June 2007, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 207-214 Collaborative Commissioning of Secondary Care Services by Primary Care Trusts
by Kate Baxter & Marjorie Weiss & Julian Le Grand - 215-222 ‘Weighting and Scoring’ in Theory and in Practice
by Mervyn Stone & Joan Davis - 223-228 Performance Measurement and the English Ambulance Service
by Geoffrey Heath & James Radcliffe
April 2007, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 89-89 Editorial: Public Management by Numbers
by Andrew Gray & Christopher Hood - 89-91 The Civil Service—The Way Forward
by Sir Gus O'Donnell - 91-92 A Conspiracy of Good Intentions
by Peter Vass - 93-94 Health Care Workers' Well-Being and the Therapeutic Relationship: Does Organizational Change Do Damage?
by Donald R. Coid & Huw T. O. Davies - 95-102 Public Service Management by Numbers: Why Does it Vary? Where Has it Come From? What Are the Gaps and the Puzzles?
by Christopher Hood - 103-110 How Do Performance Indicators Add Up? An Examination of Composite Indicators in Public Services
by Rowena Jacobs & Maria Goddard - 111-118 The Perils and Pitfalls of Performance Measurement: The CPA Regime for Local Authorities in England
by Iain McLean & Dirk Haubrich & Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero - 119-126 Performance, Strategy and Accounting in Local Government and Higher Education in the UK
by Martin Broad & Andrew Goddard & Larissa Von Alberti - 127-134 An Examination of the UK Treasury's Evidence Base for Cost and Time Overrun Data in UK Value-for-Money Policy and Appraisal
by Allyson M. Pollock & David Price & Stewart Player - 135-140 Twenty-Five Years of National Information Systems in the NHS
by Stuart Maguire - 141-148 Transport Strategy in Scotland Since Devolution
by Iain Docherty & Jon Shaw & David Gray - 149-156 Has Devolution Improved Public Services?
by Rhys Andrews & Steve Martin - 157-160 Voluntary Organizations in the Democratic Polity: Managing Legitimacy, Accountability and Trust
by Eleanor Burt - 161-164 Information-Intensive Government and the Layering and Sorting of Citizenship
by John Taylor & Miriam Lips & Joe Organ
February 2007, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-4 Solving Financial Exclusion Needs Joined-Up Government
by Peter Vass - 4-7 Getting It Together: Joined-Up Knowledge and the Strategic Framework of Debate
by Des McConaghy - 9-12 Editorial
by Donal G. McKillop & John O. S. Wilson - 13-20 Toward Financial Inclusion in the UK: Progress and Challenges
by Sharon Collard - 21-27 Financial Exclusion in Europe
by Santiago Carbo & Edward P. M. Gardener & Philip Molyneux - 29-36 Levels of Financial Capability in the UK
by Adele Atkinson & Stephen McKay & Sharon Collard & Elaine Kempson - 37-44 The Development of Credit Unions and Their Role in Tackling Financial Exclusion
by Donal G. McKillop & Anne-Marie Ward & John O. S. Wilson - 45-52 Money-Lending and Financial Exclusion
by Noreen Byrne & Olive McCarthy & Michael Ward - 53-60 Seasonal Cycles in Public Management: Disaggregation and Re-aggregation
by Colin Talbot & Carole Johnson - 61-68 Accounting for Joined-Up Government: The Case of Intermediate Care
by Jeanette Moore & Justin Keen - 69-75 The Triangle of Engagement: An Unusual Way of Looking at the Usual Suspects
by John May - 77-82 Our Reforms, Our Partnerships, Same Problems: The Chronic Case of the English NHS
by Robert McMurray - 83-86 Rail Franchising Matters—The Award of Open Access Rights on the ECML
by Robert Jupe
November 2006, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 267-268 Looking Beyond the Railway Soap Opera
by Adrian Lyons - 268-269 Railways—A Successful Public Service Reform
by George Muir - 271-273 Editorial
by Denis Smith - 274-275 International Terrorism and the Costs of Over-Reaction
by Dipak K. Gupta - 275-277 Perspectives Around Emergent Connectivity, Sense-Making and Asymmetric Threat Management
by Dave Snowden - 278-279 Perspectives around Policing
by Bernard Hogan-Howe - 281-286 Coping with Suicide Attacks: Lessons from Israel
by Arie Perliger & Ami Pedahzur - 287-294 Suicidal Terrorism and Public Health
by Niyi Awofeso - 295-304 Terrorism and Critical Infrastructures: Implications for Public--Private Crisis Management
by Arjen Boin & Denis Smith - 305-312 The Contagion of International Terrorism and its Effects on the Firm in an Interconnected World
by John Steen & Peter W. Liesch & Gary A. Knight & Michael R. Czinkota - 313-318 Some Puzzles and Paradoxes of the Efficiency Agenda—and a Way Forward
by David Griffiths
September 2006, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 199-199 Editorial
by Jane Broadbent - 199-202 Debate: Freedom of Information—Initial Success but Some Way to Go?
