June 2013, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 537-538 Book review symposium: Scott Lash and John Urry
by Gibson Burrell - 539-540 Book review symposium: Scott Lash and John Urry
by Miguel MartÃnez Lucio - 541-542 Book review symposium: Scott Lash and John Urry
by Ian Greer - 542-546 Book review symposium: Response to reviewers of
by Scott Lash & John Urry
April 2013, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 195-212 Commitment and collective identity of long-term union participation: the case of women union leaders in the UK and USA
by Gill Kirton & Geraldine Healy - 213-231 Reframing workplace relations? Conflict resolution and mediation in a primary care trust
by Richard Saundry & Louise McArdle & Peter Thomas - 232-243 Partisan, scholarly and active: arguments for an organic public sociology of work
by Paul Brook & Ralph Darlington - 244-253 ‘Because we were living it’: the hidden work of a strike
by Jo McBride & John Stirling & Shirley Winter - 254-271 The weakest link? Product market strategies, skill and pay in the hotel industry
by Caroline Lloyd & Chris Warhurst & Eli Dutton - 272-287 The labour market experiences and strategies of young undocumented migrants
by Alice Bloch - 288-307 The ill-treatment of employees with disabilities in British workplaces
by Ralph Fevre & Amanda Robinson & Duncan Lewis & Trevor Jones - 308-325 Controlling the uncontrollable: ‘Agile’ teams and illusions of autonomy in creative work
by Damian Hodgson & Louise Briand - 326-342 Do fathers work fewer paid hours when their female partner is the main or an equal earner?
by Shireen Kanji - 343-359 A matter of time: young professionals’ experiences of long work hours
by Jane Sturges - 360-367 Bleak house: pessimism and prescription about management, responsibility and society in the early 21
by Ian Glover - 368-369 Book review: Peter Fairbrother, John O’Brien, Michael O’Donnell, Anne Junor and Glynne Williams
by Chris F Wright - 369-371 Book review: Anita Chan (ed.)
by Xuebing Cao - 371-372 Book review: David Hesmondhalgh and Sarah Baker
by Sarah B Proctor-Thomson - 373-374 Book review: Alain Klarsfeld (ed.)
by Jacqueline H Stephenson - 374-375 Book review: David Card and Alan B Krueger (edited by Randall KQ Akee and Klaus Zimmermann), Wages
by Iasonas Lamprianou
February 2013, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-20 Changing job roles in the Norwegian and UK fitness industry: in search of national institutional effects
by Caroline Lloyd & Jonathan Payne - 21-38 An explanation of cross-national variation in call centre job quality using institutional theory
by David Holman - 39-55 Race to the East, race to the bottom? Multi-nationals and industrial relations in two sectors in the Czech Republic
by Guglielmo Meardi & Sonja Strohmer & Franz Traxler - 56-72 Job loss and its aftermath among managers and professionals: wounded, fragmented and flexible
by Yiannis Gabriel & David E Gray & Harshita Goregaokar - 73-93 Does the effect of job loss on psychological distress differ by educational level?
by Jornt J Mandemakers & Christiaan WS Monden - 94-104 Making sense of insecurity: a defence of Richard Sennett’s sociology of work
by Dale Tweedie - 105-121 The degradation of work and the end of the skilled emotion worker at Aer Lingus: is it all trolley dollies now?
by Caitriona Curley & Tony Royle - 122-137 Serving and consuming: drink, work and leisure in public houses
by Peter John Sandiford & Diane Seymour - 138-152 The occurrence and frequency of overnight job travel in the USA
by Yu-Jin Jeong & Anisa M Zvonkovic & Yoshie Sano & Alan C Acock - 153-169 When culture resists progress: masculine organizational culture and its impacts on the vertical segregation of women in Japanese companies
by Kumiko Nemoto - 170-171 Book review symposium: Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
by Andy Charlwood - 171-173 Book review symposium: Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
by Nelarine Cornelius - 174-175 Book review symposium: Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
by Aidan Regan - 175-177 Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett reply to three reviews of
by Richard Wilkinson & Kate Pickett - 178-185 Book review essay: Dominance by default: neoliberalism’s continuing ascendancy
by George Lafferty - 186-187 Book review: Jun Imai
by Tony Elger - 188-189 Book review: Owen Jones
by Karen Lumsden - 189-191 Book review: Per Skedinger
by Anil Duman - 191-192 Book review: Charles M Beach, Alan G Green and Christopher Worswick
by Soma Chatterjee
December 2012, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 899-917 Working in the other Square Mile: performing and placing sexualized labour in Soho’s sex shops
by Melissa Tyler - 918-934 The relevance of ideas in a union’s organization of contingent workers: ‘Here come the fairy people!’
