January 2021, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 5-26 Tour-based mode choice modelling as the core of an activity-based travel demand modelling framework: a review of state-of-the-art
by Md Sami Hasnine & Khandker Nurul Habib - 27-47 Strava Metro data for bicycle monitoring: a literature review
by Kyuhyun Lee & Ipek Nese Sener - 48-72 The growing gap in pedestrian and cyclist fatality rates between the United States and the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands, 1990–2018
by Ralph Buehler & John Pucher - 73-96 Exploring built environment impacts on transit use – an updated meta-analysis
by Laura Aston & Graham Currie & Alexa Delbosc & Md. Kamruzzaman & David Teller - 97-114 Crowdsourced data for bicycling research and practice
by Trisalyn Nelson & Colin Ferster & Karen Laberee & Daniel Fuller & Meghan Winters - 115-135 Why do paratransit operators resist participation in bus rapid transit? Case evidence from Bogota, Mexico City, Johannesburg and Lagos
by Emmanuel Theodore Asimeng & Dirk Heinrichs
November 2020, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 687-688 Transport for women: who decides what women need?
by Nihan Akyelken - 689-710 Recent developments in traffic flow modelling using macroscopic fundamental diagram
by Lele Zhang & Zhongqi Yuan & Li Yang & Zhiyuan Liu - 711-733 Fair street space allocation: ethical principles and empirical insights
by Felix Creutzig & Aneeque Javaid & Zakia Soomauroo & Steffen Lohrey & Nikola Milojevic-Dupont & Anjali Ramakrishnan & Mahendra Sethi & Lijing Liu & Leila Niamir & Christopher Bren d’Amour & Ulf Weddige & Dominic Lenzi & Martin Kowarsch & Luisa Arndt & Lulzim Baumann & Jody Betzien & Lesly Fonkwa & Bettina Huber & Ernesto Mendez & Alexandra Misiou & Cameron Pearce & Paula Radman & Paul Skaloud & J. Marco Zausch - 734-753 From “streets for traffic” to “streets for people”: can street experiments transform urban mobility?
by Luca Bertolini - 754-773 Influences on lateral passing distance when motor vehicles overtake bicycles: a systematic literature review
by Elisabeth Rubie & Narelle Haworth & Divera Twisk & Naohide Yamamoto - 774-795 Instrumented bikes and their use in studies on transportation behaviour, safety, and maintenance
by April Gadsby & Kari Watkins - 796-809 Living with fewer cars: review and challenges on household demotorization
by Anne Aguilera & Joseph Cacciari - 810-811 Last subway: the long wait for the next train in New York City
by Zachary M. Schrag - 811-814 Cyclescapes of the unequal city: bicycle infrastructure and uneven development
by Marcel E. Moran - 814-816 The accelerating transport innovation revolution: a global, case study-based assessment of current experience, cross-sectorial effects, and socioeconomic transformations
by Constantinos Antoniou
July 2020, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 551-556 What might Covid-19 mean for mobility as a service (MaaS)?
by David A. Hensher - 557-580 Why are cities removing their freeways? A systematic review of the literature
by Fahimeh Khalaj & Dorina Pojani & Neil Sipe & Jonathan Corcoran - 581-606 Platooning for sustainable freight transportation: an adoptable practice in the near future?
by S. Sivanandham & M. S. Gajanand - 607-628 Does transport help people to gain employment? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the empirical evidence
by Jeroen Bastiaanssen & Daniel Johnson & Karen Lucas - 629-645 Impacts of rail transit access on land and housing values in China: a quantitative synthesis
by Wenjie Wu & Siqi Zheng & Bing Wang & Minzhe Du - 646-669 Factors that affect the ability of people with disabilities to walk or wheel to destinations in their community: a scoping review
by Mike Prescott & Delphine Labbé & William C. Miller & Jaimie Borisoff & Robert Feick & William Ben Mortenson - 670-684 Policy implementation of multi-modal (shared) mobility: review of a supply-demand value proposition canvas
by Li Meng & Sekhar Somenahalli & Stephen Berry - 685-686 The 30-Minute City: Designing for Access
by Tom van Vuren
July 2020, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 407-410 Are all paper citations equal?
