December 2007, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 549-572 ITS Solutions and Accident Risks: Prospective and Limitations
by Ioanna Spyropoulou & Merja Penttinen & Matthew Karlaftis & Truls Vaa & John Golias - 619-640 What Happened to the National Road Carrier in a Post‐Communist Country? The Case of Poland's State Road Transport
by Zbigniew Taylor & Ariel Ciechański
November 2007, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 439-467 Bus Rapid Transit: Is Transmilenio a Miracle Cure?
by Alan Gilbert - 469-493 Privatization of the Japan Highway Public Corporation: Focusing on Organizational Structure Change†
by Fumitoshi Mizutani & Shuji Uranishi - 495-528 Making Cycling Irresistible: Lessons from The Netherlands, Denmark and Germany
by John Pucher & Ralph Buehler - 529-547 Investigating Links between Social Capital and Public Transport
by Graham Currie & Janet Stanley
October 2007, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 415-438 Combined Models with Hierarchical Demand Choices: A Multi‐Objective Entropy Optimization Approach
by Joaquin De Cea & J. Enrique Fernandez & Louis De Grange
August 2007, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 303-320 The Mobile Phone as a Tool in Family Life: Impact on Planning of Everyday Activities and Car Use
by Randi J. Hjorthol - 321-336 The Myth of Travel Time Saving
by David Metz - 337-356 Struggling with Time: Investigating Coupling Constraints
by Tim Schwanen
October 2007, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 391-413 Constructing Time‐Scaled Maps: Switzerland from 1950 to 2000†
by K. W. Axhausen & C. Dolci & Ph. Fröhlich & M. Scherer & A. Carosio
July 2007, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 281-301 Testing a Framework for the Efficiency Assessment of Road Safety Measures
by G. Yannis & V. Gitelman & E. Papadimitriou & A. S. Hakkert & M. Winkelbauer - 357-390 Transporting Singapore—The Air‐Conditioned Nation
by Jonathan E. D. Richmond
August 2007, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 239-258 School Travel Plans: Overcoming Barriers to Implementation
by Hazel Baslington - 259-280 Contingency Planning and War Gaming for the Transport Operations of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games
by Ioannis Minis & Dimitrios A. Tsamboulas
July 2007, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 181-198 A Human Perspective on the Daily Commute: Costs, Benefits and Trade‐offs
by Glenn Lyons & Kiron Chatterjee - 199-217 Willingness to Pay for Airline Service Quality
by Juan Carlos Martín & Concepción Román & Raquel Espino - 219-237 Realizing Logistics Opportunities in a Public--Private Collaborative Setting: The Story of Skaraborg
by Rickard Bergqvist
June 2007, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 159-180 Transport Policy and Organization in Japan
by Marcus Enoch & Hideki Nakamura
May 2007, Volume 28, Issue 2
April 2007, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 87-103 Accessibility Analysis of Korean High‐speed Rail: A Case Study of the Seoul Metropolitan Area
by Justin S. Chang & Jang‐Ho Lee
February 2007, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-19 Assessing the Influence of Distance‐based Charges on Freight Transporters
by David A. Hensher & Sean Puckett
May 2007, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 105-133 Vehicle Restrictions in Four Latin American Cities: Is Congestion Pricing Possible?