by Deborah Dean - 935-950 Work, narrative identity and social affiliation
by Karen Foster - 951-967 Unions, learning, migrant workers and union revitalization in Britain
by Stephen Mustchin - 968-986 An analysis of the impact of the 2008–9 recession on the provision of training in the UK
by Alan Felstead & Francis Green & Nick Jewson - 987-1006 Ethnic penalties in graduate level over-education, unemployment and wages: evidence from Britain
by Anthony Rafferty - 1007-1018 Not all that it might seem: why job satisfaction is worth studying despite it being a poor summary measure of job quality
by Andrew Brown & Andy Charlwood & David A Spencer - 1019-1027 The story of a ‘boss man’, his community and the 1984 miners’ strike
by Sharon C Bolton & Jack Ditchburn
October 2012, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 699-715 Who rides the glass escalator? Gender, race and nationality in the national nursing assistant study
by Kim Price-Glynn & Carter Rakovski - 716-734 Self-employment, work-family time and the gender division of labour
by Lyn Craig & Abigail Powell & Natasha Cortis - 735-754 Knowledge work: gender-blind or gender-biased?
by Catherine Truss & Edel Conway & Alessia d’Amato & Gráinne Kelly & Kathy Monks & Enda Hannon & Patrick C Flood - 755-771 Too old to work, or too young to retire? The pervasiveness of age norms in Western Europe
by Jonas Radl - 772-788 De-collectivization and employment problems: the experiences of minority ethnic workers seeking help through Citizens Advice
by Jane Holgate & Anna Pollert & Janroj Keles & Leena Kumarappan - 789-805 Bringing social institutions into global value chain analysis: the case of salmon farming in Chile
by Helen Rainbird & Paulina Ramirez - 806-821 Job preferences and the intrinsic quality of work: the changing attitudes of British employees 1992–2006
by Duncan Gallie & Alan Felstead & Francis Green - 822-838 Government reforms, performance management and the labour process: the case of officers in the UK probation service
by Jenny Gale - 839-856 Confucian HRM or unitarism with Chinese characteristics? A study of worker attitudes to work reform and management in three state-owned enterprises
by Andy Danford & Wei Zhao - 857-868 Political Congruence and Trade Union Renewal
by Martin Upchurch & Richard Croucher & Matt Flynn
August 2012, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 556-573 ‘Winners’ and ‘losers’: the impact of education, ethnicity and gender on Muslims in the British labour market
by Nabil Khattab - 574-587 Understanding the ethnic pay gap in Britain
by Malcolm Brynin & Ayse Güveli - 588-605 Working in large food retailers in France and the USA: the key role of institutions
by Philippe Askenazy & Jean-Baptiste Berry & Françoise Carré & Sophie Prunier-Poulmaire & Chris Tilly - 606-622 A new form of union organizing in Japan? Community unions and the case of the McDonald’s ‘McUnion’
by Tony Royle & Edson Urano - 623-637 Individual employment rights and the renewal of economic citizenship: lessons from the Rights Commissioners in Ireland
by Deborah Hann & Paul Teague - 638-656 Housework conflict and divorce: a multi-level analysis
by Leah Ruppanner - 657-675 Non-traditional dual earners in Norway: when does she work at least as much as he?
