July 2002, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 203-220 Natural Capitalists' indictment of traditional capitalism: A reappraisal
by Pierre Desrochers - 221-235 Strategic inter‐organizational environmentalism in the US: A multi‐sectoral perspective of alternating eco‐policy roles
by Mark Starik & Mark Heuer - 236-253 Partnerships, management systems and the search for innovative regulation in the vehicle body shop industry
by Neil Gunningham & Darren Sinclair - 254-266 Companies' participation in EMAS: The influence of the public regulator
by Matthieu Glachant & Simone Schucht & Alexandra Bültmann & Frank Wätzold - 268-268 The earthscan reader in business and sustainable development by Richard Starkey and Richard Welford, 2001. Earthscan, xxxv + 364 pp, £19.95 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐639‐7
by Evan Williams
May 2002, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 143-153 Collective action in the face of international environmental regulation
by Debbie Harrison & Geoff Easton - 154-169 Incentives and disincentives for corporate environmental disclosure
by Aris Solomon & Linda Lewis - 170-180 Ecological tax reform—a value chain level approach
by Lassi Linnanen & Päivi Luoma & Hanna‐Leena Pesonen - 181-202 Internet use for corporate environmental reporting: current challenges—technical benefits—practical guidance
by Ralf Isenmann & Christian Lenz
March 2002, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 81-89 Managing Globalization for Sustainability in the 21st Century
by Minna Halme & Jacob Park & Anthony Chiu - 90-102 Pathways to industrial environmental improvement in the East Asian newly industrializing economies
by Michael T. Rock - 103-118 Environmental management of transnational corporations in India—are TNCs creating islands of environmental excellence in a sea of dirt?
by Audun Ruud - 119-129 Government and NGO partnership in managing community‐based water resources in Vietnam: a case study of Thai Long Dam Project
by Bach Tan Sinh - 130-141 Beyond the business case for corporate sustainability
by Thomas Dyllick & Kai Hockerts
January 2002, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-13 Corporate environmental performance evaluation: evidence from the MEPI project
by Daniel Tyteca & Jérôme Carlens & Frans Berkhout & Julia Hertin & Walter Wehrmeyer & Marcus Wagner - 14-31 The evolution of environmental management: from stage models to performance evaluation
by Ans Kolk & Anniek Mauser - 32-42 The experience of EMAS in three European countries: a cultural and competitive analysis
by Ulrich Steger & Claudia Schindel & Helga Krapf - 43-62 Voluntary adoption of ISO 14001 in Japan: mechanisms, stages and effects
by Eric W. Welch & Yasuhumi Mori & Midori Aoyagi‐Usui - 63-75 Responsible chain management: a capability assessment framework
by Frank de Bakker & André Nijhof - 77-78 The new economics of sustainable development: a briefing for policy makers by James Robertson, European Commission and Kogan Page, 1999. xiv + 168 pp, £13.99 (pbk). ISBN 92 828 7456 7
by Brian Garrod - 78-79 Environmental transition in Nordic and Baltic countries edited by Hans Auge, Elgar, 1998. viii + 236 pp, £57.50 (hbk). ISBN 1 85898 629 X
by Jan van der Straaten
November 2001, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 335-343 Knowledge interests in corporate environmental management
by Peter Dobers & Lars Strannegård & Rolf Wolff - 344-364 Different strokes: regulatory styles and environmental strategy in the North‐American oil and gas industry
by Sanjay Sharma - 365-382 Managing environmental risk in existing light industrial estates
by Michael Ross Jayne - 383-393 Changing economies of scale – synergies between implementation of an ecological tax reform and development of industrial ecosystems
by Christoph Bey - 395-396 The struggle for ecological democracy, edited by Daniel Faber, 1998. Guilford, xvi+366 pp, $18.95 (pbk). ISBN 1 57230 342 5
by Alan Neale - 396-397 The market and the environment: The effectiveness of market‐based policy instruments for environmental reform, edited by Thomas Sterner, 1999. Elgar, xvi+488 pp, £75.00 (hbk). ISBN 1‐85898‐906‐X
by Tony Jackson
September 2001, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 257-268 Environmental commitment and manufacturing excellence: a comparative study within Canadian industry
by Marie‐Josée Roy & Olivier Boiral & Denis Lagacé - 269-285 Measuring environmental performance: use of the toxics release inventory (TRI) and other US environmental databases
by Virginia W. Gerde & Jeanne M. Logsdon - 286-299 Why do firms adopt ‘beyond‐compliance’ environmental policies?
