September 2005, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 339-354 Building Community Capacity through Enhanced Collaboration in the Farmers Market Nutrition Program
by Jamie Dollahite & Janet Nelson & Edward Frongillo & Matthew Griffin - 355-363 The Use of Herbs in Pastures: An Interview Survey Among Bio-Dynamic and Organic Farmers with Dairy Cattle
by Naja Smidt & Leon Brimer - 365-365 Book Review: The Ethics of Food: A Reader for the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Gregory E. Pence, Lanham, Massachusetts: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2002, 350 pp., ISBN 0742513343
by Ben Mepham - 367-368 Book Review: Science and Social Context: The Regulation of Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone in North America. By Lisa N. Mills, Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2002, 224 pp., ISBN 077352374X (cloth); 0773523758 (paper)
by Ben Mepham - 373-374 Announcement
by Beth Forrest
June 2005, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 125-125 From the editor
by Laura DeLind - 127-136 The contribution of transformative learning theory to the practice of participatory research and extension: Theoretical reflections
by Rachel Percy - 137-148 Learning in context through conflict and alignment: Farmers and scientists in search of sustainable agriculture
by Jasper Eshuis & Marian Stuiver - 149-167 Rapid stakeholder and conflict assessment for natural resource management using cognitive mapping: The case of Damdoi Forest Enterprise, Vietnam
by Carsten Hjortsø & Stig Christensen & Peter Tarp - 169-176 A commentary on three papers
by Richard Bawden - 177-186 Food assistance through “surplus” food: Insights from an ethnographic study of food bank work
by Valerie Tarasuk & Joan Eakin - 187-202 Attitudes, beliefs, and prevalence of dumpster diving as a means to obtain food by Midwestern, low-income, urban dwellers
by Nicole Eikenberry & Chery Smith - 203-205 Waste not, want not?
by Mark Winne - 207-208 No free lunch
by Penny Esterik - 209-223 Losing ground: Farmland preservation, economic utilitarianism, and the erosion of the agrarian ideal
by Matthew Mariola - 225-234 Sustaining production and strengthening the agritourism product: Linkages among Michigan agritourism destinations
by Deborah Che & Ann Veeck & Gregory Veeck - 235-242 The factualization of uncertainty: Risk, politics, and genetically modified crops – a case of rape
by Gitte Meyer & Anna Folker & Rikke Jørgensen & Martin Krauss & Peter Sandøe & Geir Tveit - 243-258 Soil fertility management in the mid-hills of Nepal: Practices and perceptions
by Colin Pilbeam & Sudarshan Mathema & Peter Gregory & Padma Shakya - 259-260 Book review
by Douglas Constance
March 2005, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-1 From the editor
by Laura DeLind - 3-15 Using global organic markets to pay for ecologically based agricultural development in China
by Paul Thiers - 17-29 Resistance, redistribution, and power in the Fair Trade banana initiative
by Aimee Shreck - 31-38 The social construction of production externalities in contemporary agriculture: Process versus product standards as the basis for defining “organic”
by B. Deaton & John Hoehn - 39-52 Converting or not converting to organic farming in Austria:Farmer types and their rationale
by Ika Darnhofer & Walter Schneeberger & Bernhard Freyer - 53-63 Identifying and ranking attributes that determine sustainability in Dutch dairy farming
by Klaas Calker & Paul Berentsen & Gerard Giesen & Ruud Huirne - 65-71 Rural livelihoods in the arid and semi-arid environments of Kenya: Sustainable alternatives and challenges
by Robinson Ngugi & Dickson Nyariki - 73-85 Rural income generation through improving crop-based pig production systems in Vietnam: Diagnostics, interventions, and dissemination
by Dai Peters & Nguyen Tinh & Mai Hoan & Nguyen Yen & Pham Thach & Keith Fuglie - 87-103 Monetary valuation of livelihoods for understanding the composition and complexity of rural households
by Delali Dovie & E. Witkowski & Charlie Shackleton - 105-116 A case study of cash cropping in Nepal: Poverty alleviation or inequity?
