May 2017, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-15 On Stratified Adjusted Tests by Binomial Trials
by Shimokawa Asanao & Miyaoka Etsuo - 1-16 Median Analysis of Repeated Measures Associated with Recurrent Events in Presence of Terminal Event
by Sundaram Rajeshwari & Ma Ling & Ghoshal Subhashis - 1-16 Improvement Screening for Ultra-High Dimensional Data with Censored Survival Outcomes and Varying Coefficients
by Yue Mu & Li Jialiang - 1-19 On the Conditional Power in Survival Time Analysis Considering Cure Fractions
by Kuehnapfel Andreas & Schwarzenberger Fabian & Scholz Markus - 1-20 Empirical Likelihood in Nonignorable Covariate-Missing Data Problems
by Xie Yanmei & Zhang Biao - 1-20 Comparing Four Methods for Estimating Tree-Based Treatment Regimes
by Sies Aniek & Van Mechelen Iven - 1-23 Bayesian Variable Selection Methods for Matched Case-Control Studies
by Asafu-Adjei Josephine & Tadesse Mahlet G. & Coull Brent & Balasubramanian Raji & Lev Michael & Schwamm Lee & Betensky Rebecca - 1-24 Parameter Estimation of a Two-Colored Urn Model Class
by Chloé Le Goff Line & Soulier Philippe - 1-24 A Quantitative Concordance Measure for Comparing and Combining Treatment Selection Markers
by Zhang Zhiwei & Ma Shujie & Nie Lei & Soon Guoxing - 1-31 Combinatorial Mixtures of Multiparameter Distributions: An Application to Bivariate Data
by Edefonti Valeria & Parmigiani Giovanni
November 2016, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-8 Sample Size for Assessing Agreement between Two Methods of Measurement by Bland−Altman Method
by Lu Meng-Jie & Zhong Wei-Hua & Liu Yu-Xiu & Miao Hua-Zhang & Li Yong-Chang & Ji Mu-Huo - 1-9 Using Relative Statistics and Approximate Disease Prevalence to Compare Screening Tests
by Samuelson Frank & Abbey Craig - 1-10 Testing Equality in Ordinal Data with Repeated Measurements: A Model-Free Approach
by Lui Kung-Jong - 1-11 Mendelian Randomization using Public Data from Genetic Consortia
by Thompson John R. & Minelli Cosetta & Del Greco M Fabiola - 1-11 Joint Model for Mortality and Hospitalization
by Chen Yuqi & Guo Wensheng & Kotanko Peter & Usvyat Len & Wang Yuedong - 1-12 Effect Estimation in Point-Exposure Studies with Binary Outcomes and High-Dimensional Covariate Data – A Comparison of Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting
by Pang Menglan & Schuster Tibor & Filion Kristian B. & Schnitzer Mireille E. & Eberg Maria & Platt Robert W. - 1-12 Multiple Comparisons Using Composite Likelihood in Clustered Data
by Azadbakhsh Mahdis & Gao Xin & Jankowski Hanna - 1-13 Multi-locus Test and Correction for Confounding Effects in Genome-Wide Association Studies
by Chen Donglai & Liu Chuanhai & Xie Jun - 1-17 Adaptive Design for Staggered-Start Clinical Trial
by Yuan Ao & Li Qizhai & Xiong Ming & Tan Ming T. - 1-18 A Comparison of Some Approximate Confidence Intervals for a Single Proportion for Clustered Binary Outcome Data
by Saha Krishna K. & Miller Daniel & Wang Suojin - 1-18 Semiparametric Regression Estimation for Recurrent Event Data with Errors in Covariates under Informative Censoring
by Yu Hsiang & Cheng Yu-Jen & Wang Ching-Yun - 1-19 Effect of Smoothing in Generalized Linear Mixed Models on the Estimation of Covariance Parameters for Longitudinal Data
by Mullah Muhammad Abu Shadeque & Benedetti Andrea - 1-21 A Binomial Integer-Valued ARCH Model
by Ristić Miroslav M. & Weiß Christian H. & Janjić Ana D. - 1-21 Tree Based Method for Aggregate Survival Data Modeling
by Shimokawa Asanao & Narita Yoshitaka & Shibui Soichiro & Miyaoka Etsuo
May 2016, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-1 Special Issue on Data-Adaptive Statistical Inference
by Chambaz Antoine & Hubbard Alan & van der Laan Mark J. - 3-19 Statistical Inference for Data Adaptive Target Parameters
by Hubbard Alan E. & Kherad-Pajouh Sara & van der Laan Mark J. - 21-29 Evaluations of the Optimal Discovery Procedure for Multiple Testing
