2019, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 76-83 Examining the Impact of Transformational Leadership on the Strategic Decisions Effectiveness of Jordanian Microfinance Companies
by Ahmad Nasser Abuzaid & Noor Al-Ma’aitah & Yazan Emnawer Al-Haraisa & Khalaf Ibrahim Al-Tarawneh - 84-88 The Role of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intentions of Accounting Professionals in Big 3 Auditing Firms in the Philippines with Moderating Effect of Leader-member Exchange
by Jerwin B. Tubay - 89-103 Internal Control System, Sustainable Management and Service Delivery of NGO’s in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis
by Abdulkadir Abdulrashid Rafindadi & Zakariyah Aliyu Olanrewaju
2019, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-12 Ownership and Governance of Malaysian Firms and Their Impact on Firm Performance. A Preliminary Study
by Ainon Ramli - 13-25 Factors Contributing to Consumers’ Assessment of Advertisement Value on Social Networking Sites: A Cross-Cultural Focus Group Study
by Hossam Deraz - 26-30 A Preliminary Study Toward Development of a Tool to Help Detect Accounting Improprieties in Japan
by Yasuo Uchida & Shinya Tagawa & Seigo Matsuno & Makoto Sakamoto - 31-35 The Effect of Absorptive Capability on Relationship between Total Quality Management and New Product Innovativeness of ISO 9001 International Quality Standard in the Industries Sector, Thailand
by Nirusa Sirivariskul - 36-43 The Impact of Knowledge Management Processes on Operational Performance as Mediated by IT Agility
by Nancy Abdal Wahab Al-Qatawneh & Samiah Jaber Al-Tarawneh & Nour Abdel Wahab Al-Qatawneh & Raid Mohd Al-Adaileh - 44-51 Interactions in Virtual Customer Environments (VCEs) toward Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A Study of Tourist Hotels in Sri Lanka
by Ishani Weerasinghe & B.N.F. Warnakulasooriya - 52-61 Green Products Strategy Impact Of Generic Porter Strategy On Company’s Performance
by Asep Rokhyadi Permana Saputra & Tulus Haryono & Wisnu Untoro - 62-71 The Impact of Decentralization Dimensions on Subsidiaries Performance
by Ahmad Saleem Tarwneh - 72-78 Risk Management of the Joint Partnership Pattern: Case Study of Shrimp Farming in Indonesia
by M. Yusuf S. Barusman & Indriati Agustina Gultom & Appin Purisky Redaputri - 79-89 The Effect of Career Training and Development on Job Satisfaction and its Implications for the Organizational Commitment of Regional Secretariat (SETDA) Employees of Jambi Provincial Government
by Mieke Rahayu & Fahmi Rasid & Hendy Tannady - 90-97 Effect of Brand Image, the Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction and Implications for Customer Loyalty PT Strait Liner Express in Jakarta
by Subaebasni Subaebasni & Henny Risnawaty & A.R. Arie Wicaksono - 98-103 Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance Shoes Industry in Tangerang Regency Banten Province
by Juanda Usman & Dede Nuary Sukmayuda & Sri Kurniawati - 104-108 Segmental Analysis of Employees’ Performance Reviewed from Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction (Empirical Study on Study Program Staff at Health Polytechnic, Tanjung Karang Lampung)
by Sri Indra Tri Gunarso & Anoesyirwan Moeins - 109-116 Intellectual Capital Disclosure by Listed Companies in Jordan: A Comparative Inter-sector Analysis
by Krayyem Al-Hajaya & Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh & Bayan Altarawneh - 117-122 Analysis on some Factors Influencing Employees Motivation and its Implication on Employees Performance in Packaging Company in Tangerang
by Dede Nuary Sukmayuda & Anoesyirwan Moeins & Yoyok Cahyono - 123-128 Islamic Human Resource Management, Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance: A Case Study on Sharia Bank in South Sumatera
by Muhammad Ichsan Hadjri & Badia Perizade & Taufiq Marwa & Agustina Hanafi - 129-136 The Effect of Environment Supports on Individual Creativity in Palestinian SMEs: Assessing the Mediating Role of General Self- Efficacy
by Raed A. M. Iriqat - 137-143 Determination Factors of Elderly Decision to Keep Continuing Work Activities in Palembang City
