June 2020, Volume 19, Issue 02
- 1-28 Knowledge Management for Climate Change Adaptation to Enhance Urban Agriculture Among Selected Organisations in Zimbabwe
by Collence Takaingenhamo Chisita & Madeleine Fombad - 1-32 Information Literacy Skills of Graduate Students: A Case of the Master’s of Information Studies Program in Kuwait
by Charlene L. Al-Qallaf - 1-33 Knowledge Management Evaluation in British Higher Education Partnerships
by Christopher Bamber & Enis Elezi
March 2020, Volume 19, Issue 01
- 1-11 Efficient Implicit Content-based Image Re-ranking Approach
by Saed Alqaraleh & Omar Ramadan - 1-12 Forecasting the Growth of Structures from NMR and X-Ray Crystallography Experiments Released Per Year
by Kamal Al Nasr & Qasem Abu Al-Haija - 1-12 Road-Type Classification through Deep Learning Networks Fine-Tuning
by Yaser Saleh & Nesreen Otoum - 1-13 A New Optimization on Harmony Search Algorithm for Exam Timetabling System
by Khaled Alomari & Osama Almarashdi & Ala Marashdh & Belal Zaqaibeh - 1-13 Fast Computation of Polynomial Data Points Over Simplicial Face Values
by Tareq Hamadneh & Hassan Al-Zoubi & Saleh Ali Alomari - 1-13 A Dimension Reduction Method Application to a Political Science Question: Using Exploratory Factor Analysis to Generate the Dimensionality of Political Ideology in the Arab World
by Malek Abduljaber - 1-13 New Problem Transformation Method Based on the Local Positive Pairwise Dependencies Among Labels
by Mo’ath Alluwaici & Ahmad Kadri Junoh & Raed Alazaidah - 1-15 A New Automated Forms Generation Algorithm for Online Assessment
by Hussein Albazar - 1-15 Practical Challenges and Recommendations of Filter Methods for Feature Selection
by Mohammed Rajab & Dennis Wang - 1-16 Data Imbalance in Autism Pre-Diagnosis Classification Systems: An Experimental Study
by Neda Abdelhamid & Arun Padmavathy & David Peebles & Fadi Thabtah & Daymond Goulder-Horobin - 1-16 Technology-Enabled Learning (TEL): YouTube as a Ubiquitous Learning Aid
by Mohamed Ahmed Mady & Said Baadel - 1-16 Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Data
by Firuz Kamalov & Ho Hon Leung - 1-16 The Impact of Green Supply Chain Management on Firm’s Performance
by Sara Jassim & Muneer Al-Mubarak & Allam Hamdan - 1-17 Classification and Association Rule Mining Technique for Predicting Chronic Kidney Disease
by Ahmad Alaiad & Hassan Najadat & Belal Mohsen & Khaled Balhaf - 1-17 Mediating Effect of Tax Management on the Relationship Between Board of Directors Characteristics and Firm Performance
by Nidal Zaqeeba & Takiah Mohd Iskandar - 1-19 Integration of Data Envelopment Analysis and Clustering Methods
by Hassan Najadat & Ahmad Alaiad & Sanaa Abu Alasal & Ghadeer Anwar Mrayyan & Izzat Alsmadi - 1-20 Algorithmic Identification of the Best WLAN Protocol and Network Architecture for Internet-Based Applications
by Ali Mohd Ali & Mahmoud Dhimish & Malek M. Alsmadi & Peter Mather - 1-20 Requirements Engineering in Cloud and Service-Oriented Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study
by Samah Ridha & Mali Senapathi - 1-22 Network Thinking — A Novel Strategic View for Success in Organisational Networks
