March 2008, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 160-178 Environmental leaders: making a difference. A typology of environmental leaders and recommendations for a differentiated policy approach
by Hens Runhaar & Casper Tigchelaar & Walter J. V. Vermeulen - 179-193 Corporate discourse and environmental performance in Argentina
by Diego A. Vazquez & Catherine Liston‐Heyes - 194-207 Environmental behaviour in Chicago automotive repair micro‐enterprises (MEPs)
by Debby F. Mir - 208-218 Environmental business strategy: the Portuguese case
by Rui Vinhas Da Silva & Natalia Teixeira
February 2008, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 79-92 Sustainability, performance and organizational strategy: an empirical analysis of public organizations
by Gareth Enticott & Richard M. Walker - 93-106 Measuring TQEM returns from the application of quality frameworks
by Sime Curkovic & Robert Sroufe & Robert Landeros - 107-119 Toward a sustainable conceptualization of dependent variables in entrepreneurship research
by Boyd Cohen & Brock Smith & Ron Mitchell - 120-136 Factors influencing the quality of corporate environmental disclosure
by Stephen Brammer & Stephen Pavelin - 137-148 Identifying priorities for action in corporate sustainable development indicator programs
by Cory Searcy & Daryl McCartney & Stanislav Karapetrovic
January 2008, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-15 Sustainability, accountability and corporate governance: exploring multinationals' reporting practices
by Ans Kolk - 16-29 Managerial attitudes toward environmental management within Australia, the People's Republic of China and Indonesia
by Lorne S. Cummings - 30-45 Environmental management systems and green supply chain management: complements for sustainability?
by Nicole Darnall & G. Jason Jolley & Robert Handfield - 46-60 How warm is the corporate response to climate change? Evidence from Pakistan and the UK
by Harish Kumar Jeswani & Walter Wehrmeyer & Yacob Mulugetta - 61-76 Types and influential factors of consumers' non‐purchasing ecological behaviors
by Irene Tilikidou & Antonia Delistavrou - 77-78 Designing interventions for ecodesign?
by Simon O'Rafferty
December 2007, Volume 16, Issue 8
- 525-537 Really changing the course: the limitations of environmental management systems for innovation
by Totti Könnölä & Gregory C. Unruh - 538-553 Corporate engagement in processes for planetary sustainability: understanding corporate capacity in the non‐renewable resource extractive sector, Australia
by Neil Harris - 554-570 Corporate greening through prosocial extrarole behaviours – a conceptual framework for employee motivation
by Catherine A. Ramus & Annette B. C. Killmer - 571-584 End‐of‐pipe or cleaner production? An empirical comparison of environmental innovation decisions across OECD countries
by Manuel Frondel & Jens Horbach & Klaus Rennings - 585-586 Bringing the needs of the poor into the BOP debate
by Bruce Paton & Minna Halme
November 2007, Volume 16, Issue 7
- 459-460 Toward integrating sustainability into business strategy
by Yvonne Scherrer & Claus‐Heinrich Daub & Paul Burger - 461-473 DartBoards and Clovers as new tools in sustainability planning and control
by Massimiliano Bonacchi & Leonardo Rinaldi - 474-486 Paving the way for sustainability communication: evidence from a Swiss study
by Ylva Stiller & Claus‐Heinrich Daub - 487-501 Online reporting for sustainability issues
by Ralf Isenmann & Christoph Bey & Markus Welter - 502-511 Finding the best location for pumping stations in the Galovica drainage area of Serbia: the AHP approach for sustainable development
by Z. Srdjevic & V. Kolarov & B. Srdjevic - 512-522 How do stakeholders and legislation influence the allocation of green space on brownfield redevelopment projects? Five case studies from Switzerland, Germany and the UK
by Wendy Altherr & Daniel Blumer & Heike Oldörp & Peter Nagel
September 2007, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 389-403 Implementing a corporate environmental strategy: establishing coordination and control within multinational companies
by Marc J. Epstein & Marie‐Josée Roy - 404-420 The business case for sustainability? An examination of small firms in the UK's construction and restaurant sectors
by Andrea Revell & Robert Blackburn - 421-429 The impact of environmental information on professional purchasers' choice of products
by Gunne Grankvist & Anders Biel - 430-441 The Red Queen and the environment: reconciling public regulation and business strategy
by Villy Søgaard & Svend Ole Madsen - 442-455 Developing integration in a local industrial ecosystem – an explorative approach
by Anna Wolf & Mats Eklund & Mats Söderström
July 2007, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 319-321 Editorial
by Frances Hines - 322-338 Consumer integration in sustainable product development
by Esther Hoffmann - 339-353 Organizational learning to manage sustainable development
by Bernd Siebenhüner & Marlen Arnold - 354-365 Buying into our future: sustainability initiatives in local government procurement
by Lutz Preuss - 366-385 Corporate social responsibility and policy making: what role does communication play?