by Hendry Wijaya & Nurlina T. Muhyiddin & Bambang Bemby Soebyakto & Saadah Yuliana - 144-151 The Impact of Competition Intensity and Strategic Capabilities on Competitive Strategic Business Choices: The Case of Tunisian Manufacturing Industries
by Asma Zgarni & Gharbi Lamia
2018, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 1-7 Determinants of Customer Satisfaction And it’s Implication on Customer Loyalty of Budget Hotel in DKI Jakarta
by Achmad Mulyana & Sugeng Prayetno - 8-14 Determinants of Work Motivation and It's Implication on Performance of Permanent Lecturers of Private Universities with Accreditation Institution A in Kopertis Region III
by Wachyu Hari Haji - 15-23 Effect of Change in Management, Organizational Culture and Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance PT. AdhyaTirta Batam (PT. ATB)
by Hendrik Gomar Sinaga & Moch. Asmawi & R. Madhakomala & Adji Suratman - 24-31 Model of Leadership Style to Achieve Success of High Private Education Information System
by Muhammad Tajuddin Anwar - 32-40 Users’ Assessment of the Value of Advertisements on Social Networking Sites: A conceptual Study
by Hossam Deraz - 41-46 The Model of Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
by Marthina Berliana & Nahar Siregar & Huske Dwi Gustian - 47-52 Determinants of Employee Work Satisfaction
by Idris Idris & Saefudin Zuhri & Mohammad Efendi - 53-61 Financial Intermediation and Monetary Policy Effectiveness in Nigeria
by Okoro E.U. Okoro & Charles O. Manasseh & Felicia C. Abada & Williams A. Nzidee & Ambrose C. Okeke & Josaphat U.J. Onwumere - 62-66 Influence of Products, Premium Pricing, and Service processes On Customer Satisfaction of Pt Asuransi Jiwa Taspen 2014-2018 Period
by Kharis Kurnianto & Setyo Aji Nugroho & Jati Tri Priyambodo - 67-71 Effect of Leadership Style, Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance in PT. ABC Makassar
by Abdul Razak & Sarpan Sarpan & Ramlan Ramlan - 72-77 Determination of Work Motivation and its Implication on Employee Performance Secretariat of Kpu Se-Province Jambi
by Khairun A Roni & Anoesyirwan Moein & Nur Ika Effendi - 78-92 The Nexus between Types of Innovation and Marketing Performance of SME in an Emerging Economy
by Samuel Afriyie & Jianguo Duo & Kingsley Appiah & Abdul-Aziz Ibn Musah - 93-100 The Model of Turnover Intentions of Employees
by Alvia Santoni & Muhammad Nusjirwan Harahap - 101-106 The Impact of The Ship Spare Parts Supply Delays to The Cancelation of Ships Departure at Humolco Trans Inc Jakarta
by Bambang Sumali & April Gunawan & Larsen Barasa - 107-111 Interaction Between Fiscal Policy and Economic Fluctuation: A Case Study for Jordan
by Huthaifa Alqaralleh & Ahmad Al-Saraireh & Hassan Alamro
2018, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 1-8 The Role of Customer Value and Customer Pride as Variable Mediation on Customer Engagement Relationship with Corporate Image
by Hotman Panjaitan & Ana Komari - 9-17 The Main Role of Locus of Control and Professional Ethics on Lecturer’s Performance (Indonesian Lecturer Empirical Study)
by Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma & Rina Rina & Andi Hendra Syam - 18-23 Determination of Favourite Market for 3D-Printer Product Based Online Platform
by Yanti Pasmawati & Alva Edy Tontowi & Budi Hartono & Titis Wijayanto - 24-29 The Role of Leadership Style on Turnover Intention
by Ayman Mahmoud Maaitah - 30-42 Factors Affecting for Deposit Mobilization in Sri Lanka
by Helani Udara Gunasekara & Prasansha Kumari - 43-49 Determinants of Job Satisfaction and it’s Implication on Employee Performance of Port Enterprises in DKI Jakarta
by Larsen Barasa & April Gunawan & Bambang Sumali - 50-59 The Impacts of Social Media on National Security: A View from the Northern and South-Eastern Region of Nigeria
by Joshua Ebere Chukwuere & Chijioke Francis Onyebukwa - 60-69 Total Quality Management as the Key of the Company to Gain the Competitiveness, Performance Achievement and Consumer Satisfaction
by Ramlawati Ramlawati & Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma Putra - 70-78 A Method Proposal To Determine Cruise Port Identity
