December 2020, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 411-430 Impact of the Education System on Social Development of People with Disabilities in Ukraine
by Tetiana Gennadievna Soloviova & Mariya Oleksandrivna Gladysh & Olena Gennadievna Leshchenko & Nataliia Vitalievna Zaveryko & Yuliana Rafailovna Matskevich - 431-439 Stimulating Primary School Children's Creativity
by Ramona Elena Rotaru
October 2020, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 01-23 Evaluation of Primary School Mathematics Curricula of Northern and Southern Cyprus for NCTM Principles and Standards
by Meryem Gülyaz CUMHUR & Murat TEZER - 24-43 Developing Healthcare Competency in Future Teachers
by Borys Maksymchuk & Tetiana MATVIICHUK & Valeriy SOLOVYOV & Hanna DAVYDENKO & Ruslana SOICHUK & Oksana KHURTENKO & Olga GROSHOVENKO & Nataliya STEPANCHENKO & Yuliana ANDRIYCHUK & Tetiana GRYGORENKO & Tetiana DUKA & Iryna PIDLYPNIAK & Roman GUREVYCH & Vasyl KUZMENKO & Iryna MAKSYMCHUK - 44-65 Characteristics of Foreign Language Education in Foreign Countries and Ways of Applying Foreign Experience in Pedagogical Universities of Ukraine
by Iryna ONISHCHUK & Maryna IKONNIKOVA & Tetiana ANTONENKO & Inna KHARCHENKO & Svetlana SHESTAKOVA & Nataliia KUZMENKO & Borys MAKSYMCHUK - 66-72 The City with Colourful Windows: Developing Creativity Through Architectural Activities for Children and Youth
by Liliana PETROVICI - 73-89 The Perceived Needs of the Remigrant Pupils
by Florentina CIOMAGA - 90-106 Educational Leadership – Roles on Work Performance
by Otilia CLIPA & Catalina HONCIUC - 107-124 The Use of Informational Technologies in the Outdoor Educational Activities in Times of Special Educational Situations
by Henrietta TORKOS & Anca Manuela EGERAU - 125-143 Analysis of Platforms and Tools of Open Study in the Conditions of Postmodern Education
by Dmytro DZVINCHUK & Oleksandr RADCHENKO & Oleksandra KACHMAR & Iryna MYSKIV & Nataliia DOLINSKA - 144-161 Professional Pedagogical Culture: Historical Culturological Aspect
by Irina GLAZKOVA & Svitlana KHATUNTSEVA & Lily YAROSHCHUK - 162-181 Modern Pedagogical Practice of Natural Science Training of Future Psychologists in Higher Educational Institutions
by Valentyna BILYK & Liudmyla SUSHCHENKO & Inesa SHEREMET & Solomiia HANUSHCHYN & Halyna BONDARENKO - 182-199 Active Forms of Training Future English Language Teachers
by Yuliana IRKHINA & Kateryna MULYK & Olga ALEKSEEVA & Kateryna SKYBA & Iryna POSTOLENKO & Svitlana AMELINA - 200-212 A Comparative Analysis of Peculiarities of Vocational Education in Ukraine and Germany
by Maryna PYLIAVETS & Oksana PROTAS & Liliia MARTYNETS & Antonina LYASHKEVICH & Mariana BABYSHENA & Larisa CHUMAK & Olha LAZORKO - 213-218 The Scientific Impact of Applied Biomechanics Research in Artistic Gymnastics
by Vladimir POTOP & Veaceslav MANOLACHI - 219-245 Formation of Media Educational Skills of a Future Teacher in the Professional Training
by Olena SEMENOG & Olena SEMENIKHINA & Petro OLESHKO & Raisa PRIMA & Olena VARAVA & Roman PYKALIUK - 246-267 Formation of the Professionally Significant Skills and Competencies of Future Police Officers during Studying at Higher Educational Institutions
by Valentyn BONDARENKO & Ivan OKHRIMENKO & Iuliia TVERDOKHVALOVA & Kateryna MANNAPOVA & Kostiantyn PRONTENKO - 294-311 The Correlation of Socio-Psichological Factors with “Burnout” Syndrome in Education
by Halyna FESUN & Tetiana NECHYTAILO & Tetiana KANIVETS & Yuliya ZHURAT & Valentyna RADCHUK - 312-328 Pedagogical Conditions for Developing Professional Competency in Convicts
by Svitlana KALAUR & Vasyl OLLO & Olha SAKNO & Maryna VOLOSHENKO & Yurii MAKSYMENKO & Serhii LYTVYNOVSKYI & Ilona DERIK & Yevheniia SAVCHENKO & Svitlana HRUSHKO - 329-340 Improving Educational Policy in the Context of Improving the Organizational Structure of Physical Education Lessons in Schools
by Mariia OLIIAR & Marianna HAVRYLIUK & Tetiana ANTONENKO & Yulia LOPATENKO & Iryna TYMOFIEIEVA - 341-368 A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Problem Posing Strategies on Students’ Learning of Mathematics
by Ümit KUL & Sedef ÇELİK - 369-387 Dynamics of Educational and Professional Attitudes Formation of Future Social Workers During Studying at Higher Educational Institution
