September 2000, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 233-243 Forces impacting the production of organic foods
by Karen Klonsky - 245-256 Visions of the middle landscape: Organic farming and the politics of nature
by Timothy Vos - 257-266 Raising organic: An agro-ecological assessment of grower practices in California
by Julie Guthman - 267-277 Sustaining sustainable agriculture: The rise and fall of the Fund for Rural America
by Andrew Marshall - 279-283 Understanding agri-food networks as social relations
by Lucy Jarosz - 285-295 Not in my body: BGH and the rise of organic milk
by E. DuPuis - 297-309 Re-embedding global agriculture: The international organic and fair trade movements
by Laura Raynolds
June 2000, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 125-139 Regulating the global fisheries: The World Wildlife Fund, Unilever, and the Marine Stewardship Council
by Douglas Constance & Alessandro Bonanno - 141-156 Neoliberal reform and sustainable forest management in Quintana Roo, Mexico: Rethinking the institutional framework of the Forestry Pilot Plan
by Peter Taylor & Carol Zabin - 157-167 Transformation of dairy activity in Mexico in the context of current globalization and regionalization
by Luis Hernández & Estela Borrego & Hernán Quintanal & Aysen Tanyeri-Abur - 169-179 Identifying ecosystem services using multiple methods: Lessons from the mangrove wetlands of Yucatan, Mexico
by Michael Kaplowitz - 181-189 Products from paradise: The social construction of Hawaii crops
by Krisnawati Suryanata - 191-197 Hues of American agrarianism
by Gene Wunderlich - 199-208 Stalking the wily multinational: Power and control in the US food system
by Thomas Lyson & Annalisa Raymer
March 2000, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 5-20 The recombinant BGH controversy in the United States: Toward a new consumption politics of food?
by Frederick Buttel - 21-33 The power of food
by Philip McMichael - 35-48 Agents' perceptions of structure: How Illinois organic farmers view political, economic, social, and ecological factors
by Leslie Duram - 49-63 Traditional knowledge and pest management in the Guatemalan highlands
by Helda Morales & Ivette Perfecto - 65-74 Alternative trade in bananas: Obstacles and opportunities for progressive social change in the global economy
by Douglas Murray & Laura Raynolds - 75-93 Values, public policy, and community food security
by David Pelletier & Vivica Kraak & Christine McCullum & Ulla Uusitalo - 95-106 Alternatives, traditions, and diversity in agriculture
by Anna Peterson - 107-109 The Fruits of Natural Advantage: Making the Industrial Countryside in California, by Steven Stoll
by William Friedland - 111-112 Postcolonial Developments: Agriculture in the Making of Modern India, by Akhil Gupta
by Amitrajeet Batabyal
December 1999, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 341-342 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 343-354 Diversity in attitudes toward farming and patterns of work among farm women: A regional comparison
by Peggy Barlett & Linda Lobao & Katherine Meyer - 355-363 Interactions of formal and informal knowledge systems in village-based tree management in central India
by Sonja Brodt - 365-379 Agriculture and biodiversity: Finding our place in this world
by Jeffrey Lockwood - 381-388 Improving technology delivery mechanisms: Lessons from bean seed systems research in eastern and central Africa
by Soniia David & Louise Sperling - 389-399 Challenging the boundaries of local and scientific knowledge in Australia: Opportunities for social learning in managing temperate upland pastures
by Joanne Millar & Allan Curtis - 401-419 Community food security: Salience and participation at community level
by David Pelletier & Vivica Kraak & Christine McCullum & Ulla Unsitalo & Robert Rich - 421-430 Japan's green resources: Forest conservation and social values
by Theodore Howard - 431-439 Participatory research in integrated pest management: Lessons from the IPM CRSP
by George Norton & Edwin Rajotte & Victor Gapud - 441-442 John H. Perkins, Geopolitics and the Green Revolution: Wheat, Genes, and the Cold War
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 443-444 David Goodman and Michael J. Watts (eds.), Globalising Food: Agrarian Questions and Global Restructuring
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 445-446 John Foster (ed.), Valuing Nature? Economics, Ethics and Environment
by Amitrajeet Batabyal
September 1999, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 235-236 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 237-239 Multiple-Use commons, collective action, and platforms for resource use negotiation
by Susan Buck - 241-255 Platforms for collective action in multiple-use common-pool resources
by Nathalie Steins & Victoria Edwards - 257-266 Collective action in watershed management -- experiences from the Andean hillsides
by Helle Ravnborg & María Guerrero - 267-280 Managing natural resources: A social learning perspective
by Marleen Maarleveld & Constant Dabgbégnon - 281-293 Irrigation systems as multiple-use commons: Water use in Kirindi Oya, Sri Lanka
by Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Margaretha Bakker - 295-308 Facing strategic narratives: In which we argue interactive effectiveness
by Niels Röling & Marleen Maarleveld - 309-315 Synthesis: Platforms for collective action in multiple-use common-pool resources
by Nathalie Steins & Victoria Edwards - 317-318 Considering Street Foods: Urban Food and Employment in Developing Countries by Irene Tinker -- Introduction
by Kenneth Dahlberg - 319-320 Reflections of a public health colleague
by Sheldon Margen - 321-323 Street food vending and nutritional impact
by Dorothy Blair - 325-326 Learning my lessons from Street Foods
by Elaine Power - 327-333 Street foods into the 21st century
by Irene Tinker
June 1999, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 109-116 The restructuring of food systems: Trends, research, and policy issues
by Mustafa Koc & Kenneth Dahlberg - 117-129 Reweaving the food security safety net: Mediating entitlement and entrepreneurship
by Patricia Allen - 131-140 The greening of the “barrios”: Urban agriculture for food security in Cuba
by Miguel Altieri & Nelso Companioni & Kristina Cañizares & Catherine Murphy & Peter Rosset & Martin Bourque & Clara Nicholls - 141-150 Community food security: Practice in need of theory?
