March 2022, Volume 14, Issue 1Sup1
- 01-24 Distance, Lecture Room or Hybrid? - Or the Shape of Future Education at Universities in View of Pedagogy Students
by Małgorzata Stawiak-Ososińska & Maria Olijnyk - 25-48 Modernization of Natural Science Education in the Context of Teacher Training
by Valentyna Bilyk & Iryna Udovychenko & Lesia Vysochan & Kateryna Kyrylenko & Nadiia Stetsula & Svitlana Gvozdii - 49-66 The Development of Motivation to Achieve Students in the Context of Modernization of Educational Content
by Yuliia Babaian & Yakymenko Polina & Hanna Breslavska & Lidiia Cherednyk & Nataliia Kostrytsia & Olena Semenog - 67-82 Benefits and Difficulties of Integrating Mobile Technologies in the Academic Learning
by Liliana Mâţă & Tatiana Dobrescu - 83-100 How to Improve the Mathematical Competences of Future Primary School Teachers in Ukraine? Innovative Aspect
by Tetiana Zaporozhchenko & Vira Vykhrushch & Tamara Paguta & Ivan Bykov & Olha Chykurova & Oksana Pysarchuk - 101-110 The Statistical Analysis of the Game Actions of the Middle-Blocker Based on the Application of the “Data Volley†Software
by Neculai Harabagiu & Carmen Pârvu - 111-126 Evaluating the Quality of Life for People with Locomotor Disabilities by Practicing a Certain Sport
by Veronica Mîndrescu - 127-144 Forms and Methods of Future Physical Education Teachers’ Training: An Analysis of Foreign Experience
by Yurii Shapran & Olha Shapran & Iryna Raytarovska & Petro Rybalko & Viktor Romanenko & Mykola Halaidiuk - 145-154 Preliminary Research on Physical Performance in Junior Tennis Players U16
by Ioana Roşculeţ & Corina Ţifrea & Alves Vilaça-Alves & Ana-Maria Vasiliu - 155-171 The Training Effort for Master Athletes in Romania in Relation to Self-esteem
by Daniela Baba & Lorand Balint - 172-190 Psychological and Pedagogical Features of the Organization of Collective Forms of Work in Different Age-Related Groups
by Larysa Prysiazhniuk & Svitlana Genkal & Viktoriia Nadon & Maryna Tomchenko & Iryna Fomina & Andrii Lytvyn - 191-202 Completing Specific Techniques in Muscle Training by Using Electrostimulation in Combination with (TRX)
by Răducu Popescu - 203-222 Research Competencies of Social Work Students during Remote Learning
by Mihai-Bogdan Iovu & Alina Bărbuță - 223-242 Education During the Pandemic. Professional Training of final-year Social Work and Medical Students
by Alexandru Cosmin Apostol & Gabriela Irimescu & Mihaela Radoi & Cătălin Ioniţe - 243-257 Reality of Primary Education Development in the Conditions of the New School
by Liudmyla Lysohor & Viktor Reshetniak & Volodymyr Kovalchuk & Oksana Zhyhaylo & Lesia Koltok & Svitlana Lutsiv - 258-274 Psychological-Pedagogical Components of the Children’s Speech Environment With Autistic Disorders of Senior Preschool Age
by Nataliia Bazyma & Nataliia Fihol & Olena Malyna & Valentyna Serheieva & Hanna Lopatina & Oksana Koropatova - 275-288 A Bibliometric Analysis of Outdoor Education
by Kadir Yildiz & YeÅŸer Eroglu & Tolga Besikci - 289-298 Comparative Study of Resistance Training with Different Frequency on the Selected Machine Exercises Among University Males
by Kaukab Azeem - 312-327 Research Activities of Students as a Way to Prepare Them for Social Work: Adopting Foreign Experience in Ukraine
by Oksana Povidaichyk & Olena Vynogradova & Tetiana Pavlyuk & Olha Hrabchak & Iryna Savelchuk & Iryna Demchenko - 328-348 Management of the Play Activity of Primary Schoolchildren. A Critical Look at Ukrainian Trends from the Point of View of International Experience
by Nataliia Marievych & Bohdan Nesterovych & Tamara Turchyn & Tetiana Kryvosheya & Olha Shyshova & Viktoriia Nadon - 349-369 The Problem of Subject and Subjectivity in Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences in the Context of Training Future Teachers
by Yuliya Zhurat & Anatolii Yanovskyi & Larysa Ianovska & Mykhailo Tsymbal & Marharyta Kozyr & Lyudmyla Kokorina - 370-385 Splitting Linguistic Consciousness of Ukrainians: Neuropsychological and Legal Aspects
by Olga Andriyanova & Olga Sheliukh & Nataliia Vovchasta & Halyna Khlypavka & Anzhela Posokhova & Vinalij Kozlovskij - 386-403 Characterological Features of Innovative Education
by Yevheniia Artomova & Iryna Blynova & Nadiia Breslavets & Oksana Vasylenko - 404-418 Pros and Cons of the Applied and Decorative Arts in the Fine Arts Teacher Training
by Oksana Smirnova & Ivan Hutsul & Nadezhda Mironenko & Nataliya Ursu & Kateryna Demchyk & Ivan Pidhurnyi - 419-436 Andragogy in Ukraine and Western Europe: Common and Different Features throughout Its History