by Liudmila Ivanivna ROMANOVSKA & Yuriy BRYNDIKOV & Olena CHOVGAN & Kateryna OLIYNYK & Olena VASYLENKO & Tetiana KRAVCHYNA - 388-403 Social Competency: the After-Degree Development
by Olena VARETSKA & Tetiana BABKO & Olena BABKOVA & Olena KHAUSTOVA - 404-415 Improving the System of State Management of Educational Establishments at the Regional Level in Ukraine in The Process of Adaptation of European Experience
by Volodymyr ZABLOTSKYI & Nelia ZABLOTSKA-SIENNIKOV & Alla HUTSOL & Olga SAIENKO & Oleksii HUTSOL - 416-425 The Christian Finality of John Locke's Theory of Empiricism
June 2020, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 01-17 Natural Science and Research Training of Future Psychologists for Health-Promoting Activities
by Valentyna Bilyk - 18-37 Preparing Future Physical Education Teachers for Solving Typical Professional Tasks
by Tetiana Teslenko & Liudmyla Sebalo - 38-47 Determination of Professional Awareness of a Future Specialist at the Professional Training Stage
by Viktoriia Azatian & Dolores Zavitrenko & Artem Zavitrenko & Iryna Baraniuk & Inna Krasnoshchok - 48-59 Adaptation Peculiarities of the First-Year Students to University Life: Study on Stress Resistance
by Oleh Mykhailovych Topuzov & Anzhelika Volodymyrivna Shamne & Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Malykhin & Nataliia Oleksandrivna Aristova & Tetiana Leonidivna Opaliuk - 60-85 The System of Training Future Teachers for Organizing Extracurricular Activities of Pupils
by Iryna Androshchuk & Ihor Androshchuk & Mykola Kurach & Viktoriia Khrenova & Oleksandr Livshun - 97-116 Interdisciplinary Bonds in the Process of Learning Ukrainian and English Languages for Specific Purposes
by Oksana Hrydzhuk & Tetiana Dyak & Iryna Denys - 117-131 Influence of Physical Fitness of Students on the Quality of Leisure Organization in a Sports and Health Tourism
by Olexandr Mozolev & Inna Shorobura & Larysa Zdanevych & Liudmyla Hutsal & Mariana Marusynets & Ludmila Kravchuk - 132-147 Meaning in Life Questionnaire: Factor Structure and Gender Invariance in a Romanian Undergraduates Sample
by Beatrice Adriana Balgiu - 148-168 Primary School Pupils’ Problem-Solving Skills Formation
by Oleksandra Yankovych & Inna Shorobura & Olena Binytska & Kateryna Binytska & Marija Czepil & Oresta Karpenko & Iryna Zharkova & Tetyana Hladiuk & Valentyna Matiiash - 169-182 Motivational Aspect of Student’s Language Learning Style in Differentiated Instruction of English for Specific Purposes
by Sofiya Nikolaeva & Oksana Synekop - 183-198 Problems of the Formation of Readiness of Future Preschool Teachers for Professional Activities
by Elena Bulgakova & Natalia Krymova & Olena Babchuk & Iryna Nepomniashcha - 199-219 Improving the Health of Children with Special Needs During the Implementation of the Programme of Social and Educational Support
by Valentyn Teslenko - 220-236 Enhancing Learners’ Communicative Skills through Audio-Visual Means
by Bohdana Labinska & Kvitoslava Matiichuk & Halyna Morarash - 237-250 Training an Andragogue as a Specialist in Adult Education
by Oksana Samoilenko & Oleksandra Dubaseniuk & Ildikó Orosz & Marianna Levrints & Tetiana Stratan-Artyshkova & Nataliіa Gunko - 251-266 Psychological and Pedagogical Peculiarities of Romanian Students’ Initial Socialization in Bukovina
by Svitlana Sobkova & Yuriy Sobkov - 267-289 Psychological Profile of Unsuccessful University Students
by Olena Tsilmak & Ivan Okhrimenko & Vadym Barko & Olena Protsenko & Oleksandr Gerashchenko - 290-310 Future Economists’ Cultural Competence and Business English Speech Etiquette Formation
by Olena Zinchenko & Maria Ogrenich & Maryna Shepel & Maryna Yakovlieva - 311-334 Experience in Evaluating the Educational Results Obtained by Students Carrying out an Educational Group Project
by Olena Georgiivna Kirilenko & Lyudmyla Sergeevna Rybalko & Viktoriia Vasilivna Ryzhkova & Mariia Urivna Koteliukh - 335-347 Preservice Special Education Teachers’ Democratic Tendencies and Attitudes towards Children Rights
by Gözde Acaray & Rukiye Uslu & Yücehan Yücesoy & Başak Bağlama & Mukaddes Sakallı Demirok - 348-364 Prospects, Problems and Ways to Improve Distance Learning of Students of Higher Educational Institutions
by Myroslav Kryshtanovych & Iryna Gavrysh & Oleksandra Kholtobina & Iryna Melnychuk & Nataliya Salnikova - 365-374 The Construction of the Didactic Message from the Computer Science Perspective
