December 2007, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 653-671 Labour process and decision-making in factories under workers' self-management: empirical evidence from Argentina
by Maurizio Atzeni & Pablo Ghigliani - 673-691 Implications of family-friendly policies for organizational culture: findings from two case studies
by Samantha Callan - 693-711 Dutch workers and time pressure: household and workplace characteristics
by Tanja van der Lippe - 713-730 Reorienting companies' hiring behaviour: an innovative `back-to-work' method in France
by Marie Salognon - 731-750 For better or worse? Workplace changes and the health and well-being of Norwegian workers
by Ståle Østhus - 751-771 Sociologists and `the Japanese model': a passing enthusiasm?
by Kevin McCormick - 773-784 The fatal flaws of diversity and the business case for ethnic minorities
by Mike Noon - 785-798 A new labour aristocracy? Aesthetic labour and routine interactive service
by Chris Warhurst & Dennis Nickson - 799-805 Review Essay: Digging the grave of apartheid: the history of black mineworkers in South Africa
by Jason Heyes - 807-808 Book Review: Richenda Gambles, Suzan Lewis and Rhona Rapoport The Myth of Work—Life Balance:The Challenge of Our Time for Men,Women and Societies Chichester: John Wiley, 2006, no price stated hbk, no price stated pbk xxii+114 pp. ISBN: 0—470—09461—3
by Melanie Shearn - 808-810 Book Review: Prodromos Panayiotopoulos Immigrant Enterprise in Europe and the USA London: Routledge, 2006, hbk, xvi + 264 pp. ISBN: 10: 0—415—35371—8
by Maria Psoinos - 810-812 Book Review: D. Byrne Social Exclusion Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2005, 2nd Edition, £20.99 pbk, 204 pp. ISBN: 0—335215947
by Colin Lindsay - 812-814 Book Review: Stephen Edgell The Sociology of Work: Continuity and Change in Paid and Unpaid Work London: Sage, 2006, £20.99 pbk ISBN—07619—4853—8, £. 65.00 hbk ISBN—07619—4853—8), xii + 344 pp
by Valentina Cuzzocrea - 814-815 Book Review: W.K. Roche and J.F. Geary Partnership at Work: The Quest for Radical Organizational Change Basingstoke: Routledge, 2006, £65 hbk, no price stated pbk 292 pp. ISBN: 0—415—30434—2
by Krista Bondy - 816-817 Book Review: Dan Coffey The Myth of Japanese Efficiency:The Car Industry in a Globalising Age Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006, £53.96 hbk ISBN: 13—978—1—84542—041—3— 202 pp
by Steve Belzak - 817-819 Book Review: G. Gall Sex Worker Union Organising Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, £55.00 hbk, no price stated pbk, x+ 252 pp. ISBN: 1—4039—4925—5
by Rachel Aldred - 819-821 Book Review: S.M. Collins and Lael Brainard (eds) Offshoring White-Collar Work Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2006, price not stated, pbk xxx + 490 pp. ISBN: 0—8157—1284—7)
by Leo McCann - 821-822 Book Review: Barbara Kersley, Carmen Alpin, John Forth, Alex Bryson, Helen Bewley, Gill Dix and Sarah Oxenbridge Inside the Workplace: Findings from the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey Basingstoke: Routledge, 2006, £80.00 hbk, xviii + 392 pp. ISBN: 0—415—3781
by Wendy Olsen - 822-824 Book Review: Suzanne E.Tallichet Daughters of the Mountain: Women Coal Miners in Central Appalachia Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006, no price stated hbk, no price stated pbk, xii + 212pp. ISBN: 0—271—02904—8
by Frank Bonner - 825-827 Books Received
by N/A
September 2007, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 397-416 Does training trigger turnover - or not?
by Inge Sieben - 417-437 Discrimination, labour markets and the labour market prospects of older workers: what can a legal case teach us?