by Rubin Daniel B. - 31-44 Addressing Confounding in Predictive Models with an Application to Neuroimaging
by Linn Kristin A. & Gaonkar Bilwaj & Doshi Jimit & Davatzikos Christos & Shinohara Russell T. - 45-63 Model-Based Recursive Partitioning for Subgroup Analyses
by Seibold Heidi & Zeileis Achim & Hothorn Torsten - 65-77 The Orthogonally Partitioned EM Algorithm: Extending the EM Algorithm for Algorithmic Stability and Bias Correction Due to Imperfect Data
by Regier Michael D. & Moodie Erica E. M. - 79-95 A Sequential Rejection Testing Method for High-Dimensional Regression with Correlated Variables
by Mandozzi Jacopo & Bühlmann Peter - 97-115 Variable Selection for Confounder Control, Flexible Modeling and Collaborative Targeted Minimum Loss-Based Estimation in Causal Inference
by Schnitzer Mireille E. & Lok Judith J. & Gruber Susan - 117-129 Testing the Relative Performance of Data Adaptive Prediction Algorithms: A Generalized Test of Conditional Risk Differences
by Goldstein Benjamin A. & Polley Eric C. & Briggs Farren B. S. & van der Laan Mark J. & Hubbard Alan - 131-155 A Case Study of the Impact of Data-Adaptive Versus Model-Based Estimation of the Propensity Scores on Causal Inferences from Three Inverse Probability Weighting Estimators
by Neugebauer Romain & Schmittdiel Julie A. & van der Laan Mark J. - 157-177 Influence Re-weighted G-Estimation
by Rich Benjamin & Moodie Erica E. M. & A. Stephens David - 179-201 Optimal Spatial Prediction Using Ensemble Machine Learning
by Davies Molly Margaret & van der Laan Mark J. - 203-218 AUC-Maximizing Ensembles through Metalearning
by LeDell Erin & van der Laan Mark J. & Petersen Maya - 219-232 Selection Bias When Using Instrumental Variable Methods to Compare Two Treatments But More Than Two Treatments Are Available
by Ertefaie Ashkan & Small Dylan & Flory James & Hennessy Sean - 233-252 Doubly Robust and Efficient Estimation of Marginal Structural Models for the Hazard Function
by Zheng Wenjing & Petersen Maya & van der Laan Mark J. - 253-282 Data-Adaptive Bias-Reduced Doubly Robust Estimation
by Vermeulen Karel & Vansteelandt Stijn - 283-303 Optimal Individualized Treatments in Resource-Limited Settings
by Luedtke Alexander R. & van der Laan Mark J. - 305-332 Super-Learning of an Optimal Dynamic Treatment Rule
by Luedtke Alexander R. & van der Laan Mark J. - 333-349 Second-Order Inference for the Mean of a Variable Missing at Random
by Díaz Iván & Carone Marco & van der Laan Mark J. - 351-378 One-Step Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimation Based on Universal Least Favorable One-Dimensional Submodels
by van der Laan Mark & Gruber Susan
November 2015, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 189-201 Use of Depth Measure for Multivariate Functional Data in Disease Prediction: An Application to Electrocardiograph Signals
by Tarabelloni Nicholas & Ieva Francesca & Biasi Rachele & Maria Paganoni Anna - 203-222 Structural Nested Mean Models to Estimate the Effects of Time-Varying Treatments on Clustered Outcomes
by He Jiwei & Stephens-Shields Alisa & Joffe Marshall - 223-232 A post-hoc Unweighted Analysis of Counter-Matched Case-Control Data
by Rakovski Cyril & Langholz Bryan - 233-251 Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation using Exponential Families
by Díaz Iván & Rosenblum Michael - 253-271 Multiple-Objective Optimal Designs for Studying the Dose Response Function and Interesting Dose Levels
by Hyun Seung Won & Wong Weng Kee - 273-284 A Semiparametric Bayesian Approach for Analyzing Longitudinal Data from Multiple Related Groups
by Das Kiranmoy & Afriyie Prince & Spirko Lauren - 285-303 Functional and Parametric Estimation in a Semi- and Nonparametric Model with Application to Mass-Spectrometry Data
by Ma Weiping & Feng Yang & Chen Kani & Ying Zhiliang
May 2015, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-22 Within-Subject Mediation Analysis in AB/BA Crossover Designs