by Gabriela Cristea & Ionut Constantin Manole
September 2020, Volume 12, Issue 2Sup1
- 01-11 Challenges of Homeschooling in Romania during Pandemic Times
by Diana Anghel - 12-24 Constraints to Online Teaching in Institutes of Higher Education during Pandemic COVID-19: A Case Study of CUI, Abbottabad Pakistan
by Adnan Ahmad Dogar & Ikram Shah & Syed Wajahat Ali & Abdullah Ijaz - 34-40 Specificities of Remote Teaching of Traumatology and Orthopedics Course to Medical Students
by Volodymyr Chornyi & Myroslaw Vakulych - 41-54 Traditional Teaching versus Online Teaching of Forensic Autopsy Case study – Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi
by Andreea Alexandra Hlescu & Andreea Elena Birlescu & Bianca Hanganu & Irina Smaranda Manoilescu & Beatrice Gabriela Ioan - 55-61 Disruptive Pandemic as a Driver towards Digital Coaching in OECD Countries
by Jani Kinnunen & Irina Georgescu - 62-69 Evaluating the Efficiency of Online English Course for First-Year Engineering Students
by Valentyna Lukianenko & Svitlana Vadaska - 70-76 MOOC as Remote ESP Learning Tool at University in Quarantine: Focus on Students’ Attitudes
by Iryna Lytovchenko & Hanna Voronina - 77-85 How can Distance Learning be Used in the Physical Education of Students?
by Aleksander Yurevich Osipov & Mikhail Dmitrievich Kudryavtsev & Alena Gennadyevna Galimova & Irina Ivanovna Plotnikova & Natal'ya Vladimirovna Skurikhina - 86-92 Conceptual Cartography of School Safety: School Experiences in Managing the Covid-19 Pandemic in Mexico
by Juan Salvador Nambo de los Santos & Veronica Giles Chavez - 93-102 Forced Virtualization for Research Activities at the Universities: Challenges and Solutions
by Anna Verbytska & Olena Syzonenko - 103-110 School Closures, Equality of Opportunity: Some Recommendations
by Said Bouznad & Aomar Ibourk - 111-117 Online Learning in Pandemic Times
by Hye Sook Chang - 118-129 RuangGuru as an Ideation of Interaction and Education Revolution during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
by Maichel Chinmi & Rustono Farady Marta - 130-137 Legal Aspects Regarding Online Learning Process for Students at University and Digital Education in European Union: Different Life, Challenges and the Ability to Continue Education during the Pandemic Caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
by Mirela Carmen Dobrila - 138-142 Inclusive Education in Remote Instruction with Universal Design for Learning
by Luciana Frumos - 143-151 Psychological and Operational Challenges in Educational Field amidst Pandemic
by Vallikattu Kakoothparambil Gokuladas & Saamuel Kutty Baby Sam - 152-161 Education for Practicing Medicine as a Vocation and it’s Advantages in Crisis Situations
by Alexandra Huidu - 162-167 Overcoming the Challenges – the Impact of COVID-19 on Agricultural Higher Education in Ukraine
by Olena Knysh & Oksana Dudziak - 168-174 Covid-19 Presents New Challenges and Opportunities to Higher Education
by Ellana Molchanova & Kateryna Kovtoniuk & Oleksandr Savych - 175-181 How Romanian Higher Education Institutions Have Adapted to Online Learning Process in the COVID-19 Context through a Student’s Eye
by Raluca Molea & Anamaria Năstasă - 182-187 Educational Resilience in Pandemic Times and Potential Impacts on Inequalities: the Case of Romania
by Ana-Maria Zamfir
June 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1Sup2
- 01-08 Virtual Classrooms for Hearing-impaired Students during the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic
by Elham Alsadoon & Maryam Turkestani - 09-14 Readiness to Online Learning: To Be A Smart University
by Fahriye Altinay & Gokmen Dagli & Zehra Altinay & Mehmet Altinay - 15-26 Students’ Perceptions of the Twists and Turns of E-learning in the Midst of the Covid 19 Outbreak
by A Ana & Asnul Dahar Minghat & Pupung Purnawarman & S Saripudin & M Muktiarni & Vina Dwiyanti & Siti Salina Mustakim - 27-33 Fear of the Unknown: A Major Barrier in the New Educational Setting During the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
by Gabriela Monica Assante - 34-38 Facing the University Environment with Covid Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis between Romania - South Korea
by Mioara Borza & Jeong O. Park - 39-48 Press RESET: Digitalising Education in Disruptive Times
