January 2010, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 55-62 Utilization-focused performance reporting
by Fritz Sager & Adrian Ritz & Kristina Bussmann - 63-68 Measuring measures: introducing performance measurement in the Dutch health care sector
by Haiko van der Voort & Emiel Kerpershoek - 69-75 Public sector benchmarking and performance improvement: what is the link and can it be improved?
by Sandra Tillema
November 2009, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 331-331 Editorial: Faith in Themes
by Andrew Gray & Jane Broadbent & Michaela Lavender - 331-334 Debate: Institutions and UK fiscal arrangements—time for reform?
by Russell Mellett - 334-335 Research Excellence Framework—some fundamental questions
by Stephen Mungavin & Charles Ferguson
September 2009, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 265-265 Editorial: Crisis! What an opportunity!
by Andrew Gray & Jane Broadbent & Michaela Lavender - 265-267 Debate: Public management in recessions and economic crises. Strategic options and political constraints
by Ilan Vertinsky - 268-272 New development: The future of public service regulation—the professional's perspective
by Rodney Brooke - 273-276 New development: First steps towards an evaluation of the North East Transformation System
by Jonathan Erskine & David J. Hunter & Chris Hicks & Tom McGovern & Eileen Scott & Edward Lugsden & Edward Kunonga & Paula Whitty - 277-284 The crisis in UK banking
by John Goddard & Phil Molyneux & John O. S. Wilson - 285-291 Structural change and public service performance: international lessons?
by Christopher Pollitt - 292-298 Police authorities in England and Wales: board composition and corporate governance
by Christopher Jackson & Ian P. Dewing - 299-306 Scrutinizing local public service provision
by Anna Coleman & Francesca Gains & Alan Boyd & Donna Bradshaw & Carole Johnson - 307-312 Enacting evidence into clinical practice: the case of coronary heart disease
by Gerry McGivern & Andreas Lambrianou & Ewan Ferlie & Martin Cowie - 313-320 Balanced scorecard implementation in an Italian local government organization
by Federica Farneti - 321-328 Connecting for competitiveness: future transport in UK city regions
by Iain Docherty & Jon Shaw & Richard Knowles & Danny Mackinnon
July 2009, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 203-208 Editorial and Debates
by Andrew Gray & Jane Broadbent & Michaela Lavender & Fred Thompson & David Blunkett & Jonathan Aylen - 209-218 Theme: Whole of government accounting— international trends
by Giuseppe Grossi & Susan Newberry & Andreas Bergmann & Daniel Bietenhader & Torbjörn Tagesson & Johan Christiaens & Philippe Van Cauwenberge & Jan Rommel - 219-227 Whole of government accounts developments in the UK: conceptual, technical and timetable issues
by David Heald & George Georgiou - 229-234 Implementation of whole of government reports in Australia
by Ron Day - 235-242 Whole of government accounting in New Zealand: the ownership form of control
by Susan Newberry & Sonja Pont-Newby - 243-250 International experiences in whole of government financial reporting: lesson-drawing for Spain
by Isabel Brusca & Vicente Montesinos - 251-256 Consolidation in the public sector: a cross-country comparison
by Giuseppe Grossi & Francesca Pepe - 257-260 New development: In pursuit of WGA—Research findings from the UK
by Danny Chow & Christopher Humphrey & Jodie Moll - 261-264 New development: Consolidated financial reporting as a stimulus for change in Italian local government
by Giuseppe Grossi
May 2009, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 139-140 Editorial: PMM , the impact of research on practice, and the emerging Research Excellence Framework
by Andrew Gray & Jane Broadbent & Michaela Lavender - 140-142 Debate: History of privatization
by David Parker - 142-143 Debate: Ten years of devolution
by Jon Shortridge - 145-152 High-quality regulation: its popularity, its tools and its future
by Martin Lodge & Kai Wegrich - 153-160 The organizational context and use of routine data for cancer service management
by Dawn Wilkinson & Ewan Ferlie & Rachael Addicott & Mark McCarthy - 161-166 ‘Payment by Results’ in the English NHS: the continuing challenges
by Pauline Allen - 167-174 Effective human resources processes in local government
by Catherine Truss - 175-181 Developing an alert system for local governments in financial crisis
by José Luis Zafra-Gómez & Antonio Manuel López-Hernández & Agustin Hernández-Bastida - 183-190 Accountability of UK charities
by Alpa Dhanani - 191-194 New development: From private office to departmental court
by R. A. W. Rhodes - 195-200 New development: Performance management in a UK police force
by Paul Hunton & Alan Jones & Paul Baker
March 2009, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 79-81 Editorial: Consumerism in public services
by Catherine Needham - 81-83 Debate: Customers versus citizens—does the language matter?
