October 2003, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 214-215 Reforming the Fire Service
by Andy Gilchrist - 216-218 Equal Pay and the Public Sector
by Fiona M. Wilson - 219-222 Pay in the Public Sector: Editorial
by Graeme Currie & Nicholas Bacon & Kim Hoque - 223-228 The Rhetoric of Modernization and the Labour Government's Pay Agenda
by Peter M. Hamilton & Tom Redman - 229-236 Continuity and Change: Public Sector Pay Review Bodies, 1992--2003
by Mike Horsman - 237-244 The Pay Review Bodies in Britain Under the Labour Government
by Geoff White & Alastair Hatchett - 245-252 New Approaches in Reward: Their Relevance to the Public Sector
by Peter Reilly - 253-262 Does it Pay to Work in the Public Sector? Evidence from Three Decades of Econometric Analyses
by Nigel F. B. Allington & Philip I. Morgan - 263-269 Spatial Planning and Transport in London and the South East—Can Policy Co-Ordination and Delivery be Achieved?
by Tony Bolden & Reg Harman
July 2003, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 131-132 Funding the UK's Universities
by Alison Wolf - 132-133 Half Way There?
by Diana Warwick - 133-134 The Bayesian Approach to Policy Decisions
by Christopher Pollitt - 135-136 Public-Private Partnerships: Editorial
by Jane Broadbent & Andrew Gray & Peter M. Jackson - 137-146 Institutional and Strategic Barriers to Public—Private Partnership: An Analysis of Dutch Cases
by Erik-Hans Klijn & Geert R. Teisman - 147-154 Local Strategic Partnerships, Neighbourhood Renewal, and the Limits to Co-governance
by Carole Johnson & Stephen P. Osborne - 155-162 Transparency in the Procurement of Public Works
by Xiaomei Deng & Qian Tian & Shizhao Ding & Bob Boase - 163-170 Public—Private Partnerships in Ireland: Policy and Practice
by Eoin Reeves - 171-176 PFI, Public—Private Partnerships and the Neglected Importance of Process: Stakeholders and the Employment Dimension
by Moira Fischbacher & P. B. Beaumont - 177-184 Information, Trust and the Private Finance Initiative in Social Housing
by Suzana Grubnic & Ron Hodges - 185-194 A Financial Analysis of the National Air Traffic Services PPP
by Jean Shaoul - 195-202 The UK Financial Sector and Risk Management in PFI Projects: A Survey
by Darinka Asenova & Matthias Beck - 203-208 Reconciling the Quantitative and Qualitative Traditions—The Bayesian Approach
by Richard J. Lilford & David Braunholtz
April 2003, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 73-73 Editorial: Continuity of Purpose
by Andrew Gray - 73-75 Regulation: The Modern Idiom
by Clive Grace - 75-76 A Civil Service Act?
by Christopher D. Foster - 76-78 Is a Civil Service Law a Good Idea?
by Michael Duggett - 78-79 A Future for Higher Education?
by Rosemary Deem - 80-80 Response to Credit Unions in Britain
by Gren Folwell - 80-82 Confused Expectations: A Reply
by Neil Kinnock - 83-92 Confused Expectations: Decentralizing the Management of EU Programmes
by Roger Levy - 93-102 Evidence on the Management of Public Services Innovation
by Richard M. Walker - 103-112 The Process and Impact of Trust Mergers in the National Health Service: A Financial Perspective
by Andrew Hutchings & Pauline Allen & Naomi Fulop & Annette King & Gerasimos Protopsaltis & Charles Normand & Rhiannon Walters - 113-118 Benchmarking in the Dutch Waste-Water Treatment Sector
by Remco J. Admiraal & G. Jan van Helden - 119-124 Credit Unions in Britain: A Time for Change
by Donal G. McKillop & John O. S. Wilson - 125-128 Advancing Public Accountability? The Social Services 'Star' Ratings
by Tony Cutler & Barbara Waine
January 2003, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-3 Francis Terry
by Noel Hepworth - 3-4 Ministers and Management
by David Walker - 5-8 Comprehensive Performance Assessment: The Crock of Gold at the End of the Performance Rainbow?