by Arno Mathis
May 2007, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 249-265 Time horizons of environmental versus non‐environmental costs: evidence from US tort lawsuits
by Eva Regnier & Craig Tovey - 266-289 Environmental considerations within manufacturing strategy: an international study
by Déirdre Crowe & Louis Brennan - 290-301 Seeing sustainability in business operations: US and British food retailer experiments with accountability
by Alastair Iles - 302-315 Ethical consumers in search of markets
by Peter Wheale & David Hinton
March 2007, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 171-189 Ten years later: where is our common future now?
by Tarja Ketola - 190-201 Why SMEs invest in environmental measures: sustainability evidence from small and medium‐sized printing firms
by Enno Masurel - 202-213 Absorptive capacity and interpretation system's impact when ‘going green’: an empirical study of ford, volvo cars and toyota
by Mats Williander - 214-231 Do stakeholder groups influence environmental management system development in the Dutch agri‐food sector?
by Harry Bremmers & Onno Omta & Ron Kemp & Derk‐Jan Haverkamp - 232-245 Policy instruments for sustainability‐oriented organizational learning
by Martin Müller & Bernd Siebenhüner
February 2007, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 93-105 Topping up or watering down? Sustainable development in the privatized UK water industry
by Adrian Cashman & Linda Lewis - 106-118 Relationship between environmental performance and financial performance: an empirical analysis of japanese corporations
by Yuriko Nakao & Akihiro Amano & Kanichiro Matsumura & Kiminori Genba & Makiko Nakano - 119-132 Environmental technical and administrative innovations in the Canadian manufacturing industry
by Irene Henriques & Perry Sadorsky - 133-147 ISO 14001 – experiences, effects and future challenges: a national study in Austria
by Elisabeth Schylander & André Martinuzzi - 148-168 Corporate environmental performance evaluation: a measurement model and a new concept
by Shuangyu Xie & Kohji Hayase
January 2007, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-11 Corporate environmentalism: tracing the links between policies and performance using corporate reports and public registers
by Andy Gouldson & Rory Sullivan - 12-25 Corporate intentions to participate in emission trading
by Jonatan Pinkse - 26-38 Incorporating sustainable business practices into company strategy
by S. J. Fowler & C. Hope - 39-49 Determinants of environmental innovation adoption in the printing industry: the importance of task environment
by Sandra Rothenberg & Stelios C. Zyglidopoulos - 50-63 Environmental disclosures and compulsory accounting standards: the case of spanish annual reports
by Fernando Llena & Jose M. Moneva & Blanca Hernandez - 64-74 Journal ratings and footprints: a North American perspective of organizations and the natural environment journal quality
by Boyd Cohen - 75-89 Natural environmental disclosures: strategic responses by Port Moresby Stock Exchange entities
by Alistair M. Brown
November 2006, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 363-376 Environmental issue management: towards a multi‐level theory of environmental management competence
by Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens - 377-388 New instruments – old practices? The implications of environmental management systems and extended producer responsibility for design for the environment
by Petrus Kautto - 389-401 Environment and profitability in the reprocessing of paper in Norway: contradictory research reports in the context of circulation economics
by Stig Ingebrigtsen & Ove D. Jakobsen - 402-415 Can businesses move beyond efficiency? The shift toward effectiveness and equity in the corporate sustainability debate
by William Young & Fiona Tilley - 416-431 Engaging Hong Kong businesses in environmental change: drivers and barriers
by Sonja Studer & Richard Welford & Peter Hills - 434-435 Call for papers. Special issue of the journal Business Strategy and the Environment. Recapturing the corporate environmental management research agenda: beyond compliance and certification
by Professor John P. Ulhøi & Associate Professor Henning Madsen
September 2006, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 293-295 Corporate sustainability accounting: a nightmare or a dream coming true?
