September 2011, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 201-218 Organizational Form and Strategic Alignment in a Local Authority: A Preliminary Exploration using Fuzzy Clustering
by Rhys Andrews & Malcolm Beynon - 219-236 Stress and Leadership Tendencies of Respondents from Iran: Exploring Similarities and Differences Based on Age and Gender
by Reza Tajaddini & Bahaudin Mujtaba - 237-253 Privatization and National Development: A Case Study of Ghana
by Samuel Adams - 255-263 The Relationship Between Sustained Success and Donations for an Athletic Department with a Premier Football Program
by Chris Cohen & Warren Whisenant & Patrick Walsh - 265-281 Interaction Frequency and Quality as Two Dimensions of Complementarity: An Empirical Examination of Some Contingency Variables
by Tansu Demir - 283-295 Old and New Organizational Cages. What about Autonomy and Freedom?
by Lavinia Bifulco - 297-306 Challenges of Appraising Intangible Outcomes with Unclear Objectives: Performance Management Issues in Local Government in Ontario
by Siu-Ming Kwok & Dora Tam - 307-309 Brown, Valerie A., John A. Harris, and Jacqueline Y. Russell, eds. (2010). Tackling Wicked Problems Through the Transdisciplinary Imagination
by Anthony Molina - 311-312 Rosenbloom, O’Leary, and Joshua Chanin, eds. (2010). Public Administration and Law, Third Edition
by Mark Fagan
March 2011, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-12 Symposium Introduction: The Global Financial Crisis, Governance and Institutional Dynamics
by Ian Thynne - 13-27 Global Financial Crisis, Public Administration and Governance: Do New Problems Require New Solutions?
by B. Peters & Jon Pierre & Tiina Randma-Liiv - 29-43 Global Financial Crisis and International Institutions: Challenges, Opportunities and Change
by Jan-Erik Lane & Reinert Maeland - 45-59 Governance Implications of the Global Financial Crisis: United States Experience
by Thomas Stanton - 61-75 Nonsense on Stilts: United Kingdom Perspectives on the Global Financial Crisis and Governance
by Andrew Massey - 77-91 Global Financial Crisis: The Australian Experience in International Perspective
by Roger Wettenhall - 93-94 Mark Bevir, Key Concepts in Governance
by Robert Stoker - 95-96 Berman, M. Jae Moon, and Heungsuk Choi, eds. (2010). Public Administration in East Asia: Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan
by Milton Esman
December 2010, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 303-321 Bureaucratic Politics and Administrative Reform: Why Politics Matters
by Bidhya Bowornwathana & Ora-orn Poocharoen - 323-337 Observers’ Reporting of Sexual Harassment: The Influence of Harassment Type, Organizational Culture, and Political Orientation
by Claudia Benavides Espinoza & George Cunningham - 339-355 Image Construction in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina
by Steven Koven - 357-376 When do Public Managers Imitate Each Other? Mimetic Decision Making in Contracting Decisions of Danish Municipalities
by Anders Villadsen & Jesper Hansen & Niels Mols - 377-397 Birds of a Feather? The Effect of Organizational Value Congruence on the Relationship Between Ministries and Quangos
by Sandra Thiel & Zeger Wal - 399-401 Samples, John. (2010). The Struggle to Limit Government: A Modern Political History
by Edmund Stazyk - 403-405 Audrey J. Murrell, Sheila Forte-Trammell, and Diana A. Bing, Intelligent Mentoring: How IBM Creates Value through People, Knowledge, and Relationships
by Stacy Blake-Beard
September 2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 205-207 Bureaucracy, Democracy, and Public Administration: Editor’s Brief Introduction to the Symposium
by Ali Farazmand - 209-222 Bureaucracy and Democracy
by B. Peters - 223-244 National Defense, Environmental Regulation, and Overhead Democracy: A View from the “Greening” of the U.S. Military
by Robert Durant - 245-258 Bureaucracy and Democracy: A Theoretical Analysis
by Ali Farazmand - 259-274 Chinese State Bureaucracy and Democratization: Contradictions and Strategization
by King Chow - 275-297 From Bureaucracy to Debureaucratization?