by Seyma Bayazit & Levent Kirval - 79-85 Experiential Marketing as a Basis for Modern Communications with Consumers
by Budovich Lidia Sergeevna
2018, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-6 Factors Affecting the Selection of an E-Commerce Website in Bangladesh: E-tailers’ Perspective
by Samira Sahel & Tasmia Anwar & Barnali Nandi - 7-13 Effects of Brand Love and Brand Equity on Repurchase Intentions of Young Consumers
by María Cristina Otero Gómez & Wilson Giraldo Pérez - 14-23 Determinant of Lecturers Work Satisfaction and Implication on Lecturers Performance at Maritime Higher Education in DKI Jakarta
by April Gunawan & Larsen Barsa & Hotman Tua - 24-31 Determinants Customer Satisfaction and Implications of Interest in Buying Repeated Types of Buyers in Food Vendors Street Vendors (PMKL) in Tangerang Selatan-Banten
by Rahayu Lestari & Lisa Amelia & Alvin Hizrian - 32-35 Consequent of the Human Resources Development and Job Satisfaction: Empirical Study on PT Bank BNI Medan
by Hendri Sembiring & Kiki Farida Ferine - 36-44 The Influence of Leadership and External Environment on Performance through Learning Organization, and the Influence towards Competitiveness through Performance of Institute of Economic Science in Java
by Budiyono Budiyono & Budiyanto Budiyanto & Suwitho Suwitho - 45-55 The Role of Transformational Leadership Behaviours’ Effects on Corporate Entrepreneurship Behaviours and Financial Performance of Firms
by Metin Ocak & Alperen Ozturk - 56-64 The Impact of Using Computer Applications Programs as a Tool in Accounting Education on the Performance of the Students of Financial Accounting Course
by Ahmad Saleem Tarawneh - 65-70 The Role of Work Motivation as Effect Intervening Variable of Intrinsic Reward, Supervision of Work and Satisfaction of Compensation on Employee Performance (A Sudy at Cooperatives in the City of Pekalongan)
by Singgih Setiawan & Sulistiyani Sutarlan & Nurchayati Sumarno - 71-76 Mobile Social Networking Role in Reconstruction and the Formation of Cultural Identity - Religion of Members
by Younes Forouzan & Mohammad Hadi Homayoun & Seyyed Mohammad Mahdi Zadeh & Mahmoud Shahabi
2018, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-5 Investigating the Impact of Strategic Flexibility on Organizational Innovation
by Raheleh Ghorban-Bakhsh & Kanani Gholipour-Kanani - 6-13 The Impact of Values-based Leadership on Ethical Loyalty in Saudi Arabian Health Organizations
by Mohammed Ali Yousef Yamin & Mohamed Sultan Mahasneh - 14-18 Marketing Efficiency of Economically Important Marine Fish in Malang Regency of East Java, Indonesia
by Zainal Abidin - 19-25 The Ability of Computerized Accounting Information Systems in Saudi Public Universities to Face Cyber Threats
by Feras Izzat Oqlah Kasasbeh & Nawaf Samah M. Thuneibat - 26-31 The Impact of Islamic Banks on Financial Soundness Indicators
by Suleiman Abid A. Almayatah - 32-35 Factors Influencing the Use of E-Management from Manager’s Perspective: An Applied Study in Saudi Communication Sector
by Abdulah M. Aseri - 36-44 Determinant of Employee Engagement and Its Implications on Employee Performance
by Meswantri Meswantri & Awaludin Ilyas - 45-50 Determinants of Competitive Advantage and Institution Image
by Noor Sembiring - 51-58 Product Quality, Brand Image and Pricing to Improve Satisfaction Impact on Customer Loyalty
by Tubagus Agus Khoironi & Hidayat Syah & Parlindungan Dongoran - 59-68 Influence of Framing Information and Disposition Effect in Decision of Investment: Experimental Study on Investor Behavior at Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative on Denpasar, Bali
by Ica Rika Candraningrat & Ubud Salim & Nur Khusniyah Indrawati & Kusuma Ratnawati - 69-74 Efficient Equipment Management for Biomedical Engineering Department in the Hospital
by M. Aruna & Uma Gunasilan & Sadia Naeem - 75-80 The Effects of Person-Job Fit on Employee Engagement Among Lecturers in Higher Education Institutions: Is There a Difference Between Lecturers in Public and Private Higher Education Institutions?