by Jane Broadbent - 8-10 Convergence, Enron and All That: Improving the Quality and Relevance of Public Sector Financial Reporting
by John Stanford & Harry Wilkinson - 11-12 The Global Revolution in Government Accounting: Introduction to Theme Articles
by David Heald - 13-20 Government Accounting: An Assessment of Theory, Purposes and Standards
by James L. Chan - 21-28 Measuring and Reporting The Nation's Finances: Statistics and Accounting
by Rowan Jones - 29-36 The Standards Programme of IFAC's Public Sector Committee
by Paul Sutcliffe - 37-44 Preconditions for Successful Implementation of Accrual Accounting in Central Government
by Noel Hepworth - 45-50 Planning and Controlling UK Public Expenditure on a Resource Basis
by Andrew Likierman - 51-58 Political Management and Local Government: The Views of Local Authority Chief Executives
by John Harbour & John Wilson - 59-66 Inter-Professional Working: The Wisdom of Integrated Working and The Disaster of Blurred Boundaries
by Rosemary Rushmer & Gillian Pallis - 67-71 Do We Have a Redundant Set of Cost-Efficiency Targets in the NHS?
by Diane Dawson & Rowena Jacobs
October 2002, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 3-5 Viewpoints: Editorial: Delivering Public Services—Mechanisms and Consequences
by Jill Schofield & Charlotte Sausman - 5-6 Viewpoints: Against a Civil Service Act
by George Jones - 6-8 Viewpoints: In Support of a Civil Service Act
by Andrew Massey - 9-11 Viewpoints: Will the Audit Commission and the Commission for Racial Equality Achieve their Joint Objectives for Schools?
by Mervyn Stone - 11-17 Delivering Public Services—Mechanisms and Consequences: Delivering Public Services Under the New Public Management: The Case of Public Housing
by Nigel Sprigings - 19-24 Delivering Public Services—Mechanisms and Consequences: Discretion and Inconsistency: Implementing the Social Fund
by Mike Rowe - 25-32 Delivering Public Services—Mechanisms and Consequences: Delivering Public Services Through Digital Television
by Colin F. Smith & C. William R. Webster - 33-40 Delivering Public Services—Mechanisms and Consequences: The Audit Commission and Public Services: Delivering For Whom?
by Stephen Cope & Jo Goodship - 41-48 Delivering Public Services—Mechanisms and Consequences: Changes in Public Service Delivery in the EU Countries
by Lourdes Torres & Vicente Pina - 49-56 Delivering Public Services—Mechanisms and Consequences: Implementing the Third Way: The Delivery of Public Services under the Blair Government
by Simon Lee & Richard Woodward - 57-64 New Developments: The Company Response to Government Policies on Transport
by John Elliott
July 2002, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 3-4 Viewpoints: Editorial
by Francis Terry - 4-5 Viewpoints: Health Care: The 20--Year Plan
by Derek Wanless - 5-7 Viewpoints: Management Problems in the Public Sector
by Bryan Watson - 9-16 Core Articles: Best Value—Total Quality Management for Local Government?
by George A. Boyne & Julian S. Gould--Williams & Jennifer Law & Richard M. Walker - 17-24 Core Articles: Executive Agencies, Performance Targets and External Reporting
by Noel S. Hyndman & Ron Eden - 25-32 Core Articles: ABC: The Pathway to Comparison of the Costs of Integrated Care
by Aggie Paulus & Arno van Raak & Femke Keijzer - 33-40 Core Articles: Can Public Service Efficiency Measurement be a Useful Tool of Government? The Lesson of the Spottiswoode Report
by Mervyn Stone - 41-48 Core Articles: Delivering Better Transport? An Evaluation of the Ten--Year Plan for the Railway Industry
by Gerald Crompton & Robert Jupe - 49-54 New Developments: Annual Reporting Mechanisms of National Health Service Trusts
by Ron Hodges & Louise Macniven & Howard Mellett - 55-60 New Developments: Delivering the Transport Renaissance Locally
by David Quarmby
April 2002, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 3-4 Viewpoints: Editorial: Local Government
by Andrew Gray - 4-5 Viewpoints: Will Best Value Survive?
