August 2016, Volume 18, Issue 43
- 592-592 The Effects of Gaps and Disparities on Economic Growth. A Study of 10 Former Socialist Countries from the CEE, Members of the EU
by Maru?a Pescu (Beca) & Camelia ?tefan (Baraba?) - 612-612 Human Capital and Economic Growth - How Strong is the Nexus?
by Marinko Škare & Sabina Lacmanovic - 634-634 Intertemporal Substitution and Labour Supply of Bosnian SME’s
by Ada Šabic-Lipovaca & Wadim Strielkowski & Yuriy Bilan - 654-654 Analysis Componentsof the Digital Consumer Behavior in Romania
by Cristian Bogdan Onete & Ioana Teodorescu & Viorel Vasile - 663-663 Innovative Food Quality Models – Developed as an Interface for Modern Consumers and Sustainable Business
by Rodica Pamfilie & Magdalena Bobe & Lavinia Cristescu & Maria Alexandra Toma - 675-675 Socio-Professional Expectations on Master Students of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies
by Lelia Voinea & Camelia Staiculescu & Ion Schileru - 691-691 Performance Management and Monitoring of Internal Audit for the Public Sector in Romania
by Elena Doina Dascalu & Nicu Marcu & Ioan Hurjui - 707-707 Spatial Model for Determining the Optimum Placement of Logistics Centers in a Predefined Economic Area
by Ramona Iulia ?ar?avulea (Dieaconescu) & Mihaela Gabriela Belu & Dorel Mihai Paraschiv & Ioan Popa - 726-726 Conceiving, Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper. An approach in the context of economic research
by Constantin Bratianu
May 2016, Volume 18, Issue 42
- 237-237 European Integration through Economic Convergence
by Gheorghe Savoiu - 240-240 Convergence in Government Spending Components in EU15: A Spatial Econometric Perspective
by Lena Maleševic Perovic & Silvia Golem & Maja Mihaljevic Kosor - 255-255 Exploring CESEE-EMU Synchronisation Patterns
by Valerija Botric & Tanja Broz - 269-269 Financial Integration into EU: The Romanian Case
by Ibrahim Bozkurt & Engin Akman - 286-286 Impact of Sustainable Environmental Expenditures Policy on Air Pollution Reduction, During European Integration Framework
by Ionel Bostan & Mihaela Onofrei & Elena-Doina Dascalu & Bogdan Fîrtescu - 303-303 Real Convergence, Steps from Adherence to Integration
by Mihail Busu & Adina Gyorgy - 317-317 Banking Integration in European Context
by Roxana Badîrcea & Alina Manta & Ramona Pîrvu & Nicoleta Florea - 335-335 Productive Employment in Romania: A Major Challenge to the Integration into the European Union
by Emilia Herman - 351-351 Modernisation of Higher Education in the Context of European Integration? A Comparative Analysis
by Gheorghe Epuran & Iuliana Petronela Gârdan & Daniel Adrian Gârdan & Bianca Tescasiu - 369-369 European Union and Romanian Tourism – ß and s Convergence in the Economic Development Regions of Romania
by Gina Ionela Butnaru & Valentin Nita - 386-386 Measuring Economic Growth Using Data Envelopment Analysis
by Marinko Škare & Danijela Rabar - 407-407 The Effects of Tourism on the GDP of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia in the Process of European Integration
by Slobodan Cerovic & Miroslav Kneževic & Danijel Pavlovic - 423-423 Selection of Employees with Disabilities – Has the Burden on the Employer Become too Heavy?