by Michael Hunt - 203-204 Introduction
by Kuno Schedler - 205-209 Are Citizens Significant Users of Government Financial Information?
by Isabel Brusca & Vicente Montesinos - 211-216 New Local Government Accounting in Portugal
by João Carvalho & Susana Jorge & M. José Fernandes - 217-220 The Use of Budget Reforms to Modernize Governance in German Local Government
by Berit Adam & Christiane Behm - 221-227 New Zealand's Financial Management System: Implications for Democracy
by Susan Newberry & June Pallot - 229-234 Political Versus Managerial Use of Cost and Performance Accounting
by Reto Flury & Kuno Schedler - 235-242 The Impact of Local Voluntary and Community Sector Infrastructure on Community Involvement in Rural Regeneration Partnerships
by Stephen P. Osborne & Rona Beattie & Arthur Williamson - 243-250 Local Authorities and the Financing of the Employers' Liability Risk
by John Hood & Nataliya Acc-Nikmehr - 251-255 Development and Implementation of a University Costing Model
by Teresa Garcia Valderrama & Rosario Del Rio Sanchez - 257-264 Academic Advice to Practitioners—What is its Nature, Place and Value Within Academia?
by Christopher Pollitt
June 2006, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 143-144 The Dysfunctional Discontinuities of Public Service Reform
by Chris Painter - 145-148 Let Us Have Realism for Britain's Railways
by Tony Bolden & Reg Harman - 148-150 A Fudge? Network Rail? Status in the Rail Industry
by Robert Jupe - 151-158 The Cost of Operating Britain's Privatized Railways
by Jean Shaoul - 159-164 Service Charters in Spain: Transparency and Citizen Empowerment or Government Marketing?
by Lourdes Torres - 165-172 In Search of Purpose and Priorities: Police Performance Indicators in England and Wales
by Paul M. Collier - 173-180 Public Value or Intrinsic Value? The Arts-Economic Consequences of Mr Keynes
by Andrew Pinnock - 181-188 The Future of Regulation in the Public Sector
by Steve Bundred - 189-192 You Don't Make a Pig Fatter by Weighing It—Performance Management: The Experience of the Youth Justice Board
by Chris Hume & Chris Wright - 193-196 Using the Internet for Communicating Performance Information
by Riccardo Mussari & Ileana Steccolini
April 2006, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 83-84 Editorial
by Graeme Currie - 85-86 Debate: Why Does Knowledge Stick? What We Can Learn From the Case of Evidence-Based Health Care
by Sue Dopson - 87-94 Networks, Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management: NHS Cancer Networks
by Rachael Addicott & Gerry McGivern & Ewan Ferlie - 95-100 Uses of Performance Metrics in Clinical and Managerial Networks
by Pinar Guven-Uslu - 101-108 Copy and Paste, or Graft and Transplant? Knowledge Sharing Through Inter-Organizational Networks
by Jean Hartley & John Benington - 109-116 Policing and the Intelligent Application of Knowledge
by Paul M. Collier - 117-124 Organizational Barriers to Architectural Knowledge and Teamwork in Operating Theatres
by Racheal Finn & Justin Waring - 125-130 Solutions to Silos: Joining Up Knowledge
by Steve Bundred - 131-138 Public Participation in Scottish Local Government: Strategic and Corporate Confusions
by Mark McAteer & Kevin Orr
January 2006, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-5 Standards in Public Life—The Challenge of Enhancing Public Trust
by Alistair Graham - 5-7 The Ethics of Enthusiasm
by Richard A. Chapman - 7-9 Principles or Rules?