by Aseem Prakash - 300-316 Innovation and corporate sustainability: An investigation into the process of change in the pharmaceuticals industry
by Martina Blum‐Kusterer & S. Salman Hussain - 317-330 What's in it for the customers? Successfully marketing green clothes
by Arnt Meyer - 331-332 Environmental Modernisation, by Michael Jacobs, 1999. Fabian Society, 49 pp, £5.00 (pbk). ISBN 0 7163 0591 7
by Tony Emerson
July 2001, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 187-199 Golden goose or wild goose? The hunt for the green consumer
by Ken Peattie - 200-214 Does corporate environmental protection increase or decrease shareholder value? The case of environmental investments
by Minna Halme & Jyrki Niskanen - 215-224 Environmental management codes and continuous environmental improvements: insights from the chemical industry
by Barry D. Solomon & James R. Mihelcic - 225-237 Managing the environmental adaptation process in supplier–customer relationships
by Louise Canning & Stuart Hanmer‐Lloyd - 238-244 The characteristics and attributes of UK firms obtaining accreditation to ISO 14001
by Wendy Chapple & Andrew Cooke & Vaughan Galt & David Paton - 245-250 Combating environmental repercussions through ‘TQEM’ and ‘ISO 14000’
by R. V. Jayathirtha - 252-253 Environmental policy. Volume 1: National environmental policy; Volume 2: International environmental policy edited by Wolfgang Rüdig, 1999. Elgar, xli+1280 pp, £290.00 (hbk). ISBN 1‐85278‐950‐6
by Tony Jackson - 253-254 Life cycle assessment in industry and business: Adoption patterns, applications and implications by Paolo Frankl and Frieder Rubik, 2000. Springer, X + 280 pp, DM 129.00 (hbk). ISBN 3‐540‐66469‐6
by Martin Houghton - 254-255 Blueprint for a sustainable economy by David Pearce and Edward B Barbier, 2000. Earthscan, xiv+273 pp, £12.95 (pbk). ISBN 1 85383 515 3
by Evan Williams
May 2001, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 125-134 Corporate environmental policy and abnormal stock price returns: An empirical investigation
by Alison Thomas - 135-147 The role of accounting and the accountant in the environmental management system
by Trevor D. Wilmshurst & Geoffrey R. Frost - 148-160 Creating whole life value proxemics in construction projects
by Robin Holt - 161-175 Employment impacts of cleaner production – evidence from a German study using case studies and surveys
by Friedhelm Pfeiffer & Klaus Rennings - 176-182 CEO compensation: does it pay to be green?
by Peter A. Stanwick & Sarah D. Stanwick - 184-184 Environmental policy in the European Union by Pamela M. Barnes and Ian G. Barnes, 1999. Arnold, xiv+344 pp, £59.95 (hbk). ISBN 1‐85898‐399‐8
by Peter Roberts - 184-185 Contaminated land: the new regime by Stephen Tromans and Robert Turrall‐Clarke, 2000. Sweet and Maxwell, xiv + 569 pp, £65.00 (hbk). ISBN 0‐421‐661208
by Amanda Beresford
March 2001, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 69-76 Conceptualizing and studying the contribution of networks in environmental management and sustainable development
by Nigel Roome - 77-88 Integrating environmental and stakeholder management
by Henning Madsen & John P. Ulhøi - 89-99 Constraints to organizational change processes regarding the introduction of organic products: case findings from the Swiss food industry
by Simone Maier & Matthias Finger - 100-114 Learning for sustainable development in tourism networks
by Minna Halme - 115-124 Stretching the boundary: the possibilities of flexibility as an organizational capability in industrial ecology
by Frank Boons & Marjolein Berends
January 2001, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-14 The end of the corporate environmental report? Or the advent of cybernetic sustainability reporting and communication
by David Wheeler & John Elkington - 15-28 Environmental reporting by the Fortune Global 250: exploring the influence of nationality and sector
by Ans Kolk & Seb Walhain & Susanne van de Wateringen - 29-37 The objectivity of corporate environmental reporting: a study of Finnish listed firms' environmental disclosures
by Jyrki Niskanen & Terhi Nieminen - 38-52 Corporate environmental behaviour – a comparison between Nordic and US firms