by Anjali Mahendra
March 2007, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 21-33 Institutional Perspective on the Adoption of Technology for the Security Enhancement of Container Transport
by Y. H. Venus Lun & Christina W. Y. Wong & Kee‐Hung Lai & T. C. E. Cheng - 35-59 Coastal Cities, Port Activities and Logistic Constraints in a Socialist Developing Country: The Case of North Korea
by César Ducruet & Jin Cheol Jo - 61-85 Behavioural Issues in Pedestrian Speed Choice and Street Crossing Behaviour: A Review
by Muhammad Moazzam Ishaque & Robert B. Noland
February 2007, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 715-732 Valuing the Prevention of Road Accidents in Belgium
by Bram De Brabander & Lode Vereeck
January 2007, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 679-698 Enablers and Barriers to the Adoption of Alternatively Powered Buses
by Pascal van der Straten & Bart W. Wiegmans & A. B. Schelling - 699-713 Managing Traffic by Privatization of Road Capacity: A Property Rights Approach
by Edwin Buitelaar & Rob Van der Heijden & Raffael Argiolu - 733-749 Generic Framework for Transport Network Designs: Applications and Treatment in Intermodal Freight Transport Literature
by Johan Woxenius
February 2007, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 525-528 Transport Networks and Spatial Choices: A European Perspective
by Marco Percoco & Aura Reggiani - 529-549 Assessment of New Hub‐and‐Spoke and Point‐to‐Point Airline Network Configurations
by Marco Alderighi & Alessandro Cento & Peter Nijkamp & Piet Rietveld - 551-571 Recent Methodological Developments to Measure Spatial Interaction: Synthetic Accessibility Indices Applied to High‐speed Train Investments
by Juan Carlos Martín & Aura Reggiani - 589-604 Rail Noise‐Abatement Programmes: A Stated Choice Experiment to Evaluate the Impacts on Welfare
by Paulo A. L. D. Nunes & Chiara M. Travisi - 605-620 Would You Stick To Using Your Car Even If Charged? Evidence from Trento, Italy
by Carlo V. Fiorio & Marco Percoco - 637-651 Gap between Willingness‐to‐Pay (WTP) and Willingness‐to‐Accept (WTA) Measures of Value of Travel Time: Evidence from Norway and Sweden
by Farideh Ramjerdi & Johanna Lindqvist Dillén
January 2007, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 573-587 Growth of Container Seaborne Traffic in the Mediterranean Basin: Outlook and Policy Implications for Port Development
by Francesca Medda & Gianni Carbonaro
March 2007, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 621-636 Freight Transport and the Value of Travel Time Savings: A Meta‐analysis of Empirical Studies
by Luca Zamparini & Aura Reggiani
January 2007, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 499-523 Survey of Technologies for the Implementation of National‐scale Road User Charging
by David N. Cottingham & Alastair R. Beresford & Robert K. Harle
July 2007, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 411-448 Delivering Value for Money to Government through Efficient and Effective Public Transit Service Continuity: Some Thoughts
by David A. Hensher & Anne Yvrande‐Billon & Rosário Macário & John Preston & Peter White & Bill Tyson & D. M. Van de Velde & Bert van Wee & Joaquim José Guilherme de Aragão & Enilson Medeiros dos Santos & Rômulo Dante Orrico Filho & David Hensher
January 2007, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 123-124 Book Review
by Peter White
August 2006, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 653-677 Gender, Residential Location, and Household Travel: Empirical Findings from Low‐income Urban Settlements in Durban, South Africa
by Christoffel Venter & Vera Vokolkova & Jaroslav Michalek
November 2006, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 449-484 Automobile Fuel Demand: A Critical Assessment of Empirical Methodologies
by Leonardo J. Basso & Tae Hoon Oum
October 2006, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 379-410 Urban Transport Trends and Policies in China and India: Impacts of Rapid Economic Growth
by John Pucher & Zhong‐ren Peng & Neha Mittal & Yi Zhu & Nisha Korattyswaroopam
December 2006, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 485-498 Pro‐rail Policies in Turkey: A Policy Shift?
by Ela Babalik‐Sutcliffe
October 2006, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 327-353 Introducing Willingness‐to‐pay for Noise Changes into Transport Appraisal: An Application of Benefit Transfer
by John Nellthorp & Abigail L. Bristow & Brett Day
November 2006, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 355-378 Restructuring the Greek Railways: Current Progress and Evaluation of Alternative Schemes
by G. A. Giannopoulos & K. Giannakos
August 2006, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 251-271 Railroad Restructuring in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe: One Solution for All Problems?