by Ramona Alice Bran & Gabriela Grosseck - 49-60 Teaching Economics after Major Crises: the Financial-Economic Crisis and the SARS-COV2 Pandemic
by Laura Mariana Cismas & Cornelia Dumitru - 61-70 Philippines Higher Education Institutions in the time of COVID-19 Pandemic
by Ginbert Cuaton - 71-77 Peculiarities Of Student Distance Learning In Emergency Situation Condition
by Mariana Dushkevych & Hanna Barabashchuk & Natalia Hutsuliak - 78-85 Education in the Context of the Pandemic: A Look at the Case of Portugal
by Sónia P. Gonçalves - 86-91 Changes in the Tertiary Education System in Pandemic Times: Comparison of Ukrainian and Polish Universities
by Yuriy Klapkiv & Tetiana Dluhopolska - 92-99 Challenges to Manage the Educational Process in the HEI during the Pandemic
by Nataliia Machynska & Mariia Dzikovska - 100-107 Online Learning during the COVID- 19 Pandemic and Academic Stress in University Students
by Ruba Abdelmatloub Moawad - 108-114 Video Conferencing Integration: Challenges and Opportunities at Universities
by Nataliya Mukan & Yuliana Lavrysh - 115-121 Student Guided Learning - from Teaching to E - learning
by Lior Naamati Schneider & Adaya Meirovich - 122-129 Soft Skills On-Line Development in Times of Crisis
by Lior Naamati Schneider & Adaya Meirovich & Niva Dolev - 130-135 Higher Education Institutions in Ukraine during the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, Outbreak: New Challenges vs New Opportunities
by Svetlana Berezhna & Ivan Prokopenko - 136-150 A Predictive Model of Youth Bystanders’ Helping Attitudes
by Dana Rad & Evelina Balas & Sonia Ignat & Gavril Rad & Daniel Dixon - 151-156 Quarantine: Teaching English From Home With Google Classroom, Classtime and Quizlet
by Nataliia Saienko & Oksana Chugai - 157-166 Teachers’ Perceived Self-Efficacy Concerning the Use of Mobile Technology in Education, Considering the “Working from Home” Format
by Elena Ancuța Santi & Gabriel Gorghiu & Costin Pribeanu - 167-172 Educational Programs Accreditation in Pandemic Times: Challenges for NAQA (Ukraine)
by Natalia Stukalo & Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi - 173-179 How to Teach Pedagogy Courses Online at University in COVID-19 Pandemic: Search for Answers
by Olena Terenko & Olena Ogienko
March 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1Sup1
- 01-18 Efficiency of Social and Educational Experimental Training “New Physical Culture for the New Ukrainian School”
by Elena Akseonova & Olena Varetska & Roman Klopov & Olena Bida - 19-36 Building the Content of Teacher Training in the Context of Education for Sustainable Development
by Iryna V. Androshchuk & Ihor P. Androshchuk & Olga O. Komochkova - 37-59 Pedagogical Training of Masters in Ecology in Institutions of Higher Education
by Liliya Baranovska & Svitlana Pohorila & Inna Tymchuk & Mykhajlo Baranovsky - 60-76 On the Issue of Adapting Materials for the English for Specific Purposes Online Course
by Rimma Bielousova - 77-92 Trends in Higher Education in EU Countries and non-EU Countries: Comparative Analysis
by Tamara Ivanivna Bondar & Nataliia Viktorivna Telychko & Hanna Vasylivna Tovkanets & Tetiana Dmytrivna Shcherban & Vasyl Ivanivych Kobal - 93-105 Development of Professionally Important Physical Qualities in Engineering Students
by Valentyna Chernii & Olha Shevchenko & Olena Nievorova & Anastasiia Melnyk & Alla Kramarenko & Tetyana Nikonenko - 106-125 The Predictive Power of the Organizational Commitments of Assigned Teachers in Different Branches on Their Organizational Dissent
by Baris Karaoglu & Mehmet Behzat Turan & Alpaslan Gozler - 126-146 Technological Principles of the Formation of a Pupil’s Communicative Competence
by Iryna Kucherenko & Lidiia Mamchur & Yevhen Mamchur & Natalya Bidyuk - 147-162 Training Intending Technologies Teachers for Forming Middle School Students Artistic and Technical Skills
by Vira Kurok & Halyna Voyitelyeva & Olha Lytvyn & Tetyana Khoruzhenko & Nadiya Borysenko - 163-184 Complex Portfolio as one of the Means of the Future Primary School Teachers Training of the New Ukrainian School
by Alina Kykylyk & Halyna Stukan & Liudmyla Hlushok & Inna Shorobura & Ihor Bloshchynskyi - 185-195 Preparation of Future Teachers for Use of ICT in Primary School
