March 2005, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 67-89 Cultures of ambiguity
by Ian P. McLoughlin & Richard J. Badham & Gill Palmer - 91-106 Sources of change in trade unions
by Edmund Heery - 107-129 ‘I’m still scrubbing the floors’
by Wolfgang Lehmann - 131-139 Dual earning in Europe
by Mark Smith - 141-151 Applying new institutional theory
by Arno van Raak & Angelique de Rijk & Judy Morsa - 153-174 Comparing occupational segregation in Great Britain and the United States
by Jane Elliott - 175-175 Sociologia del Trabajo
by Nueva Epoca - 177-192 Book Review: Capitalisms
by James Fulcher - 193-195 Book Review: Gender and the Welfare State
by Lavinia Mittin - 195-197 Book Review: Organizational Behaviour and Work: A Critical Introduction, 2nd edn
by Jessica Miller - 197-199 Book Review: European Works Councils: Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will?
by Andrew R. Timming - 199-200 Book Review: How the Other Half Works: Immigration and the Social Organization of Labor
by Patrick McGovern - 201-203 Book Review: The NUM and British Politics Volume 1: 1944-1968
by Jonathan Winterton - 205-206 Books Received
by N/A
December 2004, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 653-662 Work, Employment & Society today
by Paul Stewart - 663-685 Factory regimes and the dismantling of established labour in Asia: a review of cases from large manufacturing plants in China, South Korea and Taiwan
by Theo Nichols & Surhan Cam & Wen-chi Grace Chou & Soonok Chun & Wei Zhao & Tongqing Feng - 687-708 Manufacturing concessions: attritionary outsourcing at General Motor’s Lordstown, USA assembly plant
by Jeffrey J. Sallaz - 709-724 Workplace resistance in an Irish call centre: slammin’, scammin’ smokin’ an’ leavin’
by Kate Mulholland - 725-747 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing: getting below the surface of the growth of ‘knowledge work’ in Australia
by Peter Fleming & Bill Harley & Graham Sewell - 749-773 Trade union responses to workplace restructuring: exploring union orientations and actions
by Nicolas Bacon & Paul Blyton - 775-794 Does the ‘organizing model’ represent a credible union renewal strategy?
by Simon R. de Turberville - 795-811 Call configurations: varieties of call centre and divisions of labour
by Miriam A. Glucksmann - 813-817 Sociologia del Lavoro n. 93, 2004 Tra Produzione e Consumo: Processi di Cambiamento della Società Italiana
by Vanni Codeluppi - 819-822 Globalization and its Effects on Labour
by Martin Upchurch - 823-825 Book Review: The Changing Contours of German Industrial Relations
by Fiona Moore - 825-827 Book Review: A Forgotten Army: Female Munitions Workers of South Wales, 1939–45
by Nickie Charles - 827-829 Book Review: Rediscovering the Other America: The Continuing Crisis of Poverty and Inequality in the United States
by Robert M. Blackburn - 829-830 Book Review: They Are Not Machines: Korean Women Workers and their Fight for Democratic Trade Unionism in the 1970s
by Theo Nichols - 830-832 Book Review: Globalisation Contested: An International Political Economy of Work
by André Spicer - 832-834 Book Review: New Frontiers of Democratic Participation at Work
by Ariane de Hoog - 834-836 Book Review: How the Other Half Works: Immigration and the Social Organization of Labor
by Patrick McGovern - 836-838 Book Review: Training the Excluded for Work: Access and Equity for Women, Immigrants, First Nations, Youth and People with Low Income
by Irena Grugulis - 838-840 Book Review: Towards a Politics of the Rainbow: Self-organization in the Trade Union Movement
by Hazel Conley - 841-842 Books Received
by N/A - 843-846 WES Annual Index 18 2004
by N/A
September 2004, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 459-480 ‘Just a Temp?’