by Edna Rabenu & Aharon Tziner - 432-432 Milestones in Implementation of an Integrated Management System in the Health Sector. Case Study Radiologische Netzwerk Rheinland
by Claus Nagel-Piciorus & Luciana Nagel-Piciorus & Roxana Sârbu - 446-446 Environmentally Sustainable Economic Growth
by Stelian Brad & Bogdan Mocan & Emilia Brad & Mircea Fulea - 462-462 Best Practices in Academic Management. Study Programs Classification Model
by Ofelia Ema Aleca & Florin Mihai - 474-474 Best Practices Regarding the Use of Electronic Environment for Romanian Tourism Development
by Irina Maiorescu & Mihai Teodor Negrea & Dorin Vicen?iu Popescu & Gabriel Cristian Sabou - 487-487 An Outstanding Career: Professor Emeritus Iacob Catoiu
by Octavian Oprica
February 2016, Volume 18, Issue 41
- 1-5 Impact of Knowledge Intensive Business Services on Economic Performance of Sectors and Regions
by Laurentiu Tachiciu - 1-5 Impact of Knowledge Intensive Business Services on Economic Performance of Sectors and Regions
by Laurentiu Tachiciu - 1-8 Assessment of the Service Innovation System in the Region of Bucharest-Ilfov
by Alina-Elena Iosif & Laurentiu Tachiciu - 1-8 Assessment of the Service Innovation System in the Region of Bucharest-Ilfov
by Alina-Elena Iosif & Laurentiu Tachiciu - 1-25 Features and Regional Disparities of Consultancy Services in Romania
by Tudor Ciumara & Iulia Lupu - 1-25 Features and Regional Disparities of Consultancy Services in Romania
by Tudor Ciumara & Iulia Lupu - 1-40 Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Business Consulting Services in Romanian Changing Economic Environment
by Iacob Catoiu & Liviu Tudor & Cristian Bisa - 1-40 Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Business Consulting Services in Romanian Changing Economic Environment
by Iacob Catoiu & Liviu Tudor & Cristian Bisa - 1-55 Regional Development Fueled by Entrepreneurial Ventures Providing KIBS – Case Study on Romania
by Vasile Alecsandru Strat & Adriana AnaMaria Davidescu & Raluca Mariana Grosu & Ion-Daniel Zgura - 1-55 Regional Development Fueled by Entrepreneurial Ventures Providing KIBS – Case Study on Romania
by Vasile Alecsandru Strat & Adriana AnaMaria Davidescu & Raluca Mariana Grosu & Ion-Daniel Zgura - 1-73 The Spatial Pattern of KIBS and their Relations with the Territorial Development in Romania
by Zoltán Bujdosó & János Pénzes & Lóránt Dávid & Szilárd Madaras - 1-73 The Spatial Pattern of KIBS and their Relations with the Territorial Development in Romania
by Zoltán Bujdosó & János Pénzes & Lóránt Dávid & Szilárd Madaras - 1-89 Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) in the Context of Changing Energy Economics in Germany
by Gregor Weber & Ruxandra Maria Mateescu & Steffen Lange & Manfred Rauch - 1-89 Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) in the Context of Changing Energy Economics in Germany
by Gregor Weber & Ruxandra Maria Mateescu & Steffen Lange & Manfred Rauch - 104-104 The Impacts of Trademarks and Patents on Labour Productivity in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Service Sectors
by Domicián Máté & András István Kun & Veronika Fenyves - 104-104 The Impacts of Trademarks and Patents on Labour Productivity in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Service Sectors
by Domicián Máté & András István Kun & Veronika Fenyves - 120-120 The Criticality of Connecting People to Financial Results ? an ROI Calculation Model for Romanian FSOs
by Daniela Niculescu - 120-120 The Criticality of Connecting People to Financial Results ? an ROI Calculation Model for Romanian FSOs
by Daniela Niculescu - 136-136 LINS Curve in Romanian Economy
by Emilian Dobrescu - 136-136 LINS Curve in Romanian Economy
by Emilian Dobrescu - 153-153 Mediating and Marketing Factors Influence the Prescription Behavior of Physicians: An Empirical Investigation
by Rizwan Raheem Ahmed & Jolita Vveinhardt & Dalia Streimikiene & Muhammad Awais - 153-153 Mediating and Marketing Factors Influence the Prescription Behavior of Physicians: An Empirical Investigation
by Rizwan Raheem Ahmed & Jolita Vveinhardt & Dalia Streimikiene & Muhammad Awais - 168-168 Family Business as Source of Municipality Development in the Czech Republic
