2010, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 833-846 Flexible estimation of serial correlation in nonlinear mixed models
by Jan Serroyen & Geert Molenberghs & Marc Aerts & Ellen Vloeberghs & Peter Paul De Deyn & Geert Verbeke - 847-864 Time-varying autoregressive conditional duration model
by Adriana Bortoluzzo & Pedro Morettin & Clelia Toloi - 865-880 Longitudinal Poisson modeling: an application for CD4 counting in HIV-infected patients
by Emilio Augusto Coelho-Barros & Jorge Alberto Achcar & Josmar Mazucheli
2010, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 529-536 The cross-product ratio in bivariate lognormal and gamma distributions, with an application to non-randomized trials
by Paul Baxter & Paul Marchant - 537-554 The diagnostic accuracy of a composite index increases as the number of partitions of the components increases and when specific weights are assigned to each component
by Georgia Kourlaba & Demosthenes Panagiotakos - 555-566 Time truncated acceptance sampling plans for generalized exponential distribution
by Muhammad Aslam & Debasis Kundu & Munir Ahmad - 567-575 Geometric sample size determination in Bayesian analysis
by M. M. Nassar & S. M. Khamis & S. S. Radwan - 577-589 The eigenstructure of block-structured correlation matrices and its implications for principal component analysis
by Jorge Cadima & Francisco Lage Calheiros & Isabel Preto - 591-615 Approximate inference in heteroskedastic regressions: A numerical evaluation
by Francisco Cribari-Neto & Maria da Gloria Lima - 617-627 On MLEs of the parameters of a modified Weibull distribution for progressively type-2 censored samples
by H. Jiang & M. Xie & L. C. Tang - 629-650 An optimal sign test for one-sample bivariate location model using an alternative bivariate ranked-set sample
by Hani Samawi & Mohammed Al-Haj Ebrahem & Noha Al-Zubaidin - 651-666 Small area estimation of mean price of habitation transaction using time-series and cross-sectional area-level models
by Luis Nobre Pereira & Pedro Simoes Coelho - 667-677 Quantifying R2 bias in the presence of measurement error
by Karl Majeske & Terri Lynch-Caris & Janet Brelin-Fornari - 679-689 The effectiveness of coach turnover and the effect on home team advantage, team quality and team ranking
by Anne-Line Balduck & Anita Prinzie & Marc Buelens - 691-701 Random effects models for operational patient pathways
by Shola Adeyemi & Thierry Chaussalet & Haifeng Xie & Md Asaduzaman - 703-703 Generalized linear models for insurance data
by Søren Feodor Nielsen - 705-706 Bayesian methods for data analysis, third edition
by Z.Q. John Lu
2010, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 359-374 Liquidity spreads in the corporate bondmarket: Estimation using a semi-parametric model
by Jung Hsien Chang & Mao Wei Hung - 375-390 Construction and selection of tightened-normal-tightened variables sampling scheme of type TNTVSS (n1, n2; k)
by D. Senthilkumar & D. Muthuraj - 391-404 On the comparison of the Fisher information of the log-normal and generalized Rayleigh distributions
by Fawziah Alshunnar & Mohammad Raqab & Debasis Kundu - 405-414 A double acceptance sampling plan for generalized log-logistic distributions with known shape parameters
by Muhammad Aslam & Chi-Hyuck Jun - 415-424 Le Cam theorem on interval division by randomly chosen points: Pedagogical explanations and application to temporal cluster detection
by Christophe Demattei - 425-433 Interval estimation of a small proportion via inverse sampling
by Ling-Yau Chan & Rahul Mukerjee - 435-451 On the skew-normal calibration model
by C. C. Figueiredo & H. Bolfarine & M. C. Sandoval & C. R. O. P. Lima - 453-460 A variables repetitive group sampling plan under failure-censored reliability tests for Weibull distribution
by Chi-Hyuck Jun & Hyeseon Lee & Sang-Ho Lee & S. Balamurali - 461-472 A note on some modified Pulak and Al-Sultan's model
by Chung-Ho Chen - 473-487 A skew-normal factor model for the analysis of student satisfaction towards university courses
by Angela Montanari & Cinzia Viroli - 489-500 A distance-based rounding strategy for post-imputation ordinal data
by Hakan Demirtas - 501-513 Application of a Markovian process to the calculation of mean time equilibrium in a genetic drift model
by Martin Rios & Toni Monleon-Getino - 515-528 Bayesian analysis for bivariate von Mises distributions
by Kanti Mardia
2010, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 181-199 A Bayesian approach in differential equation dynamic models incorporating clinical factors and covariates