by Molly Anderson & John Cook - 151-160 A cultural economy model for studying food systems
by Jane Dixon - 161-167 Restructuring food for corporate profit: The corporate genetics of Cargill and Monsanto
by Brewster Kneen - 169-185 The complexities of globalization: The UK as a case study of tensions within the food system and the challenge to food policy
by Tim Lang - 187-202 Not just what, but how: Creating agricultural sustainability and food security by changing Canada's agricultural policy making process
by Rod MacRae - 203-211 Advancing the human right to food in Canada: Social policy and the politics of hunger, welfare, and food security
by Graham Riches - 213-224 Placing the food system on the urban agenda: The role of municipal institutions in food systems planning
by Kameshwari Pothukuchi & Jerome Kaufman - 225-232 Right to food; right to feed; right to be fed. The intersection of women's rights and the right to food
by Penny Esterik
March 1999, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-9 Close encounters with a CSA: The reflections of a bruised and somewhat wiser anthropologist
by Laura DeLind - 11-27 The feasibility of agroforestry interventions for traditionally nomadic pastoral people
by Jacquelyn Miller - 29-39 Environmental values and forest patch conservation in a rural Costa Rican community
by Terrence Jantzi & John Schelhas & James Lassoie - 41-49 Intellectual property rights and agricultural biodiversity: Literature addressing the suitability of IPR for the protection of indigenous resources
by Amanda King & Pablo Eyzaguirre - 51-63 Understanding how farmers choose between organic and conventional production: Results from New Zealand and policy implications
by John Fairweather - 65-74 Understanding Conflicts between People and Parks at Ranomafana, Madagascar
by Joe Peters - 75-81 Bibliography: Farmer knowledge and management of crop disease
by Jeffery Bentley & Graham Thiele - 83-84 Brooke Larson, Cochabamba, 1550-1900: Colonialism and Agrarian Transformation in Bolivia
by Jeffery Bentley - 85-86 Jeffery M. Paige, Coffee and Power: Revolution and the Rise of Democracy in Central America
by Jeffery Bentley - 87-88 Richard Peet and Michael Watts (eds.), Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 89-90 Stephen A. Vosti and Thomas Reardon (eds.), Sustainability, Growth, and Poverty Alleviation: A Policy and Agroecological Perspective
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 91-92 P. Eyzaguirre and M. Iwanaga (eds.), articipatory Plant Breeding: Proceedings of a Workshop on Participation in Plant Breeding, 26–29 July 199
by Jonathan Robinson - 93-94 Michael Winter, Rural Politics: Policies for Agriculture, Forestry and the Environment
by Michael Woods
December 1998, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 289-291 The December, 1998 issue of Agriculture and Human Values
by Richard Haynes - 293-299 Choice, complexity, and change: Gendered livelihoods and the management of water
by Frances Cleaver - 301-312 Identifying gender aspects of new irrigation management policies
by Margreet Zwarteveen - 313-324 Gender, irrigation, and environment: Arguing for agency
by Cecile Jackson - 325-336 Women‘s land rights in Gambian irrigated rice schemes: Constraints and opportunities
by Judith Carney - 337-345 Gendered participation in water management: Issues and illustrations from water users‘ associations in South Asia
by Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Margreet Zwarteveen - 347-360 Incentives and informal institutions: Gender and the management of water
by Frances Cleaver - 361-374 Water rights, gender, and poverty alleviation. Inclusion and exclusion of women and men smallholders in public irrigation infrastructure development
by Barbara van Koppen - 375-386 Gender, land, and water: From reform to counter-reform in Latin America
by Carmen Deere & Magdalena Leon
September 1998, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 199-207 Agrifood systems for competent, ordinary people. Presidential address: Joint Meetings of the Agricultural, Food and Human Values Society and the Association for the Study of Food and Society, Madison, Wisconsin, June 5–8, 1997
by G. Stevenson - 209-221 A comparison of two IPM training strategies in China: The importance of concepts of the rice ecosystem for sustainable insect pest management
by James Mangan & Margaret Mangan - 223-242 Liberal democracy in the global era: Implications for the agro-food sector
by Alessandro Bonanno - 243-252 Environmental and social risks, and the construction of “best-practice” in Australian agriculture