by Josephy Haeike & Vansteelandt Stijn & Vanderhasselt Marie-Anne & Loeys Tom - 23-50 Conditional Transformation Models for Survivor Function Estimation
by Möst Lisa & Hothorn Torsten - 51-67 A Universal Approximate Cross-Validation Criterion for Regular Risk Functions
by Commenges Daniel & Proust-Lima Cécile & Samieri Cécilia & Liquet Benoit - 69-89 Double Bias: Estimation of Causal Effects from Length-Biased Samples in the Presence of Confounding
by Ertefaie Ashkan & Asgharian Masoud & Stephens David A. - 91-108 Flexible Regression Models for Rate Differences, Risk Differences and Relative Risks
by Donoghoe Mark W. & Marschner Ian C. - 109-124 Nearest-Neighbor Estimation for ROC Analysis under Verification Bias
by Adimari Gianfranco & Chiogna Monica - 125-133 Quantifying an Agreement Study
by Liao Jason J. Z. - 135-149 Robust Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis for Case–Control Studies with Uncertain Exposure Misclassification Probabilities
by Mak Timothy Shin Heng & Best Nicky & Rushton Lesley - 151-173 A Semi-stationary Copula Model Approach for Bivariate Survival Data with Interval Sampling
by Zhu Hong & Wang Mei-Cheng - 175-188 Comparison of Splitting Methods on Survival Tree
by Shimokawa Asanao & Kawasaki Yohei & Miyaoka Etsuo
November 2014, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 123-142 On the Correction of the Asymptotic Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio Statistic If Nuisance Parameters Are Estimated Based on an External Source
by Jonker Marianne & Van der Vaart Aad - 143-163 Large Sample Bounds on the Survivor Average Causal Effect in the Presence of a Binary Covariate with Conditionally Ignorable Treatment Assignment
by Freiman Michael H. & S. Small Dylan - 165-183 Estimation of a Predictor’s Importance by Random Forests When There Is Missing Data: RISK Prediction in Liver Surgery using Laboratory Data
by Hapfelmeier Alexander & Hothorn Torsten & Riediger Carina & Ulm Kurt - 185-196 Optimal Design Strategies for Sibling Studies with Binary Exposures
by Li Zhigang & McKeague Ian W. & Lumey Lambert H. - 197-220 Piecewise Cause-Specific Association Analyses of Multivariate Untied or Tied Competing Risks Data
by Wang Hao & Cheng Yu - 221-230 A Comparison of Exact Tests for Trend with Binary Endpoints Using Bartholomew’s Statistic
by Consiglio J. D. & Shan G. & Wilding G. E. - 231-249 Semiparametric Odds Rate Model for Modeling Short-Term and Long-Term Effects with Application to a Breast Cancer Genetic Study
by Yuan Mengdie & Diao Guoqing - 251-260 Classification in Postural Style Based on Stochastic Process Modeling
by Denis Christophe - 261-276 Fuzzy Set Regression Method to Evaluate the Heterogeneity of Misclassifications in Disease Screening with Interval-Scaled Variables: Application to Osteoporosis (KCIS No. 26)
by Chen Li-Sheng & Yen Ming-Fang & Chiu Yueh-Hsia & Chen Hsiu-Hsi - 277-287 Improving Dietary Exposure Models by Imputing Biomonitoring Data through ABC Methods
by Béchaux Camille & Crépet Amélie & Clémençon Stéphan - 289-302 Multiple Curve Comparisons with an Application to the Formation of the Dorsal Funiculus of Mutant Mice
by Herberich Esther & Hassler Christine & Hothorn Torsten
May 2014, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-15 The Effect of Error-in-Confounders on the Estimation of the Causal Parameter When Using Marginal Structural Models and Inverse Probability-of-Treatment Weights: A Simulation Study
by Regier Michael D. & Moodie Erica E. M. & Platt Robert W. - 17-28 Multiple Contrast Tests for Multiple Endpoints in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity
by Hasler Mario - 29-57 Targeted Estimation of Nuisance Parameters to Obtain Valid Statistical Inference
by van der Laan Mark J. - 59-75 Locally Efficient Estimation of Marginal Treatment Effects When Outcomes Are Correlated: Is the Prize Worth the Chase?
