September 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-24 Panel Count Data Regression with Informative Observation Times
by Buzkova Petra
August 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-18 A Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimator of a Causal Effect on a Bounded Continuous Outcome
by Gruber Susan & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-21 Statistical Methods for Comparative Phenomics Using High-Throughput Phenotype Microarrays
by Sturino Joseph & Zorych Ivan & Mallick Bani & Pokusaeva Karina & Chang Ying-Ying & Carroll Raymond J & Bliznuyk Nikolay - 1-26 Bivariate Zero-Inflated Regression for Count Data: A Bayesian Approach with Application to Plant Counts
by Majumdar Anandamayee & Gries Corinna - 1-30 Fast Function-on-Scalar Regression with Penalized Basis Expansions
by Reiss Philip T. & Huang Lei & Mennes Maarten
May 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-31 An Application of Collaborative Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Causal Inference and Genomics
by Gruber Susan & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-71 Collaborative Double Robust Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation
by van der Laan Mark J. & Gruber Susan
January 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-4 Comment: Analyzing Propensity Score Matched Count Data
by Li Liang - 1-14 Comparison of Estimators for Measures of Linkage Disequilibrium
by Scholz Markus & Hasenclever Dirk - 1-20 A Comparison of Variable Selection Approaches for Dynamic Treatment Regimes
by Biernot Peter & Moodie Erica E. M. - 1-21 Comparing Mortality in Renal Patients on Hemodialysis versus Peritoneal Dialysis Using a Marginal Structural Model
by van der Wal Willem M & Noordzij Marlies & Dekker Friedo W & Boeschoten Elisabeth W & Krediet Raymond T & Korevaar Johanna C & Geskus Ronald B - 1-23 Lack of Fit in Self Modeling Regression: Application to Pulse Waveforms
by Brumback Lyndia C & Tommet Douglas & Kronmal Richard - 1-23 Estimation of Modified Concordance Ratio in Sib-Pairs: Effect of Consanguinity on the Risk of Congenital Heart Diseases
by Shoukri Mohamed M & Donner Allan & Dessouky Nadia Abdalla & Subhani Shazia & Al-Joufan Mansour & Al-Omrani Ahmed & Al-Mohanna Futwan & Al Halees Zohair Y
March 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-14 A Note on the Effect on Power of Score Tests via Dimension Reduction by Penalized Regression under the Null
by Martinez Josue G. & Carroll Raymond J & Muller Samuel & Sampson Joshua N. & Chatterjee Nilanjan - 1-17 A Pseudo-EM Algorithm for Clustering Incomplete Longitudinal Data
by Shaikh Mateen & McNicholas Paul D & Desmond Anthony F - 1-32 A Comparison of the Statistical Power of Different Methods for the Analysis of Repeated Cross-Sectional Cluster Randomization Trials with Binary Outcomes
by Austin Peter C - 1-34 A Corrected Likelihood Approach for the Nonlinear Transformation Model with Application to Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements Using Exponential Mixtures
by Rebafka Tabea & Roueff François & Souloumiac Antoine - 1-41 Confidence Intervals for Negative Binomial Random Variables of High Dispersion
by Shilane David & Evans Steven N & Hubbard Alan E.
October 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-13 A Small Sample Correction for Estimating Attributable Risk in Case-Control Studies
by Rubin Daniel B - 1-23 Interval Estimation of Some Epidemiological Measures of Association
by Zaihra Tasneem & Paul Sudhir - 1-31 Survival Models in Health Economic Evaluations: Balancing Fit and Parsimony to Improve Prediction
by Jackson Christopher H & Sharples Linda D & Thompson Simon G - 1-40 Two-Level Stochastic Search Variable Selection in GLMs with Missing Predictors
by Mitra Robin & Dunson David
July 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-3 Rejoinder to Nancy Cook's Comment on "Measures to Summarize and Compare the Predictive Capacity of Markers"
by Pepe Margaret - 1-6 Comment: Measures to Summarize and Compare the Predictive Capacity of Markers
by Cook Nancy R - 1-20 Simple Nonparametric Confidence Regions for the Evaluation of Continuous-Scale Diagnostic Tests
by Adimari Gianfranco & Chiogna Monica - 1-31 A Stochastic EM Type Algorithm for Parameter Estimation in Models with Continuous Outcomes, under Complex Ascertainment
by Grünewald Maria & Humphreys Keith & Hössjer Ola
April 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-19 Evaluation of Incidence Rates in Pre-Clinical Studies Using a Williams-Type Procedure
by Hothorn Ludwig A & Sill Martin & Schaarschmidt Frank - 1-20 Estimating Multilevel Logistic Regression Models When the Number of Clusters is Low: A Comparison of Different Statistical Software Procedures
by Austin Peter C - 1-20 Ordinal Regression Models for Continuous Scales
by Manuguerra Maurizio & Heller Gillian Z - 1-44 Simple, Efficient Estimators of Treatment Effects in Randomized Trials Using Generalized Linear Models to Leverage Baseline Variables
by Rosenblum Michael & van der Laan Mark J.