by Petra Rydvalová & Eva Karhanová Horynová & Magdalena Zbránková - 168-168 Family Business as Source of Municipality Development in the Czech Republic
by Petra Rydvalová & Eva Karhanová Horynová & Magdalena Zbránková - 184-184 Exploring Multi-Channel Shopping Behavior Towards It & C Products, Based on Business Students Opinions
by Cristinel Vasiliu & Mihai Felea & Irina Albastroiu & Mihaela Dobrea - 184-184 Exploring Multi-Channel Shopping Behavior Towards It & C Products, Based on Business Students Opinions
by Cristinel Vasiliu & Mihai Felea & Irina Albastroiu & Mihaela Dobrea - 199-199 Relationship Marketing Stage of Development in Romanian Banking Industry
by Alina Filip & Diana Maria Vrânceanu & Bogdan Georgescu & Daniela Elena Marinescu - 199-199 Relationship Marketing Stage of Development in Romanian Banking Industry
by Alina Filip & Diana Maria Vrânceanu & Bogdan Georgescu & Daniela Elena Marinescu - 215-215 From Intuitive Programming of Robotic Systems to Business Sustainability of Manufacturing SMEs
by Bogdan Mocan & Mircea Fulea & Marieta Olaru & Melanie Buchmüller - 215-215 From Intuitive Programming of Robotic Systems to Business Sustainability of Manufacturing SMEs
by Bogdan Mocan & Mircea Fulea & Marieta Olaru & Melanie Buchmüller
November 2015, Volume 17, Issue Special 9
- 1127-1127 New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption
by Laurentiu Tachiciu - 1127-1127 New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption
by Laurentiu Tachiciu - 1129-1129 Study on the Open Innovation Practices in Romanian Smes
by Marieta Olaru & Vasile Dinu & Timo Keppler & Bogdan Mocan - 1142-1142 The Game of Innovation. Is Gamification a New Trendsetter?
by Roxana Procopie & Robert Bumbac & Smaranda Giu?ca & Andra Vasilcovschi - 1156-1156 Measuring the Capacity of Organizations Innovation ? Major Process of Innovation Management
by Dorin Maier & Livia Anastasiu & Roxana Sârbu & Thorsten Eidenmüller - 1167-1167 Quality and Competitiveness: A Lean Six Sigma Approach
by Irina-Virginia Dragulanescu & Delia Popescu - 1183-1183 Social Entrepreneurship ? Innovative Solutions' Provider to the Challenges of an Ageing Population: The Case of Romanian Retirees
by Mariana Dragu?in & Dianne Welsh & Raluca Mariana Grosu & Alina Elena Iosif - 1198-1198 A New Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Support Framework for Assessing Business Line Correlations
by Mircea Fulea & Gabriela ?andru & Stelian Brad & Mihaela Maftei - 1213-1213 Entrepreneurs’ Perception of Their Skills and the Influence of Education on the Romanian Entrepreneurial System
by Mirela Octavia Sîrbu & Constantin Bob & Andreea Simona Saseanu - 1228-1228 Nutritional Imbalance – Dominant Consumption Behaviour of Young People from Romania
by Dorin Vicentiu Popescu & Lelia Voinea & Mihai Teodor Negrea - 1244-1244 Fair Trade in Sustainable Development. The Potential for Fair Trade Market Growth in Poland
by Grazyna Smigielska & Anna Dabrowska & Malgorzata Radziukiewicz - 1259-1259 Assessing the Financial Value of Human Resource Management Programs and Employee Behaviors: A Critical Tool Still Coming of Age
by Aharon Tziner & Assa Birati - 1273-1273 The Correlation between External Audit and Financial Performance of Banks from Romania
by Mariana Nedelcu (Bunea) & Marian Siminica & Carmen ?urlea - 1289-1289 The Impact of Facebook Upon Social Skills of Young People ? a Business Employment Perspective
by Irina Maiorescu & Razvan Dina & Alexandru Doru Plesea & Alecu Felician - 1303-1303 Social networks a real solution for students' future jobs
by Lorena Batagan & Catalin Boja - 1314-1314 Study On The Multi-Project Management Practices for Complex Investments
by Mircea Sandru & Ionela Carmen Pirnea & Anca Purcarea & Ioana Surugiu - 1331-1331 Study on the Competitiveness of the Romanian Meat Processing Industry
by Silvius Stanciu & Raluca Daniela Rizea & Anca Gabriela Ilie - 1346-1346 Political Actions Oriented to Territorial Development: The Multifunctional Role of Agriculture
by Grazia Calabrò & Simone Vieri
November 2015, Volume 17, Issue S9
- 1129-1129 Study on the Open Innovation Practices in Romanian Smes
by Marieta Olaru & Vasile Dinu & Timo Keppler & Bogdan Mocan - 1142-1142 The Game of Innovation. Is Gamification a New Trendsetter?
