September 2012, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 867-874 Understanding the epidemiology of foreign body injuries in children using a data-driven Bayesian network
by P. Berchialla & S. Snidero & A. Stancu & C. Scarinzi & R. Corradetti & D. Gregori - 875-882 Spatio-temporal modeling of infectious disease dynamics
by Sifat Sharmin & Md. Israt Rayhan - 883-899 Mixed-Poisson point process with partially observed covariates: ecological momentary assessment of smoking
by Benjamin Neustifter & Stephen L. Rathbun & Saul Shiffman - 901-911 Change-point cure models with application to estimating the change-point effect of age of diagnosis among prostate cancer patients
by Megan Othus & Yi Li & Ram Tiwari
August 2012, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 695-710 Factor recovery by principal axis factoring and maximum likelihood factor analysis as a function of factor pattern and sample size
by J. C.F. de Winter & D. Dodou - 711-721 Modeling delay in diagnosis of NF: under reportincg, incidence and prevalence estimates
by Irene Rocchetti & Domenica Taruscio & Marco Alfò - 723-729 Quasi-asymmetry model for square tables with nominal categories
by Kouji Tahata - 731-743 Sensory analysis via multi-block multivariate additive PLS splines
by Rosaria Lombardo & Pietro Amenta & Myrtille Vivien & Robert Sabatier - 745-763 Improved quality control charts for monitoring the process mean, using double-ranked set sampling methods
by Amer Ibrahim Al-Omari & Abdul Haq - 765-783 Profile likelihood-based confidence interval for the dispersion parameter in count data
by Krishna K. Saha & Debaraj Sen & Chun Jin - 785-797 Lattice-oriented percolation system applied to volatility behavior of stock market
by Yao Yu & Jun Wang - 799-813 Variable selection in quantile regression via Gibbs sampling
by Rahim Alhamzawi & Keming Yu
April 2012, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 923-923 Time series: Modeling, Computation, and Inference
by Hassan S. Bakouch - 923-924 Introduction to general and generalized linear models
by Søren Feodor Nielsen - 924-925 The oxford handbook of credit derivatives
by Long Kang - 925-926 Exercises and solutions in biostatistical theory
by Mariano Ruiz Espejo
June 2012, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 467-476 Regression analysis of zero-inflated time-series counts: application to air pollution related emergency room visit data
by M. Tariqul Hasan & Gary Sneddon & Renjun Ma - 477-488 Female athletic participation and income: evidence from a latent class model
by Steven B. Caudill & James E. Long & Franklin G. Mixon - 489-500 Evaluation of false discovery rate and power via sample size in microarray studies
by Jie Song & Herman W. Raadsma & Peter C. Thomson - 501-512 Interval estimators for reliability: the bivariate normal case
by Alessandro Barbiero - 513-529 Tree-structured analysis of treatment effects with large observational data
by Joseph Kang & Xiaogang Su & Brian Hitsman & Kiang Liu & Donald Lloyd-Jones
August 2012, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 631-642 Slope estimation of covariates that influence renal outcome following renal transplant adjusting for informative right censoring
by Miran A. Jaffa & Ayad A. Jaffa & Stuart R. Lipsitz - 643-655 Phylogenetic tree selection by the adjusted k -means approach
by Hsiuying Wang & Shan-Lin Hung - 657-671 Estimating mean-standard deviation ratios of financial data
by H. E.T. Holgersson & Peter S. Karlsson & Rashid Mansoor - 673-694 Optimizing a control plan using a structural equation model with an application to statistical process analysis
by Manabu Kuroki
July 2012, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 531-549 A non-iterative sampling Bayesian method for linear mixed models with normal independent distributions