by Pat Barrett - 83-85 Debate: Reforming the governance of the NAO
by David Heald - 87-94 Are all consumers the same? Choice in health, social care and education in England and elsewhere
by Marianna Fotaki - 95-100 Patient choice in the NHS: what is the effect of choice policies on patients and relationships in health economies?
by Ian Greener & Russell Mannion - 101-108 Consumerism and control: evidence from Swedish central government agencies
by Sven Modell & Fredrika Wiesel - 109-116 Are satisfied citizens willing to pay more? Public sector consumerism as equitable social exchange
by Brian K. Collins & Hyun Joon Kim - 117-122 The consumerism of ‘voice’ in Norwegian health policy and its dynamics in the transformation of health services
by Tone Alm Andreassen - 123-130 ‘Citizen-centred’ public services: contestability without consumer-driven competition?
by Steve Martin & Adrian Webb - 131-136 The measurement of turnaround management strategies in local authorities
by Itai Beeri
January 2009, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editorial: New cover, new publisher, same dedication
by Andrew Gray & Jane Broadbent & Michaela Lavender - 3-5 Debate: The future of public administration— Serving beyond the predictable
by Jocelyne Bourgon - 5-7 Debate: Delivering public services: Are we asking the right questions?
by Stephen P. Osborne - 9-10 Debate: We just do not know: Healthcare expenditure trends
by Peter M. Jackson - 11-18 Making widespread use of municipal bonds in Scotland?
by Stephen J. Bailey & Darinka Asenova & John Hood - 19-26 Taking its toll: The private financing of roads in Spain
by Basilio Acerete & Jean Shaoul & Anne Stafford - 27-34 Managing activity and expenditure in the new NHS market
by Russell Mannion & Andrew Street - 35-42 Relationship marketing, relational capital and the future of marketing in public service organizations
by Kate Mclaughlin & Stephen P. Osborne & Celine Chew - 43-50 Public policy dilemma—gender equality mainstreaming in UK policy formulation
by Karen Miller - 51-57 Mentoring as a mechanism for improvement in local government
by Jane Atterton & Nicola Thompson & Terry Carroll - 59-64 New development: Accountability in public partnerships—The case of Local Strategic Partnerships
by George Jones & John Stewart - 65-70 New Development: Scotland's Concordat—An assessment of the new financial framework in central--local relations
by Arthur Midwinter - 71-74 New development: Fast track to Birmingham
by Tony Bolden & Reg Harman
December 2008, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 323-326 Editorial: Accounting and Reporting for Sustainable Development in Public Service Organizations
by Amanda Ball & Jan Bebbington - 326-329 Debate: The Global Reporting Initiative and Public Agencies
by Stefania Lamprinidi & Naoko Kubo - 329-331 Debate: Public Sector Sustainability Reporting—Implications for Accountants
by Thomas Lewis - 331-333 Debate: Regulation for a Sustainable Energy System
by Andrew Lee - 334-335 Debate: Asia Rising—The Demise of the Neo-Liberal Model of Governance, Economic Management and Public Money
by Michael Chibba - 337-343 Sustainability Accounting and Accountability in Public Water Companies
by Carlos Larrinaga-Gonzélez & Vincente Pérez-Chamorro - 345-352 The Boundaries of Reporting Sustainable Development in Social Housing
by Melina M. Manochin & Lisa Jack & Claire Howell - 353-360 Governance and Accountability: A Role for Social Accounts in the Sustainable School
by Jane Gibbon & John Fenwick & Janice McMillan - 361-366 GRI Sustainability Reporting by Australian Public Sector Organizations
by James Guthrie & Federica Farneti - 367-374 Accounting for a Sustainable Scotland
by Shona L. Russell & Ian Thompson - 375-382 NHS Inquiries: A Time Series Analysis
by Beth Kewell & Matthias Beck
October 2008, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 263-264 Debate: In the Know—Work in Progress
by John Kirkpatrick - 264-266 Debate: An Entrepreneurial Public Sector
by Marcial Bóo - 267-274 Executive Succession in English Local Government
by George A. Boyne & Oliver James & Peter John & Nicolai Petrovsky - 275-282 A Government Department in Meltdown: Crisis at the Home Office
by Chris Painter - 283-290 Strategic Positioning in UK Charities that Provide Public Services: Implications of a New Integrating Model
by Celine Chew & Stephen P. Osborne - 291-298 Children at Play—An Endangered Species?