by Liudmyla Tymchuk & Mykhailo Honchar & Serhii Medynskyi & Nadiia Bilyk & Yana Topolnik & Valentyna Serheieva - 437-452 The Modern Principles of Gamification in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language
by Olesia Yaroshenko & Lyudmyla Kokorina & Iryna Shymanovych & Nataliia Naumovska & Nataliia Shchaslyva & Nataliia Serdiuk - 453-471 The Latest Trends in The Professional Training of Masters in the Field of Engineering and Technology
by Oleksandr Kobernyk & Serhii Yashchuk & Svitlana Yermakova & Victor Chmyr & Tetiana Bukina & Viktor Romanenko - 472-494 Andragogy: Searching for Ways to Improve the Educational Process in Educational Institutions for Adults
by Liudmyla Tymchuk & Inna Kovalenko & Lilia Vieilandie & Lyubov Prokofyeva & Olha Rasskazova & Yana Topolnyk - 495-528 Genesis of Grammatical Structure of a Preschool Child Language
by Kateryna Kruty & Hanna Chorna & Olena Samsonova & Alla Kurinna & Oksana Sorochynska & Iryna Desnova
December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 01-16 Exploring the Students’ Perceived Academic Value in an Exclusive Online Learning Environment
by Vincentas Lamanauskas & Rita MakarskaitÄ—-PetkeviÄ ienÄ— & Gabriel Gorghiu & Elena-AncuÅ£a Santi & Costin Pribeanu - 17-30 Gamification as a New Format of Projects Method in Blended Learning Conditions Studying Disciplines of the Pedagogical Cycle
by Oleksii Nalyvaiko & Оksana Zhukova & Liudmyla Ivanenko & Yaroslava Shvedova & Tetiana Nekrashevych - 31-42 The Teachers’ Approach to the Theoretical Knowledge Taught in Online Physical Education Classes During the Covid-19 Pandemic
by Laurențiu-Gabriel Talaghir & Bogdan Olaru & Teodora Mihaela Iconomescu - 43-59 Training of Future Teachers for the Formation of the Competence of Safe Life of the Younger Generation
by Olena Savchuk & Tetiana Petukhova & Iryna Petukhova - 60-90 Trends and Perspectives in Didactic Evaluation in Higher Education
by Liliana-Luminița Todorescu & Gabriel-Mugurel Dragomir & Anca Greculescu - 91-112 Formation of Specialists’ Legal Competence in the System of Life Long Education
by Sergii Puhach & Kvitoslava Avramenko & Natalya Michalchenko & Antonina Chychuk & Oleksandr Kuchai & Iryna Demchenko - 113-132 Updating the Selection Principles of Content Components in Linguistic Education of Foreign Non-Philological Students
by Mariia Pentyliuk & Iryna Kushnir & Iryna Zozulia & Iuliia Kosenko - 133-147 The Use of Corpora in the Teaching of ESP (the Sphere of Pedagogy and Psychology)
by Marta Lacková - 162-179 How Do the Romanian Students Consider the Research Competencies Appropriate for Their Future Career?
by Roxana Constanţa Enache & Gabriel Gorghiu & Laura Monica Gorghiu & Ana-Maria Aurelia Petrescu & Camelia Stăiculescu - 180-194 Methodological Support of Professional Activity of Pedagogues upon Preschool Children Remote Studying
by Yuliia Rudenko & Anzhela Proseniuk & Alla Kolesnyk & Ganna Kavylina - 195-209 The Relationship between the Quality of Managers, the Internal Communication Level and the Institutional Visual Identity
by Renato-Gabriel Petrea & Cristian-Mihail Rus & Marin Chirazi & Liliana-Elisabeta Radu & Pia-Simona Făgăraș - 210-223 Experience in Preparing Fine Arts Teachers-to-Be
by Oksana Smirnova & Viktoriia Prokopchuk & Galyna Buchkivska & Valentyna Greskova & Olena Mozoliuk & Volodymyr Khalaitsan - 224-238 General Visual Ability as a Moderator in the Relationship RAN –Fluency in a Regular Orthography
by Katalin Tiron & Cristina Maria Bostan & Alois Gherguţ - 239-266 An Analysis of the Attitudes of Secondary School Students on Cyber Bullying Behaviors
by Erinç Ercag - 267-282 Diagnosis of the Formation of Grammatical Aspects of Speech in Preschool Age
by Kateryna Kruty & Antonina Minenok & Iryna Morozova & Tetiana-Yelyzaveta Tsapenko & Oleksandr Kozynets & Serhii Korniev - 283-309 Evaluate Student Satisfaction of Student Information System Utilising Technology Acceptance Model and Trust in China
by Samar Zaineldeen & Li Hongbo - 310-328 Supervision Support of Practical Training of Social Work Specialists: Polish Experience
by Valentuna Benera & Zhanna Shevchenko & Svitlana Kolyadenko & Olena Vynogradova & Kateryna Averina & Svitlana Furdui - 329-338 The Integrated - Operational Model of Managerial - Legislative - Sports Training of Specialists in the Field of Physical Culture