by Sandra Brown & George Kennedy
January 2004, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 267-271 From the editors
by Laura DeLind - 273-285 The development of guidelines for implementing information technology to promote food security
by Stephen E. Gareau - 273-285 The development of guidelines for implementing information technology to promote food security
by Stephen gareau - 287-298 When goliaths clash: US and EU differences over the labeling of food products derived from genetically modified organisms
by Andy Thorpe & Catherine Robinson - 299-312 Bringing political economy into the debate on the obesity epidemic
by Anthony Winson - 313-327 Prehispanic changes in wetland topography and their implications to past and future wetland agriculture at Laguna Mandinga, Veracruz, Mexico
by Maija Heimo & Alfred Siemens & Richard Hebda - 329-346 Totonac homegardens and natural resources in Veracruz, Mexico
by Ana Angel-pérez & Mendoza Martín Alfonso - 347-353 Analysis of plant nutrient management strategies: Conventional and alternative approaches
by Stephen Gareau - 355-365 Relational dynamics and strategies: Men and women in a forest community in Sweden
by Seema Arora-jonsson - 367-375 Developing institutions to encourage the use of animal wastes as production inputs
by Terence centner - 377-386 The role of informal contracts in the growth of small cattle herds on the floodplains of the Lower Amazon
by Frank Merry & Pervaze Sheikh & David Mcgrath - 387-397 Farmer seed enterprises: A sustainable approach to seed delivery?
by Soniia David - 399-412 Culturing community development, neighborhood open space, and civic agriculture: The case of Latino community gardens in New York City
by Laura Saldivar-tanaka & Marianne Krasny - 413-418 A journey in and out of American agriculture. Reflections on Debt and Dispossession by Kathryn Marie Dudley (University of Chicago Press, 2000)
by Corinna Hawkes - 419-420 Book review: Environmental Effects of Transgenic Plants: The Scope and Adequacy of Regulation By the Committee on Environmental Impacts Associated with Commercialization of Transgenic Plants, National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2002, xxi + 320 pp, ISBN 0-309-08263-3 (The complete report is also available at
by David Cleveland - 421-422 Book review: Genetically Modified Foods: Debating BiotechnologyEdited by Michael Ruse and David Castle. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 2002, 355 pp., ISBN 1-57392-996-4
by David Cleveland - 423-423 Book review: Vegetarianism: Movement or Moment? By Donna Maurer. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2002, 192 pp., Pb, ISBN 1-56639-936-X. The Ethics of Food: A Reader for the 21st Century Edited by Gregory E. Pence. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002, 285 pp., Pb, ISBN 0-7425-1334-3
by Ethel Crowley - 425-426 Book review: In Defense of Globalization By Jagdish Bhagwati. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, 308 pp., Hb, ISBN 0-19-517025-3
by Amitrajeet Batabyal
June 2004, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 101-103 From the guest editors
by Andrew Sluyter & Alfred Siemens - 105-110 Folklore and popular conceptions regarding the fauna of a wetland area on the Caribbean coast of Columbia
by Sandra Turbay - 111-125 Nature and domestic life in the Valle del Cuñapirú (Misiones, Argentina): Reflections on Mbyá-Guaraní ethnoecology
by Marta Crivos & María Martínez & María Pochettino & Carolina Remorini & Cynthia Saenz & Anahí Sy - 127-137 Endogenous knowledge and practice regarding the environment in a Nahua community in Mexico
by Paul Hersch-Martínez & Lilián González-Chévez & Andrés Alvarez - 139-156 Latin American ethnopedology: A vision of its past, present, and future
by Antoinette WinklerPrins & Narciso Barrera-Bassols - 157-169 Symbolic and political ecology among contemporary Nez Perce Indians in Idaho, USA: Functions and meanings of hunting, fishing, and gathering practices
by Hiroaki Kawamura - 171-179 Ladino and Q'eqchí Maya land use and land clearing in the Sierra de Lacandón National Park, Petén, Guatemala
by David Carr - 181-189 Permanent vs. shifting cultivation in the Eastern Woodlands of North America prior to European contact
by William Doolittle - 191-205 Sub-irrigation in wetland agriculture
by Phil Crossley - 207-219 Ancient use and manipulation of landscape in the Yalahau region of the northern Maya lowlands