by Ameera Abul & Ammar Al-Dallal - 1-22 The Propensity to Use FinTech: Input from Bankers in the Kingdom of Bahrain
by Anjum Razzaque & Richard Thomas Cummings & Magdalena Karolak & Allam Hamdan - 1-23 Social Media Enhances Consumer Behaviour During e-Transactions: An Empirical Evidence from Bahrain
by Dalal Saad ALShaer & Allam Hamdan & Anjum Razzaque
May 2020, Volume 19, Issue 01
- 1-2 Preface
by Fadi Thabtah
April 2020, Volume 19, Issue 01
- 1-11 Investigating the Effects of Social Media on Higher Education with a Case Study
by Mamoun Masoud Abdulqader & Yousof Zohair Almunsour - 1-13 A Comparison of Resampling Techniques for Medical Data Using Machine Learning
by Fahad Alahmari - 1-13 Validating Service Quality (SERVQUAL) in Healthcare: Measuring Patient Satisfaction Using their Perceptions in Jordan
by Mohammed Shaker Ibrahim - 1-13 Application of Support Vector Machine for Arabic Sentiment Classification Using Twitter-Based Dataset
by Sarah N. Alyami & Sunday O. Olatunji - 1-18 A Data Analysis Investigation of Smart Phone and Social Media Use by Syrian Refugees
by Marwa Ahmad
January 2020, Volume 18, Issue 04
- 1-14 Effective Knowledge Transfer and Behavioural Change in a Training Environment
by Amy Rosellini - 1-23 Determinants of User Acceptance of Electronic-HRM through the Extension of UTAUT Model via the Structural Equation Modelling Approach
by Mohammed Iqbal Al-Ajlouni & Sahem Nawafleh & Hiba Alsari & Mohammad Nassar Almarshad & Rami Tbaishat - 1-25 Use-Oriented Information and Knowledge Management: Information Production and Use Practices as an Element of the Value and Impact of Information
by Isto Huvila - 1-27 Evaluation of Research Trends in Knowledge Management: A Hybrid Analysis through Burst Detection and Text Clustering
by Babak Sohrabi & Iman Raeesi Vanani & Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali & Ehsan Abedin - 1-28 A Narrative Review of Storing and Querying XML Documents Using Relational Database
by Amjad Qtaish & Mohammad T. Alshammari - 1-29 Malware Detection Using Optimized Activation-Based Deep Belief Network: An Application on Internet of Things
by G. V. R. Sagar
December 2019, Volume 18, Issue 04
- 1-17 Knowledge Management in Eco-Innovation Practice: An Analysis of the Contribution of Eco-Innovation Tools in the Early Stages of the Product Development Process
by Marcelo Seido Nagano & Antonio Iacono - 1-19 Improving the Task Understanding for Knowledge Creation in Assessments
by M. Asim Qayyum & David Smith - 1-20 Text Summarisation Using Laplacian Centrality-Based Minimum Vertex Cover
by Anand Gupta & Manpreet Kaur - 1-22 The Knowing Model: Facilitating Behaviour Change in Organisations
by Darin Freeburg - 1-26 Determinants of Social Community Value Creation: An Exploratory Empirical Study
by Chien-Hsing Wu & Chuan-Chun Wu - 1-35 Does Market Orientation Mediate between Knowledge Management Orientation and Business Performance?
by Rayees Farooq & Sandeep Vij
September 2019, Volume 18, Issue 03
- 1-1 Erratum: "Hybrid Group Recommendation Using Modified Termite Colony Algorithm: A Context Towards Big Data"
by Arup Roy & Soumya Banerjee & Chintan Bhatt & Youakim Badr & Saurav Mallik - 1-11 A Revisit of the Learning Organisation: Is It Time?
