July 2017, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 488-506 The unmet travel needs of the older population: a review of the literature
by Carlo Luiu & Miles Tight & Michael Burrow - 507-520 A review of port devolution and governance models with compound eyes approach
by Paul Tae-Woo Lee & Jasmine Siu Lee Lam - 521-543 Shifting urban freight deliveries to the off-peak hours: a review of theory and practice
by Iván Sánchez-Díaz & Peter Georén & Märta Brolinson
May 2017, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 247-251 Mobility as a Services (MaaS) – does it have critical mass?
by Corinne Mulley - 252-275 Consumer preferences for electric vehicles: a literature review
by Fanchao Liao & Eric Molin & Bert van Wee - 276-299 A taxonomy of logistics centres: overcoming conceptual ambiguity
by Theo Notteboom & Francesco Parola & Giovanni Satta & Marcello Risitano - 300-321 Port choice in container market: a literature review
by Julián Martínez Moya & María Feo Valero - 322-343 Tradable credits for managing car travel: a review of empirical research and relevant behavioural approaches
by Nico Dogterom & Dick Ettema & Martin Dijst - 344-364 Multi-level forces and differential effects affecting birth cohorts that stimulate mobility change
by Sara Tilley - 365-382 A literature review of flexible development of airport terminals
by Liliana Magalhães & Vasco Reis & Rosário Macário - 383-402 External costs from vessel emissions at port: a review of the methodological and empirical state of the art
by Miluše Tichavska & Beatriz Tovar - 403-405 Cycling futures
by Dick de Waard
March 2017, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 139-151 Transport equity analysis
by Floridea Di Ciommo & Yoram Shiftan - 152-169 Travel time savings, accessibility gains and equity effects in cost–benefit analysis
by Karel Martens & Floridea Di Ciommo - 170-191 Distributive justice and equity in transportation
by Rafael H. M. Pereira & Tim Schwanen & David Banister - 192-210 Integrating equity in transportation project assessment: a philosophical exploration and its practical implications
by Bat-hen Nahmias-Biran & Karel Martens & Yoram Shiftan - 211-226 Understanding the role of equity in active transportation planning in the United States
by Richard J. Lee & Ipek N. Sener & S. Nathan Jones - 227-244 A longitudinal perspective on car ownership and use in relation with income inequalities in the Paris metropolitan area
by Benoît Cornut & Jean-Loup Madre - 245-246 Transport justice: designing fair transportation systems
by Miloš N. Mladenović
January 2017, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-3 Why review?
by Moshe Givoni - 4-28 Reducing car dependence in the heart of Europe: lessons from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
by Ralph Buehler & John Pucher & Regine Gerike & Thomas Götschi - 29-55 Cycling provision separated from motor traffic: a systematic review exploring whether stated preferences vary by gender and age
by Rachel Aldred & Bridget Elliott & James Woodcock & Anna Goodman - 56-78 Genetics of traffic assignment models for strategic transport planning
by Michiel C. J. Bliemer & Mark P. H. Raadsen & Luuk J. N. Brederode & Michael G. H. Bell & Luc J. J. Wismans & Mike J. Smith - 79-93 Electric vehicles revisited: a review of factors that affect adoption
by Makena Coffman & Paul Bernstein & Sherilyn Wee - 94-115 A review of guidelines for including wider economic impacts in transport appraisal
by Paal Brevik Wangsness & Kenneth Løvold Rødseth & Wiljar Hansen - 116-138 The drivers of port competitiveness: a critical review
by Francesco Parola & Marcello Risitano & Marco Ferretti & Eva Panetti
November 2016, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 683-691 China’s ascendance in transport research
by S.C. Wong - 692-712 External Costs as Competitiveness Factors for Freight Transport — A State of the Art
by Martine Mostert & Sabine Limbourg - 713-736 Understanding connectivity to international markets: a systematic review
by Agustina Calatayud & Roberto Palacin & John Mangan & Elizabeth Jackson & Aurora Ruiz-Rua - 737-771 The Increasing Role of Latent Variables in Modelling Bicycle Mode Choice
by Begoña Muñoz & Andres Monzon & Ricardo A. Daziano - 772-792 Long-term impacts of transport infrastructure networks on land-use change: an international review of empirical studies
by Dena Kasraian & Kees Maat & Dominic Stead & Bert van Wee - 793-815 Rail-road crossing impacts: an international synthesis
by Chris De Gruyter & Graham Currie - 816-817 Handbook on transport and urban planning in the developed world
by Julio A Soria-Lara - 818-819 List of Reviewers August 2015–August 2016
by The Editors
September 2016, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 553-557 Transport analysis in an uncertain world
by Glenn Lyons - 558-584 Activity patterns, time use, and travel of millennials: a generation in transition?
