March 2009, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 107-119 The emergence and framing of farm-to-school initiatives: civic engagement, health and local agriculture
by Jessica Bagdonis & C. Hinrichs & Kai Schafft - 121-131 Land-grant university governance: an analysis of board composition and corporate interlocks
by Andrea Woodward - 133-143 Civic government or market-based governance? The limits of privatization for rural local governments
by Mildred Warner - 145-146 Daniel Imhoff and Jo Ann Baumgartner (eds.): Farming and the Fate of Wild Nature: Essays in Conservation-Based Agriculture
by Jeff Jordan & Gwen Roland - 147-148 Elizabeth Brubaker: Greener Pastures: Decentralizing the Regulation of Agricultural Pollution
by Jonathan Clark
December 2008, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 467-468 From the editor
by Harvey James - 469-486 Agricultural transitions in the context of growing environmental pressure over water
by Stephen Gasteyer - 487-498 From value to values: sustainable consumption at farmers markets
by Alison Alkon - 499-511 School food environments and the obesity issue: content, structural determinants, and agency in Canadian high schools
by Anthony Winson - 513-527 The socio-cultural context and practical implications of ethnoveterinary medical pluralism in western Kenya
by Peter Nyamanga & Collette Suda & Jens Aagaard-Hansen - 529-539 Factors of teacher beliefs related to integrating agriculture into elementary school classrooms
by Neil Knobloch - 541-553 Changes in transition: technology adoption and rice farming in two Indian villages
by Arindam Samaddar & Prabir Das - 555-566 Livelihood change, farming, and managing flood risk in the Lerma Valley, Mexico
by Hallie Eakin & Kirsten Appendini - 567-580 Seven samurai to protect “our” food: the reform of the food safety regulatory system in Japan after the BSE crisis of 2001
by Keiko Tanaka - 581-592 Socio-economic determinants of keeping goats and sheep by rural people in southern Benin
by Luc Dossa & Barbara Rischkowsky & Regina Birner & Clemens Wollny - 593-608 Rights-based food systems and the goals of food systems reform
by Molly Anderson - 609-610 Avery Odelle Craven: Soil Exhaustion as a Factor in the Agricultural History of Virginia and Maryland, 1606–1860
by Laura Sayre - 611-613 E. Diaz-Bonilla, S. E. Frandsen, and S. Robinson (eds): WTO negotiations and agricultural trade liberalization: the effect of developed countries’ policies on developing countries
by Brian Gareau - 615-616 Keith Douglass Warner, Agroecology in Action: Extending Alternative Agriculture Through Social Networks
by Bill McKelvey - 617-618 Tony Weis, The Global Economy: The Battle for the Future of Farming
by Philip Howard - 619-620 Paul Chandler, Bound to the Hearth by the Shortest Tether. Village life in China, Brazil, and points in between
by Yolanda López
September 2008, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 297-300 From the Editor
by Harvey James - 301-317 Safe at any scale? Food scares, food regulation, and scaled alternatives
by Laura DeLind & Philip Howard - 319-332 Explaining disparities in food safety compliance by food stores: does community matter?
by Kameshwari Pothukuchi & Rayman Mohamed & David Gebben - 333-348 Visual communication to children in the supermarket context: Health protective or exploitive?