by Philippa Foster Back - 10-12 Outsiders in Whitehall
by Ruth Levitt & William Solesbury - 13-14 Editorial
by Alan Lawton - 15-22 Half-Full or Half-Empty? The Past, Present and Future of British Public Sector Ethics
by Alan Doig - 23-30 Professional Ethics and Public Service: Can Professionals Serve Two Masters?
by William L. Hutton & Andrew Massey - 31-38 The Quest for Public Service Ethics: Individual Conscience and Organizational Constraints
by Genevieve Enid Kyarimpa & Jean-Claude Garcia-Zamor - 39-46 The Emergence of a ‘New’ Ethical Framework for Civil Servants
by Barry J. O'Toole - 47-54 The Public, Politics and Ethics of Public Officials: Corporate Scandals of 2002
by Sandra Emerson - 55-62 Governance, Ethics and the National Health Service
by Kevin Morrell - 63-72 Introducing Choice in the Public Services: Some Supply-Side Issues
by Ewan Ferlie & George Freeman & Juliet McDonnell & Christina Petsoulas & Sara Rundle-Smith - 73-80 Exploring Fit in Public Sector Organizations
by Abraham Carmeli & Lynndee Kemmet
October 2005, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 263-265 Criminal Justice—Tensions and Challenges
by Sandra Nutley & Barry Loveday - 267-274 Crime Reduction: A Quarter Century Review
by Nick Tilley - 275-281 The Challenge of Police Reform in England and Wales
by Barry Loveday - 283-290 Transformed Youth Justice?
by Steve Bradford & Rod Morgan - 290-298 Courts, Sentencing and Justice in a Changing Political and Managerial Context
by John W. Raine - 299-305 Relationships, Accountability and Responsibility in the National Offender Management Service
by David Faulkner - 306-314 Managing Criminal Justice: Public Service Reform Writ Small?
by Chris Painter - 315-318 New development : Local Authority Publication Schemes Under FOIA 2000
by Tim Barnes
2005, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 1-1 Front Matter
by The Editors - 203-204 British Art Versus European Technocracy—Or Government Versus State?
by Christopher Pollitt - 205-206 Murphy’s Laws: A Key Explanatory Tool for Public Sector Disputes in the UK
by Michael Horsman - 206-208 Recovery and Renewal—The New NHS
by Ken Jarrold - 209-212 Editorial
by David Hunter - 213-220 Performance Measurement in Health Care: History, Challenges and Prospects
by Peter Smith - 221-228 Decentralizing Health Services: More Local Accountability or Just More Central Control?
by Stephen Peckham & Mark Exworthy & Ian Greener & Martin Powell - 229-236 From Sickness to Health? Public Health in England
by Rob Baggott - 237-243 From Plan to Market: A Comparison of Health and Old Age Care Policies in the UK and Sweden
by Marianna Fotaki & Alan Boyd - 244-244 Notes for Authors
by The Editors - 245-251 Under Strain? Exploring the Troubled Relationship between Health and Social Care
by Caroline Glendinning & Bob Hudson & Robin Means - 253-260 Setting Public Service Outcome Targets: Lessons from Local Public Service Agreements
by George Boyne & Jennifer Law
June 2005, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 139-141 Editorial: Transport—The Problem of Public Policy and Private Provision
by Francis Terry - 142-144 What Counts is What Works? New Labour and Rail Franchising
by Robert Jupe - 144-146 Why We Need a Transport Revolution
by Malcolm Buchanan - 147-154 A Strategic Approach to Financing Public Transport Through Property Values
by Marcus Enoch & Stephen Potter & Stephen Ison - 155-161 European Experience with Direct Subsidization of Air Services
by George Williams - 163-170 Rail as the Way Forward
by Jim Steer - 171-178 Transport Policy and Transport Tax Reform
by Stephen Potter & Graham Parkhurst - 179-185 Devolved Government and Transport—Relationships, Process and Policy
by Stuart Cole - 187-194 The Future of Rail? An Evaluation of the 2004 Railway Industry White Paper
by Robert Jupe - 195-200 New Development: Exemplary Provision of Bus Services—Is London a Model for Other Conurbations?
by Peter Hendy
April 2005, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 75-75 Editorial: From Viewpoints to Debate
by Andrew Gray & Jane Broadbent & Michaela Lavender - 75-81 Public Administration: British Art Versus European Technocracy
by Howard Elcock - 82-86 Accumulating Evidence of Malfunctioning Contractual Government Machinery
by Mervyn Stone - 86-88 Regional Wages and the Need for a Better Area Cost Adjustment
by David G. Blanchflower & Andrew J. Oswald - 89-98 Operating Codes in the Emerging System of Local Governance: From ‘Top-Down State’ to ‘Disciplined Pluralism’?