by Scott Fedick & Bethany Morrison - 221-231 The ecological basis of the indigenous Nahua agriculture in the sixteenth century
by Alba González Jácome - 233-242 Burning monkey-puzzle: Native fire ecology and forest management in northern Patagonia
by David Aagesen - 243-254 Modeling the tropical wetland landscape and adaptations
by Alfred Siemens - 255-261 Population nucleation, intensive agriculture, and environmental degradation: The Cahokia example
by William Woods
March 2004, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-1 From the Editor
by Richard Haynes - 1-13 Do inspection practices in organic agriculture serve organic values? A case study from Finland
by Laura Seppänen & Juha Helenius - 15-25 War on foot and mouth disease in the UK, 2001: Towards a cultural understanding of agriculture
by Brigitte Nerlich - 27-35 Expressing values in agricultural markets: An economic policy perspective
by David Conner - 37-46 Who is down on the farm? Social aspects of Australian agriculture in the 21st century
by Margaret Alston - 47-60 The social life of the tortilla: Food, cultural politics, and contested commodification
by David Lind & Elizabeth Barham - 61-71 The significance of enset culture and biodiversity for rural household food and livelihood security in southwestern Ethiopia
by Almaz Negash & Anke Niehof - 73-79 Land tenure and agricultural management: Soil conservation on rented and owned fields in southwest British Columbia
by Evan Fraser - 81-92 Social connectedness in marginal rural China: The case of farmer innovation circles in Zhidan, north Shaanxi
by Bin Wu & Jules Pretty
December 2003, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 337-370 Insects – a mistake in God's creation? Tharu farmers' perception and knowledge of insects: A case study of Gobardiha Village Development Committee, Dang-Deukhuri, Nepal
by Astrid Gurung - 371-383 Farmer perspectives on cropping systems diversification in northwestern Minnesota
by Kristen Corselius & Steve Simmons & Cornelia Flora - 385-386 Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order. By Robert Kagan
by Amitrajeet Batabyal
September 2003, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 213-215 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 217-230 Herbicide resistance: Promises and prospects of biodiversity for European agriculture
by Gesine Schütte - 231-240 The cultural background of the sustainability of the traditional farming system in the Ghouta the oasis of Damascus, Syria
by Sameer Alhamidi & Mats Gustafsson & Hans Larsson & Per Hillbur - 241-252 Building and destroying social capital: The case of cooperative movements in Denmark and Poland
by Jarka Chloupkova & Gunnar Svendsen & Gert Svendsen - 253-265 An experiment in digital government at the United States National Organic Program
by Stuart Shulman - 267-276 The storied nature of agriculture and evaluation: A conversation
by Yvonna Lincoln & Laurie Thorp & Craig Russon - 277-285 Cultivating cacao Implications of sun-grown cacao on local food security and environmental sustainability
by Jill Belsky & Stephen Siebert - 287-300 Environmental beliefs and farm practices of New Zealand farmers Contrasting pathways to sustainability
by John Fairweather & Hugh Campbell - 301-321 Sustaining local agriculture Barriers and opportunities to direct marketing between farms and restaurants in Colorado
by Amory Starr & Adrian Card & Carolyn Benepe & Garry Auld & Dennis Lamm & Ken Smith & Karen Wilken - 323-325 Being Human: Ethics, Environment, and Our Place in the World. By Anna L. Peterson
by Gene Wunderlich - 327-330 Genetically Modified Pest-Protected Plants: Science and Regulation. By National Research Council 2000
by Jeffery Bentley
June 2003, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 105-106 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 107-123 Just small potatoes (and ulluco)? The use of seed-size variation in “native commercialized” agriculture and agrobiodiversity conservation among Peruvian farmers
by Karl Zimmerer - 125-141 The effects of the industrialization of US livestock agriculture on promoting sustainable production practices
by C. Hinrichs & Rick Welsh - 143-150 The cultural model of “the good farmer” and the environmental question in Finland
by Tiina Silvasti - 151-163 Foundations of production and consumption of organic food in Norway: Common attitudes among farmers and consumers?