by John Stewart - 5-6 Viewpoints: Comprehensive Performance Assessment in Local Government
by Steve Freer - 6-8 Viewpoints: From War of Attrition to Roller-coaster Ride: Local and Central Government in Scotland
by Cllr Charles Gordon - 9-16 Theme: Local Government: Best Value and the Control of Local Government: Challenges and Contradictions
by Amanda Ball & Jane Broadbent & Cynthia Moore - 17-24 Theme: Local Government: Concepts and Indicators of Local Authority Performance: An Evaluation of the Statutory Frameworks in England and Wales
by George A. Boyne - 25-30 Theme: Local Government: Redefining ‘Competition’ as ‘Competitiveness’—The Best Value Activities of Registered Social Landlords
by David Mullins - 31-36 Theme: Local Government: With a Little Help From My Friends: Managing Public Participation in Local Government
by Robert Jones - 37-46 Theme: Local Government: The New Politics of Local Spending: Central--Local Financial Relations under Scottish Devolution
by Arthur Midwinter - 47-52 Theme: Local Government: Isomorphism Without Legitimacy? The Case of the Business Excellence Model in Local Government
by Mary Bowerman - 53-60 New Developments: A Financial Appraisal of the London Underground Public-Private Partnership
by Jean Shaoul - 61-68 New Developments: Realizing the New Opportunity for Railways
by Tony Bolden & Reg Harman
January 2002, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-4 Viewpoints: Editorial: Gender, the Professions and Public Management
by Sandra Nutley & Stella Perrott & Fiona Wilson - 5-6 Viewpoints: Best Practice in Tax Administration
by Ann Hansford & John Hasseldine - 7-14 Theme: Gender, the Professions and Public Management: Changing Governance, Changing Equality? New Labour, Modernization and Public Services
by Janet Newman - 15-20 Theme: Gender, the Professions and Public Management: Management and the Professions: How Cracked is That Glass Ceiling?
by Fiona M. Wilson - 21-24 Theme: Gender, the Professions and Public Management: Gender, Professions and Management in the Public Sector
by Stella Perrott - 25-30 Theme: Gender, the Professions and Public Management: Divergent Identities? Professions, Management and Gender
by Susan Miller & Roulla Hagen & Marie Johnson - 31-34 New Developments: Managing Health Boards: The Difference That Women Could Make
by Anne-Marie Barry & Lis Cook - 35-42 Has the Public Sector Retained its ‘Model Employer’ Status?
by Philip Morgan & Nigel Allington - 43-48 Dysfunctional Effects of League Tables: A Comparison Between English and Scottish Primary Schools
by Andy Wiggins & Peter Tymms - 49-54 Regulatory Control of the Track Access Charges of Railtrack plc
by John Stittle - 55-64 Trends and Issues in the Implementation of Local ‘Voluntary Sector Compacts’ in England
by Stephen P. Osborne & Kate McLaughlin
October 2001, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 3-6 Viewpoints: Editorial: London—Better Government
by Tony Travers - 6-7 Viewpoints: Transforming Homes or Privatizing Social Housing?
by Sarah Webb - 8-9 Viewpoints: Transport, Taxpayers and the Treasury
by Donald Riley - 9-10 Viewpoints: Giving Greater ‘Political Voice’ to Charities in Scotland?
by Eleanor Burt & John Taylor - 11-18 London: Crossing London: Overcoming the Obstacles to CrossRail
by Stephen Glaister & Tony Travers - 19-26 London: Learning through Partnership: Private Finance and Managementin the Delivery of Services for London
by Jon Wakeford & Jo Valentine - 27-34 London: The Police Funding Formula: Does it Reflect London's Crime Management Needs?
by George Houpis & Michael Littlechild & Stephen Gifford - 35-42 London: Management Philosophy of the Greater London Authority
by John Ross - 43-50 Developments: Capital Investment in Primary Care—The Funding and Ownership of Primary Care Premises
by Sylvia Godden & Allyson M. Pollock & Stewart Player - 51-54 Developments: Pharmaceutical Policy in the UK
by Adrian Kay - 55-60 Developments: Absence Management in the Public Sector: An Integrative Model?