by Sally A. Weller - 439-457 Re-embedding the ethnic business agenda
by Trevor Jones & Monder Ram - 459-477 Partnership consultation and employer domination in two British life and pensions firms
by Peter Samuel - 479-496 Constructing habitus: the negotiation of moral encounters at Telekom
by Joe O'Mahoney - 497-515 Bringing Gramsci back in: labor control in Italy's new temporary help industry
by Francesca Degiuli & Christopher Kollmeyer - 517-535 Employment insecurity and social theory: the power of nightmares
by Ralph Fevre - 537-549 The tyranny of corporate slenderness: `corporate anorexia' as a metaphor for our age
by Melissa Tyler & Adrian Wilkinson - 551-564 Pushing the envelope: the `informalization' of labour in post-communist new EU member states
by Charles Woolfson - 565-576 Union organizing: a response to Carter
by Simon de Turberville - 577-588 Service work, social theory, and collectivism: a reply to Brook
by Marek Korczynski - 589-590 Book Review: Luis Enrique Alonso and Miguel MartÃnez Lucio (eds) Employment Relations in a Changing Society: Assessing the Post-Fordist Paradigm Bakingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2006, £58 hbk, xiii + 232 pp. ISBN: 0-333-97037-3
by Carlos Jesús Fernández RodrÃguez - 591-592 Book Review: Shaun Wilson The Struggle Over Work: The `End of Work' and Employment Options for Post-Industrial Societies. London: Routledge, 2004,£75 pbk, xvi + 228 pp. ISBN: 0-415-30550-0
by Carlos de Castro - 592-594 Book Review: I. Regalia (ed.) Regulating New Forms of Employment: Local Experiments in Europe. London: Routledge, 2006, £65.00 hbk, no price stated pbk, xiv + 292 pp. ISBN: 0-415-36056-0
by Steven Martin - 594-595 Book Review: E. Kahveci and T. Nichols The Other Car Workers: Work, Organization and Technology in the Maritime Car Carrier Industry Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2006, no price stated hbk, no price stated pbk, xv + 214 pp. ISBN: 1-4039-4191-2
by Simon Breeze - 596-597 Book Review: J. Kenway, E. Bullen and J. Fahey, with S. Robb Haunting the Knowledge Economy Oxford: Routledge, 2006, no stated price, xii + 150 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-37067-7
by Rachel Aldred - 597-599 Book Review: P.A.J. Waddington, Doug Badger and Ray Bull. The Violent Workplace Uffculme: Willan Publishing, 2006, £25.00 hbk, xii + 204 pp. ISBN: 1-84392-168-5
by Vaughan Ellis - 599-600 Book Review: Lotte Bailyn Breaking the Mold: Redesigning Work for Productive and Satisfying Lives (2nd Edition) New York: Cornell University Press, 2006, no price stated hbk, no price stated pbk, xviii + 184 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8014-8998-3
by T. Alexandra Beauregard - 601-602 Book Review: Richenda Gambles, Suzan Lewis and Rhona Rapoport The Myth of Work-Life Balance: The Challenge of Our Time for Men, Women and Societies Chichester: John Wiley, 2006, no price stated hbk, no price stated pbk xxii + 114 pp. (ISBN: 0 470 09461 3)
by Melanie Shearn - 603-606 Books Received
by N/A
June 2007, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 189-208 Grooving to the same tunes?
by Alan Felstead & Alison Fuller & Nick Jewson & Konstantinos Kakavelakis & Lorna Unwin - 209-226 The concept of occupational community revisited: analytical and managerial implications in face-to-face service occupations
by Peter Sandiford & Diane Seymour - 227-246 So much to do, so little time
by Selina McCoy & Emer Smyth - 247-264 Working space: why incorporating the geographical is central to theorizing work and employment practices
by Andrew Herod & Al Rainnie & Susan McGrath-Champ - 265-276 Thinking geographically about work, employment and society
by Kevin Ward - 277-298 Recruitment processes and labour mobility: the construction industry in Europe
by Ivana Fellini & Anna Ferro & Giovanna Fullin - 299-316 Porn, pride and pessimism: experiences of women working in professional construction roles
by Jacqueline H. Watts - 317-336 Conceptualizing breadwinning work
by Tracey Warren - 337-348 Why a citizens' basic income? A question of gender equality or gender bias
by Ailsa McKay - 349-362 Reflections on the call centre — a reply to Glucksmann
by Phil Taylor & Peter Bain - 363-374 Customer oriented militants? A critique of the `customer oriented bureaucracy' theory on front-line service worker collectivism
by Paul Brook - 387-389 Books Received
by N/A
March 2007, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 7-25 The rhetoric of the consumer and customer control in China
by Jos Gamble - 27-45 Putting transnational labour process in its place
by PUN Ngai & Chris Smith - 47-65 Husband's career first
by Fang Lee Cooke - 67-84 Legal obligation or personal lottery?