by Chris Painter - 99-105 Price and Profit Regulation in Developing and Transition Economies: A Survey of the Regulators
by Colin Kirkpatrick & David Parker & Yin-Fang Zhang - 107-114 Spot the Difference Between the Public and Private Sectors: Disputes and Third-Party Intervention in Britain
by Susan Corby - 115-122 The Role of Current Cost Accounting for Financial Reporting and Regulation in Utility Industries
by Lynne Conrad - 123-130 Performance Management for Community Empowerment Networks
by Derrick Purdue - 131-135 New Development: The Demystification of Knowledge Management for Public Services
by Philip Haynes
January 2005, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-4 Has the Glass Cliff Replaced the Glass Ceiling for Women Employed in the Public Sector?
by Sandra Nutley & Jane Mudd - 4-6 The Real Benefits, Beneficiaries and Value of E-Government
by Paul Foley - 7-8 Editorial
by Andrew Gray & Jane Broadbent & Jean Hartley - 9-17 What Does 25 Years of Experience Tell Us About the State of Performance Measurement in Public Policy and Management?
by Åge Johnsen - 19-26 Learning to Improve: Approaches to Improving Local Government Services
by Lyndsay Rashman & Zoe Radnor - 27-34 Innovation in Governance and Public Services: Past and Present
by Jean Hartley - 35-42 Enabling Continuous and Discontinuous Innovation: Learning From the Private Sector
by John Bessant - 43-50 Break-Through Innovations and Continuous Improvement: Two Different Models of Innovative Processes in the Public Sector
by Mark H. Moore - 51-56 Fostering Innovation in Public Services
by David Albury - 57-60 Innovation, Futures Thinking and Leadership
by Chris Yapp - 61-66 The Elected Mayor and Local Leadership
by John Fenwick & Howard Elcock - 67-71 Not So Seamless? Performance Related Pay and Financial Control in English Schools
by Tony Cutler & Barbara Waine
October 2004, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 261-262 Integrating the Inspection of Children's Services: Every Child Matters
by David Bell - 262-263 Learning about Good Governance in Five Lessons
by Ed Mayo - 264-265 Turnaround
by Richard Brewster - 265-266 The Securitization of Keele's Student Rents: A Reply to Pat Crawford and Douglas D. Pinnock
by Peter Armstrong & Peter Fletcher - 267-270 Editorial: Regulatory Impact Assessment—An Overview
by Colin Kirkpatrick & David Parker - 271-276 Getting to Grips with Quality in the Diffusion of Regulatory Impact Assessment in Europe
by Claudio M. Radaelli - 277-282 The National Audit Office's Evaluation of RIAs: Reflections on the Pilot Year
by Ed Humpherson - 283-290 Regulatory Impact Assessment and the Economic Transition to Markets
by Scott Jacobs - 291-296 Regulatory Impact Assessment in Developing and Transition Economies: A Survey of Current Practice
by Colin Kirkpatrick & David Parker & Yin-Fang Zhang - 297-300 Striking the Regulatory Balance in the Unique Case of the Voluntary Sector
by Eleanor Burt & John Taylor - 301-308 Would Roman Soldiers Fight for the Financial Flows Regime? The Re-issue of Diocletian's Edict in the English NHS
by Andrew Street & Sawsan AbdulHussain - 309-316 Phasing Out Market Mechanisms in the Italian National Health Service
by Eugenio Anessi-Pessina & Elena Cantù & Claudio Joninii - 317-320 The Pay Review Bodies Revisited
by Mike Horsman
August 2004, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 195-196 Governance, Partnerships and Performance
by Edward Peck - 197-199 Editorial
by Chris Cornforth & Rob Paton - 201-208 Organizational Failure and Turnaround: Lessons for Public Services from the For-Profit Sector
by Kieran Walshe & Gill Harvey & Paula Hyde & Naresh Pandit - 209-216 What's Different About Public and Non-Profit ‘Turnaround’?