by Guido Friebel & Sergei Guriev & Russell Pittman & Elizaveta Shevyakhova & Anna Tomová - 285-310 Evaluating Key Resources and Capabilities for Liner Shipping Services
by Chin‐Shan Lu
September 2006, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 311-326 Evaluation of Rail Freight Facilities Grant Funding in Britain
by Allan Woodburn
July 2006, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 273-283 Revisiting Service‐level Measurement for an Inventory System with Different Transport Modes
by Wout Dullaert & Bert Vernimmen & El‐houssaine Aghezzaf & Birger Raa
August 2006, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 213-230 Ability to Recover Full Costs through Price Discrimination in Deregulated Scheduled Air Transport Markets
by Kenneth Button & Alvaro Costa & Carlos Cruz - 231-249 Traffic Performance Models for Dynamic Traffic Assignment: An Assessment of Existing Models
by Jin‐Su Mun
May 2006, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 151-187 Activity--Travel Behaviour Research: Conceptual Issues, State of the Art, and Emerging Perspectives on Behavioural Analysis and Simulation Modelling
by Ron N. Buliung & Pavlos S. Kanaroglou
June 2006, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 125-150 Evaluating Transport Infrastructure Investments: The Dutch Experience with a Standardized Approach
by Jan Anne Annema & Carl Koopmans & Bert Van Wee
July 2006, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 189-212 Leasing Passenger Trains: The British Experience
by Jean Shaoul
April 2006, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 103-122 Can Innovations in Rail Freight Transhipment Be Successful?
by Bart W. Wiegmans & Marko Hekkert & Marnix Langstraat
May 2006, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-35 Reframing Automobile Fuel Economy Policy in North America: The Politics of Punctuating a Policy Equilibrium
by Anthony Perl & James A. Dunn - 37-64 Decoupling of Road Freight Transport and Economic Growth Trends in the UK: An Exploratory Analysis
by Alan C. McKinnon - 65-84 Driving Behaviour: Models and Challenges
by Tomer Toledo - 85-102 Public Acceptability of Road User Charging: The Case of Edinburgh and the 2005 Referendum
by Martin Gaunt & Tom Rye & Simon Allen
March 2006, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 713-730 Airline Jet Fuel Hedging: Theory and Practice
by Peter Morrell & William Swan
November 2006, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 769-771 Book Review
by Zbigniew Taylor
May 2006, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 749-767 Excess Commuting: A Critical Review
by Kang‐Rae Ma & David Banister
April 2006, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 693-712 Middle‐class Travel Patterns, Predispositions and Attitudes, and Present‐day Transport Policy in Bangkok, Thailand
by Wanpen Charoentrakulpeeti & Edsel Sajor & Willi Zimmermann - 731-748 Making an Informed Vehicle Scrappage Decision
by Cynthia Chen & Jie (Jane) Lin
January 2006, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 557-569 Impact Analysis of Railway Projects in a Flexibility Perspective
by Nils O. E. Olsson - 571-591 Promoting Development through Multimodal Freight Transport in Bangladesh
by Dewan M. Z. Islam & John Dinwoodie & M. Roe - 593-611 Development and Impact of the Modern High‐speed Train: A Review
by Moshe Givoni
March 2006, Volume 26, Issue 4
November 2005, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 667-691 Implications of Thresholds in Discrete Choice Modelling
by Víctor Cantillo & Juan de Dios Ortúzar
December 2005, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 537-555 Do Road Planners Produce More ‘Honest Numbers’ than Rail Planners? An Analysis of Accuracy in Road‐traffic Forecasts in Cities versus Peripheral Regions
by Petter Næss & Bent Flyvbjerg & Søren Buhl
August 2005, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 417-433 Valuation of Aircraft Noise by Time of Day: A Comparison of Two Approaches
by Abigail L. Bristow & Mark Wardman - 451-469 Distribution of Willingness‐to‐Pay for Speed Reduction with Non‐positive Bidders: Is Choice Modelling Consistent with Contingent Valuation?