by Martin Lindell & Necmi Karagozoglu - 53-65 Marketing of electric vehicles
by Anita Gärling & John Thøgersen - 67-67 Economics of environmental management by Ans Kolk, 2000. Pearson, x+205 pp, £24.99 (pbk). ISBN 0‐273‐64238‐3
by Tony Jackson - 67-68 Environmental law handbook, 3rd edn, by Trevor Hellawell, 1998. Law Society, x+222 pp, £19.95 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85328‐449‐1
by Andrea J. Muirhead
November 2000, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 355-366 UK consumer attitudes concerning environmental issues impacting the agrifood industry
by Keith Walley & Paul Custance & Stephen Parsons - 367-377 Environmental priorities in strategic product development
by Matthew Simon & Steve Poole & Andrew Sweatman & Steve Evans & Tracy Bhamra & Tim Mcaloone - 378-389 Leadership strategies for sustainable development: a case study of Suma Wholefoods
by David Raymond Jones - 390-400 Continuity and convergence: reduction of water pollution in the Norwegian paper industry
by Bjørnar Sæther - 402-402 Earth summit II outcomes and analysis by Derek Osborne and Tom Bigg, 1998. Earthscan, xvi+192 pp, £15.95 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐533‐1
by Andy Johnston - 402-403 The natural wealth of nations: harnessing the market and the environment by David Roodman, 1999. Earthscan, ii+293 pp, £12.95 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐592‐7
by Tony Jackson - 403-404 Environmental management tools for SMES – a handbook edited by R. Starkey, 1998. European Environmental Agency, 127 pp, ECU 9‐00 (pbk). ISBN 92‐9167‐106‐1
by Fiona Tilley
September 2000, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 273-286 Leaders in sustainable development: how agents of change define the agenda
by Mark S. Rossi & Halina Szejnwald Brown & Leo W. Baas - 287-303 Greening the innovation process
by Chris Foster & Ken Green - 304-317 Sustainable innovation through an entrepreneurship lens
by Andrea L. Larson - 318-327 … And not a drop to drink: an integrated model of ethics and strategic issue diagnosis
by Lisa Schurer Lambert - 328-338 Voluntary environmental initiatives and sustainable industry
by Bruce Paton - 339-350 Industrial ecology and regionalization of economic governance: an opportunity to ‘localize’ sustainability?
by Saeed Parto
July 2000, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 211-223 Environmental reporting in Italy: current practice and future developments
by Giuliano Noci - 224-238 Organizational response to environmental regulation: punctuated change or autogenesis?
by Andrew King - 239-254 Managers' interpretations of LCA: enlightenment and responsibility or confusion and denial?
by Eva Heiskanen - 255-268 Cleaner production: organizational learning or business as usual? An example from the domestic appliance industry
by Ian Vickers - 271-271 Competitive and ethical? How can business strike a balance by Giles Wyburd, 1998. Kogan Page, x+182 pp, £16.99 (pbk). ISBN 0‐7494‐2669‐1
by Andy Johnston - 271-272 Contaminated land: first supplement by Stephen Tromans and Robert Turrall‐Clarke, 1999. Sweet and Maxwell, xxi+165 pp, £45.00 (hbk). ISBN 0‐421‐562404
by Amanda Beresford
May 2000, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 143-150 Competing with ‘soft’ issues – from managing the environment to sustainable business strategies
by Peter Dobers & Rolf Wolff - 151-162 The masculine mindset of environmental management and green marketing
by Susan Meriläinen & Johanna Moisander & Sinikka Pesonen - 163-174 Flexible couplings: combining business goals and environmental concern
by Lars Strannegård - 175-185 Making sense of greening and organizational change
by Susse Georg & Lanni Füssel - 186-195 The banks' impact on the natural environment – on the space between ‘what is’ and ‘what if’
by Maths Lundgren & Bino Catasús - 196-210 Developing tangible measures for eco‐efficiency: the case of the Finnish and Swedish pulp and paper industry
by Riina‐Riitta Helminen
March 2000, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 79-91 Environmental management beyond the boundaries of the firm: definitions and constraints
by Knud Sinding - 92-107 Environmental visibility: a trigger of green organizational response?