June 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-26 A Unified Approach for Nonparametric Evaluation of Agreement in Method Comparison Studies
by Choudhary Pankaj K - 1-37 A Principal Stratification Approach to Assess the Differences in Prognosis between Cancers Caused by Hormone Replacement Therapy and by Other Factors
by Sjolander Arvid & Vansteelandt Stijn & Humphreys Keith - 1-46 Collaborative Targeted Maximum Likelihood for Time to Event Data
by Stitelman Ori M & van der Laan Mark J.
February 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-16 Non-Markov Multistate Modeling Using Time-Varying Covariates, with Application to Progression of Liver Fibrosis due to Hepatitis C Following Liver Transplant
by Bacchetti Peter & Boylan Ross D & Terrault Norah A & Monto Alexander & Berenguer Marina
October 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-49 Measures to Summarize and Compare the Predictive Capacity of Markers
by Gu Wen & Pepe Margaret
July 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-21 On the Use of K-Fold Cross-Validation to Choose Cutoff Values and Assess the Performance of Predictive Models in Stepwise Regression
by Mahmood Zafar & Khan Salahuddin - 1-27 Predicting Potential Placebo Effect in Drug Treated Subjects
by Petkova Eva & Tarpey Thaddeus & Govindarajulu Usha - 1-40 Inference in Epidemic Models without Likelihoods
by McKinley Trevelyan & Cook Alex R & Deardon Robert
March 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-26 A Note on Inferring Acyclic Network Structures Using Granger Causality Tests
by Nagarajan Radhakrishnan
June 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-25 Semiparametrically Efficient Estimation of Conditional Instrumental Variables Parameters
by Kasy Maximilian - 1-27 Optimal Sufficient Statistics for Parametric and Non-Parametric Multiple Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing
by Oba Shigeyuki & Ishii Shin - 1-35 Mixed-Effects Poisson Regression Models for Meta-Analysis of Follow-Up Studies with Constant or Varying Durations
by Bagos Pantelis G & Nikolopoulos Georgios K
November 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-19 Modeling Cumulative Incidences of Dementia and Dementia-Free Death Using a Novel Three-Parameter Logistic Function
by Cheng Yu - 1-24 Mixed-Effects Models for Conditional Quantiles with Longitudinal Data
by Liu Yuan & Bottai Matteo
February 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-22 IPCW Estimator for Kendall's Tau under Bivariate Censoring
by Lakhal Lajmi & Rivest Louis-Paul & Beaudoin David
April 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-24 Type I Error Rates, Coverage of Confidence Intervals, and Variance Estimation in Propensity-Score Matched Analyses
by Austin Peter C - 1-28 Regression Calibration for Dichotomized Mismeasured Predictors
by Natarajan Loki - 1-35 Properties of the Projected Length of the Curve (PLC) and Area Swept out by the Curve (ASC) Indices for the Receiver Operating Characteristic (SROC) Curve
by Zhang Xuan & Walter Stephen D. & Agnihotram Ramanakumar V
2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-26 Joint Functional Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for HIV-1 and CD4+ Dynamics
by Wang Zuoheng & Li Yao & Li Qin & Wu Rongling
May 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-14 Measuring Agreement about Ranked Decision Choices for a Single Subject
by Riffenburgh Robert H & Johnstone Peter A - 1-14 Power for Testing Multiple Instances of the Two One-Sided Tests Procedure
by Phillips Kem F - 1-19 A Simulation Study of the Validity and Efficiency of Design-Adaptive Allocation to Two Groups in the Regression Situation
by Aickin Mikel - 1-24 Modelling and Assessing Differential Gene Expression Using the Alpha Stable Distribution
by Salas-Gonzalez Diego & Kuruoglu Ercan E & Ruiz Diego P - 1-24 A Nearly Exhaustive Search for CpG Islands on Whole Chromosomes
by Hsieh Fushing & Chen Shu-Chun & Pollard Katherine - 1-25 Likelihood Estimation of Conjugacy Relationships in Linear Models with Applications to High-Throughput Genomics
by Caffo Brian S & Liu Dongmei & Scharpf Robert B. & Parmigiani Giovanni
September 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-27 Using Generalized Additive Models to Detect and Estimate Threshold Associations
by Benedetti Andrea & Abrahamowicz Michal & Leffondré Karen & Goldberg Mark S. & Tamblyn Robyn
January 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-21 The Comparison of Alternative Smoothing Methods for Fitting Non-Linear Exposure-Response Relationships with Cox Models in a Simulation Study
by Govindarajulu Usha S & Malloy Elizabeth J & Ganguli Bhaswati & Spiegelman Donna & Eisen Ellen A - 1-22 A Non-Parametric Approach to Scale Reduction for Uni-Dimensional Screening Scales
by Liu Xinhua & Jin Zhezhen - 1-25 Fitting Smooth-in-Time Prognostic Risk Functions via Logistic Regression
by Hanley James A & Miettinen Olli S - 1-26 Why Match? Investigating Matched Case-Control Study Designs with Causal Effect Estimation
by Rose Sherri & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-27 Estimating Complex Multi-State Misclassification Rates for Biopsy-Measured Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Hepatitis C
by Bacchetti Peter & Boylan Ross - 1-30 Integration of Genetic Familial Dependence Structure in Latent Class Models
by Labbe Aurelie & Bureau Alexandre & Merette Chantal - 1-46 Confidence Intervals for the Population Mean Tailored to Small Sample Sizes, with Applications to Survey Sampling
by Rosenblum Michael A & van der Laan Mark J.