by Demetrios Argyriades - 299-301 Kee, J.E. and Newcomer, K. E. (2008). Transforming Public and Non-Profit Organizations: Stewardship for Leading Change
by Gary Marshall
June 2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 99-115 Soft Regionalism in Action: Examining Voluntary Regional Councils’ Structures, Processes and Programs
by Tara Bryan & James Wolf - 117-137 Solving the Labour Problem Among Professional Workers in the UK Public Sector: Organisation Change and Performance Management
by Les Worrall & Kim Mather & Roger Seifert - 139-152 Knowledge Groups: A Model for Creating Synergy Across the Public Sector
by Iram Khan - 153-171 Combating Corruption and Managing Integrity in Malaysia: A Critical Overview of Recent Strategies and Initiatives
by Noore Siddiquee - 173-190 Leadership Tendencies of Government Employees in Oman: A Study of Task and Relationship based on Age and Gender
by Bahaudin Mujtaba & Nile Khanfar & Salim Khanfar - 191-194 George Argyrous (Ed.), Evidence for Policy and Decision-Making: A Practical Guide, 2009
by Donna Infeld - 195-199 Van Hoek Aukje, Hol Ton, Jansen Owsald, Rijpkema Peter & Widdershoven Rob (Eds.), Multilevel Governance in Enforcement and Adjudication
by Gina Scutelnicu - 201-204 How to Share in Governance Effectively
by Milena Neshkova
March 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-16 Virtual Governance Networking Policies: A Comparative Analysis
by Fatemeh Didehvar & Hassan Danaeefard - 17-30 Role of Citizens in Environmental Conservation: The Case of the Yokosuka City; A Statistical Analysis
by Yuko Kaneko - 31-47 E-Government in Kazakhstan: Challenges and Its Role to Development
by Shahjahan Bhuiyan - 49-70 The Cultural Dimension of Metagovernance: Why Governance Doctrines May Fail
by Louis Meuleman - 71-88 Federalism and the Implementation of Environmental Policy: Changing Trends in Canada and the United States
by Ahmed Huque & Nathan Watton - 89-92 Michael W. Bauer and Christoph Knill (Eds.), Management Reforms in International Organizations, 2007
by Kim Moloney - 93-95 Danny Burns, Systemic Action Research: A Strategy for Whole System Change
by Derick Brinkerhoff - 97-98 Durant, Robert F., The Greening of the U.S. Military: Environmental Policy, National Security, and Organizational Change
by Jill Kasle
December 2009, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 287-290 Report Card on Katrina: Administrative Progress Four Years Hence
by Carole Jurkiewicz - 291-308 How a Navigation Channel Contributed to Most of the Flooding of New Orleans During Hurricane Katrina
by Ivor Heerden & G. Kemp & Robert Bea & Gary Shaffer & John Day & Chad Morris & Duncan Fitzgerald & Andrew Milanes - 309-323 The Dynamics of Disaster Recovery: Resilience and Entropy in Hurricane Response Systems 2005–2008
by Louise Comfort & Namkyung Oh & Gunes Ertan - 325-341 Post-Katrina Hazard Mitigation on the Gulf Coast
by Beverly Cigler - 343-351 Katrina and the Governors
by William Waugh - 353-366 Political Leadership, Cultural Ethics and Recovery: Louisiana Post-Katrina
by Carole Jurkiewicz - 367-384 Sustaining Cross-Sector Collaborations: Lessons from New Orleans
by Gloria Simo - 385-398 Crisis Communication Post Katrina: What are we Learning?