by Deborah Foster - 85-101 Work restructuring and changing craft identity
by Susan Sayce & Peter Ackers & Anne-Marie Greene - 103-120 Employee experience of aesthetic labour in retail and hospitality
by Chris Warhurst & Dennis Nickson - 121-141 Knowledge workers: what keeps them committed; what turns them away
by John Benson & Michelle Brown - 143-155 Gender, employment and social class
by Norman Bonney - 157-158 Book Review: Agency and Change
by Robert Wapshott - 159-160 Book Review: Ethnicity, Social Mobility and Public Policy
by Ayo A. Mansaray - 160-162 Book Review: Demanding Work
by Malcolm Brynin - 162-163 Book Review: European Integration and Industrial Relations
by Andrew R. Timming - 163-165 Book Review: Trade Unions
by Peter Prowse - 165-167 Book Review: Flexible Working and Organizational Change
by Jennifer Tomlinson - 167-169 Book Review: The Blackwell Companion to Organizations
by Leo McCann - 169-170 Book Review: The Market for Virtue
by Lisbeth Segerlund - 171-172 Book Review: Markets of Dispossession
by Joseph O'Mahoney - 172-174 Book Review: Professional Work
by Allan Sutherland - 174-176 Book Review: Working in the Service Sector
by Simon Breeze - 176-177 Book Review: Sociological Perspectives on Labor Markets
by Stephen J. Perkins - 179-182 Books Received
by N/A
December 2006, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 629-647 Habitus and the practice of public service
by Peggy McDonough - 649-666 A retreat from permanent employment?
by Ian Kirkpatrick & Kim Hoque - 667-685 Understanding assistant roles in social care
by Ian Kessler & Stephen Bach & Paul Heron - 687-707 Examining the disciplinary process in nursing: a case study approach
by Hannah Cooke - 709-729 Origin, employment status and attitudes towards work: immigrants in Vancouver, Canada
by Harald Bauder - 731-750 Framing comparisons: gendering perspectives on cross-national comparative research on work and welfare
by Jacqueline O’Reilly - 751-771 Household employment patterns in an enlarged European Union
by Barbara Haas & Nadia Steiber & Margit Hartel & Claire Wallace - 773-786 New connections: social studies of science and technology and studies of work
by Judy Wajcman - 787-800 Mapping knowledge in work: proxies or practices?
by Chris Warhurst & Paul Thompson - 801-809 Recruitment in symphony orchestras: testing a gender neutral recruitment process
by Anette Fasang - 811-817 ‘Partnership’ at work?
by Andrew Smith - 819-821 Book Review: Occupational Ghettos: The Worldwide Segregation of Women and Men
by R. M. Blackburn - 821-822 Book Review: Development of Culture, Welfare States and Women’s Employment in Europe
by Judith Glover - 823-824 Book Review: International Perspectives on Temporary Agency Work
by Sophie Gamwell - 824-826 Book Review: Job Insecurity, Union Involvement and Union Activism
by Peter Prowse - 826-827 Book Review: Changing Scotland: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
by Diana Woodward - 828-829 Book Review: Men at Work: Art and Labour in Victorian Britain
by Tim Strangleman - 831-832 Books Received
by N/A - 835-838 Index to Volume 20, 2006
by N/A
September 2006, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 453-472 Well begun, half done?
by Bram Steijn & Ariana Need & Maurice Gesthuizen - 473-492 Making up for mothers’ employed working hours?