by Bert van Wee - 411-428 Costs of air pollutants from shipping: a meta-regression analysis
by Ing-Marie Gren & Andreas Brutemark & Annika K. Jägerbrand & Jennie Barthel Svedén - 429-456 Travel-based multitasking: review of the role of digital activities and connectivity
by Jacek Pawlak - 457-478 Resilience in railway transport systems: a literature review and research agenda
by Nikola Bešinović - 479-505 Determinants of airport retail revenue: a review of literature
by Yimeng Chen & Cheng-Lung Wu & Tay T.R. Koo & Ian Douglas - 506-528 Air transport and economic growth: a review of the impact mechanism and causal relationships
by Fangni Zhang & Daniel J. Graham - 529-550 Recent developments in traffic flow modeling using macroscopic fundamental diagram
by Lele Zhang & Zhongqi Yuan & Li Yang & Zhiyuan Liu
May 2020, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 265-266 Electric cars – they may in time increase car use without effective road pricing reform and risk lifecycle carbon emission increases
by David A. Hensher - 267-287 The role of residential self-selection in land use-travel research: a review of recent findings
by Xiaodong Guan & Donggen Wang & Xinyu Jason Cao - 288-311 Machine learning applications in activity-travel behaviour research: a review
by Anil NP Koushik & M. Manoj & N. Nezamuddin - 312-332 A literature review of mobility services: definitions, modelling state-of-the-art, and key considerations for a conceptual modelling framework
by Francisco Calderón & Eric J. Miller - 333-353 Dockless bike-sharing systems: what are the implications?
by Zheyan Chen & Dea van Lierop & Dick Ettema - 354-381 Transport and equity in Latin America: a critical review of socially oriented accessibility assessments
by Giovanni Vecchio & Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken & Ricardo Hurtubia - 382-406 Modal shift from road haulage to short sea shipping: a systematic literature review and research directions
by Zeeshan Raza & Martin Svanberg & Bart Wiegmans
March 2020, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 131-134 Special issue on walking
by Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris - 135-159 Persistence of walking in Chile: lessons for urban sustainability
by Marie Geraldine Herrmann-Lunecke & Rodrigo Mora & Lake Sagaris - 160-182 Exploring the distances people walk to access public transport
by Dennis van Soest & Miles R. Tight & Christopher D. F. Rogers - 183-203 Urban walkability considering pedestrians’ perceptions of the built environment: a 10-year review and a case study in a medium-sized city in Latin America
by Julian Arellana & María Saltarín & Ana Margarita Larrañaga & Vilma Alvarez & César Augusto Henao - 204-240 Assessing urban sidewalk networks based on three constructs: a synthesis of pedestrian level of service literature
by Dipanjan Nag & Arkopal Kishore Goswami & Ankit Gupta & Joy Sen - 241-264 Transport network criticality metrics: a comparative analysis and a guideline for selection
by Bramka Arga Jafino & Jan Kwakkel & Alexander Verbraeck
January 2020, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-4 Transport Reviews at 40
by David Banister - 5-34 Commuting and wellbeing: a critical overview of the literature with implications for policy and future research
by Kiron Chatterjee & Samuel Chng & Ben Clark & Adrian Davis & Jonas De Vos & Dick Ettema & Susan Handy & Adam Martin & Louise Reardon - 35-53 A systematic review of route optimisation and pre-emption methods for emergency vehicles
by Subash Humagain & Roopak Sinha & Edmund Lai & Prakash Ranjitkar - 54-75 Parking management for promoting sustainable transport in urban neighbourhoods. A review of existing policies and challenges from a German perspective
by Franziska Kirschner & Martin Lanzendorf - 76-94 The “Ubernomics” of ridesourcing: the myths and the reality
by Kenneth Button - 95-113 Corporate ownership of automated vehicles: discussing potential negative externalities
by Avigail Ferdman - 114-115 Maritime mobilities
by Nicolas Paquet - 115-117 Modeling of transport demand – analyzing, calculating, and forecasting transport demand
by Tom van Vuren - 117-120 Mobility justice: the politics of movement in an age of extremes
by Miloš N. Mladenović - 120-121 Uniformity of transport law through international regimes
by Marc Fialkoff - 121-123 Copenhagenize: the definitive guide to global bicycle urbanism
by Meredith Glaser & Kevin J. Krizek - 124-125 The end of driving: transportation systems and public policy planning for autonomous vehicles
by William Riggs - 125-127 Transforming urban transport
by Elliott Sclar - 128-129 Moshe Givoni
by David Banister
November 2019, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 701-705 Transport challenges in rapidly growing cities: is there a magic bullet?