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Marit Rønsen - 676-684 The demands and challenges of being a retail store manager: ‘Handcuffed to the front doors’
by Andrew Smith & Fiona Elliott
June 2012, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 379-395 Those who are in the gutter look at the stars? Explaining perceptions of labour market opportunities among European young adults
by Tim Reeskens & Wim van Oorschot - 396-411 Issue ownership, unemployment and support for government intervention
by Tor G Jakobsen & Ola Listhaug - 412-428 Young women on the margins of the labour market
by Karen Escott - 429-446 A job, a dream or a trap? Multiple meanings for encore careers
by Mary Simpson & Margaret Richardson & Theodore E Zorn - 447-463 Older employees under pressure? Theorizing reasons for declining commitment
by Michael White - 464-480 Flexible friends? Flexible working time arrangements, blurred work-life boundaries and friendship
by Vivi Bach Pedersen & Suzan Lewis - 481-496 Teachers, workforce remodelling and the challenge to labour process analysis
by Bob Carter & Howard Stevenson - 497-513 Managing people ‘spiritually’: a Bourdieusian critique
by Ken Kamoche & Ashly H Pinnington - 514-530 Maternal employment and gender role attitudes: dissonance among British men and women in the transition to parenthood
by Pia Schober & Jacqueline Scott - 531-541 The Big Society, values and co-operation
by Fiona Wilson & Donald MacLean
April 2012, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 1-10 Work beyond employment: representations of informal economic activities
by Colin C Williams & Sara Nadin - 195-210 Professional call centres, professional workers and the paradox of the algorithm: the case of telenursing
by Bob Russell - 211-227 Professionalism ‘from below’: mobilization potential in Indian call centres
by Brandon Vaidyanathan - 228-245 The open-plan academy: space, control and the undermining of professional identity
by Chris Baldry & Alison Barnes - 246-261 Collaborating in a competitive world: musicians’ working lives and understandings of entrepreneurship
by Susan Coulson - 262-277 Breaks in employment due to childcare in the Czech Republic before and after 1989
by Marie Valentova - 278-295 Gender and ethnic differences in occupational positions and earnings among nurses and engineers in Norway: identical educational choices, unequal outcomes
by Hilde Karlsen - 296-313 Women’s equality in the Scandinavian academy: a distant dream?
by Cathrine Seierstad & Geraldine Healy - 314-330 A service union’s innovation dilemma: limitations on creative action in German industrial relations
by Ursula Holtgrewe & Virginia Doellgast - 331-348 Speaking allowed? Workplace regulation of regional dialect
by Elizabeth Eustace - 349-359 Using equality to challenge austerity: new actors, old problems
by Hazel Conley - 360-363 Samantha Velluti, New Governance and the European Employment Strategy and Stella Vettori (ed.), Ageing Populations and Changing Labour Markets: Social and Economic Impacts of the Demographic Time Bomb
by Clara Morgan - 364-365 Book review: Jacqueline Scott, Rosemary Crompton and Clare Lyonette (eds), Gender Inequalities in the 21st Century: New Barriers and Continuing Constraints
by Tessa Wright - 366-367 Book review: Michael W Kramer, Organizational Socialization: Joining and Leaving Organizations
by Gertrude Iranganie Hewapathirana - 367-369 Book review: J Kirk and C Wall, Work and Identity: Historical and Cultural Contexts
by Michelle Addison - 369-370 Book review: Carole Thornley, Steve Jefferys and Beatrice Appay (eds), Globalization and Precarious Forms of Production and Employment: Challenges for Workers and Unions
by Tony Royle
February 2012, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 5-9 Writing articles for Work, Employment and Society: different voices, same language
by Irena Grugulis & Mark Stuart & Chris Forde & Ian Kirkpatrick & Robert Mackenzie & Jennifer Tomlinson - 10-25 Financial stress and the long-term outcomes of job loss
by Sally A Weller - 26-41 Life after Burberry: shifting experiences of work and non-work life following redundancy
by Paul Blyton & Jean Jenkins - 42-60 Ageing, skills and participation in work-related training in Britain: assessing the position of older workers
by Jesus Canduela & Matthew Dutton & Steve Johnson & Colin Lindsay & Ronald W McQuaid & Robert Raeside - 61-77 Gender, age and ageism: experiences of women managers in Finland and Scotland
by Marjut Jyrkinen & Linda McKie - 78-94 Working past 65 in the UK and the USA: segregation into ‘Lopaq’ occupations?
