September 2015, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 330-332 Debate: Public service motivation, citizens and leadership roles
by Steven Parker - 333-340 Does the economy matter? Tough times, good times, and public service motivation
by Jeannette Taylor & Ranald Taylor - 341-348 Public service motivation and organizational citizenship
by Maria Koumenta - 349-356 On the bright and dark side of public service motivation: the relationship between PSM and employee wellbeing
by Nina Mari van Loon & Wouter Vandenabeele & Peter Leisink - 357-364 Accountability and public service motivation in Korean government agencies
by Sung Min Park & Min Young Kim - 365-370 Public service motivation and rational choice modelling
by Oliver Neumann & Adrian Ritz - 371-376 Public sector accounting: shifting concepts of accountability
by Susan Newberry - 377-382 Challenges of new public management (NPM) in Fiji's public sector. Did an employee share-ownership plan work?
by Yi An & Umesh Sharma - 383-389 Local government and management control in inter-organizational settings
by Per Christian Ahlgren & Inger Johanne Pettersen
July 2015, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 251-251 Editorial
by Sheila Ellwood - 251-253 Debate: Implementing advanced public financial management reform in developing countries
by Noel Hepworth - 253-254 Debate: Wang Anshi and Confucian public management--a rejoinder
by Caichen Ma & Yunxiao Xu & James L. Chan - 254-255 Debate: Once again on Wang Anshi and Confucian public management
by Wolfgang Drechsler - 255-256 Debate: Cutback management through public procurement
by Tünde Tátrai - 257-264 Making the governance of public bodies work: chair-chief executive relationships in practice
by David Heald & David Steel - 265-272 Public-private joint ventures: mixing oil and water?
by Rhys Andrews & Marc Esteve & Tamyko Ysa - 273-280 Procurement of audit services in the municipal sector: the impact of competition
by Torbj�rn Tagesson & Nicoletta Glinatsi & Martina Prahl - 281-288 Information management and technology strategy development in the UK's acute hospital sector: a maturity model perspective
by Teresa S. Waring - 289-296 'Forward guidance': new monetary policy instrument or esoteric fad?
by Glauco De Vita & Wolfram Berger - 297-302 Developing a performance evaluation system for the Italian public healthcare sector
by Lucia Giovanelli & Ludovico Marinò & Federico Rotondo & Nicoletta Fadda & Alberto Ezza & Marta Amadori - 303-310 From performance management to strategic local government leadership: lessons from different cultural settings
by John Martin & Alessandro Spano - 311-314 New development: The remarkable insignificance of NHS England's CCG funding formula
by Mervyn Stone - 315-320 New development: Smoke and mirrors--fallacies in the New South Wales government's views on local government financial capacity
by Peter Abelson & Roselyne Joyeux
May 2015, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 173-174 Editorial
by Andrew Massey - 174-176 Debate: Accounting for Hodge
by David Walker - 176-178 Debate: Thou shalt have impact, total impact--government involvement in philanthropic foundations' decision-making
by Jenny Harrow & Tobias Jung - 178-180 Debate: Reforming Greek government accounting
by Sandra Cohen & Sotirios Karatzimas - 181-186 Wickedness will not wait: climate change and public management research
by Christopher Pollitt - 187-194 Bridging the academic-policy-making gap: practice and policy issues
by Carole Talbot & Colin Talbot - 195-202 Mind the gaps: managing difference in partnership working
by Moira Fischbacher-Smith - 203-210 Budgeting and governing for deficit reduction in the UK public sector: act three 'accountability and audit arrangements'
by Laurence Ferry & Peter Eckersley - 211-218 Exploring employee engagement in Scottish nursing at a time of multi-faceted change: developing a research agenda