by Andrew R. Goetz - 706-732 Roadmap for free-floating bikeshare research and practice in North America
by Jana A. Hirsch & Joshua Stratton-Rayner & Meghan Winters & John Stehlin & Kate Hosford & Stephen J. Mooney - 733-754 Transit-oriented development and gentrification: a systematic review
by Miguel Padeiro & Ana Louro & Nuno Marques da Costa - 755-773 How big data enriches maritime research – a critical review of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data applications
by Dong Yang & Lingxiao Wu & Shuaian Wang & Haiying Jia & Kevin X. Li - 774-794 Tales on the dark side of the transport infrastructure provision: a systematic literature review of the determinants of cost overruns
by Marina Cavalieri & Rossana Cristaudo & Calogero Guccio - 795-818 Big data in public transportation: a review of sources and methods
by Timothy F. Welch & Alyas Widita - 819-820 Transport planning and traffic safety: making cities, roads, and vehicles safer
by Ubaid Illahi - 820-822 Trains, Buses, People: An Opinionated Atlas of US Transit
by Steven Polzin - 822-824 Air transport liberalization: a critical assessment
by Hans-Martin Niemeier - 824-826 Taken for a ride – grounding neoliberalism, precarious labour, and public transport in an African metropolis
by Sergio Oliete Josa - 826-827 Parking and the city
by Susan Shaheen
September 2019, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 565-568 The climate crisis and transport
by David Banister - 569-588 Firm-specific and location-specific drivers of business location and relocation decisions
by Camila Balbontin & David A. Hensher - 589-610 A new theoretical framework for integration in freight transport chains
by Vasco Reis - 611-629 A serving innovation typology: mapping port-related innovations
by Thierry Vanelslander & Christa Sys & Jasmine Siu Lee Lam & Claudio Ferrari & Athena Roumboutsos & Michele Acciaro & Rosario Macário & Genevieve Giuliano - 630-656 Bicycle parking: a systematic review of scientific literature on parking behaviour, parking preferences, and their influence on cycling and travel behaviour
by Eva Heinen & Ralph Buehler - 657-676 Mapping minibuses in Maputo and Nairobi: engaging paratransit in transportation planning in African cities
by Jacqueline M. Klopp & Clemence Cavoli - 677-699 Leveraging socio-ecological resilience theory to build climate resilience in transport infrastructure
by Samantha Hayes & Cheryl Desha & Matthew Burke & Mark Gibbs & Mikhail Chester
July 2019, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 423-426 Is research becoming a game with 4 players and 22 referees?
by Johan Woxenius - 427-442 Shared ride services in North America: definitions, impacts, and the future of pooling
by Susan Shaheen & Adam Cohen - 443-462 Long-run studies of daily travel: methodological review and convergence of distance traveled per capita across cities
by Ryosuke Abe & Hironori Kato - 463-484 Fuel price changes and their impacts on urban transport – a literature review using bibliometric and content analysis techniques, 1972–2017
by Abraham Leung & Matthew Burke & Jianqiang Cui & Anthony Perl - 485-510 Citizen observatory for mobility: a conceptual framework
by Imre Keseru & Nils Wuytens & Cathy Macharis - 511-530 Urban public transport systems from new institutional economics perspective: a literature review
by Fatih Canitez - 531-552 Towards improved port capacity investment decisions under uncertainty: a real options approach
by Matteo Balliauw & Hilde Meersman & Eddy Van de Voorde & Thierry Vanelslander - 553-555 Three revolutions: steering automated, shared, and electric vehicles to a better future
by Devajyoti Deka - 555-556 Freight transport and distribution: concepts and optimisation models
by Kathleen L. Hancock - 556-558 Paratransit in African cities: operations, regulation, and reform
by Benjamin Welle - 558-560 Public transportation quality of service: factors, models, and applications
by Sajad Askari & Farideddin Peiravian - 560-562 The infrastructure we ride on. Decision making in transportation investment
by Hugo Priemus - 562-563 The psychology of the car: automobile admiration, attachment and addiction
by Alexa Delbosc - 563-564 The Oxford handbook of megaproject management
by Karen Trapenberg Frick
May 2019, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 289-292 Transport for all
by David Banister - 293-308 The value and challenges of using meta-analysis in transportation economics
by Kenneth Button - 309-326 Review of asset management for metro systems: challenges and opportunities
by Alireza Mohammadi & Luis Amador-Jimenez & Fuzhan Nasiri - 327-356 A literature review of the passenger benefits of real-time transit information
by Candace Brakewood & Kari Watkins - 357-375 Should values of time be differentiated?
