March 2013, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 83-90 Introduction
by Jane Broadbent & Robin Middlehurst - 91-92 Debate: Do we really need world-class universities?
by Roger Brown - 92-94 Debate: Innovation in the Italian public higher education system: introducing accrual accounting
by Tommaso Agasisti & Giuseppe Catalano - 95-104 Internationalization and employability: the role of intercultural experiences in the development of transferable skills
by Elspeth Jones - 105-110 Are French universities under control?
by Marie Boitier & Anne Rivière - 111-117 The impact of internationalization on volume and quality of scholarly publication performance
by Adelien Decramer & Stijn Goeminne & Carine Smolders - 119-122 New development: Are our doctoral programmes doing what we think they are?
by Anne Lee - 123-130 Collaborative futures: discursive realignments in austere times
by Helen Sullivan & Paul Williams & Mick Marchington & Louise Knight - 131-136 The advantages of the balanced scorecard in the public sector: beyond performance measurement
by Benjamin Dreveton - 137-144 Direct administration of failing local authorities: democratic deficit or effective bureaucracy?
by Itai Beeri - 145-152 A case of arrested development? Delivering the UK National Fraud Strategy within competing policing policy priorities
by Alan Doig & Michael Levi - 153-160 Organizational barriers to adapting infrastructure assets to climate change: evidence from coastal councils in Australia
by Nick Sciulli
January 2013, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial: The need for a public service strategy
by Lord Bichard - 4-6 Debate: Dealing with spending reviews—Italy
by Marika Arena & Michela Arnaboldi - 6-8 Debate: Fraud risk management in the public sector
by Peter M. Jackson - 9-14 Research shapes policy: but the dynamics are subtle
by Robbie Foy & Louise Locock & Sarah Purdy & Catherine O'Donnell & Nicola Gray & Tim Doran & Huw Davies - 15-22 The role of interim managers in performance improvement: evidence from English local authorities
by Pauline Jas - 23-30 Keeping informed during times of economic downturn: the trusted amateur as a preferred source of financial information
by Sarah Hean & Louise Worswick & LeeAnn Fenge & Charlie Wilkinson & Stella Fearnley - 31-38 Performance measurement and management in Portuguese law enforcement
by Patrícia Gomes & Silvia M. Mendes - 39-46 Diverse management practices— a study of clinical managers
by Inger Johanne Pettersen - 47-54 Towards communicating the value of volunteers: lessons from the field
by Carolyn J. Cordery & Sarah B. Proctor-Thomson & Karen A. Smith - 55-62 How the Danish government responded to financial crises
by Walter Kickert - 63-70 Leasing by public authorities in Italy: creating economic value from a balance sheet illusion
by Veronica Vecchi & Mark Hellowell - 71-75 New development: Fiscal transparency in China—government policy and the role of social media
by Qi Zhang & James L. Chan - 77-80 New development: Policy tsars—Whitehall's expert advisers revealed
by Ruth Levitt & William Solesbury
November 2012, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 395-395 Editorial
by Jane Broadbent & Andrew Massey & Michaela Lavender - 396-397 Debate: Local public audit— comparison with the private sector
by Kathryn Cearns - 397-399 Debate: Shrinking the quango state— an international view
by Muiris MacCarthaigh - 399-400 Debate: From trendsetter to laggard? Quango reform in the UK
by Sandra van Thiel - 401-408 Cuts, collaboration and creativity
by Vivien Lowndes & Sharon Squires - 409-416 An ‘alternative mainstream’? The impact of financial inclusion policy on credit unions in Wales
by Jan Myers & Molly Scott Cato & Paul A. Jones - 417-424 The impact of individual budgets on the targeting of support: findings from a national evaluation of pilot projects in England
by Karen Jones & Ann Netten & José-Luis Fernández & Martin Knapp & David Challis & Caroline Glendinning & Sally Jacobs & Jill Manthorpe & Nicola Moran & Martin Stevens & Mark Wilberforce - 425-432 Commercialization partnerships as an enabler of UK public sector innovation: the perfect match?
by Magnus Schoeman & David Baxter & Keith Goffin & Pietro Micheli - 433-438 Social protection policies in developing countries: estimating the financial impact of new decisions
by Javier Bilbao-Ubillos - 439-443 How the Dutch government responded to financial, economic and fiscal crisis
by Walter Kickert - 445-452 Talent management for NHS managers: human resources or resourceful humans?