by Stewart Lockie - 253-265 Cultural identity of the Slovenian countryside: Territorial integrity and cultural diversity from the perspective of rural communities
by Ana Barbič - 267-280 Growing Oca, Ulluco, and Mashua in the Andes: Socioeconomic differences in cropping practices
by Mariela Bianco & Carolyn Sachs - 281-282 Caught in the Net: The Global Tuna Industry, Environmentalism, and the State by Alessandro Bonanno and Douglas Constance
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 283-284 Ecology and Economics of the Great Plains by Daniel S. Licht
by Amitrajeet Batabyal
June 1998, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 101-103 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 105-114 Intersectoral healthcare delivery
by Constance McCorkle & Edward Green - 115-120 One medicine: The dynamic relationship between animal and human medicine in history and at present
by Tjaart Schillhorn van Veen - 121-125 Integrated delivery of primary health care for humans and animals
by Calvin Schwabe - 127-131 Etiology in human and animal ethnomedicine
by Edward Green - 133-138 Human and horse medicine among some Native American groups
by Elizabeth Lawrence - 139-144 Parallels and potentials in animal and human ethnomedical technique
by Constance McCorkle & Marina Martin - 145-151 Implications of the one-medicine concept for healthcare provision
by Evelyn Mathias - 153-160 What is so disturbing about Jan Smiley's A Thousand Acres?
by Jim Bender - 161-176 Considering The Spirit of the Soil by Paul B. Thompson
by Carolyn Raffensperger & Mora Campbell & Paul Thompson - 177-178 The Role of Law in Natural Resource Management Edited by Joep Spiertz and Melanie G. Wiber
by Margaret Grossman - 179-183 Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives by Philippe Descola and Gisli Palsson, eds
by Anna Peterson - 185-188 Strawberry Fields: Politics, Class, and Work in California Agriculture by Miriam J. Wells
by William Friedland
March 1998, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-2 The March 1998 issue of Agriculture and Human Values
by R.P. Haynes - 3-14 Scientific and local classification and management of soils
by Shankarappa Talawar & Robert Rhoades - 15-30 The influence of initial attitudes on responses to communication about genetic engineering in food production
by Lynn Frewer & Chaya Howard & Richard Shepherd - 31-42 Intra-household processes and the adoption of hedgerow intercropping
by Soniia David - 43-56 Transgenic crops: Engineering a more sustainable agriculture?
by Bryan Hubbell & Rick Welsh - 57-64 Dirt in our mouths and hunger in our bellies: Metaphor, theory-making, and systems approaches to sustainable agriculture
by Mora Campbell - 65-75 Local food policy coalitions: Evaluation issues as seen by academics, project organizers, and funders
by Karen Webb & David Pelletier & Audrey Maretzki & Jennifer Wilkins - 77-84 Rethinking agricultural research roles
by Robert Zimdahl - 85-89 Considering Food and Society by William Whit
by Donna Maurer & Mia Barker & Jacqueline Newman & William Whit - 91-92 Food and society: A sociological approach by William Whit
by Allex Mcintosh - 93-94 The Economics of Agriculture Volume 1: Selected Papers of E. Gale Johnson edited by J. M Antle and D. A. Sumner
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 95-95 Western Public Lands and Environmental Politics edited by Charles Davis
by Amitraheet Batabyal - 97-98 Books received
by R.P. Haynes
December 1997, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 311-312 The December 1997 issue of Agriculture and Human Values
by Richard Haynes - 313-323 Exclusion, commodification and plant variety rights legislation
by Andrew Alexandra & Adrian Walsh - 325-335 The wandering commons: A conservation conundrum in the Dominican Republic
by Charles Geisler & Rees Warne & Alan Barton - 337-352 Greenline parks in France: Les Parcs Naturels Régionaux
by Gilbert LaFreniere - 353-372 Trees and spaces as emotion and norm laden components of local ecosystems in Nyamaropa communal land, Nyanga District, Zimbabwe
by Alois Mandondo - 373-386 Deforestation, livelihoods, and the preconditions for sustainable management in Olancho, Honduras
by William Sunderlin - 387-387 Local knowledge and agricultural decision making in the Philippines: Class, gender and resistance by Virginia D. Nazarea-Sandoval
by Jeffery Bentley
September 1997, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 205-210 Competing values and moral imperatives: An overview of ethical issues in biological control
by Jeffrey Lockwood - 211-226 Should arthropod parasitoids and predators be subject to host range testing when used as biological control agents?