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Silje Vatne Pettersen - 493-512 The new lumpiness of work
by Patricia E. van Echtelt & Arie C. Glebbeek & Siegwart M. Lindenberg - 513-530 Work-related travel, gender and family obligations
by Per Gustafson - 531-552 The antecedents of training activity in British small and medium-sized enterprises
by Kim Hoque & Nicolas Bacon - 553-569 Not a very NEET solution
by Andy Furlong - 571-581 Power and ideology in the workplace
by Paul Edwards - 583-591 Mapping worker collectivism
by Jo McBride - 593-603 Retired members in a British union
by Matt Flynn & Richard Croucher - 605-606 Book Review: The Story of Reo Joe
by Tim Strangleman - 606-608 Book Review: Corporate Governance and Labour Management
by Pete Thomas - 608-610 Book Review: What Do They Call a Fisherman?
by Ian Roberts - 610-611 Book Review: Work-Life Balance in the 21st Century
by Sarah Wise - 611-613 Book Review: The Other Women’s Movement
by Mustafa F. Özbilgin - 613-615 Book Review: A Sociology of Work in Japan
by Diana Woodward - 615-616 Book Review: Young People in Europe
by Audrey C. H. Cook - 617-618 Book Review: Corporate Power and Social Policy in a Global Economy
by Krista Bondy - 619-621 Books Received
by N/A
June 2006, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 205-221 Fragmented careers?
by Steve Fenton & Esther Dermott - 223-243 Seagull management and the control of nursing work
by Hannah Cooke - 245-265 A very precarious profession:
by Martin Roderick - 267-288 Just ‘non-academics’?
by Jacquelyn Allen Collinson - 289-308 Pay, promotion and parenthood amongst women solicitors
by Victoria Wass & Robert McNabb - 309-328 Women, lifelong learning and transitions into employment
by Andrew Jenkins - 329-347 Changing dynamics in female employment around childbirth
by Jan Dirk Vlasblom & Joop Schippers - 349-368 Convincing the toilers?
by Brigid van Wanrooy & Shaun Wilson - 369-387 Scaling labour
by Bradon Ellem - 389-402 The double indeterminacy of labour power
by Chris Smith - 403-414 Some issues in cross-national comparative research methods
by Rosemary Crompton & Clare Lyonette - 415-426 Trade union organizing and renewal
by Bob Carter - 427-432 Cycles of participation and historic optimism
by Miguel MartÃnez Lucio - 433-439 ‘Twenty years of schooling and you end up on the day shift’
by Alan Hudson - 441-442 Book Review: Made in China
by Marjolaine Roger - 443-445 Book Review: Diversity in the Workforce
by Mustafa F. Özbilgin - 445-446 Book Review: Labour in a Global World
by Bob Carter - 447-448 Books Received
by N/A
March 2006, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 5-25 Work return rates after childbirth in the UK - trends, determinants and implications: a comparison of cohorts born in 1958 and 1970
by Deborah Smeaton - 27-45 Obscuring the costs of home care: restructuring at work
by Jane Aronson & Sheila M. Neysmith - 47-65 Alternative and parallel career paths for women: the case of trade union participation
by Gill Kirton - 67-86 Taking age out of the workplace: putting older workers back in?
by Ian Roberts - 87-107 The contemporary British workplace: a safer and healthier place?
by Andrew M. Robinson & Clive Smallman - 109-127 ‘The longest day’: ‘flexible’ contracts, performance-related pay and risk shifting in the UK direct selling sector
by John Bone - 129-149 Square pegs in round holes? leave periods and role displacement in UK-based seafaring families
by Michelle Thomas & Nicholas Bailey - 151-165 Goodbye to all that? a critical re-evaluation of the role of the high performance work organization within the UK skills debate
by Caroline Lloyd & Jonathan Payne - 167-179 Employment and work conditions in home-based enterprises in four developing countries: do they constitute ‘decent work’?
by Graham Tipple - 181-188 Book Review: Dignity, respect and the cultures of work
by Tim Strangleman - 189-191 Book Review: Rebuilding Labor: Organizing and Organizers in the New Union Movement
by Bob Carter - 191-193 Book Review: Fragmenting Work: Blurring Organizational Boundaries and Disordering Hierarchies
by Valerie Antcliff - 193-194 Book Review: The Values of Bureaucracy
by Andrew Smith - 195-196 Book Review: Work Identity at the End of the Line
by Simon Breeze - 197-198 Books Received
by N/A
December 2005, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 675-683 Introduction
by Colette Fagan & Irena Grugulis & Mark Smith & Kevin Ward - 685-703 The (mis)representation of customer service
by Sharon C. Bolton & Maeve Houlihan - 705-725 Getting on or getting by?
by Jeff Hyman & Dora Scholarios & Chris Baldry - 727-745 Shop-floor workers’ responses to quality management initiatives
by Linda Glover & Mike Noon - 747-760 Managers after the era of organizational restructuring
by Bill Martin - 761-774 Recruiting a self
by Deborah Dean - 775-796 ‘Remember I’m the bloody architect!’