by Yangxin Huang - 201-214 Estimating the Hurst parameter in financial time series via heuristic approaches
by Chin Wen Cheong - 215-233 Testing for spurious and cointegrated regressions: A wavelet approach
by Chee Kian Leong & Weihong Huang - 235-252 Software modules categorization through likelihood and bayesian analysis of finite dirichlet mixtures
by Nizar Bouguila & Jian Han Wang & A. Ben Hamza - 253-264 Bayesian hierarchical model for the prediction of football results
by Gianluca Baio & Marta Blangiardo - 265-282 The exchange rate risk of Chinese yuan: Using VaR and ES based on extreme value theory
by Zongrun Wang & Weitao Wu & Chao Chen & Yanju Zhou - 283-298 Investigation of the diesel consumption for trucks at an overburden stripping area by SPC study
by Hamdi Akcakoca & Nurhak Sutcu - 299-307 Assessment of acceptance sampling plans using posterior distribution for a dependent process
by A. Erhan Mergen & Z. Seyda Deligonul - 309-324 Support vector regression based residual control charts
by Walid Gani & Hassen Taleb & Mohamed Limam - 325-340 Gibbs sampling in DP-based nonlinear mixed effects models
by Jing Wang - 341-355 Characterizing persistent disturbing behavior using longitudinal and multivariate techniques
by Jan Serroyen & Liesbeth Bruckers & Geert Rogiers & Geert Molenberghs - 357-358 Statistics and data with R
by Ana Militino
2010, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-11 Analyzing survival data with highly negatively skewed distribution: The Gompertz-sinh family
by Kahadawala Cooray & Malwane Ananda - 13-24 On the advantages of the non-concave penalized likelihood model selection method with minimum prediction errors in large-scale medical studies
by A. Karagrigoriou & C. Koukouvinos & K. Mylona - 25-40 On the Bayesian analysis of the mixture of power function distribution using the complete and the censored sample
by M. Saleem & M. Aslam & P. Economou - 41-55 Bayesian Procrustes analysis with applications to hydrology
by Athanasios Micheas & Yuqiang Peng - 57-75 Eliminating the omitted variable bias by a regime-switching approach
by Andrea Beccarini - 77-89 A new generation of process capability indices
by A. Parchami & M. Mashinchi - 91-103 The analysis of dependence for three ways contingency tables with ordinal variables: A case study of patient satisfaction data
by Biagio Simonetti & Eric Beh & Luigi D'Ambra - 105-117 Optimization of a product performance using mixture experiments
by L.H.A. Dal Bello & A. F. C. Vieira - 119-136 Identifying the time of step change in the mean of autocorrelated processes
by Marcus Perry & Joseph Pignatiello - 137-146 A new approach to classification
by R. Fuentes-Garcia & S. G. Walker - 147-158 Inference on Cpk for autocorrelated data in the presence of random measurement errors
by Michele Scagliarini - 159-170 Generalized linear spatial models in epidemiology: A case study of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Tunisia
by K. Ben-Ahmed & A. Bouratbine & M. -A. El-Aroui - 171-179 Generalized Gumbel distribution
by Kahadawala Cooray
2009, Volume 36, Issue 12
- 1315-1328 Cumulative correspondence analysis of ordered categorical data from industrial experiments
by Luigi D'Ambra & Onur Koksoy & Biagio Simonetti - 1329-1344 Employment status and education/employment relationship of PhD graduates from the University of Ferrara
by Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro & Stefano Bonnini & Luigi Salmaso - 1345-1352 More on testing the normality assumptionin the Tobit Model
by S. B. Caudill & F. G. Mixon - 1353-1359 Testing for zero-inflation in count series: application to occupational health
by Y. Zhao & A. H. Lee & V. Burke & K. K. W. Yau - 1361-1367 An improved randomized response model: estimation of mean
by Christopher Gjestvang & Sarjinder Singh - 1369-1384 Forecast mean squared error reductionin the VAR(1) process
by J. Fredrik Lindstrom & H. E. T. Holgersson - 1385-1396 A comparison of robust alternatives to Hotelling's T2 control chart
by J. L. Alfaro & J. Fco. Ortega
2009, Volume 36, Issue 11
- 1177-1189 Bayesian networks of customer satisfaction survey data
by Silvia Salini & Ron Kenett - 1191-1204 Predicting daily highs and lows of exchange rates: a cointegration analysis
by Angela He & Alan Wan - 1205-1223 A Bayesian procedure for assessing process performance based on the third-generation capability index