by Victor H. Lachos & Celso R.B. Cabral & Carlos A. Abanto-Valle - 551-561 F -tests with a rare pathology
by C�lia Nunes & Dário Ferreira & Sandra S. Ferreira & João T. Mexia - 563-572 Testing variance components in balanced linear growth curve models
by Reza Drikvandi & Ahmad Khodadadi & Geert Verbeke - 573-580 Quad folding: a simple idea for the subjective property characterization of large sample sets
by Richard W. Miller - 581-598 Fully observed INAR(1) processes
by Christian H. Weiß - 599-613 An augmented approach to the desirability function
by Hsiu-Wen Chen & Weng Kee Wong & Hongquan Xu - 615-630 Influence diagnostics in Gaussian spatial linear models
by Miguel Angel Uribe-Opazo & Joelmir Andr� Borssoi & Manuel Galea
June 2012, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 435-443 Applying a marginalized frailty model to competing risks
by Stephanie N. Dixon & Gerarda A. Darlington & Victoria Edge - 445-460 Two-stage hierarchical modeling for analysis of subpopulations in conditional distributions
by Inna Chervoneva & Tingting Zhan & Boris Iglewicz & Walter W. Hauck & David E. Birk
May 2012, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 323-336 Measurement error effect on the CUSUM control chart
by Petros E. Maravelakis - 337-360 Quantification of symmetry for functional data with application to equine lameness classification
by Helle Sørensen & Anders Tolver & Maj Halling Thomsen & Pia Haubro Andersen - 361-383 Semi-parametric modelling of temperature records
by Terence C. Mills - 385-397 Some multivariate goodness-of-fit tests based on data depth
by Caiya Zhang & Yanbiao Xiang & Xinmei Shen - 399-417 Generalizing the standardized hazard ratio to multivariate proportional hazards regression, with an application to clinical~genomic studies
by Michael R. Crager - 419-433 Identifying the time of change in the mean of a two-stage nested process
by Marcus B. Perry & Joseph J. Pignatiello
April 2012, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 223-242 Multivariate outbreak detection
by Linus Schiöler & Marianne Fris�n - 243-265 New data dissemination approaches in old Europe -- synthetic datasets for a German establishment survey
by Jörg Drechsler - 267-277 A jackknife-based versatile test for two-sample problems with right-censored data
by Yu-Mei Chang & Chun-Shu Chen & Pao-Sheng Shen - 279-295 Measure of departure from marginal homogeneity using marginal odds for multi-way tables with ordered categories
by Kiyotaka Iki & Kouji Tahata & Sadao Tomizawa - 297-308 Bivariate deconvolution with SIMEX: an application to mapping Alaska earthquake density
by Julie McIntyre & Ronald P. Barry - 309-322 Estimation of δ= P ( X > Y ) for Burr XII distribution based on the progressively first failure-censored samples
by Y. L. Lio & Tzong-Ru Tsai
January 2012, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Robert G. Aykroyd
March 2012, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 3-20 Modelling interval data with Normal and Skew-Normal distributions
by Paula Brito & A. Pedro Duarte Silva - 21-38 A new compounding life distribution: the Weibull--Poisson distribution
by Wanbo Lu & Daimin Shi - 39-51 Measures of predictor sensitivity for order-insensitive partitioning of multiple correlation
by Sammy Zahran & Michael A. Long & Kenneth J. Berry - 53-65 A calibration-based approach to sensitive data: a simulation study
by Giancarlo Diana & Pier Francesco Perri - 67-79 Confidence intervals and bands for the binormal ROC curve revisited
by Eugene Demidenko - 81-96 Earthquakes occurrences estimation through a parametric semi-Markov approach
by Giovanni Masala - 97-111 Discrepancy in regression estimates between log-normal and gamma: some case studies
by Rabindra Nath Das & Jeong-Soo Park - 113-127 Trends in smoking cessation: a Markov model approach