by Rona S. Beattie & Frank Crossan - 219-226 Accelerating innovation in local government
by Joan Munro - 227-231 How to turn public (dis)value into new public value? Evidence from Italy
by Paolo Esposito & Paolo Ricci - 233-238 New development: Regulatory impact assessment in developing countries--tales from the road to good governance
by Camilla Adelle & Donald Macrae & Andreja Marusic & Faisal Naru - 239-244 New development: Flood events continue to raise issues of public sector accountability
by Nick Sciulli - 245-250 New development: Managing and accounting for sustainable development across generations in public services--and call for papers
by Suzana Grubnic & Ian Thomson & Georgios Georgakopoulos
March 2015, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 95-98 Editorial
by J. Gordon Murray - 99-100 Debate: Value for money-in search of a definition
by David McKevitt - 100-102 Debate: Multi-criteria framework needed to assess alternative financing methods for large-scale projects
by Liesel Henn & Michael B. Charles & Neil Douglas & Keith Sloan - 103-110 Public procurement strategy: the impacts of a preference programme for small and micro businesses
by Paulo R. C. Reis & Sandro Cabral - 111-118 The rhetoric and reality of SME-friendly procurement
by Anthony Flynn & Paul Davis - 119-126 The role of change agents in sustainable public procurement projects
by Jolien Grandia - 127-134 Public procurement: the role of cognitive heuristics
by Mark Crowder - 135-140 New development: Can 'social value' requirements on public authorities be used in procurement to increase women's participation in the UK construction industry?
by Tessa Wright - 141-144 New development: Public procurement research at IPSERA-aligning research and practice, and future trends
by Helen Walker - 145-152 Evaluating the economic value of a public service-the case of the Municipal Library of Prague
by Jan Stejskal & Petr H�jek - 153-160 The Irish parliament and the scrutiny of departmental performance reports
by Tom Ward - 161-168 Have process redesign methods, such as Lean, been successful in changing care delivery in hospitals? A systematic review
by Sandra G. Leggat & Timothy Bartram & Pauline Stanton & Greg J. Bamber & Amrik S. Sohal - 169-171 New development: A game of responsibility? The regulation of health and social care professionals
by Sophie Flemig
January 2015, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Duncan McTavish - 3-6 Debate: What is complex government and what can we do about it?
by Paul Cairney - 7-14 The problem of sub-national governance in England
by John Fenwick - 15-22 Public governance: the government of non-state actors in 'partnerships'
by Karen Johnston - 23-30 Sharing power and fragmenting public services: complex government in Northern Ireland
by Colin Knox - 31-38 Immature relationships in the new multi-level United Kingdom: perspectives from Wales
by Laura McAllister - 39-46 Aspects of complex government: politics, nation states and multi-level government
by Duncan McTavish - 47-52 New development: Philanthropy in networked governance-treading with care
by Tobias Jung & Jenny Harrow - 53-56 New development: The descriptive and explanatory power of multilevel governance in the 'hard case' of dis-uniting political unions
by Edoardo Ongaro - 57-61 New development: The courts and multi-level governance-some comparative perspectives on the emerging jurisprudence of the UK Supreme Court
by Matt Qvortrup - 63-64 Debate: Islamic PA-does it exist, what is it, and why and how should we study it?
by Wolfgang Drechsler - 65-66 Debate: The case for local government amalgamations in Sydney: fact and Fiction
by Graham Sansom - 67-68 Debate: Does research quality assessment increase output and give value for money?
by Ian McNay - 69-70 Debate: Achieving the benefits of patient-level costing-open book or can't look?