by Sulistiowati Sulistiowati & Nurul Komari & Endang Dhamayanti - 81-89 Influence of Green Economic Development through Local Wisdom, Economic Potential, and Role of Dairy Cooperative in Pasuruan
by Bambang Sutikno & Abdul Hakim & Jati Batoro & Harsuko Riniwati
2018, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-8 Responsible Business Model: A Corporate Social Responsibilitiy Aprproach to Business Model
by Manouchehr Ansari & Masoumeh Javaherian - 9-11 The Impact of Brand Personality on Brand Preference: A Study on Personal Care Products
by Sumudu Namali Munasinghe - 12-21 Impact of the Social Demonstrance of Luxury Brands on Brand Engagement Behaviors: Role of Consumer-brand Identification
by Mariam Abuzar Wyne & Faheem Ahmad Khan & Khurram Shafi - 22-32 The Influence of Capability Managerial on Competitiveness of the Company through the Planning Strategy, Investment, Innovation and Performance of the Company (a Study on Corporate Manufacturing Industry Group B Medium Sized Territory Gerbang Kertosusila
by Tedjo Soelaksono & Achmad Sudiro & Mintarti Rahayu & Sudjatno Sudjatno - 33-39 The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Thailand
by Sid Suntrayuth - 40-48 Determinant Factors of Synchronization of Budget Documents of Regional Income and Expenditure with Local Government Work Plans Documents in Central Lombok Government Fiscal Year 2017
by Chandra Rukmi Saraswati & Ni Ketut Surasni & Prayitno Basuki - 49-52 Purchase Decision Model
by Andriasan Sudarso & Lili Suryati - 53-62 International Competitiveness in Services in Some Middle East and North Africa Countries Using Gravity Model
by Ahmad A. Al-Majali & Radi M. Adayleh - 63-68 An Application of Adobe Illustrator for a Two-dimensional Surface Food Packaging Design: A Pilot Data Visual Design Elements Analysis
by Raja Intan Suhaylah & Azman Bidin & Lim Yan Peng - 69-73 The Impact of Accounting Information Systems on Organizational Performance: The Context of Saudi’s SMEs
by Rehab U. Trabulsi - 74-80 Corporate Governance Compliance Model: The Extent to Which Financial Institutions have Complied with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Corporate Governance Guideline No. 01-2004/BSD of 2004
by Wilford Mawanza & Tinevimbo Chokuda Santu & Sibonile Mdlongwa - 81-89 Determinants of Customer’s Equity: An Empirical Studies on BPRS Customers in Ex Banyumas Residency Central Java
by Abdullah Muksin & Ruwaida Ruwaida & Zainal Arifin & Aniza Nur Madyanti & Safri Safri - 90-95 Improving Performance of Karawang Civil Servant (ASN) West Java Province
by Budi Rismayadi & Mumun Maemunah - 96-101 The Meanings of “Good Service Quality”: Insights from a Private University Brand in the Kingdom of Bahrain
by Mahmood A. Husain Mahmood & Eric E. Mang'unyi - 102-108 Individual Factors Affecting Research misconduct in Iranian Higher Education System
by Heydar Choupani & Sayyed Ali Siadat & Saeed Rajaeepour - 109-117 The Role of Justice in Achieving Long-term Buyer-Supplier Relationship: The Case of Jordanian Manufacturing Sector
by Noor Al-Ma'aitah - 118-130 The Effect of The Organizational Citizenship and Cynicism Behaviors on The Management of Hierarchical Conflicts
by Hakan Yýlmaz & Hüner Þžencan - 131-135 The Study of Strategic Flexibility Effect on Knowledge
by Raheleh Ghorban-Bakhsh & Yousef Gholipour-Kanani
2018, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-8 After The Recent US Airline Mergers, Did Domestic Airfares Increase?
by Samuel D. Barrows - 9-12 Can Entrepreneurship Be Measured?
by Ziad R. Alshaik - 13-18 Impact of Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intention and Brand Loyalty: Evidence from Indonesia’s Banking Industry
by Patria Laksamana - 19-27 The Influence of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation to Competitive Advantage through Business Innovation: Study on Batik Trusmi Cirebon West Java Province Indonesia
by Suharto Suharto & Iwan Kurniawan Subagja - 28-35 Relation between Total Quality Management Practices and Business Excellence: Evidence from Private Service Firms in Jordan
by Ghazi A. Samawi & Bandar K Abu-Tayeh & Fathi Yosef & Metri Madanat & Manar I. Al-Qatawneh - 36-44 Can the Unconscious Mind be Persuaded? An Overview with Marketing Implications
by Nittaya Wongtada - 45-54 Does Finance – Led Growth Hypothesis Hold in Jordanian Economy? An Empirical Analysis