by Stephens Alisa & Tchetgen Tchetgen Eric & De Gruttola Victor - 77-97 Targeted Estimation of Binary Variable Importance Measures with Interval-Censored Outcomes
by Sapp Stephanie & van der Laan Mark J. & Page Kimberly - 99-121 An Approach to Evaluating and Comparing Biomarkers for Patient Treatment Selection
by Janes Holly & Brown Marshall D. & Huang Ying & Pepe Margaret S.
November 2013, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 149-160 Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Inference under Unmeasured Confounding and Measurement Error Problems
by Díaz Iván & van der Laan Mark J. - 161-174 Assessing the Causal Effect of Policies: An Example Using Stochastic Interventions
by Díaz Iván & van der Laan Mark J. - 175-184 Novel Point Estimation from a Semiparametric Ratio Estimator (SPRE): Long-Term Health Outcomes from Short-Term Linear Data, with Application to Weight Loss in Obesity
by Weissman-Miller Deborah - 307-313 Principal Stratification: A Broader Vision
by Shrier Ian & Kaufman Jay S. & Platt Robert W. & Steele Russell J.
July 2013, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 215-234 A Weighting Analogue to Pair Matching in Propensity Score Analysis
by Li Liang & Greene Tom - 235-249 Alternative Monotonicity Assumptions for Improving Bounds on Natural Direct Effects
by Chiba Yasutaka & Taguri Masataka
August 2013, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 205-214 Semiparametric Regression Analysis of Clustered Interval-Censored Failure Time Data with Informative Cluster Size
by Zhang Xinyan & Sun Jianguo
October 2013, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 185-204 Exact Nonparametric Confidence Bands for the Survivor Function
by Matthews David
May 2013, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 251-264 Estimation of Risk Ratios in Cohort Studies with a Common Outcome: A Simple and Efficient Two-stage Approach
by Tchetgen Tchetgen Eric - 265-290 Distance-Based Mapping of Disease Risk
by Jeffery Caroline & Ozonoff Al & White Laura Forsberg & Pagano Marcello - 291-306 The Balanced Survivor Average Causal Effect
by Greene Tom & Joffe Marshall & Hu Bo & Li Liang & Boucher Ken
September 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 95-108 Detecting Differential Gene Expression in Subgroups of a Disease Population
by Emerson Sarah C. & Emerson Scott S. - 109-133 Efficient Analysis of Q-Level Nested Hierarchical General Linear Models Given Ignorable Missing Data
by Shin Yongyun & Raudenbush Stephen W.
July 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-18 Boosting Structured Additive Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Childhood Obesity Data
by Fenske Nora & Fahrmeir Ludwig & Hothorn Torsten & Rzehak Peter & Höhle Michael - 19-32 Assessing Agreement of Repeated Binary Measurements with an Application to the CDC’s Anthrax Vaccine Clinical Trial
by Pan Yi & Rose Charles E. & Haber Michael & Ma Yan & Carrasco Josep L. & Stewart Brock & Keitel Wendy A. & Keyserling Harry & Jacobson Robert M. & Poland Gregory & McNeil Michael M. - 33-48 A New Species Abundance Distribution Model Based on Model Combination
by Golestani Abbas & Gras Robin - 49-61 Multiple Contrasts for Repeated Measures
by Hasler Mario
October 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 135-148 On the Effects of Malaria Treatment on Parasite Drug Resistance – Probability Modelling of Genotyped Malaria Infections
by Kum Cletus Kwa & Thorburn Daniel & Ghilagaber Gebrenegus & Gil Pedro & Björkman Anders
August 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 63-73 Are Multiple Contrast Tests Superior to the ANOVA?