by Riccardo Scarpa & Kenneth G. Willis
July 2005, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 487-500 Fixed‐effects Hedonic Price Model for Statistical Value of Live Estimations
by Pere Riera & Abir Mhawej & Robert Mavsar & Raul Brey
November 2005, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 389-415 Introducing Environmental Externalities into Transport Pricing: Measurement and Implications
by Peter Bickel & Rainer Friedrich & Heike Link & Louise Stewart & Chris Nash - 435-449 Methodology to Calculate Social Values for Air Pollution Using Discrete Choice Models
by Sergio R. Jara‐Díaz & Cristián Vergara & Tristán Gálvez
June 2005, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 521-534 Integrating Accident and Travel Delay Externalities in an Urban Speed Reduction Context
by David A. Hensher
December 2005, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 471-485 Estimating the Willingness‐to‐Pay for Road Safety Improvements
by Luis I. Rizzi & Juan de Dios Ortúzar
September 2005, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 275-291 Mobile Phones as Traffic Probes: Practices, Prospects and Issues
by Geoff Rose
October 2005, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 257-274 Highway Robbery? A Financial Analysis of Design, Build, Finance and Operate (DBFO) in UK Roads
by Jean Shaoul & Anne Stafford & Pamela Stapleton
June 2005, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 189-206 Adoption of Internet Services in Liner Shipping: An Empirical Study of Shippers in Taiwan
by Chin‐Shan Lu & Kee‐Hung Lai & T. C. E. Cheng
September 2005, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 127-149 Use and Effects of Advanced Traveller Information Services (ATIS): A Review of the Literature
by Caspar G. Chorus & Eric J. E. Molin & Bert Van Wee - 239-251 Towards a Modal Shift in Freight Transport? A Business Logistics Analysis of Some Policy Measures
by Gust Blauwens & Nico Vandaele & Eddy Van de Voorde & Bert Vernimmen & Frank Witlox
July 2005, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 151-166 Indirect Effects to Include in Strategic Environmental Assessments of Transport Infrastructure Investments
by Daniel K. Jonsson & Jessica Johansson - 167-188 Developments in Container Port Competition in East Asia
by Wei Yim Yap & Jasmine S. L. LAM & Theo Notteboom
May 2005, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 207-219 Selection Criteria of Transportation Mode: A Case Study in Four Finnish Industry Sectors
by Mikko Punakivi & Ville Hinkka - 221-237 Tax Treatment of Employer Commuting Support: An International Review
by Stephen Potter & Marcus Enoch & Tom Rye & Colin Black & Barry Ubbels
March 2005, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 43-61 E‐Shopping and its Relationship with In‐store Shopping: Empirical Evidence from the Netherlands and the USA
by Sendy Farag & Kevin J. Krizek & Martin Dijst
May 2005, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 63-80 A Gendered Perspective of the Shelter--Transport--Livelihood Link: The Case of Poor Women in Delhi
by Anvita Anand & Geetam Tiwari - 81-104 Sustainable Transport in the European Union: A Review of the Past Research and Future Ideas
by Milan Janic - 105-126 Carriers within Carriers: A Strategic Response to Low‐cost Airline Competition
by Brian Graham & Timothy M. Vowles
April 2005, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-24 Inaccuracy in Traffic Forecasts
by Bent Flyvbjerg & Mette K. Skamris Holm & Søren L. Buhl - 25-42 Potential for Car Use Reduction through a Simulation Approach: Paris and Lyon Case Studies
by Marie‐HéLène Massot & Jimmy Armoogum & Patrick Bonnel & David Caubel
January 2005, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 535-555 Role of the Travel Factor Convenience in Rail Travel and a Framework for its Assessment
by Jonathan Crockett & Nick Hounsell - 557-571 Container Railfreight Services in North‐west Europe: Diversity of Organizational Forms in a Liberalizing Environment
by Elisabeth Gouvernal & Julien Daydou
February 2005, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 573-589 Evaluation of Potentially Successful Barge Innovations
by Bart W. Wiegmans
March 2005, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 613-639 Road Safety Strategies: A Comparative Framework and Case Studies
by Becky P. Y. Loo & W. T. Hung & Hong K. Lo & S. C. Wong
October 2005, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 451-465 Implementing Road User Charging: The Lessons Learnt from Hong Kong, Cambridge and Central London
by Stephen Ison & Tom Rye
March 2005, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 393-414 The Four Pillars of Sustainable Urban Transportation
by Christopher Kennedy & Eric Miller & Amer Shalaby & Heather Maclean & Jesse Coleman
December 2004, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 591-612 Traffic Noise in Europe: A Comparison of Calculation Methods, Noise Indices and Noise Standards for Road and Railroad Traffic in Europe
by H. A. Nijland & G. P. Van Wee
November 2004, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 511-534 Urban Congestion Charging: A Comparison between London and Singapore
by Georgina Santos
November 2004, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 491-509 Passing Bays for Slow Moving Vehicles on Rural Two‐lane Roads
by Catharinus F. Jaarsma & Hein Botma & Raoul Beunen
October 2004, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 433-449 Privatization of Rail and Tram Services in Melbourne: What Went Wrong?