by Pauline Dibben & Philip James & Ian Cunningham
June 2001, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 3-4 Viewpoints: Editorial: Law and Public Management—The Human Rights Challenge
by Gavin Drewry - 5-6 Viewpoints: An Economist's View of University League Tables
by Andrew Oswald - 6-7 Viewpoints: Water isn't Enough
by Chris Mellor - 9-12 Law and Public Management—The Human Rights Challenge: Trends in Judicial Review and the Human Rights Act
by Maurice Sunkin - 13-18 Law and Public Management—The Human Rights Challenge: Organizing Legal Advice and Litigation: The Human Rights Challenge
by Terence Daintith - 19-24 Law and Public Management—The Human Rights Challenge: Whitehall, Westminster and Human Rights
by David Feldman - 25-28 Law and Public Management—The Human Rights Challenge: Judging Asylum and Immigration Claims: The Human Rights Act and the Refugee Convention
by Charles Blake - 29-34 Law and Public Management—The Human Rights Challenge: Regulatory Reform Orders: A New Weapon in the Armoury of Law Reform
by David Miers - 35-39 Police Performance Measurement and Human Rights
by Paul M. Collier - 41-46 Substance, Form and PFI Contracts
by Robert J. Kirk & Anthony P. Wall - 47-55 The New Accountability? Devolution and Expenditure Politics in Scotland
by Arthur Midwinter & Neil McGarvey - 57-60 Report: A New Deal? Understanding the Psychological Contract
by Bryan Watson
April 2001, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 3-5 Viewpoint: Editorial—Beyond Westminster: The New Machinery of Subnational Government
by Martin Laffin - 6-8 Viewpoint: Treading a Third Way for Quality in Health Care
by Huw T. O. Davies & Russell Mannion & Martin N. Marshall - 9-15 Beyond Westminster: The New Machinery of Subnational Government: Political Management in the Australian States
by John Halligan
January 2001, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 3-4 Viewpoints: Editorial
by Sandra Nutley - 4-6 Viewpoints: The Nemesis of Privatization: Railway Policy in Retrospect
by Francis Terry - 6-7 Viewpoints: Ethics in Public Service for the New Millennium
by Richard A. Chapman - 9-14 Thirty Years of Managerial Change at the BBC
by Victoria Wegg-Prosser - 15-19 Improving Secondary Care Efficiency: Motives and Mechanisms in Scotland
by Moira Fischbacher - 21-26 Joined-Up Solutions to Address Health Inequalities: Analysing Policy, Process and Resource Streams
by Martin Powell & Mark Exworthy - 27-34 The Impact of Two Decades of Reform of British Public Sector Industrial Relations
by Colin Duncan - 35-42 Finding an Alternative to Bureaucratic Models of Organization in the Public Sector
by Marie McHugh & Geraldine O'Brien & Joop Ramondt - 43-48 Business Separation and the Future Shape of the UK Energy Industry
by Philip James & Abby Ghobadian & Howard Viney - 49-52 Airport Regulation: Reflecting on the Lessons from BAA plc
by Graham Francis & Ian Humphreys - 53-56 From Planning to Implementation: The New UK Central Government Financial Framework
by Andrew Likierman - 57-64 Formula Based Allocation of Public Funds: The Case of Higher Education Research Funding
by Ameen Ali Talib
October 2000, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 3-6 Viewpoints: Editorial: Getting Research into Practice
by Sandra Nutley & Huw T. O. Davies & Nick Tilley - 6-8 Viewpoints: Sure Start: Research into Practice; Practice into Research
by Naomi Eisenstadt - 8-10 Viewpoints: Education: Using Research Evidence to Reshape Practice
by Judy Sebba - 10-12 Viewpoints: Human Rights Act—Should you Panic?
by Chris Lusk - 12-13 Viewpoints: Helping Trade Unions into the 21-super- st Century—Following up the Employment Relations Act
by William Brown - 14-15 Viewpoints: Democratic Renewal in Local Government—A False Dream!