by Alaina M. Doyle & Karen R. Johnson - 1-15 Factors that Influence Farmers’ Information Seeking Behaviour: A Study of Sri Lankan Vegetable Farmers
by M. G. P. P. Mahindarathne & Qingfei Min - 1-18 Effectiveness of Domain-Based Lexicons vis-à-vis General Lexicon for Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis: A Comparative Analysis
by Madan Lal Yadav & Basav Roychoudhury - 1-22 Knowledge Sharing Concept, Attitude and Influencing Factors: A Case with Indian Academic Librarians
by Daud Khan & Naushad Ali - 1-23 Mining Changes in Temporal Patterns in Latest Time Window for Knowledge Discovery
by Sheel Shalini & Kanhaiya Lal - 1-24 Assessing the Awareness and Usage of Reference Management Software (RMS) Among Researchers of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Ghana
by Kwabena Asiedu Bugyei & Raphael Kwame Kavi & Grace Obeng-Koranteng - 1-25 Promoting Knowledge Sharing Amongst Academics: A Case Study from Vietnam
by Van Dong Phung & Igor Hawryszkiewycz & Daniel Chandran & Binh Minh Ha - 1-25 The Role of Knowledge Sharing and Employees’ Satisfaction in Predicting Organisational Innovation
by Emad Abu-Shanab & Ayat Subaih - 1-28 What Drives University Technological Innovation Outcomes? A Re-Vitalised Investigation
by Benjamin Yeo - 1-33 A Customer Loyalty Model for E-Commerce Recommendation Systems
by Leila Ebrahimi & Vahid Reza Mirabi & Mohammad Hossein Ranjbar & Esmaeil Hassan Pour - 1-34 The Co-Evolution of IT, Knowledge, and Agility in Micro and Small Enterprises
by Yolande E. Chan & James S. Denford & Junjun Jane Wang - 1-52 A New Model for the Impact of Knowledge Management on University Performance: Empirical Study Based on Student Opinions
by Megnounif Abdellatif & Kherbouche Asma
June 2019, Volume 18, Issue 02
- 1-13 Scientific Experimental Data Representation Standard through Knowledge Metadata Representation Model
by Nur Adila Azram & Rodziah Atan - 1-17 Building Smart Knowledge Mapping Conceptual Model
by Dana Indra Sensuse & Shidiq Al Hakim - 1-18 Model of Emerging Technology Adoption (META): Virtual Reality as a Case Study
by Mohanad Halaweh - 1-18 Towards a Comprehensive Knowledge Management Improvement Model for Medical Laboratories
by Lamiae Bentaleb & Saâd El Kabbaj & Mimoun Zouhdi - 1-18 The Impact of ERP System on Academic Performance: A Case Study Approach
by Ahmad Saleh Shatat - 1-24 Combination of Complementary Technological Knowledge to Generate “Hard to Imitate” Technologies
by Feng Zhang & Guohua Jiang - 1-26 TwitSenti: A Real-Time Twitter Sentiment Analysis and Visualization Framework
by Jamuna S. Murthy & G. M. Siddesh & K. G. Srinivasa - 1-27 Knowledge Management and Institutional Accounting Functional Effectiveness: Evidence from Malaysia
by Freida Ozavize Ayodele & Liu Yao & Hasnah Binti Haron & Eyasan Leslie Dabor - 1-28 Community Detection in Social Networks: Literature Review
by Seema Rani & Monica Mehrotra - 1-29 Knowledge Management and Its Impacts on Organisational Performance: An Empirical Research in Public Higher Education Institutions of Vietnam
by Nguyen Ngoc-Tan & Aleš Gregar - 1-30 Ontological Concepts and Taxonomies for Nano World
by Adilbek O. Erkimbaev & Vladimir Yu. Zitserman & Georgii A. Kobzev & Andrey V. Kosinov - 1-31 Investigating the Impact of Using Knowledge Management on Organisational Agility through Competitive Intelligence and Strategic Thinking
by Hossein Sayyadi Tooranloo & Sepideh Saghafi - 1-37 A Framework for Knowledge Models Transformation: A Step Towards Knowledge Integration and Warehousing
by Rim Ayadi & Yasser Hachaichi & Jamel Feki
March 2019, Volume 18, Issue 01
- 1-2 Preface to the Special Issue on Data Analytics
by Fadi Thabtah - 1-15 A Data Analytic Approach of Job Satisfaction: A Case Study on Airline Industry
by Hansani Kalawilapathirage & Olufemi Omisakin & Susan Zeidan - 1-16 Data Analytics Tools: A User Perspective