by Stefan Schaltegger & Roger L. Burritt - 296-308 Sustainability and stakeholder management: the need for new corporate performance evaluation and reporting systems
by Francesco Perrini & Antonio Tencati - 309-321 An extended performance reporting framework for social and environmental accounting
by Kittiya Yongvanich & James Guthrie - 322-333 An integrated framework for the financial analysis of sustainability
by Noelia Romero Castro & Juan Piñeiro Chousa - 334-346 Accounting for the social dimension of sustainability: experiences from the biotechnology industry
by Justus von Geibler & Christa Liedtke & Holger Wallbaum & Stephan Schaller - 347-360 Developing a sustainability accounting framework to inform strategic business decisions: a case study from the chemicals industry
by James R. D. Taplin & David Bent & David Aeron‐Thomas
July 2006, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 217-218 Emerging issues in sustainability reporting
by Dave Owen - 219-241 From sustainable management to sustainable development: a longitudinal analysis of a leading New Zealand environmental reporter
by Helen Tregidga & Markus J. Milne - 242-257 Sustainability practices of SMEs: the case of NZ
by S. R. Lawrence & E. Collins & K. Pavlovich & M. Arunachalam - 258-274 Waste management, the challenges of the PFI and ‘sustainability reporting’
by Amanda Ball & Jane Broadbent & Tony Jarvis - 275-287 Accessibility and functionality of the corporate web site: implications for sustainability reporting
by Carol A. Adams & Geoffrey R. Frost - 288-288 The market for virtue. The potential and the limits of corporate social responsibility by David Vogel, 2005. Brookings Institute Press, xii + 222 pp. ISBN 0‐8157‐9076‐7
by Davide Secchi
May 2006, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 139-144 Marketing in the 21st Century
by Frank‐Martin Belz - 145-156 Media attention and the market for ‘green’ consumer products
by John Thøgersen - 157-170 Sustainability: Consumer Perceptions and Marketing Strategies
by Seonaidh McDonald & Caroline J. Oates - 171-184 Sustainability marketing for the poorest of the poor
by Manfred Kirchgeorg & Monika I. Winn - 185-199 The influence of eco‐labelling on consumer behaviour – results of a discrete choice analysis for washing machines
by Katharina Sammer & Rolf Wüstenhagen - 200-214 Ignorant advice – customer advisory service for ethical investment funds
by Ulf Schrader
March 2006, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 71-86 Developing and implementing an environmental performance index for the Portuguese military
by Tomás B. Ramos & João Joanaz de Melo - 87-102 A review of determinant factors of environmental proactivity
by Javier González‐Benito & Óscar González‐Benito - 103-117 Approaches and perspectives in social and environmental accounting: an overview of the conceptual landscape
by Judy Brown & Michael Fraser - 118-134 Assessing environmental product declaration opportunities: a reference framework
by Raffaella Manzini & Giuliano Noci & Massimiliano Ostinelli & Emanuele Pizzurno - 135-136 A guide to emissions trading edited by Cyriel De Jong and Kasper Walet, 2004. Risk, 392 pp. ISBN 1 904339 23 9
by Axel Michaelowa
January 2006, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-14 Sustainable valley entrepreneurial ecosystems
by Boyd Cohen - 15-29 Caveat emptor – let the buyer beware! environmental labelling and the limitations of ‘green’ consumerism
by Esben Rahbek Pedersen & Peter Neergaard - 30-39 Leadership strategies for sustainable SME operation
by Ian Rankin Kerr - 40-54 The evolving role of trade associations in negotiated environmental agreements: the case of United Kingdom Climate Change Agreements
by Ian Bailey & Susanne Rupp - 55-69 Mapping stakeholder theory anew: from the ‘stakeholder theory of the firm’ to three perspectives on business–society relations