by Bryan Watson - 17-22 From Central Research to Local Practice: Identifying and Addressing Repeat Victimization
by Gloria Laycock - 23-28 Getting Research into Practice: Implementing What Works with Offenders—The Effective Practice Initiative
by Jane Furniss & Sandra Nutley - 29-34 Getting Reearch into Practice: Assessing Benefits from Department of Health and National Health Service Research & Development
by Martin Buxton & Steve Hanney & Tim Packwood & Simon Roberts & Penny Youll - 35-42 Getting Research into Practice: Making a Reality of Evidence-Based Practice: Some Lessons from the Diffusion of Innovations
by Sandra Nutley & Huw T. O. Davies - 43-50 Getting Research into Practice: Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Health Care
by Mark Halladay & Lisa Bero - 51-57 Higher Education Funding Patterns Since 1990: A New Perspective
by David R. Stiles - 58-62 Comparing NHS Hospital Unit Costs
by Diane Dawson & Andrew Street - 63-68 Performing ‘Performance’—A Comedy in Five Acts
by Colin Talbot
July 2000, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 3-3 Viewpoints: Editorial
by Francis Terry - 4-5 Viewpoints: Joining-Up with the Self-Employed
by Rebecca Boden & Anne Corden - 7-12 Developments: External Regulation and Best Value in Local Government
by George Boyne - 13-20 Developments: Coping with Ambiguity: Reconciling External Legitimacy and Organizational Implementation in Performance Measurement
by Alan Lawton & David McKevitt & Michelle Millar - 21-26 Developments: Financial Implications of Major Legislation
by Michael Chisholm - 27-34 Developments: Privatized Utilities and the ‘Third Way’
by Alan Jones - 35-38 Developments: The Rapid Increase in Generic Prices in the UK: A Failure of Competition or Regulation?
by Adrian Kay & Darrin Baines - 39-44 Developments: Observing Chief Executives: Analysing Behaviour to Explore Cross-Sectoral Differences
by Charlotte Dargie - 45-49 Developments: Just How New Is Best Value?
by John Keenan - 51-54 Developments: The UK Landfill Tax: Financial Implications for Local Authorities
by John R. Morris & Paul S. Phillips & Adam D. Read
April 2000, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 3-8 Editorial: The Modernization and Improvement of Government and Public Services
by John Benington - 9-13 The Modernization and Improvement of Government and Public Services: Turning Strategy into Practice: Organizational Development in the Modernization of Local Government
by Peter Housden - 15-20 The Modernization and Improvement of Government and Public Services: Deepening Democracy or Élite Governance? New Political Management Arrangements in Local Government
by Howard Davis & Mike Geddes - 21-26 The Modernisation and Importance of Government and Public Services: Great Expectations: Benchmarking for Best Value
by Mary Bowerman & Amanda Ball - 27-34 The Modernisation and Importance of Government and Public Services: Multi-Level Networked Governance—Reflections from the Better Government for Older People Programme
by Carol Hayden & John Benington - 35-40 The Modernization and Improvement of Government and Public Services: The Role of Leadership in the Modernization and Improvement of Public Services
by Jean Hartley & Maria Allison - 41-46 The Modernization and Improvement of Government and Public Services: Creativity, Leadership and Change
by Michael Bichard - 47-54 The Modernization and Improvement of Government and Public Services: Public Participation and Citizen-Centred Local Government: Lessons from the Best Value and Better Government for Older People Pilot Programmes
by Steve Martin & Annette Boaz - 55-60 The Modernization and Improvement of Government and Public Services: Social Exclusion—New Language, New Challenges for Local Authorities
by Mike Geddes & Amanda Root - 61-68 Developments: Activity-Based Costing in Universities—Five Years On
by Paul Cropper & Roger Cook
January 2000, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-4 Viewpoints: Editorial: The Public Manager in 2010
by Andrew Gray - 4-6 Viewpoints: Public Management 2010
by Francis Terry - 6-8 Viewpoints: Public Manager 2010: A Recognizable Future?