by Konietschke Frank & Bösiger Sandra & Brunner Edgar & Hothorn Ludwig A. - 75-93 Latent Conditional Individual-Level Models for Infectious Disease Modeling
by Deeth Lorna E. & Deardon Rob
January 2012, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-2 Special Issue on Causal Inference in Health Research
by Moodie Erica E. M. & Kaufman Jay S. & Platt Robert W. - 1-15 Double-Robust Estimators: Slightly More Bayesian than Meets the Eye?
by Gustafson Paul - 1-19 Bounds on the Effect of Vaccine Induced Immune Response on Outcome
by Follmann Dean & Fay Michael - 1-23 Bias Analysis to Guide New Data Collection
by Lash Timothy L. & Ahern Thomas P. - 1-31 Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies with Unmeasured Confounders
by McCandless Lawrence C. - 1-40 Causal Inference for Vaccine Effects on Infectiousness
by Halloran M. Elizabeth & Hudgens Michael G.
December 2012, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-20 Adjusting for Perception and Unmasking Effects in Longitudinal Clinical Trials
by Hubbard Alan & Jamshidian Farid & Jewell Nicholas
March 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-37 Evaluating a New Marker for Risk Prediction Using the Test Tradeoff: An Update
by Baker Stuart G. & Van Calster Ben & Steyerberg Ewout W.
November 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-22 A Comparative Study of Parametric and Nonparametric Estimates of the Attributable Fraction for a Semi-continuous Exposure
by Wang Wei & Small Dylan - 1-27 Partial Identification arising from Nondifferential Exposure Misclassification: How Informative are Data on the Unlikely, Maybe, and Likely Exposed?
by Wang Dongxu & Shen Tian & Gustafson Paul - 1-27 Projecting Cancer Incidence using Age-period-cohort Models Incorporating Restricted Cubic Splines
by Rutherford Mark J. & Thompson John R. & Lambert Paul C. - 1-30 Mixed-Effects Joint Models with Skew-Normal Distribution for HIV Dynamic Response with Missing and Mismeasured Time-Varying Covariate
by Huang Yangxin & Chen Jiaqing & Yan Chunning
August 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-23 Instruments and Bounds for Causal Effects under the Monotonic Selection Assumption
by Taguri Masataka & Chiba Yasutaka - 1-39 Estimation and Asymptotic Theory for Transition Probabilities in Markov Renewal Multi-State Models
by Spitoni Cristian & Verduijn Marion & Putter Hein - 1-45 Evaluating treatment effectiveness in patient subgroups: a comparison of propensity score methods with an automated matching approach
by Radice Rosalba & Ramsahai Roland & Grieve Richard & Kreif Noemi & Sadique Zia & Sekhon Jasjeet S.
May 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Large Sample Bounds on the Principal Strata Effect with Application to a Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial
by Chiba Yasutaka - 1-22 Targeted Minimum Loss Based Estimator that Outperforms a given Estimator
by Gruber Susan & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-27 Smoothness Selection for Penalized Quantile Regression Splines
by Reiss Philip T. & Huang Lei - 1-41 Targeted Minimum Loss Based Estimation of Causal Effects of Multiple Time Point Interventions
by van der Laan Mark J. & Gruber Susan
October 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-20 Survival Curve Estimation with Dependent Left Truncated Data Using Cox's Model
by Mackenzie Todd - 1-26 A Reproducing Kernel-Based Spatial Model in Poisson Regressions
by Zhang Hongmei & Gan Jianjun - 1-35 Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Prediction Calibration
by Brooks Jordan & van der Laan Mark J. & Go Alan S.
January 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-13 Cut-Off Estimation and Medical Decision Making Based on a Continuous Prognostic Factor: The Prediction of Kidney Graft Failure
by Foucher Yohann & Giral Magali & Soulillou Jean-Paul & Daurès Jean-Pierre - 1-21 Designs Combining Instrumental Variables with Case-Control: Estimating Principal Strata Causal Effects
by Shinohara Russell T. & Frangakis Constantine E. & Platz Elizabeth & Tsilidis Konstantinos - 1-40 Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Natural Direct Effects
by Zheng Wenjing & van der Laan Mark J.