by Charles G. Minard & Wenyaw Chan & David W. Wetter & Carol J. Etzel - 129-149 Clustering time-course microarray data using functional Bayesian infinite mixture model
by Claudia Angelini & Daniela De Canditiis & Marianna Pensky - 151-160 Bias-corrected random forests in regression
by Guoyi Zhang & Yan Lu - 161-171 Ordinal ridge regression with categorical predictors
by Faisal M. Zahid & Shahla Ramzan - 173-187 Assessing inter- and intra-agreement for dependent binary data: a Bayesian hierarchical correlation approach
by Miao-Yu Tsai
April 2012, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 189-198 A classification updating procedure motivated by high-content screening data
by R. M. Jacques & N. R.J. Fieller & E. K. Ainscow - 199-213 A spatial random-effects model for interzone flows: commuting in Northern Ireland
by P. Congdon & C. D. Lloyd - 215-221 The malicious host: a minimax solution of the Monty Hall problem
by Jan C. Schuller
March 2011, Volume 38, Issue 12
- 2793-2804 Extreme value and cluster analysis of European daily temperature series
by Manuel G. Scotto & Susana M. Barbosa & Andr�s M. Alonso - 2869-2880 Adaptive normal reference bandwidth based on quantile for kernel density estimation
by Jin Zhang - 2901-2910 Robust likelihood inferences for multivariate correlated data
by Chien-Hung Chen & Tsung-Shan Tsou - 2911-2924 The adaptive accelerated biased coin design for phase I clinical trials
by Nan Jia & Thomas M. Braun - 2925-2938 Comparison of treatment regimes with adjustment for auxiliary variables
by Xinyu Tang & Abdus S. Wahed - 2939-2954 Cross-validating fit and predictive accuracy of nonlinear quantile regressions
by Harry Haupt & Kathrin Kagerer & Joachim Schnurbus - 2955-2970 Some applications of nonlinear and non-Gaussian state--space modelling by means of hidden Markov models
by Roland Langrock - 2971-2985 Maximum likelihood estimation in Dagum distribution with censored samples
by Filippo Domma & Sabrina Giordano & Mariangela Zenga
January 2011, Volume 38, Issue 12
- 2723-2737 Power of the likelihood ratio test for models of DNA base substitution
by G. B. Cybis & S. R.C. Lopes & H. P. Pinheiro - 2739-2750 Cost-efficient designs based on linearly associated biomarkers
by Chang-Xing Ma & Albert Vexler & Enrique F. Schisterman & Lili Tian
February 2011, Volume 38, Issue 12
- 2683-2694 Analysis of count data with covariate dependence in both mean and variance
by M. J. Faddy & D. M. Smith - 2695-2708 Weighted inverse Gaussian -- a versatile lifetime model
by Ramesh C. Gupta & Debasis Kundu - 2709-2722 Comparison between method of moments and entropy regularization algorithm applied to parameter estimation for mixed-Weibull distribution
by Wen-Liang Hung & Yen-Chang Chang - 2751-2761 Local standardized incidence ratio estimates and comparison with other mapping methods for small geographical areas using Slovenian breast cancer data
by Tina Žagar & Vesna Zadnik & Maja Primic Žakelj - 2763-2774 Analysis of clustered spatially correlated binary data using autologistic model and Bayesian method with an application to dental caries of 3--5-year-old children
by Solaiman Afroughi & Soghrat Faghihzadeh & Majid Jafari Khaledi & Mehdi Ghandehari Motlagh & Ebrahim Hajizadeh - 2775-2791 Multilevel IRT models for the university teaching evaluation
by Silvia Bacci & Valeria Caviezel - 2805-2817 Bayesian confidence interval for the risk ratio in a correlated 2 × 2 table with structural zero
by Peng Bai & Wen Gan & Lei Shi - 2819-2838 Modeling wind energy flux by a Birnbaum--Saunders distribution with an unknown shift parameter
by V�ctor Leiva & Emilia Athayde & Cecilia Azevedo & Carolina Marchant - 2839-2858 On the improvement of one-sided S control charts
by Athanasios C. Rakitzis & Demetrios L. Antzoulakos - 2859-2868 Shared frailty model for recurrent event data with multiple causes