by Maria Börjesson & Jonas Eliasson - 376-391 Why do people fare evade? A global shift in fare evasion research
by Alexa Delbosc & Graham Currie - 392-406 Educating parents to support children’s road safety: a review of the literature
by Sarah E. O’Toole & Nicola Christie - 407-408 The Routledge International handbook of walking
by Carlos J. L. Balsas - 409-410 Faster, smarter, greener: the future of the car and urban mobility
by Xiaoxia Dong - 410-412 Streetfight: handbook for an urban revolution
by Rebecca Sanders - 412-414 Driverless cars: on a road to nowhere
by Eric Bruun - 415-416 The cycling city: bicycles and urban America in the 1890s
by Nicholas J. Klein - 416-418 Walking: connecting sustainable transport with health
by Robert J. Schneider - 418-419 Beyond mobility: planning cities for people and places
by David Banister - 420-421 Restructuring public transport through bus rapid transit: An international and interdisciplinary perspective
by Matan E. Singer
March 2019, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 175-180 Risk and choice on roads and in their use
by Richard Allsop - 181-203 Active transport in Africa and beyond: towards a strategic framework
by Becky P. Y. Loo & Alhassan Siiba - 204-225 LUTI operational models review based on the proposition of an ALUTI conceptual model
by André Soares Lopes & Carlos Felipe Grangeiro Loureiro & Bert Van Wee - 226-242 The implications of the sharing economy for transport
by Craig Standing & Susan Standing & Sharon Biermann - 243-260 Factors determining distribution structure decisions in logistics: a literature review and research agenda
by Alexander T. C. Onstein & Lóránt A. Tavasszy & Dick A. van Damme - 261-283 A meta-analysis and synthesis of public transport customer amenity valuation research
by Chris De Gruyter & Graham Currie & Long T. Truong & Farhana Naznin - 284-285 Bike boom: the unexpected resurgence of cycling
by John Parkin - 285-287 Costs of Sprawl
by Jeffrey R. Kenworthy
January 2019, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-8 Long-term implications of automated vehicles: an introduction
by Dimitris Milakis - 9-28 Autonomous vehicles: scientometric and bibliometric review
by Rodrigo Marçal Gandia & Fabio Antonialli & Bruna Habib Cavazza & Arthur Miranda Neto & Danilo Alves de Lima & Joel Yutaka Sugano & Isabelle Nicolai & Andre Luiz Zambalde - 29-49 Impacts of automated vehicles on travel behaviour and land use: an international review of modelling studies
by Aggelos Soteropoulos & Martin Berger & Francesco Ciari - 50-65 Discussing the “positive utilities” of autonomous vehicles: will travellers really use their time productively?
by Patrick A. Singleton - 66-83 Integrated models of land use and transportation for the autonomous vehicle revolution
by Jason Hawkins & Khandker Nurul Habib - 84-102 Planning the driverless city
by Crystal Legacy & David Ashmore & Jan Scheurer & John Stone & Carey Curtis - 103-128 Governing autonomous vehicles: emerging responses for safety, liability, privacy, cybersecurity, and industry risks
by Araz Taeihagh & Hazel Si Min Lim - 129-151 Automated vehicles: exploring possible consequences of government (non)intervention for congestion and accessibility
by Tom Cohen & Clémence Cavoli - 152-173 Autonomous technologies in short sea shipping: trends, feasibility and implications
by Hadi Ghaderi
November 2018, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 685-688 Pedestrian injury risk: unanswered questions and a developing research agenda
by Rachel Aldred - 689-709 Incomplete cost – incomplete benefit analysis in transport appraisal
by Robin Hickman & Marco Dean - 710-736 Patchwork in an interconnected world: the challenges of transport networks in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Sergio Oliete Josa & Francesc Magrinyà - 737-764 Designing computable general equilibrium models for transportation applications
by Hamed Shahrokhi Shahraki & Chris Bachmann - 765-785 In search of surrogate safety indicators for vulnerable road users: a review of surrogate safety indicators
by Carl Johnsson & Aliaksei Laureshyn & Tim De Ceunynck - 786-814 Spatiotemporal traffic forecasting: review and proposed directions
by Alireza Ermagun & David Levinson - 815-816 Resilient cities: overcoming fossil fuel dependence
by Stephen Buckman - 817-817 Erratum
by The Editors - 818-819 List of Reviewers August 2017 – August 2018
by The Editors
September 2018, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 551-555 Accessibility: measurement and application in transportation planning