by David Lain - 95-110 ‘Monday will never be the same again’: the transformation of employment and work in a public-private partnership
by Andrew Smith - 111-127 The back office goes global: exploring connections and contradictions in shared service centres
by Debra Howcroft & Helen Richardson - 128-144 The social construction of professionalism among organizers and senior organizers in a UK trade union
by Denise Thursfield - 145-160 Civil society organizations and trade unions: cooperation, conflict, indifference
by Edmund Heery & Steve Williams & Brian Abbott - 161-171 Trade unions and action research
by Tony Huzzard & Hans Björkman
December 2011, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 581-595 Managing uncertainty: the crisis, its consequences and the global workforce
by Jacqueline O’Reilly & David Lain & Maura Sheehan & Bob Smale & Mark Stuart - 596-610 Macroeconomic policy, labour market institutions and employment outcomes
by Eileen Appelbaum - 611-626 Theorizing financialization
by Costas Lapavitsas - 627-641 Europe and the economic crisis: forms of labour market adjustment and varieties of capitalism
by Michel Lallement - 642-657 Flexicurity, employment protection and the jobs crisis
by Jason Heyes - 658-674 Reconstruction amid deconstruction: or why we need more of the social in European social models
by Jill Rubery - 675-692 The impact of the economic crisis on international migration: a review
by Chris Tilly - 693-708 Measuring discrimination facing ethnic minority job applicants: an Irish experiment
by Frances McGinnity & Peter D. Lunn - 709-725 Aesthetic and emotional labour through stigma: national identity management and racial abuse in offshored Indian call centres
by Vandana Nath - 726-741 The impact of citizenship on labour process: state, capital and labour control in South China
by Thomas Peng - 742-759 Workplace aggression: the effects of harassment on job burnout and turnover intentions
by Stephen Deery & Janet Walsh & David Guest - 760-776 ‘White knuckle care work’: violence, gender and new public management in the voluntary sector
by Donna Baines & Ian Cunningham - 777-793 The role of fixed-term contracts at labour market entry in Poland: stepping stones, screening devices, traps or search subsidies?
by Anna Baranowska & Michael Gebel & Irena E Kotowska - 794-805 Dimensions of collectivism: occupation, community and the increasing role of memory and personal dynamics in the debate
by Jo McBride & Miguel MartÃnez Lucio
September 2011, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 379-396 Work environment quality: the role of workplace participation and democracy
by Herman Knudsen & Ole Busck & Jens Lind - 397-416 The determinants of workplace direct participation: evidence from a regional survey
by MarÃa C. Gonzalez Menendez - 417-433 Indian call centre workers: vanguard of a global middle class?
by Jonathan Murphy - 434-450 Identity on the line: constructing professional identity in a HR call centre
by Katrina Pritchard & Gillian Symon - 451-467 ‘Gaming is my work’: identity work in internet-hobbyist game workers
by Yu-Hao Lee & Holin Lin - 468-486 A matter of culture and cost? A comparison of the employment decisions made by mothers with a lower, intermediate and higher level of education in the Netherlands
by Mariëlle Cloïn & Saskia Keuzenkamp & Janneke Plantenga - 487-505 Explaining career motivation among female doctors in the Netherlands: the effects of children, views on motherhood and work-home cultures
by Berber Pas & Pascale Peters & Rob Eisinga & Hans Doorewaard & Toine Lagro-Janssen - 506-521 Sales work and the situated constitution of legitimate economic exchange
by Asaf Darr - 522-539 Outsourcing the procurement of agency workers: the impact of vendor managed services in English social care
by Kim Hoque & Ian Kirkpatrick & Chris Lonsdale & Alex De Ruyter - 540-550 Mobile central eastern Europeans in Britain: successful European Union citizens and disadvantaged labour migrants?
by Zinovijus Ciupijus - 551-560 Social access in the workplace: are ethnographers gossips?