by Venu M. Garikapati & Ram M. Pendyala & Eric A. Morris & Patricia L. Mokhtarian & Noreen McDonald - 585-609 Stakeholder-specific data acquisition and urban freight policy evaluation: evidence, implications and new suggestions
by Valerio Gatta & Edoardo Marcucci - 610-634 Forty years of modelling rapid transit’s land value uplift in North America: moving beyond the tip of the iceberg
by Christopher D. Higgins & Pavlos S. Kanaroglou - 635-658 Do new sources of traffic data make the application of Chaos Theory to traffic management a realistic possibility?
by Abraham T. Narh & Neil Thorpe & Margaret C. Bell & Graeme A. Hill - 659-679 Urban Space Distribution and Sustainable Transport
by Stefan Gössling & Marcel Schröder & Philipp Späth & Tim Freytag - 680-681 Bounded rational choice behaviour: applications in transport
by Anders Fjendbo Jensen - 682-682 Sustainable Urban Transport
by Hans Nijland
July 2016, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 413-417 Logistics as a political issue
by Michel Savy - 418-436 Freight Transport Deceleration: Its Possible Contribution to the Decarbonisation of Logistics
by Alan C. McKinnon - 437-453 Protection of Critical Waterborne Transport Infrastructures: An Economic Review
by Olaf Jonkeren & Piet Rietveld - 454-478 Incorporating Driver Behaviors in Network Design Problems: Challenges and Opportunities
by Longsheng Sun & Mark H. Karwan & Changhyun Kwon - 479-499 Review on Theoretical Delay Estimation Model for Signalized Intersections
by Cheng Cheng & Yuchuan Du & Lijun Sun & Yuxiong Ji - 500-526 Passenger Perspectives in Railway Timetabling: A Literature Review
by Jens Parbo & Otto Anker Nielsen & Carlo Giacomo Prato - 527-548 From user equilibrium to system optimum: a literature review on the role of travel information, bounded rationality and non-selfish behaviour at the network and individual levels
by Mariska van Essen & Tom Thomas & Eric van Berkum & Caspar Chorus - 549-551 Driving with music: cognitive behavioural implications
by Laila M. Martinussen
May 2016, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 289-292 Why is Light Rail Starting to Dominate Bus Rapid Transit Yet Again?
by David A. Hensher - 293-317 Community Severance: Where Is It Found and at What Cost?
by Paulo Rui Anciaes & Peter Jones & Jennifer S. Mindell - 318-340 An Airport Experience Framework from a Tourism Perspective
by Walanchalee Wattanacharoensil & Markus Schuckert & Anne Graham - 341-360 Evolving Narratives of Low-Carbon Futures in Transportation
by Felix Creutzig - 361-382 Towards the Incorporation of Environmental Impacts into Pavement Management Systems
by Luc Pellecuer & Gabriel Assaf & Michèle St-Jacques - 383-412 Metadata-based Needs Assessment for Emergency Transportation Operations with a Focus on an Aging Population: A Case Study in Florida
by Eren Erman Ozguven & Mark W. Horner & Ayberk Kocatepe & Jean Michael Marcelin & Yassir Abdelrazig & Thobias Sando & Ren Moses
March 2016, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 167-169 Public Private Partnerships in Transport Infrastructure
by Athena Roumboutsos - 170-186 Developing Transport Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa through Public--Private Partnerships: Policy Practice and Implications
by Robert Osei -- Kyei & Albert P.C. Chan - 187-206 Contractual PPPs for Transport Infrastructure in Spain: Lessons from the Economic Recession
by Alejandro Ortega & Maria de los Angeles Baeza & Jose Manuel Vassallo - 207-227 PPPs — True Financial Costs and Hidden Returns
by Carlos Fernandes & Miguel Ferreira & Filipe Moura - 228-250 Data Review of Transportation Infrastructure Public--Private Partnership: A Meta-Analysis
by Zhenhua Chen & Nobuhiko Daito & Jonathan L. Gifford - 251-277 The Incorporation of Passenger Connectivity and Intermodal Considerations in Intercity Transport Planning
by Ryan F. Allard & Filipe Moura - 278-288 How to Write a Literature Review Paper?