by Radi M. Adayleh - 55-57 Model of Consumer Decision Making: An Empirical Study at Credit Card Customer In Jakarta
by Nandan Limakrisna - 58-63 Collectivism: Interpreting the Perception of the Appearance of Health Service Retribution in Community Health Center in Central Lombok Regency
by Dewi Masdiani & Endar Pituringsih & I. Nyoman Nugraha Ardana Putra - 64-67 Inhibiting Factors of Inventory Management: Study on Food and Beverage Micro Small And Medium Enterprises
by Widyastuti Widyastuti & Nadia Asandimitra & Yessy Artanti - 68-72 Study of Factors Affecting Disability and Job Stress in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
by Abdolali Keshtegar & Behroz Rezaei & Maryam Jalili & Mohammad Ali Sarhadinasb & Tayebeh Fani - 73-78 Investigation of Relation between Tax Laws and Regulations and Tax Evasion
by Mehrdad Ganbari & Zahra Nouri & Mahnaz Mahdavi & Mahin Absalan Nezhad & Zahra Azizi & Akhtar Derikvand Moghadam - 79-85 Store Image, Service Quality, and Familiarity on Purchase Intention of Private Label Brand In Indonesia
by Surachman Surjaatmadja & Daruendra Purnawan - 86-92 The Effect of Ethical Sensitivity on Ethical Decision Making With Religiosity as Moderating Variable
by Muslichah Muslichah & Wiyarni Wiyarni & Evi Maria - 93-97 Comparison of Management Information System (MIS) and Decision Support System (DSS) and its role in the decision-making process of managers of Economic Affairs and Finance of Zahedan
by Abdolali Keshtegar & Nadia Vakili - 98-106 Fiscal Illusion and Defining Factors of Capital Expenditure (Study on Undeveloped Areas in West Nusa Tenggara)
by Riana Meilya & Akram Akram & Titiek Herwanti - 107-114 The Effect of Service Quality And Relationship Marketing Towards Customer Loyalty for Sharia Banking (Sharia Banking Study in Makassar Indonesia)
by Muhammad Ridwan Basalamah & Moeljadi Moeljadi & Sunaryo Sunaryo & Sudjatno Sudjatno - 115-118 The Research of Customer Switching Behavior at Some Leasing Companies
by Willy Arafah & Thoby Mutis - 119-125 Crowding Out Effect of Public Borrowing: The Case of Jordan
by Ahmad A. Al-Majali - 126-135 Investigating the factors affecting the use of financial information in managerial decision-making in governmental organizations
by Mortaza Ghabdian & Yosef Ramezani
2017, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 1-8 Researches Benchmarking for Identifying the Relationship between Innovation and Entrepreneurship in E-commerce
by Amir Ali Alahverdi - 9-16 The Influence of Leadership and Organizational Support on Community Commitment and City Image of Bandung
by Juanim Juanim & Ina Ratnamiasih - 17-22 Evaluation of Strategic Management Components in the Universities of Iran with Internationalization Approach
by Behrooz Gharavi - 23-27 Analysis of Indonesian Crab Export Competitiveness in International Market
by Harsuko Riniwati & Nuddin Harahab & T. Yohana Carla - 28-41 Evaluating the Implementation of Marine and Fisheries Technopark in Tegal, Indonesia Using Project Cycle Management
by Ady Sabana & Helgi Kristinarson Gestsson - 42-50 Analysis Effective Political Factors on Encouraging Investors to Facilitate Performance Investment Encouraging Policy in Municipality
by Manoucher Joybar & Akbar Etebarian & Saeed Karimzadeh Daee - 51-62 The Synergistic Impact of Social Media and Traditional Media on Purchase Decisions: The Mediating Role of Brand Loyalty
by Saeed M.Z.A. Tarabieh - 63-69 With Increased Market Power, Do Aircraft Industry Stock Returns Beat Global Market?
by Samuel D. Barrows - 70-76 Comparative Analysis: The Effect of Macro and Micro Environment on Marketing Strategy and Marketing Performance of Small Medium Enterprises (Survey on Group of Small Medium Enterprises of Food and Non-Food Products in Cianjur Regency, West Java, Indonesia
by R. Abdul Maqin & Nevi Hendri - 77-84 Financial Ratio to Predicting the Growth Income (Case Study: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2012 to 2016)
by Edi Suswardji Nugroho & Dian Hakip Nurdiansyah & Nita Erviana - 85-92 The Level of IT-business Strategic Alignment and Its Impact on Organizational Excellence: A Study of the Jordanian Mining Sector
by Raid Mohd Al-adaileh - 93-97 Analyzing the Role of Workaholism in Predicting the Human Workforce Effectiveness in Agriculture Banks from Sistan and Baluchistan Province