by Fraser Macfarlane & Joanne Duberley & Chris Fewtrell & Martin Powell - 453-460 Assessing the implementation of managerial reforms in Catalan government: the development of professional public management
by Francisco Longo & Marc Esteve
September 2012, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 323-324 Editorial
by Jane Broadbent & Andrew Massey & Michaela Lavender - 324-326 Debate: Reducing government procurement transaction costs— to pCard or not to pCard?
by J. Gordon Murray - 327-334 Shrinking the quango state: five challenges in reforming quangos
by Matthew Flinders & Chris Skelcher - 335-342 Old wine in new bottles: IFRS adoption in NHS foundation trusts
by Sheila Ellwood & Javier Garcia-Lacalle - 343-348 Cost-effectiveness and fairness in health care: NICE appraisals
by Li-cheng Chang - 349-356 Uncertainty and commitment in commissioning of health services
by Pinar Guven-Uslu - 357-361 French revolution and German circumspection: reforming budgeting and accounting in national governments
by Marine Portal & Evelyne Lande & Rowan Jones & Klaus Lüder - 363-370 Sustainable procurement in health and social care in Northern Ireland
by Andrew Erridge & Sean Hennigan - 371-378 The determinants of audit committees: evidence from the charity sector
by Juliana Jetty & Vivien Beattie - 381-388 Different cultures of management and their relationships with organizational performance: evidence from the UK ambulance service
by Paresh Wankhade - 389-392 New development: Local public audit—the changing landscape
by Sheila Ellwood & Javier Garcia-Lacalle
July 2012, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 239-239 Editorial
by Jane Broadbent & Andrew Massey & Michaela Lavender - 240-242 Debate: Focusing on programme implementation for improved accountability and results
by Pat Barrett - 242-244 Debate: Railway policy—another damp squib
by Francis Terry - 245-247 Debate: Can the third sector survive the recession? Evidence from Scotland
by Stephen P. Osborne - 249-256 Efficiency, choice and control in social care commissioning
by Mark Wilberforce & Kate Baxter & Caroline Glendinning - 257-264 Impact assessments and better regulation: the role of the UK's Regulatory Policy Committee
by Michael Gibbons & David Parker - 265-272 Public corporate governance of state-owned enterprises: evidence from the Spanish banking industry
by Tamyko Ysa & Mireia Giné & Marc Esteve & Vicenta Sierra - 273-280 Accruals and ‘accounting numbers management’ in UK executive agencies
by Vicente Pina & María José Arcas & Caridad Martí - 281-288 The challenge of sustaining respect in a central budget agency: what can Ireland learn from New Zealand?
by Joe Wallis & Shaun Goldfinch & Andy Klein - 289-296 Leadership through action learning: a bottom-up approach to ‘best practice’ in ‘infection prevention and control’ in a UK NHS trust
by Jean Kellie & Brian Milsom & Eileen Henderson - 297-302 Co-production in research: some reflections on the experience of engaging practitioners in health research
by Alistair Hewison & Nicola Gale & Jonathan Shapiro - 303-310 State responses to the fiscal crisis: Belgium
by Walter Kickert - 311-314 New development: New global health care PPP developments—a critique of the success story
by Basilio Acerete & Anne Stafford & Pamela Stapleton - 315-319 New development: Making partnerships work—a local politician's guide to leadership
by Lorraine Ford & Mike Green
May 2012, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 159-160 Editorial
by Jane Broadbent & Andrew Massey & Michaela Lavender - 161-163 Debate: Scotland's fiscal options—a response to Midwinter
by Iain Docherty & Ronald MacDonald - 164-165 Debate: Financial panic, economic threat, and sovereign debt crises
by Fred Thompson - 165-167 Debate: Revolutionizing or recycling public procurement policy in the UK?
by J. Gordon Murray - 169-176 How the UK government responded to the fiscal crisis: an outsider's view
by Walter Kickert - 177-184 Evolutionary change? An evaluation of the McNulty report on rail
by Robert Jupe - 185-192 Holding politicians to account? Overview and scrutiny in English local government
by Andrew Coulson & Philip Whiteman - 193-200 Empowerment or abandonment? Prospects for neighbourhood revitalization under the big society
by Jonathan S. Davies & Madeleine Pill - 201-208 Legislating for the big society? The case of the Public Services (Social V alue) Bill
by Simon Teasdale & Pete Alcock & Graham Smith - 209-216 Autonomy and improved performance: lessons from an NHS policy reform
by Paul Anand & Mark Exworthy & Francesca Frosini & Lorelei Jones - 217-224 Service line reporting in a National Health Service foundation trust: an initial assessment of its relevance and applicability
by Donald Harradine & Malcolm Prowle - 225-232 Managing the technical resource capability of cybercrime investigation: a UK law enforcement perspective
by Paul Hunton - 233-236 New development: Spin-outs and social enterprise: the ‘right to request’ programme for health and social care services
by Robin Miller & Ross Millar & Kelly Hall
March 2012, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 83-86 Editorial
by Joyce Liddle & Pete Murphy - 87-94 The political leadership matrix: a tool for analysis
by Howard Elcock & John Fenwick - 95-102 Place matters: but does local leadership?