by Brent Berry & Taralyn McMullen - 349-364 Fishers weigh in: benefits and risks of eating Great Lakes fish from the consumer’s perspective
by Jennifer Dawson & Judy Sheeshka & Donald Cole & David Kraft & Amy Waugh - 365-378 Development interventions, changing livelihoods, and the making of female Maasai pastoralists
by Elizabeth Wangui - 379-388 Engagement for transformation: Value webs for local food system development
by Daniel Block & Michael Thompson & Jill Euken & Toni Liquori & Frank Fear & Sherill Baldwin - 389-403 Action research on alternative land tenure arrangements in Wenchi, Ghana: learning from ambiguous social dynamics and self-organized institutional innovation
by Samuel Adjei-Nsiah & Cees Leeuwis & Ken Giller & Thom Kuyper - 405-418 Agronomist–farmer knowledge encounters: an analysis of knowledge exchange in the context of best management practices in England
by Julie Ingram - 419-431 Organizational learning through participatory research: CIP and CARE in Peru
by Oscar Ortiz & Guillermo Frias & Raul Ho & Hector Cisneros & Rebecca Nelson & Renee Castillo & Ricardo Orrego & Willy Pradel & Jesus Alcazar & Mario Bazán - 433-452 Farmers’ knowledge of crop diseases and control strategies in the Regional State of Tigrai, northern Ethiopia: implications for farmer–researcher collaboration in disease management
by Ayimut Kiros-Meles & Mathew Abang - 453-454 Mary Ridder, Roots of Change: Nebraska’s New Agriculture
by Wynne Wright - 455-456 Laura T. Raynolds, Douglas Murray, and John Wilkinson (eds.): Fair Trade: The Challenges of Transforming Globalization
by Daniel Jaffee - 457-458 Mark Sagoff, The Economy of the Earth. Philosophy, Law, and the Environment, 2nd edn
by Richard Haynes - 459-460 Ulrich Bonner Phillips: Life and Labor in the Old South
by Douglas Constance - 461-462 Annette Aurélie Desmarais, La Vía Campesina: Globalization and the Power of Peasants
by Hannah Wittman - 463-464 Peter M. Rosset, Food is Different: Why We Must Get the WTO Out of Agriculture
by Sambit Mallick
June 2008, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 145-146 From the editor
by Harvey James - 147-149 Introduction to symposium—charting fault lines in US agrifood systems: what can we contribute?
by Jill Harrison & Steven Wolf - 151-155 The emancipatory question: the next step in the sociology of agrifood systems?
by Douglas Constance - 157-161 Mining for justice in the food system: perceptions, practices, and possibilities
by Patricia Allen - 163-167 Lessons learned from pesticide drift: a call to bring production agriculture, farm labor, and social justice back into agrifood research and activism
by Jill Harrison - 169-171 Unlikely allies against factory farms: animal rights advocates and environmentalists
by David Holt - 173-176 Identifying vulnerabilities, exploring opportunities: reconfiguring production, conservation, and consumption in California rice
by Dustin Mulvaney - 177-181 The illusion of control: industrialized agriculture, nature, and food safety
by Diana Stuart - 183-186 Resilience and vulnerability in US farm policy: parsing the payment limitation debate
by Larry Burmeister - 187-191 Resilience in the US red meat industry: the roles of food safety policy
by Michelle Worosz & Andrew Knight & Craig Harris - 193-196 The local industrial complex? Questioning the link between local foods and energy use
by Matthew Mariola - 197-201 “Chasms” in agrifood systems: rethinking how we can contribute
by William Friedland - 203-207 Professionalization of agriculture and distributed innovation for multifunctional landscapes and territorial development
by Steven Wolf - 209-213 Interdisciplinarity and boundary work: challenges and opportunities for agrifood studies
by C. Hinrichs - 215-218 Nanotechnologies, food, and agriculture: next big thing or flash in the pan?
by Lawrence Busch - 219-240 The community effects of industrialized farming: Social science research and challenges to corporate farming laws
by Linda Lobao & Curtis Stofferahn - 241-255 Still a time to act: A review of institutional marketing of regionally-grown food
by Rainbow Vogt & Lucia Kaiser - 257-270 Virtual water: Virtuous impact? The unsteady state of virtual water
by Dik Roth & Jeroen Warner - 271-289 Non-governmental organizations, strategic bridge building, and the “scientization” of organic agriculture in Kenya
by Jessica Goldberger - 291-294 Kevin Morgan, Terry Marsden, and Jonathan Murdoch: Worlds of Food: Place, Power, and Provenance in the Food Chain
by William Friedland
January 2008, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-2 From the editor
by Harvey James - 3-11 Maize, food insecurity, and the field of performance in southern Zambia
by Nicholas Sitko - 13-23 Participatory approaches for sustainable agriculture: A contradiction in terms?