by Liliana Budevici - Puiu & Veaceslav Manolachi - 339-358 The Physical Condition of Deaf Primary School-Age Children and How to Correct it Using Physical Education Methods
by Khrystyna Shavel & Iryna Hrybovska & Nataliya Stepanchenko & Maryan Pityn & Myroslava Danylevych & Yaroslav Kashuba & Ivan Marionda - 359-372 Typology of Perfectionists in the Context of Procrastination and Age among Female Students of Humanities
by Dominika Doktorová & Dominika Kochanová - 373-393 Pedagogical Conditions of Conflict Management Readiness Formation of Border Guard Officers
by Oleksandra Islamova & Nadiia Moroz & Iryna Kryvoruchko & Inna Savina & Lesia Balahur & Oleksandr Samoilenko - 394-412 The Influence of Practical Curricular Courses on the Upper Body Flexibility in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Students
by George Danut Mocanu & Tatiana Dobrescu - 413-434 Empirical Research of a Creatively Oriented Personality’s Formation of a Child of Senior Preschool Age
by Oleksandr Semenov & Nataliia Semenova & Hanna Bielienka & Nadiia Alendar & Oleksandra Yemchyk & Iryna Onyschuk - 435-453 Education of the Lower Body Flexibility in Students by Combining Various Types of Stretching during Physical Education Lessons
by George Danut Mocanu & Tatiana Dobrescu - 454-468 Pedagogy of Spirituality as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Humanity
by Valentyn Molodychenko & Olga Tsybulko & Lesia Makarenko & Olena Postol & Ihor Lysak - 469-482 The Effect of Proprioceptive Training upon the Upper Limbs Strength on Posttraumatic Shoulder Recovery in Weightlifter Women
by Diana Victoria Gidu & Oana Verona Neuman & George Cosmin Muşat & Florin Voinea & Damian Petcu & Andrei Mădălin Petrescu & Nicoleta Daniela Calotă - 483-508 Cultivating Intellectual Property Rights Competence in Teachers in Ukraine: Attitude, Challenges, Solutions
by Vadym Luniachek & Nataliia Ruban & Ludmila Zelenska & Tetyana Varenko - 509-523 Experimental Research of the Sense-Value Regulation of Future Teachers in Academic and Professional Activity
by Ihor Halian & Ihor Popovych & Yurii Nesin & Yurii Zavatskyi & Iryna Vashchenko & Oksana Muliar & Andrey Marchenko - 524-542 Authentic Social-Cultural Reading in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
by Yuliia Lushchyk & Liudmyla Pikulytska & Hanna Tsyhanok - 543-567 The Development of Prosocial Tendencies in Out-of-School Students
by Oksana Chaikovska & Anzhela Posokhova & Liudmyla Melnyk & Alla Kurytsia - 568-578 Motivation Assessment for Professional and Amateur Female Soccer Players
by Diana Victoria Gidu & Virgil Ene-Voiculescu & Carmen Ene-Voiculescu & Florin Cazan & Andreea Alexandra Georgescu & Raluca-Mihaela Levonian & Dan Cîrciumaru & Adrian Dorin Georgescu - 579-594 Postmodern Principles in Integrated Teaching of Foreign Languages and Fine Arts to Primary Learners in the New Ukrainian School
by Aryna Frumkina - 595-613 Digital and Technological Support of Distance Learning at Universities under COVID-19 (Case of Ukraine)
by Hlib Polianovskyi & Tetiana Zatonatska & Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi & Ihor Liutyi - 614-632 Developing Creative Abilities in Preschoolers in Painting Classes via the Principles of Neuropedagogy and Psychology of Creativity in Ukraine
by Liudmyla Shulha & Olena Hnizdilova & Marianna Matishak & Tamara Marchii-Dmytrash & Milena Yaroslavtseva & Hanna Chorna - 633-651 Directions in Veterinary Social Work
by Sana Loue & Aviva Lauren Vincent - 652-668 Primary Education in Ukraine. History and European Priorities
by Tetiana Havrylenko & Tatiana Doroshenko & Vira Vykhrushch & Tetiana Hurkova & Ivan Bykov & Tetyana Zenchenko
August 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 01-19 Forming Competency in Health Promotion in Technical Specialists Using Physical Education
by Vasyl Ovcharuk & Borys Maksymchuk & Vira Ovcharuk & Oleksandr Khomenko & Serhii Khomenko & Yevhen Yevtushenko & Petro Rybalko & Hryhorii Pustovit & Natalia Myronenko & Yaroslav Syvokhop & Maryna Sheian & Tetiana Matviichuk & Valeriy Solovyov & Iryna Maksymchuk - 20-37 Developing Grammatical Competence in Preschoolers
by Kateryna Kruty & Svitlana Kurinna & Larysa Zhuravlova & Svitlana Zнеinova & Hanna Lopatina & Yevheniia Lyndina - 38-50 The Use of Information and Communication Technologies as a Means of Professional Foreign Language Training
by Natalia Vovchasta & Iryna Kozlovska & Magdalena Opachko & Marianna Paikush & Oleh Stechkevych - 51-72 The System of Future Teachers’ Professional Development