by Mohammad Mostafa Dahmardeh & Ahmad Sanadgol & Hashem Tavakoli & Hamid Tajdar & Kazem Agoshi - 98-104 Review Creativity Department of Education Staff and Its Relation to Quality of Work Life
by Mohammad Ghasemi & Mohammad Reza Ganji & Mehdi Fotohi & Mosa Faghihi Nik & Rohoallah Ghofran Solor - 105-112 The Role of Relationship Marketing, and Satisfaction As Variable Mediation: Study at Bank BPR UMKM East Java in Surabaya
by Hotman Panjaitan & Nur Laely - 113-123 The Mediating Role of Social Capital in Islamic Work Ethic, Organizational Commitment, and Lecturer’s Performance
by Pardiman Pardiman & Achmad Sudiro & Eka Afnan Troena & Ainur Rofiq - 124-130 Investigation and Selection of Overseas Suppliers with Emphasis on Risk Indicators in Iran
by Ehsan Ajamhasani & Vahid Sanavi Garousianb - 131-139 The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Economic Growth, Unemployment and Productivity: The Case of Jordan
by Hassan Alamro - 140-152 Identifying Factors to Measure Managerial and Leadership Competence of Business School Educated Managers
by Ahmed Shaikh & Christo A. Bisschoff & Christoff J. Botha - 153-163 The Effect of Relationship Marketing Orientation on Brand Equity (Case Study: Privileged Branches of Sepah Bank in Tehran)
by Nasim Khoshbahar Azar & Hormoz Mehrani - 164-170 The Effect of Perceived Value, Perceived Risk, and Price on Customers Buying Intention (Case Study: Employees of Presov Electronics Company)
by Abdollah Naami & Zahra Rahimi & Parisa Ghandvar - 171-177 Technical Innovation Model in Improving Marketing Performance
by Sulistiyani Sutarlan
2017, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-5 The Communication Skill on the Performance of Internal Auditors in Thailand Public Limited Company
by Sutana Narkchai & Faudziah Hanim Binti Fadzil - 6-16 Perceptions of Managers’ Appraisal Process and their Relation to Employees Performance in a non-Western Culture: Evidence from Jordan
by Mohammad Qwiader Alamro & Mohammed Yasin Ghadi & Aymn Sulieman Al-Qatawenh & Ayesha Farooq - 17-25 Relationship Between Flexible Organizational Culture and Innovation Capabilities: The Moderating Effect of Rigid Organizational Culture
by Marco Alberto Núñez Ramírez & Roger Alejandro Banegas Rivero & Altayra Geraldine Ozuna Beltrán & Rosalva Irma Castro Álvarez & Valeria Carolina León Ramírez - 26-33 Purchase Behavior of Rare Products: The Case of Vespa in Indonesia
by Umbas Krisnanto - 34-41 Company Performance Analysis: Leadership Style, Corporate Culture and Human Resource Development
by Djoko Setyo Widodo & P. Eddy Sanusi Silitonga - 42-48 Effect of Psychological Well-Being and Mental Health on the Student’s Educational Achievement with the Mediating Role of Resiliency
by Ali Khaleghkhah - 49-54 Designing and Developing the Comprehensive Monitoring of Public Policies Adopted by Islamic Consultative Assembly with the Emphasis on the Field of Economic Affairs
by Omid Karimian & Davoud Hosseinpour & Fattah Sharif Zadeh & Roohallah Noori - 55-60 Determining the Role of Socio-cultural Factors in Women’s Inclination toward Beauty (Case Study: Tehran)
by Amirreza Naghsh & Nazila Vafakhah - 61-66 Knowledge Management as an Aspect of the Intellectual Capital Management
by Liubov Pshenychna & Olha Skyba - 67-73 Introduction to Cultural Entrepreneurship: Cultural Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
by Mohamad Taghi Toghraee & Mahsa Monjezi - 74-82 Moderation of Personal Relations on Sustainable Competitive Advantages, Customer Relationship Management, and Marketing Performance: Study on small scale business of Leather Products Marketers in East Java
by Feliks Anggia & Ubud Salim & Sunaryo Sunaryo & Solimun Solimun - 83-90 The Impact of Organizational Culture on Creativity: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Management (Case Study: Medical Sciences and Health Services University in Bushehr)
by Parvaneh Rastgoo - 91-98 Examining the Effects of Financial and Nonfinancial Indices on Function of Social Security Organization
by Amir Hosseinzadeh & Behzad Davari - 99-107 The Effect of Leverage and Liquidity Ratios on Earnings Management and Capital of Banks Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
by Abdolkarim Moghaddam & Narges Abbaspour - 108-115 The Availability of Infrastructure in Townships: Is there Hope for Township Businesses?