September 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-19 Testing for Associations with Missing High-Dimensional Categorical Covariates
by Schumi Jennifer & DiRienzo A. Gregory & DeGruttola Victor - 1-26 Simple Optimal Weighting of Cases and Controls in Case-Control Studies
by Rose Sherri & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-59 Estimation Based on Case-Control Designs with Known Prevalence Probability
by van der Laan Mark J.
May 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-24 On the Plackett Distribution with Bivariate Censored Data
by Ghosh Debashis - 1-28 Inference of the Haplotype Effect in a Matched Case-Control Study Using Unphased Genotype Data
by Sinha Samiran & Gruber Stephen B & Mukherjee Bhramar & Rennert Gad - 1-42 Empirical Efficiency Maximization: Improved Locally Efficient Covariate Adjustment in Randomized Experiments and Survival Analysis
by Rubin Daniel B & van der Laan Mark J.
February 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-21 Biclustering of Gene Expression Data by an Extension of Mixtures of Factor Analyzers
by Martella Francesca & Alfò Marco & Vichi Maurizio
January 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-20 Two-Sample Tests of Area-Under-the-Curve in the Presence of Missing Data
by Spritzler John & DeGruttola Victor G & Pei Lixia - 1-28 Interaction Trees with Censored Survival Data
by Su Xiaogang & Zhou Tianni & Yan Xin & Fan Juanjuan & Yang Song
October 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-14 Joint Analysis of Current Status and Marker Data: An Extension of a Bivariate Threshold Model
by Tong Xingwei & He Xin & Sun Jianguo & Lee Mei-Ling T - 1-29 Direct Effect Models
by van der Laan Mark J. & Petersen Maya L - 1-30 A Marginal Mixture Model for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes across Two Types of Tissue Samples
by Qiu Weiliang & He Wenqing & Wang Xiaogang & Lazarus Ross - 1-32 Causal Inference from Longitudinal Studies with Baseline Randomization
by Toh Sengwee & Hernán Miguel A.
June 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-11 Comment: Improved Local Efficiency and Double Robustness
by Tan Zhiqiang - 1-18 Sample Size Estimation for Repeated Measures Analysis in Randomized Clinical Trials with Missing Data
by Lu Kaifeng & Luo Xiaohui & Chen Pei-Yun - 1-22 Exact Calculations of Average Power for the Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure
by Glueck Deborah H & Mandel Jan & Karimpour-Fard Anis & Hunter Lawrence & Muller Keith E - 1-24 Instrumental Variables vs. Grouping Approach for Reducing Bias Due to Measurement Error
by Batistatou Evridiki & McNamee Roseanne
July 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-3 Rejoinder to Tan
by Rubin Daniel B. & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-25 Missing Confounding Data in Marginal Structural Models: A Comparison of Inverse Probability Weighting and Multiple Imputation
by Moodie Erica E. M. & Delaney Joseph A.C. & Lefebvre Geneviève & Platt Robert W - 1-28 Systematic Missing-At-Random (SMAR) Design and Analysis for Translational Research Studies
by Belitskaya-Levy Ilana & Shao Yongzhao & Goldberg Judith D - 1-28 Pattern Mixture Models and Latent Class Models for the Analysis of Multivariate Longitudinal Data with Informative Dropouts
by Dantan Etienne & Proust-Lima Cécile & Letenneur Luc & Jacqmin-Gadda Helene - 1-28 Statistical Models for Assessing Agreement in Method Comparison Studies with Replicate Measurements
by Carstensen Bendix & Simpson Julie & Gurrin Lyle C
April 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-22 Extended Instrumental Variables Estimation for Overall Effects
by Joffe Marshall M & Small Dylan & Ten Have Thomas & Brunelli Steve & Feldman Harold I
June 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-19 An Integrated Analysis of Individual and Aggregated Health Data Using Estimating Equations
by Martinez Jose Miguel & Benach Joan & Ginebra Josep & G. Benavides Fernando & Yasui Yutaka
August 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-19 Multiple Imputation and Random Forests (MIRF) for Unobservable, High-Dimensional Data
by Nonyane Bareng A. S. & Foulkes Andrea S.
