July 1999, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 59-62 Extended Viewpoint: Achieving Democratic Potential in the NHS
by Howard Davis & Guy Daly
April 1999, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 3-4 Viewpoint: Editorial
by Francis Terry - 4-5 Viewpoint: Alice in Pension-Land: The Story of the Teachers’ Superannuation Scheme (TSS)
by Jane Stride-Darnley & Helen Johnson - 5-6 Viewpoint: The Transport White Paper—A Landmark in an Undefined Country?
by Reg Harman - 7-12 Competitive Bidding and Regional Development in the UK
by David Brooksbank & Michael Connolly & Bob Morgan - 13-17 Advising Prime Ministers
by Rudy B. Andeweg - 19-25 Human Resource Management in the Voluntary Sector: Challenges and Opportunities
by Ian Cunningham - 27-32 Rationalizing Northern Ireland Hospital Services Towards Larger Providers: Best-Practice Efficiency Studies and Current Policy
by Gillian McCallion & Donal G. McKillop & J. Colin Glass & Christine Kerr - 33-37 Went Fundholding, Going Commissioning? Some Evidence-Based Reflections on the Prospects for Primary Care Groups
by Christopher J. Cowton & Julie E. Drake - 39-44 Changes in the Ownership of Community Pharmacies: Policy Implications
by Roger Ottewill & Peter Magirr - 45-49 The Civil Service: A Neglected Dimension of Devolution
by Robert Pyper - 51-54 The Politics of Needs Assessment: The Treasury Select Committee and the Barnett Formula
by Arthur Midwinter - 55-59 The Rise of Oversight and the Decline of Mutuality?
by Huw Talfryn Oakley Davies & Russell Mannion - 59-60 Shutting the Stable Door—In Time?
by Ken Simons
January 1999, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-5 Viewpoint: Editorial: What Works? The Role of Evidence in Public Sector Policy and Practice
by Huw T. O. Davies & Sandra M. Nutley & Peter C. Smith - 5-7 Viewpoint: The Seven Enemies of Evidence-Based Policy
by Graham Leicester - 7-8 Viewpoint: New Labour: A New Deal for Communities?
by Paul Foley - 9-16 The Rise and Rise of Evidence in Health Care
by Huw T.O. Davies & Sandra M. Nutley - 17-23 Evidence, What Evidence? The Foundations for Housing Policy
by Duncan Maclennan & Alison More & Alison More - 25-32 Evidence-Based Social Care: Wheels off the Runway?
by Geraldine Macdonald - 33-40 Education: High Potential Not Yet Realized
by Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon - 41-46 The Impact of Evidence on Transport Policy-Making: The Case of Road Construction
by Francis Terry - 47-54 The Fall and Rise of Evidence in Criminal Justice
by Sandra M. Nutley & Huw T.O. Davies - 55-62 Pump-Priming the PFI: Why are Privately Financed Hospital Schemes Being Subsidized?
by Declan Gaffney & Allyson M. Pollock - 63-69 Sustainable Transport Policy: The Contribution from Behavioural Scientists
by Linda Steg & Gerard Tertoolen - 70-72 Review: A New Deal for Transport—Analysis of the Transport White Paper (Cm 3950)
by John Hibbs
October 1998, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 3-4 Viewpoint: Making a Success of Best Value
by Steve Freer - 4-5 Viewpoint: The Need for Lobbying
by Des Wilson - 5-6 Viewpoint: Effectiveness Audit in the Audit Offices
by Henry Gordon - 7-10 Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector: Editorial: Issues in Public Sector Risk Management
by Denis Smith & Brian Toft - 10-11 Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector: Commentary: Clinical Governance and Service Failure in the NHS
by Liam Donaldson - 12-14 Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector: Commentary: Managing Professional Performance--A Major Challenge for Health Care
by Jenny Simpson - 15-20 Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector: Dealing with Clinical Risk: Implications of the Rise of Evidence-Based Health Care
by Kieran Walshe & Trevor A. Sheldon - 21-26 Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector: Regulation and Emergency Management: An Exclusive Domain for the Experts?