by James Garnett & Alexander Kouzmin - 399-412 Hurricane Katrina, the Crisis of Leadership, and Chaos Management: Time for Trying the ‘Surprise Management Theory in Action’
by Ali Farazmand
September 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 199-212 The Leadership Effectiveness in the Process of Planned Organizational Change
by Younhyun Song - 213-234 Emergent Management Strategies in a Public Agency: A Case Study of Alternative Fuel Vehicles
by Benoy Jacob & Eric Welch & Terence Simms - 235-246 Perceptions of Nonprofit Funding Decisions: A Survey of Local Public Administrators and Executive Directors of Community-Based Housing Organizations (CBHOs)
by Robert Silverman - 247-261 Crises and Natural Disasters: a Review of Two Schools of Study Drawing on Australian Wildfire Experience
by Roger Wettenhall - 263-285 Institutional Shifts In Inter-Municipal Service Delivery
by Rudie Hulst & André Montfort & Arto Haveri & Jenni Airaksinen & Josephine Kelly
June 2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 101-118 The Public Sector’s Use of Agencies: A Dynamic Rather than Static Scene
by Roger Wettenhall & Chris Aulich - 119-138 Responsive Public Officials and Engaged Citizens: Myth or Reality? A Case Study of Water Rights Policy in Colorado
by Deserai Crow - 139-156 Opportunities of Reforming the WTO: Resistance and Potentials of Change
by Alexandre de Crombrugghe - 157-167 Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction in Coaching
by Warren Whisenant & Michael Smucker - 169-198 How Security Agencies Control Change: Executive Power and the Quest for Autonomy in the FBI and CIA
by Patrick Roberts
March 2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-14 Looking for Their Dick Vermeil: How Prior Performance Influences the Selection Decision
by Madinah Hamidullah & Vicky Wilkins & Kenneth Meier - 15-35 Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Public Involvement in the Immigration Plan for the Nanji Islands, China
by Ganlin Huang & Curtis Ventriss - 37-50 Administration, Globalization, and the Arab States
by Jamil Jreisat - 51-65 Regional Development Agencies in Turkey: Are They Examples of Obligated Policy Transfer?
by Zahid Sobaci - 67-82 Thinking About Stakeholders of Public Agencies: The Georgia Department of Transportation Stakeholder Audit
by John Thomas & Theodore Poister - 83-99 Privatization of Public Services in Leipzig: A Balancing Act between Efficiency and Legitimacy
by Jean-Claude Garcia-Zamor & Sebastian Noll
December 2008, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 291-305 FEMA and the Witt Revolution: Testing the Hypothesis of “Bureaucratic Autonomy”
by André Corrêa d’Almeida & Donald Klingner - 307-328 Politics−Bureaucracy Relationship in Bangladesh: Consequences for the Public Service Commission
by Ferdous Jahan & Asif Shahan - 329-345 Radio Frequency Identification: A Panacea for Governments?
by Barbara Neuby & Elizabeth Rudin - 347-363 The Blind Spots of Quasi-market Regulators
by Gustaf Kastberg - 365-380 Managing Integrity: The Regulation of Post Public Employment in Britain and Hong Kong
by Ian Scott & Joan Leung
September 2008, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 195-214 Using Economic Freedom Indexes as Policy Indicators: An Intercontinental Example
by Zane Spindler & Xavier Vanssay & Vincent Hildebrand - 215-231 Government Governance (GG) and Inter-Ministerial Policy Coordination (IMPC) in Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia
by Raymond Saner & Gordana Toseva & Aziz Atamanov & Roman Mogilevsky & Aleksandar Sahov - 233-252 Postal Savings for National Development—The Experience of Japan and Future Perspective in a Globalized World
by Yuko Kaneko & Masahiko Metoki - 253-272 Applicability of the Normative Model of Outsourcing in the Public Sector: The Case of a State Transportation Agency
by Branco Ponomariov & Gordon Kingsley - 273-290 Public Organizational Birth and Death: Understanding the Exigencies of an African Political Environment
by Eric Otenyo
June 2008, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 93-96 The Governance, Autonomy and Coordination of Public Sector Organizations
by Per Lægreid & Koen Verhoest & Werner Jann - 97-116 The Challenge of Coordination in Central Government Organizations: The Norwegian Case
by Tom Christensen & Per Lægreid - 117-136 Central State Steering of Local Collaboration: Assessing the Impact of Tools of Meta-governance in Homelessness Services in England
by Alice Moseley & Oliver James - 137-153 Political Influence and Bureaucratic Autonomy
by Kutsal Yesilkagit & Sandra Thiel - 155-174 Autonomy and Regulation of State Agencies: Reinforcement, Indifference or Compensation?