by Rob Paton & Jill Mordaunt - 217-226 Intervention or Persuasion? Strategies for Turnaround of Poorly-Performing Councils
by Dave Turner & Chris Skelcher & Philip Whiteman & Michael Hughes & Pauline Jas - 227-234 The Role of Boards in the Failure and Turnaround of Non-Profit Organizations
by Jill Mordaunt & Chris Cornforth - 235-242 The Role of Leadership in the Turnaround of a Local Authority
by Paul Joyce - 243-250 The Dynamics of Chronic Failure: A Longitudinal Study
by Dean F. Eitel - 251-258 Best Value: Is It Delivering?
by Paul Higgins & Philip James & Ian Roper
June 2004, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 131-132 Editorial
by Andrew Gray & Jane Broadbent - 132-134 Local Authority Finance and Accounting in Wales
by Essex Sue - 134-135 The Real Benefit of the PFI?
by Albert Ratcliffe - 135-136 Local Authority Investments
by John Hopwood - 137-144 Financing Devolution in Practice: The Barnett Formula and the Scottish Budget, 1999-2003
by Arthur Midwinter - 145-152 Has Devolution Increased Democratic Accountability?
by Mahmoud Ezzamel & Noel S. Hyndman & Åge Johnsen & Irvine Lapsley & June Pallot - 153-158 Reporting PFI in Annual Accounts: A User's Perspective
by Ron Hodges & Howard Mellett - 159-166 Financing Higher NHS Spending from Increased National Insurance
by Stephen Bailey & Lisa Fingland - 167-174 Gambling as a Base for Hypothecated Taxation: The UK's National Lottery and Electronic Gaming Machines in Australia
by David Pickernell & Kerry Brown & Andrew Worthington & Mary Crawford - 175-182 Securitization in Public Sector Finance
by Peter Armstrong & Peter Fletcher - 183-183 Reply to Armstrong and Fletcher
by Pat Crawford - 183-184 Structured Finance for Universities
by Douglas D. Pinnock - 185-191 Financial Management and Effectiveness in Public Service Organizations: The CIPFA FM Model
by Sue Beauchamp & Carole Hicks
April 2004, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 83-83 Editorial: Changes to the Editorial Team
by Andrew Gray - 83-84 Academia and Practice in Public Management
by Francis Terry - 84-86 Evaluation and Accounting Standards
by Robert Picciotto - 86-86 Call for Papers: 25th Anniversary Editions of Public Money & Management
by The Editors - 87-96 Big Business: The Corporatization of Primary Care in the UK and the USA
by Judith Smith & Kieran Walshe - 97-103 A ‘3Rs’ Strategy for Public Service Turnaround: Retrenchment, Repositioning and Reorganization
by George A. Boyne - 104-112 Executive Agencies: Have They Improved Management in Government?
by Colin Talbot - 113-120 Reorganizing Two-Tier Local Government for Regional Assemblies
by Michael Chisholm - 121-127 The Politics of Evidence-Based Health Policy-Making
by Robert Schwartz & Bruce Rosen - 128-128 Notes for Authors
by The Editors
2004, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editorial: Public Money & Management Expands
by The Editors - 3-5 The Changing Face of Public Service Inspection
by Steve Martin - 5-7 Public Sector Accounting—Democratic Accountability or Market Rules?
by Andy Wynne - 7-8 Co-ordinating Spatial Planning and Transport
by Julie Mills - 9-10 Editorial: Performance
by The Editors - 11-18 Are the 'Poor' Different? The Internal Characteristics of Local Authorities in the Five Comprehensive Performance Assessment Groups
by George Boyne & Gareth Enticott - 19-26 Analysing Deprivation and Local Authority Performance: The Implications for CPA
by Rhys Andrews - 27-36 Railpolitik: The Financial Realities of Operating Britain's National Railways
by Jean Shaoul - 37-45 Which Ranking? The Impact of a 'Value-Added' Measure of Secondary School Performance
by Deborah Wilson - 47-55 Improving Local Government Performance: One Step Forward not Two Steps Back
by Steven Jones - 57-62 Performance Assessment of Public Sector Scientists
by Keith Waldron - 63-68 Comprehensive Performance Assessment—Springboard or Dead-Weight?
by John Wilson - 69-80 Organizational Changes Resulting from the Privatization of State Enterprises
by Kent Springdal & Martha Mador
October 2003, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 210-210 Editorial: More Public Money & Management
by Andrew Gray - 211-213 Foundation Hospitals: Back to the Future
by David Hunter - 213-214 Trade Unions and Public Sector Pay
by Brendan Barber