by Bert Van Wee & David Banister
January 2016, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-8 Cycling as transport
by Elliot Fishman - 9-27 Bikeway Networks: A Review of Effects on Cycling
by Ralph Buehler & Jennifer Dill - 28-44 Does More Cycling Mean More Diversity in Cycling?
by Rachel Aldred & James Woodcock & Anna Goodman - 45-71 Cycling as a Part of Daily Life: A Review of Health Perspectives
by Thomas Götschi & Jan Garrard & Billie Giles-Corti - 72-91 E-bikes in the Mainstream: Reviewing a Decade of Research
by Elliot Fishman & Christopher Cherry - 92-113 Bikeshare: A Review of Recent Literature
by Elliot Fishman - 114-133 Big Data and Cycling
by Gustavo Romanillos & Martin Zaltz Austwick & Dick Ettema & Joost De Kruijf - 134-162 Performance of Municipal Cycling Policies in Medium-Sized Cities in the Netherlands since 2000
by Lucas Harms & Luca Bertolini & Marco Te Brömmelstroet - 163-166 Why do cyclists just talk to themselves?
by Phillip Darnton
November 2015, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 675-678 Editorial
by David Banister - 679-700 Potential Path Areas and Activity Spaces in Application: A Review
by Zachary Patterson & Steven Farber - 701-719 Relevance of City Logistics Modelling Efforts: A Review
by Nilesh Anand & Ron van Duin & Hans Quak & Lori Tavasszy - 720-748 A Review of Comparative Vehicle Cost Analysis
by Jorg Roosen & Wim Marneffe & Lode Vereeck - 749-766 Regulatory Emission Limits for Cars and the Porter Hypothesis: A Survey of the Literature
by Laurent Franckx - 767-791 Identifying Governance Relationships Between Intermodal Terminals and Logistics Platforms
by Jason Monios - 792-813 Bus Rapid Transit System in Istanbul: A Success Story or Flawed Planning Decision?
by Ela Babalik-Sutcliffe & Elif Can Cengiz - 814-816 Accessibility and Spatial Interaction
by Rebecca Shliselberg
September 2015, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 555-558 Publishing Transport Research: Are We Learning Much of Use?