by Paul Roness & Koen Verhoest & Kristin Rubecksen & Muiris MacCarthaigh - 175-194 Accountability in the Shadow of Hierarchy: The Horizontal Accountability of Agencies
by Thomas Schillemans
March 2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-15 Measuring Citizen Satisfaction with Aspects of Public Services from a Local Authority and Determining Their Importance: A Case Study
by Rosanna Giannoccaro & Nicola Costantino & A. Ludovico & Roberto Pietroforte - 17-36 Citizen Support for Hospital Privatization: A Hierarchical Cross-National Analysis
by R. Battaglio & Jerome Legge - 37-52 Perceptions of Civil Servants Toward Privatization and Development: A New Exploratory Study
by M. Islam & Ali Farazmand - 53-68 Democracy and Private Property: Governance of a Three-Party Public–Private Partnership
by Sven-Olof Collin & Elin Smith - 69-87 Falling Between Two Cracks: The Indeterminate Character of Mid-level Government
by Michiel Vries - 89-91 Svara James. 2007. “The Ethics Primer for Public Administrators in Government and Nonprofit Organizations”
by Genevieve Kyarimpa
December 2007, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 299-316 From Bureaucratic Administration to Network Administration? An Empirical Study on E-Government Focus on Catalonia
by Yanina Welp & Ferran Urgell & Eduard Aibar - 317-329 A Cross-national Analysis of Global E-government
by Chon-Kyun Kim - 331-344 Promoting Public Trust in Public Organizations: Explaining the Role of Public Accountability
by Hassan Danaee Fard & Ali Anvary Rostamy - 345-358 A Critique of the New Public Management and the Neo-Weberian State: Advancing a Critical Theory of Administrative Reform
by William Dunn & David Miller - 359-373 Participation in Decentralized Local Governance: Two Contrasting Cases from the Philippines
by Risako Ishii & Farhad Hossain & Christopher Rees - 375-375 Policy Implementation in Urban Bangladesh: Role of Intra-organizational Coordination
by Pranab Panday
September 2007, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 195-208 E-governance and Corruption-developments and Issues in Ethiopia
by R. Pathak & Gurmeet Singh & Rakesh Belwal & R. Smith - 209-219 Strangers in a Strange Land: Shock, Disappointment, and Adjustments Experiences of Expatriates in Central Asia
by R. Robertson & H. Gaggiotti & P. Low - 221-236 The Termination of Public Organizations: Theoretical Perspectives to Revitalize a Promising Research Area
by Christian Adam & Michael Bauer & Christoph Knill & Philipp Studinger - 237-259 Policy Implementation in Urban Bangladesh: Role of Intra-organizational Coordination
by Pranab Panday - 261-267 Florida ADs and Homologous Reproduction
by Susan Mullane & Warren Whisenant - 269-279 The Effect of Female Strategic Managers on Organizational Performance
by Morgen Johansen - 281-297 Implications of Success and Persistence for Public Sector Performance
by Jeremy Hall
June 2007, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 93-112 The Emerging Perspective of Governance and Poverty Alleviation: A Case of Bangladesh
by Abu Sarker & Mohammad Rahman - 113-142 Revisiting the Dartmouth Court Decision: Why the US has Private Nonprofit Agencies Instead of Public Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
by Mordecai Lee - 143-161 The Integration of Two “Brotherhoods” into One Organizational Culture: A Psycho-social Perspective on Merging Police and Fire Services
by Jeanne Stinchcomb & Francisco Ordaz - 163-180 Conflict Management of Cooperative Organizations in Contemporary Iran: A Review Analysis
by Davoud Mojtahed - 181-189 Public Organizations in the Age of Globalization and Technology
by Meena Chary - 191-193 The Policy Game of Nonprofit Organizations in Civil Society
by Efraim Ben-Zadok
March 2007, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-19 Risk Management in Public–Private Partnership Contracts
by Tahir Nisar - 21-40 War as Rent-Seeking: A Public Choice Perspective on the Pacific War
by Zane Spindler & Brian Dollery - 41-55 The Property Rights Approach to Nonprofit Organization: The Role of Intrinsic Motivation
by Vladislav Valentinov - 57-68 The Organizational Architecture of Nonprofit Governance: Economic Calculation Within an Ecology of Enterprises
by Monica Auteri & Richard Wagner - 69-91 Contending Approaches and Models for Rationalizing Chinese Public Organizations: The Case of Western China
by King Chow & Laura Luo
December 2006, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 305-316 Nondistribution Constraint and Managerial Discretion: Disentangling the Relationship
by Vladislav Valentinov - 317-328 Bureaucratic Power: Security and the National Response Plan
by Barbara Neuby - 329-346 Japan’s Innovation of Public Organizations in the Research and Development Field
by Yuko Kaneko - 347-371 In—Credible Government: Legitimacy, Democracy, and Non-Governmental Organizations
by Cinnamon Carlarne & John Carlarne - 373-374 Leadership, or the Lack Thereof, by Kevin McGuinness and Stephen Bauld. Toronto: Lulu, 2005, 625 pp., $35.25 (paper)
by R. Robertson
September 2006, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 167-169 Guest Editors’ Preface
by Ian Scott & Ian Thynne - 171-184 Statutory Bodies: How Distinctive and In What Ways?
