-Based Economy and Society. Implications for Romanian Economics Higher Education
by Marta-Christina Suciu & Irina-Virginia Drăgulănescu & Alexandru Ghiţiu-Brătescu & Luciana Picioruş & Cosmin Imbrişcă - 437-447 Developing a Conceptual Model Based on the Correlations Between Marketing Higher Education and Knowledge Based Economy
by Răzvan Zaharia & Emanuela Maria Avram & Raluca Cristina Eftimie - 448-463 Employers’ Perception Of Competences Acquired Through Academic Marketing Training In Knowledge Based Economy
by Ioan Plăiaş & Ciprian-Marcel Pop & Raluca Băbuţ & Dan Cristian Dabija