by Simon Carmel
June 2011, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 197-201 The more things change… towards 25 years of Work, Employment and Society
by Mark Stuart & Irena Grugulis & Chris Forde & Ian Kirkpatrick & Robert Mackenzie & Jennifer Tomlinson - 202-217 The state and the union learning agenda in Britain
by Helen Rainbird & Mark Stuart - 218-233 Assessing the impact of Union Learning Representatives on training: evidence from a matched sample of ULRs and managers
by Kim Hoque & Nicolas Bacon - 234-256 Support for the work-life balance in Europe: the impact of state, workplace and family support on work-life balance satisfaction
by Anja-Kristin Abendroth & Laura den Dulk - 257-273 In search of the perfect manager? Work-life balance and managerial work
by Jackie Ford & David Collinson - 274-291 Non-standard work schedules, work-family balance and the gendered division of childcare
by Lyn Craig & Abigail Powell - 292-308 National unions and transnational workers: the case of Olkiluoto 3, Finland
by Nathan Lillie & Markku Sippola - 309-326 Raising the ‘table stakes’? Ethnic minority businesses and supply chain relationships
by Monder Ram & Kassa Woldesenbet & Trevor Jones - 327-341 Collective narratives and politics in the contemporary study of work: the new management practices debate
by Paul Stewart & Miguel MartÃnez Lucio - 342-351 The missing middle: communities of practice in a freelance labour market
by Irena Grugulis & Dimitrinka Stoyanova - 352-360 Flourishing lives: the capabilities approach as a framework for new thinking about employment, work and welfare in the 21st century
by Michael Orton - 361-363 Joint book review
by Valentina Cuzzocrea - 364-365 Book review: Ethical Socialism and the Trade Unions: Allan Flanders and British Industrial Relations Reform
by Horen Voskeritsian - 365-367 Book review: Workplace Flexibility: Realigning 20th-Century Jobs for a 21st-Century Workforce
by Jillian Yeow - 367-368 Book review: Business in Society: People, Work and Organizations
by Ian Glover - 369-370 Book review: Social Theory in the Twentieth Century and Beyond
by Doris Ruth Eikhof - 370-372 Book review: Beyond Skill: Institutions, Organisations and Human Capability
by Dimitrinka Stoyanova - 372-374 Book review: Working Life: Renewing Labour Process Analysis
by Matt Vidal - 375-375 Books for review
by N/A
March 2011, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 5-18 Workplace bullying and the employment relationship
by David Beale & Helge Hoel - 19-33 Beyond interaction
by Rachel Sherman - 34-50 ‘We both need to work’
by Clare Lyonette & Gayle Kaufman & Rosemary Crompton - 51-67 Reconceptualising employee silence
by Jimmy Donaghey & Niall Cullinane & Tony Dundon & Adrian Wilkinson - 68-84 Young people’s aspirations for education, work, family and leisure
by Paula McDonald & Barbara Pini & Janis Bailey & Robin Price - 85-100 Do employability skills really matter in the UK graduate labour market? The case of business and management graduates
by Nick Wilton - 101-117 Forms of capital, intra-ethnic variation and Polish entrepreneurs in Leicester
by Natalia Vershinina & Rowena Barrett & Michael Meyer - 118-131 Getting personnel
by David A. Spencer - 132-140 Workblogging in a Facebook age
by Abigail Schoneboom - 141-148 Under the clean surface
by Helena Lundberg & Jan Ch. Karlsson - 149-162 Reconceptualising employer associations under evolving employment relations
by Michael Barry & Adrian Wilkinson - 163-169 ‘Greed is (not) good’
by Vaughan Ellis - 170-172 Book review: Accountants’ Truth: Knowledge and Ethics in the Financial World
by Aaron Z. Pitluck - 173-175 Book review: Laid-Off Workers in a Workers’ State: Unemployment with Chinese Characteristics
by Charles Umney - 177-179 Book review: Sustainable Prosperity in the New Economy? Business Organization and High-Tech Employment in the USA
by Aleksandra Pawlik - 179-180 Book review: Power in Coalition: Strategies for Strong Unions and Social Change
by Jane Holgate - 180-182 Book review: Community Unionism: A Comparative Analysis of Concepts and Contexts
by Ian Roper - 182-183 Book review: The Management of Meaning in Organizations
by William C. Murray - 183-184 Book review: Developing Women Leaders: A Guide for Men and Women in Organizations
by Johanne Grosvold - 184-186 Book review: Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach
by Lisa Siegele - 186-187 Book review: Working Bodies: Interactive Service Employment and Workplace Identities
by Peter Lugosi - 187-190 Book review: Vocational Training: International Perspectives
by Mark Stuart - 190-190 Books For Review
by N/A
December 2010, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 621-640 Female part-time managers: networks and career mobility
by Susan Durbin & Jennifer Tomlinson - 641-660 Early career consequences of temporary employment in Germany and the UK
by Michael Gebel - 661-679 Neoliberalism and knowledge interests in boundaryless careers discourse
by Juliet Roper & Shiv Ganesh & Kerr Inkson - 680-698 Organisational restructuring and emerging service value chains: implications for work and employment
by Jörg Flecker & Pamela Meil - 699-710 Making the connections: bringing skill formation into global value chain analysis
by Paulina Ramirez & Helen Rainbird - 711-727 Making a difference? The use (and abuse) of diversity management at the UK’s elite law firms
by Louise Ashley - 728-739 The shackled runner: time to rethink positive discrimination?