by Kenneth Button - 559-582 Quantifying the Health Impacts of Active Travel: Assessment of Methodologies
by Ronan Doorley & Vikram Pakrashi & Bidisha Ghosh - 583-598 Planning for Urban Freight Transport: An Overview
by Jianqiang Cui & Jago Dodson & Peter V. Hall - 599-621 Review of Full Truckload Transportation Service Procurement
by R. Jothi Basu & Nachiappan Subramanian & Naoufel Cheikhrouhou - 622-649 Sustainability Assessment of Transport Infrastructure Projects: A Review of Existing Tools and Methods
by P.C. Bueno & J.M. Vassallo & K. Cheung - 650-671 Road Safety Trends at National Level in Europe: A Review of Time-series Analysis Performed during the Period 2000-12
by Ruth Bergel-Hayat & Joanna Zukowska - 672-674 Transport, Climate Change and the City
by Christopher Zegras
July 2015, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 401-403 The consequences of the extended gap between curiosity-driven and impact-driven research
by Johan Woxenius - 404-421 Simulating Demand-responsive Transportation: A Review of Agent-based Approaches
by Nicole Ronald & Russell Thompson & Stephan Winter - 422-444 Traffic Sounds and Cycling Safety: The Use of Electronic Devices by Cyclists and the Quietness of Hybrid and Electric Cars
by Agnieszka Stelling-Kończak & Marjan Hagenzieker & Bert Van Wee - 445-465 Pedestrian Flow Characteristics Studies: A Review
by Ankit Gupta & Nitin Pundir - 466-487 Older People's Mobility: Segments, Factors, Trends
by Sonja Haustein & Anu Siren - 488-511 The Value of a Statistical Life in a Road Safety Context -- A Review of the Current Literature
by Francisco J. Bahamonde-Birke & Uwe Kunert & Heike Link - 512-532 Multi-period Research Designs for Identifying Causal Effects of Built Environment Characteristics on Travel Behaviour
by Paul van de Coevering & Kees Maat & Bert van Wee - 533-553 Approaches and Techniques for Modelling CO 2 Emissions from Road Transport
by Clare Linton & Susan Grant-Muller & William F. Gale
May 2015, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 245-249 Beyond the Data Smog?
by Frank Witlox - 250-274 What Moves Us? An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Reasons for Traveling
by Patricia L. Mokhtarian & Ilan Salomon & Matan E. Singer - 275-291 Built Environment, Causality and Travel
by Petter Næss - 292-328 Bus Transit Service Reliability and Improvement Strategies: Integrating the Perspectives of Passengers and Transit Agencies in North America
by Ehab I. Diab & Madhav G. Badami & Ahmed M. El-Geneidy - 329-351 Comparison of Public-Private Partnerships in Airports and Seaports in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
by Sheila Farrell & Thierry Vanelslander - 352-377 Response to Travel Information: A Behavioural Review
by Eran Ben-Elia & Erel Avineri - 378-400 Classifying Ports for Efficiency Benchmarking: A Review and a Frontier-based Clustering Approach
by Beatriz Tovar & Héctor Rodríguez-Déniz
March 2015, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 111-117 Public Private Partnerships in Transport Infrastructure: An International Review
by Athena Roumboutsos - 118-139 How Do Governments Support the Development of Public Private Partnerships? Measuring and Comparing PPP Governmental Support in 20 European Countries
by Koen Verhoest & Ole Helby Petersen & Walter Scherrer & Raden Murwantara Soecipto - 140-161 Measuring Success of PPP Transport Projects: A Cross-Case Analysis of Toll Roads
by Champika Liyanage & Felix Villalba-Romero - 162-182 Risk Management in Motorway PPP Projects: Empirical-based Guidelines
by N. Carbonara & N. Costantino & L. Gunnigan & R. Pellegrino - 183-203 Allocating Revenue Risk in Transport Infrastructure Public Private Partnership Projects: How it Matters
by Athena Roumboutsos & Aristeidis Pantelias - 204-225 Renegotiating PPP Contracts: Reinforcing the 'P' in Partnership
by Sérgio Domingues & Dejan Zlatkovic - 226-244 Cross-sector Analysis of Four Renegotiated Transport PPPs in Portugal
by Maria Do Rosário Maurício Ribeiro Macário & Joana Duarte Costa & Joana André Matias Ribeiro
January 2015, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-3 Towards a code of conduct for clients of research?
by Bert Van Wee - 4-32 Short-term Travel-time Prediction on Highway: A Review of the Data-driven Approach
by Simon Oh & Young-Ji Byon & Kitae Jang & Hwasoo Yeo - 33-55 Intra-household interactions in transport research: a review
by Chinh Ho & Corinne Mulley - 56-81 What Does Happen to Our Driving When We Get Older?