by Paul Town & Fadi Thabtah - 1-17 Data Analytics: Intelligent Anti-Phishing Techniques Based on Machine Learning
by Said Baadel & Joan Lu - 1-17 Visualisation Model Based on Phishing Features
by Majed Rajab - 1-18 Improving the Shilling Attack Detection in Recommender Systems Using an SVM Gaussian Mixture Model
by Jasem M. Alostad - 1-19 Classification Spam Email with Elimination of Unsuitable Features with Hybrid of GA-Naive Bayes
by O. M. E. Ebadati & F. Ahmadzadeh - 1-20 Predicting the Readmission of Heart Failure Patients through Data Analytics
by Babak Sohrabi & Iman Raeesi Vanani & Amirsahand Gooyavar & Nasim Naderi - 1-20 Forecasting Models Based on Data Analytics for Predicting Rice Price Volatility: A Case Study of the Sri Lankan Rice Market
by Chanchala Hathurusingha & Neda Abdelhamid & David Airehrour - 1-21 A Big Data Recommendation Engine Framework Based on Local Pattern Analytics Strategy for Mining Multi-Sourced Big Data
by T. Venkatesan & K. Saravanan & T. Ramkumar - 1-22 Visualisation and Modelling of High-Dimensional Cancerous Gene Expression Dataset
by Abhishek Bhola & Shailendra Singh - 1-23 A Novel Parameter-Light Subspace Clustering Technique Based on Single Linkage Method
by Bhagyashri A. Kelkar & Sunil F. Rodd & Umakant P. Kulkarni - 1-29 A Location Analytics Method for the Utilisation of Geotagged Photos in Travel Marketing Decision-Making
by Shah Jahan Miah & Huy Quan Vu & John G. Gammack
December 2018, Volume 17, Issue 04
- 1-14 Frequencies of Some of the Problems Hampering Optimal Utilisation of e-Resources in Two Nigerian Federal Universities
by Helen U. Emasealu & Susan Nnadozie Umeozor - 1-17 Knowledge Acquisition for Importing Existing Traces to a Trace Base Management System
by Mohamed Besnaci & Tahar Bensebaa & Nathalie Guin & Pierre-Antoine Champin - 1-18 A Framework for Users’ Attitude Prediction Based on Visual Features: Application to Movies Recommendations
by Hajer Baazaoui & Mohamed Ramzi Haddad - 1-18 Knowledge Management Systems and Work Improvements: The Moderating Effects of Work Characteristics
by Leif Jarle Gressgård & Torstein Nesheim - 1-21 Investigation of Resistance, Perception and Attitudes of Employees against Change in Information Systems Using Change Management Approach: A Study in a University Hospital
by Yusuf Yalcin Ileri & Ozer Arik - 1-22 Journal Co-Citation Analysis for Identifying Trends of Inter-Disciplinary Research: An Exploratory Case Study in a University
by Worapan Kusakunniran & Amit Singh Dahal & Wantanee Viriyasitavat - 1-23 Intellectual Capital Management and University Research Group Performance: Mediating Effects of Machiavellianism and Organisational Narcissism
by Orfa Posada-Arias & Jesenia Avendaño-Ramírez & Jose Arias-Pérez - 1-26 Problems and Approaches in the Management of Intellectual Capital in Religious Organisations: An Issue of Complexity
by Darin Freeburg - 1-26 A New Associative Classification Algorithm for Predicting Groundwater Locations
by Faisal Aburub & Wa’el Hadi - 1-28 Big Data Capabilities and Firm’s Performance: A Mediating Role of Competitive Advantage
by Muhammad Anwar & Sher Zaman Khan & Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah - 1-28 Planning for Knowledge Management Implementation in Academic Libraries: Empirical Evidence From Federal University Libraries in Nigeria
by Cyprian. I. Ugwu & I. J. Ezema - 1-29 Knowledge Management Enablers: Metadata Analysis for KM Implementation
by Hiteshkumar G. Shah & Ravi Kant
September 2018, Volume 17, Issue 03
- 1-16 Mapping the Field of Knowledge Management: Bibliometric and Content Analysis of Journal of Information & Knowledge Management for the Period from 2002–2016
by Bibi Alajmi & Talal Alhaji - 1-18 Impact of Knowledge Management on Innovation: Evidence from a South Asian Country