by Chien-Wei Wu & Tsai-Yu Lin - 1225-1238 Nonparametric estimation of value-at-risk
by Seok-Oh Jeong & Kee-Hoon Kang - 1239-1249 Exact and resampling probability values for the Piccarreta nominal-ordinal index of association
by Kenneth Berry & Janis Johnston & Paul Mielke - 1251-1258 A progressive rise in stomach cancer-related mortality rate during 1970-1995 in Japanese individuals over 85 years of age
by Juan Sun & Xiaohui Ouyang & Hidekatsu Yoshioka & Wenli Wang & Chun Fan & Hongwei Li & Jianru Wang & Yalin Liu & Li Su & Heping Ma & Ying liu & Yuwen Zhang & Xingguang Zhang & Xuemei Wang & Yueling Hu - 1259-1265 Analysis of all-zero binomial outcomes with borderline and equilibrium priors
by Nicholas Longford - 1267-1279 Bayesian hierarchical duration model for repeated events: an application to behavioral observations
by Getachew Dagne & James Snyder - 1281-1292 Estimation under systematic sampling schemes for parabolic populations
by S. Sampath & V. Varalakshmi & R. Geetha - 1293-1305 Quantile dispersion graphs to compare the efficiencies of cluster randomized designs
by S. Mukhopadhyay & S. W. Looney - 1307-1314 Testing for Mutual Exclusivity
by Jonathan Bradley & David Farnsworth
2009, Volume 36, Issue 10
- 1055-1065 Semiparametric shape-invariant models for periodic data
by Holger Hurtgen & Daniel Gervini - 1067-1085 Hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis models for cross-platform microarray studies
by E. M. Conlon & B. L. Postier & B. A. Methe & K. P. Nevin & D. R. Lovley - 1087-1095 Soccer matches as experiments: how often does the 'best' team win?
by G. K. Skinner & G. H. Freeman - 1097-1100 Empirical comparative statics under price and output uncertainty
by Moawia Alghalith - 1101-1108 Maximum likelihood estimation of correlation between maximal oxygen consumption and the 6-min walk test in patients with chronic heart failure
by Corrado Crocetta & Nicola Loperfido - 1109-1118 The estimation of R2 and adjusted R2 in incomplete data sets using multiple imputation
by Ofer Harel - 1119-1146 On the asymptotic distribution of Cook's distance in logistic regression models
by Nirian Martin & Leandro Pardo - 1147-1157 Testing for violations of the homogeneity needed for conditional logistic regression
by R. H. Rieger & C. R. Weinberg - 1159-1172 Designing of a variables two-plan system by minimizing the average sample number
by S. Balamurali & Chi-Hyuck Jun - 1173-1173 Probability with R
by Miroslav Ristic - 1175-1176 Longitudinal data analysis
by M. Dolores Ugarte
2009, Volume 36, Issue 9
- 933-944 On estimating the distribution of data envelopment analysis efficiency scores: an application to nursing homes' care planning process
by B. J. Gajewski & R. Lee & M. Bott & U. Piamjariyakul & R. L. Taunton - 945-972 Comparison of non-parametric and semi-parametric tests in detecting long memory
by Mohamed Boutahar - 973-988 A segmented regression model for event history data: an application to the fertility patterns in Italy
by Vito Muggeo & Massimo Attanasio & Mariano Porcu - 989-998 Multiple comparisons of several populations with more than one control with respectto scale parameter
by P. Singh - 999-1008 Optimum designs for estimation of optimum point under cost constraint
by Manisha Pal & Nripes Mandal - 1009-1019 Forecasting models for developing control scheme to improve furnace run length
by Prasun Das & Arup Kumar Das & Saddam Hossain - 1021-1027 A group acceptance sampling plan for truncated life test having Weibull distribution
by Muhammad Aslam & Chi-Hyuck Jun - 1029-1036 Infant mortality model for lifetime data
by J. Mazucheli & J. A. Achcar & E. A. Coelho-Barros & F. Louzada-Neto - 1037-1054 Analysis of robust design experiments with time-dependent ordinal response characteristics: a quality improvement study from the horticulture industry
by N. R. Parsons & S. G. Gilmour & R. N. Edmondson
2009, Volume 36, Issue 8
- 835-852 Statistical analysis of error for fourth-order ordinary differential equation solvers
by Bo He & Clyde Martin - 853-869 Bayesian robustness of the compound Poisson distribution under bidimensional prior: an application to the collective risk model
by Agustin Hernandez Bastida & Emilio Gomez Deniz & Jose Maria Perez Sanchez - 871-891 Deprivation analysis based on Bayesian latent class models
by Carla Machado & Carlos Daniel Paulino & Francisco Nunes - 893-906 Optimum covariate designs in split-plot and strip-plot design set-ups
by Ganesh Dutta & Premadhis Das & Nripes Mandal - 907-924 Archimedean copulae for risk measurement