by Marija Lavrenova & Natalia Volodumurivna Lalak & Tetjana Ivanivna Molnar - 196-212 Core Curriculum for Foreigners’ Language Training in Higher Agrarian Institutions: Correlation with Common European Recommendations
by Yuliia Lushchyk & Luidmyla Pikulytska & Hanna Tsyhanok - 213-231 Cultural-Linguistic Aspect of Teaching and Learning Spanish Colour Idioms and Symbols
by Elina Grodska & Anastasiia Machulianska & Ludmila Shapa - 232-250 Training Future Primary School Teachers in the Context of Developing Constructive Skills in Younger Pupils
by Olesia Makoviichuk & Alona Shulha & Olha Shestobuz & Iryna Pits & Inna Prokop & Hanna Byhar - 251-266 Empirical Analysis of the Level of Formation of Professional Reliability of a Teacher of Physical Culture
by Yevgen Oleksandrovich Pavlyuk & Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Soltyk & Oksana Sergiivna Pavlyuk & Tetyana Viktorivna Chopyk & Oleksandr Vasylovich Antoniuk & Oleg Viktorovich Bazylchuk - 267-292 Explenation of Paradigm Methodology of Specialists in Higher Education System Vocational Training
by Mykola Pichkur & Mariia Oliiar & Iryna Rozman & Oksana Petrenko & Irina Demchenko & Liliya Ryabovol - 293-303 Exploring Students’ Expectations of the University Course
by Iryna Zadorozhna & Olha Datskiv & Olena Shon - 304-329 Peculiarities of Leadership Manifestation in the Youth Social Group
by Oksana Shportun & Tetiana Branitska & Vasyl Kaplinsky & Olena Zharovska & Natalia Baiurko & Eduard Petrovich Siryk - 330-346 Developing the Content of Forming the System of Intending History Teachers Professional Competence Using Multimedia Technologies
by Andriy Hrytsenko - 347-367 Integration of Non-Formal Learning Approaches into the Formal Education by Peer Learning of Teachers and Youth Workers
by Olga Valkova Tarasova & Premysl Stindl & Jinsu Yom & Natalia Chardymova & Sergiu-Bogdan Imre & Lukas Valek
February 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 01-19 Evaluation of the Mental Ability of the Student Athletes and Examining their Emotional Intelligence Levels
by Murat Sarikabak - 20-38 Formation of Motivation for Professional Communication among Future Specialists of Pedagogical Education
by Alla Chagovets & Antonina Chychuk & Olena Bida & Olexandr Kuchai & Iryna Salnyk & Iryna Poliakova - 39-52 Diagnosing the Negative Psycho-Emotional States among Students
by Olena Mykolaivna Vasylenko & Taisiia Komar & Svitlana Pilishek & Olesia Posvistak & Yevhen Potapchuk - 53-65 Formation of Pedagogical University Students’ Readness for Undergraduate and Graduate Research
by Serhii Pavlovych Mykhyda & Vladymyr Fedorovich Cherkasov & Olga Vladimirovna Yezhova & Oksana Vitalyevna Abramova & Natalia Vasylivna Myronenko - 66-85 ESP Task-Based Coursebook Development for Border Guards Training
by Nadiia Moroz - 86-104 Autonomous ESP Learning of Prospective Teachers of Mathematics
by Natalia Dmitrenko & Sofiya Nikolaeva & Liudmyla Melnyk & Oksana Voloshyna - 105-119 Future Teacher Training for Self-Education Activity in Physical Education at Elementary School
by Liudmyla Sebalo & Tetiana Teslenko - 120-134 Perspectives on Study abroad Students through Passing FCE Test: Listening Problems
by Ilona Kostikova & Liudmyla Holubnycha & Svitlana Miasoiedova & Tetiana Moroz & Anastasiia Ptushka & Iryna Avdieienko - 135-149 Inclusive Education and In-service Teachers' Attitudes
by Liliana Mata & Otilia Clipa - 150-161 Implementation of World Experience of Using the Mind Map Method in the System of Higher Military Education of Ukraine: Comparative Analysis
by Klavdiia Tushko & Vadym Dyiak & Nataliia Levchuk & Andrii Kurashkevych - 162-175 Developing Technical Creativity in Future Engineering Educators
by Leonid Byvalkevych & Olena Yefremova & Svitlana Hryshchenko - 176-184 The Analysis of the Present State of Mobile Technologies using by Teenagers to Study Chemistry
by Tetiana Hranovska - 185-197 The Method of Forming the Health-Saving Competence of Pedagogical Universities’ Students
by Svitlana Khatuntseva & Natalia Kabus & Maryna Portyan & Oksana Zhernovnykova & Svitlana Kara & Svitlana Knysh - 198-208 The Training Complex as a Component of the Readiness Formation of Students of Technical Specialties for Professional Activity
by Maryna Voloshenko & Olga Dzhezhik & Alyona Azarkina - 209-225 Developing Learner Autonomy via Choosing a Person’s Educational Pathway