by James Hunter - 103-110 Local politicians' attitudes towards participatory initiatives: a Bulpittian perspective
by Dave Mckenna - 111-117 An examination, through roles of accounting, of the commissioning of public services from the third sector: the case of a DWP funded initiative
by Don Harradine - 119-126 Budgeting and governing for deficit reduction in the UK public sector: act 2 ‘the annual budget’
by Laurence Ferry & Peter Eckersley - 127-128 Debate: Academia can tax one's patience
by John Seddon - 129-136 Performance auditing—addressing real or perceived expectation gaps in the public sector
by Pat Barrett - 137-144 Internal controls in an international financial institution
by Ian Hume - 145-152 Getting to grips with England's formula for local authority support
by Mervyn Stone - 153-156 New development: Macroeconomic fables
by Sandford Borins
January 2012, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial
by Jane Broadbent & Andrew Massey & Michaela Lavender - 5-5 Introduction
by Drew Cullen - 6-8 Debate: Restoring fiscal sanity—a US case study
by David M. Walker - 9-14 Developing a government's balance sheet—does it improve performance?
by Ken Warren - 15-20 The influence of the nature of government accounting and reporting in decision-making: evidence from Switzerland
by Andreas Bergmann - 21-25 Rethinking the relationship between local government and financial markets
by Eugenio Caperchione & Federica Salvatori - 27-34 Restoring credibility in policy-making in Ireland
by John FitzGerald - 35-40 New development: Transparency in the public sector
by Ian Ball - 41-44 New development: PEFA—what difference has it made?
by Peter Boulding & Andrew Mackie & Frans Ronsholt & Stephen Sharples - 45-46 Debate: Accrual accounting: information for accountability or decision usefulness?
by Richard Laughlin - 47-48 Debate: Tsars—are they the ‘experts’ now?
by Ruth Levitt & William Solesbury - 49-52 Fiscal autonomy in Scotland: an assessment and critique
by Arthur Midwinter - 53-60 Implementing IFRSs in the public sector: caveats from a case in the UK
by Ciaran Connolly & Anthony Wall - 61-68 United we stand, divided we fall: the failure of an accounting information system in a major radiology provider
by Jeanette Van Akkeren - 69-74 Great expectations but poor results: financial and social performance of the T oscana Energia merger
by Patricia Bachiller & Giuseppe Grossi - 75-80 New development: Implementing SOA to deliver police performance management and intelligence reporting
by Paul Hunton & Alan Jones & Richard Short
November 2011, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 379-379 Editorial: Provision of public services in troubled times
by Jane Broadbent & Andrew Massey & Michaela Lavender - 380-382 Debate: Hutton, pensions boards and the accounting officer—a new governance framework for UK public sector pensions?
by Nigel Keogh - 383-384 Debate: Public sector productivity: lessons from the Italian financial crisis
by Tommaso Agasisti & Michela Arnaboldi
September 2011, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 303-304 Editorial
by Jean Hartley - 305-308 Debate: Leadership and authority
by Ronald Heifetz - 309-311 Debate: Losing political power. What happens next? Why care?
by Dame Jane Roberts - 311-314 Leadership for commissioning in an era of reform
by Barbara Allen & Elizabeth Wade - 315-322 Public leadership as public-making
by Janet Newman - 323-330 Evaluating public leadership: towards an assessment framework
by Paul 't Hart - 331-338 Learning in the whirlwind: politicians and leadership development
by Jean Hartley - 339-346 Leadership succession and organizational success: when do new chief executives make a difference?
by George A. Boyne & Oliver James & Peter John & Nicolai Petrovsky - 347-354 Leading policing in the 21st century: leadership, democracy, deficits and the new professionalism
by Peter Neyroud QPM - 355-362 Medical leadership in health care systems: from professional authority to organizational leadership
by G. Ross Baker & Jean-Louis Denis - 363-370 Resource scarcity and priority-setting: from management to leadership in the rationing of health care?