by Giovanni De Luca & Giorgia Rivieccio - 925-925 R programming for bioinformatics
by Miroslav Ristic - 927-928 The frailty model
by Filia Vonta - 929-930 An introduction to generalised linear models, third edition
by Paul Baxter - 931-931 Risk analysis
by Pieter Bastiaan Ober
2009, Volume 36, Issue 7
- 709-722 Fairness of the national health service in Italy: a bivariate correlated random effects model
by Antonello Maruotti - 723-741 Departure from independence and stationarity in a handball match
by Montezuma Dumangane & Nicoletta Rosati & Anna Volossovitch - 743-754 Experimentation order with good properties for 2k factorial designs
by Alexander Correa & Pere Grima & Xavier Tort-Martorell - 755-767 A measure of robust slope-rotatability for second-order response surface experimental designs
by Rabindra Nath Das & Sung Park - 769-778 Approximating the risk score for disease diagnosis using MARS
by Binbing Yu - 779-799 More on the volatility-trading volume relationship in emerging markets: The Chinese stock market
by Loredana Ureche-Rangau & Quiterie de Rorthays - 801-815 Simultaneous Equation Model based on the generalized maximum entropy for studying the effect of management factors on enterprise performance
by E. Ciavolino & J. J. Dahlgaard - 817-833 Cross-sectional correlation robust tests for panel cointegration
by Christoph Hanck
2009, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 589-599 A permutation test approach to phase II historical control trials
by Alan Hutson & Maurie Markman & Mark Brady - 601-609 One and two sample confidence intervals for estimating the mean of skewed populations: an empirical comparative study
by Ayman Baklizi & B.M. Golam Kibria - 611-619 Modeling a cross-sectional response variable with longitudinal predictors: an example of pulse pressure and pulse wave velocity
by Veena Shetty & Christopher Morrell & Samer Najjar - 621-631 Analysis of microtubule dynamics using growth curve models
by S. Rao Jammalamadaka & Md. Aleemuddin Siddiqi & Kaushik Ghosh - 633-646 Choosing between per-genotype, per-allele, and trend approaches for initial detection of gene-disease association
by Ammarin Thakkinstian & John Thompson & Cosetta Minelli & John Attia - 647-657 A copula-based Markov chain model for the analysis of binary longitudinal data
by Gabriel Escarela & Luis Carlos Perez-Ruiz & Russell Bowater - 659-677 Bayesian inference method for model validation and confidence extrapolation
by Xiaomo Jiang & Sankaran Mahadevan - 679-697 Detecting level shifts in ARMA-GARCH (1,1) Models
by F. Javier Trivez & Beatriz Catalan - 699-700 Time Series Analysis
by Ana Militino - 701-702 Adaptive design theory and implementation using SAS and R
by Andrew Robinson - 703-704 Probability and statistics with R
by Jacques Pienaar - 705-705 Control Techniques for Complex Networks
by Jacques Pienaar - 707-708 Random networks for communication: from statistical physics to information systems
by Jacques Pienaar
2009, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 473-482 Some estimators and tests for accelerated hazards model using weighted cumulative hazard difference
by Seung-Hwan Lee - 483-494 Bayesian confidence interval for difference of the proportions in a 2×2 table with structural zero
by Lei Shi & Hongyuan Sun & Peng Bai - 495-506 Bayesian estimation of parameters of mixed geometric failure models from Type I group censored sample
by J. B. Shah & M. N. Patel - 507-520 The performance of diagnostic-robust generalized potentials for the identification of multiple high leverage points in linear regression
by M. Habshah & M. R. Norazan & A.H.M. Rahmatullah Imon - 521-536 Interval censored sampling plans for the log-logistic lifetime distribution
by Wanbo Lu & Tzong-Ru Tsai - 537-545 Assessing naive Bayes as a method for screening credit applicants
by A. C. Antonakis & M. E. Sfakianakis - 547-571 Unit root tests and dramatic shifts with infinite variance processes
by Luis Martins - 573-587 The generalized two-sided power distribution
by Jose Manuel Herrerias-Velasco & Rafael Herrerias-Pleguezuelo & Johan Rene van Dorp
2009, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 359-367 Testing the equality of diagnostic effectiveness of one measure with respect to k different features
by Pablo Martinez-Camblor & Aina Yanez - 369-384 Quantal models: a review with additional methodological development
by E. Cankaya & N. R. J. Fieller - 385-397 Do daily retail gasoline prices adjust asymmetrically?