by Roxana Procopie & Robert Bumbac & Smaranda Giu?ca & Andra Vasilcovschi - 1156-1156 Measuring the Capacity of Organizations Innovation ? Major Process of Innovation Management
by Dorin Maier & Livia Anastasiu & Roxana Sârbu & Thorsten Eidenmüller - 1167-1167 Quality and Competitiveness: A Lean Six Sigma Approach
by Irina-Virginia Dragulanescu & Delia Popescu - 1183-1183 Social Entrepreneurship ? Innovative Solutions' Provider to the Challenges of an Ageing Population: The Case of Romanian Retirees
by Mariana Dragu?in & Dianne Welsh & Raluca Mariana Grosu & Alina Elena Iosif - 1198-1198 A New Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Support Framework for Assessing Business Line Correlations
by Mircea Fulea & Gabriela ?andru & Stelian Brad & Mihaela Maftei - 1213-1213 Entrepreneurs’ Perception of Their Skills and the Influence of Education on the Romanian Entrepreneurial System
by Mirela Octavia Sîrbu & Constantin Bob & Andreea Simona Saseanu - 1228-1228 Nutritional Imbalance – Dominant Consumption Behaviour of Young People from Romania
by Dorin Vicentiu Popescu & Lelia Voinea & Mihai Teodor Negrea - 1244-1244 Fair Trade in Sustainable Development. The Potential for Fair Trade Market Growth in Poland
by Grazyna Smigielska & Anna Dabrowska & Malgorzata Radziukiewicz - 1259-1259 Assessing the Financial Value of Human Resource Management Programs and Employee Behaviors: A Critical Tool Still Coming of Age
by Aharon Tziner & Assa Birati - 1273-1273 The Correlation between External Audit and Financial Performance of Banks from Romania
by Mariana Nedelcu (Bunea) & Marian Siminica & Carmen ?urlea - 1289-1289 The Impact of Facebook Upon Social Skills of Young People ? a Business Employment Perspective
by Irina Maiorescu & Razvan Dina & Alexandru Doru Plesea & Alecu Felician - 1303-1303 Social networks a real solution for students' future jobs
by Lorena Batagan & Catalin Boja - 1314-1314 Study On The Multi-Project Management Practices for Complex Investments
by Mircea Sandru & Ionela Carmen Pirnea & Anca Purcarea & Ioana Surugiu - 1331-1331 Study on the Competitiveness of the Romanian Meat Processing Industry
by Silvius Stanciu & Raluca Daniela Rizea & Anca Gabriela Ilie - 1346-1346 Political Actions Oriented to Territorial Development: The Multifunctional Role of Agriculture
by Grazia Calabrò & Simone Vieri
August 2015, Volume 17, Issue 40
- 851-851 Sustainable Business Marketing
by Dan-Cristian Dabija - 855-855 Towards Sustainable Marketing: Strategy in Slovak Companies
by Juraj Cheben & Drahoslav Lancaric & Radovan Savov & Marián Tóth - 872-872 An Application of Qualitative Risk Analysis as a Tool Adopted by Public Organizations for Evaluating “Green Projects”
by Maurizio Lanfranchi & Carlo Giannetto & Angelina De Pascale & Remus Ion Hornoiu - 891-891 Sustainable Lifestyle Marketing of Individuals: the Base of Sustainability
by Mira Rakic & Beba Rakic - 909-909 Matrix Model for Choosing Green Marketing Sustainable Strategic Alternatives
by Catalina Sitnikov & Laura Vasilescu & Radu Ogarca & Sorin Tudor - 927-927 Sustenability and Organic Growth Marketing: an Exploratory Approach on Valorisation of Durable Development Principles in Tourism
by Gheorghe Epuran & Lavinia Dovleac & Ioana Simona Ivasciuc & Bianca Tescasiu - 938-938 Converging Sustainable Entrepreneurship and the Contemporary Marketing Practices. An Insight into Romanian Start-Ups
by Cristian Valentin Hapenciuc & Florina Pînzaru & Elena-Madalina Vatamanescu & Pavel Stanciu - 955-955 Marketing Communications of Value Creation in Sustainable Organizations. The Practice of Integrated Reports
by Madalina Dumitru & Raluca Gina Guse & Liliana Feleaga & Dragos Marian Mangiuc - 977-977 Reporting of Non-Financial Performance Indicators – a Useful Tool for a Sustainable Marketing Strategy