by Muhammad Jahanzaib Yousaf & Qamar Ali - 1-18 Effects of General and ERP Self-Efficacy Beliefs on the Acceptance of ERP Systems
by Bassam Hasan - 1-18 Measuring Tacit Knowledge: A Deliberate Construct Validation Using Structural Equation Modelling
by Fadilah Puteh - 1-19 Formative Knowledge Assessment Through Games Using Concept Map and Game Theory
by R. Kumar - 1-22 An Approach Towards Establishing Reference Linking in Desktop Reference Manager
by Mandava Kranthi Kiran & K. Thammi Reddy - 1-23 University Knowledge Management: Proposal for Broaden Integrative Perspective
by Freida Ozavize Ayodele & Liu Yao & Hasnah Binti Haron - 1-24 HaLoop Approach for Concept Generation in Formal Concept Analysis
by Raghavendra K. Chunduri & Aswani Kumar Cherukuri - 1-24 Knowledge Sharing Motivation Among External and Internal IT Workers
by Noam Koriat & Roy Gelbard - 1-24 High-Dimensional Text Datasets Clustering Algorithm Based on Cuckoo Search and Latent Semantic Indexing
by Saida Ishak Boushaki & Nadjet Kamel & Omar Bendjeghaba - 1-25 Exploring Knowledge Gaps and Financial Exclusion in Ghanaian Monetary Transitions
by Vivian A. Dzokoto & John Kojo Aggrey & Hortance Houngbeke & Edwin Clifford Mensah - 1-26 Knowledge Asymmetries and Service Management: Three Case Studies
by John N. Walsh & Jamie O’Brien
June 2018, Volume 17, Issue 02
- 1-3 Preface to the Special Issue on Big Data
by Nilanjan Dey & Chintan Bhatt & Valentina E. Balas - 1-18 A Novel Framework for Sentiment and Emoticon-Based Clustering and Indexing of Tweets
by Avinash Samuel & Dilip Kumar Sharma - 1-18 PDC-Transitive: An Enhanced Heuristic for Document Clustering Based on Relational Analysis Approach and Iterative MapReduce
by Yasmine Lamari & Said Chah Slaoui - 1-19 New Rough Set-Aided Mechanism for Text Categorisation
by N. Venkata Sailaja & L. Padma Sree & N. Mangathayaru - 1-20 Leveraging Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis for Competitivity
by Stephen Nabareseh & Eric Afful-Dadzie & Petr Klimek - 1-20 Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II-Induced Neural-Supported Prediction of Water Quality with Stability Analysis
by Sankhadeep Chatterjee & Sarbartha Sarkar & Nilanjan Dey & Soumya Sen - 1-20 Decision Tree-Based Analytics for Reducing Air Pollution
by Ajanta Das & Anindita Desarkar - 1-21 A Fuzzy Rule-Based Optimisation Model for Efficient Resource Utilisation in a Grid Environment Using Proximity Awareness and Semantic Technology
by Abdul Khalique Shaikh & Saadat M. Alhashmi & Rajendran Parthiban & Amril Nazir - 1-21 An Innovative SLA-Based Service Monitoring Framework in Cloud
by Mridul Paul & Ajanta Das - 1-22 Assessing Internal Audit with Text Mining
by Georgia Boskou & Efstathios Kirkos & Charalambos Spathis - 1-27 Cross-Organisational Process Mining in Cloud Environments
by Mario Luca Bernardi & Marta Cimitile & Francesco Mercaldo - 1-31 Hybrid Group Recommendation Using Modified Termite Colony Algorithm: A Context Towards Big Data
by Arup Roy & Soumya Banerjee & Chintan Bhatt & Youakim Badr & Saurav Mallik
March 2018, Volume 17, Issue 01
- 1-16 From Potential Absorptive Capacity to Knowledge Creation in Organisations: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Storage and Realised Absorptive Capacity
by Vítor Costa & Samuel Monteiro - 1-16 Modular and Integral Knowledge Integration: From the Case of a Chinese IT Enterprise
by Yixuan Wang & Bowen Jiang - 1-17 The Role of Mobile Applications in Jordanian Public-Sector e-Government Services: Empirical Study in Jordanian Income and Sales Tax Department
by Sahem Nawafleh - 1-19 Relationships Among Knowledge Management, Organisational Innovativeness and Performance: Covariance-Based Versus Partial Least-Squares Structural Equation Modelling
by José Roberto Frega & Alex Antonio Ferraresi & Carlos Olavo Quandt & Claudimar Pereira da Veiga - 1-22 Preconditions for Successful Knowledge Creation in the Context of Academic Innovation Projects
