January 2002, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 147-157 Acquisition, efficiency and scale economies: An analysis of the British bus industry
by Jonathan Cowie - 159-177 Migration of railway freight transport from command economy to market economy: The case of China
by Ruhe Xie & Haibo Chen & Chris Nash - 179-196 Classification of driver-assistance systems according to their impact on road safety and traffic efficiency
by John Golias & George Yannis & Constantinos Antoniou - 197-218 Review and assessment of the nested logit model
by Juan Antonio Carrasco & Juan de Dios Ortúzar - 219-245 Interplay of international, national and local factors in shaping container port development: A case study of Hong Kong
by Becky P. Y. Loo & Brian Hook
January 2002, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-38 Public transit performance: What does one learn from frontier studies?
by Bruno De Borger & Kristiaan Kerstens & Álvaro Costa - 39-54 Travel time variability: A review of theoretical and empirical issues
by Robert B. Noland & John W. Polak - 55-75 Port privatization policy and practice
by Kevin Cullinane & Dong-Wook Song - 77-101 Public transport in metropolitan Cape Town: Past, present and future
by Peter Clark & Wilfred Crous - 103-113 Restructuring the Lebanese Railway and Public Transport Authority (RPTA): From losing operator to effective regulator
by M. Hadi Baaj - 115-132 Research review of air traffic management
by Cheng-Lung Wu & Robert E. Caves
January 2001, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 415-447 Valuation of improved railway rolling stock: A review of the literature and new evidence
by Mark Wardman & Gerard Whelan - 449-467 Considering the financial ratios on the performance evaluation of highway bus industry
by Cheng-Min Feng & Rong-Tsu Wang - 469-497 Integrated transport systems in the European Union: An overview of some recent developments
by Milan Janic
January 2001, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 337-352 New tramways in France: The case of Montpellier
by Gordon Mills
2001, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 141-179 A whole-system approach to evaluating urban transit investments
by Jonathan Richmond - 181-193 The effect of railway privatization on train planning: A case study of the UK
by Robert Watson - 195-216 Competition in the UK passenger railway industry: Prospects and problems
by Jon Shaw - 217-235 Towards integrated traveller information
by Glenn Lyons - 237-261 Economic appraisal of European transport projects: The state-of-the-art revisited
by S. M. Grant-Muller & P. MacKie & J. Nellthorp & A. Pearman - 263-268 Book reviews
by The Editors
January 2001, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-13 The changing nature of rail freight in Great Britain: The start of a renaissance?
by Allan G. Woodburn - 31-50 Effect of speed limits on speed distributions and highway safety: A survey of recent literature
by Patrick McCarthy - 75-87 The transport planning process for minimum available related data: A case study - Palestinian self-rule areas
by Faisal Awadallah - 89-116 Traffic flooding the low countries: How the Dutch cope with motorway congestion
by Piet H. L. Bovy - 117-135 International logistics in Lithuania at a time of transition
by Christians Jauernig & Michael Roe
January 2000, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 385-401 Urban travel: Competition and pricing
by Patrick Bonnel & Alain Chausse - 403-420 Using risk analysis to determine the potential range of lifecycle costs for urban transit systems
by David. P. Ashmore & Nigel G. Harris - 421-433 Introducing advanced electronic driver support systems: An exploration of market and technological uncertainties
by V. A. W. J. Marchau & R. E. C. M. Van Der Heijden - 469-492 Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport: The Sixth International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 1999 - Part 2
by Ian Scott & Jeremy D. Shires & Chris Nash
January 2000, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 275-290 A subadditivity test for the cost function of the principal European railways
by Pedro Cantos Sánchez - 291-316 Parking restraint policy and urban vitality
by Ben Still & David Simmonds - 317-346 Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport: The Sixth International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 1999 - Part 1