by Adriana Calu & Costel Negrei & Daniela Artemisa Calu & Viorel Avram - 994-994 The Impact of Corporate Sustainability Strategies on the Financial Performance of Romanian Companies in the Context of Green Marketing
by Marian Siminica & Liviu Craciun & Adina Dinu - 1011-1011 The Role of Marketing Audit in Evaluation Sustainable Marketing Performance in Romanian Organizations
by Daniel Serbanica & Violeta Radulescu & Anca Francisca Cruceru - 1023-1023 The Main Drivers of Environmentally Responsible Behaviour in Lithuanian Households
by Dalia Streimikiene - 1036-1036 Population and Economic Growth: A Review Essay
by Marinko Škare & Sanja Blaževic - 1054-1054 Sales Forecasting in the Context of Seasonal Activities and Company Sustainable Growth
by Ion Stancu & Dumitra Stancu & Dalina Dumitrescu & Andrei Tinca - 1068-1068 The Macroeconomic Framework of Support Analysis for Sustainable Businesses Development
by Constantin Mitrut & Cristina Balaceanu & Mihaela Gruiescu & Daniela Serban - 1080-1080 Energy Cooperation – The Strength of the Eu’s Economic Development
by Francesco Ruggiero & Liviu Bogdan Vlad & Gheorghe Vlasceanu & Alexandru Gavris - 1095-1095 Best Practices in Customs Procedures
by Ioan Popa & Mihaela Gabriela Belu & Dorel Mihai Paraschiv & Ana Maria Marinoiu - 1108-1108 Approach Regarding a Framework for Risk Reporting in Order to Enhance the Related Good Practices
by Mirela Nichita & Carmen Turlea
May 2015, Volume 17, Issue 39
- 516-516 Retail innovation technologies
by Vasile Dinu - 520-520 Innovative information technologies and their impact on the performance of the entities which activate in the retail industry
by Valentin-Florentin Dumitru & Gabriel Jinga & Florin Mihai & Aurelia Stefanescu - 536-536 The relationship among image, satisfaction and loyalty – innovative factor of competitiveness for shopping centers
by Ioana-Nicoleta Abrudan & Ioan Plaias & Dan-Cristian Dabija - 553-553 Enhancing the shopping experience through QR codes: the perspective of the Romanian users
by Irina Albastroiu & Mihai Felea - 567-567 Consumers` perception on the use of innovative technologies in creating store atmosphere
by Mirela Octavia Sirbu & Andreea Simona Saseanu & Simona Ioana Ghita - 583-583 Innovation in retail: impact on creating a positive experience when buying fashion products
by Cristinel Vasiliu & Mihai Ovidiu Cercel - 600-600 The impact of innovative commercial technologies on students’ behaviour of an economic university
by Laurentiu-Dan Anghel & Diana Maria Vrânceanu & Alina Filip & Claudia Elena Tuclea - 615-615 Applying RFID technology in the retail industry – benefits and concerns from the consumer’s perspective
by Ádám Novotny & Lóránt Dávid & Hajnalka Csáfor - 632-632 Revival of high street retailing – the added value of shopping apps
by Jelena Demko-Rihter & Igor ter Halle - 646-646 Determinants of technology adoption in the retail trade industry – the case of SMEs in Spain
by Isidoro Romero & Juan A. Martínez-Román - 661-661 The effect of backroom size on retail product availability – operational and technological solutions
by Nikola Milicevic & Aleksandar Grubor - 676-676 Innovative solutions in traceability to improve the competitiveness of a local fruit and vegetable retailing system
by MiklósPakurár & Sándor Kovács & József Popp & András Vántus - 693-693 BARS curve in Romanian economy
by Emilian Dobrescu - 706-706 Effectiveness of entrepreneurship policies: some evaluation research perspectives
by Petra Tausl Prochazkova & Michaela Krechovska & Ladislav Lukas - 723-723 Community based social marketing for implementation of energy saving targets at local level
by Dalia Streimikiene & Jolita Vveinhardt - 735-735 Human capital and economic growth: a review essay
by Marinko Škare & Sabina Lacmanovic - 761-761 The impact and efficiency of public administration excellence on fostering SMEs in EU countries