by Thais Elaine Vick & Marcelo Seido Nagano - 1-23 A New Balanced Particle Swarm Optimisation for Load Scheduling in Cloud Computing
by Divya Chaudhary & Bijendra Kumar - 1-24 Information Sharing Assessment in Supply Chain: Hierarchical Fuzzy Rule-Based System
by Farnoush Farajpour & Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard & Amir Yousefli & Mohammad Reza Taghva - 1-26 Realising Value from Absorptive Capacity
by Ronald Eastburn - 1-26 A Recommendation Method Based on Semantic Similarity and Complementarity Using Weighted Taxonomy: A Case on Construction Materials Dataset
by Karamollah Bagherifard & Mohsen Rahmani & Vahid Rafe & Mehrbakhsh Nilashi - 1-29 Organisational Information and Knowledge Sharing: Uncovering Mediating Effects of Perceived Trustworthiness Using the PROCESS Approach
by M. Max Evans & Ilja Frissen & Anthony K. P. Wensley - 1-34 ICT and KM, Drivers of Innovation and Profitability in SMEs
by Luis Enrique Valdez-Juárez & Domingo García-Pérez-de-Lema & Gonzalo Maldonado-Guzmán - 1-38 Information Management Model for Intellectual Capital of HEIs in Oman: Theoretical Quantitative Approach and Practical Results
by Zuhair A. Al-Hemyari & Abdullah M. Al-Sarmi
December 2017, Volume 16, Issue 04
- 1-5 A Tribute to Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh
by Ch. Aswani Kumar - 1-15 Motivating Knowledge Sharing Among Undergraduate Medical Students of the University of Lahore, Pakistan
by Ghulam Murtaza Rafique & Mumtaz A. Anwar - 1-16 Phishing Detection: A Case Analysis on Classifiers with Rules Using Machine Learning
by Fadi Thabtah & Firuz Kamalov - 1-18 The Influence of an Integrated View of Source’s Expertise on Knowledge Transfer
by Kwangsu Cho & Sehee Han & Ting-Ting Rachel Chung & Patrick J. Bateman - 1-19 E-Learning in Jordanian Higher Education: Cultural Perspectives and Institutional Readiness
by Duha Alsmadi & Jianping Chen & Victor Prybutok & Guruprasad Gadgil - 1-21 The Impact of Online Learning Activities on Student Learning Outcome in Blended Learning Course
by Viet Anh Nguyen - 1-23 Strategies of Knowledge Management Implementation for Academic Services Improvement of Indonesian Higher Education
by R. Novie Nayyarah Nur & Anas Miftah Fauzi & Heru Sukoco - 1-23 Linking Human Capital and Organisational Innovative Capabilities of Financial Institutions: Evidence from a Developing Country of South Asia
by Umer Ayub & Abdul Rashid Kausar & Mubashar Majeed Qadri - 1-24 Document Selection for Knowledge Discovery in Texts: Framework Development and Demonstration
by Benjamin Matthies & André Coners - 1-31 A Knowledge-Based Framework for Service Management
by John N. Walsh & Jamie O’Brien - 1-38 Opinion Spam Detection in Online Reviews
by Ajay Rastogi & Monica Mehrotra - 1-46 Codification, Personalisation, or in Between? Exploring Knowledge Characteristics to Guide Knowledge Management System Design
by Dirk Basten & Linda Schneider & Oleg Pankratz
September 2017, Volume 16, Issue 03
- 1-12 Ontology Based Arabic Opinion Mining
by Alaa El-Halees & Ahmed Al-Asmar - 1-13 Competition Trading and Exporting Acting by Inter Marketing Managers
by Nasser Fegh-Hi Farahmand - 1-21 A New Model for Integrating Phases of Decision-Making and Knowledge Base for Improving Customer Satisfaction
by Wa'el Hadi - 1-23 Knowledge Management for Development: Rethinking the Trends of Knowledge Management Research in South Africa
by Madeleine C. Fombad & Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha - 1-23 OntoDTA: Ontology-Guided Decision Tree Assistance
by Khaled Benali & Sidi Ahmed Rahal - 1-23 Transformational and Transactional Leadership Behaviours and their Effect on Knowledge Workers' Propensity for Knowledge Management Processes