by Murray Bruges & Willie Smith - 25-34 Values, technologies, and epistemology
by Zahra Meghani - 35-47 Religious values informing halal meat production and the control and delivery of halal credence quality
by Karijn Bonne & Wim Verbeke - 49-64 The chisan-chisho movement: Japanese local food movement and its challenges
by Aya Kimura & Mima Nishiyama - 65-77 Gender, ethnicity, and economic status in plant management: Uncultivated edible plants among the Nahuas and Popolucas of Veracruz, Mexico
by Veronica Vazquez-Garcia - 79-93 Fecal free: Biology and authority in industrialized Midwestern pork production
by Ronald Rich - 95-106 Organic agriculture and the conventionalization hypothesis: A case study from West Germany
by Henning Best - 107-119 Accessing food resources: Rural and urban patterns of giving and getting food
by Lois Morton & Ella Bitto & Mary Oakland & Mary Sand - 121-134 The history and survival of traditional heirloom vegetable varieties in the southern Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina
by James Veteto - 135-136 Book review
by Sarah Hultine - 137-138 Book review
by Paul Thompson - 139-140 Book review
by Samanatha Neal & Brendon Radford - 141-142 Book review
by Micah Myers
December 2007, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 423-424 From the editor
by Harvey James - 425-434 Saving St. James: A case study of farmwomen entrepreneurs
by Sandra Weber - 435-443 Tracing the process of becoming a farm successor on Swiss family farms
by Stefan Mann - 445-459 Socio-cultural processes behind the differential distribution of organic farming in Denmark: a case study
by Marie-Louise Risgaard & Pia Frederiksen & Pernille Kaltoft - 461-472 Influence of socio-economic and cultural factors in rice varietal diversity management on-farm in Nepal
by Ram Rana & Chris Garforth & Bhuwon Sthapit & Devra Jarvis - 473-488 Reverse leasing and power dynamics among blue agave farmers in western Mexico
by Sarah Bowen & Peter Gerritsen - 489-498 Retail relations: an interlocking directorate analysis of food retailing corporations in the United States
by Rachel A. Schwartz & Thomas A. Lyson - 499-510 Social-ethical issues concerning the control strategy of animal diseases in the European Union: A survey
by Nina E. Cohen & Marcel A.P.M. Asseldonk & Elsbeth N. Stassen - 511-522 Shopping for change? Neoliberalizing activism and the limits to eating non-GMO
by Robin Roff - 523-533 Designing sustainable agriculture education: Academics’ suggestions for an undergraduate curriculum at a land grant university
by Damian Parr & Cary Trexler & Navina Khanna & Bryce Battisti - 535-536 Book review
by Jacob Cluff - 537-538 Book review
by Allen Stoddard - 539-540 Book review
by Bishnu Barik - 541-542 Book review
by Ralph Brown
September 2007, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 275-279 From the editor
by Harvey James - 281-306 Insecticide use: Contexts and ecological consequences
by Gregor Devine & Michael Furlong - 307-321 Local agro-ecological knowledge and its relationship to farmers’ pest management decision making in rural Honduras
by Kris Wyckhuys & Robert O’Neil - 323-332 Motivations behind farmers’ pesticide use in Bangladesh rice farming
by Elizabeth Robinson & Sumona Das & Tim Chancellor - 333-342 Beef with environmental and quality attributes: Preferences of environmental group and general population consumers in Saskatchewan, Canada
by Ken Belcher & Andrea Germann & Josef Schmutz - 343-353 The political ecology of dietary transitions: Changing production and consumption patterns in the Kolli Hills, India
by Elizabeth Finnis - 355-368 Farmers and researchers: How can collaborative advantages be created in participatory research and technology development?