by Paul Mees - 467-490 Driving Forces behind the Growth of Per‐capita Car Driving Distance in the UK, 1970--2000
by Tae‐Hyeong KWON & John Preston
August 2004, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 415-431 Methodological Advances in National Travel Surveys: Mobility in Germany 2002
by Uwe Kunert & Robert Follmer
October 2004, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 329-376 Current operational urban land‐use--transport modelling frameworks: A review
by J. D. Hunt & D. S. Kriger & E. J. Miller
September 2004, Volume 25, Issue 3
August 2004, Volume 25, Issue 3
January 2004, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 283-292 Common risk assessment methodology for advanced driver assistance systems
by Evangelos Bekiaris & Alan Stevens - 293-317 Solving network equilibrium problems on multimodal urban transportation networks with multiple user classes
by Joaquín De Cea & J. Enrique Fernández & Valérie Dekock & Alexandra Soto - 377-392 Impact of the adherence to the original low‐cost model on the profitability of low‐cost airlines
by Fariba Alamdari & Simon Fagan
February 2004, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 221-243 Attitudes to transport modes for shopping purposes in Singapore
by Muhammad F. Ibrahim
April 2004, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 181-199 Determining container terminal capacity on the basis of an adopted yard handling system
by Chin‐Yuan Chu & Wen‐Chih Huang - 201-219 Transalpine transport: a local problem in search of European solutions or a European problem in search of local solutions?
by Liana Giorgi & Michael Schmidt
August 2004, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 159-180 Behavioural modelling of road users: current research and future needs
by Eliahu Stern & Harry W. Richardson - 245-259 Improvement of external transport cost evaluation in the context of Lithuania’s integration into the European Union
by Adolfas Baublys & Margarita Išoraitė
June 2004, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 139-158 Limits to competition in urban bus services in developing countries
by Antonio Estache & Andrés Gómez‐Lobo
March 2004, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 85-102 Freighter operators' choice of airport: a three‐stage process
by John Gardiner & Ian Humphreys & Stephen Ison - 103-116 Sources of productivity change: a Malmquist total factor productivity approach
by K. A. Boame & K. Obeng
February 2004, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-24 Comparing energy use and environmental performance of land transport modes
by Bert Van Wee & Pieter Janse & Robert Van Den Brink - 51-84 Delivering supermarket shopping: more or less traffic?
by Sally Cairns
August 2004, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 635-643 Introduction: challenges in conducting transatlantic work on sustainable transport and the STELLA/STAR initiative
by Kenneth Button & Peter Nijkamp - 645-663 Globalization, e‐economy and trade
by Cristina Capineri & Thomas R. Leinbach - 665-677 Space--time constructs for linking information and communication technologies with issues in sustainable transportation
by Donald G. Janelle & Andrew Gillespie - 679-690 Societal trends, mobility behaviour and sustainable transport in Europe and North America
by Kieran Donaghy & Georg Rudinger & Stefan Poppelreuter - 691-705 Impacts of transport on sustainability: towards an integrated transatlantic evidence base
by Veli Himanen & Martin Lee‐Gosselin & Adriaan Perrels - 707-719 Institutions, regulations and sustainable transport: a cross‐national perspective
by Piet Rietveld & Roger Stough
January 2004, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 611-632 Impact of information and communications technology on transport
by David Banister & Dominic Stead
May 2004, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 259-260 Road Traffic Elasticities: Introduction
by Tom Worsley - 365-376 Review Paper
by Qasim Dalvi
December 2003, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 25-50 Transport infrastructures, spillover effects and regional growth: evidence of the Spanish case
by Pedro Cantos & Mercedes Gumbau‐Albert & Joaquín Maudos - 117-130 Transformation of port terminal operations: from the local to the global
by Brian Slack & Antoine Frémont
November 2003, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 515-532 Children—automobility's immobilized others?