by Suchada Vichitvanichphong & Amir Talaei-Khoei & Donald Kerr & Amir Hossein Ghapanchi - 82-105 A State-of-the-Art Review of Car-Following Models with Particular Considerations of Heavy Vehicles
by Kayvan Aghabayk & Majid Sarvi & William Young - 106-110 The Geographies of Air Transport
by Edoardo Marcucci
November 2014, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 671-673 Keeping the Debate Informed on Reforms in Land Passenger Transport: The Influence of the Thredbo Series
by David A. Hensher - 674-690 Framing the Nexus of Globalisation, Logistics and Manufacturing in Europe
by Nihan Akyelken & Hartmut Keller - 691-709 Safety outcomes of internationalization of domestic road haulage: a review of the literature
by Tor-Olav Nævestad & Torkel Bjørnskau & Inger Beate Hovi & Ross Owen Phillips - 710-729 Train delay and perceived-wait time: passengers' perspective
by Yung-Hsiang Cheng & Yu-Chun Tsai - 730-748 Airport-Airline interaction: some food for thought
by Tiziana D'alfonso & Alberto Nastasi - 749-774 The Adoption of Liquefied Natural Gas as a Ship Fuel: A Systematic Review of Perspectives and Challenges
by Siyuan Wang & Theo Notteboom - 775-797 Control Concepts for Facilitating Motorway On-ramp Merging Using Intelligent Vehicles
by Riccardo Scarinci & Benjamin Heydecker - 798-799 The Transportation Experience
by Pierluigi Coppola - 799-800 The Transport Debate
by Floridea Di Ciommo
September 2014, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 559-561 How Do We Relate Academic Research to Current Practice and Performance?
by Peter White - 562-582 'Informal Travel': A New Conceptualization of Travel Patterns?
by Ilan Salomon & Matan E. Singer - 583-606 The Impact of Container Type Diversification on Regional British Port Development Strategies
by Jason Monios & Gordon Wilmsmeier - 607-625 Seventy Minutes Plus or Minus 10 - A Review of Travel Time Budget Studies
by Asif Ahmed & Peter Stopher - 626-644 Estimating Freight Transport Price Elasticity in Multi-mode Studies: A Review and Additional Results from a Multimodal Network Model
by Michel Beuthe & Bart Jourquin & Natalie Urbain - 645-662 Governance, Governance Models and Port Performance: A Systematic Review
by Guilherme Bergmann Borges Vieira & Francisco José Kliemann Neto & Fernando Gonçalves Amaral - 663-664 Freight Transport Modelling
by Matthew J. Roorda - 664-666 International Handbook on Mega-Projects
by João de Abreu e Silva - 666-668 Better Public Transit Systems - Analyzing Investments and Performance
by Moshe Givoni - 668-670 The New Science of Cities
by Carlo Giacomo Prato
July 2014, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 415-417 Why Book Reviews? 18 June 2014
by Sigal Kaplan - 418-440 Applications of Random-Utility-based Multi-region Input-Output Models of Transport and the Spatial Economy
by Chris Bachmann & Chris Kennedy & Matthew J. Roorda - 441-473 Alternative Modeling Approaches Used for Examining Automobile Ownership: A Comprehensive Review
by Sabreena Anowar & Naveen Eluru & Luis F. Miranda-Moreno - 474-500 Bridging the Gap in Planning Indoor Pedestrian Facilities
by Sofia Kalakou & Filipe Moura - 501-521 Social Media Use during Unplanned Transit Network Disruptions: A Review of Literature
by Brendan Pender & Graham Currie & Alexa Delbosc & Nirajan Shiwakoti - 522-539 Critical Review of Time-Dependent Shortest Path Algorithms: A Multimodal Trip Planner Perspective
by Bradley Casey & Ashish Bhaskar & Hao Guo & Edward Chung - 540-557 Ex-Post Evaluations of Demand Forecast Accuracy: A Literature Review
by Morten Skou Nicolaisen & Patrick Arthur Driscoll
May 2014, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 273-275 Moving Freight
by Michael Browne - 276-296 Does Bus Rapid Transit Influence Urban Land Development and Property Values: A Review of the Literature
by Aiga Stokenberga - 297-315 Monopoly, Subsidies and the Mohring Effect: A Synthesis
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo - 316-334 Review of GPS Travel Survey and GPS Data-Processing Methods
by Li Shen & Peter R. Stopher - 335-355 Transport, Development and Climate Change Mitigation: Towards an Integrated Approach
by Stefan Bakker & Mark Zuidgeest & Heleen de Coninck & Cornie Huizenga - 356-378 Transition between Signal Timing Plans: A Methodological and Analytical Overview
by Rita Peñabaena-Niebles & Victor Cantillo & Sandra Cuentas & José Luis Moura - 379-395 Atmospheric Emissions of Short Sea Shipping Compared to Road Transport Through the Peaks and Troughs of Short-Term Market Cycles
by Harald M. Hjelle - 396-414 Corporatisation and Performance: A Literature Review and an Analysis of the Performance Effects of the Corporatisation of Port of Rotterdam Authority
by Peter W. de Langen & Christiaan Heij
March 2014, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 125-127 What to Review?