by Adrienne Curry & Bridget Clark - 299-304 Professional Executive Committees: What Do They Do?
by Stephen Abbott & Richard Smith & Susan Procter & Nicci Iacovou - 305-312 Emerging Equality Policy in Britain in Comparative Context: A Missed Opportunity?
by R. D. Osborne - 313-318 New Development: What Lies Beyond Service Delivery? Leadership Behaviours for Place Shaping in Local Government
by Leo Boland & Emer Coleman
August 2008, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 195-196 Debate: The Two Futures of Public Administration
by B. Guy Peters - 196-198 Debate: In the Know or Out of the Loop?
by Steven Van de Walle & Tony Bovaird - 199-205 Changes in NHS Trust Audit and Non-Audit Fees
by Mark A. Clatworthy & Howard J. Mellett & Michael J. Peel - 207-214 Effectiveness of Audit Committees in Local Authorities: Views From Key Players
by Margaret Crawford & William Henry & James McKendrick & William M. Stein - 215-222 Governance Structures and Accountability in Primary Care
by Bernard Dowling & Rod Sheaff & Susan Pickard - 223-230 The EU's Stability and Growth Pact: Its Credibility and Sustainability
by Lisa Fingland & Stephen J. Bailey - 231-238 Will Practice-Based Commissioning in the English NHS Resolve the Problems Experienced by GP Fundholding?
by Ian Greener & Russell Mannion - 239-246 Uses of Management Accounting Information for Benchmarking in NHS Trusts
by Pinar Guven-Uslu & Lynne Conrad - 247-254 A Conceptual Framework for Accounting for Public-Benefit Entities
by Richard Laughlin - 255-260 New Development: Developing Contestability in the Delivery of Public Services
by Malcolm J. Prowle
June 2008, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 131-134 Editorial: Managing Competing Public Values in Public Infrastructure Projects
by Joop Koppenjan & Michael B. Charles & Neal Ryan - 135-136 Debate: Public Value Trade-Offs and Methodological Trade-Offs
by Barry Bozeman - 136-138 Debate: A Grand Design, or the Best We Can Expect?
by Douglas N. Jones - 139-145 Managing Public Values in Public-Private Networks: A Comparative Study of Innovative Public Infrastructure Projects
by Nicolette van Gestel & Joop Koppenjan & Ilse Schrijver & Arnoud van de Ven & Wijnand Veeneman - 147-152 Invisible Trade-Offs of Public Values: Inside Dutch Railways
by Bauke Steenhuisen & Michel van Eeten - 153-158 Public-Private Partnerships and Public-Private Value Trade-Offs
by Guðrið Weihe - 159-166 Safe and Sound? The Public Value Trade-Off in Worker Safety and Public Infrastructure Procurement
by Michael B. Charles & Rachel Ryan & Cinthya Paredes Castillo & Kerry Brown - 167-172 Public Values Embedded in Australian Public Works Procurement
by Craig W. Furneaux & Kerry Brown & Don Allan - 173-178 Has the NAO Audited Risk Transfer in Operational Private Finance Initiative Schemes?