by Michael C. Cant - 116-121 The Intermediate Role of Brand Loyalty in the Relationship between Consumer Value and Purchase Intention (Case Study: Consumers of SNOWA Household Appliances in Kermanshah City)
by Mehrdad Ghanbari & Mehdi Yasemi & Ehsan Abasi - 122-130 Product Advantage, Customer Relationship Marketing, and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of Bank Syariah Mandiri in Surabaya
by Hotman Panjaitan & Djunaedi Djunaedi - 131-137 Net Working Capital and Firm Growth
by Alaa Adden A. Abuhommous - 138-146 Investigating the impact of consumer trust on loyalty and purchase intention of food store brands: Case study: Palladium shopping mall in Tehran
by Mahsa Hosseini & Hosseini Norouzi - 147-155 Identification of Organizational Factors Affecting the Deployment of E-learning System in Islamic Azad University Tehran Medical Sciences Branch
by Golnoosh Mirsaidi & Mohammad Naghi Imani & Fattah Nazem - 156-162 The Factors Influence to Competitive Performance of Small Firms Using the Internet in Northeastern Thailand
by Surasak Wonginchan & Baupun Promphakping - 171-179 Development Model and Small Medium Industry Strategy in Gerbang Kertosusilo Indonesia
by Bambang Suratman & Yoyok Soesatyo & Raya Sulistyowati & Waspodo Tjipto Subroto - 180-185 Medical Tourism and Its Role in Marketing Jordan Abroad
by Mohammad Nayef Alsarayreh & Kafa Hmoud Abdallah Al Nawaiseh & Mohammad Sultan Majed Mahasneh & Mohammed Abdul Razzaq Abu Rumman - 186-190 Reviewing the Factors Influencing New Policy Petrochemical Plants Over the Last Decade (Case Study: Petrochemical Special Economic Zone of Mahshahr)
by Salamatahvazi Maryam - 191-200 Leadership Styles, Organisation Culture, and Employee Performance
by Krishna Kistan Govender - 201-207 Study the Effect of Ethical Principles on Job Commitment and Employees’ Satisfaction
by Ahmad Reza Pourmofrad & Moghaddaseh Mohammadian
2017, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-16 The Impact of Social Websites Over Jordanian Students’ Intentions of Active Political Participation: An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior
by Samer M. Al-Mohammad - 17-24 Examining the Link between Spiritual Values at Work, Learning Orientation, Human Resources Practices and Organizational Health: An Indonesia Case Study
by Ikhwan & Achmad Sudiro & Noermijati & Mintarti Rahayu - 25-34 Halal Tourism Industry in Indonesia: Potential and Prospects
by Aan Jaelani - 35-41 Could Profitability, Activity and Use of Equity Finance Increasing DuPont Model of Return on Equity? Jordanian Case
by Lina Hani Warrad & Mahmoud Nassar - 42-49 Restaurant Quality and Customer Satisfaction
by Bader M. A. Almohaimmeed - 50-60 The Roles of Strategic Planning in Organizational Crisis Management: The Case of Jordanian Banking Sector
by Hasan Yousef Aljuhmani & Okechukwu Lawrence Emeagwali - 61-71 Compiling a Model to Foster Organizational Leaders According to Data-base Theory in Oil Company
by Majid Arash & Hamid Rahimian & Abbas Abbaspour & Ali Delavar - 72-76 An Analysis of the Management Problem of Working Practices of Industry in Vocational High School
by Iswal Muhammad Burhan & Arifin Ahmad & Mahmud Alimuddin - 77-85 Relation among Processes of Human Resources and Obtaining the Organizational Axial Capability with Intermediation Role of Knowledge Management Based on Modeling Structural Equations (Case Study: Khuzestan General Directorate of Ports and Maritime - Special Economic Zone of the Imam Khomeini Port)
by Mohammad Nazarpour & Zahra Bostan Shirin - 86-92 Human Resource Management, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Performance: Development, Test and Correction of the Causal Model
by Shahram Nasiri - 93-104 A Parallel of Patient Proactivity Behaviours and Attitudes between the Republic of South Africa and the United States of America
by Christo Bisschoff & Sam Fullerton - 105-112 A Critical Study of Cost Approaches in the Accounting Thought: Conceptual Study
by Adeeb Abdulwahab Al-Hebry & Ebrahim Mohammed Al-Matari - 113-120 Work Values Fit and Subjective Career Success: The Moderating Role of Work Engagement
by Sevgi Elmas-Atay - 121-125 Total Quality Management Tools: Are they Necessary for Improving Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction?