by Menike Atapattu & Gayani Ranawake - 1-23 Study of Intellectual Capital Dimensions in IT Industry Using DEMATEL Method
by Chandra Sekhar & Manoj Patwardhan & Vishal Vyas - 1-24 Fuzzy AHP Analysis of Firm-Level Knowledge Accumulation
by Pham Thi Minh Ly & Wen-Hsiang Lai - 1-25 High Attrition Rate Determinants: Case Study of the Malaysian ICT Sector
by Elsadig Musa Ahmed & Tan Khai Yang - 1-55 Prediction Model of School Readiness
by Iyad Suleiman & Maha Arslan & Reda Alhajj & Mick Ridley
June 2017, Volume 16, Issue 02
- 1-11 The Perspective of Library and Information Science (LIS) Professionals Toward Knowledge Management in University Libraries
by Khurshid Ahmad - 1-12 Assessing Research Productivity in University Environment: Institutional Approach
by Svetlana Panikarova & Maxim Vlasov & Ivan Boyko - 1-15 Influences of Knowledge Sharing on Individual Performance in Saudi Organisations
by Ibrahim S. Abdullah - 1-17 Team Emergence Leadership Development and Evaluation: A Theoretical Model Using Complexity Theory
by John R. Turner & Rose Baker - 1-17 Study on Barriers to Knowledge Management Implementation in Iranian Companies; Case Study: PDSCO (Projects Development and Solution Company)
by Namdar Rabiee - 1-20 Intellectual Capital, Innovation and Firm Performance of Pharmaceuticals: A Study of the London Stock Exchange
by Shahid Amin & Shoaib Aslam - 1-21 Experimental Analysis of Students’ Satisfaction Factors in E-Learning Environment: A Case Study on Saudi Arabian University
by Hussein Abdel-Jaber - 1-21 An Analysis of the Impact of Introducing the Plagiarism Detection System in an Institute of Higher Education
by Ranjeet Kumar & R. C. Tripathi - 1-23 Impacts of a Knowledge Sharing Climate and Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration on Innovation
by Dong Kyoon Yoo - 1-24 Effective Factors of Social Customer Knowledge Management (SCKM) in Organisations: Study of Electronic Service Providers in Iran
by Behzad Lak & Jalal Rezaeenour - 1-31 Developing an Understanding of Organisational Knowledge Creation: A Review Framework
by Pamela Chidiogo Izunwanne
March 2017, Volume 16, Issue 01
- 1-18 Use and Impact of HINARI: An Observation in Bangladesh with Special Reference to icddr,b
by Md. Nazim Uddin & Md. Shafiur Rahman & Md. Harun-Or-Rashid Khandaker & M. Al Mamun & S. M. Mannan & Jean Sack & Christine Dennehy - 1-18 Evaluation of Knowledge Management in an Organisation
by Negar Armaghan & Jean Renaud - 1-19 Analyzing Knowledge Construction in Online Health Group Discussion
by Achmad Ghazali & Alexei Tretiakov & Dematria Pringgabayu & Dany Muhammad Athory Ramdlany - 1-19 WeDoCWT: A New Method for Web Document Clustering Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms
by Hanan Al-Mofareji & Mahmoud Kamel & Mohamed Y. Dahab - 1-20 Assessing the Impact of ICT on Research Activities in Ghana: A Case Study of Selected Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Institutes
by Kwabena Asiedu Bugyei & Kwabena Obiri-Yeboah & Raphael Kwame Kavi - 1-24 Analysis of a Theoretical KMS Model Implementation in the Indian IT Sector Using PLS-SEM
by Poornima Panduranga Kundapur & Lewlyn Lester Raj Rodrigues - 1-28 Data-Driven Methods to Create Knowledge Maps for Decision Making in Academic Contexts
by Rizan Moradi & Khalil Taheri & Maryam S. Mirian - 1-30 Bug Severity Assessment in Cross Project Context and Identifying Training Candidates
by V. B. Singh & Sanjay Misra & Meera Sharma - 1-32 An Empirical Examination of Knowledge Management Processes and Market Orientation, Innovation Capability, and Organisational Performance: Insights from Jordan
by Mahmoud M. Migdadi & Mohammed K. Abu Zaid & Mohammed Yousif & Ra’d Almestarihi & Khalil Al-Hyari
December 2016, Volume 15, Issue 04
- 1-12 Mapping and Bibliometric Analysis of American Historical Review Citations and Its Contribution to the Field of History