by Eric J. Miller - 556-575 Influence of 3D printing on transport: a theory and experts judgment based conceptual model
by Wouter Boon & Bert van Wee - 576-601 Incorporating online shopping into travel demand modelling: challenges, progress, and opportunities
by Esra Suel & John W. Polak - 602-624 Impact of biometric and anthropometric characteristics of passengers on aircraft safety and performance
by Damien J. Melis & Jose M. Silva & Richard C.K. Yeun - 625-653 Social force models for pedestrian traffic – state of the art
by Xu Chen & Martin Treiber & Venkatesan Kanagaraj & Haiying Li - 654-677 A review of input–output models on multisectoral modelling of transportation–economic linkages
by Haitao Yu - 678-679 Planning the mobile metropolis. Transport for people, places and the planet
by Robin Hickman - 679-681 Creative destruction and the sharing economy. Uber as disruptive innovation
by Geoffrey Dudley - 681-683 Tourism, public transport and sustainable mobility
by Thiago Allis & Carla Fraga - 683-684 Transportation. Land use and integration, applications in developing countries
by Ralph Gakenheimer
July 2018, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 413-415 The 21st-century Maritime Silk Road: challenges and opportunities for transport management and practice
by Jasmine Siu Lee Lam & Kevin Patrick Brendan Cullinane & Paul Tae-Woo Lee - 416-435 From hierarchy to networking: the evolution of the “twenty-first-century Maritime Silk Road” container shipping system
by Liehui Wang & Yan Zhu & Cesar Ducruet & Mattia Bunel & Yui-yip Lau - 436-456 Competitiveness prioritisation of container ports in Asia under the background of China’s Belt and Road initiative
by Jingzheng Ren & Liang Dong & Lu Sun - 457-478 Logistics as a driving force for development under the Belt and Road Initiative – the Chinese model for developing countries
by Kevin X. Li & Mengjie Jin & Guanqiu Qi & Wenming Shi & Adolf K. Y. Ng - 479-498 Resilience in transportation systems: a systematic review and future directions
by Chengpeng Wan & Zaili Yang & Di Zhang & Xinping Yan & Shiqi Fan - 499-523 Social networks, social influence and activity-travel behaviour: a review of models and empirical evidence
by Jinhee Kim & Soora Rasouli & Harry J. P. Timmermans - 524-550 Meta-analysis of the relationships between space syntax measures and pedestrian movement
by Samia Sharmin & Md. Kamruzzaman
May 2018, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 275-278 Rethinking mobility for a human city
by Cathy Macharis & Imre Keseru - 279-297 Motility as a policy objective
by Rebecca Shliselberg & Moshe Givoni - 298-321 Risk pricing inefficiency in public–private partnerships
by Dejan Makovšek & Marian Moszoro - 322-348 Methods for forecasting the market penetration of electric drivetrains in the passenger car market
by Patrick Jochem & Jonatan J. Gómez Vilchez & Axel Ensslen & Johannes Schäuble & Wolf Fichtner - 349-371 A systematic review of disability’s treatment in the active school travel and children’s independent mobility literatures
by Timothy Ross & Ronald Buliung - 372-393 The safety ladder: developing an evidence-based safety management strategy for small road transport companies
by Tor-Olav Nævestad & Beate Elvebakk & Ross Owen Phillips - 394-411 The taxi industry: working conditions and health of drivers, a literature review
by Fernando Martín Poó & Rubén Daniel Ledesma & Soledad Susana López
March 2018, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 139-141 Why we need to view road safety through a public health lens?
by Nicola Christie - 142-161 Travel plans for new developments: a global review
by Chris De Gruyter & Geoffrey Rose & Graham Currie & Tom Rye & Emilie van de Graaff - 162-183 Travel-based multitasking: review of the empirical evidence
by Imre Keseru & Cathy Macharis - 184-208 Factors contributing to bicycle–motorised vehicle collisions: a systematic literature review
by Gabriele Prati & Víctor Marín Puchades & Marco De Angelis & Federico Fraboni & Luca Pietrantoni - 209-231 Modelling of motorised two-wheelers: a review of the literature
by Sanhita Das & Akhilesh Kumar Maurya - 232-251 Railway station choice modelling: a review of methods and evidence
by Marcus Young & Simon Blainey - 252-269 Passenger-centric factors influencing the experience of aircraft comfort
by Harshada Patel & Mirabelle D’Cruz - 270-271 Bicycle justice and urban transformation: biking for all?