April 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-16 The Lead Time Distribution When Lifetime is Subject to Competing Risks in Cancer Screening
by Wu Dongfeng & Kafadar Karen & Rosner Gary L. & Broemeling Lyle D. - 1-19 A Refreshing Account of Principal Stratification
by Mealli Fabrizia & Mattei Alessandra - 1-29 A Smooth ROC Curve Estimator Based on Log-Concave Density Estimates
by Rufibach Kaspar
February 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-20 Estimation of the Mean Frequency Function for Recurrent Events when Ascertainment of Events Is Delayed
by Casper T. Charles & Cook Thomas D.
July 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-12 "Imagine a Can Opener"--The Magic of Principal Stratum Analysis
by Dawid Philip & Didelez Vanessa - 1-18 Targeted Minimum Loss Based Estimation of a Causal Effect on an Outcome with Known Conditional Bounds
by Gruber Susan & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-20 Measures of Family Resemblance for Binary Traits: Likelihood Based Inference
by Shoukri Mohamed M. & ElDali Abdelmoneim & Donner Allan - 1-20 Statistical Issues and Limitations in Personalized Medicine Research with Clinical Trials
by Rubin Daniel B. & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-21 Testing the assumptions for the analysis of survival data arising from a prevalent cohort study with follow-up
by Addona Vittorio & Atherton Juli & Wolfson David B.
September 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-24 Bayesian inference for a nonlinear mixed-effects Tobit model with multivariate skew-t distributions: application to AIDS studies
by Dagne Getachew & Huang Yangxin - 1-39 A General Implementation of TMLE for Longitudinal Data Applied to Causal Inference in Survival Analysis
by Stitelman Ori M. & De Gruttola Victor & van der Laan Mark J.
June 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-29 Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Semiparametric Density Ratio Model
by Diao Guoqing & Ning Jing & qin jing - 1-32 Comparative Evaluation of Classifiers in the Presence of Statistical Interactions between Features in High Dimensional Data Settings
by Guo Yu & Balasubramanian Raji - 1-32 Resampling-based Methods in Single and Multiple Testing for Equality of Covariance/Correlation Matrices
by Yang Yang & DeGruttola Victor - 1-32 Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Dynamic Treatment Regimes in Sequentially Randomized Controlled Trials
by Chaffee Paul H. & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-62 Estimation in a Semi-Markov Transformation Model
by Dabrowska Dorota M.
May 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-3 Response to Pearl's Comments on Principal Stratification
by Egleston Brian L - 1-11 Clarifying the Role of Principal Stratification in the Paired Availability Design
by Baker Stuart G & Lindeman Karen S & Kramer Barnett S - 1-15 A First Passage Time Model for Long-Term Survivors with Competing Risks
by Xu Ruimin & McNicholas Paul D & Desmond Anthony F & Darlington Gerarda A - 1-21 A Lower Bound Model for Multiple Record Systems Estimation with Heterogeneous Catchability
by Rivest Louis-Paul - 1-26 Relative Risk Estimation in Cluster Randomized Trials: A Comparison of Generalized Estimating Equation Methods
by Yelland Lisa N & Salter Amy B & Ryan Philip
August 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-15 Invited Commentary on Pearl and Principal Stratification
by Prentice Ross - 1-26 Modeling Fetal Weight for Gestational Age: A Comparison of a Flexible Multi-level Spline-based Model with Other Approaches
by Villandré Luc & Hutcheon Jennifer A & Perez Trejo Maria Esther & Abenhaim Haim & Jacobsen Geir & Platt Robert W - 1-34 The Relative Performance of Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimators
by Porter Kristin E. & Gruber Susan & van der Laan Mark J. & Sekhon Jasjeet S.