by Mike Noon - 740-760 Employee responses to ‘high performance work system’ practices: an empirical test of the disciplined worker thesis
by Bill Harley & Leisa Sargent & Belinda Allen - 761-779 Social capital and wage disadvantages among immigrant workers
by Alireza Behtoui & Anders Neergaard - 780-802 Working at McDonalds: some redeeming features of McJobs
by Anthony M Gould - 803-812 Banks, bailouts and bonuses: a personal account of working in Halifax Bank of Scotland during the financial crisis
by Vaughan Ellis & Margaret Taylor - 813-818 Book Review Essay: Active citizenship and work: what and where is the strategic vision?
by Grainne Ketelaar - 819-820 Book Review: Deborah Howcroft and Helen Richardson (eds) Work and Life in the Global Economy: A Gendered Analysis of Service Work Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, £60.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9780230580848), xii + 284 pp
by Nathalie Mitev - 821-822 Book Review: Elisabeth Kelan Performing Gender at Work Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, £60.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9780230577817), 253 pp
by Jacqueline H Watts - 822-824 Book Review: Hendrik Meyer-Ohle Japanese Workplaces in Transition: Employee Perceptions Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009, £65.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9780230229389), x + 218 pp
by Anuratha Raman - 824-825 Book Review: Béla Galgóczi, Janine Leschke and Andrew Watt (eds) EU Labour Migration since Enlargement: Trends, Impacts and Policies Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009, £65.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9780754676843), 336 pp
by Demyan Belyaev - 825-827 Book Review: Alan Felstead, Alison Fuller, Nick Jewson and Lorna Unwin Improving Working as Learning Abingdon: Routledge, 2009, £21.99 pbk, (ISBN: 9780415496469), 248 pp
by Gordon Parker - 827-829 Book Review: K. Anders Ericsson (ed.) Development of Professional Expertise: Toward Measurement of Expert Performance and Design of Optimal Learning Environments New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2009, £21.99 pbk, (ISBN: 9780521740081), xvi + 552 pp
by Leonard Holmes - 829-830 Book Review: Elizabeth Shove, Frank Trentmann and Richard Wilk (eds) Time, Consumption and Everyday Life: Practice, Materiality and Culture Oxford: Berg, 2009, £57.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9781847883643), 256 pp
by Aileen O'Carroll - 830-832 Book Review: Edward Granter Critical Social Theory and the End of Work Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009, £55.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9780754676973), vii + 202 pp
by David Frayne
September 2010, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 1-12 Managerial control and workplace regimes: an introduction
by Paul Thompson & Diane van den Broek - 413-429 The myth of the reflexive worker: class and work histories in neo-liberal times
by Will Atkinson - 430-448 The contents of partnership agreements in Britain 1990-2007
by Peter Samuel & Nicolas Bacon - 449-467 ‘Lost in translation’: an analysis of temporary work agency employment in hotels
by Angela Knox - 468-486 Trade union change, development and renewal in emerging economies: the case of Mozambique
by Pauline Dibben - 487-507 Childbirth and cohort effects on mothers' labour supply: a comparative study using life history data for Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain
by Didier Fouarge & Anna Manzoni & Ruud Muffels & Ruud Luijkx - 508-525 The transition to motherhood and part-time working: mutuality and incongruence in the psychological contracts existing between managers and employees
by Penny Dick - 526-545 Putting the process back in: rethinking service sector skill
by Ian Hampson & Anne Junor - 546-564 Emotional management in a mass customised call centre: examining skill and knowledgeability in interactive service work
by Sarah Jenkins & Rick Delbridge & Ashley Roberts