by Francis Terry - 27-32 Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector: What Price Emergency Planning? Local Authority Civil Protection in the UK
by Eve Coles - 33-40 Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector: Overcoming the Fear Factor: Workforce Involvement and Health and Safety Offshore
by Dave Whyte - 41-50 Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector: Risk Communication and the Social Amplification of Public Sector Risk
by Denis Smith & Jo McCloskey - 51-57 Developments: Reducing Regulatory Risk: The Case for a New Regulatory Contract with the Privatized Utilities
by David Parker - 58-61 Developments: Resource Accounting in Ireland
by Francis McGeough - 62-64 Developments: Report: Recent Developments in Resource Accounting and Budgeting (RAB)
by Andrew Likierman
July 1998, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 3-4 Viewpoints: Editorial
by Francis Terry - 4-5 Viewpoints: The New Local Government Agenda: A Contribution to the Debate
by Steve Leach - 5-7 Viewpoints: The New NHS
by Ken Jarrold - 9-14 Challenging Local Authority Accounts—A Process in Need of Reform?
by Bruce Walker & Alex Marsh & Simon Delay - 15-21 Council Leaders in the ‘New Britain’: Looking Back and Looking Forward
by Howard Elcock - 23-30 Performance Information, Accountability and Executive Agencies
by Noel S. Hyndman & Robert Anderson - 31-38 Activity-Based Costing and Central Overhead Cost Allocation in Universities: A Case Study
by Andrew Goddard & Kean Ooi - 39-42 Costing a Secure NHS Network
by Andrew Hawker - 43-50 Public Services Under New Labour: Back to Bureaucracy?
by George A. Boyne - 51-58 Perceptions of Stakeholding: The Case of an NHS Trust
by Sarah Miller & John Wilson - 59-64 Change and Decision-Making in the NHS: The Case of the Care Programme Approach
by Ian Kessler & Sue Dopson - 65-68 Report
by Alan Earl-Slater
April 1998, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 3-4 Viewpoint: Editorial: Resource Accounting and Budgeting in the Public Sector
by Howard Mellett - 4-4 Viewpoint: Output and Performance Analysis—Time to Open up the Debate?
by Colin Talbot - 7-10 Resource Accounting and Budgeting : From Cash to Accruals in 25 Years
by John Perrin - 11-16 The Conceptual Framework of Resource Accounting
by Rowan Jones - 17-20 Resource Accounting and Budgeting—Where are we Now?
by Andrew Likierman - 21-28 Resource Accounting and Budgeting: Principles, Concepts and Practice—The MoD Case
by Angela Gillibrand & Brian Hilton - 29-33 Resource Accounting and Executive Agencies
by Maurice Pendlebury & Yusuf Karbhari - 35-38 Resource Accounting and NHS Trusts
by Jack Straw - 39-44 Developments: The ‘Webbing’ of British Local Government
by Ivan Horrocks & Neil Hambley - 45-50 Managing Oneself in Role: A Working Tool for the Management of Change
by Peter Simpson & Robert French - 51-60 Manageralist Thinking on Marketing for Public Services
by Anthony Kearsey & Richard J. Varey - 61-68 Regulation Inside Government: Where New Public Management Meets the Audit Explosion
by Christopher Hood & Oliver James & George Jones & Colin Scott & Tony Travers
January 1998, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 3-4 Viewpoint: Editorial: Public Service Ethics
by Andrew Gray - 4-5 Viewpoint: The New Local Government Agenda: A Response
by David Walker - 5-7 Viewpoint: London Government—Recognizing the Key Role of Transport
by Michael Woods - 7-8 Viewpoint: Public Service Ethics—A Viewpoint from Local Government
by Jeff Brown - 9-13 Problems of Ethics in Public Sector Management
by Richard A. Chapman - 15-20 Public Sector Transformation and Ethics: A View from South Africa
by Johan van der Westhuizen - 21-25 Some Ethical Dilemmas in the Handling of Police Informers
by Colin Dunnighan & Clive Norris - 27-30 Codes of Ethics and Ethical Conduct: A View From the Caring Professions
by Sarah Banks - 31-40 The Nature of Business Planning Undertaken by General Practitioner Fundholding Practices in the North West Region
by Neil Grice & John Wilson & George Foster & Graham Padgett - 41-51 Strengthening Political Leadership in UK Local Government
by Robin Hambleton - 52-58 Is it Necessary to Ration Health Care?