by Aleksander Aristovnik & Alka Obadic - 776-776 Economic paradoxism and meson economics
by Gheorghe Savoiu & Vasile Dinu - 799-799 Best practices in the field of returnee entrepreneurship
by Raluca Mariana Grosu & Elena Ecaterina Nicolae - 815-815 The quality of the educational process at university department level – a community of practice view
by Mariana Nicolae - 823-823 Developing an online collaborative system within the domain of financial auditing
by Pavel Nastase & Lucian Cristian Eni - 836-836 Risk assessment models in the tourism sector
by Simanavicius Arturas & Edmundas Jasinskas & Biruta Svagzdiene
February 2015, Volume 17, Issue 38
- 1-6 Fostering Entrepreneurship in a Changing Business Environment
by Laurentiu Tachiciu - 1-10 Simulation-Based E-Learning Framework for Entrepreneurship Education and Training
by Constanta-Nicoleta Bodea & Radu Ioan Mogos & Maria-Iuliana Dascalu & Augustin Purnus - 1-25 A Pilot Profile of the Social Entrepreneur in the Constantly Changing Romanian Economy
by Gabriela Tigu & Maria-Cristina Iorgulescu & Anamaria Sidonia Ravar & Ramona Lile - 1-44 The Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Corporate Governance The Case of Romanian listed Companies
by Nadia Albu & Ruxandra Adriana Mateescu - 1-60 The Influence of Country-Level Governance on Business Environment and Entrepreneurship: a Global Perspective
by Adrian Grosanu & Cristina Bota-Avram & Paula Ramona Rachisan & Roumen Vesselinov - 1-76 Evaluation Model of the Entrepreneurial Character in EU Countries
by Sebastian Madalin Munteanu & Irina-Eugenia Iamandi & Eugeniu Tudor - 1-93 Entrereneurial Clusters in European Union. A Macroeconomic Comparative Analysis
by Daniela Ionita & Ionel Dumitru & Mihaela Constantinescu & Stefan Caescu - 107-107 Influence of Cluster Type Business Agglomerations for Development of Entrepreneurial Activities. Study about Romania
by Adriana Reveiu & Marian Dârdala - 120-120 Entrepreneurship and its Economical Value in a very Dynamic Business Environment
by Ana-Maria Grigore & Irina-Maria Dragan - 133-133 Is Culture a Moderator of Entrepreneurship Motivation? A Comparative Study of Romania and Iceland
by Laura Brancu & Svala Guðmundsdóttir & Delia Gligor & Valentin Munteanu - 148-148 Are Risk Attitudes and Individualism Predictors of Entrepreneurship? A Multivariate Analysis of Romanian Data
by Adrian Hatos & Roxana Hatos & Alina Badulescu & Daniel Badulescu - 162-162 Crowdsourcing: An Alternative for the Dynamic Development of Entrepreneurship in the Romanian Tourism
by Dan Popescu & Cristina State - 180-180 Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Financing through the Regional Operational Programme
by Mihaela Ana Padurean & Ana-Maria Nica & Puiu Nistoreanu - 195-195 The Role of SMEs in Assessing the Contribution of Entrepreneurship to GDP in the Romanian Business Environment
by Dan Armeanu & Nicolae Istudor & Leonard Lache - 212-212 Credits and Bank Guarantee Letters in Entrepreneurship Development During Crisis
by Dragos Ilie - 228-228 The Entrepreneur`s Role in the Performance Growth of the Financial Audit Activity in Romania
by Cristina Raluca Popescu & Veronica Adriana Popescu & Gheorghe N. Popescu - 247-247 Entrepreneurial Outcomes and Organisational Performance through Business Coaching
by Mihaela Dobrea & Irina Maiorescu - 261-261 The Role of Economic Academic Education on Entrepreneurial Behaviour
by Renata Dana Nitu-Antonie & Emoke-Szidónia Feder - 277-277 ICT as the Facilitator of Entrepreneurial Activity: An Empirical Investigation
by Patricia Kotnik & Rok Stritar - 291-291 Global Indicators Analysis and Consultancy Experience Insights into Correlation between Entrepreneurial Activities and Business Environment