by Zehra Taşkın & Sümeyye Akça - 1-15 Knowledge Management in Criminal Investigations: The Case of Fraud Examiners
by Petter Gottschalk - 1-15 The Role of Effective Chief Knowledge Officer in Facilitating Knowledge Management
by Mahmoud M. Migdadi - 1-16 Developing a Knowledge-Based System for Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria
by Chala Diriba & Million Meshesha & Debela Tesfaye - 1-17 Deriving Correlated Sets of Website Features for Phishing Detection: A Computational Intelligence Approach
by Fadi Thabtah & Neda Abdelhamid - 1-17 Relations Between Common Understanding and Experience: Case Study of an International Information Technology Project
by Miwa Nishinaka - 1-18 Improving the Performance of Data Mining by Using Big Data in Cloud Environment
by Djilali Dahmani & Sid Ahmed Rahal & Ghalem Belalem - 1-19 CAECP and CRPD: Classification by Aggregating Essential Contrast Patterns, and Contrast Ranked Path Diagrams
by Mao Nishiguchi & Hiroyuki Morita - 1-21 Designing an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Prediction of Customers Satisfaction
by Mehdi Neshat & Ali Akbar Pourahmad & Mohammad Reza Hasani - 1-21 Business Intelligence Versus Competitive Intelligence in the Case of North African SMEs
by Bel Hadj Tarek & Ghodbane Adel & Aouadi Sami - 1-29 A New Model for the Impact of Knowledge Management on University Performance
by Kherbouche Asma & Megnounif Abdellatif - 1-33 The Synergy of Scientometric Analysis and Knowledge Mapping with Topic Models: Modelling the Development Trajectories of Information Security and Cyber-Security Research
by Hsia-Ching Chang - 1-46 Impact of Knowledge Management Processes for Sustainability of Small Family Businesses: Evidences from the Brassware Sector of Moradabad (India)
by Priya Dhamija Gupta & Sonali Bhattacharya
September 2016, Volume 15, Issue 03
- 1-14 Implementation Processes of Hospital Information Management Systems: A Field Study in Turkey
by Yusuf Yalcin Ileri - 1-18 Components of Online Shopping Attitude and the Effects of Website Design Characteristics
by Bassam Hasan - 1-21 The Development of a KIM Behavioural Framework to Support Science and Technology Knowledge Transfer in the UK Defence Sector. A Case Study Approach
by R. Darby & C. Kirke - 1-22 The Role of Individual Cognition, Immersion, and Knowledge Essence in Individual Knowledge Development
by ChienHsing Wu - 1-22 Knowledge Sharing in Cross-Functional Teams and its Antecedents: Role of Mutual Trust as a Moderator
by Jyoti Verma & Anamika Sinha - 1-23 Features Influencing Researchers’ Selection of Reference Management Software
by Mehrbakhsh Nilashi & Othman Ibrahim & Shamila Sohaei & Hossein Ahmadi & Alireza Almaee - 1-24 A Comprehensive Data and Project Management Platform: A Case Study of a Central Bank
by Souryajyoti Sardar & Pulastya Bandyopadhyay & Anirban Sanyal - 1-25 Knowledge Creation in Hybrid Organisations: A Case Study in a Quasi-Governmental Organisation
by Isabel de Sá Affonso da Costa & Elaine Tavares & Arthur Marcelo Nicolau Peixoto - 1-28 Are Faculty Members Ready? Individual Factors Affecting Knowledge Management Readiness in Universities
by Laila Naif Marouf & Naresh Kumar Agarwal - 1-37 Competing Through Knowledge and Information Systems Strategies: A Study of Small and Medium-Sized Firms
by Yolande E. Chan & James S. Denford & Joyce Y. Jin
June 2016, Volume 15, Issue 02
- 1-11 Knowledge Generation Strategies: Empirical Analysis of Industrial Enterprises
by Svetlana Panikarova & Maxim Vlasov - 1-13 Health Knowledge Workers: Strategies for Literacy Development
by Sajjad ur Rehman & Abdus Sattar Chaudhry - 1-14 Prediction in OLAP Data Cubes
by Fatima Zahra Salmam & Mohamed Fakir & Rahhal Errattahi - 1-17 Knowledge Management for Healthcare: Investigating Practices that Drive Performance
by Bibi M. Alajmi & Laila N. Marouf & Abdus Sattar Chaudhry