by Valentyna Pliushch & Nataliya Rozhak & Anna Cherednyk & Iryna Kalynovska & Oksana Honcharuk & Anatolii Kuzminskyi - 73-94 Fostering Students’ Responsibility and Learner Autonomy by Using Google Educational Tools
by Tetiana Borova & Olena Chekhratova & Alisa Marchuk & Tetiana Pohorielova & Anna Zakharova - 95-115 Pedagogical Conditions for Digital Citizenship Formation among Primary School Pupils
by Olga Fediy & Liudmyla Protsai & Nataliia Gibalova - 116-133 Modelling the Process of Reflection with Pre-Service Student Teachers
by Ganna Krapivnyk & Natalia Tuchyna & Olha Bashkir & Volodymyr Borysov & Olena Gonchar & Viktoriya Plakhtyeyeva - 134-150 Training of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Operators for Border Surveillance in Ukraine based on the European Union Standards
by Ivan Katerynchuk & Andrii Balendr & Oksana Komarnytska & Oleksandra Islamova & Ilona Ordynska & Tetiana Chubina - 151-165 Current Problems of Teachers' Readiness of Higher Educational Institutions for Implementing Inclusive Education
by Svitlana Myronova & Tetiana Dokuchyna & Iryna Rudzevych & Oksana Smotrova & Larysa Platash - 166-188 Fostering a Values-Based Attitude towards a Person in Secondary Schools in the Post-Soviet Space
by Olena Stoliarenko & Oksana Stoliarenko & Viktoriia Prokopchuk & Larysa Zhuravlova & Iryna Demchenko & Liliia Martynets & Volodimir Yakovliv - 189-210 Support for Children with Disabilities, who Live in the Industrial Region
by Valentyn Teslenko - 211-224 Dance Therapy in the Socialization of Individuals with Musculoskeletal Disorders
by Iryna Sarancha & Zoryana Leniv & Liudmyla Androshchuk & Olha Bykova & Anastasiia Podhorinova & Inna Tereshko & Olena Ustymenko-Kosorich & Tetiana Doroshenko & Lyudmyla Matsuk - 225-245 Forming Speech and Communicative Competency of Future Philologists
by Anna Chala & Natalia Demchenko & Violetta Panchenko & Liudmyla Bakhmat & Tetiana Krekhno - 262-279 Willingness to Forgive Oneself and Others as a Way of Personal Growth of University Students
by Svetlana Kravchuk - 280-302 Developing Subjectivity in Future Primary School Teachers
by Yulya Zhurat & Nina Rudenko & Adile Bekirova & Olena Borovets & Tеtiana Doroshenko & Tamara Skoryk - 303-318 Development of Future English Language Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Levels: Blended Learning Versus Face-to-Face Instruction
by Nataliia Oleksandrivna Aristova & Oleksandr Malykhin & Susanna Melikova - 319-332 Essential Characteristics of a Primary School Teacher as a Subject of Creative Pedagogical Activity
by Yulya Zhurat & Tatiana Doroshenko & Iryna Shaposhnikova & Tamara Paguta & Svetlana Bader & Tatyana Sushchenko - 333-349 Factors of Social Work Students’ Professional Identity Significance during Professional Training
by Liubov Spivak & Zhanna Melnyk & Dmytro Spivak - 350-365 The Positive Worldview of Teenage Schoolchildren as a Predictor of a Safe Educational Environment
by Kateryna Oleksandrenko & Natalia Tokareva & Tetiana Snitsa - 366-386 Social and Communicative Competence Formation of Future Boatmasters in the Process of Studying Humanities
by Oleksandr Danylenko & Valentin Chimshir & Vasyl Zheliaskov & Oksana Tymofyeyeva & Olena Soroka & Mykola Korotchenkov - 387-400 Individual Educational Trajectory as a Way to Reveal the Potential of a Future Teacher
by Mykola Chymak & Lidiia Khomych & Larysa Nakonechna & Maria Kopchuk-Kashetska & Svitlana Zadoya - 401-428 Identification of Significant Components of Logistics Readiness of Future Officers of Army Support Units (Forces)
by Oleh Masliy & Ievgeniia Ivanchenko & Viacheslav Deriuhin & Viktor Olekhnovych & Serhii Yaniuk - 429-447 Training of Future Geography Teachers to Local Lore and Tourist Work on the Basis of Competence Approach
by Vitalii Honcharuk & Inna Rozhi & Olena Dutchak & Myhailo Poplavskyi & Yuliia Rybinska & Nataliia Horbatiuk - 448-467 Introduction of Intercultural Communication Studies into the Curriculum of Pedagogical University
by Liudmyla Havrilova & Olena Beskorsa & Olena Ishutina & Halyna Kapnina & Yana Topolnyk - 468-478 Actualization of Distance Learning in Comparison with Traditional Forms of Education in Conditions of Quarantine Security Measures
by Oksana Filonenko & Natalia Maslova & Valentina Mirza-Sidenko & Olha Voloshina & Vitaliy Demchenko - 479-507 Inclusive Education in Ukraine and Romania: is it a Reflexive Spirituality or a Sign of Humanity of a Democratic Society?