by Sheila Ellwood & Naomi Chambers & Sue Llewellyn & Chris Begkos & Chris Wood - 71-78 Return of the state? An appraisal of policies to enhance access to credit for infrastructure-based PPPs
by Mark Hellowell & Veronica Vecchi & Stefano Caselli - 79-86 How to interact, when and with whom? SMEs and public procurement
by David McKevitt & Paul Davis - 87-94 The determinants of contractual choice for private involvement in infrastructure projects
by Daniel Albalate & Germ� Bel & R. Richard Geddes
November 2014, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 379-380 Editorial
by Yvonne Brunetto - 381-388 Leader-member exchange, affective commitment, engagement, wellbeing, and intention to leave: public versus private sector Italian nurses
by Elisabetta Trinchero & Elio Borgonovi & Ben Farr-Wharton - 389-396 Antecedents and outcomes relating to public and private nurses' use of intuition in England
by Matthew J. Xerri & Rod Farr-Wharton & Yvonne Brunetto & Kate Shacklock & Fiona Robson - 397-404 The influence of bullying on the wellbeing of Brazilian nursing professionals
by Silvia A. Nelson & Patricia R. Azevedo & Rosilda S. Dias & Santana M. A. de Sousa & Liscia D. P. de Carvalho & Andrea C. O. Silva & Poliana P. C. Rabelo - 405-406 Debate: New guidance to improve public sector governance
by Kerry Ace - 407-408 Debate: Origins, ambivalence and relevance in comparative public management research
by Zhichang Zhu - 409-416 Resource allocation in the Northern Ireland health service: consensus or challenge?
by Pat McGregor & Ciaran O'Neill - 417-424 Research productivity and research system attitudes
by Jenny M. Lewis - 425-431 Attracting private sector participation in infrastructure investment: the UK case
by Athena Panayiotou & Francesca Medda - 433-440 When municipalities go shopping-Portuguese direct awards
by Paulo Jorge Reis Mourão - 441-446 Bribery and corruption in Australian local councils
by Muhammad Azizul Islam - 447-451 Unbundling tolls from contracts: a new road PPP model
by Juli�n Sierra Tamayo & Jose Manuel Vassallo & María de los Ángeles Baeza - 452-452 Call for papers: Public Money & Management theme on ‘International (public sector) accounting’
by The Editors - 453-457 New development: How the Spanish government responded to the global economic, banking and fiscal crisis
by Walter Kickert & Tamyko Ysa - 459-464 New development: Risk management-how to regain trust and confidence in government
by Pat Barrett AO
September 2014, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 309-310 Editorial
by John Fenwick & Andrew Massey - 311-313 Debate: Rumblings Downunder-stronger mayors for Australia and New Zealand?
by Graham Sansom - 315-322 Innovation in urban political leadership. Reflections on the introduction of a directly-elected mayor in Bristol, UK
by Robin Hambleton & David Sweeting - 323-330 'It's a proper job': process, people and power in an English city
by Colin Copus & Michael Dadd - 331-337 The directly-elected mayor in the German L�nder-introduction, implementation and impact
by Hellmut Wollmann - 339-346 Still want to party? An assessment of party-politicization in directly-elected mayoral authorities in England and Germany's North Rhine-Westphalia
by Karin A. Bottom & Marion Reiser - 347-354 Directly-elected mayors and the austerity agenda: lessons from the German experience
by Peter Eckersley & Peter Timm-Arnold - 355-362 A strategy framework for performance measurement in the public sector
by Aki J��skel�inen & Harri Laihonen - 363-370 Public-private partnerships in Flemish schools: a complex governance structure in a complex context
by Kit Van Gestel & Tom Willems & Koen Verhoest & Joris Voets & Steven Van Garsse - 371-378 Managing tax by organizational means: the case of Vodafone
by Jason Whalley & Peter Curwen
July 2014, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 243-243 Editorial
by Sheila Ellwood - 244-246 Debate: UK public procurement 2014
by J. Gordon Murray - 246-248 Debate: Towards understanding Wang Anshi and Confucian public management
by Wolfgang Drechsler - 248-250 Debate: At a loss-responsibility, accountability, and (in)decision after the floods