by Allyson M. Pollock & David Price - 179-184 Trust in Project Financing: An Italian Health Care Example
by Antonio Barretta & Cristiano Busco & Pasquale Ruggiero - 185-192 Decades, Directions and the Fraud Review: Addressing the Future of Public Sector Fraud?
by Alan Doig & Michael Macaulay
April 2008, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 67-67 Editorial: Self-Contained ‘Debate’ Articles
by Andrew Gray - 67-69 Debate: What Does Lean Mean?
by David Walker - 70-76 Debate: Consumerism in Public Services—For and Against
by George Jones & Catherine Needham - 77-84 Best Value Audits in Scotland: Winning Without Scoring?
by James Downe & Clive Grace & Steve Martin & Sandra Nutley - 85-92 A Common Trend, Different Houses: Devolution in Italy, Spain and the UK
by Paolo Fedele & Edoardo Ongaro - 93-100 ‘Taken for a Ride’: The Privatization of the UK Railway Rolling Stock Industry
by Sean McCartney & John Stittle - 101-108 The Cost of Using Private Finance to Build, Finance and Operate Hospitals
by Jean Shaoul & Anne Stafford & Pam Stapleton - 109-114 Managing the Implementation of Public--Private Partnerships
by Robert Jones & Gary Noble - 115-122 The Primacy of Politics: Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in the UK and Australia
by David Pickernell & Gillian Bristow & Adrian Kay & Neal Ryan - 123-127 New Development: Targeting Inequalities
by David Dorrell
February 2008, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-3 New Year, New Bimonthly Issues, New Themes
by Andrew Gray - 3-7 Editorial: Lean in Public Services—Panacea or Paradox?
by Zoe Radnor & Ruth Boaden - 7-9 Debate: Systems Thinking and Public Sector Performance
by John Seddon & Carlton Brand - 10-11 Debate: Why Aren't We All Lean?
by Andy Bagley & Eirian Lewis - 13-20 Learning to Walk Before We Try to Run: Adapting Lean for the Public Sector
by Zoe Radnor & Paul Walley - 21-26 Combining Planned and Emergent Change in a Healthcare Lean Transformation
by Ann Esain & Sharon Williams & Lynn Massey - 27-34 Lessons for Lean in Healthcare from Using Six Sigma in the NHS
by Nathan Proudlove & Claire Moxham & Ruth Boaden - 35-40 Testing the Boundaries of Lean Thinking: Observations from the Legal Public Sector
by Peter Hines & Ana Lucia Martins & Jo Beale - 41-48 Stakeholder Network Dynamics and Emergent Trajectories of Lean Implementation Projects: A Study in the UK National Health Service
by Thanos Papadopoulos & Yasmin Merali - 49-52 New Development: Using Lean Techniques to Reduce Radiology Waiting Times
by Amy Lodge & David Bamford - 53-56 New Development: Creating a Lean University
by Peter Hines & Sarah Lethbridge - 57-60 New Development: Leading Lean Action to Transform Housing Services
by David McQuade - 61-64 New Development: What are the Challenges in Transferring Lean Thinking to Government?
by Eric A. Scorsone
November 2007, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 303-303 Editorial: Growing Again!
by Andrew Gray & Jane Broadbent & Michaela Lavender - 303-304 Debate: Back to the Future—Local Tax
by Jim Gallagher - 305-306 Debate: Public--Private Health Partnerships in Prison Health Care—the Case for a Public Health Focus
by Niyi Awofeso - 307-314 The Challenge of Competitive Procurement: Value for Money Versus Small Business Support
by Kim Loader - 315-322 Activity-Based Management Systems in Higher Education
by Stuart McChlery & Jim McKendrick & Tom Rolfe - 323-330 Divergence in Policy Between Great Britain and Northern Ireland: The Case of Local Taxation
by Derek Birrell - 331-338 Piloting Public-Private Partnerships: Expensive Lessons from Ireland's Schools' Sector
by Eoin Reeves & James Ryan - 339-344 UK Airport Policy: Does the Government Have Any Influence?