by Oddveig Storstad & Hilde Bjørkhaug - 165-176 An investigation into the transition from technological to ecological rice farming among resource poor farmers from the Philippine island of Bohol
by David Carpenter - 177-187 Associations between self-reported health conscious consumerism, body-mass index, and attitudes about sustainably produced foods
by Ramona Robinson & Chery Smith - 189-203 Experiences and perspectives of farmers from Upstate New York farmers' markets
by Matthew Griffin & Edward Frongillo - 205-209 Land-Grant Universities and Extension into the 21st Century: Renegotiating or Abandoning a Social Contract. By George R. McDowell
by Nancy Grudens-Schuck & Brett Kramer - 211-212 Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic. By John De Graaf, David Wann, and Thomas H. Naylor
by Amitrajeet Batabyal
March 2003, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-2 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 3-19 Manufacturing bacteriological contamination outbreaks in industrialized meat production systems: The case of E. coli O157:H7
by Arunas Juska & Lourdes Gouveia & Jackie Gabriel & Kathleen Stanley - 21-35 Greening pesticides: A historical analysis of the social construction of farm chemical advertisements
by Margaret Kroma & Cornelia Butler Flora - 37-51 Regional prestige: Cooperatives and agroindustrial identity in southwest Goiás, Brazil
by Jacquelyn Chase - 53-64 Renovating dependency and self-reliance for participatory sustainable development
by Nancy Grudens-Schuck & Will Allen & Tasha Hargrove & Margaret Kilvington - 65-78 Rooted in grass: Challenging patterns of knowledge exchange as a means of fostering social change in a southeast Minnesota farm community
by Julia Nerbonne & Ralph Lentz - 79-86 Potentials, problems, and policy implications for urban agriculture in developing countries
by Erik Bryld - 87-95 Olive groves: ``The life and identity of the Mediterranean''
by Angeliki Loumou & Christina Giourga
December 2002, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 279-281 Shaping our agro-food system: Whose standards count? Guest editor observations
by Jim Bingen - 283-292 The SPS Agreement: Addressing historical factors in trade dispute resolution
by Justin Kastner & Douglas Powell - 293-310 Constructing ``quality'': The political economy of standards in Mexico's avocado industry
by Lois Stanford - 311-323 Standards and corporate reconstruction in the Michigan dry bean industry
by Jim Bingen & Andile Siyengo - 325-336 Producing the natural fiber naturally: Technological change and the US organic cotton industry
by Mrill Ingram - 337-347 Using Chinese medicine to understand medicinal herb quality: An alternative to biomedical approaches?
by Craig Hassel & Christopher Hafner & Renne Soberg & Jeff Adelmann & Rose Haywood - 349-360 Towards a theory of values-based labeling
by Elizabeth Barham - 361-363 Carol J. Adams. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory, Tenth Anniversary Edition; Kathryn Paxton George. Animal, Vegetable, or Woman? A Feminist Critique of Ethical Vegetarianism; Michael Allen Fox. Deep Vegetarianism
by Stewart Lockie & Jen Hayward & Nell Salem - 365-366 Michael Collinson. A History of Farming Systems Research
by Graham Thiele - 367-367 Govert Gijsbers, Willem Janssen, Helen Hambly Odame, and Gerdien Meijerink. Planning Agricultural Research: A Sourcebook
by Graham Thiele - 369-371 Steven A. Moore. Technology and Place: Sustainable Agriculture and the Blueprint Farm
by Paul Thompson - 373-374 Susanna Hornig Priest. A Grain of Truth. The Media, the Public, and Biotechnology
by Mark Fisher
September 2002, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 169-171 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 173-187 Crop water requirements revisited: The human dimensions of irrigation science and crop water management with special reference to the FAO approach
by Dirk Zoebl - 189-203 Reconsidering the focus of business and natural resource training: Gender issues in Australian farm management
by Barbara Geno - 205-216 Operationalizing evil: Christian realism, liberal economics, and industrial agriculture
by Leland Glenna - 217-224 Place, work, and civic agriculture: Common fields for cultivation
by Laura DeLind - 225-237 Theoretical streams in Marginalized Peoples' Knowledge(s): Systems, asystems, and Subaltern Knowledge(s)
by Brij Kothari - 239-253 Ideology and discourse: Characterizations of the 1996 Farm Bill by agricultural interest groups
by Kathryn Brasier - 255-268 Organic livestock production as viewed by Swedish farmers and organic initiators
by Vonne Lund & Sven Hemlin & William Lockeretz - 269-270 Book Review: The Land Was Everything; Letters From An American Farmer By Victor Davis Hanson