by Clare Moran & Shona Russell - 251-258 Selling the Royal Mail
by David Parker - 259-264 Multidimensional principal-agent value for money in healthcare project financing
by Roberto Moro Visconti - 265-272 Purchasing social good(s): a definition and typology of social procurement
by Craig Furneaux & Jo Barraket - 273-280 Sustainability disclosure patterns of South Australian local councils: a case study
by Kuntal Goswami & Sumit Lodhia - 281-288 The impact of metropolitan amalgamations in Sydney on municipal financial sustainability
by Joseph Drew & Brian Dollery - 289-296 Time-driven activity-based costing for public services
by Kristof Stouthuysen & Kevin Schierhout & Filip Roodhooft & Evelien Reusen - 297-304 The dynamics of voluntary benchmarking in the water sector
by Matias Laine & Eija Vinnari - 305-308 New development: Reintroducing the zone of indifference: disengaging the cogs of public service performance and citizen satisfaction
by Étienne Charbonneau & Younhee Kim & Alexander C. Henderson
May 2014, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 157-158 Editorial
by Andrew Massey - 158-159 Debate: A social security system can only reflect wider society
by Mark Serwotka - 159-161 Debate: Reforming state welfare
by Nick Hillman - 161-163 Debate: From the front line to the back stage-how the financial crisis has quietly strengthened the European Commission
by Michael W. Bauer & Stefan Becker - 165-172 Local preferencing for local suppliers: examining the use of locality in public procurement
by Adam M. Williams - 173-180 Assessing contract policy work: overseeing Canadian policy consultants
by Michael Howlett & Andrea Migone - 181-188 An offer they couldn't refuse (but probably should have): the ineffectiveness of Italian state subsidies to movie-making
by Emanuele Teti & Alan Collins & John Sedgwick - 189-196 Developing performance audit in Spanish local government: an empirical study of a way forward
by Carolina Pontones Rosa & Rosario P�rez Morote & Malcolm J. Prowle - 197-204 Performance information in the Irish public sector: a comparison with the UK
by Francis McGeough - 205-212 Welfare reform and devolution: issues of parity, discretion and divergence for the UK government and the devolved administrations
by Derek Birrell & Ann Marie Gray - 213-220 Separation anxiety: an empirical evaluation of the Australian Sunshine Coast Regional Council de-amalgamation
by Joseph Drew & Brian Dollery - 221-226 New development: Wang Anshi's Wanyanshu as the origins of modern public management?
by Yunxiao Xu & Caichen Ma & James L. Chan - 227-232 New development: Eight and a half propositions to stimulate frugal innovation
by Jean Hartley - 233-236 New development: The role of accounting in assessing local government sustainability
by Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar & Andrés Navarro Galera & Laura Alcaide Muñoz - 237-241 New development: Time for a consequential impact tax to support the NHS?
by Gordon Greenshields
March 2014, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 79-81 Editorial
by Giuseppe Grossi & Denita Cepiku - 83-90 The EU's public finance crisis: causes, consequences and cure
by S. J. Bailey & P. Valkama & S. Salonen - 91-98 The success story of the Eurozone crisis? Ireland's austerity measures
by Geraldine Robbins & Irvine Lapsley - 99-106 Managing austerity: rhetorical and real responses to fiscal stress in local government
by J. F. A. (Tom) Overmans & Mirko Noordegraaf - 107-114 Assessing the influence of socioeconomic drivers on Italian municipal financial destabilization
by Emma Capalbo & Giuseppe Grossi - 115-122 How (should) public authorities report on state-owned enterprises for financial sustainability and cutback management--a new quality model
by Ulf Papenfuß - 123-130 Interpreting financial balance in local government: a case study from Finland
by Lotta-Maria Sinervo - 131-134 New development: Canada's cutback management
by Ian Roberge - 135-138 New development: Where there's a will, there's a way--acting beyond cutbacks
by Eugenio Caperchione & Federica Salvatori & Elisabetta Benghi - 139-141 Debate: Autonomy, governance, accountability and a new audit regime