by Helen Dickinson & Tim Freeman & Suzanne Robinson & Iestyn Williams - 371-376 New development: Public leadership, public value and the public interest
by Geoff Gallop
July 2011, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 231-231 Editorial: Our podcast; this issue; and the internationalization and privatization of higher education
by Jane Broadbent & Andrew Massey & Michaela Lavender - 232-233 Debate: The end of the guardians?
by Alasdair Roberts - 233-235 Debate: The importance of an integrated understanding of sustainability in guiding accounting practices
by Jeffrey Unerman - 236-238 Debate: Tackling obesity—to ‘nudge’ or to ‘shove’?
by Peter Kopelman - 239-240 Debate: Society, socialism, sociology
by David Walker - 241-248 When is a saving not a saving? The micro-politics of budgets and savings under practice-based commissioning
by Kath Checkland & Anna Coleman & Stephen Harrison - 249-256 Knowing and doing: the value of intelligent application in local government improvement
by Alan Boyd & Adrian Nelson - 257-264 Twenty years of property-led urban regeneration in Ireland: outputs, impacts, implications
by Michelle Norris & Menelaos Gkartzios - 265-270 The Federal Government of Germany's circumspection concerning accrual budgeting and accounting
by Rowan Jones & Klaus Lüder - 271-278 Performance measurement in academic departments: the strategy map approach
by Antonella Cugini & Giovanna Michelon & Silvia Pilonato - 279-286 Third sector commissioning and English local government procurement
by J. Gordon Murray - 287-294 Are public sector procurement models and practices hindering small and medium suppliers?
by Kim Loader - 295-300 New development: Information for localism? Policy sense-making for local governance
by Rob Wilson & James Cornford & Sue Baines & John Mawson
May 2011, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 151-155 Editorial: Good governance in charities— some key issues
by Noel Hyndman & Ray Jones - 155-157 Debate: The marketization of the voluntary sector
by Ian Bruce & Celine Chew - 157-158 Debate: Sustainability reporting: a missing piece of the charity-reporting jigsaw
by John Maddocks - 159-166 Can we argue against it? Performance management and state funding of voluntary organizations in the UK
by Rod Dacombe - 167-174 The hand of government in shaping accounting and reporting in the UK charity sector
by Noel Hyndman & Danielle McMahon - 175-182 Beneficiaries' participation in nonprofit organizations: a theory-based approach
by Lore Wellens & Marc Jegers - 183-192 The role of independent examiners in the accountability of UK charities
by Gareth G. Morgan - 193-200 Valuing volunteer contributions to charities
by Carolyn J. Cordery & Sarah Proctor-Thomson & Karen A Smith - 201-205 New development: Increasing public trust and confidence in charities: on the side of the angels
by Andrew Hind - 207-210 New development: The real value of permanent endowments
by James Brooke Turner - 211-218 Implementing an outcomes approach to public management and accountability in the UK—are we learning the lessons?
by Erica Wimbush - 219-222 Prerequisites for applying accrual accounting in the public sector
by Evelyne Lande & Sébastien Rocher - 223-228 New development: Public sector pay and pensions in Ireland and the financial crisis
by Jim Stewart
March 2011, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 83-83 Editorial
by Jane Broadbent & Andrew Massey & Michaela Lavender - 83-84 Debate: Design, austerity and public services
by Michael Bichard - 85-88 Debate: ‘Want doesn't get’? Public management responses to the recession
by Stephen P. Osborne & Tony Kinder - 89-90 Debate: How mean is Lean really?
by Zoe Radnor - 91-98 The implications of personal budgets for the home care market
by Kate Baxter & Caroline Glendinning & Ian Greener - 99-106 Funder demands for quality management in the non-profit sector: challenges and responses in a non-profit infrastructure network
by Tila Morris & Susan M. Ogden - 107-114 Managing absenteeism in local government
by Fiona Robson & Sharon Mavin - 115-122 Lean and mean in the civil service: the case of processing in HMRC
by Bob Carter & Andy Danford & Debra Howcroft & Helen Richardson & Andrew Smith & Phil Taylor - 123-130 ‘Carry on up the east coast’— a case study in railway franchising
by Sean McCartney & John Stittle - 131-138 Two ships passing in the night? Practice and academia in public management
by Denita Cepiku - 139-143 The preventive services agenda— delivering value for money
by Alison Prowle & Malcolm Prowle - 145-148 Disinvestment in health— the challenges facing general practitioner (GP) commissioners
by Suzanne Robinson & Helen Dickinson & Tim Freeman & Iestyn Williams
January 2011, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 3-3 Thirty years and growing
by Jane Broadbent - 4-6 Innovation in public services: engaging with risk
by Stephen P. Osborne & Louise Brown - 6-7 Chronicle of a death foretold
by David Walker - 7-8 OBR—truth or power?