by William Friedland - 271-272 Book Review: Our Votes, Our Guns: Robert Mugabe and the Tragedy of Zimbabwe By M. Meredith
by Amitrajeet Batabyal
June 2002, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 97-97 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 99-106 Creating space for sustainable food systems: Lessons from the field
by Gail Feenstra - 107-117 On the relationship between feminism and farm women
by Berit Brandth - 119-131 Care Theory and ``caring'' systems of agriculture
by Janel Curry - 133-149 Natural hazards and genetic diversity in rice
by Stephen Morin & Marlon Calibo & Marilyn Garcia-Belen & Jean-Louis Pham & Florencia Palis - 151-164 Subsistence and land tenure in the Sahel
by W. Grigsby - 165-166 Conversations with Indian Economists by V. N. Balasubramanyam
by Amitrajeet Batabyal
March 2002, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-23 Towards a systemic research methodology in agriculture: Rethinking the role of values in science
by Hugo Alrøe & Erik Kristensen - 25-38 Conceptualizing integrative, farmer participatory research for sustainable agriculture: From opportunities to impact
by Elske van de Fliert & Ann Braun - 39-51 Buying into the food system: Trends in food retailing in the US and implications for local foods
by Amy Guptill & Jennifer Wilkins - 53-61 Food irradiation in the news: The cultural clash of a postharvest technology
by Toby Ten Eyck - 63-74 Policy schemes and targeted technologies in an extensive cereal–sheep farming system
by Rafael Caballero - 75-80 Integrating indigenous knowledge and soil science to develop a national soil classification system for Nigeria
by Ademola Braimoh - 81-85 The community idea in American country life
by Gene Wunderlich - 87-88 World Hunger: 12 Myths. Second Edition fully revised and updated. By Lappé, Frances Moore, Joseph Collins, and Peter Rosset, with Luis Esparza. Grove Press, 1998. 246+ pp
by Jessica Seares
December 2001, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 353-363 Conviction seeking efficacy: Sustainable agriculture and the politics of co-optation
by David Campbell - 365-381 The environmental movement and labor in global capitalism: Lessons from the case of the Headwaters Forest
by Alessandro Bonanno & Bill Blome - 383-390 Foods from cassava and their relevance to Nigeria and other African countries
by Dele Raheem & Chrysanthus Chukwuma - 391-401 Farming systems research: Flexible diversification of a small family farm in southeast Michigan
by Michael Mascarenhas - 403-412 Transforming the ``model'' approach to upland rural development in Vietnam
by Joe Peters - 413-428 Assessing the feasibility of biological control of locusts and grasshoppers in West Africa: Incorporating the farmers' perspective
by Hugo De Groote & Orou-Kobi Douro-Kpindou & Zakaria Ouambama & Comlan Gbongboui & Dieter Müller & Serge Attignon & Chris Lomer - 429-446 What happened to participatory research at the International Potato Center?
by Graham Thiele & Elske Fliert & Dindo Campilan - 447-457 An investigation of the potential existence of ``food deserts'' in rural and urban areas of Northern Ireland
by Sinéad Furey & Christopher Strugnell & Ms. McIlveen
September 2001, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 251-270 Is plant breeding science objective truth or social construction? The case of yield stability
by David Cleveland - 271-284 Local autonomy and sustainable development: Testing import substitution in more localized food systems
by Anne Bellows & Michael Hamm - 285-294 Hegemony, commodification, and the state: Mexico's shifting discourse on agricultural germplasm
by Francisco Gómez & Robert Torres - 295-304 Development on a theater: Democracy, governance, and the socio-political conflict in Burundi
by Rockfeler Herisse - 305-317 The Mexico City milk supply system: Structure, function, and sustainability
by Hermenegildo Losada & Richard Bennett & José Cortés & Jorge Vieyra & Ramon Soriano - 319-331 Liberalization of Peru's formal seed sector
by Jeffery Bentley & Robert Tripp & Roberto de la Flor - 333-334 Ethical Approaches to Animal-Based Science; Innovation, Ethics and Animal Welfare: Public Confidence in Science and Agriculture
by Michael Morris - 335-336 “Green Blood, Red Tears”: A documentary film review
by Lori Garkovich - 337-338 Development Microeconomics By Pranab Bardhan and Christopher Udry
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 339-340 Warfare and Agriculture in Classical Greece By Victor Davis Hanson
by Mark Fisher - 341-345 Vexing Nature? On the Ethical Case Against Agricultural Biotechnology By Gary L. Comstock
by Paul Thompson
June 2001, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 133-134 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 135-151 Democratizing society and food systems: Or how do we transform modern structures of power?