by P. G. Sankaran & P. Anisha - 2881-2899 Testing for covariate balance using quantile regression and resampling methods
by Martin Huber
December 2011, Volume 38, Issue 12
- 2987-2987 Multiple testing problems in pharmaceutical statistics
by Isaac Dialsingh - 2988-2989 Frailty Models in Survival Analysis
by Alex Karagrigoriou - 2989-2990 Random Phenomena: Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers
by Pieter Bastiaan Ober - 2990-2990 Bayesian Nonparametrics
by Han Lin Shang - 2991-2991 Advising on Research Methods: A Consultant's Companion
by Yves Laberge - 2992-2992 Non-Parametric Econometrics
by Han Lin Shang - 2993-2993 Data Analysis Using SAS ENTERPRISE GUIDE
by Kassim S. Mwitondi - 2993-2994 Introduction to Time-Series Modelling
by Philippe Castagliola - 2994-2995 Interpreting Economic and Social Data
by Kassim S. Mwitondi
December 2011, Volume 38, Issue 11
- 2373-2390 Modeling longitudinal binomial responses: implications from two dueling paradigms
by H. Zhang & Y. Xia & R. Chen & D. Gunzler & W. Tang & Xin Tu - 2391-2411 Smooth estimation of mean and dispersion function in extended generalized additive models with application to Italian induced abortion data
by I. Gijbels & I. Prosdocimi
January 2011, Volume 38, Issue 11
- 2413-2432 Disaggregate-level estimates of indebtedness in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India: an application of small-area estimation technique
by Hukum Chandra & Nicola Salvati & U. C. Sud - 2433-2443 Comparison of Bayesian models for production efficiency
by Ricardo S. Ehlers - 2445-2458 Partial logistic relevance vector machines in survival analysis
by Nicola Lama & Patrizia Boracchi & Elia Biganzoli - 2459-2469 A modified economic-statistical design of the T-super-2 control chart with variable sample sizes and control limits
by Asghar Seif & Alireza Faraz & C�dric Heuchenne & Erwin Saniga & M. B. Moghadam - 2471-2483 A new space--time multivariate approach for environmental data analysis
by Sandra De Iaco - 2485-2509 Sensitivity analysis of linear time-invariant compartmental models with steady-state constraint
by Suzan Gazioğlu & E. Marian Scott - 2511-2521 Mixture models with an improper component
by N. T. Longford & Pierpaolo D'Urso - 2523-2532 Detecting multiple change points in piecewise constant hazard functions
by Melody S. Goodman & Yi Li & Ram C. Tiwari - 2533-2545 Statistical learning theory for fitting multimodal distribution to rainfall data: an application
by Himadri Ghosh & Prajneshu - 2547-2562 A graphical test for local self-similarity in univariate data
by Rakhee Dinubhai Patel & Frederic Paik Schoenberg - 2563-2573 How are journal impact, prestige and article influence related? An application to neuroscience
by Chia-Lin Chang & Michael McAleer & Les Oxley - 2575-2596 A single-featured EWMA- X control chart for detecting shifts in process mean and standard deviation
by Chi-Shuan Liu & Fang-Chih Tien - 2597-2616 Alternative modeling techniques for the quantal response data in mixture experiments
by Kadri Ulas Akay & Müjgan Tez - 2617-2626 The widespread misinterpretation of p -values as error probabilities
by Raymond Hubbard
November 2011, Volume 38, Issue 11
- 2681-2681 On the planning and design of sample surveys
by Ron S. Kenett
February 2011, Volume 38, Issue 11
- 2627-2646 Joint analysis of occurrence and time to stability after entrance into the Italian labour market: an approach based on a Bayesian cure model with structured stochastic search variable selection
by Alessio Farcomeni & Alessandra Nardi & Elena Fabrizi - 2647-2659 Adaptive tangent distance classifier on recognition of handwritten digits
by Shuen-Lin Jeng & Yu-Te Liu - 2661-2679 Knowledge extraction from a large on-line survey: a case study for a higher education corporate marketing