by Jovan Krivokapic & Ondrej Jaško - 308-308 Entrepreneurship in SME Segment: Case Study from the Czech Republic and Slovakia
by Jaroslav Belás & Yuriy Bilan & Valér Demjan & Juraj Sipko - 327-327 International Entrepreneurship: Linking Entrepreneurial Motivation, Orientation and Network Relationship
by Jurgita Sekliuckiene - 342-342 Innovation Processes and Entrepreneurial Culture for Radical Innovations
by Lubica Knošková - 358-358 Business Environment and Creative Industries in Romania
by Clara Volintiru and Dumitru Miron - 371-371 The Role of Openness and Entrepreneurial Curiosity in Company’s Growth
by Mitja Jeraj & Miha Maric & Ivan Todorovic & Mladen Cudanov - 390-390 Fostering Entrepreneurial Investment Decision in Medical Technology Ventures in a Changing Business Environment
by Sonja Bettina Keppler & Marieta Olaru & Georgiana Marin - 408-408 The Influence of the Institutions on Entrepreneurship Development: Public Support and Perception of Entrepreneurship Development in the Czech Republic
by Petr Hlavacek & Marta Zambochova & Tomas Sivicek - 422-422 Technology Entreprenurship in the Changing Business Environment – A Triple Helix Performance Model
by Maja Levi Jaksic & Milica Jovanovic & Jasna Petkovic - 441-441 The Impact of Ownership Structure on Corporate Performance in Transitional Economies
by Slobodan Cerovic & Nemanja Stanišic & Tijana Radojevic & Nikica Radovic - 456-456 “Corporate Scene Investigation”: A Praxeological Attempt to Sketch the Profile of the Entrepreneur in Modern Business
by Octavian-Dragomir Jora & Mihai-Vladimir Topan & Radu Cristian Musetescu & Matei-Alexandru Apavaloaei - 474-474 Principles and Best Practices in Successful Tourism Business Incubators
by Andreea F. Schiopu & Dragos C. Vasile & Claudia E. Tuclea - 488-488 Good Practices in Educating and Informing the New Generation of Consumers on Organic Foodstuffs
by Lelia Voinea & Dorin Vicentiu Popescu & Mihai Teodor Negrea
August 2014, Volume 16, Issue Special 8
- 1045-1045 Contemporary Approaches and Challenges of Tourism Sustainability
by Delia Popescu - 1048-1048 Sustainability of the Tourism Industry, Based on Financial Key Performance Indicators
by Adriana Dutescu & Adriana Florina Popa & Andreea Gabriela Ponorîca - 1063-1063 Econometric Models in Romanian Tourism under the Impact of Sustainable Development
by Delia Popescu & Andreea Saseanu & Daniel Bulin & Grazia Calabro - 1076-1076 Modelling the Image Research of a Tourism Destination
by Nicolae Teodorescu & Ion Pârgaru & Aurelia-Felicia Stancioiu & Elena Matei - 1089-1089 Tourism and Sustainable Regional Development in Romania and France: an Approach from the Perspective of New Economic Geography
by Gabriela Carmen Pascariu & Ramona Tiganasu - 1110-1110 Attitudes and Intentions of Business Master Students towards Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship
by Alina Badulescu & Daniel Badulescu & Dorin Bac & Sebastian Sipos-Gug - 1125-1125 Hand Surgery – Postoperative Recovery and Medical Tourism
by Ruxandra Diana Sinescu & Andrea Anghel & Razvan Teohari Vulcanescu - 1136-1136 Analysis of Medical Tourism for Cardiovascular Diseases
by Catalina Liliana Andrei & Gabriela Tigu & Raluca Mariana Dragoescu & Crina Julieta Sinescu - 1151-1151 Medical Tourism in Romania. The Case Study of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation in Covasna
by Roxana Oana Darabont & Paul Suceveanu & Mihaela Suceveanu & Clara Alexandra Volintiru - 1160-1160 European Cultural and Touristic Heritage: Sighisoara vs. Verona
by Irina-Virginia Dragulanescu & Gabriela Cecilia Stanciulescu & Ion Andrei & Timea-Anca Stan - 1178-1178 Tourism Consumpion Behavior in Natural Protected Areas
by Remus Ion Hornoiu & Mihaela Ana Padurean & Ana-Maria Nica & Liviu-George Maha - 1191-1191 The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Behavioral Loyalty in the Case of Travel Agencies from Romania