by Reinhard Steurer
November 2005, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 339-360 The impact of operator involvement in pollution reduction: case studies in Canadian chemical companies
by Olivier Boiral - 361-371 The EPM‐KOMPAS: an instrument to control the environmental performance in small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs)
by Edeltraud Günther & Susann Kaulich - 372-383 The political bottom line: the emerging dimension to corporate responsibility for sustainable development
by Jem Bendell & Kate Kearins - 384-398 Pathways of stakeholder influence in the Canadian forestry industry
by Irene Henriques & Sanjay Sharma
September 2005, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 269-271 Sustainability and Design
by Peter Dobers & Lars Strannegård - 272-285 Bridging environmental issues with new product development
by Luca Berchicci & Wynand Bodewes - 286-299 Influencing product lifetime through product design
by Nicole van Nes & Jacqueline Cramer - 300-314 Theoretical discourse on sustainable space design: towards creating and sustaining effective sidewalks
by Iderlina Mateo‐Babiano & Hitoshi Ieda - 315-323 The consumption of our discontent
by Christer Sanne - 324-336 Design, lifestyles and sustainability. Aesthetic consumption in a world of abundance
by Peter Dobers & Lars Strannegård
July 2005, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 203-204 Editorial: partnerships for sustainable development
by William Young - 205-215 Limited partnership: the lack of sustainable development in relation to participation in Hungarian public–private partnerships
by David Regéczi - 216-229 Corporate awakening – why (some) corporations embrace public–private partnerships
by Julie LaFrance & Martin Lehmann - 230-240 CSOs and business partnerships: strategies for interaction
by Jenny Ählström & Emma Sjöström - 241-254 Conditions for the success of negotiated agreements: partnerships for environmental improvement in the Netherlands
by Hans Bressers & Theo de Bruijn - 255-266 Company learning about corporate social responsibility
by Jacqueline Cramer
May 2005, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 143-145 Educating for sustainability: an imperative for action
by Delyse Springett & Kate Kearins - 146-159 ‘Education for sustainability’ in the business studies curriculum: a call for a critical agenda
by Delyse Springett - 160-171 Teaching sustainability in a global MBA: insights from the OneMBA
by Nigel Roome - 172-185 Educating senior executives in a novel strategic paradigm: early experiences of the Sustainable Enterprise Academy
by David Wheeler & Asaf Zohar & Stuart Hart - 186-197 Are business students buying it? A theoretical framework for measuring attitudes toward the legitimacy of environmental sustainability
by Tom E. Thomas - 198-199 KEY ISSUES IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING: A CRITICAL REVIEW by William Scott and Stephen Gough, 2003. RoutledgeFalmer, xiv + 274 pp,. ISBN 0‐415‐27650‐0 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING: FRAMING THE ISSUES edited by William Scott and Stephen Gough, 2004. RoutledgeFalmer, ix + 173 pp,. ISBN 0‐415‐27648‐9
by Delyse Springett - 199-200 TEACHING BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE edited by Chris Galea, 2004. Greenleaf Publishing, 336pp,. ISBN 1‐874‐71954‐3
by John Fien
March 2005, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 73-91 Evaluating environmental and social performance of large Portuguese companies: a balanced scorecard approach
by Idalina Dias‐Sardinha & Lucas Reijnders - 92-109 Exploring individual and institutional drivers of proactive environmentalism in the US Wine industry
by R. Scott Marshall & Mark Cordano & Murray Silverman - 110-122 How can domestic households become part of the solution to England's recycling problems?