by Catherine Casey & Petricia Alach - 481-506 Equal Opportunities Policy and Practice in Britain:
by Kim Hoque & Mike Noon - 507-530 Divided Workers
by Lee Byoung-Hoon & Stephen J. Frenkel - 531-549 Working Time and Work and Family Conflict in the Netherlands, Sweden and the Uk
by Christine R. Cousins & Ning Tang - 551-572 Work and Family Life Balance
by Jeanne Fagnani & Marie-Thérèse Letablier - 573-599 ‘Portfolio Careers’ and the Search for Flexibility in Later Life
by Kerry Platman - 601-605 Sociologia del Lavoro n. 92, 2004
by N/A - 607-620 Challenging the Foundations of Organization Theory
by Michael Rowlinson - 621-629 The Office (27 November 2003–18 January 2004), the Photographers’ Gallery, London
by Laurie Cohen & Melissa Tyler - 631-642 Book Reviews
by N/A - 643-644 Books Received
by N/A
June 2004, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 243-266 Changing Patterns of Task Discretion in Britain
by Duncan Gallie & Alan Felstead & Francis Green - 267-295 Caring for Nothing
by Donna Baines - 297-319 Avoiding the ‘McJobs’
by Colin Lindsay & Ronald W. McQuaid - 321-348 Non-Standard Work in Two Different Employment Regimes
by Karen M. Olsen & Arne L. Kalleberg - 349-368 Masculinity at Work
by Ruth Simpson - 369-394 Stepping-Stones or Traps?
by Stefani Scherer - 395-412 Social Housing Managers and the Performance Ethos
by Rionach Casey & Chris Allen - 413-420 ‘The Quiet Revolution’?
by Keith Forrester - 421-433 Abstracts
by N/A - 435-453 Book Reviews
by N/A - 455-456 Books Received
by N/A
March 2004, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 7-27 Work Orientations of Female Returners
by Hans Doorewaard & John Hendrickx & Piet Verschuren - 29-49 Extending Conceptual Boundaries: Work, Voluntary Work and Employment
by Rebecca F. Taylor - 51-72 The Position of Policewomen: A Discourse Analytic Study
by Penny Dick & Catherine Cassell - 73-95 From Re-Arranger to Convert: The Patterns of Integration of Part-Time Workers and People on Leave
by Katrijn Vanderweyden - 97-114 Back-Office Service Work: Bureaucracy Challenged?
by Marek Korczynski - 115-135 Flexible Working and the Gender Pay Gap in the Accountancy Profession
by Janet Smithson & Suzan Lewis & Cary Cooper & Jackie Dyer - 137-156 State Restructuring and Union Renewal: The Case of the National Union of Teachers
by Bob Carter - 157-177 The Crisis of Civil Service Trade Unionism: A Case Study of Call Centre Development in a Civil Service Agency
by Michael Fisher - 179-192 Ways of (not) Seeing Work: The Visual As a Blind Spot in WES?
by Tim Strangleman - 193-208 The Work Environment in Fixed-Term Jobs: Are Poor Psychosocial Conditions Inevitable?
by Antti Saloniemi & Pekka Virtanen & Jussi Vahtera - 209-216 Abstracts
by N/A - 219-223 Work–Life Balance and Family Friendly Policies – in Whose Interest?