by William Solesbury - 9-10 Green's efficiency?
by J. Gordon Murray - 10-11 Think tanks, public policy and academia
by Matthew Taylor - 13-26 Governance by numbers: what have we learned over the past 30 years?
by Peter M. Jackson - 27-34 Paradoxes and prospects of ‘public value’
by Colin Talbot - 35-42 Credit unions in Great Britain: recent trends and current prospects
by Donal McKillop & Anne Marie Ward & John O. S. Wilson - 43-50 The quality of interaction between managers and clinicians: a question of trust
by Patrick Brown & Andy Alaszewski & David Pilgrim & Michael Calnan - 51-58 Private finance: bridging the gap for the UK's Dartford and Skye bridges?
by Jean Shaoul & Anne Stafford & Pamela Stapleton - 59-66 Exploring the barriers to lean health care implementation
by Luciano Brandão de Souza & Michael Pidd - 67-70 Behaviour change in action—Smarter Travel Sutton
by Daniel Ratchford & Lee Parker - 71-74 State, markets and society—Big Society joins the fray
by Chris Painter - 75-80 Governance responses to the fiscal crisis—comparative perspectives
by B. Guy Peters
November 2010, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 323-323 Editorial: Thirty years on
by Andrew Gray - 323-325 Debate: Performance auditing—what value? A response to Pat Barrett
by Amyas Morse - 325-326 Debate: The public/ private sector pensions divide
by Nigel Keogh - 326-328 Debate: Research impact or career progression?
by Sally Dibb & Lee Quinn - 328-329 Debate: The challenge of calling charities to account
by Noel Hyndman - 329-330 Debate: The moral of morale
by John Seddon - 331-338 The reorganization addiction in local government: unitary councils for England
by Howard Elcock & John Fenwick & Janice McMillan - 339-346 Privatization, private equity and executive remuneration: privatizing QinetiQ
by Andrew Massey & Gil Shidlo - 347-354 A model or a policy muddle? An evaluation of rail franchising in the UK
by Robert Jupe - 355-362 Financial capability in Ireland and a comparison with the UK
by Nuala O'Donnell & Mary Keeney - 363-370 NHS boards: knowing the ‘what’ but not the ‘how’
by Gianluca Veronesi & Kevin Keasey - 371-378 The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh: a case study on the workings of the Private Finance Initiative
by Margaret Cuthbert & Jim Cuthbert - 379-384 Can government accountability be enhanced with international financial reporting standards?
by Andrés Navarro-Galera & Manuel Pedro Rodríguez-Bolívar
September 2010, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 263-263 Editorial: Universal woes for universities?
by Andrew Gray - 263-265 Debate: Are we all co-producers of research now?
by Sandra Nutley - 265-267 Debate: Debt and disaggregation in council housing finance
by Stewart Smyth - 267-268 Debate: The dangers of fiscal illusion
by Paulo Reis Mourao - 269-270 Debate: Policy-making—other ways to learn?
by Jane Morgan - 271-278 Performance auditing—what value?
by Pat Barrett - 279-284 Developing financial capability among the young through education and asset-based welfare
by Rajiv Prabhakar - 285-292 Skills building for area management: lessons from regional locality management
by Carole Talbot - 293-298 Challenges and enablers to engaging voluntary organizations in public service delivery
by Claire Moxham - 299-304 Private concession contracts for toll roads in Spain: analysis and recommendations
by María de los Ángeles Baeza & José Manuel Vassallo - 305-312 The 3E methodology for developing performance indicators for public sector organizations
by W. B. Liu & Z. L. Cheng & J. Mingers & L. Qi & W. Meng - 313-316 New development: Efficiency savings in the Scottish budget—problems of accounting practice
by Arthur Midwinter - 317-320 New development: The UK coalition government and the future of public sector pensions
by Tony Cutler & Barbara Waine
July 2010, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 199-203 Editorial
by Kevin Orr & Mike Bennett - 204-206 Debate: Do academics know better or merely different?
by David Walker