by Teresa Smallbone - 123-139 Rhetoric and reality of corporate greening: a view from the supply chain management function
by Lutz Preuss
January 2005, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-19 Integrating environmental management and supply chain strategies
by Robert Handfield & Robert Sroufe & Steven Walton - 20-37 Analysing the factors influencing clean technology adoption: a study of the Spanish pulp and paper industry
by Pablo del Río González - 38-53 Small business responsibility in developing countries: a threat or an opportunity?
by Ralph Luken & Rodney Stares - 54-70 Principles for sustainability rating of investment funds
by Thomas Koellner & Olaf Weber & Marcus Fenchel & Roland Scholz
November 2004, Volume 13, Issue 6
- 363-373 From issues to checkpoints and back: managing green issues in R&D
by Tomas Blomquist & Johan Sandström - 374-387 The effect of environmental innovations on employment changes: an econometric analysis
by Klaus Rennings & Andreas Ziegler & Thomas Zwick - 388-402 Implementing chemicals policy: leaders or laggards?
by J. P. Richards & G. A. Glegg & S. Cullinane - 403-414 Environmental practices and the value added of horticultural firms
by José Céspedes‐Lorente & Emilio Galdeano‐Gómez
September 2004, Volume 13, Issue 5
- 289-305 Management and policy aspects of industrial ecology: an emerging research agenda
by Jouni Korhonen & Fredrik von Malmborg & Peter A. Strachan & John R. Ehrenfeld - 306-319 Industrial ecology, life cycles, supply chains: differences and interrelations
by Stefan Seuring - 320-333 Policy implications of industrial ecology conceptions
by Hilde N. Opoku - 334-346 Networking for knowledge transfer: towards an understanding of local authority roles in regional industrial ecosystem management
by Fredrik von Malmborg - 347-362 Eco‐industrial development and economic development: industrial ecology or place promotion?
by Pauline Deutz & David Gibbs
July 2004, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 201-208 Building innovations for sustainability: 11th international conference of the Greening of Industry Network
by Frances Hines & Otilia Marin - 209-222 Stakeholders and environmental management practices: an institutional framework
by Magali Delmas & Michael W. Toffel - 223-234 Business, environmental reform and technological innovation in Hong Kong
by Peter Hills & Jacqueline Lam & Richard Welford - 235-245 Innovative and sustainable energy technologies: the role of venture capital
by Bill Moore & Rolf Wüstenhagen - 246-260 Eight types of product–service system: eight ways to sustainability? Experiences from SusProNet
by Arnold Tukker - 261-274 Environmental upgrading of Third World enterprises through linkages to transnational corporations. Theoretical perspectives and preliminary evidence
by Soeren Jeppesen & Michael W. Hansen - 275-285 Engineering education in sustainable development: sustainability as a tool to open up the windows of engineering institutions
by Karel Mulder - 286-288 Greening of Industry Network noticeboard
by Kurt Fischer
May 2004, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 135-155 The private costs and benefits of environmental self‐regulation: which firms have most to gain?
by Natalie Stoeckl - 156-171 Environmental responsibility in SMEs: does it deliver competitive advantage?