by Volker Hoffmann & Kirsten Probst & Anja Christinck - 369-387 Lessons for farmer-oriented research: Experiences from a West African soil fertility management project
by E. Nederlof & Constant Dangbégnon - 389-398 Scaling up: Bringing public institutions and food service corporations into the project for a local, sustainable food system in Ontario
by Harriet Friedmann - 399-409 Farmers’ willingness to pay for community integrated pest management training in Nepal
by Kishor Atreya - 411-412 Book review
by Douglas Constance - 413-414 Book review
by Alessandro Bonanno - 415-417 Book review
by Rebecca Meuninck - 419-420 Book review
by Mark Brennan - 421-422 Books received
by Harvey James
June 2007, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 129-131 From the editor
by Laura DeLind & Harvey James - 133-145 Not in my port: The “death ship” of sheep and crimes of agri-food globalization
by Wynne Wright & Stephen Muzzatti - 147-163 Regulating sustainability in the coffee sector: A comparative analysis of third-party environmental and social certification initiatives
by Laura Raynolds & Douglas Murray & Andrew Heller - 165-177 Agriculture and working-class political culture: A lesson from The Grapes of Wrath
by Paul Thompson - 179-193 Bans, tests, and alchemy: Food safety regulation and the Uganda fish export industry
by Stefano Ponte - 195-206 Against the neoliberal steamroller? The Biosafety Protocol and the social regulation of agricultural biotechnologies
by Daniel Kleinman & Abby Kinchy - 207-218 From burgers to biodiversity? The McDonaldization of on-farm nature conservation in the UK
by Carol Morris & Matt Reed - 219-230 Utilization of durum wheat landraces in East Shewa, central Ethiopia: Are home uses an incentive for on-farm conservation?
by Bayush Tsegaye & Trygve Berg - 231-243 Eliciting indigenous knowledge on tree fodder among Maasai pastoralists via a multi-method sequencing approach
by Evelyne Kiptot - 245-258 Beliefs, knowledge, and values held by inner-city youth about gardening, nutrition, and cooking
by Lauren Lautenschlager & Chery Smith - 259-260 Book review
by Philip Howard - 261-264 Commentary on teaching food: Why I am fed up with Michael Pollan et al
by Julie Guthman - 265-266 Book review
by John Mayne - 267-268 Book review
by Jeff Jordan - 269-270 Book review
by Leland Glenna - 271-272 Book review
by Molly Anderson - 273-274 Books received
by Laura DeLind
March 2007, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-7 From the guest editor
by Valerie Imbruce - 9-16 Agriculture, livelihoods, and globalization: The analysis of new trajectories (and avoidance of just-so stories) of human-environment change and conservation
by Karl Zimmerer - 17-28 Conserving copalillo: The creation of sustainable Oaxacan wood carvings
by Michael Chibnik & Silvia Purata - 29-40 Trade and Totomoxtle: Livelihood strategies in the Totonacan region of Veracruz, Mexico
by Amanda King - 41-59 Bringing Southeast Asia to the Southeast United States: New forms of alternative agriculture in Homestead, Florida
by Valerie Imbruce - 61-74 Embeddedness in action: Saffron and the making of the local in southern Tuscany
by Roberta Sonnino - 75-92 Nobody farms here anymore: Livelihood diversification in the Amazonian community of Carvão, a historical perspective
by Angela Steward - 93-106 Political economic history, culture, and Wounaan livelihood diversity in eastern Panama
by J. Runk & Gervacio Ortíz Negría & Wilio Quintero García & Cristobalino Quiróz Ismare - 107-122 From colonization to “environmental soy”: A case study of environmental and socio-economic valuation in the Amazon soy frontier
by Corrina Steward - 123-124 Book review
by Cheryl Brown - 125-126 Book review
by Mark Brennan - 127-128 Book review
by Douglas Constance
December 2006, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 399-400 From the editor
by Laura DeLind - 401-415 From “old school” to “farm-to-school”: Neoliberalization from the ground up
by Patricia Allen & Julie Guthman - 417-421 From old school to reform school?