by Kenneth Dahlberg - 153-176 Demystifying farmers' entomological and pest management knowledge: A methodology for assessing the impacts on knowledge from IPM-FFS and NES interventions
by Lisa Price - 177-194 Use of woodland resources within and across villages in a Zimbabwean communal area
by Alois Mandondo - 195-208 Looking back to see ahead: Farmer lessons and recommendations after 15 years of innovation and leadership in Güinope, Honduras
by Stephen Sherwood & Sergio Larrea - 209-217 Mapping the road for voluntary change: Partnerships in agricultural extension
by Robert Pence & James Grieshop - 219-233 Reality vs. rhetoric – a survey and evaluation of tsetse control in East Africa
by Bob Brightwell & Bob Dransfield & Ian Maudlin & Peter Stevenson & Alex Shaw - 235-236 Discounting and Intergenerational Equity Edited by Paul R. Portney and John P. Weyant
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 237-238 Policy Reform in American Agriculture: Analysis and Prognosis By David Orden, Robert Paarlberg, and Terry Roe
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 239-240 Fragile Dominion: Complexity and the Commons By Simon Levin
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 241-242 Under the Blade: The Conversion of Agricultural Landcapes Edited by Richard K. Olson and Thomas A. Lyson
by Jeff Sharp
March 2001, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 5-9 Gender and resource management: Households and groups, strategies and transitions
by Corinne Valdivia & Jere Gilles - 11-25 Gender and property rights in the commons: Examples of water rights in South Asia
by Margreet Zwarteveen & Ruth Meinzen-Dick - 27-39 Gender, livestock assets, resource management, and food security: Lessons from the SR-CRSP
by Corinne Valdivia - 41-48 Access and control of resources: Lessons from the SANREM CRSP
by Cornelia Flora - 49-56 Division of labor and resource management in eastern Pará, Brazil
by Tereza Ximenes - 57-70 Coffee production and household dynamics. The popolucas of Ocotal Grande, Veracruz
by Verónica García - 71-84 Of goats and groups: A study on social capital in development projects
by Nicoline de Haan - 85-93 Gender, rural households, and biodiversity in native Mexico
by Isidro Cabrera & Emma Martelo & Verónica García - 95-105 Access to technical information and gendered NRM practices: Men and women in rural Senegal
by Keith Moore & Sarah Hamilton & Papa Sarr & Soukèye Thiongane - 107-119 Gender and resource management: Community supported agriculture as caring-practice
by Betty Wells & Shelly Gradwell
December 2000, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 315-322 Constructing “green” foods: Corporate capital, risk, and organic farming in Australia and New Zealand
by Stewart Lockie & Kristen Lyons & Geoffrey Lawrence - 323-325 EurSafe Congress. Wageningen University, March 4–6, 1999: Summing up and future prospects
by Ben Mepham - 327-332 The first European congress on agricultural and food ethics and follow-up workshop on ethics and food biotechnology: A US perspective
by Jeffrey Burkhardt & Paul Thompson & Tarla Peterson - 333-346 Agricultural performance in Tanzania under structural adjustment programs: Is it really so positive?
by Bert Meertens - 347-358 Farmers' definitions, goals, and bottlenecks of sustainable agriculture in the North-Central Region
by Christoffel Biggelaar & Murari Suvedi - 359-370 Participatory rural appraisal of spate irrigation systems in eastern Eritrea
by Mehretab Tesfai & Jan de Graaff - 371-384 Colonist farmers' perceptions of fertility and the frontier environment in eastern Amazonia
by Marcia Muchagata & Katrina Brown - 385-396 People, values, and woodlands: A field report ofemergent themes in interdisciplinary research in Zimbabwe
by Allison Goebel & Bruce Campbell & Billy Mukamuri & Michele Veeman - 397-398 Waiting for Rain: Agriculture and Ecological Imbalance in Cape Verde by Mark Langworthy and Timothy J. Finan
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 399-400 In Nature's Interest? Interests, Animal Rights, and Environmental Ethics by Gary E. Varner
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 401-402 Living as Equals edited by Paul Barker
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 403-404 A Primer for Environmental Literacy by Frank B. Golley
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 405-406 On Good Land: The Autobiography of an Urban Farm by Michael Ableman
by Bill Friedland - 407-408 Sharing the Earth: The Rhetoric of Sustainable Development by Tarla Rae Peterson
by Paul Thompson - 409-410 A Social History of American Technology by Ruth Schwartz Cowan
by Paul Thompson - 411-412 World Hunger: Twelve Myths by Frances Moore Lappe, Joseph Collins, Peter Rosset, with Luis Esparza
by K. Srinivas
September 2000, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 211-213 The changing bio-politics of the organic: Production, regulation, consumption
by David Goodman - 215-219 Organic and conventional agriculture: Materializing discourse and agro-ecological managerialism
by David Goodman - 221-232 The capitalist composition of organic: The potential of markets in fulfilling the promise of organic agriculture
by Patricia Allen & Martin Kovach