by Ian Humphreys & Stephen Ison & Graham Francis - 345-350 New Development: The Infrastructural Aspect of Social Capital: Suggestions for a Bridge Between Concept and Policy
by Andrew Pinnock - 351-354 New Development: The PFI: Scotland's Plan for Expansion and its Implications
by Mark Hellowell & Allyson M. Pollock
September 2007, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 231-232 Editorial
by Andrew Gray & Christopher Pollitt - 232-235 Academic Advice to Practitioners—the Role and Use of Research-Based Evidence
by Huw Davies & Sandra Nutley & Isabel Walter - 235-237 Is Evidence for Policy Good for Democracy?
by David Walker - 237-240 Going Native: Messages From the World of the Academic Consultant
by Bob Hudson - 240-241 Academics and Practitioners: Speaking Metaphorically
by William Solesbury - 241-243 Local Government Attitudes to External Consultancy Support
by Michael Hughes & Robert Dalziel & Keith Baker & Pam Fox - 245-250 Reducing the Knowledge--Practice Gap: A New Method Applied to Crime Prevention
by Frans L. Leeuw & Leontien M. van der Knaap & Stefan Bogaerts - 251-256 Translating Evidence Into Practice: Why Is It So Difficult?
by Alan Maynard - 257-264 Making Sense of Policy Advice
by Peter M. Jackson - 265-272 Research Councils, Universities and Local Government: Building Bridges
by John Mawson - 273-280 Practising What We Preach? Academic Consultancy in a Multi-Disciplinary Environment
by Iain Docherty & Denis Smith - 281-284 New Development: Connecting Public Service Researchers and Practitioners
by Helen Coleman - 285-292 Improvement Boards: Building Capability for Public Service Improvement Through Peer Support
by Carol Yapp & Chris Skelcher - 293-300 Assessing the Quality of Local Governance: A Case Study of Public Services
by Tony Bovaird & Elke Loeffler
June 2007, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 167-168 Editorial
by John Diamond & Joyce Liddle & Mike Rowe & Alan Southern - 169-174 Interpersonal Skills and Reflection in Regeneration Practice
by Carolyn Kagan - 175-180 Delivering Regeneration Skills for Housing Professionals
by Veronica Coatham - 181-188 Skills Training for Regeneration ‘Recipients’
by Simon Pemberton - 189-192 Reflections on Regeneration Management Skills Research
by Joyce Liddle & John Diamond - 193-198 If You Can't Measure It, How Can You Manage It? Management and Governance in Higher Educational Institutions
by Jane Broadbent - 199-206 Chaos, Complexity and Transformations in Social Care Policy in England
by Philip Haynes - 207-214 Collaborative Commissioning of Secondary Care Services by Primary Care Trusts
by Kate Baxter & Marjorie Weiss & Julian Le Grand - 215-222 ‘Weighting and Scoring’ in Theory and in Practice
by Mervyn Stone & Joan Davis - 223-228 Performance Measurement and the English Ambulance Service
by Geoffrey Heath & James Radcliffe
April 2007, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 89-89 Editorial: Public Management by Numbers
by Andrew Gray & Christopher Hood - 89-91 The Civil Service—The Way Forward
by Sir Gus O'Donnell - 91-92 A Conspiracy of Good Intentions
by Peter Vass - 93-94 Health Care Workers' Well-Being and the Therapeutic Relationship: Does Organizational Change Do Damage?
by Donald R. Coid & Huw T. O. Davies - 95-102 Public Service Management by Numbers: Why Does it Vary? Where Has it Come From? What Are the Gaps and the Puzzles?