by Mike Simpson & Nick Taylor & Karen Barker - 172-186 Meeting the environmental challenge: a case of win–win or lose–win? A study of the UK baking and refrigeration industries
by Frances Drake & Martin Purvis & Jane Hunt - 187-197 Are standardized EMSs useful in local authorities? A study of how a tool from the private sector is used in the public sector
by Hanna Norén & Fredrik von Malmborg
March 2004, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 65-77 Environmental accounting: an essential component of business strategy
by Mehenna Yakhou & Vernon P. Dorweiler - 78-95 Collaborative energy partnerships in relation to development of core business focus and competence – a study of Swedish pulp and paper companies and energy service companies
by Kenneth Möllersten & Peter Sandberg - 96-106 Can ‘market transformation’ lead to ‘sustainable business’? A critical appraisal of the UK's strategy for sustainable business
by Teresa Smallbone - 107-128 Policy modes, firms and the natural environment
by Aseem Prakash & Kelly Kollman - 132-134 Greening the corporation: management strategy and the environmental challenge by Peter Thayer Robbins, 2001. Earthscan, 198 pp (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐772‐5
by Fiona Tilley
January 2004, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-12 The impact of voluntary environmental protection instruments on company environmental performance
by David Annandale & Angus Morrison‐Saunders & George Bouma - 13-32 Environmental management accounting: roadblocks on the way to the green and pleasant land
by Roger L Burritt - 33-42 Environmental management and strategic positioning of Spanish manufacturing industries
by Roberto Fernández Gago & Mariano Nieto Antolín - 43-61 Transport scenarios in a company strategy
by Otto Andersen & Hans‐Einar Lundli & Erling Holden & Karl Georg Høyer
November 2003, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 357-371 Intra‐ and intersectoral effects in environmental disclosures: evidence for legitimacy theory?
by David Campbell - 386-399 Environmental reporting and transport – the case of a public transport company
by Otto Andersen - 403-403 The economics of household garbage and recycling behaviour by Don Fullerton and Thomas Kinnaman, 2002. Elgar, xi + 203 pp (hbk). ISBN 1‐84064‐718‐3
by Peter Roberts - 403-403 A thousand shades of green by Peter Winsemius and Ulrich Guntram, 2002. Earthscan, xviii + 251 pp (hbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐8462
by Peter Roberts - 404-405 The illusion of progress: unsustainable development in international law and policy by A. Gillespie, 2001. Earthscan, ix + 244 pp (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐756‐3
by Tony Jackson - 405-405 The sustainability advantage: seven business case benefits of a triple bottom line by Bob Willard, 2002. New Society, 203 pp (pbk). ISBN 0‐86571‐451‐7
by Daniel J. Tschopp
September 2003, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 279-291 Trends in sustainability reporting by the Fortune Global 250
by Ans Kolk - 292-299 A typology of stakeholder participation for company environmental decision‐making
by Abigail Oxley Green & Lynsey Hunton‐Clarke - 300-312 Capability building through adversarial relationships: a replication and extension of Clarke and Roome (1999)
by Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens - 313-325 End of life vehicle management in areas of low technology sophistication. A case study in Greece
by N. Sakkas & T. Manios - 326-337 Environmental reporting within the forest and paper industry
by Penny Sinclair & Julia Walton - 341-341 The principles of sustainability by Simon Dresner, 2002. Earthscan, vii + 200 pp (pbk). ISBN 1‐4039‐0255‐0
by Peter Roberts - 341-341 Building the ecological city by Rodney White, 2002. Woodhead, xv + 238 pp (hbk). ISBN 1‐85573‐531‐8
by Peter Roberts - 341-341 Globalization and environmental reform by Arthur P.J. Mol, 2001. MIT Press, x + 273 pp (hbk). ISBN 0‐262‐13395‐4
by Peter Roberts - 341-341 Exploring sustainable consumption edited by Maurie Cohen and Joseph Murphy, 2001. Pergamon, xii + 249 pp (hbk). ISBN 0‐08‐043920‐9
by Peter Roberts - 342-342 The chrysalis economy: how citizen CEOs and corporations can fuse values and value creation by John Elkington, 2001. Capstone, xx + 284 pp (hbk). ISBN 1‐84112‐142‐8