by Geraldine Healy - 224-238 Book Reviews
by N/A - 239-240 Books Received
by N/A
December 2003, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 597-616 Gender Inequality in the Work Environment at Institutes of Higher Learning in Science and Technology in India
by Namrata Gupta & A. K. Sharma - 617-640 Race Equality Policies at Work: Employee Perceptions of the ‘Implementation Gap’ in a UK Local Authority
by Chris Creegan & Fiona Colgan & Richard Charlesworth & Gil Robinson - 641-666 Temporary Employment and Employability: Training Opportunities and Efforts of Temporary and Permanent Employees in Belgium
by Anneleen Forrier & Luc Sels - 667-689 Non-Standard Employment in the Management and Professional Workforce: Training, Consultation and Gender Implications
by Kim Hoque & Ian Kirkpatrick - 691-718 Employment Flexibility in Spain and its Impact on Transitions to Adulthood
by Katrin Golsch - 719-730 Praising Caesar Not Burying Him: What We Know about Employment Relations in Small Firms
by Monder Ram & Paul Edwards - 731-742 Mental Health and Absence from Work: New Evidence from the UK Quarterly Labour Force Survey
by Stephen Almond & Andrew Healey - 747-756 Rational Choice Theory, the ‘New Economic Sociology’ and Functionalism
by Patrick McGovern - 757-759 Book Reviews
by Chris Bolsmann - 759-761 Book Reviews
by Bob Carter - 761-763 Book Reviews
by Berit Brandth - 763-765 Book Reviews
by Leo McCann - 765-767 Book Reviews
by Peter Scott - 767-768 Book Reviews
by Susan Halford - 768-770 Book Reviews
by Peter Taylor-Gooby - 771-773 Book Reviews
by Gregory Schwartz - 775-778 The Future of Work Research Programme
by N/A
September 2003, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 419-434 Livelihoods in Postcommunist Russia
by Francine Pickup & Anne White - 435-458 `A Unique Working Environment': Health, Sickness and Absence Management in UK Call Centres
by Phil Taylor & Chris Baldry & Peter Bain & Vaughan Ellis - 459-472 Can `Partnership' Reverse the Decline of British Trade Unions?
by Michael Terry - 473-480 Reconnecting with History: The ESRC Future of Work Programme
by Peter Nolan - 481-501 PPPs and the Changing Public Sector Ethos: Case-Study Evidence from the Health and Local Authority Sectors
by Gail Hebson & Damian Grimshaw & Mick Marchington - 503-530 Good Deal, Bad Deal? Job Satisfaction in Occupations
by Michael Rose - 531-552 The Gender Dimensions of Job Insecurity in a Local Labour Market
by Nickie Charles & Emma James - 553-556 The Future of Work Research Programme
by N/A - 557-568 Changing Communities at Work in Academia
by Huw Morris - 569-573 Workers, Unions and the High Performance Workplace
by Andy Danford - 575-577 Book Reviews
by Miguel MartÃnez Lucio - 577-578 Book Reviews
by Theo Nichols - 579-581 Book Reviews
by Valeria Pulignano
June 2003, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 227-246 The Changing Meaning of Work: Restructuring in the Former Coalmining Communities of the South Wales Valleys
by Jane Parry - 247-268 Mobilization and Change in a Trade Union Setting: Environment, Structures and Action
by Janice R. Foley - 269-287 Apprenticeship in the `Golden Age': Were Youth Transitions Really Smooth and Unproblematic Back Then?
by Sarah A. Vickerstaff - 289-308 Trolley Dolly or Skilled Emotion Manager? Moving on from Hochschild's Managed Heart
by Sharon C. Bolton & Carol Boyd - 309-330 Motherhood, Paid Work and Partnering: Values and Theories
by Simon Duncan & Rosalind Edwards & Tracey Reynolds & Pam alldred - 331-357 Women, Work and Equal Opportunities in Post-Communist Transition
by Anna Pollert - 359-378 Disconnected Capitalism: Or Why Employers Can't Keep Their Side of the Bargain
by Paul Thompson - 379-391 Self-Employed Workers: Calling the Shots or Hesitant Independents? A Consideration of the Trends
by Deborah Smeaton - 393-400 Centro Internazionale di Documentazione e Studi Sociologici sui Problemi del Lavoro
by Mr. C.I.Do.Pe.L. - 401-403 Book Reviews
by John Carter - 403-405 Book Reviews
by Carol Boyd - 405-407 Book Reviews
by Debbie Jolly - 407-409 Book Reviews
by Jessica Miller
March 2003, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 5-28 The Consequences of Economic Restructuring for the Gender Earnings Gap in Israel, 1972-1995
by Meir Yaish & Vered Kraus - 29-47 Continuity or Change?