January 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-15 A Dunnett-Type Procedure for Multiple Endpoints
by Hasler Mario & Hothorn Ludwig A - 1-17 Classification of Stationary Signals with Mixed Spectrum
by Saavedra Pedro & Santana-del-Pino Angelo & Hernández-Flores Carmen N. & Artiles-Romero Juan & González-Henríquez Juan J. - 1-17 An Improved Bland-Altman Method for Concordance Assessment
by Liao Jason J. Z. & Capen Robert - 1-21 Defining Reproducibility Statistics as a Function of the Spatial Covariance Structures in Biomarker Studies
by Helenowski Irene B & Vonesh Edward F & Demirtas Hakan & Rademaker Alfred W & Ananthanarayanan Vijayalakshmi & Gann Peter H & Jovanovic Borko D - 1-28 Simultaneous Bayesian Inference for Linear, Nonlinear and Semiparametric Mixed-Effects Models with Skew-Normality and Measurement Errors in Covariates
by Huang Yangxin & Chen Ren & Dagne Getachew - 1-30 Targeting the Optimal Design in Randomized Clinical Trials with Binary Outcomes and No Covariate: Simulation Study
by Chambaz Antoine & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-31 Relative Risk Estimation in Randomized Controlled Trials: A Comparison of Methods for Independent Observations
by Yelland Lisa N & Salter Amy B & Ryan Philip - 1-32 Targeting the Optimal Design in Randomized Clinical Trials with Binary Outcomes and No Covariate: Theoretical Study
by Chambaz Antoine & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-32 Fitting a Bivariate Measurement Error Model for Episodically Consumed Dietary Components
by Zhang Saijuan & Krebs-Smith Susan M. & Midthune Douglas & Perez Adriana & Buckman Dennis W. & Kipnis Victor & Freedman Laurence S. & Dodd Kevin W. & Carroll Raymond J - 1-32 A Tutorial on Methods to Estimating Clinically and Policy-Meaningful Measures of Treatment Effects in Prospective Observational Studies: A Review
by Austin Peter C & Laupacis Andreas - 1-34 Regression Calibration with Heteroscedastic Error Variance
by Spiegelman Donna & Logan Roger & Grove Douglas
April 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-5 Reaction to Pearl's Critique of Principal Stratification
by Sjolander Arvid - 1-32 Bayesian Variable Selection in Semiparametric Proportional Hazards Model for High Dimensional Survival Data
by Lee Kyu Ha & Chakraborty Sounak & Sun Jianguo
September 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-11 Ridge Regression for Longitudinal Biomarker Data
by Eliot Melissa & Ferguson Jane & Reilly Muredach P. & Foulkes Andrea S. - 1-15 Commentary on "Principal Stratification -- a Goal or a Tool?" by Judea Pearl
by Gilbert Peter B. & Hudgens Michael G. & Wolfson Julian - 1-19 Antihypertensive Medication Use and Change in Kidney Function in Elderly Adults: A Marginal Structural Model Analysis
by Odden Michelle C. & Tager Ira B. & van der Laan Mark J. & Delaney Joseph A.C. & Peralta Carmen A & Katz Ronit & Sarnak Mark J. & Psaty Bruce M. & Shlipak Michael G - 1-22 Principal Stratification and Attribution Prohibition: Good Ideas Taken Too Far
by Joffe Marshall - 1-38 On Causal Mediation Analysis with a Survival Outcome
by Tchetgen Tchetgen Eric J
February 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-25 Consonance and the Closure Method in Multiple Testing
by Romano Joseph P. & Shaikh Azeem & Wolf Michael - 1-27 Marginal Models for Censored Longitudinal Cost Data: Appropriate Working Variance Matrices in Inverse-Probability-Weighted GEEs Can Improve Precision
by Pullenayegum Eleanor M & Willan Andrew R - 1-30 Methods for Estimation of Radiation Risk in Epidemiological Studies Accounting for Classical and Berkson Errors in Doses
by Kukush Alexander & Shklyar Sergiy & Masiuk Sergii & Likhtarov Illya & Kovgan Lina & Carroll Raymond J & Bouville Andre - 1-30 HingeBoost: ROC-Based Boost for Classification and Variable Selection
by Wang Zhu
October 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-17 Dose-Finding Designs: The Role of Convergence Properties
by Oron Assaf P. & Azriel David & Hoff Peter D. - 1-20 Super Learner Based Conditional Density Estimation with Application to Marginal Structural Models
by Díaz Muñoz Iván & van der Laan Mark J.