by Frances E. Bowen - 108-120 Organizational structure and effective environmental management
by Simon Atkinson & Anja Schaefer & Howard Viney - 122-135 Environmental NGO–business collaboration and strategic bridging: a case analysis of the Greenpeace–Foron Alliance
by Edwin R. Stafford & Michael Jay Polonsky & Cathy L. Hartman - 139-139 Corporate environmental management 1 – systems and strategies (second edition) edited by Richard Welford, 1998. Earthscan, 288 pp, £45.00 (hbk). ISBN 1 85383 560 9. £16.95 (pbk). ISBN 1 85383 559 5
by Andy Johnston
January 2000, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-23 External transparency or internal capture? The role of third‐party statements in adding value to corporate environmental reports1
by Amanda Ball & David L. Owen & Rob Gray - 24-35 Action, knowledge and business–environment research: a case for grounded constitutive process theories and a sense of audience
by Mark Stubbs - 36-48 Responsiveness of industry to eco‐efficiency improvements in the product chain: the case of Akzo Nobel1
by Jacqueline Cramer - 49-61 Union‐Jacking the research agenda. A study of the frontstage and backstage of Business Strategy and the Environment 1992–1998
by Peter Dobers & Lars Strannegård & Rolf Wolff - 62-72 Enforcing the environment: regulatory realities
by Stephen Fineman - 76-77 The post‐develpment reader edited by Majid Rahnema and Victoria Bawtree, 1997. Zed, xix + 440 pp, £15.95 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85649‐4748
by Tony Jackson - 77-77 Managing green teams‐environmental change in organitions and networks edited by John Moxen and Peter Strachan, 1998. Greenleaf, xv + 268 pp, £35.00 (hbk). ISBN 1‐874719‐08‐X
by Suzanne Pollack - 77-78 Canon: global responsibilities and local decisions by Philip Sandoz, 1997. Penguin, ix + 180 pp, £15.00 )hbk). ISBN 0‐670‐87408‐6
by Terence Tsai
November 1999, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 313-321 Compensation systems for improving environmental performance
by Solveig Lothe & Ingunn Myrtveit & Teresa Trapani - 322-335 A new‐institutionalist perspective on ISO 14000 and Responsible Care
by Aseem Prakash - 336-357 Sustainable tourism development in islands: a case study of Gran Canaria
by Juan Manuel García‐Falcón & Diego Medina‐Muñoz - 358-360 The greening of industry network noticeboard
by Ellis Brand & Theo de Bruijn & Kurt Fischer & Somporn Kamolsirichaiporn
September 1999, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 255-266 Partnerships: a path to sustainability
by Cathy L. Hartman & Peter S. Hofman & Edwin R. Stafford - 267-280 A new operational paradigm for oil operations in sensitive environments: an analysis of social pressure, corporate capabilities and competitive advantage
by Marilu Hastings - 281-295 Industry codes as agents of change: responsible care adoption by US chemical companies
by Jennifer Howard & Jennifer Nash & John Ehrenfeld - 296-310 Sustainable business: learning – action networks as organizational assets
by Sarah Clarke & Nigel Roome - 311-312 Greening of industry network noticeboard
by Theo de Bruijn
July 1999, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 252-253 Environmental tracking: can investment revolution prevent ecological catastrophe by Micheal Gill, 1997. Pen, vii + 92 pp, £10.00 (pbk). ISBN 1‐900796‐66 X
by Maurie. J. Cohen - 253-253 Ecoforestry edited by Alan Drengson and Duncan Taylor, 1997. New Society, vii + 312 pp, $24.95 (pbk). ISBN 0‐86571‐365‐0
by Jan van der Straaten - 253-254 Regulatory realities: the implementation and impact of industrial environmental regulation by Andrew Gouldson and Joseph Murphy, 1998. Earthscan, xii + 173 pp, £15.95 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐458‐0
by Andy Johnston
May 1999, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 149-162 Stakeholder value analysis: a methodology for intergrating stakeholder values into corporate enviromental investment decisions
by Graham Earl & Roland Clift - 163-176 Organizing environmental control in temporary local organizations
by Peter Dobers - 177-188 Environmental soundness: a pragmatic alternative to expectations of sustainable development in business strategy
by Richard Lamming & Adam Faruk & Paul Cousins - 189-196 Corporate environmental strategies as tools to influence regulation
by Thomas P. Lyon & John W. Maxwell - 200-201 Companies in a World of Conflict. edited by John Mitchell, 1998. The Royal Institute of International Affairs and Earthscan, xiv+192 pp, £16.95 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐536‐6