by Derek Adam-Smith & Gill Norris & Steve Williams - 49-72 Employment Restructuring in Russian Industrial Enterprises
by Gregory Schwartz - 73-100 Downsizing and Deknowledging the Firm
by Craig R. Littler & Peter Innes - 101-120 Assessing Anti-ageism Routes to Older Worker Re-engagement
by Colin Duncan - 121-135 Anatomy of a Care Manager
by Malcolm Carey - 137-157 Supply Chain Rationalization
by Christopher Wright & John Lund - 159-170 Reconciling Competing Pressures for Working-time Flexibility
by Anne McBride - 171-182 `We Could have had the Old Girl Out in the Paddock Years Ago'
by Barbara Pini - 183-185 Sociologie du Travail 44(3), 2002
by N/A - 187-196 Knowledge, Innovation and Institutional Change
by Rick Delbridge - 197-205 The New Politics of the Welfare State
by David Byrne - 207-209 Book Reviews
by Jay Wiggan - 207-218 Book Reviews
by Jay Wiggan & Martin Upchurch & Terry Austrin & Jeff Hyman & Geraldine Healy & John Carter - 209-211 Book Reviews
by Martin Upchurch - 211-213 Book Reviews
by Terry Austrin - 213-215 Book Reviews
by Jeff Hyman - 215-217 Book Reviews
by Geraldine Healy - 217-218 Book Reviews
by John Carter - 219-220 Books Received
by N/A
December 2002, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 579-597 Managing Self-management: Successful Transitions to Portfolio Careers
by Michael Gold & Janet Fraser - 599-616 The Migration of Bureaucracy: Contracting and the Regulation of Labour in the Telecommunications Industry
by Robert MacKenzie - 617-636 A Divided Working Class? Planning and Career Perception in the Service and Working Classes
by Yaojun Li & Frank Bechhofer & Robert Stewart & David McCrone & Michael Anderson & Lynn Jamieson - 637-654 Overqualification in Employment
by Malcolm Brynin - 655-674 Jobseekers and Gatekeepers: the Role of the Private Employment Agency in the Placement of the Unemployed
by Anne Gray - 675-701 Labour Market Integration and Institutions: An Anglo-german Comparison
by Steffen Hillmert - 703-723 Transgressive Desires: New Enterprising Selves in the New Capitalism
by Tara J. Fenwick - 725-737 A State of Insecurity: Temporary Work in the Public Services
by Hazel Conley - 739-743 Sociologia Del Lavoro N. 86-87, 2002
by Giuseppe Bonazzi & Michele La Rosa & Valeria Pulignano - 745-753 Still an Uncertain Future: Debating US Labour
by Bob Carter - 755-759 Women, Power and the Glass Ceiling: Current Research Perspectives
by Susan Durbin - 761-762 Book Reviews
by David Goss - 761-773 Book Reviews
by David Goss & Janet Druker & Tim Strangleman & Kevin Ward & Helen Russell & Mark Erickson - 762-764 Book Reviews
by Janet Druker - 764-766 Book Reviews
by Tim Strangleman - 766-769 Book Reviews
by Kevin Ward - 769-771 Book Reviews
by Helen Russell - 771-773 Book Reviews
by Mark Erickson - 775-776 Books Received
by N/A
September 2002, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 389-413 Is Lean Mean?
by Richard Anderson-Connolly & Leon Grunberg & Edward S. Greenberg & Sarah Moore - 415-431 What's So Special About Small Firms?