by Roy Van Driesche & Mark Hoddle - 227-236 Biological control of fruit flies in Hawaii: Factors affecting non-target risk analysis
by Jian Duan & Russell Messing - 237-249 Utilizing a social ethic toward the environment in assessing genetically engineered insect-resistance in trees
by R. James - 251-258 The ethics of biofungicides – A case study: Trichoderma harzianum ATCC 20476 on Elsanta strawberries against Botrytis cinerea (gray mold)
by Jacques Ricard & Thomas Ricard - 259-271 The killing fields: Science and politics at Berkeley, California, USA
by Bruce Jennings - 273-282 Public perceptions of biological control of rabbits in New Zealand: Some ethical and practical issues
by Roger Wilkinson & Gerard Fitzgerald - 283-289 On the ethics of biological control of insect pests
by Jeffery Bentley & Robert O'Neil - 291-302 Cuba: Ethics, biological control, and crisis
by Peter Rosset - 303-310 Biological control and agricultural modernization: Towards resolution of some contradictions
by Miguel Altieri & Peter Rosset & Clara Nicholls
June 1997, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 109-110 The June 1997 issue of Agriculture and Human Values
by Richard Haynes - 111-114 1996 Presidential address to the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society
by Kate Clancy - 115-126 Do communitarian values justify Papua New Guinean and/or Fijian systems of land tenure?
by David Lea - 127-143 The land use patterns and the history of coffee in eastern Chiapas, Mexico
by Robert Rice - 145-158 Temporal and spatial dimensions of knowledge: Implications for sustainable agriculture
by Andrew Raedeke & J. Rikoon - 159-168 Sustainability and peasant farming systems: Observations from Zimbabwe
by B.M. Campbell & P. Bradley & S.E. Carter - 169-179 Household economy and traditional agroforestry systems in western Kenya
by Soniia David - 181-189 Little things mean a lot: Working with Central American farmers to address the mystery of plant disease
by Stephen Sherwood - 191-191 Book Reviews
by Lawrence Busch - 192-192 Book review
by Don Hadwiger - 193-193 Book review
by George Axinn - 194-196 Book reviews
by Leland Glenna
March 1997, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-9 Agriculture and Human Values: Past, present, and future directions
by Richard Haynes - 11-27 Science policy and moral purity: The case of animal biotechnology
by Paul Thompson - 29-43 How biotechnology regulation sets a risk/ethics boundary
by Les Levidow & Susan Carr - 45-57 Inquiry for the public good: Democratic participation in agricultural research
by Gerad Middendorf & Lawrence Busch - 59-66 The bST debate: The relationship between awareness and acceptance of technological advances
by David Smith & J. Skalnik & Patricia Skalnik - 67-79 ‘Objection’ mapping in determining group and individual concerns regarding genetic engineering
by L.J. Frewer & D. Hedderley & C. Howard & R. Shepherd - 81-95 Initiating home-style issues in a postreform Congress
by William Browne & Won Paik
September 1996, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 1-1 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 2-9 Traditional knowledge and rationale for weaver ant husbandry in the Mekong delta of Vietnam
by Marco Barzman & Nick Mills & Nguyen Thu Cuc - 10-20 Mexican labor and Oregon agriculture: The changing terrain of conflict
by Robert Dash - 21-38 Rationality, habitus, and agricultural landscapes: Ethnographic case studies in landscape sociology
by Leland Glenna - 39-47 How farmers research and learn: The case of arable farmers of East Anglia, UK
by Fergus Lyon - 48-63 Biodiversity and modern crop varieties: Sharpening the debate
by Robert Tripp - 64-70 Local knowledge and farmer perceptions of bean diseases in the central African highlands
by Peter Trutmann & Joachim Voss & James Fairhead - 71-74 Development projects, success or failure? Personal perspectives on an FAO fertilizer project in Nepal
by Anil Shrestha & Purna Chhetri - 76-78 Book reviews
by Peter Donovan & Cliff Montagne & Mark Lapping
June 1996, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 1-2 From the editor
by Jacqueline Newman - 3-11 Cultivating continuity and creating change: Women's home garden practices in northeastern Thailand
by Geraldine Moreno-Black & Prapimporn Somnasang & Sompong Thamathawan - 12-22 Planners or performers? Reflections on indigenous dryland farming in northern Burkina Faso