by Sheila Ellwood - 141-143 Debate: Public procurement needs outcome evaluations
by J. Gordon Murray - 145-152 Fiscal outcomes and tax impacts from stadium financing strategies in Arlington, Texas
by Brian M. Mills & Mark S. Rosentraub & Jason A. Winfree & Michael B. Cantor - 153-156 New development: The comparative study of secession referendums
by Matt Qvortrup
January 2014, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial
by Andrew Massey - 4-8 Debate: Scotland, the United Kingdom and complex government
by Duncan McTavish - 8-10 Debate: Open Access in academic journal publishing
by Helena Djurkovic - 11-18 Seven Principles of Public Life: time to rethink
by Paul Spicker - 19-26 Civil society commissioning: the accounting contribution to strategy
by Kirsten Greenhalgh & Donald Harradine - 27-34 Managing overhead in public sector organizations through benchmarking
by Mark Huijben & Arno Geurtsen & Jan van Helden - 35-42 Does clinical management improve efficiency? Evidence from the English National Health Service
by Gianluca Veronesi & Ian Kirkpatrick & Francesco Vallascas - 43-50 PPP projects in transport: evidence from light rail projects in Spain
by Samuel Carpintero & Ole Helby Petersen - 51-58 Analysis of fraud risk in public construction projects in China
by Xiaomei Deng & Yuhong Wang & Qianqian Zhang & Judy Xiye Huang & Jingjing Cui - 59-66 New development: Financial reform and good governance
by Pat Barrett - 67-70 New development: Accounting and accountability for government revenues in Iraq
by Talal A. Al-Kassar & Jared S. Soileau - 71-74 New development: UK government ambitions for a preventative agenda-- fact or 'futurewash'?
by Neil Reeder
November 2013, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 391-394 Reclaiming the ideal of public service
by Jane Broadbent - 395-397 Debate: Arm's- length bodies and alternative models of service delivery
by Katherine Tonkiss & Amy Noonan - 397-398 Debate: The search is on
by Michiel S. de Vries - 399-406 Managed personal budgets for older people: what are English local authorities doing to facilitate personalized and flexible care?
by Kate Baxter & Parvaneh Rabiee & Caroline Glendinning - 407-414 The imperatives for organizational governance in a large charity: a strategic choice perspective
by Phil Saj - 415-420 Rising accountability of Australian non-government schools
by Bruce Gurd - 421-428 Does Europe still represent a healthy deal in times of increased global challenges and reduced levels of growth? A market, service and social perspective of European healthcare
by Barry Ardley & John Mcmanus & David Floyd - 429-436 IPSAS and local government consolidated financial statements—proposal for a territorial consolidation method
by Alessandro Lombrano & Luca Zanin - 437-444 Legitimating International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS): the case of Spain
by Isabel Brusca & Vicente Montesinos & Danny S. L. Chow - 445-452 Comparing the content of regulatory impact assessments in the UK and the EU
by Oliver Fritsch & Claudio M. Radaelli & Lorna Schrefler & Andrea Renda - 453-457 New development: Recent changes to the UK's regulatory process
by Michael Gibbons & David Parker - 459-462 New development: The crisis and European local government reforms
by Marco Meneguzzo & Alessandro Sancino & Marcel Guenon & Gloria Fiorani - 463-468 New development: High speed rail in Great Britain—its rationale and purpose
by Tony Bolden & Reg Harman
September 2013, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 311-312 Editorial
by Robert Jupe - 313-319 The privatized railways: problems foreseen
by David Parker - 321-328 ‘Failing to deliver’—the privatized British rail freight industry
by Sean McCartney & John Stittle - 329-336 Reunifying Britain's railways: obstacles and opportunities
by Ian Taylor & Lynn Sloman - 337-341 New development: Going off the rails? Rail franchising after the cancellation of the West Coast franchise competition
by Robert Jupe - 343-348 New development: The purpose and planning of railways in the 21st century
by Tony Bolden & Reg Harman - 349-351 Debate: Can local government drive adaptation to climate change?