by Natalia Tuchina & Volodymyr Borysov & Inna Podhurska & Iryna Kupina & Natalia Borysenko - 226-243 Prosocial Behaviour of Teenagers and Adolescents: Concepts and Tendencies
by Oksana Chaikovska & Tetiana Holovach & Liudmyla Melnyk & Liubov Kuzo - 244-264 Developing Environmental Culture in Future Teachers during Professional Training
by Vitalii Volodymyrovych Honcharuk & Valentyna Anatoliivna Honcharuk & Olena Mykhailivna Zadorozhna & Volodymyr Trokhymovych Sulym & Olha Vasylivna Patiyevych & Liudmyla Oleksandrivna Chystiakova - 265-290 Organization of Research Work of Future Pedagogues in Higher Education Institutions: Experiential Learning Results
by Larisa Sushchenko & Mariya Gladysh & Yuliia Zubtsova & Roman Sushchenko & Marianna Kniazian - 291-310 Professional Honor in the Pedagogical Activity of the Future Teacher
by Maria Ivanchuk & Oksana Kostashchuk & Nataliia Machynska & Mariya Oliynyk - 311-319 Theoretical Aspects on Studying Energy Potential, Neuroregulatory Factors and Particularities of Muscle Tissue Structure in Forming the Fighters Force Qualities
by Victor Manolachi - 320-333 Sport Activities in Romania – A Tool for Social Innovation
by Monica Stanescu & Aura Bota & Roxana Bejan-Muresan & Ionut Corlaci - 334-349 Art Education, Therapy Interventions and School Management in Autism
by Yücehan Yucesoy & Başak Bağlama & Mehmet Tüzel - 350-356 The Necessity of Change and Development of the Higher Education Institution in the Age of Globalisation
by Liliana Budevici Puiu - 357-367 Carbohydrates Energy Reserves as a Factor of Recovery after Training and Competitive Efforts
by Veaceslav Manolachi
December 2019, Volume 11, Issue 4Sup1
- 01-07 The Effect of High Intensity Interval Training Applied with Vitamin E Reinforcement on Thyroid Hormone Metabolism
by Taner Akbulut & Vedat Cinar & Ramazan Erdogan - 08-21 Attitudes of Preservice Physical Education Teachers towards Individuals with Special Needs
by Basak Baglama & Yucehan Yucesoy & Fatih Beyazit - 22-42 Values and Interferences of Psychomotricity in Education – a Study of the DomainSpecific Literature
by Anamaria Berdila & Laurentiu Gabriel Talaghir & Teodora Mihaela Iconomescu & Cristian Mihail Rus - 43-58 Enhancing the Quality of Life in Young Persons with SEN through Swimming Exercises in the New Era of Mobile Technologies
by Bianca Chera-Ferrario & Doru Galan & Adrian Pica - 59-81 Pedagogical Diary – More than a Formative Assessment Tool in Initial Teacher Training?
by Venera-Mihaela Cojocariu & Gabriel Mares - 82-90 Study Regarding the High Schoolers' Perception of the Physical Education Teacher's Personality
by Tatiana Dobrescu - 91-104 Developing Future Pilots’ Critical Thinking Skills in the Framework of Aviation English
by Liudmyla Herasymenko & Svitlana Muravska & Serhii Radul & Olha Pidlubna - 105-116 English Teaching Methods in Bukovina (1918–1930)
by Olha Homeniuk - 117-133 Implementation of the Educational Program of Training of Border Guards in the specialty “State Border Security” in Ukraine
by Olexandr Lazorenko & Olena Zabolotna & Gennady Magas - 134-155 Developing Future English Teachers’ Overall Communicative Language Ability: Open Educational Resources Usage
by Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Malykhin & Nataliia Oleksandrivna Aristova & Liudmyla Mykolaiivna Dybkova - 156-169 Perception of Teachers in Higher Education towards Ethical Issues of Information Technology Use
by Liliana MÂȚĂ & Ioana Boghian - 170-184 Higher School Instructors’ Pedagogical Skills Improvement as a Basis of Educational Strategy for Development of Students’ Professional Training
by Iryna Melnychuk & Iryna Drozdova & Iryna Savchak & Ihor Bloshchynskyi - 185-220 Syntheses on the Social-Philanthropic Activity of the Romanian Orthodox Church. A Grounded Theory Research
by Polixenia Nistor - 221-241 University Students` Satisfaction: The Impact of Computer-mediated Blended Learning
by Olha Rembach & Oleksandr Liubych & Mykhajlo Antonenko & Volodymyr Kovalenko & Ruslan Valieiev - 242-256 The Application of the Index Method to Assess the Condition of Armwrestling Athletes with Different Levels of Sports Mastery
by Olga Rovnaya & Leonid Podrigalo & Sergii Iermakov & Tetiana Yermakova & Vladimir Potop - 257-263 Learning RFL and UFL in Ukrainian Universities: Focus on Arabic Students