by Laurie Cohen & Adrian Wilkinson & John Arnold & Rachael Finn - 797-817 ‘Partnership’ and new industrial relations in a risk society
by Miguel Martinez Lucio & Mark Stuart - 819-820 Book Review: Gender Injustice
by Jessica Lober - 820-822 Book Review: Global Management, Local Labour
by John Eldridge - 822-824 Book Review: The Future of Worker Representation
by Bob Carter - 824-826 Book Review: Balancing the Skills Equation
by Sandra Watson - 826-827 Book Review: The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization
by Chris Forde - 829-831 Books Received
by N/A - 833-836 Index to Volume 19, 2005
by N/A
September 2005, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 453-457 Work, Employment and Society
by Michael Rose & Helen Rainbird - 459-461 Obituary for Christine Ruth Cousins
by Geraldine Healy & Claire Wallace - 463-480 Organizing migrant workers
by Jane Holgate - 481-502 ‘He earns the bread and butter and I earn the cream’
by Nickie Charles & Emma James - 503-525 Non-standard employment relations and wages among school leavers in the Netherlands
by M. Robert de Vries & Maarten H. J. Wolbers - 527-545 Disability, work, and welfare
by Colin Barnes & Geof Mercer - 547-564 Learning emotion rules in service organizations
by Diane Seymour & Peter Sandiford - 565-581 Suppression or expression
by Patricia Lewis - 583-602 The invisibility of violence
by Vicky Bishop & Marek Korczynski & Laurie Cohen - 603-625 Bringing emotion to work
by Jason Hughes - 627-637 Measuring work-life balance and its covariates
by Shirley Dex & Sue Bond - 639-649 Workplace partnership and public service provision
by Ian Roper & Philip James & Paul Higgins - 651-653 Book Review: Questioning the New Public Management
by Bob Carter - 653-655 Book Review: The Emergence of European Trade Unionism
by Richard Croucher - 655-657 Book Review: Living Labour
by Tony Elger - 657-660 Book Review: Redundant Masculinities?
by Susan Halford - 660-662 Book Review: Unsocial Europe
by Andrew Mathers - 662-665 Book Review: Understanding Work and Employment
by Kevin Ward - 667-669 Books Received
by N/A
June 2005, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 213-233 Attitudes, women’s employment and the domestic division of labour
by Rosemary Crompton & Michaela Brockmann & Clare Lyonette - 235-259 Re-placing work
by Alison Stenning - 261-282 ‘India calling to the far away towns’
by Phil Taylor & Peter Bain - 283-304 ‘Learners of the workplace unite!’
by Emma Wallis & Mark Stuart & Ian Greenwood - 305-326 Skills and surveillance in casino gaming
by Terry Austrin & Jackie West - 327-348 Returning to work after maternity leave
by Barbara Davey & Trevor Murrells & Sarah Robinson - 349-368 Overseas nurses’ motivations for working in the UK
by John Aggergaard Larsen & Helen T. Allan & Karen Bryan & Pam Smith - 369-389 Agency and bank nursing in the UK National Health Service
by Stephanie Tailby - 391-401 Overworked Britons?
by Norman Bonney - 403-414 Beating the ‘churning’ trap in the youth labour market
by Sean Worth - 415-431 The shifting locations of work
by Alan Felstead & Nick Jewson & Sally Walters - 433-436 Book Review: Joint Review
by Bob Carter - 437-438 Book Review: Fragmented Futures: New Challenges in Working Life
by Brendan J. Burchell - 438-440 Book Review: Americanization and its Limits: Re-Working US Technology and Management in Post-War Europe and Japan
by Ian Clark - 440-442 Book Review: It’s about Time: Couples and Careers
by Ursula Henz - 443-445 Book Review: Labor Revitalization: Global Perspectives and New Initiatives
by Peter Prowse - 445-446 Book Review: Grafters
by Tim Strangleman - 447-448 Books Received
by N/A
March 2005, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 5-23 ‘Making up’ managers
by Sharon C. Bolton - 25-46 Constructing an artistic identity
by Alison Bain - 47-65 Really dealing
by Steve Vincent