by Larysa Platash & Anatolii Vykhrushch & Svitlana Myronova - 508-529 Modern State in Higher Education Internationalization at Global and Local Levels (by the Example of SSU, SNAU, SSPU. Ukraine)
by Andrij Chyrva & Оlena Statsenko & Тetiana Kyrychenko - 530-547 Research Paradigm as a Value Guideline for Professional Training of Future Social Workers
by Oksana Povidaichyk & Valentyna Pedorenko & Anastasiia Popova & Anastasiia Turgenieva & Yuliia Rybinska & Iryna Demchenko - 548-567 Philosophy of a Transdisciplinary Approach in Designing an Open Information and Educational Environment of Institutions of Higher Education
by Marina Rostoka & Andrii Guraliuk & Gennadii Cherevychnyi & Olha Vyhovska (Ð’Ñ‹Ð³Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ ) & Igor Poprotskyi & Nataliia Terentieva
July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 01-17 Online Learning in the Context of Pandemic in Russia
by Valentina A. Sushko & Gennadi B. Pronchev - 18-38 School Dropout and Early School Leaving in Romania: Tendencies and Risk Factors
by Simona Alexa & Elena-Loreni Baciu - 39-56 Professional Training of Masters of Technological Education in Pedagogical Higher Education Institute
by Serhii Yashchuk & Roman Gurevych & Liudmyla Gusak & Iryna Pronikova & Oksana Abramova & Nataliia Manoilenko - 57-77 Formation of Future Specialists’ Information Competence
by Ganna Plakhotniuk & Inna Liubchenko & Oleksandr Prokhorchuk & Olha Yuzyk & Anatolii Turchak & Olena Markova - 78-89 Key Skill Management in Operating Room – Results of ERASMUS+ project
by Jana Wichsova & Jana Skvrnakova - 90-109 Formation of a Developmental Environment of Professional Training of Future Music Teachers in the Ukrainian Educational Space
by Anna Bilozerska & Kateryna Kushnir & Tetiana Belinska & Tetiana Rastruba & Ninel Sizova - 110-131 Professional Training of Future Social Workers for R&D Activities
by Oksana Povidaichyk & Serhii Khomenko & Kateryna Volkova & Vira Korniat & Svitlana Cherneta & Lesia Martirosian - 132-146 Design Thinking in a Professional Nursing Course – Its Effectiveness and Unearthed Lessons
by Reynold Culimay Padagas - 147-166 Training Primary School Teachers to Organize Collective Forms of Work in Small Rural Schools
by Larysa Prysiazhniuk & Liudmyla Gusak & Viktoriia Prokopchuk & Liubov Prokopiv & Natalia Vyshnivska & Liudmyla Romanenko - 167-184 Psychological Semantic Parameters of Adolescents’ Conformism in the Measurement of Value Orientations
by Ihor Popovych & Olena Blyskun & Inesa Hulias & Vitalii Shcherbyna & Nataliia Batasheva & Mariia Aleksieieva & Tetiana Chala - 185-205 Andragogy: Theory and Practice of Adult Education Development in Ukraine
by Liudmyla Tymchuk & Nadiia Grytsyk & Vasyl Yahupov & Yaroslav Syvokhop & Tetiana Hrinchenko & Valentyna Svystun - 206-222 Analysis of the Intelligence Structure in Nursing Students
by Lubica Ilievova & Slavka Demuthova & Marta Vavrova & Nikoleta Poliakova - 223-242 Supporting Motivational Persistence in the Personality System in Early Academic Stages through Educational Strategies
by Cristina Maria Bostan & Constantin Ticu & Tina Vrabie & Tudor Stanciu & Razvan-Lucian Andronic - 243-267 Titlu Articol
by Olena Biletska & Tetiana Kuchai & Tetiana Kravtsova & Natalya Bidyuk & Vitaliy Tretko & Oleksandr Kuchai - 268-287 Organization of Foreign Languages Blended Learning in COVID-19 Conditions by Means of Mobile Applications
by Irina Bardus & Yuliia Herasymenko & Oleksii Nalyvaiko & Tetiana Rozumna & Yuliia Vaseiko & Valentyna Pozdniakova - 288-303 Innovative Training of Future Teachers of Higher Education Institutions in the Conditions of Distance Learning
by Viktoriia Meniailo & Yurii Shapran & Olha Shapran & Olena Serhiichuk & Yuliia Bahno & Olha Kanibolotska - 304-322 Psychosocial and Curricular Determinations of Intercultural Education Programs
by Claudiu Marian Bunaiasu & Alexandru Constantin Strunga & Aida Cornelia Stoian & Monica Tilea - 323-339 The Impact of Feedback on Students’ Autonomous ESP Learning Outcomes
by Natalia Yevheniivna Dmitrenko & Iuliia Oleksiivna Budas - 340-355 Development of the National Security Masters’ communicative language ability
by Olha V Lemeshko & Volodymyr V. Lemeshko & Natalia V. Kalyniuk & Oleh H. Trembovetskyi - 356-381 Assessment of the Educational Needs of Preschool Teacher Candidates as regards Teaching Practice
by Dervise Amca Toklu & Cigdem Hursen - 382-406 The Publicity of Education: Challenges of Modern Communication Strategies
by Lyudmila Vasylieva & Olga Procenko & Svitlana Chmykhun - 407-422 The Impact of Using Modern Fitness Techniques vs. the Traditional Ones on the Strength of the Lower Limbs in Adolescent Girls
by Nicoleta Leonte & Stefan Danut Tudorancea & Florentin Vasilescu - 423-441 Cycles of Training Sessions and Competitions of Youth Football Players
by Valerii Nikolaienko & Borys Maksymchuk & Ihor Donets & Pavlo Oksom & Nazarii Verbyn & Vadym Shemchuk & Iryna Maksymchuk - 442-465 Contributions Regarding the Development and Experimentation of a Specific Physical Training Model for Greco-Roman Junior Wrestlers