by L. Bettendorf & S. A. van der Geest & G. H. Kuper - 399-414 Monitoring correlated processes with binomial marginals
by Christian Weiss - 415-428 Inferences on a linear combination of K multivariate normal mean vectors
by S. H. Lin & R. S. Wang - 429-442 Two new confidence intervals for the coefficient of variation in a normal distribution
by Rahim Mahmoudvand & Hossein Hassani - 443-452 Bayesian ratemaking procedure of crop insurance contracts with skewed distribution
by Vitor Ozaki & Ralph Silva - 453-463 Using bootstrap method to evaluate the estimates of nicotine equivalents from linear mixed model and generalized estimating equation
by Qiwei Liang & Huajiang Li & Paul Mendes & Hans Roethig & Kim Frost-Pineda - 465-466 Bayesian biostatistics and diagnostic medicine
by Z.Q. John Lu - 467-468 Topics in biostatistics
by Mukesh Srivastava & M. Abbas - 469-469 Sample size calculations in clinical research
by Steff Lewis - 471-472 Analyzing linguistic data: a practical introduction to statistics using R
by Elisabeth Deviere
2009, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 237-253 Nonlinear voxel-based modelling of the haemodynamic response in fMRI
by John Kornak & Bruce Dunham & Deborah Hall & Mark Haggard - 255-275 Generally weighted moving average control charts with fast initial response features
by Wen-Chih Chiu - 277-301 A bivariate distribution with gamma and beta marginals with application to drought data
by Saralees Nadarajah - 303-321 Orthogonal blocking of response surface split-plot designs
by Li Wang & Scott Kowalski & G. Geoffrey Vining - 323-337 Long-term variability of the temperature time series recorded in Lisbon
by Joao Santos & Solange Leite - 339-346 Testing for harmonic regressors
by Philip Hans Franses & Bert de Groot & Rianne Legerstee - 347-358 Deletion residuals in the detection of heterogeneity of variances in linear regression
by A.H.M. Rahmatullah Imon
2009, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 121-133 Modeling lactation curves: classical parametric models re-examined and modified
by M. Bebbington & C. D. Lai & R. Zitikis - 135-147 The extended GWMA control chart
by Shey-Huei Sheu & Yu-Tai Hsieh - 149-166 Nonparametric analysis of aggregate loss models
by J. M. Vilar & R. Cao & M. C. Ausin & C. Gonzalez-Fragueiro - 167-179 Exploring gillnet catch efficiency of sardines in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka by means of three statistical techniques: a comparison of linear and nonlinear modelling techniques
by S. S. K. Haputhantri & J. Moreau & S. Lek - 181-203 Robust design of adaptive control charts for manual manufacturing/inspection workstations
by Giovanni Celano - 205-221 Skewed zero-bound distributions and process capability indices for upper specifications
by Malin Albing & Kerstin Vannman - 223-232 Default Bayesian goodness-of-fit tests for the skew-normal model
by S. Cabras & M. E. Castellanos - 233-234 Analysing ecological data
by Weiqi Luo - 235-236 Bioinformatics
by Stuart Barber
2009, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-9 Prediction of mechanical property of steel strips using multivariate adaptive regression splines
by A. Mukhopadhyay & A. Iqbal - 11-20 Reliability acceptance sampling plans for the Weibull distribution under accelerated Type-I censoring
by Min Kim & Bong-Jin Yum - 21-32 The coefficient of variation asymptotic distribution in the case of non-iid random variables
by Jose Dias Curto & Jose Castro Pinto - 33-38 Model identification using 27 runs three level orthogonal arrays
by P. Angelopoulos & H. Evangelaras & C. Koukouvinos - 39-52 The definition of start time in cancer treatment studies analysed by non-mixture cure models
by Claire Weston & John Thompson - 53-66 Fitting parametric frailty and mixture models under biased sampling
by P. Economou & C. Caroni - 67-78 Weighting variables in K-means clustering