by Simon Batterbury - 23-32 Community food security and environmental justice: Searching for a common discourse
by Robert Gottlieb & Andrew Fisher - 33-42 Coming in to the foodshed
by Jack Kloppenburg & John Hendrickson & G. Stevenson - 43-47 Community shared agriculture
by Paul Fieldhouse - 48-63 Black farmers/farms: The search for equity
by Joel Schor - 64-73 Comparison of dietary variety and ethnic food consumption among Chinese, Chinese-American, and white American women
by Audrey Spindler & Janice Schultz - 74-78 Traditional African American foods and African Americans
by Drucilla Byars
March 1996, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-2 From the guest editors
by George Axinn & Rockfeler Herisse - 3-12 The human capital dimension of collaboration among government, NGOs, and farm families: Comparative advantage, complications, and observations from an Indian case
by R. Alsop & R. Khandelwal & E. Gilbert & J. Farrington - 13-23 Accountability to members in grassroots organizations: Evidence from India
by Poonam Smith-Sreen - 24-32 Leaders, leadership, and democratization in West Africa: Observations from the cotton farmers movement in Mali
by R. Bingen - 33-41 Research, extension, and user partnerships: Models for collaboration and strategies for change
by William Lacy - 42-51 Collaborations as an alternative to projects: Cornell experience with university-NGO-Government networking
by Norman Uphoff - 52-61 Supporting collaboration in Collaborative Research
by Patricia Barnes-McConnell - 62-74 Book reviews
by Kenneth Dahlberg & Nancy Axinn & K. Srinivas & Andrew Zekeri & Paul Armah & George Axinn
December 1996, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-1 From the editor
by Richard Haynes - 2-19 The ethics of biological control: Understanding the moral implications of our most powerful ecological technology
by Jeffrey Lockwood - 20-31 Landcare in Australia: Beyond the expert farmer
by Allan Curtis & Terry Lacy - 32-51 The forest conversion process: A discussion of the sustainability of predominant land uses associated with frontier expansion in the Amazon
by Francisco Pichón - 52-58 Cowboys, Indians and deforestation: Ethical and environmental issues associated with pastures research in Amazonia
by William Loker - 59-68 The transformation of the state extensive growth model in Cuba's sugarcane agriculture
by Lázaro Castellanos & Jose Alvarez - 69-77 “All Sweden Shall Live!” Reinventing community for sustainable rural development
by David Vail - 78-85 Book reviews
by K. Srinivas & Paul Armah & Arnold Zekeri & John Lockwood & M. Meltzer
September 1995, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 2-17 Individualism, efficiency, and domesticity: Ideological aspects of the exploitation of farm families and farm women
by Jane Adams - 18-46 Farm labor contractors: The processors of new immigrant labor from Mexico for Californian agribusiness
by Fred Krissman - 47-57 State intervention and farmer creativity: Integrated pest management among rice farmers in Subang, West Java
by Yunita Winarto - 58-79 Sovereign and property rights over plant genetic resources
by Carlos Correa
June 1995, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 2-18 Zuni farming and united states government policy: The politics of biological and cultural diversity in agriculture
by David Cleveland & Fred Bowannie & Donald Eriacho & Andrew Laahty & Eric Perramond - 19-33 Global contested terrain: The case of the tuna-dolphin controversy
by Douglas Constance & Alessandro Bonanno & William Heffernan - 34-44 The state, hog hotels, and the "right to farm": A curious relationship
by Laura DeLind - 45-54 Banishment from the “gold mountain”
by A. Krebs - 55-68 A “curious blend”: The successful farmer in American farm magazines, 1984–1991
by Gerry Walter - 69-78 Adopting good samaritan immunity for defendants in the horse industry
by Terence Centner
March 1995, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 4-18 Livestock in africa: The economics of ownership and production, and the potential for improvement
by M. Meltzer - 19-28 Constraints to the integration of the contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) vaccine into Kenya's animal health delivery system
by Michele Lipner & Ralph Brown - 29-38 Broken houses: Science and development in the African Savannahs
by Brian Williams & Catherine Campbell & Roy Williams