by Thyra Uth Thomsen - 533-557 Short‐term traffic forecasting: Overview of objectives and methods
by Eleni I. Vlahogianni & John C. Golias & Matthew G. Karlaftis
December 2003, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 559-585 Effectiveness of using variable message signs to disseminate dynamic traffic information: Evidence from field trails in European cities
by Kiron Chatterjee & Mike Mcdonald - 587-610 Value of accessibility to Bogotá's bus rapid transit system
by Daniel A. Rodríguez* * & Felipe Targa
September 2003, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 409-435 Vehicular pollution prediction modelling: a review of highway dispersion models
by N. Sharma & K. K. Chaudhry & C. V. Chalapati Rao
November 2003, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 465-483 Inland Maritime Transport in Greece after the Lifting of the Cabotage and Full Liberalization: A Review. Part 1: The Situation ‘before’ and Expected Impacts
by G. A. Giannopoulos & G. Aifandopoulou‐Klimis
October 2003, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 437-463 Route Choice Models Used in the Stochastic User Equilibrium Problem: A Review
by Joseph N. Prashker & Shlomo Bekhor
June 2003, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 379-408 Comparison of car ownership models
by Gerard De Jong & James Fox & Andrew Daly & Marits Pieters & Remko Smit
April 2003, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 261-274 Road Traffic Demand Elasticity Estimates: A Review
by Daniel J. Graham & Stephen Glaister
July 2003, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 317-336 Understanding Travel Needs of the Poor: Towards Improved Travel Analysis Practices in South Africa
by ROGER BEHRENS & Roger Behrens
August 2003, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 337-363 On Best Practice in Continuous Large‐scale Mobility Surveys
by Elizabeth S. Ampt & Juan De Dios Ortúzar
February 2003, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 293-316 Will the high‐speed train compete against the private vehicle?
by Mar González‐Savignat
September 2003, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 275-292 Elasticities of Road Traffic and Fuel Consumption with Respect to Price and Income: A Review
by Phil Goodwin & Joyce Dargay & Mark Hanly
June 2003, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 239-255 September 11 and the World Airline Financial Crisis
by James F. Nolan & Pamela Ritchie & John Rowcroft
March 2003, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 219-237 Structures of Leisure Travel: Temporal and Spatial Variability
by Robert Schlich & Stefan Schönfelder & Susan Hanson & Kay W. Axhausen
February 2003, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 177-194 Zoning for Parking as Policy Process: A Historical Review
by Erik Ferguson
May 2003, Volume 24, Issue 2
January 2003, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-18 What Causes Cost Overrun in Transport Infrastructure Projects?
by Bent Flyvbjerg & Mette K. Skamris Holm & Søren L. Buhl - 79-101 Singapore: The Development of a World Class Transport System
by A. D. May - 103-124 National and International Freight Transport Models: An Overview and Ideas for Future Development
by Gerard De Jong & Hugh Gunn & Warren Walker
July 2003, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 375-386 Transport policy for an ageing population
by David Metz - 387-412 Evaluation of the policies in British local transport plans with regard to the promotion of rail freight
by Russ Haywood - 413-431 Factors of development of car ownership in Poland
by Tomasz Komornicki - 433-452 Redistributive effects of subsidies to urban public transport in Spain
by Javier Asensio & Anna Matas & José-Luis Raymond - 453-469 Towards a general microeconomic model for the operation of public transport
by Sergio Jara-Díaz & Antonio Gschwender - 471-488 Agricultural vehicles and sustainable safe road traffic: solving conflicts on arterial highways
by Catharinus F. Jaarsma & Hein Botma & Ronald G. H. Van Ark & Geert P.A. Willems - 489-515 Predicting the effects of city logistics schemes
by Eiichi Taniguchi & Russell G. Thompson & Tadashi Yamada
2003, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 247-247 Editor's introduction
by The Editors - 249-262 Economic appraisal of road projects in countries with developing and transition economies
by Henry Kerali - 263-273 Preventing death and injury on the world's roads
by David Silcock - 275-297 Development of freight transport and logistics in Sub-Saharan Africa: Taaffe, Morrill and Gould revisited
by Poul Pedersen - 299-310 Mass rapid transit systems for cities in the developing world
by Phil Fouracre & Christian Dunkerley & Geoff Gardner - 311-355 Changing railway structure and ownership: Is anything working?