by Rowena Barrett & Al Rainnie - 433-456 Making Money
by Stephen Gaetz & Bill O'Grady - 457-476 Barriers to Participation in Residual Rural Labour Markets
by Ian Hodge & Jessica Dunn & Sarah Monk & Maureen Fitzgerald - 477-495 Labour Market Flexibility in the Netherlands
by Chantal Remery & Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes & Joop Schippers - 497-510 The Social Relations of body Work
by Carol Wolkowitz - 511-522 Unemployed Professionals, Stigma Management and Derivative Stigmata
by Paul Letkemann - 523-536 Attitudes Towards Work and Motherhood Held by Working and Non-working Mothers
by Gillian Marks & Diane M. Houston - 537-548 Reliability and recall of unemployment events using retrospective data
by Sheila C. Jacobs - 553-556 Sociologia Del Iavoro n. 84, 2002
by Mauro Magatti & Roberto Rizza - 557-559 Book Reviews
by Herman Knudsen - 557-572 Book Reviews
by Herman Knudsen & Michael Richardson & Tony Royle & Matthew Cole & Gill Kirton & David Ashton & Michael Rowlinson - 560-562 Book Reviews
by Michael Richardson - 562-564 Book Reviews
by Tony Royle - 564-566 Book Reviews
by Matthew Cole - 567-568 Book Reviews
by Gill Kirton - 569-570 Book Reviews
by David Ashton - 570-572 Book Reviews
by Michael Rowlinson - 573-574 Books Received
by N/A
June 2002, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 211-230 Does Women's Employment Reduce Poverty? Evidence from Israel
by Haya Stier & Alisa C. Lewin - 231-250 The Uneven Geographies of Informal Economic Activities: a Case Study of Two British Cities
by Colin C. Williams & Jan Windebank - 251-281 Spectres of Marx and Braverman in the Twilight of Postmodernist Labour Process Research
by Tony Tinker - 283-304 Social Movement Unionism: the Case of South Africa
by Karl von Holdt - 305-327 Trade Union Strategy and Renewal: the Restructuring of Work and Work Relations in the UK Aerospace Industry
by Andy Danford & Mike Richardson & Martin Upchurch - 329-340 Time and Emotion in Studies of Household Technologies
by Elizabeth B. Silva - 341-353 New Directions in State and International Professional Occupations: Discretionary Decision-making and Acquired Regulation
by Julia Evetts - 355-371 Ageism in Teaching: Stereotypical Beliefs and Discriminatory Attitudes towards the Over-50s
by Tom Redman & Ed Snape - 373-376 Book Reviews
by Rosemary Crompton - 373-382 Book Reviews
by Rosemary Crompton & Bob Carter & Thomas Klikauer & Gregor Gall - 377-378 Book Reviews
by Bob Carter - 378-380 Book Reviews
by Thomas Klikauer - 381-382 Book Reviews
by Gregor Gall - 383-384 Books Received
by N/A
March 2002, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 5-25 The Labour Market Prospects for Pakistani and Bangladeshi Women
by Angela Dale & E. Fieldhouse & Nusrat Shaheen & Virinder Kalra - 27-46 Informal Labour Market Governance: the Case of the British and German Media Production Industries
by Arne Baumann - 47-65 The Technicization of Sales Work: an Ethnographic Study in the US Electronics Industry
by Asaf Darr - 67-90 Changing Labour Markets and Early Career Outcomes: Labour Market Entry in Europe Over the Past Decade
by Markus Gangl - 91-110 Ethnicity and Female Labour Market Participation: a New Look at the Palestinian Enclave in Israel
by Nabil Khattab - 111-132 The Case for Gender-sensitive Socio-ecological Research
by Beate Littig - 133-150 Work Organization, Control and the Experience of Work in Call Centres
by Phil Taylor & Gareth Mulvey & Jeff Hyman & Peter Bain - 151-169 Customer Violence and Employee Health and Safety
by Carol Boyd - 171-183 The Consequences of China's Socialist Market Economy for Seafarers
by Minghua Zhao - 185-196 Dynamic forms of Control at Work: a Research Note on Integrated Supply Chains in the Motor Industry in Southern Italy
by Valeria Pulignano - 197-199 Book Reviews
by Judith Burnett - 197-206 Book Reviews
by Judith Burnett & Anita L. Lessard-Fisher & Theo Nichols & Stephen Edgell & Jennifer Somerville