by Christopher Hood - 103-110 How Do Performance Indicators Add Up? An Examination of Composite Indicators in Public Services
by Rowena Jacobs & Maria Goddard - 111-118 The Perils and Pitfalls of Performance Measurement: The CPA Regime for Local Authorities in England
by Iain McLean & Dirk Haubrich & Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero - 119-126 Performance, Strategy and Accounting in Local Government and Higher Education in the UK
by Martin Broad & Andrew Goddard & Larissa Von Alberti - 127-134 An Examination of the UK Treasury's Evidence Base for Cost and Time Overrun Data in UK Value-for-Money Policy and Appraisal
by Allyson M. Pollock & David Price & Stewart Player - 135-140 Twenty-Five Years of National Information Systems in the NHS
by Stuart Maguire - 141-148 Transport Strategy in Scotland Since Devolution
by Iain Docherty & Jon Shaw & David Gray - 149-156 Has Devolution Improved Public Services?
by Rhys Andrews & Steve Martin - 157-160 Voluntary Organizations in the Democratic Polity: Managing Legitimacy, Accountability and Trust
by Eleanor Burt - 161-164 Information-Intensive Government and the Layering and Sorting of Citizenship
by John Taylor & Miriam Lips & Joe Organ
February 2007, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-4 Solving Financial Exclusion Needs Joined-Up Government
by Peter Vass - 4-7 Getting It Together: Joined-Up Knowledge and the Strategic Framework of Debate
by Des McConaghy - 9-12 Editorial
by Donal G. McKillop & John O. S. Wilson - 13-20 Toward Financial Inclusion in the UK: Progress and Challenges
by Sharon Collard - 21-27 Financial Exclusion in Europe
by Santiago Carbo & Edward P. M. Gardener & Philip Molyneux - 29-36 Levels of Financial Capability in the UK
by Adele Atkinson & Stephen McKay & Sharon Collard & Elaine Kempson - 37-44 The Development of Credit Unions and Their Role in Tackling Financial Exclusion
by Donal G. McKillop & Anne-Marie Ward & John O. S. Wilson - 45-52 Money-Lending and Financial Exclusion
by Noreen Byrne & Olive McCarthy & Michael Ward - 53-60 Seasonal Cycles in Public Management: Disaggregation and Re-aggregation
by Colin Talbot & Carole Johnson - 61-68 Accounting for Joined-Up Government: The Case of Intermediate Care
by Jeanette Moore & Justin Keen - 69-75 The Triangle of Engagement: An Unusual Way of Looking at the Usual Suspects
by John May - 77-82 Our Reforms, Our Partnerships, Same Problems: The Chronic Case of the English NHS
by Robert McMurray - 83-86 Rail Franchising Matters—The Award of Open Access Rights on the ECML
by Robert Jupe
November 2006, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 267-268 Looking Beyond the Railway Soap Opera
by Adrian Lyons - 268-269 Railways—A Successful Public Service Reform
by George Muir - 271-273 Editorial
by Denis Smith - 274-275 International Terrorism and the Costs of Over-Reaction
by Dipak K. Gupta - 275-277 Perspectives Around Emergent Connectivity, Sense-Making and Asymmetric Threat Management
by Dave Snowden - 278-279 Perspectives around Policing
by Bernard Hogan-Howe - 281-286 Coping with Suicide Attacks: Lessons from Israel
by Arie Perliger & Ami Pedahzur - 287-294 Suicidal Terrorism and Public Health
by Niyi Awofeso - 295-304 Terrorism and Critical Infrastructures: Implications for Public--Private Crisis Management
by Arjen Boin & Denis Smith - 305-312 The Contagion of International Terrorism and its Effects on the Firm in an Interconnected World
by John Steen & Peter W. Liesch & Gary A. Knight & Michael R. Czinkota - 313-318 Some Puzzles and Paradoxes of the Efficiency Agenda—and a Way Forward
by David Griffiths
September 2006, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 199-199 Editorial
by Jane Broadbent - 199-202 Debate: Freedom of Information—Initial Success but Some Way to Go?
by Michael Hunt