by Sandra Nutley - 8-10 Viewpoints: Policing in 2010
by Edward Crew - 11-16 The Public Manager in 2010: Managing Public Sector Networked Organizations
by P. M. Jackson & L. Stainsby - 17-22 The Public Manager in 2010: The Role of Middle Managers in Strategic Change in the Public Sector
by Graeme Currie - 23-30 The Public Manager in 2010: The NHS Financial Manager in 2010
by Sheila Ellwood - 31-37 The Public Manager in 2010: Citizen Participation in Governance
by Catherine M. Farrell - 39-44 The Public Manager in 2010: Learning in Public Organizations in 2010
by Russ Vince - 45-52 Developments: Developing Primary Care Groups in the New NHS: Towards Diversity or Uniformity?
by Judith Smith & Marian Barnes - 53-62 Developments: Primary Care Groups: Trade-offs in Managing Budgets and Risk
by Kate Baxter & Max Bachmann & Gwyn Bevan - 63-68 Developments: External Audit Fee Levels in NHS Trusts
by Mark Clatworthy & Howard Mellett & Michael Peel
October 1999, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 1-2 Viewpoints: Editorial: Markets, Bureaucracy and Public Management
by George Boyne - 4-6 Viewpoints: Pharmaceuticals: From Regulations to Competition
by Vincent Lawton - 7-14 Markets, Bureaucracy and Public Management: The Worst of Both Worlds? Public Services without Markets or Bureaucracy
by Ian Kirkpatrick - 15-22 Markets, Bureaucracy and Public Management: The NHS: Quasi-market, Quasi-hierarchy and Quasi-network?
by Mark Exworthy & Martin Powell & John Mohan - 23-29 Markets, Bureaucracy and Public Management: Competitive Tendering and Best Value in Local Government
by George Boyne & Julian Gould-Williams & Jennifer Law & Richard Walker - 31-36 Markets, Bureaucracy and Public Management: Professional Perceptions of Bureaucratic Change in the Public Sector: GPs, Headteachers and Social Workers
by Catherine M. Farrell & Jonathan Morris - 37-43 Markets, Bureaucracy and Public Management: Bureaucratic Limits to Markets: The Case of Local Government in Victoria, Australia
by Chris Aulich - 45-50 Developments: Structural Change in the Scottish Labour Market, the Tax Take and the New Parliament's Income Tax-varying Powers
by John Houston & Anne Gasteen & Darinka Asenova - 51-56 Developments: The Politics of Transaction Costs
by Young-Chool Choi - 57-61 Developments: Visions of Best Value: Modernizing or Just Muddling Through?
by Steve Martin - 62-64 Developments: Measuring (Accountable) Success—Analysis of The Government's Measures of Success
by Des McConaghy
July 1999, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 3-5 Viewpoints: Editorial: Central Control of Local Expenditure
by Michael Chisholm - 5-7 Viewpoints: Living up to Expectations--Can the Public Sector Deliver?
by Bryan Watson - 7-9 Viewpoints: Parish and Town Councils: Left Out in the Cold but Invited to the Party
by Sheila Ellwood - 9-10 Viewpoints: Does Public Involvement Work?
by Jane Steele & John Seargeant - 11-16 Central Control of Local Expenditure: Central/Local Fiscal Relations: The Macroeconomic Dimension
by P.M. Jackson - 17-22 Central Control of Local Expenditure: Feasible Changes in the UK Controls on Local Government Expenditure
by P.A. Watt & J. Fender - 23-28 Central Control of Local Expenditure: Central Government Control over Local Authority Expenditure: The Overseas Experience
by David N. King & Yue Ma - 29-36 Past Abuses and Future Uses of Private Finance and Public Private Partnerships in Transport
by Stephen Glaister - 37-42 An Assessment of Competitive Tendering using Transaction Cost Analysis
by Andrew Erridge & Ruth Fee & John McIlroy - 43-49 Efficiency in Universities and Resource-Based Learning: A CaseStudy of Assumptions versus Analysis
by Alan Gillie - 51-58 Education Action Zones: An Initiative in the Making
by Kathryn Riley & Rob Watling