by Louis Thompson - 357-371 Book reviews
by The Editors
January 2003, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 161-176 'Filling the middle': Uganda's appropriate transport services
by John Howe - 177-196 Livelihoods, daily mobility and poverty in sub-saharan Africa
by D. F. Bryceson & T. C. Mbara & D. Maunder - 217-241 Drawing the road map to rural poverty reduction
by P. Njenga & A. Davis - 243-246 Limitations of transport policy: A rejoinder
by David Metz
January 2003, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-20 Sheared delay formulae for the TRANSYT traffic model: A review and calibration
by W. T. Wong & S. C. Wong & C. O. Tong - 21-34 Attitudes of Hong Kong residents to cars and public transport: Some policy implications
by Sharon Cullinane - 35-50 Valuation of road projects with uncertain outcomes
by Giuseppe Scannella & Michel Beuthe - 51-69 Modelling, performance evaluation and planning of public transport systems using generalized stochastic Petri nets
by R. Bouyekhf & A. Abbas-Turki & O. Grunder & A. El Moudni - 71-88 How common and how large are cost overruns in transport infrastructure projects?
by Bent Flyvbjerg & Mette K. Skamris holm & Søren L. Buhl - 89-103 Framework for analysing reliability and information degradation of demand matrices in extended transport networks
by A. Stathopoulos & T. Tsekeris - 105-122 Positive impact of distribution centres on the environment
by M. Kia & E. Shayan & F. Ghotb - 123-126 Book Review
by M. Q. Dalvi - 126-129 Book review
by Parviz Koushki
December 2002, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 135-176 From ‘Our Air Is Not for Sale’ to ‘Airtrack’: The Part Privatization of the UK's Airspac
by A. Majumdar & W. Ochieng
September 2002, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 19-32 Recent Changes in Polish Transport Policy
by Zbigniew Taylor
October 2002, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 33-56 Container Terminal Development in Mainland China and Its Impact on the Competitiveness of the Port of Hong Kong
by Kevin Cullinane & Wang Teng Fei & Sharon Cullinane - 57-77 Objectives, Methods and Results of Surveys Carried out in the Field of Urban Freight Transport: An International Comparison
by Christian Ambrosini & Jean‐Louis Routhier
January 2002, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 381-399 Going for gold at the Sydney Olympics: How did transport perform?
by David A. Hensher & Ann M. Brewer - 401-414 Economic organization of intermodal transport
by Photis M. Panayides - 415-447 Urban rail systems: Analysis of the factors behind success
by Ela Babalik-Sutcliffe - 449-472 Policy scenarios for achieving sustainable transportation in Europe
by Caroline A. Rodenburg & Barry Ubbels & Peter Nijkamp - 473-497 Survey analysis of supply chain adjustment for Taiwanese information technology firms
by Kai-Chieh Chia & Cheng-Min Feng
January 2002, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 247-265 Entry deterrence and quality provision in the local bus market
by Jan Peter Van Der Veer - 267-293 On the capacity of bus transit systems
by Rodrigo Fernandez & Rosemarie Planzer - 295-308 Exposure to noise inside transit buses in Kuwait: Measurements and passenger attitudes
by Parviz A. Koushki & Mohammed A. Ali & Bapatla P. Chandrasekhar & Mohammad Al-Sarawi - 309-322 Bicycle in Shanghai: Movement patterns, cyclist attitudes and the impact of traffic separation
by John Zacharias - 323-334 Competition for the German regional rail passenger market 5 years after regionalization
by Mirko C. A. Schnell - 335-370 Competition and ownership in land passenger transport: The 7th International Conference
by David A. Hensher & Olav Hauge - 371-380 Comments on 'The limitations of transport policy'
by Roger L. MacKett
January 2002, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 133-133 Editorial Introduction
by David Banister - 134-145 Limitations of transport policy
by David Metz