by K. Fernández-Aguirre & M. I. Landaluce-Calvo & A. Mart�n-Arroyuelos & J. I. Modroño-Herrán
2011, Volume 38, Issue 10
- 2071-2087 Robustness of the EWMA control chart for individual observations
by S. W. Human & P. Kritzinger & S. Chakraborti - 2089-2097 Assessing the adequacy of Weibull survival models: a simulated envelope approach
by Yun Zhao & Andy Lee & Kelvin Yau & Geoffrey McLachlan - 2099-2109 Multivariate Bayesian discrimination for varietal authentication of Chilean red wine
by Luis Gutierrez & Fernando Quintana & Dietrich von Baer & Claudia Mardones - 2111-2118 A weighted test of internal symmetry
by Thomas Smith & Cornelius McKenna - 2119-2132 Studying the dependence between ordinal-nominal categorical variables via orthogonal polynomials
by Rosaria Lombardo & Eric Beh & Antonello D'Ambra - 2133-2149 Features and performance of some outlier detection methods
by G. Barbato & E. M. Barini & G. Genta & R. Levi - 2151-2163 Nonlinear models of disability and age applied to census data
by I. Albarran & P. J. Alonso & J. M. Marin - 2165-2181 Optimal exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) plans for detecting seasonal epidemics when faced with non-homogeneous negative binomial counts
by R. S. Sparks & T. Keighley & D. Muscatello - 2183-2211 Multivariate singular spectrum analysis for forecasting revisions to real-time data
by Kerry Patterson & Hossein Hassani & Saeed Heravi & Anatoly Zhigljavsky - 2213-2223 A Bayesian analysis for the Block and Basu bivariate exponential distribution in the presence of covariates and censored data
by Carlos dos Santos & Jorge Alberto Achcar - 2225-2239 How individual characteristics affect university students drop-out: a semiparametric mixed-effects model for an Italian case study
by F. Belloc & A. Maruotti & L. Petrella - 2241-2252 A segmented regime-switching model with its application to stock market indices
by Beibei Guo & Yuehua Wu & Hong Xie & Baiqi Miao - 2253-2269 Analysing data from a cluster randomized trial (cRCT) in primary care: a case study
by Stephen Walters & C. Jane Morrell & Pauline Slade - 2271-2287 A copula regression model for estimating firm efficiency in the insurance industry
by Peng Shi & Wei Zhang - 2289-2302 A permutation test approach to the choice of size k for the nearest neighbors classifier
by Yinglei Lai & Baolin Wu & Hongyu Zhao - 2303-2312 SPC for short-run multivariate autocorrelated processes
by A. Snoussi - 2313-2326 A comparison of non-homogeneous Markov regression models with application to Alzheimer's disease progression
by R. A. Hubbard & X. H. Zhou - 2327-2343 District-level poverty estimation: a proposed method
by Dipankor Coondoo & Amita Majumder & Somnath Chattopadhyay - 2345-2353 Empirical likelihood ratio with doubly truncated data
by Pao-Sheng Shen - 2355-2366 A linear model-based test for the heterogeneity of conditional correlations
by Gregory Wilding & Xueya Cai & Alan Hutson & Zhangsheng Yu - 2367-2367 Basic statistics
by Pieter Bastiaan Ober - 2367-2368 Bayesian computation with R
by Kassim Mwitondi - 2368-2369 Picturing the uncertain world
by Andrey Kostenko - 2369-2370 Dynamic linear models with R
by Han Lin Shang - 2370-2371 Introductory time series with R
by Søren Feodor Nielsen - 2371-2372 Volatility and time series econometrics: essays in honor of Robert Engle
by Long Kang
December 2011, Volume 38, Issue 9
- 1977-1993 An approach to setting up a national customer satisfaction index: the Jordan case study
by Amjad D. Al-Nasser & Mohammad Y. Al-Rawwash & Anas S. Alakhras
August 2011, Volume 38, Issue 9
- 1783-1799 Discriminant analyses of peanut allergy severity scores
by O. Collignon & J.-M. Monnez & P. Vallois & F. Codreanu & J.-M. Renaudin & G. Kanny & M. Brulliard & B. E. Bihain & S. Jacquenet & D. Moneret-Vautrin