by Ian Thynne - 185-202 The Government and Statutory Bodies in Hong Kong: Centralization and Autonomy
by Ian Scott - 203-219 Shifting Concepts of Autonomy in the Hong Kong Hospital Authority
by Janice Caulfield & Agnes Liu - 221-236 How Autonomous are Public Corporations in Hong Kong? The Case of the Airport Authority
by Anthony Cheung - 237-257 Integration and Autonomy in Organizational Governance: A Comparative Study of Two Government-Owned Railways in Hong Kong
by Rikkie Yeung - 259-276 Financial Reforms of Statutory Bodies in Singapore: Control and Autonomy in a Centralized State
by David Jones - 277-288 Statutory Bodies, Land Use Planning and Conservation in Singapore: Issues and Challenges for Governability
by Maria Francesch-Huidobro - 289-304 Statutory Bodies and Performance Reporting: Hong Kong and Singapore Experience
by Jeannette Taylor
June 2006, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 93-106 Political Modernisation and Policy Arrangements: A Framework for Understanding Environmental Policy Change
by Bas Arts & Pieter Leroy & Jan Tatenhove - 107-124 The Organization of Factions: Interest Mobilization and the Group Theory of Politics
by Matt Grossmann - 125-142 The Link Between the Quality of the Supervisor–Employee Relationship and the Level of the Employee's Job Satisfaction
by Leronardo Stringer - 143-154 Emergent Indicators Lock and Unlock Public Organizations: An Ethic of Commitment
by Benoît Bernard - 155-166 Not for Bread Alone—Motivation Among Hospital Employees in Singapore
by Patrick Low Kim Cheng & Robert Robertson
March 2006, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-20 Morals, Ethics, and Integrity: How Codes of Conduct Contribute to Ethical Adult Education Practice
by Silvana Ianinska & Jean-Claude Garcia-Zamor - 21-35 Productivity Growth in the Lisbon Police Force
by Carlos Pestana Barros - 37-56 A Contingency Approach to Decentralization
by Frederik Fleurke & Rudie Hulst - 57-77 Business in Metropolis: Local Governance of for-Profit Organisations in Finland
by Jan-Erik Johanson - 79-90 Institutional and Stakeholder Mapping: Frameworks for Policy Analysis and Institutional Change
by Paul Aligica
December 2005, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 279-285 Introduction to the Symposium: Communities, Organizations, and Restorative Justice Reform
by Sandra O'Brien & Gordon Bazemore - 287-314 The Synergy and Substance of Organizational and Community Change in the Response to Crime and Conflict: The Emergence and Potential of Restorative Justice
by Gordon Bazemore & Sandra O'Brien & Mark Carey - 315-333 Restorative Justice and College Student Misconduct
by David Karp & Susanne Conrad - 335-357 Practicing Restorative Justice in School Communities: Addressing the Challenge of Culture Change
by Brenda Morrison & Peta Blood & Margaret Thorsborne - 359-374 Community is not a Place but a Relationship 1 : Lessons for Organizational Development
by Carolyn Boyes-Watson - 375-389 Restorative Justice Programs, Gender, and Recidivism
by Lori Elis
September 2005, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 183-200 Public Administration's Multiple Institutionalized Frameworks
by James Wolf - 201-217 Role of Government in an Era of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities
by Ali Farazmand - 219-232 The Current State of Women Print Journalists: An Analysis of the Status and Careers of Females in Newspapers Sports Departments
by Kimberly Miloch & Paul Pedersen & Michael Smucker & Warren Whisenant - 233-247 Managing Reforms: The Politics of Organizing Reform Work
by Bidhya Bowornwathana & Ora-orn Poocharoen - 249-271 New Public Management, Service Provision and Non-Governmental Organizations in Bangladesh
by Abu Sarker
June 2005, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 91-107 Performance-Based Budgeting: The U.S. Experience
by Dongsung Kong - 109-124 The Impact of Comparisons on the Satisfaction of Interscholastic Coaches of Girls’ Sports