by Tasneem F. Alfalah - 126-133 The Influence of Real-time Marketing Campaigns of Retailers on Consumer Purchase Behavior
by Safura M. Kallier - 134-137 Evolution of Management Theory within 20 Century: A Systemic Overview of Paradigm Shifts in Management
by Sasan Torabzadeh Khorasani & Maryam Almasifard - 138-142 Investigating the Impact of Talent Management on the Retention of Human Resources: A Study in Zahedan Municipality
by Zohreh Kohestany & Nour Mohammad Yaghoubi - 143-149 Exploring the African Immigrant Entrepreneurship - Job Creation Nexus: A South African Case Study
by Bernard Lama Ngota & Sookdhev Rajkaran & Sanjay Balkaran & Eric E Mang’unyi - 150-155 The Relationship Between Strategic Knowledge Management and Organizational Innovation (Case Study: Bushehr’s Medical Sciences University and Health Care Center)
by Parvaneh Rastgoo - 156-164 Validating the Healthy School Conceptual Model with an Emphasis on Organizational Health Dimension using Structural Equation Modelling
by Hamid Rahimian & Abbas Abbaspour & Mohammadreza Mehrgan & Fereshte Hedayati - 165-170 Study of Effective Relationship Marketing on Service Quality Provided and Loyalty Customers (Case Study: Tehran Shahrvand Chain Stores)
by Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand & Ali Kazemi & Nazanin Sadat Fatehi - 171-178 Communication Satisfaction among Academic Staff in Malaysian Public Universities
by Aysha Sadia & Berhannudin Mohd Salleh & Zulida Abdul Kadir & Sazuliana Sanif - 179-187 The Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning System within Jordanian Industrial Sector
by Mahmoud Nassar & Lina Warrad & Yousef Abu Siam - 188-195 Evaluation of the Performance of Bushehr’s Medical Sciences University and Health Service Center Based on the Organizational Excellence Model of Europe’s Quality Management Foundation
by Parvaneh Rastgoo - 196-205 Studying the Relationship between Talent Management and Workforce Productivity in Governmental Organizations of Bam City
by Mehdi Jazini Zadeh & Yousuf Ahmadi - 206-212 Analysis on Economic Factors Affecting Corporate Social Responsibility in Private Organizations; Case Study: Private Organizations in West Azerbaijan Province
by Mahrokh Lotfollahi Haghi & Mehraban Hadi Peikani & Akbar Etebarian - 213-219 The Effect of Pre-bankruptcy Financial Distress on Earnings Management Tools
by Sara Hassanpour & Mehdi Nazemi Ardakani - 220-226 The Mediating Role of the Entrepreneurial Intention in the Relationship between Critical Thinking and Employee Productivity Telecommunication Company of Isfahan
by Nooshin Rezaei & Mehraban Hadi Peykani - 227-232 The Role of Leadership Styles In Building and Sustaining Corporate Reputation - Empirical Investigation on Islamic Banks in Jordan
by Tasneem F. Alfalah - 233-237 Investigating Critical Success Factors of Brand Loyalty: A Meta-data Analysis Approach
by Syahida Abd Aziz & Muhammad Shahar Jusoh & Mohammad Harith Amlus - 238-245 The Influence of Perceived Cultural and Business Distance on International Marketing Strategy Decisions; A Case Study of Telkom Indonesia International
by Carla Hapsari & Jol Stoffers & Agus Gunawan - 246-256 Development of Economics Learning, Problematics, and Student Economics Literacy
by Novi Trisnawati & Ruri Nurul Aeni Wulandari & Yoyok Soesatyo & Albrian Fiky Prakoso
2017, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-9 What Attract Gen Y to Stay in Organization? HR Practices, Organizational Support or Leadership Style
by Siti Zubaidah Othman & Syahrulniza Anak Lembang - 10-16 The Effects of R&D Researchers’ Quality Management System Application on their Work Performance in Korea
by Seung-Hwan Jang - 17-21 The Effect of Career Development, Perception of Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction on Teacher’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior
by Forry A. Naway & Ikhfan Haris - 22-26 The Predictors of Career Success
by Adel Ali Yassin Alzyoud - 27-34 Exploring Internal and Environmental Moderators of Entrepreneurial Orientation - Performance Relationship in Bulgarian Enterprises
by Tsvetan Davidkov & Desislava I. Yordanova - 35-42 Governance Improvement Post E-government Adoption: A Case of Jordanian Public Entities
by Ahnaf Ali Al-smady - 43-48 The Features of Management of Innovation Risks at Pre-investment Stage of the Project in Modern Economic Realities
by Valentina Zozulya & Olga Romanchenko & Andrey Zuykov & Inga Zozulya - 49-52 Employee Disengagement: A Fatal Consequence to Organization and its Ameliorative Measures
by Zafrul Allam - 53-59 Information Technology in Audit Processes: An Empirical Evidence from Malaysian Audit Firms
by Mazlina Mustapha & Soh Jin Lai - 60-66 Banks Performance and Impact of Market Orientation Strategy: Do Employee Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty Augment this Relationship?
by Hamada Fawzy Thabet Abuzid & Muzaffar Abbas - 67-70 Examining the Relationship between Supply Chain Relationships and Practice of Distributors (Case Study: NoshinCo)
by Hassan Mehrmanesh & Seyed Rahim Safavi Mirmahalleh