by Martina Linnenluecke - 351-352 Debate: Local councils' dilemma of planning for uncertainty
by Alan Stokes - 353-360 Wang Anshi and the origins of modern public management in Song Dynasty China
by Wolfgang Drechsler - 361-368 Implementing Lean Six Sigma in healthcare: issues from Italy
by Andrea Chiarini & Enrico Bracci - 369-376 CEO performance evaluation systems: empirical findings from the Italian health service
by Adele Caldarelli & Clelia Fiondella & Marco Maffei & Rosanna Spanò & Massimo Aria - 377-382 The politics of utility reform: a case study of the Ugandan water sector
by Dorcas Mbuvi & Klaas Schwartz - 383-388 Implementation and challenges of introducing NPM and accrual accounting in Indonesian local government
by Harun Harun & Yi An & Abdul Kahar
July 2013, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 235-240 Comparing for improvement: recent developments in benchmarking
by Clive Grace & Alan Fenna - 241-242 Debate: Local government selfimprovement— benchmarking through LG Inform
by Carolyn Downs - 242-244 Debate: Benchmarking inequality—driving education progress in the USA
by Arnold F. Shober - 245-252 Does ‘naming and shaming’ work for schools and hospitals? Lessons from natural experiments following devolution in England and Wales
by Gwyn Bevan & Deborah Wilson - 253-260 Beginning to unlock the black box of the budgetary performance evaluation practices in China: a case study of evaluation reports from Zhejiang province
by Elaine Yi Lu - 261-268 Internal and external use of performance information in public organizations: results from an international survey
by Gerhard Hammerschmid & Steven Van de Walle & Vid Stimac - 269-276 Competing, collaborating or controlling? Comparing benchmarking in European local government
by Sabine Kuhlmann & Tim Jäkel - 277-280 New development: All change? Performance assessment regimes in UK local government
by Steve Martin & James Downe & Clive Grace & Sandra Nutley - 281-284 New development: The role of benchmarking in supporting improvement in local government— Scottish and Welsh practitioners' perspectives
by Mark McAteer & Andrew Stephens - 285-287 Debate: The need for procurement risk management
by J. Gordon Murray - 288-289 Debate: Advancing public service motivation research
by Donald P. Moynihan & Wouter Vandenabeele & Jens Blom-Hansen - 291-296 How the German government responded to the financial, economic and fiscal crises
by Walter Kickert - 297-303 New development: Towards a grand convergence? International proposals for aligning government budgets, accounts and finance statistics
by Jens Heiling & Sabine Schührer & James L. Chan - 305-308 New development: Comparative perspectives on political divorce settlements—what happens when a country secedes?
by Matt Qvortrup
May 2013, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 163-166 Editorial: Information for local governance. Data is the solution…what was the question again?
by Rob Wilson & Susan Baines & Irene Hardill & Martin Ferguson - 167-168 Debate: Information economies for social care: copy and paste or learning from ecommerce?
by Mike Martin - 168-170 Debate: Local governance in a clinical setting—a void that needs live conversations
by Nadeem Moghal - 171-176 The usefulness of performance reporting in local government: comparing Italy and Spain
by Vicente Montesinos & Isabel Brusca & Francesca Manes Rossi & Natalia Aversano - 177-184 ‘It's the tip of the iceberg’: the hidden tensions between theory, policy and practice in the management of Freedom of Information in English local government bodies—evidence from a regional study
by Paul Richter & Rob Wilson - 185-191 Disconnected communities? ICT, policy learning and the lessons for central--local relations
by Martin Laffin & Christianne Ormston - 193-200 Measuring up: examining the potential for voluntary sector performance measurement to improve public service delivery
by Claire Moxham - 201-208 Local governance in the new information ecology: the challenge of building interpretative communities
by James Cornford & Rob Wilson & Susan Baines & Ranald Richardson - 209-212 New development: The challenges of designing municipal governance indicators
by Nuno Ferreira da Cruz & Rui Cunha Marques - 213-216 New development: The paradox of outcomes—the more we measure, the less we understand
by Toby Lowe - 217-217 Debate: Internationalization and privatization of higher education
by Drummond Bone - 218-220 Debate: Radical reform or path dependency in action? The UK's welfare reforms
by Peter Hill - 221-224 ‘Lean’ policing? New approaches to business process improvement across the UK police service
by Harry Barton - 225-232 Performance management in fire and rescue services
by Pete Murphy & Kirsten Greenhalgh