by Moshe Givoni - 128-149 The Role of Tradable Credit Schemes in Road Traffic Congestion Management
by Susan Grant-Muller & Meng Xu - 150-168 Are Longer and Heavier Vehicles (LHVs) Beneficial for Society? A Cost Benefit Analysis to Evaluate their Potential Implementation in Spain
by A. Ortega & J.M. Vassallo & A.F. Guzmán & P.J. Pérez-Martínez - 169-189 The Greening of Ports: A Comparison of Port Management Tools Used by Leading Ports in Asia and Europe
by Jasmine Siu Lee Lam & Theo Notteboom - 190-220 A Review of the Evolution of Shared (Street) Space Concepts in Urban Environments
by Auttapone Karndacharuk & Douglas J. Wilson & Roger Dunn - 221-245 Review of Urban Bicyclists' Intake and Uptake of Traffic-Related Air Pollution
by Alexander Y. Bigazzi & Miguel A. Figliozzi - 246-265 Incentives in Bus Concession Contracts: A Review of Several Experiences in Latin America
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo & Julio Briones - 266-267 Promoting Walking and Cycling: New Perspectives on Sustainable Travel
by Rachel Aldred - 267-269 Parking Reform Made Easy
by Nadav Levy - 269-270 Transition Towards Sustainable Mobility. The Role of Instruments, Individuals and Institutions
by Maria Attard - 271-272 Trains Across Borders; Comparative Studies on International Cooperation in Railway Development
by Steven Harrod
January 2014, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-3 Where to Start?
by David Banister - 4-24 Promoting Cycling for Transport: Research Needs and Challenges
by Susan Handy & Bert van Wee & Maarten Kroesen - 25-45 Transport Services and Their Impact on Poverty and Growth in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of Recent Research and Future Research Needs
by Gina Porter - 46-67 A State-of-the-Art Review: Developments in Utility Theory, Prospect Theory and Regret Theory to Investigate Travellers' Behaviour in Situations Involving Travel Time Uncertainty
by Giselle Moraes Ramos & Winnie Daamen & Serge Hoogendoorn - 68-85 An Institutional Analysis of Coordination in Liberalized Port-related Railway Chains: An Application to the Port of Rotterdam
by Martijn R. van der Horst & Larissa M. van der Lugt - 86-101 Why and How to Use Customer Opinions: A Quality-of-Life and Customer Satisfaction-Oriented Foundation for Performance-Based Decision-Making
by Jamie Montague Fischer & Mshadoni Smith & Adjo Amekudzi Kennedy - 102-121 A Review of Pseudo Panel Data Approach in Estimating Short-run and Long-run Public Transport Demand Elasticities
by Chi-Hong (Patrick) Tsai & Corinne Mulley & Geoffrey Clifton - 122-123 Moving Towards Low Carbon Mobility
by Marco te Brömmelstroet
November 2013, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 617-633 Tracks to Change or Mixed Signals? A Review of the Anglo-Saxon Literature on the Economic and Spatial Impacts of High-Speed Rail
by Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris & Harrison Higgins & Matthew Piven & Wenbin Wei - 634-657 Well-being and Transport: Taking Stock and Looking Forward
by Louise Reardon & Saamah Abdallah - 658-685 Complex Network Topology of Transportation Systems
by Jingyi Lin & Yifang Ban - 686-699 Impacts of Transport Infrastructure on Productivity and Economic Growth: Recent Advances and Research Challenges
by Taotao Deng - 700-719 Collaborative Logistics from the Perspective of Road Transportation Companies