by Michael Smucker & Warren Whisenant - 125-138 Middle Eastern Public Management: A Cultural Approach To Developmental Administration
by Behrooz Kalantari - 139-155 The Termination of State-Run International Trade Programs in California: Perspectives on Contributing Factors and Future Policy Options
by Guenther Kress & Randi Miller & Gus Koehler - 157-176 Medical Practice under Managed Care: Cost-control Mechanisms and Impact on Quality of Service
by Daniel Simonet
December 2005, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-33 The Elevation of the Elite: Historical Trends and Complicity of the Masses
by Paul Hofacker - 35-53 Beyond New Public Management. Answering the Claims of both Politics and Society
by Peter Noordhoek & Raymond Saner - 55-67 The Quest for Indigenous Administration: Asian Communist, Islamic Revivalist, and Other Models
by Keith Henderson - 69-84 Contracting Out and Trust in the Public Sector: Cases of Management from Hong Kong
by Ahmed Huque
November 2005, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 295-315 Institutional Fleecing: The Slow Death of Dutch Provinces
by Michiel Vries - 317-337 Towards New Public Management in Greek Public Organizations: Leadership vs. Management, and the Path to Implementation
by Sophia Philippidou & Klas Soderquist & Gregory Prastacos - 339-360 Local Governments Connecting to the Global Economy: Globalization as Catalyst in Governance of East African Cities
by Eric Otenyo - 361-371 Reforming Public Administration in Southeast Asia: Trends and Impacts
by M. Haque - 373-375 Government Works: What Influences Success in Public Organizations
by N. Cayer - 377-380 A New Frontier in 21st Century America
by Fernando Paolis
September 2004, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 187-204 A "Pracademic's" Perspective of Ethics and Honor: Imperatives for Public Service in the 21st Century!
by George L. Hanbury - 205-219 A New Era in Governmental Reform: Realizing Community
by Sandra O'Brien & Gordon Bazemore - 221-238 The Dynamics of Employee Dissent: Whistleblowers and Organizational Jiu-Jitsu
by Brian Martin & Will Rifkin - 239-257 Client-Quality Dimensions: Empirical Evidence from the Public Sector of the United Arab Emirates
by Ateeq A. Jakka - 259-277 Transnational Corporations and Human Rights: Silencing the Ontological Controversy
by Bjørn Letnes - 279-288 Review Article: Mending Globalization with Institutional Imagination
by Bongi Disang Dominic Radipati
June 2004, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 103-119 Emergency and Disaster: Pervasive Risk and Public Bureaucracy in Developing Nations
by Lenneal J. Henderson - 121-133 Network Stability: Opportunity or Obstacles?
by Alisa Hicklin - 135-155 Nanshin: Budget-Maximizing Behavior, the Imperial Japanese Navy and the Origins of the Pacific War
by Brian Dollery & Zane Spindler & Craig Parsons - 157-176 What Does Hollywood Think Nonprofit CEOs Do All Day? Screen Depictions of NGO Management
by Mordecai Lee - 177-178 The Science of Policy Analysis in a Political and Ethical Perspective
by Mark R. Daniels
March 2004, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-24 Innovation in Strategic Human Resource Management: Building Capacity in the Age of Globalization
by Ali Farazmand - 25-46 The Dilemma of Privatized Public Services: Philosophical Frames in Understanding Failure and Managing Partnership Terminations
by John Dixon & Rhys Dogan & Alexander Kouzmin - 47-73 Resistance to Change and the Language of Public Organizations: A Look at "Clashing Grammars" in Large-Scale Information Technology Projects
by James L. Vann - 75-84 Traditional Managerial Activities and Interscholastic Athletic Directors: Examining the Differences, Similarities, and Connections between Engagement, Gender, and Success of High School Sports Administrators
by Warren A. Whisenant & Paul M. Pedersen