by Myung-Hoe Huh & Yong Lim - 79-89 A two-phase approach to estimating time-varying parameters in the capital asset pricing model
by Yih Su & Jing-Shiang Hwang - 91-110 Analysis of structural break models based on the evolutionary spectrum: Monte Carlo study and application
by Jamel Jouini - 111-120 The relationship between unit diversity and perceptions of organizational performance in the military
by Ulysses Brown & Stephen Knouse & James Stewart & Ruby Beale
2008, Volume 35, Issue 12
- 1323-1343 Assessing the association between two spatial or temporal sequences
by Ronny Vallejos - 1345-1353 Optimization of parameters for the fabrication of gelatin nanoparticles by the Taguchi robust design method
by M. Jahanshahi & M. H. Sanati & Z. Babaei - 1355-1370 The large-sample performance of backwards variable elimination
by Peter Austin - 1371-1381 Point and confidence interval estimates for a global maximum via extreme value theory
by Shaul Bar-Lev - 1383-1397 Semiparametric estimation for the dispersion parameter in the analysis of over- or underdispersed count data
by Krishna Saha - 1399-1408 Some robust parameter designs from orthogonal arrays
by P. Angelopoulos & C. Koukouvinos - 1409-1422 On adaptive linear regression
by Arnab Maity & Michael Sherman - 1423-1424 Book Review
by Jacques Pienaar - 1425-1426 Book Review
by Jacques Pienaar - 1427-1428 Book Review
by Stuart Barber
2008, Volume 35, Issue 11
- 1203-1217 Bayesian inference for the Pareto lifetime model under progressive censoring with binomial removals
by Zeinab Amin - 1219-1238 A Bayesian approach for improved pavement performance prediction
by Eun Sug Park & Roger Smith & Thomas Freeman & Clifford Spiegelman - 1239-1251 Bayesian analysis for a skew extension of the multivariate null intercept measurement error model
by V. G. Cancho & Reiko Aoki & V. H. Lachos - 1253-1265 Adjusting economic estimates in business surveys
by M. D. Ugarte & A. F. Militino & T. Goicoa - 1267-1276 A binomial CUSUM chart for detecting large shifts in fraction nonconforming
by Zhang Wu & Jianxin Jiao & Ying Liu - 1277-1292 Impact study of volatility modelling of Bangladesh stock index using non-normal density
by Md. Mostafizur Rahman & Jian-Ping Zhu & M. Sayedur Rahman - 1293-1304 Planning of progressive group-censoring life tests with cost considerations
by Shuo-Jye Wu & Chun-Tao Chang & Kang-Jun Liao & Syuan-Rong Huang - 1305-1321 Double unit root tests for cross-sectionally dependent panel data
by Dong Wan Shin & Yoon Young Jung & Man-Suk Oh
2008, Volume 35, Issue 10
- 1081-1092 Goodness-of-fit measures of R2 for repeated measures mixed effect models
by Honghu Liu & Yan Zheng & Jie Shen - 1093-1114 Model selection procedures in social research: Monte-Carlo simulation results
by Lawrence Raffalovich & Glenn Deane & David Armstrong & Hui-Shien Tsao - 1115-1129 Two-sided generalized Topp and Leone (TS-GTL) distributions
by Donatella Vicari & Johan Rene Van Dorp & Samuel Kotz - 1131-1138 Predicting body fat using weight-height indices
by Terence Mills - 1139-1150 Estimation of the two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution with progressive censoring
by Shuo-Jye Wu - 1151-1168 A software reliability growth model addressing learning
by Subburaj Ramasamy & Gopal Govindasamy - 1169-1180 ARFIMAX and ARFIMAX-TARCH realized volatility modeling
by Stavros Degiannakis - 1181-1192 Mode type quasi-range and its applications
by Lin-An Chen & Hsien-Chueh Peter Yang & Chau-Shyun Tang - 1193-1202 Multilevel zero-inflated negative binomial regression modeling for over-dispersed count data with extra zeros
by Abbas Moghimbeigi & Mohammed Reza Eshraghian & Kazem Mohammad & Brian Mcardle
2008, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 945-946 Editorial
by Robert Aykroyd - 947-965 Measures of fit in principal component and canonical variate analyses
by Sugnet Gardner-Lubbe & Niël Le Roux & John Gowers