by Devajyoti Deka - 271-273 The urban transport crisis in emerging economies
by John Pucher
January 2018, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-5 Toll roads – a view after 25 years
by David A. Hensher - 6-32 City delineation in European applications of LUTI models: review and tests
by Isabelle Thomas & Jonathan Jones & Geoffrey Caruso & Philippe Gerber - 33-51 A review and analysis of the investment in, and cost structure of, intermodal rail terminals
by Bart Wiegmans & Behzad Behdani - 52-72 What influences satisfaction and loyalty in public transport? A review of the literature
by Dea van Lierop & Madhav G. Badami & Ahmed M. El-Geneidy - 73-95 Measuring the completeness of complete streets
by Nancy Hui & Shoshanna Saxe & Matthew Roorda & Paul Hess & Eric J. Miller - 96-116 Effects of new bus and rail rapid transit systems – an international review
by Jesper Bláfoss Ingvardson & Otto Anker Nielsen - 117-138 Requirements from vehicle routing software: perspectives from literature, developers and the freight industry
by Nicolas Rincon-Garcia & Ben J. Waterson & Tom J. Cherrett
November 2017, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 689-694 Cycling towards a more sustainable transport future
by John Pucher & Ralph Buehler - 695-714 The “field of safe travel” revisited: interpreting driving behaviour performance through a holistic approach
by Vassilis Papakostopoulos & Nicolas Marmaras & Dimitris Nathanael - 715-741 Weather variability and travel behaviour – what we know and what we do not know
by Chengxi Liu & Yusak O. Susilo & Anders Karlström - 742-766 Fatigue in transport: a review of exposure, risks, checks and controls
by Ross Owen Phillips & Göran Kecklund & Anne Anund & Mikael Sallinen - 767-781 Factors influencing travel mode choice among families with young children (aged 0–4): a review of the literature
by Laura McCarthy & Alexa Delbosc & Graham Currie & Andrew Molloy - 782-807 Intermodal transport in freight distribution: a literature review
by Anny-del-Mar Agamez-Arias & José Moyano-Fuentes - 808-808 Bike battles: a history of sharing the American road
by Peter Furth - 808-810 Light rail systems: principles – technology – operation – financing
by Thomas C. Cornillie - 810-813 Rethinking climate and energy policies: new perspectives on the rebound phenomenon
by David Font Vivanco - 814-816 List of Reviewers August 2016–August 2017
by The Editors
September 2017, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 545-550 Why write well?
by Alexa Delbosc - 551-570 Locating refuelling stations for alternative fuel vehicles: a review on models and applications
by Joonho Ko & Tae-Hyoung Tommy Gim & Randall Guensler - 571-589 Historic vehicles: an overview from a transport policy perspective
by Yashar Araghi & Bert Van Wee & Maarten Kroesen - 590-611 Vehicle routing problem and driver behaviour: a review and framework for analysis
by S. Srivatsa Srinivas & M. S. Gajanand - 612-630 Cost escalations in the front-end of projects – empirical evidence from Norwegian road projects
by Morten Welde & James Odeck - 631-652 What cognitive mechanisms predict travel mode choice? A systematic review with meta-analysis
by Christin Hoffmann & Charles Abraham & Mathew P. White & Susan Ball & Stephen M. Skippon - 653-666 Mental models of driving and speed: biases, choices and reality
by Ola Svenson & Gabriella Eriksson - 667-684 Environmental rail charges in Europe: a review
by Aleix Pons-Rigat & Mateu Turró & Sergi Saurí & Lluís Ubalde - 685-687 Public private partnerships in transport: trends and theory
by Stefan Verweij
July 2017, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 407-411 Roundabouts of a figurative kind
by Susan Handy - 412-441 Strategic beliefs of port authorities
by Larissa M. van der Lugt & Peter W. de Langen & Lorike Hagdorn - 442-464 Transportation mode detection – an in-depth review of applicability and reliability
by Adrian C. Prelipcean & Gyözö Gidófalvi & Yusak O. Susilo - 465-487 Exploring active transportation investments and associated benefits for municipal budgets: a scoping review
by Kathy Kornas & Catherine Bornbaum & Christine Bushey & Laura Rosella