May 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-17 Phase Variation in Child and Adolescent Growth
by Hermanussen Michael & Meigen Christof
March 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-21 A Doubly Robust Censoring Unbiased Transformation
by Rubin Daniel & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-28 Regression Analysis of Mean Lifetime: Exploring Nonlinear Relationship with Heteroscedasticity
by Sun Zhiping & Jiang Wenxin - 1-38 Statistical Learning of Origin-Specific Statically Optimal Individualized Treatment Rules
by van der Laan Mark J. & Petersen Maya L - 1-55 Causal Effect Models for Realistic Individualized Treatment and Intention to Treat Rules
by van der Laan Mark J. & Petersen Maya L
April 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Analysis of Bivariate Truncated Data Using the Clayton Copula Model
by Wang Antai - 1-24 Survival Instantaneous Log-odds Ratio from Empirical Functions
by Jung JungAh & Drane J. Wanzer
July 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Benjamini-Hochberg Method in the Case of Discrete Test Statistics
by Ferreira José A.
December 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-19 Modeling the Effect of Alzheimer's Disease on Mortality
by Johnson Elizabeth & Brookmeyer Ron & Ziegler-Graham Kathryn - 1-25 Preference-Based Instrumental Variable Methods for the Estimation of Treatment Effects: Assessing Validity and Interpreting Results
by Brookhart M. Alan & Schneeweiss Sebastian
January 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-17 A Resampling-Based Approach to Multiple Testing with Uncertainty in Phase
by Foulkes Andrea S & DeGruttola Victor G - 1-23 Conditional Likelihood Inference in a Case-Cohort Design: An Application to Haplotype Analysis
by Saarela Olli & Kulathinal Sangita
October 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-42 Estimating a Survival Distribution with Current Status Data and High-dimensional Covariates
by van der Vaart Aad & van der Laan Mark J.
February 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-23 Statistical Classification of Abnormal Blood Profiles in Athletes
by Sottas Pierre-Edouard & Robinson Neil & Giraud Sylvain & Taroni Franco & Kamber Matthias & Mangin Patrice & Saugy Martial - 1-33 Statistical Inference for Variable Importance
by van der Laan Mark J.
September 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-17 Choice of Monitoring Mechanism for Optimal Nonparametric Functional Estimation for Binary Data
by Jewell Nicholas P. & van der Laan Mark J. & Shiboski Stephen - 1-38 Approximate Power and Sample Size Calculations with the Benjamini-Hochberg Method
by Ferreira José António & Zwinderman Aeilko H
July 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-24 Application of a Variable Importance Measure Method
by Birkner Merrill D. & van der Laan Mark J. - 1-24 The Two Sample Problem for Multiple Categorical Variables
by DiRienzo A. G.
January 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-34 A Regression Model for Dependent Gap Times
by Strawderman Robert L
December 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-13 Modeling the Effect of a Preventive Intervention on the Natural History of Cancer: Application to the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial
by Pinsky Paul & Etzioni Ruth & Howlader Nadia & Goodman Phyllis & Thompson Ian M - 1-40 Targeted Maximum Likelihood Learning
by van der Laan Mark J. & Rubin Daniel
March 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-28 Relationship between Derivatives of the Observed and Full Loglikelihoods and Application to Newton-Raphson Algorithm
by Commenges Daniel & Rondeau Virginie
November 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-22 An Improved Akaike Information Criterion for Generalized Log-Gamma Regression Models
by Su Xiaogang & Tsai Chih-Ling
January 2006, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-20 Comparing Distribution Functions via Empirical Likelihood
by McKeague Ian W. & Zhao Yichuan
November 2005, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-41 History-Adjusted Marginal Structural Models and Statically-Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimens
by van der Laan Mark J. & Petersen Maya L & Joffe Marshall M
August 2005, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-29 Score Statistics for Current Status Data: Comparisons with Likelihood Ratio and Wald Statistics
by Banerjee Moulinath & Wellner Jon A.
May 2005, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-17 A Weighted Risk Set Estimator for Survival Distributions in Two-Stage Randomization Designs with Censored Survival Data
by Guo Xiang & Tsiatis Anastasios
June 2005, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-26 Some Variants of the Backcalculation Method for Estimation of Disease Incidence: An Application to Multiple Sclerosis Data from the Faroe Islands
by Jewell Nicholas P. & Lu Biao Wm.