by Maryna Shlenova & Anastasiya Nesterenko & Zoya Girich & Nataliia Konoplenko & Anna Boiarska-Khomenko & Yuliia Korneiko - 264-277 Diagnostics of Leadership Qualities of Specialists of "Man–Man" Type of Professions in Military and Civil Higher Education Institutions: Psychological and Pedagogical Approach
by Olga Soroka & Svitlana Kalaur & Andrii Balendr - 278-301 Organizational Methods of Formation of Military and Special Competence in Future Border Guard Officers in the Continuing Education Process
by Oleksandr Torichnyi & Nataliya Bhinder - 302-308 Politeness Strategies in Higher Education: A Student Approach to the Sense of Humour
by Alina Raluca Turculet - 309-327 Primary School Teacher’s Social Competence in the Postgraduate Education
by Olena Volodymyrivna Varetska & Olena Vasylivna Nikulochkina & Olena Shymonivna Tonne & Anatoliy Ivanovych Kuzminskyi & Olena Anatoliivna Bida & Victoria Vitalyevna Vdovenko - 328-336 The Development of Future Competences – A Challenge for the Educational System
by Mihaela Voinea - 337-344 Particularities of Medical Education in the Field of Forensic Toxicology. Studying Dangerous Chemical Agents in Forensic Research
by Simona-Irina Damian & Madalina Diac & Tatiana Iov & Iuliana Hunea & Diana Bulgaru Iliescu - 345-361 Forming Professional Mobility in Future Agricultural Specialists: the Sociohistorical Context
by Irina Gerasymova & Borys Maksymchuk Maksymchuk & Marianna Bilozerova & Yuliya Chernetska & Tetiana Matviichuk & Valeriy Solovyov & Iryna Maksymchuk
December 2019, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 01-16 A Bidimensional Psycho-pedagogical Model for Tolerance Education
by Vladimir Gutu & Ioana Boghian - 17-29 Target language teaching by means of e-learning: a case study
by Marina A Bilotserkovets & Oksana Gubina - 30-39 Perceptions Concerning Poverty and Social Protection: a Comparative Approach
by Mihaela Ghenta & Aniela Matei & Luise Mladen-Macovei - 40-54 Study on the Development of the Trunk Stabilizing Muscle Strength in Young Groups of Juniors in Rhythmic Gymnastics
by Carmen Grigoroiu & Teodora Wesselly - 55-69 Cloud Computing for University Students’ Language Learning
by Liudmyla Holubnycha & Ilona Kostikova & Hanna Kravchenko & Valentyna Simonok & Halyna Serheieva - 70-83 Challenges of Teaching Academic Writing Skills in ESL Classroom (Based on International Teaching Experience)
by Olena Hundarenko - 84-99 Using Blended Learning Technology in Foreign Language Communicative Competence Forming of Future International Relations Specialists
by Svitlana Hryhorivna Kachmarchyk & Svitlana Borysivna Khrystiuk & Liudmyla Oleksiivna Shanaieva-Tsymbal - 100-112 Professional Training of Future Social Workers and Its Efficiency
by Viktoriia Korneshchuk & Yuliia Kolodiichuk - 113-135 Project Based Learning as Teaching Approach for Master Students
by Iuliana Lazar & Ema Faciu - 136-146 Effect of a One-Semester Conditioning Activities on Physical Fitness of the Students
by Florin Leuciuc - 147-163 Experimental Verification of the Efficiency of Using Interactive Technology Tools in the Humanitarian, Professional and Practical Training of International Economists
by Larysa Maksymchuk & Nataliia Sobol & Nataliia Bidasiuk & Kateryna Oleksandrenko & Olha Pavlyk - 164-174 Professional Vocation Development in the Future Border Guard Officers’ Activity
by Valentyna Miroshnichenko & Anatolii Mashtaler & Oleg Stavytskyi & Ihor Bloshchynskyi & Ihor Pochekalin & Victoriya Shevchuk - 175-192 Environmental Education of Young People in Carrying out Design Projects on the Basis of Literary and Musical Folklore
by Serhii Pavlovych Mykhyda & Olga Vladimirovna Yezhova & Oksana Vitalyevna ABRAMOVA & Olha Vasilivna PULIAK & Vladymyr Fedorovich CHERKASOV & Liudmyla Oleksandrivna CHYSTIAKOVA - 193-220 Students’ L2 Psychological and Phonological Listening Comprehension Difficulties Diagnostics
by Olha Kharzhevska & Kateryna Oleksandrenko & Tetiana Peshkova & Svitlana Oleksandrivna Pilishek & Olha Rudoman & Yuliia Yakymchuk - 221-247 Multicultural Competence of University Students in Ukraine: Reality and Perspectives
by Olha Poliakova & Tetiana Ridel & Tetiana Kyrychenko - 248-277 Working or Learning? Working Students in the Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Area