July 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-14 Principal Stratification -- Uses and Limitations
by VanderWeele Tyler J - 1-29 Combining Censored and Uncensored Data in a U-Statistic: Design and Sample Size Implications for Cell Therapy Research
by Moyé Lemuel A & Lai Dejian & Jing Kaiyan & Baraniuk Mary Sarah & Kwak Minjung & Penn Marc S. & Wu Colon O.
March 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-13 Principal Stratification -- a Goal or a Tool?
by Pearl Judea - 1-21 A Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Two-Stage Designs
by Rose Sherri & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-24 A Complete Graphical Criterion for the Adjustment Formula in Mediation Analysis
by Shpitser Ilya & VanderWeele Tyler J - 1-26 An Alternative to Pooling Kaplan-Meier Curves in Time-to-Event Meta-Analysis
by Rubin Daniel B - 1-34 Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Effect Modification Parameters in Survival Analysis
by Stitelman Ori M & Wester C. William & De Gruttola Victor & van der Laan Mark J.
April 2010, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-26 When to Start Treatment? A Systematic Approach to the Comparison of Dynamic Regimes Using Observational Data
by Cain Lauren E. & Robins James M. & Lanoy Emilie & Logan Roger & Costagliola Dominique & Hernán Miguel A. - 1-30 Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Parameter of a Marginal Structural Model
by Rosenblum Michael & van der Laan Mark J.
February 2010, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-4 Special Issue on Causal Inference
by Moodie Erica E. M. & Stephens David A - 1-22 Evaluating the Efficacy of a Malaria Vaccine
by Small Dylan S. & Cheng Jing & Ten Have Thomas R. - 1-22 Balancing and Elimination of Nuisance Variables
by Noorbaloochi Siamak & Nelson David & Asgharian Masoud - 1-28 Attributable Fractions for Sufficient Cause Interactions
by VanderWeele Tyler J - 1-33 Targeted Maximum Likelihood Based Causal Inference: Part II
by van der Laan Mark J. - 1-45 Targeted Maximum Likelihood Based Causal Inference: Part I
by van der Laan Mark J. - 1-62 An Introduction to Causal Inference
by Pearl Judea
March 2010, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-19 Dynamic Regime Marginal Structural Mean Models for Estimation of Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes, Part II: Proofs of Results
by Orellana Liliana & Rotnitzky Andrea & Robins James M. - 1-20 Bayesian Inference for Partially Identified Models
by Gustafson Paul - 1-21 Optimal Dynamic Regimes: Presenting a Case for Predictive Inference
by Arjas Elja & Saarela Olli - 1-24 Comparing Approaches to Causal Inference for Longitudinal Data: Inverse Probability Weighting versus Propensity Scores
by Ertefaie Ashkan & Stephens David A - 1-24 Cutting Feedback in Bayesian Regression Adjustment for the Propensity Score
by McCandless Lawrence C & Douglas Ian J. & Evans Stephen J. & Smeeth Liam - 1-24 Model Checking with Residuals for g-estimation of Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes
by Rich Benjamin & Moodie Erica E. M. & Stephens David A & Platt Robert W - 1-25 Selective Ignorability Assumptions in Causal Inference
by Joffe Marshall M. & Yang Wei Peter & Feldman Harold I. - 1-27 Impact of Outcome Model Misspecification on Regression and Doubly-Robust Inverse Probability Weighting to Estimate Causal Effect
by Lefebvre Geneviève & Gustafson Paul - 1-30 Accuracy of Conventional and Marginal Structural Cox Model Estimators: A Simulation Study
by Xiao Yongling & Abrahamowicz Michal & Moodie Erica E. M. - 1-49 Dynamic Regime Marginal Structural Mean Models for Estimation of Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes, Part I: Main Content
by Orellana Liliana & Rotnitzky Andrea & Robins James M.
September 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-13 Sample Size Requirements for Interval Estimation of the Kappa Statistic for Interobserver Agreement Studies with a Binary Outcome and Multiple Raters
by Donner Allan & Rotondi Michael A