by Tarja Ketola - 201-202 ISO 14001: A Missed Opportunuity for Sustainable Global Industrial Development. by Riva Krut and Harris Gleckman, 1998. Earthscan, 192 pp, £14.95 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐507‐2
by Richard Starkey - 202-202 Environmental Education for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development. edited by Mohamad Soerjani and Monica Hale, 1997. Unversity of Indonesia in cooperation with London Guildhall University, xi + 499 pp, £17.00 + £3.00 P&P (pbk). ISBN 979‐647‐000‐4
by Brian Garrod
March 1999, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 95-107 What's in it for us? Or: the impact of environmental legislation on competitiveness
by Emiel Wubben - 108-119 Northern Ireland's environmental industry: an examination of the eco‐capital equipment producing sector
by Martin Eaton & Tom Stark - 120-127 Greening supply chains: the case of The Body Shop International
by Ian Wycherley - 128-143 Challenges in designing, implementing and operating an environmental management system
by Lisa‐Henri Kirkland & Dixon Thompson - 146-146 U.K. waste management law, 2nd edition, by John H. Bates, 1997. Sweet and Maxwell, liii+333 pp, £65.00 (pbk). ISBN 0‐421‐56950‐6
by Amanda Beresford - 146-147 Factor four: doubling wealth–halving resource use by E. Von Weizsäcker, A. B. Lovins and L. H. Lovins, 1997. Earthscan, London, 320 pp, £15.99 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐407‐4
by Joe Ravetz - 147-148 Green marketing: opportunity for innovation, 2nd edn, by Jacquelyn A. Ottman, 1998. NTC, xviii + 270 pp, $24.95 (hbk). ISBN 0‐8442‐32339‐4
by Pierre McDonagh
January 1999, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-13 Why do firms set environmental performance goals?: Some evidence from organizational theory
by Patrick Ransom & Douglas J. Lober - 14-30 The climate and culture of environmental compliance within SMEs
by Judith Petts & Andrew Herd & Simon Gerrard & Chris Horne - 31-45 Eco‐efficiency and dematerialization: Scenarios for new industrial logics in recycling industries, automobile and household appliances
by Peter Dobers & Rolf Wolff - 46-61 The biotechnology industry and strategies of biodiversity conservation: The influence of managerial interpretations and risk propensity
by Sanjay Sharma & Oliver Nguan - 62-74 Managing external demands: Renewable sources versus efficient use
by Brita Olerup - 75-81 The role of On‐line communities on the internet for Sustainable Development
by Pervaiz K. Ahmed & Glenn Hardaker - 82-87 Green commuter planning: A role for business
by Tony Emerson & Romney Tansley - 92-93 Book review. Clean and competitive? Motivating environmental performance in industry. Rupert Howes, Jim Skea and Bob Whelan. Earthscan, 1997. £14.95 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐491‐2
by Tony Jackson - 93-94 Book review. Global business Strategy. Robin John, Grazia Ietto‐Giles, Howard Cox and Nigel Grimwade. International Thomson Business, 1997. £16.99 (pbk). ISSN 0415‐11979‐0
by Peter A. Strachan - 94-94 Book review. Environmental challenges confroting the oil industry. Javier Estrada, Kristian Tengen, and Helge Ole Bergesen. Wiley, 1997. £55.00 (hbk). ISSN 0‐471‐97713‐6
by Andy Johnston
November 1998, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 261-270 Institutionalizing environmental performance in US industry: Is it happening and what if it does not?
by Edward Stead & Michael M. McKinney & Jean Garner Stead - 297-308 Beyond environmental management—Perspectives on environmental and management research
by Rolf Wolff - 309-310 Integrating ethics into mainstream management
by Giles Wyburd
September 1998, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 179-192 Beyond greening: new dialogue and new approaches for developing sustainability
by Annica Bragd & Gavin Bridge & Frank den Hond & P. D. Jose - 193-203 The greening of industry: needs of the field
by Doris Andrea Fuchs & Daniel A. Mazmanian - 204-212 Caught in the web: the dual nature of networks and its consequences
by Frank Boons - 213-222 Corporate legitimacy in risk society: the case of Brent Spar
by Jesper Grolin - 223-233 The effect of environmental regulation on environmental innovation
by Heidi A. Pickman - 234-244 Changing consumer behaviour through eco‐efficient services: an empirical study of car sharing in the Netherlands
by Rens Meijkamp - 245-249 Retroduction: an alternative research strategy?