by Florentin Vasilescu & Leonte Nicoleta & Stefan Danut Tudorancea - 457-475 Preparing Future Officers for Performing Assigned Tasks through Special Physical Training
by Oleksandr Khatsaiuk & Mykhailo Medvid & Borys Maksymchuk & Oleksandr Kurok & Petro Dziuba & Valentyna Tyurina & Pavlo Chervonyi & Olena Yevdokimova & Mariana Levko & Iryna Demchenko & Nelia Maliar & Eduard Maliar & Iryna Maksymchuk - 476-497 Formation Of Skills To Visualize Of Future Physics Teacher: Results Of The Pedagogical Experiment
by Olena Semenikhina & Artem Yurchenko & Olga Udovychenko & Vira Petruk & Nataliia Borozenets & Kateryna Nekyslykh - 498-515 Reticence is not a Virtue in Aviation: Improving English Speaking Proficiency of Future Aviation Specialists
by Liudmyla Herasymenko & Svitlana Muravska & Maryna Lomakina & Nadiia Martynenko & Iuliia Mazurenko - 516-539 An environmental approach to developing and applying smart complexes of academic disciplines in professional training of future specialists
by Oleksandr Humennyi & Oleksandr Radkevych & Valentyna Radkevych - 540-558 Professional Physical Training of Future Border Guards
by Ivan Marionda & Lyudmila Romanishyna & Oleksandr Starchuk & YuriÑ– Lisnichenko & Oleh Maslii & Oleksandr Torichnyi & Svyatoslav Dyakov & Roman Nanivskyi & Alexander Galus & Vasyl Ollo & Serhii Sinkevych & Oleksandr Kapinus - 559-577 Gamification in Teaching and Learning Languages: A Systematic Literature Review
by Karwan Al-Dosakee & Fezile Ozdamli
March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 01-19 Examining Postgraduate Thesis Held with Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Turkey
by Mahide Ozcelik & Basak Baglama - 20-40 In the Search for the Golden Mean: Students` Satisfaction with Face-to-Face, Blended and Distance Learning
by Ruslan Valieiev & Yaroslav Pokaichuk & Andrii Zhbanchyk & Vasyl Polyvaniuk & Olena Nykyforova & Kyrylo Nedria - 41-53 Technical and Individual Factors Influencing Mobile Learning in China’s Higher Education during the Outbreak of Covid-19
by Sunze Yu & Jie Zhang - 54-70 Academic Service-Learning as a Factor for the Development of Autonomous Learning Skills at Universities
by Nataliya Mukan & Yuliana Lavrysh & Oresta Klontsak & Olena Mukan & Tetiana Horokhivska & Oleh Stechkevych - 71-80 An Appropriate Set of Skills for Limiting the Spread of Fake News
by Nicoleta Acomi & Luis Ochoa Siguencia & Ovidiu Acomi - 81-95 Introduction of Academic Honesty as a Necessary Prerequisite and an Important Component of Quality Education for Future Economists
by Viktoriia Zinchenko & Svitlana Ostapenko & Hannah Udovichenko - 96-113 Teachers' Perceptions and Attitudes Regarding ESL
by Luminita Mihaela Draghicescu & Iole Marcozzi & Ioana Stancescu - 114-132 Training Future Teachers to Organize the Educational Process in the Conditions of Inclusive Education
by Tetiana Sobchenko & Olha Bashkir & Violetta Panchenko & Natalia Smolianiuk & Olha Osova & Liudmyla Peretiaha - 133-143 The Relationship between Mental Readiness and Difficulty in Emotion Regulation of Amateur Football Players
by Ilimdar Yalcin & Gamze Yildirim Araz & Laurentiu-Gabriel Talaghir - 144-161 Training Bachelor of Tourism to the Profession in Terms of Multicultural Educational Space
by Galina Bohatyryova & Valentina Barabanova & Hannah Udovichenko - 162-167 General-Conceptual Aspects Regarding the Modernization of Motor Action Theory in Sport
by Veaceslav Manolachi & Nicolai Vizitei & Victor Manolachi - 168-187 Pedagogical Consolidation of Pupil-Athletes’ Knowledge of Humanities
by Maryna Komogorova & Borys Maksymchuk & Olena Bernatska & Svitlana Lukianchuk & Iryna Gerasymova & Olena Popova & Tetiana Matviichuk & Valeriy Solovyov & Nataliia Kalashnik & Hanna Davydenko & Olena Stoliarenko & Oksana Stoliarenko & Iryna Maksymchuk - 188-207 Risk Prevention as a Part of Professional Training of Future Physical Culture Teachers
by Andrii Kalenskyi & Natalia Kulalaieva & Larysa Dudikova & Valentyna Miroshnichenko - 208-233 The Establishment and Development of Professional Training for Preschool Teachers in Western European Countries
by Natalia Melnyk & Borys Maksymchuk & Roman Gurevych & Andrii Kalenskyi & Sofiia Dovbnya & Olga Groshovenko & Lesya Filonenko - 234-246 The Integration of New Technologies in the Geography Lessons
by Maria Goga & Danut Rosu - 247-261 Increasing Students’ Motivation for the Health-Preserving Activities
by Iryna Shcherbak & Liudmila Drozhyk & Yurii Boichuk & Tetiana Nizhevska & Ivan Prokopenko - 262-280 Using an Experience of the European Union to Form Future Preschool Teachers’ Ecological Competence
by Liudmyla Zahorodnia & Iryna Danylchenko & Tetiana Marieieva - 281-297 The Implementation of an Integrative Approach to Learning with the Use of Integrated Images
by Kateryna Akbash & Natalia Pasichnyk & Renat Rizhniak & Iryna Dolores Zavitrenko & Artem Zavitrenko - 298-323 Preparing of Future Specialists for Civic Education of Preschool Children