by Lotte Verdonck & AN Caris & Katrien Ramaekers & Gerrit K. Janssens - 720-742 A Review of Ex-Post Evidence for Mode Substitution and Induced Demand Following the Introduction of High-Speed Rail
by Moshe Givoni & Frédéric Dobruszkes - 743-760 Ethical Theories and the Cost--Benefit Analysis-Based Ex Ante Evaluation of Transport Policies and Plans
by Bert Van Wee & Sabine Roeser - 761-762 Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making
by Peter White
September 2013, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 501-525 What Curriculum for Mobility and Transport Studies? A Critical Exploration
by Antonio Ferreira & Greg Marsden & Marco Te Brömmelstroet - 526-547 The Contribution of Benefit-in-Kind Taxation Policy in Britain to the 'Peak Car' Phenomenon
by Scott Le Vine & Peter Jones & John Polak - 548-569 ICT Adoption among Logistics Companies in ASEAN Countries
by Jose Tongzon & Hong-Oanh Nguyen - 570-592 Computational Bayesian Statistics in Transportation Modeling: From Road Safety Analysis to Discrete Choice
by Ricardo A. Daziano & Luis Miranda-Moreno & Shahram Heydari - 593-616 An International Review of Roundabout Capacity Modelling
by Yok Hoe Yap & Helen M. Gibson & Ben J. Waterson
July 2013, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 377-401 Atmospheric Emissions from Shipping: The Need for Regulation and Approaches to Compliance
by Kevin Cullinane & Sharon Cullinane - 402-420 Importance of user perception in evaluating level of service for bus transit for a developing country like India: a review
by Shreya Das & Debapratim Pandit - 421-442 Travel and Subjective Well-Being: A Focus on Findings, Methods and Future Research Needs
by Jonas De Vos & Tim Schwanen & Veronique Van Acker & Frank Witlox - 443-459 Quantifying the Difference Between Self-Reported and Global Positioning Systems-Measured Journey Durations: A Systematic Review
by Paul Kelly & Patricia Krenn & Sylvia Titze & Peter Stopher & Charlie Foster - 460-475 Seaport Research: An Analysis of Research Collaboration using Social Network Analysis
by Su-Han Woo & Dong-Joon Kang & Sally Martin - 476-496 Short Sea Shipping in Supply Chains. A Strategic Assessment
by P. Morales-Fusco & S. Saurí & G. De Melo - 497-498 Transport and Ethics: ethics and the evaluation of transport policies and projects
by Nikolas Thomopoulos
May 2013, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 243-254 'Peak Car' - Themes and Issues
by Phil Goodwin & Kurt Van Dender - 255-270 Peak Car and Beyond: The Fourth Era of Travel
by David Metz - 271-290 Causes of Youth Licensing Decline: A Synthesis of Evidence
by Alexa Delbosc & Graham Currie - 291-309 Is the Stagnation of Individual Car Travel a General Phenomenon in France? A Time-Series Analysis by Zone of Residence and Standard of Living
by Richard Grimal & Roger Collet & Jean-Loup Madre - 310-324 The Changing Spatial Distribution of the Population in England: Its Nature and Significance for 'Peak Car'
by Peter Headicar - 325-342 Who Made Peak Car, and How? A Breakdown of Trends over Four Decades in Four Countries
by Tobias Kuhnimhof & Dirk Zumkeller & Bastian Chlond - 343-359 New Drivers in Mobility; What Moves the Dutch in 2012?
by Jan van der Waard & Peter Jorritsma & Ben Immers - 360-375 The Prospects for Future Levels of Car Access and Use
by Gordon Stokes