by Bjørnar Sæther - 250-255 Combining research and design: a methodological view of the path to sustainable development
by Joanne H. J. Kruijsen - 256-259 The greening of industry network noticeboard
by Kurt Fischer
July 1998, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 109-123 Stage models of corporate ‘greening’: a critical evaluation
by Anja Schaefer & Brian Harvey - 124-133 Engaging the stakeholders: corporate views and current trends
by Anne Grafé‐Buckens & Anna‐Fay Hinton - 134-149 Strategic environmental management in the Greek chemical industry: results from an exploratory study of selected companies
by Vangelis Souitaris & Devashish Pujari - 150-161 Sector variation and ecological modernization: towards an analysis at the level of the firm
by Robert Baylis & Lianne Connell & Andrew Flynn - 162-172 Environmental management: from ‘fit’ to ‘stretch’
by Jacqueline Cramer - 176-176 BOOK REVIEWS : Environmental accounting and sustainable development –the final report by the Limperg Instituut, 1996. Limpberg Instituut, 151 pp, 45.00 Dutch Guilder (pbk). No ISBN number shown
by C. William Young - 176-177 BOOK REVIEWS : Hijacking environmentalism: corporate responses to sustainable development edited by Richard Welford, 1997. Earthscan, xvi + 251 pp, £13.95 (pbk). ISBN 1‐85383‐399‐1
by John P. Ulhøi
May 1998, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 53-70 Environmental regulation and the industrial sector in China: the role of informal relationships in policy implementation
by Peter Hills & C. S. Man - 71-89 The harvest strategy: how to implement a disaster for the environment and the stockholders
by Van V. Miller & John Quinn - 90-100 EM into SME won't go? Attitudes, awareness and practices in the London Borough of Croydon
by J. Quentin Merritt - 106-107 International business environmental barometer by Frank Belz and Lars Strannegärd (eds) 1997. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, vii + 188 pp, CHF 40‐00. ISBN 82 456 0306 6
by Maurie J. Cohen - 107-108 Integrated pollution control by Adrian Smith, 1997. Ashgate Publishing, xv + 246pp, £39.95 (hbk). ISBN 1 85972 597 X
by David Chambers - 108-108 Environmental management systems and cleaner production Ruth Hillary (editor), 1997. Wiley, xxvii + 359pp, £34.95 (hbk). ISBN 0 471 96662 2
by Alan Neale
February 1998, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-12 Editorial: Corporate environmental management, technology and sustainable development: postmodern perspectives and the need for a critical research agenda
by R. J. Welford - 13-23 Extending linear approaches to mapping corporate environmental behaviour
by A. Ghobadian & H. Viney & J. Liu & P. James - 24-31 Buffering and bridging as environmental strategies of firms
by F. A. J. van den Bosch & C. B. M. van Riel - 32-42 Factors of unsustainability: Identification, links and hierarchy
by I. Callens & L. Wolters - 51-52 THE COMMERCIAL IMPACTS OF GREEN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT by Mark T. Smith, Robin Roy and Stephen Potter, 1996. Open University, ii + 57pp, £20.00 (pbk)
by Frank den Hond - 52-52 CORPORATE STRATEGY AND BUSINESS PLANNING by Roger Bennett, 1996. Pitman Publishing, vii + 360pp, £14.99 (pbk) ISBN 0 7121 1052 6
by Terence Tsai - 52-53 ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT: MEETING THE GREEN CHALLENGE by Ken Peattie, 1995. Pitman Publishing, x + 309 pp, £36.00 (hbk) ISBN 0 273 60279 9
by Andrea Prothero
November 1997, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 245-263 Voluntary agreements in environmental protection: experiences in Germany and future perspectives
by Klaus Rennings & Karl Ludwig Brockmann & Heidi Bergmann - 264-275 A cybernetic view of environmental management: the implications for business organizations
by Gerard J. Lewis - 276-286 There's money in the air: the CFC ban and DuPont's regulatory strategy
by James Maxwell & Forrest Briscoe - 287-292 Voluntary agreements for environmental performance improvement: perspectives on the chemical industry's responsible care programme
by Richard Tapper - 296-297 Book review: GREENING INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS edited by Jacob Werksmann, 1996. Earthscan, xxvi + 334 pp, £19.95 (pbk) ISBN 1 85383 244 8
by Tony Jackson - 297-297 Book review: DRIVING ECO‐INNOVATION; A BREAKTHROUGH DISCIPLINE FOR INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY by Claude Fussler with Peter James, 1996. Pitman Publishing, xx + 364 pp, £45.00 (hbk), ISBN 0 273 62207 2
by Frank den Hond - 298-299 Book review: TRAINING IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT – Industry and Sustainability. Part 1. Corporate Environmental and Resource Management and Educational Requirements by John P. Ulhui, H. Madsen and P.M. Rikhardsson, 1996. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, xxxiv+148 pp, ECU 26.50 (pbk), ISBN 92 827 6927 5
by Arlene Broadhurst & Grant Ledgerwood
September 1997, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 173-184 Global restructuring—a place for ecology?