by Penelope M. Mullen - 59-64 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Among GP Fundholders
by Christine Ennew & David Whynes & Jacqueline Jolleys & Phil Robinson
October 1997, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 3-4 Viewpoint: Editorial: Strategic Alliances
by Francis Terry - 4-6 Viewpoint: The New Local Government Agenda
by Brian Briscoe - 7-12 Strategic Alliances: United We Stand: A Strategic Analysis of Mergers in Higher Education
by Gillian Rowley - 13-18 Strategic Alliances: Alliances and Mergers in Electricity Supply
by Philip James & Abby Ghobadian & Howard Viney - 19-23 Strategic Alliances: International, Local and Regional Government Alliances
by Stephen Barber - 25-30 Strategic Alliances: Working Across Professional Boundaries: Primary Health Care and Social Care
by Bob Hudson & Brian Hardy & Melanie Henwood & Gerald Wistow - 31-39 Strategic Alliances Managing the Innovative Capacity of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations in the Provision of Public Services
by Stephen P. Osborne & Norman Flynn - 41-46 Developments: Managing Health and Finance: Conflict or Congruence?
by Mark Clatworthy & Howard Mellett - 47-54 Trust-Based Relationships in Local Government Contracting
by Howard Davis & Bruce Walker - 55-67 The End of the Line for British Rail
by Peter Curwen - 69-76 Implementation of an IT System in a Hospital Trust
by Graeme Currie & Andrew D. Brown
July 1997, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 3-4 Viewpoint Editorial: Private Finance Initiative
by Andrew Gray - 4-6 Viewpoint: A Fresh Look at Transport Policy
by Neil Kinnock - 6-7 Viewpoint: The 4Ps and PFI
by Derek Collins - 7-9 Viewpoint: Complexity and Cost in PFI Schemes
by Colin Hewitt - 11-16 Private Finance Initiative: Accounting for the Private Finance Initiative
by David Heald & Neal Geaughan - 17-20 An Observer’s Tale: Stonehaven Community Hospital
by Jim McKendrick & Bill McCabe - 21-24 A Commissioner’s Tale: Avery Hill Student Village, University of Greenwich
by John McWilliam - 25-29 A Client’s Tale: The Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds
by Christopher G. O’Boyle - 31-39 Developments: Student Loans: Towards a New Public/Private Mix
by Nicholas Barr - 41-46 ‘We’re all Human Resource Managers Now’: Local Government Middle Managers
by Linda Keen & Sarah A. Vickerstaff - 47-51 An Application of Keaveney’s Model of Service Switching Behaviour to GP Fundholders
by Carolyn Strong & Stuart Hanmer Lloyd
April 1997, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 3-4 Editorial
by Colin Talbot - 4-6 Competition For All
by Borrie - 6-8 Will Increased Lorry Weights Really Bring Benefits
by Julia Clarke - 9-16 Public Management: Raising Our Game
by Paul Jervis & Sue Richards
January 1997, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-4 Viewpoint: Editorial
by Francis Terry - 4-5 Viewpoint: Cash or Kind? Partnership Schemes and the Welfare State
by Peter Taylor - 5-6 Viewpoint: Why a New Local Governance is Needed
by Alan Pike - 7-18 Trajectories of Reform: Public Management Change in Four Countries
by Christopher Pollitt & Hilkka Summa - 19-25 From Performance Measurement to Performance Enhancement: An Information System Case-Study from the Administration of Justice
by John W. Raine & Michael J. Willson - 27-34 Quality Defined by Public Service Users—The Case of the Avon Probation Service
by Mike Broussine & Rob Wakefield - 35-42 Competition and Efficiency after Privatization: The Role of the NAO
by Ron Hodges - 43-48 Relations with Non-Elected Agencies: Local Authority Good Practice
by Chris Painter & Kester Isaac-Henry - 49-53 Civil Service Reform in the Republic of Ireland
by Richard Boyle - 55-62 Towards Total Quality Management in a Supportive Employment Workplace
by Talib Younis & Tony Boland