October 2011, Volume 38, Issue 9
- 1769-1781 Spatio-temporal modelling using B-spline for disease mapping: analysis of childhood cancer trends
by Mahmoud Torabi & Rhonda J. Rosychuk - 1867-1882 Simple moment-based inferences of generalized concordance correlation
by John J. Chen & Guangxiang Zhang & Chen Ji & George F. Steinhardt - 1915-1934 Inference for a binomial proportion in the presence of ties
by Paul H. Garthwaite & John R. Crawford - 1935-1950 A non-stationary spatial generalized linear mixed model approach for studying plant diversity
by Anandamayee Majumdar & Corinna Gries & Jason Walker - 1951-1962 Homogeneity tests among groups for microsatellite data
by Tatiana B. Bordin & Hildete P. Pinheiro & Alu�sio Pinheiro
September 2011, Volume 38, Issue 9
- 1751-1768 Nonparametric test for the homogeneity of the overall variability
by Ashis SenGupta & Hon Keung Tony Ng - 1801-1817 A Bayesian approach to estimating linear mixtures with unknown covariance structure
by Hannes Kazianka & Michael Mulyk & Jürgen Pilz - 1819-1831 Fitting bivariate multilevel models to assess long-term changes in body mass index and cigarette smoking
by Folefac D. Atem & Ravi K. Sharma & Stewart J. Anderson - 1833-1843 Analysis of ordered categorical data with score averaging: with applications to case-control genetic associations
by Q. Li & G. Zheng & R. Tiwari - 1845-1865 Missing data techniques for multilevel data: implications of model misspecification
by Anne C. Black & Ofer Harel & D. Betsy McCoach - 1883-1897 The analysis of ordinal time-series data via a transition (Markov) model
by Kathryn Bartimote-Aufflick & Peter C. Thomson - 1899-1913 A Bayesian approach to inference about a change point model with application to DNA copy number experimental data
by Jie Chen & Ayten Yiğiter & Kuang-Chao Chang
November 2011, Volume 38, Issue 9
- 1963-1975 A Bayesian hierarchical approach to dual response surface modelling
by Younan Chen & Keying Ye - 1995-2007 Spatio-temporal modeling and prediction of CO concentrations in Tehran city
by Firoozeh Rivaz & Mohsen Mohammadzadeh & Majid Jafari Khaledi - 2009-2022 An extension of parametric ROC analysis for calculating diagnostic accuracy when underlying distributions are mixture of Gaussian
by Karimollah Hajian-Tilaki & James A. Hanley & Vahid Nassiri - 2023-2041 On the probability distribution of economic growth
by Pär Stockhammar & Lars-Erik Öller - 2043-2050 Model selection using information criteria under a new estimation method: least squares ratio
by Eylem Deniz & Oguz Akbilgic & J. Andrew Howe - 2051-2062 Applying neural network Poisson regression to predict cognitive score changes
by Nader Fallah & Arnold Mitnitski & Kenneth Rockwood - 2063-2070 Statistical issues in studying the relative importance of body mass index, waist circumference, waist hip ratio and waist stature ratio to predict type 2 diabetes
by Bhamidipati Narasimha Murthy & Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala & Radhakrishnan Ezhil & Prabhdeep Kaur & Ramachandra Sudha
September 2011, Volume 38, Issue 8
- 1717-1731 Double generalized linear model for tissue culture proportion data: a Bayesian perspective
by Afrânio M.C. Vieira & Roseli A. Leandro & Clarice G.B. Dem�trio & Geert Molenberghs - 1733-1741 A joint modeling approach for spatial earthquake risk variations
by Chun-Shu Chen & Hong-Ding Yang
January 2011, Volume 38, Issue 8
- 1747-1747 Statement of Withdrawal: Statistical analysis of an endemic disease from a capture--recapture experiment
by Yinghui Wei & Peter Neal
July 2011, Volume 38, Issue 8
- 1577-1590 Likelihood-based approach for analysis of longitudinal nominal data using marginalized random effects models
by Keunbaik Lee & Sanggil Kang & Xuefeng Liu & Daekwan Seo - 1591-1606 Do large firms overly use stock-based incentive compensation?