by Theo de Bruijn & Peter Groenewegen & Jesper Grolin - 185-186 The doctoral research day: a report
by David Raymond Jones - 187-196 Organizing for effective environmental design
by Michael Lenox & John Ehrenfeld - 197-205 Environmental managers' views on environmental work in a business context
by Bino Catasús & Maths Lundgren & Hans Rynnel - 206-217 Formulating standards for sustainable forest management in Canada
by Peter Clancy & L. Anders Sandberg - 218-231 Discursive methods in environmental decision making
by Ortwin Renn & Birgit Blättel‐Mink & Hans Kastenholz - 232-241 Regulation, self‐regulation and environmental consensus: lessons from the UK packaging waste experience
by Sally Eden - 243-243 Erratum: VOL.6, NO.3, 1997
by Johan Schot
July 1997, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 121-132 Stepping‐stones for integrated chain management in the firm
by Teun Wolters & Peter James & Mark Bouman - 133-145 The regional economic impacts of voluntary pollution prevention in New Jersey
by Kelly Robinson - 146-152 Industrial ecology and some implications for rural SMEs
by Otto Andersen - 153-162 The greening of industry for a sustainable future: building an international research agenda
by Johan Schot & Ellis Brand & Kurt Fischer - 163-167 Encouraging sustainable business practice through managing policies and instruments dynamically
by David Skidmore - 169-169 Book review: Environmental policy in an international context: prospects edited by A. Blowers and P. Glasbergen, 1996. Arnold, xvi + 302 pp, £18.99 (pbk), ISBN 0 470 23585 3
by Joseph Murphy - 169-170 Book review: State of the World edited by Lester Brown, 1996. Earthscan, xvii+249 pp, £12.95 (pbk), ISBN 1 85383 327 4
by John P. Ulhøi
May 1997, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 57-73 The 100 plus corporate environmental report study: A survey of an evolving environmental management tool
by Douglas J. Lober & David Bynum & Elizabeth Campbell & Mary Jacques - 74-82 Communicating greener strategies: a study of on‐pack communication
by Andrea Prothero & Ken Peattie & Pierre McDonagh - 83-92 Setting its own standards and meeting those standards: voluntarism versus regulation in environmental reporting
by Josephine Maltby - 93-103 Organisational learning in contested environments: lessons from Brent Spar
by A Neale - 104-114 Environmental proactivism and firm performance: evidence from security analyst earnings forecasts
by James J. Cordeiro & Joseph Sarkis - 116-116 Book review: Making cities work. The role of local authorities in the urban environment by Richard Gilbert, Don Stevenson, Herbert Girardet and Richard Stren, Earthscan, 1996. xiii+203 pp, £13.95, (pbk), ISBN 1 85383 354 1
by Jan van der Straaten - 116-117 Book review: Strategy for sustainable business: environmental opportunity and strategic choice by L. Crosbie and K. Knight (ed), McGraw‐Hill, 1995. xi+270 pp, £24.95, (hdk), ISBN 0 07 709133 7
by Jan Bebbington - 117-118 Book review: Life cycle assessment(LCA) – Quo Vadis? by S. Schaltegger (ed), Birkhauser Verlag, 1996. xii+187 pp, SFr. 58.00, (hbk), ISBN 3 7643 5341 4
by Rebecca Brook - 118-119 Book review: Improving compliance with international environmental law by James Cameron, Jacob Werksman and Peter Roderick (eds), Earthscan, 1996. xviii+341 pp, £19.95, (pbk), ISBN 1 85383 261 8
by Stephen Sykes