by Jack Kloppenburg & Neva Hassanein - 423-425 Neoliberalism, neoconservatism, and spaces of and for coalition
by Alan Rudy - 427-438 Sustainable agriculture and free market economics: Finding common ground in Adam Smith
by Harvey James - 439-449 Social sustainability, farm labor, and organic agriculture: Findings from an exploratory analysis
by Aimee Shreck & Christy Getz & Gail Feenstra - 451-462 Folk experiments
by Jeffery Bentley - 463-475 Sustainability and multifunctionality in French farms: Analysis of the implementation of Territorial Farming Contracts
by Mohamed Gafsi & Geneviève Nguyen & Bruno Legagneux & Patrice Robin - 477-489 Evolution of agricultural extension and information dissemination in Peru: An historical perspective focusing on potato-related pest control
by Oscar Ortiz - 491-500 The role of culture in farmer learning and technology adoption: A case study of farmer field schools among rice farmers in central Luzon, Philippines
by Florencia Palis - 501-512 Patterns of participation in farmers’ research groups: Lessons from the highlands of southwestern Uganda
by Pascal Sanginga & Jackson Tumwine & Nina Lilja - 513-527 Social networks and information access: Implications for agricultural extension in a rice farming community in northern Vietnam
by Lan Anh Hoang & Jean-Christophe Castella & Paul Novosad - 529-530 Book review
by Alessandro Bonanno - 531-532 Book review
by Jeff Jordan - 533-534 Books received
by Laura DeLind - 535-539 Index – Volume 23 – 2006
by Laura deLind
October 2006, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 269-270 From the editor
by Laura DeLind - 271-281 Crop diversification and trade liberalization: Linking global trade and local management through a regional case study
by Evan D. Fraser - 283-297 Social and environmental attributes of food products in an emerging mass market: Challenges of signaling and consumer perception, with European illustrations
by Jean-Marie Codron & Lucie Siriex & Thomas Reardon - 299-312 Cuisines of poverty as means of empowerment: Arab food in Israel
by Liora Gvion - 313-323 Capturing the Sustainability Agenda: Organic Foods and Media Discourses on Food Scares, Environment, Genetic Engineering, and Health
by Stewart Lockie - 325-339 Social change and the adoption and adaptation of knowledge claims: Whose truth do you trust in regard to sustainable agriculture?
by Michael Carolan - 341-352 Contextualizing farmers’ attitudes towards genetically modified crops
by Kazumi Kondoh & Raymond Jussaume - 353-369 A methodology for tracking the “fate” of technological interventions in agriculture
by Laura German & Jeremias Mowo & Margaret Kingamkono - 371-383 Fruit and vegetable access in four low-income food deserts communities in Minnesota
by Deja Hendrickson & Chery Smith & Nicole Eikenberry - 385-394 Organic Food Demand: A Focus Group Study Involving Caucasian and African-American Shoppers
by Lydia Zepeda & Hui-Shung Chang & Catherine Leviten-Reid - 395-396 Book review
by Douglas Constance - 397-398 Books received
by Laura DeLind
June 2006, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 137-141 From the Editor
by Laura DeLind - 143-162 Victual Vicissitudes: Consumer Deskilling and the (Gendered) Transformation of Food Systems
by JoAnn Jaffe & Michael Gertler - 163-180 State-centered versus Nonstate-driven Organic Food Standardization: A Comparison of the US and Sweden
by Magnus Boström & Mikael Klintman - 181-188 Bias in Peer Review of Organic Farming Grant Applications
by Jesper Rasmussen & Vibeke Langer & Hugo Alrøe - 189-204 Hands off but Strings Attached: The Contradictions of Policy-induced Demand-driven Agricultural Extension
by Laurens Klerkx & Karin Grip & Cees Leeuwis - 205-214 Is HACCP Nothing? A Disjoint Constitution between Inspectors, Processors, and Consumers and the Cider Industry in Michigan
by Toby Eyck & Donna Thede & Gerd Bode & Leslie Bourquin - 215-229 Continuity and Change in Pastoral Livelihoods of Senegalese Fulani
by Hanne Adriansen - 231-243 Participatory Planting and Management of Indigenous Trees: Lessons from Chivi District, Zimbabwe
by Karin Gerhardt & Nontokozo Nemarundwe - 245-252 Poultry Farmers’ Preference and use of Commercial and Self-compounded Feeds in Oyo Area of Oyo State, Nigeria
by S. Apantaku & E. Oluwalana & O. Adepegba - 253-262 Book Review
by William Friedland
March 2006, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-2 From the Editor
by Laura DeLind - 3-14 Traditional Mexican Agricultural Systems and the Potential Impacts of Transgenic Varieties on Maize Diversity
by Mauricio Bellon & Julien Berthaud - 15-26 Importing Corn, Exporting Labor: The Neoliberal Corn Regime, GMOs, and the Erosion of Mexican Biodiversity
by Elizabeth Fitting - 27-31 Transgenic Maize and Mexican Maize Diversity: Risky Synergy?