by Sorana Mihaela Saveanu & Florica Stefanescu - 278-287 Effect of Tae-bo Exercises Implemented on Sedentary Women, on Some Physical and Physiological Parameters
by Mine Turgut & Serkan Necati Metin - 288-303 Analysis of the Formation of Personal and Professional Qualities of Future Social Workers for Street Social Work
by Olena Mykolaivna Vasylenko & Yulia Grach & Tatiana Gudz & Liudmila Romanovska & Tetiana Kravchyna - 304-320 An Evaluation of Strategies and Policies in Higher Education Management in Internationalization Process: New Pedagogy
by Fahriye Altinay & Gulsun Basari & Mehmet Altinay & Gokmen Dagli & Zehra Altinay - 321-341 Digital Comics, a Visual Method for Reinvigorating Romanian Science Education
by Dana Craciun & Madalin Bunoiu
September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-10 Empowering Teachers to Deal with Classroom Diversity
by Ioana Boghian - 11-19 Forms of Inequality Manifestation in Continuous Training Perceived by Teachers
by Roxana Constanta Enache & Maria Goga - 20-33 Present and Perspectives in the Teachers’ Continuous Professional Training in Romania
by Roxana Constanta Enache & Ana-Maria Aurelia Petrescu & Gabriel Gorghiu & Luminita Mihaela Draghicescu - 34-44 The Adaptation of Students to the Academic Environment in University
by Iulia Gonta & Aurelia Bulgac - 45-67 Crossbred Language Practices and Identity Construction Among the Youth from the Second Generation of Congolese Migration in Belgium: School Issues
by Dioso Priscilla Kasongo - 68-92 Emotional Intelligence of Translator: an Integrated System of Development
by Oleksandr Lahodynskyi & Andrii Bohuslavets & Olha Nitenko & Elina Sablina & Lesya Viktorova & Ihor Yaremchuk - 93-118 Religiosity and Generosity of Youth. The Results of a Survey with 8th Grade Students from Bihor County (Romania)
by Adela Răzvana Lazăr & Adrian Hatos - 119-140 The Well-being of Children in the Educational System from Bihor County. A Qualitative Approach
by Crina Lezeu & Smaranda Cioban - 141-162 Blended Education: Patterns of Implementation at Sumy State University
by Iryna Liashenko & Lyudmyla Hnapovska - 163-179 Learning from Violence: Middle-school Principals facing School Violence Prevention Programs
by Juan Nambo - 180-200 School Students’ Intrinsic Motivation for Learning Science in RRI Activity: the Influence of Perceived Competence and Relatedness
by Palmira Pečiuliauskienė - 201-212 The Dynamics of the Relationship between Humor and Benevolence as Values
by Dana Rad & Tiberiu Dughi & Edgar Demeter & - 213-223 Features of Authenticity Development in Future Psychologists
by Halyna Radchuk & Zoryana Adamska & Mariia Oliinyk - 224-234 Cognitive and Emotional Dimensions Recorded when Implementing Specific Responsible Research and Innovation Aspects in Science Lessons
by Elena Ancuța Santi & Gabriel Gorghiu - 235-244 The Image of the Profession of Correctional Teacher among Students of Higher Educational Institutions
by Dolores Zoraiivna Zavirtrenko & Tetiana Yakivna Dovha & Mariya Ruslanovna Barbulat - 245-262 Developing Students’ Intercultural Competence at the Tertiary Level
by Liudmyla Holubnycha & Ilona Ivanivna Kostikova & Olena Leiba & Svitlana Lobzova & Ruslan Chornovol-Tkachenko - 263-279 Information Support of Educationalists as an Important Function of a Postgraduate Education System
by Anatoliy Ivanovych Kuzminskyi & Olena Anatoliivna Bida & Olexandr Volodymyrovych Kuchai & Olga Vladimirovna Yezhova & Tetiana Petrivna Kuchai - 280-289 Doping in Sport as a Symptom and Factor of the Contemporary Society Crisis
by Veaceslav Manolachi & Victor Manolachi - 290-307 Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions of Preschool Educational Institution and Family Partnership in the Republic of Poland
by Liudmyla Tymchuk & Marianna Marysynets & Inna Perepeliuk & Khrystyna Mykyteihcuk
June 2019, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-17 Implementation of European Border Guards’ Common Educational Standards in Ukraine: Comparative Analysis
by Andrii Balendr & Viacheslav Biletskyi & Anatolii Iakymchuk & Serhii Sinkevych & Vasyl Korolov & Ihor Bloshchynskyi - 18-37 Non-Standard Elements at Professional English Lessons
by Oleksandra Pavlivna Borzenko & Yana Pavlishcheva - 38-58 The Analysis of Teenagers’ Vlogging Preferences in Educational Research
by Smaranda Cioban & Adrian Hatos