by Tony Jackson
July 2003, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 205-214 On the path to sustainability: integrating social dimensions into the research and practice of environmental management
by Sanjay Sharma & Audun Ruud - 215-226 Symbolic politics in environmental regulation: corporate strategic responses
by Dirk Matten - 227-239 A new politics of engagement: shareholder activism for corporate social responsibility
by Anastasia O'Rourke - 240-253 The emergence of green venture capital
by Jelena Randjelovic & Anastasia R. O'Rourke & Renato J. Orsato - 254-264 Sustainability labelling schemes: the logic of their claims and their functions for stakeholders
by Joop de Boer - 265-277 Corporate environmental management and sustainable enterprise: the influence of information processing and decision styles
by Susanne Sweet & Nigel Roome & Patrick Sweet
May 2003, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 131-146 Environmental and social disclosure and data richness in the mining industry
by Philip Peck & Knud Sinding - 147-162 Planning eco‐industrial parks: an analysis of Dutch planning methods
by Marcus G. van Leeuwen & Walter J. V. Vermeulen & Pieter Glasbergen - 163-174 Tracing business and environmental effects of environmental management systems—a study of networking small and medium‐sized enterprises using a joint environmental management system
by Jonas Ammenberg & Olof Hjelm - 175-190 Dynamic change of corporate environmental strategy: rhetoric and reality
by Seung‐Kyu Rhee & Su‐Yol Lee - 191-203 Compensation systems for green strategy implementation: parametric and non‐parametric approaches
by Solveig Lothe & Ingunn Myrtveit
March 2003, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 71-86 Business conceptions of sustainable development: a perspective from critical theory
by Delyse Springett - 87-106 Corporate environmental reporting: what's in a metric?
by R. Scott Marshall & Darrell Brown - 107-117 Insurance as an alternative environmental regulator: findings from a retrospective pollution claims survey
by D. M. Minoli & J. N. B. Bell - 118-128 Adding business value: a strategy for identifying and patenting environment‐related inventions and avoiding patent infringement
by Brian Wm. Higgins - 130-130 Corporate environmental policies by John W. Graham and Wendy C. Havlick, 1999. Scarecrow, xxxix + 433 pp. ISBN 0‐8108‐3574‐6
by William Young
January 2003, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-11 An ‘incitement to discourse’: benchmarking as a springboard to sustainable development
by Delyse Springett - 12-25 The legislation of environmental disclosures in three Nordic countries—a comparison
by Siv Nyquist - 26-35 UK environmental policy and the small firm: broadening the focus
by Andrea Revell & Robert Rutherfoord - 36-48 Consumers and green electricity: profiling potential purchasers
by Ian H. Rowlands & Daniel Scott & Paul Parker - 49-69 The ‘greening’ of tourism micro‐businesses: outcomes of focus group investigations in South East Cornwall
by Jon Vernon & Stephen Essex & David Pinder & Kaja Curry
November 2002, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 343-359 Financial comparability and environmental diversity: an international context
by Pamela Edwards & Frank K. Birkin & David G. Woodward - 360-375 Determinants of environmental management systems standards implementation: evidence from Greek industry
by George E. Halkos & Konstantinos I. Evangelinos - 376-390 EMS models for business strategy development
by Stephen Tinsley - 391-406 Environmental reporting in Australia: current practices and issues for the future
by Roger L. Burritt
September 2002, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 269-284 The Sustainability Balanced Scorecard – linking sustainability management to business strategy
by Frank Figge & Tobias Hahn & Stefan Schaltegger & Marcus Wagner - 285-297 Green marketing, public policy and managerial strategies
by Aseem Prakash - 298-311 Characteristics of environmental reporters on the OM Stockholm exchange
by Pontus Cerin - 312-323 Environmental management systems, communicative action and organizational learning
by Fredrik Burström von Malmborg - 324-341 SMEs and the environment: evaluating dissemination routes and handholding levels
by Andrew L. Friedman & Samantha Miles