by Svetlana Yakimenko & Tatiana Filimonova & Ihor Shcherbak & Ivan Syladii & Iryna Sopivnyk & Ludmila Ishchenko - 324-348 Ethical Education of the Military: NATO Experience and Ukrainian Practice
by Iryna Sevruk & Yulia Sokolovska & Natalia Chuprinova & Vasyl Pylypenko - 349-372 Disciplinary Literacy Development in the ESP Context: Ukrainian case
by Iryna Liashenko & Liudmyla Bula - 373-397 Developing Teachers’ Inclusive Competence by Means of ICT in Postgraduate Education
by Yuriy Dmytrovych Boychuk & Olena Semenivna Kazachiner - 398-416 Soft Skills Development with University Students at English Lessons
by Ilona Kostikova & Liudmyla Holubnycha & Zoya Girich & Nataliia Movmyga - 417-430 Professional Mobility of the Manager of a Secondary Education Institution as the Basis of His or Her Self-Development
by Liubov Kravchenko & Nadiya Bilyk & Valentina Onipko & Tetiana Plachynda & Artem Zavitrenko - 431-446 Online Education during Pandemic: Sharenting vs. Children’s Right to their Own Image and Education
by Mirela Carmen Dobrila - 447-461 Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Valeology – the Constituents of the System of Preschool Education
by Nataliya Machynska & Svitlana Viktorivna Lozynska & Yuliya Yaroslavivna Dekach & Nataliya Mykolaivna Vinarchuk
May 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1Sup1
- 01-18 Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts through Collaboration - an Alternative Way to Facilitate the Social Integration of Students in Primary School
by Denisa Moldovan & Musata Bocos - 38-61 Integration of Virtual Reality in the Instructive-Educational Process in Primary Education
by Gabriel Cramariuc & Madalina-Andrada Dan - 62-77 Pedagogical Indoctrination in Romania. Perceptions of Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers
by Roxana Ghiatau & Florin-Vasile Frumos - 78-100 Challenges of Curriculum Planning and Achieving Learning Outcomes: A Case Study of Croatian Elementary School Teachers’ Experiences
by Renata Cepic & Petra Pejic Papak - 101-122 Interdisciplinary Learning for Pre-service Teachers
by Simona Laurian Fitzgerald & Carmen Popa & Carlton Fitzgerald & Adina Vesa - 123-136 On-site vs Online Teaching: Challenges and Coping Strategies
by Maria-Doina Schipor & Diana-Sinziana Duca - 137-161 The Developmental Needs and Aspirations of Teenagers, Premises for the Implementation of Programs Based on Experiential Learning
by Oana - Elena Negoita & Vasile Chis - 162-176 Study of the Experience of the Formation of Professional Competence in Future Managers of Physical Education and Sports
by Svitlana Kryshtanovych & Oksana Bilyk & Hanna Shayner & Olena Barabash & Viktoriia Bondarenko - 177-194 The Impact of Educational Policies in High Schools With a Sports Profile
by Mariana Ardelean & Nicolae Emilian Neagu & Dan Alexandru Szabo - 195-212 Training Future Specialists in Social and Pedagogical Fields for Gender Socialization of Socially Vulnerable Children
by Natalia Sultanova & Inna Rohalska-Yablonskaa & Hanna Korinna & Svitlana Bezushko - 213-234 Exploring Saudi Students’ Perceptions of National Exams: A Washback Study
by Ahmad Alsagoafi - 235-260 Students’ Multilevel Artistic and Pedagogical Communication Mastering
by Lidiia Ivanivna Lymarenko & Nataliia Hunko & Tetiana Kornisheva & Mykola Pichkur & Olena Shevtsova & Alina Chekhunina - 261-278 Practicum in Early Childhood Education: Student Teachers’ Perspective
by Daniela Maria Cretu - 279-298 Academic Literacy: The Analysis Of First-Year Ukrainian University Students’ Errors In Essay Writing
by Oksana Nikolenko & Maryna Rebenko & Natalia Doronina - 299-314 Test Anxiety and Student Resilience in the Context of School Assessment
by Otilia Clipa & Diana Sinziana Duca & Georgiana Padurariu - 315-335
by Inna Yerastova-Mykhalus & Alla Savytska - 336-348 Professional Motivation - a Teacher-Manager Side by Side Perspective
by Maria-Doina Schipor - 349-369 Behaviour of Economic Agents in Services Market (Educational Services)
by Galyna Nazarova & Mykhailo Bril & Inna Dybach & Alina Demianenko & Nikita Nazarov - 370-383 English Language Proficiency in the Hospitality Industry of Western Ukraine: Pedagogical Challenges and Promises
by Roman Poznanskyy & Donald Davis - 384-402 How to Tackle Bullying in School – Investigation Study
by Sirbu Ioana & Claudia Bacter - 403-415 Challenges of Deploying Online Exams
by Hamadah Alsadoon - 416-438 Formation of Professional Readyness of the Future Specialist
by Olha Humeniuk & Vasyl Humeniuk & Oksana Yefremova & Oksana Vasyuk & SergiÑ– Yashchuk & Nataliia Nahorna - 439-457 Fine Arts as a Means of Developing Creative Activity in Younger Adolescents
by Iraida Rudenko & Iryna Solomko & Elena Semenova & Olha Sova & Tеtiana Doroshenko - 458-474 Pre-service Primary School Teacher Efficacy to Implement the New Ukrainian School Reform
by Tamara Bondar & Olena Pinzenik & Oksana Fentsyk & Vasyl Kobal