by Ming-Yuan Leon Li & Shang-En Shine Yu - 1607-1622 Diagnostic plots in beta-regression models
by Li-Chu Chien - 1623-1632 A sequential conditional probability ratio test procedure for comparing diagnostic tests
by Liansheng Tang & Ming Tan & Xiao-Hua Zhou - 1633-1649 Influence analysis in skew-Birnbaum--Saunders regression models and applications
by Lucia Santana & Filidor Vilca & V�ctor Leiva
August 2011, Volume 38, Issue 8
- 1533-1547 Revealing age-specific past and future unrelated costs of pneumococcal infections by flexible generalized estimating equations
by An Creemers & Marc Aerts & Niel Hens & Ziv Shkedy & Frank De Smet & Philippe Beutels - 1549-1576 Taylor linearization sampling errors and design effects for poverty measures and other complex statistics
by Vijay Verma & Gianni Betti - 1651-1663 Non-mixture cure correlated frailty models in Bayesian approach
by Mitra Rahimzadeh & Ebrahim Hajizadeh & Farzad Eskandari - 1665-1680 A flexible parametric survival model which allows a bathtub-shaped hazard rate function
by William J. Reed - 1681-1699 A Monte Carlo simulation study on partially adaptive estimators of linear regression models
by Yeliz Mert Kantar & Ilhan Usta & Şükrü Acıtaş - 1701-1715 Optimization of a product performance using mixture experiments including process variables
by L.H.A. Dal Bello & A. F.C. Vieira - 1743-1744 SAS for data analysis
by Søren Feodor Nielsen - 1744-1745 Time-series data analysis using EViews
by Long Kang - 1745-1746 Synthetic CDOs modelling, valuation and risk management
by Kam Hamidieh - 1746-1746 Probability, Markov chains, queues, and simulation
by Hassan S. Bakouch
June 2011, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 1381-1394 An empirical analysis of the volatility of the Japanese stock price index: a non-parametric approach
by Katsuyuki Takahashi & Isao Shoji - 1395-1405 A general hazard model for lifetime data in the presence of cure rate
by Gleici Castro Perdoná & Francisco Louzada-Neto - 1407-1433 Long-range dependence analysis of Internet traffic
by Cheolwoo Park & F�lix Hernández-Campos & Long Le & J. S. Marron & Juhyun Park & Vladas Pipiras & F. D. Smith & Richard L. Smith & Michele Trovero & Zhengyuan Zhu - 1435-1445 Residuals for log-Burr XII regression models in survival analysis
by Giovana O. Silva & Edwin M.M. Ortega & Gilberto A. Paula - 1447-1454 Two kinds of restricted modified estimators in linear regression model
by Yalian Li & Hu Yang - 1455-1466 Multivariate temporal disaggregation with cross-sectional constraints
by Tommaso Proietti - 1467-1482 Confidence interval procedures for proportions estimated by group testing with groups of unequal size adjusted for overdispersion
by Shih-Chia Liu & Kuo-Szu Chiang & Cheng-Hsiang Lin & Ting-Chin Deng - 1483-1492 Comparing first hitting time and proportional hazards regression models
by D. Stogiannis & C. Caroni & C. E. Anagnostopoulos & I. K. Toumpoulis - 1493-1498 A class of designs for Phase I cancer clinical trials combining Bayesian and likelihood approaches
by Zheng Su - 1499-1507 The corrected VIF (CVIF)
by Jos� Dias Curto & Jos� Castro Pinto
May 2011, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 1317-1332 Powerful nonparametric statistics to compare k independent ROC curves
by Pablo Mart�nez-Camblor & Carlos Carleos & Norberto Corral - 1333-1346 Likelihood testing populations modeled by autoregressive process subject to the limit of detection in applications to longitudinal biomedical data
by Albert Vexler & Jihnhee Yu & Alan D. Hutson - 1347-1358 Testing for co-directional interactions using union--intersection and intersection--union methods
by Patrick D. Gerard & Julia L. Sharp - 1359-1368 Measuring effect size: a robust heteroscedastic approach for two or more groups
by Rand R. Wilcox & Tian S. Tian - 1369-1379 Normality testing: two new tests using L-moments
by Ardian Harri & Keith H. Coble
August 2011, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 1509-1531 Tests of heteroscedasticity and correlation in multivariate t regression models with AR and ARMA errors
by Jin-Guan Lin & Li-Xing Zhu & Chun-Zheng Cao & Yong Li
May 2011, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 1265-1275 Empirical likelihood for generalized partially linear varying-coefficient models
by Zhensheng Huang - 1277-1288 Comparison of estimation methods for the finite population mean in simple random sampling: symmetric super-populations
by Arzu Altin Yavuz & Birdal Senoglu - 1289-1301 A two-step robust estimation of the process mean using M-estimator
by Hamid Shahriari & Orod Ahmadi & Amir H. Shokouhi - 1303-1309 A Bayesian model for estimating the malaria transition probabilities considering individuals lost to follow-up
by Edson Zangiacomi Martinez & Davi Casale Aragon & Jorge Alberto Achcar
March 2011, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 1103-1116 Bayesian latent variable model for mixed continuous and ordinal responses with possibility of missing responses
by E. Bahrami Samani & M. Ganjali