by Daniela Soleri & David Cleveland - 33-36 Mexico’s Corn-Producing Sector: A Commentary
by Alejandro Nadal - 37-50 The Political Construction of Free Trade Visions: The Geo-Politics and Geo-Economics of Australian Beef Exporting
by Bill Pritchard - 51-62 Re-Figuring the Problem of Farmer Agency in Agri-Food Studies: A Translation Approach
by Vaughan Higgins - 63-74 Luxus Consumption: Wasting Food Resources Through Overeating
by Dorothy Blair & Jeffery Sobal - 75-88 Farmer-Community Connections and the Future of Ecological Agriculture in California
by Sonja Brodt & Gail Feenstra & Robin Kozloff & Karen Klonsky & Laura Tourte - 89-98 Learning Democracy Through Food Justice Movements
by Charles Levkoe - 99-108 Farmers’ Views of Soil Erosion Problems and their Conservation Knowledge at Beressa Watershed, Central Highlands of Ethiopia
by Aklilu Amsalu & Jan Graaff - 109-121 Farm Parents’ Views on their Children’s Labor on Family Farms: A Focus Group Study of Wisconsin Dairy Farmers
by Lydia Zepeda & Jongsoog Kim - 123-125 Book Review: Good Growing: Why Organic Farming Works By Leslie A. Duram Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2005, xii+251 pp., Pb, ISBN 0-8032-0496-5
by Lisa Harrington
December 2005, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 377-393 Simulating Agricultural Conversion to Residential use in the Hudson River Valley: Scenario Analyses and Case Studies
by John Polimeni - 395-410 Determinants of Agricultural Intensity Index “Scores” in a Frontier Region: An Analysis of Data from Northern Guatemala
by Avrum Shriar - 411-420 Gendered Livelihoods and Multiple Water Use in North Gujarat
by Bhawana Upadhyay - 421-434 The In Situ Conservation of Rice Plant Genetic Diversity: A Case Study from a Philippine Barangay
by David Carpenter - 435-450 Participatory Extension as Basis for the Work of Rural Extension Services in the Amazon
by Benno Pokorny & Guilhermina Cayres & Westphalen Nunes - 451-464 Place, Taste, or Face-to-Face? Understanding Producer–Consumer Networks in “Local” Food Systems in Washington State
by Theresa Selfa & Joan Qazi - 465-477 Fields of Cultural Contradictions: Lessons from the Tobacco Patch
by D. Wright - 479-489 Antagonistic Synergy: Process and Paradox in the Development of New Agricultural Antimicrobial Regulations
by Wesley Dean & H. Scott
September 2005, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 269-273 Eating Right Here: Moving from Consumer to Food Citizen
by Jennifer Wilkins - 275-283 Ever Since Hightower: The Politics of Agricultural Research Activism in the Molecular Age
by Frederick Buttel - 285-288 Commentary on “Ever Since Hightower: The Politics of Agricultural Research Activism in the Molecular Age”
by Lawrence Busch - 289-290 Commentary on “Ever Since Hightower: The Politics of Agricultural Research Activism in the Molecular Age”
by Rick Welsh - 291-302 Governance in the Global Agro-food System: Backlighting the Role of Transnational Supermarket Chains
by Jason Konefal & Michael Mascarenhas & Maki Hatanaka - 303-312 Value Wars in the New Periphery: Sustainability, Rural Communities and Agriculture
by Jennifer Sumner - 313-325 Eating Outside the Box: FoodShare’s Good Food Box and the Challenge of Scale
by Josée Johnston & Lauren Baker - 327-338 Watershed Planning: Pseudo-democracy and its Alternatives – The Case of the Cache River Watershed, Illinois
by Jane Adams & Steven Kraft & J. Ruhl & Christopher Lant & Tim Loftus & Leslie Duram