by Ovidiu I. Moisescu & Oana A. Gica - 1205-1205 The Impact of Management and Organizational Culture on Creativity in the Hotel Industry
by Olimpia State & Maria-Cristina Iorgulescu - 1222-1222 Facets of Economic and Financial Crisis Impact on Strategic Planning of travel Agencies
by Claudia E. Tuclea & Dragos C. Vasile & Andreea F. Schiopu & Monica Marin - 1238-1238 Strategic Management Practices within the Romanian Hotel Industry
by Ovidiu-Niculae Bordean & Anca Borza - 1253-1253 Investigating Potential Strategies for Increasing Tourism Competiveness at the Black Sea Shore
by Adina-Roxana Munteanu & Raluca-Daniela Rizea & Anca Gabriela Ilie & Roxana Sârbu - 1269-1269 The Role of Cross-Training in Reducing the Level of Labor Turn Over Applied Study on Some Hotels in Tripoli – Libya
by Atiya Thabet Abuharris - 1279-1279 The Ethics of Online Touristic Counselling: A Matter of Users Satisfaction
by Gabriel Cristian Sabou & Puiu Nistoreanu & Denisa Vlad - 1298-1298 Quality and Vision in the Romanian Tourism Agencies
by Anca Atanase & Ion Schileru - 1312-1312 Analysis of Romania’s and Transylvania’s Tourist Supply Development and Performance
by Monica Maria Coros & Adina Letitia Negrusa - 1327-1327 The Economic Impact of the SAPARD Programme on the Tourism Supply in Suceava County
by Cristian-Valentin Hapenciuc & Pavel Stanciu & Andrei-Alexandru Morosan & Gabriela Arionesei (Gaube) - 1340-1340 The Dynamic of Foreign Visitors in Romania since 1990. Current Challenges of Romanian Tourism
by Marius-Cristian Neacsu & Silviu Negut & Gheorghe Vlasceanu - 1352-1352 Hotel Chain’s Strategic Options to Penetrate the Romanian Market
by Smaranda Cosma & Cristina Fleseriu & Marius Bota
August 2014, Volume 16, Issue 37
- 707-707 An Inter-, Trans-, Cross- and Multidisciplinary Approach to Higher Education in the Field of Business Studies
by Gheorghe Savoiu & Dinu Vasile & Laurentiu Tachiciu - 726-726 Methodology for Assessing the Degree of Internationalization of Business Academic Study Programmes
by Dan-Cristian Dabija & Catalin Postelnicu & Nicolae Al. Pop - 746-746 Evolutions and Opportunities of Business Education in the Context of Educational Reform from the Digital Age
by Bogdan Onete & Doru Plesea & Ioana Teodorescu & Alice Cîrstea - 759-759 Academic research – a catalyst for the innovation process within companies in Romania
by Rodica Pamfilie & Smaranda Giusca & Robert Bumbac - 770-770 Geographic Information System - Modern Teaching Method in Business Administration
by Irina Albăstroiu & Mihai Felea & Cristinel Vasiliu - 784-784 Pressure and Isomorphism in Business Education
by Valentin Florentin Dumitru & Andrei Stanciu & Madalina Dumitru & Liliana Feleaga - 800-800 Perception About Business Education in the Tourism Domain and the Hospitality Industry
by Nicolae Lupu & Mihail Ovidiu Tanase & Ana-Maria Nica - 811-811 The Perception of the Academics and Students Regarding the Entrepreneurial Education Iin Economic Education
by Bogdan Gabriel Nistoreanu & Georgica Gheorghe - 827-827 Quality of the Teaching Process and its Factors of Influence from the Perspective of Future Business Specialists
by Alexandra-Maria Drule & Irimie Emil Popa & Razvan Nistor & Alexandru Chis - 841-841 Development of an Instrument for Measuring Student Satisfaction in Business Educational Institutions
by Mihai-Florin Bacila & Marcel Ciprian Pop & Mircea Andrei Scridon & Raluca Ciornea - 857-857 Competencies in Higher Education System: an Empirical Analysis of Employers` Perceptions
by Adela Deaconu & Codruta Osoian & Monica Zaharie & Sorin Adrian Achim - 874-874 The Role of Business Education Provided Through Lifelong Learning in Enhancing Profesional Competencies. Evidence from the Eu-27 Dataset
by Vlad Dumitrache & Monica Raileanu-Szeles