by Jackie Walters & John Preston & Andrew Shaw & Gordon Mills & David A. Hensher - 347-367 The Asian economic crisis and the aviation industry: Impacts and response strategies
by Muhammad A. Sadi & Joan C. Henderson - 369-383 Women, travel and the idea of 'sustainable transport'
by AManda Root & Laurie Schintler & KEnneth Button - 384-384 Book review
by Francisco J. Martínez
January 2000, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 143-144 Obituary - Professor Michael E. Beesley, CBE
by David A. Hensher - 145-171 Technological advances that impact on microsimulation modelling
by Mark Dougherty & Ken Fox & Michael Cullip & Marco Boero - 173-190 A comparison of EU and US progress in the development of longitudinal advanced vehicle control and safety systems (AVCSS)
by M. Brackstone & M. McDonald - 191-203 Energy use reduction potential of passenger transport in Europe
by M. E. Bouwman & H. C. Moll - 205-218 Performance evaluation of carriers by North American companies
by Mary R. Brooks - 219-232 Analysing road traffic influences on air pollution: How to achieve sustainable urban development
by Jean-Pierre Nicolas - 233-255 Transport integration of Slovenia with the European Union
by Livij Jakomin & Igor Trupac - 257-265 Logistics opportunities in Asia and development in Taiwan
by Cheng-Min Feng & Kai-Chieh Chia
January 2000, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Michael Banister - 3-24 Rail network accessibility and the demand for inter-urban rail travel
by Mark Wardman & Jonathan Tyler - 25-48 Railway reform in China
by Jian >Hong Wu & Chris Nash - 49-64 Road rage: What, who, when, where and how?
by Ann M. Brewer - 65-90 An evaluation methodology for city logistics
by Eiichi Taniguchi & Rob E.C.M. Van Der Heijden - 91-112 European passenger rail reforms: A comparative assessment of the emerging models
by Eric Monami - 113-130 Sustainable urban development and transport -a Eurovision for 2020
by David Banister
January 1999, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 291-303 A road safety resource allocation model
by Tony Bliss & Jagadish Guria & Wayne Jones & Nigel Rockliffe - 305-314 Evaluation of bus transit maintenance and operation costs in Kuwait
by Parviz A. Koushki & Saleh Yaseen & Laila I. Ali - 315-329 Effect of Speed limits on speed and safety: A review
by Chester G. Wilmot & Mandar Khanal - 331-351 Guidelines for specifying automatic vehicle location and real-time passenger information systems using current best practice
by Antoneta X. Horbury - 353-375 Estimation and assessment of cost allocation models for main transit systems operating in Cairo
by Khaled A. Abbas & Mona H. Abd-Allah
January 1999, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 205-220 Transporting the yield: Appropriate transport for agricultural production and marketing in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Niklas Sieber - 221-240 Dynamics of LRT growth: Karlsruhe since 1975
by K. W. Axhausen & P. G. Brandl - 241-253 Urban light rail: Intermodal competition or coordination?
by Laurent Denant-Boemont & Gordon Mills - 255-271 Understanding innovation: The case of road pricing
by Tore Langmyhr - 273-283 Performance evaluation of carriers by North American logistics service firms
by Mary R. Brooks
January 1999, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 103-115 Use of third-party logistics services by large US manufacturers in 1997 and comparisons with previous years
by Robert C. Lieb - 117-139 An assessment of the Japan Railway companies since privatization: Performance, local rail service and debts
by Fumitoshi Mizutani - 141-156 Financing a metro rail through private sector initiative: The Mumbai Metro
by M. Q. Dalvi - 157-175 Replacing the private car
by J. Wootton - 177-190 Conditions of success in sustainable urban transport policyPolicy change in 'relatively successful' European cities
by Stefan Bratzel - 191-202 Competitive strategies for railways in the UK: A corporate perspective
by G. Harris
January 1999, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-11 Performance evaluation by North American carriers
by Mary R. Brooks - 13-31 Employer transport plans-a case for regulation?
by Tom Rye - 33-55 A comparative study of the ferry industry in Japan and the UK
by Alfred J. Baird - 57-80 Modelling the impacts of transport telematics: Current limitations and future developments
by Kiron Chatterjee - 81-97 Kyoto: Tradable greenhouse emission permits in the transport sector
by Leo Dobes