December 2020, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 01-15 Finding the Connection between the Level of Empathy, Life Satisfaction and Their Inter-Sex Differences
by Dominika Doktorová & Jana Hubinská & Dominika Doktorová - 16-37 Experience in Developing Imaginative and Intonational Competencies in Future Music Teachers
by Olga Kozii & Viktoriia Ulianova & Olha Bilostotska & Oleksandra Kachmar & Nataliia Bakhmat & Viktoriia Prokopchuk & Oksana Komarovska - 38-52 Self-Improvement of Teachers of Physical Education at Various Stages of Professional Development
by Oksana S. Pavlyuk & Yevgen O. Pavlyuk & Oleksandr O. Soltyk & Tetyana V. Chopyk & Oleksandr V. Antoniuk - 53-71 Metacognitive Schemes as a Tool for Teaching English to Young Learners: Psychological Discourse
by Natalya Tokareva & Maryna Tsehelska - 72-86 Linguistic and Non-Linguistic University Students’ Attitude towards Error Correction in EFL Learning
by Svitlana Rostyslavivna Babushko & Liudmyla Serhiivna Solovei - 87-102 Students’ Perspectives on Academic Writing in European Higher Education (Based on 2019 Erasmus Teaching Experience in Slovak and Hungarian University)
by Olena Hundarenko - 103-117 The Peculiarities of Preparation of Masters for Teaching of the Pedagogical Disciplines in the Institutions of Higher Pedagogical Education
by Oktaviia Fizeshi - 118-136 Studying Innovation as the Factor in Professional Self-Development of Specialists in Physical Education and Sport
by Olha Palamarchuk & Roman Gurevych & Borys Maksymchuk & Irina Gerasymova & Oksana Fushtey & Nataliia Logutina & Nataliia Kalashnik & Anatolii Kylivnyk & Iryna Haba & Tetiana Matviichuk & Valeriy Solovyov & Iryna Maksymchuk - 137-155 Development of Pedagogical Creativity of Future Teachers of Primary School By Means of Innovative Education Technologies
by Margarita Andreevna Shkabarina & Khrystyna Verbytska & Valentyna Vitiuk & Vadym Shemchuk & Eduard Saleychuk - 156-171 Creative Pedagogical Development of Students Based on the Implementation of Didactic Games
by Roman Sergeevich Nagovitsyn & Elena Gennadievna Zamolotskikh & Ella Ivanovna Sokolnikova & Lyudmila Viktorovna Rybakova - 172-188 Family Influence on Leisure Time of Schoolchildren
by Jelena Petrović & Dragana Dimitrijević - 189-204 School-family Interaction in Forming Adolescents’ National Identity: the Ukrainian Pedagogical Experience
by Svitlana Fedorenko & Hanna Voronina & Kateryna Zhurba - 205-221 Urban/Rural Workplace – A Relevant Factor in Manifesting Intercultural Sensitivity
by Venera-Mihaela Cojocariu & Ioana Boghian - 222-239 Developing Business Skills in High School Students Using Project Activities
by Liliia Martynets & Nataliya Stepanchenko & Olena Ustymenko-Kosorich & Serhii Yashchuk & Iryna Yelisieieva & Olga Groshovenko & Oleksandr Torichnyi & Olena Zharovska & Maya Kademiya & Svitlana Buchatska & Liudmyla Matsuk & Olena Stoliarenko & Oksana Stoliarenko & Olena Zarichna - 240-267 Developing Competency in Local History in Future Teachers
by Oksana Volodymyrivna Braslavska & Inna Heorhiivna Rozhi & Vitalii Volodymyrovych Honcharuk & Valentyna Pliushch & Iryna Fedorivna Shumilova & Yuliia Silchenko - 268-288 Relationship between Professional Burnout of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine and Their Organizational, Professional and Socio-demographic Characteristics
by Tetiana Kyrian & Inna Nikolaesku & Nataliia Stepanova & Yuliia Nenko - 289-309 Developing the Competency of Future Physical Education Specialists in Professional Interaction in the Field of Social Communications
by Rymma Redchuk & Tetiana Doroshenko & Nataliia Havryliuk & Serhii Medynskii & Ruslana Soichuk & Oksana Petrenkо & Roman Pavelkiv & Petro Rybalko & Nelia Maliar & Eduard Maliar & Myroslava Chornodon & Vitalii Boretskyi - 310-327 Training Future Teachers to Organize School Sport
by Borys Maksymchuk & Roman Gurevych & Tetiana Matviichuk & Oleksii Surovov & Nataliya Stepanchenko & Nadiia Opushko & Andrii Sitovskyi & Eduard Kosynskyi & Antonina Bogdanyuk & Alina Vakoliuk & Valeriy Solovyov & Iryna Maksymchuk - 328-337 Specific Elements of Good Governance in Sport, as Important Factors in Ensuring the Management
by Liliana Budevici-Puiu & Victor Manolachi & Veaceslav Manolachi - 338-356 Assessment of Student’s Competence in Physical Education: Approaches and Methodology
by Iuliia Pavlova & Petro Petrytsa & Andrii Andres & Oksana Khurtenko & Nataliia Osip & Valeriy Yednak & Volodymyr Naumchuk & Iryna Mashtaler - 357-368 Future Military Pilots’ Professional Competence Formation
by Tetiana Plachynda & Roman Nevzorov & Liliya Baranovska & Pavlo Onypchenko & Ihor Bloshchynskyi & Oleksandr Didenko - 369-380 Women's Football within the Physical Education and Sports Hours
by Gheorghe Gabriel Cucui - 381-392 Guidelines and Best Practices in Managerial - Legislative - Sports Training in the Field of Physical Culture
by Liliana Budevici – Puiu - 393-410 Nursing Students’ Expectations of their Clinical Instructors: Practical Implications in Nursing Education
by Reynold Culimay Padagas