September 2010, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 565-577 Moving beyond skills as a social and economic panacea
by Ewart Keep & Ken Mayhew - 578-590 Survey errors and survey costs: a response to Timming’s critique of the Survey of Employees Questionnaire in WERS 2004
by John Forth & Helen Bewley & Alex Bryson & Gill Dix & Sarah Oxenbridge - 591-596 Book Review Essay: The uncertain destiny of an incomplete revolution
by Fabio Bolzonaro - 597-598 Book Review: Suzan Lewis, Julia Brannen and Ann Nilsen (eds) Work, Families and Organisations in Transition: European Perspectives Bristol: Policy Press, 2009, £65.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9781847422200), x + 214 pp
by Clare Kelliher - 598-600 Book Review: Martin Upchurch, Graham Taylor and Andrew Mathers The Crisis of Social Democratic Trade Unionism in Western Europe: The Search for Alternatives Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009, £55.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9780754670537), 244 pp
by Jo Grady - 600-601 Book Review: Kevin Doogan New Capitalism? The Transformation of Work Cambridge: Polity, 2009, £16.99 pbk, (ISBN: 9780754633251), xiii + 234 pp
by José-Luis à lvarez-Galván - 602-603 Book Review: Dan Coffey and Carole Thornley Globalization and Varieties of Capitalism: New Labour, Economic Policy and the Abject State Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, £55.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9780230553095), x + 188 pp
by Douglas Martin - 603-605 Book Review: Kenneth A. Root and Rosemarie J. Park Forced Out: Older Workers Confront Job Loss Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2009, $57.98 hbk, (ISBN: 9781935049036), 266 pp
by Vanessa Beck - 605-606 Book Review: Marilyn Hammick, Della Freeth, Danë Goodsman and Jeanette Copperman Being Interprofessional Cambridge: Polity, 2009, £19.99 pbk, (ISBN: 9780745643069), 208 pp
by Shelagh Campbell - 607-608 Book Review: Chris Rowley and Vimolwan Yukongdi (eds) The Changing Face of Women Managers in Asia London: Routledge, 2008, £30.99 pbk, (ISBN: 9780415437677), xxii + 264 pp
by Akram Al Ariss - 608-610 Book Review: Egil J. Skorstad and Helge Ramsdal (eds) Flexible Organizations and the New Working Life: A European Perspective Farnham: Ashgate, 2009, £60.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9780754674207), xvi + 272 pp
by Deirdre Anderson - 610-611 Book Review: Paul Stewart, Ken Murphy, Andy Danford, Tony Richardson, Mike Richardson and Vicki Wass We Sell Our Time No More: Workers’ Struggles against Lean Production in the British Car Industry London: Pluto Press, 2009, £16.99 pbk, (ISBN: 9780745328679), xiii + 258 pp
by Andrew Kilmister - 612-614 Books for Review
by N/A
June 2010, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 197-201 Remembering Mike Rose
by Duncan Gallie - 203-220 Trade union interventions in work-life balance
by Mike Rigby & Fiona O'Brien-Smith - 221-240 Worker agency and trade union renewal: the case of Poland
by Adam Mrozowicki & Valeria Pulignano & Geert Van Hootegem - 241-259 Leadership and collective action in the Egyptian trade unions
by Anne Alexander - 260-278 The growing educational divide in mothers’ employment: an investigation based on the German micro-censuses 1976-2004
by Dirk Konietzka & Michaela Kreyenfeld - 279-299 Labour market structures and women’s employment levels
by Marlis C. Buchmann & Irene Kriesi & Stefan Sacchi - 300-317 Migration, immigration controls and the fashioning of precarious workers
by Bridget Anderson - 318-336 The jobs immigrants do: issues of displacement and marginalisation in the Irish labour market
by Thomas Turner - 337-354 Unemployment among immigrants in European labour markets: an analysis of origin and destination effects
by Fenella Fleischmann & Jaap Dronkers - 355-365 The normative foundations of ‘policy implications’: reflections on international labour migration
by David Bartram - 366-374 Conflict and repression in an Argentinean car factory: a cycle of resistance from a worker’s perspective
by Maurizio Atzeni - 375-385 Measuring the prevalence of self-managing teams: taking account of defining characteristics
by Jurriaan J. Nijholt & Jos Benders - 386-390 Book Review Essay: Re-Working Studs Terkel
by Leon Fink - 391-393 Joint review: Ruth Simpson Men in Caring Occupations: Doing Gender Differently Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, £50.00 hbk (ISBN: 9780230574069), 193 pp. Harriet Bradley and Geraldine Healy Ethnicity and Gender at Work: Inequalities, Careers and Employment Relations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, £55.00 hbk (ISBN: 9781403991751), 251 pp
by Jacqueline H. Watts - 394-395 Book Review: Paul Adler (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies: Classical Foundations Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, £85.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9780199535231) 679 pp
by Sharon Bolton - 395-397 Book Review: Peter Fleming Authenticity and the Cultural Politics of Work: New Forms of Informal Control Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, (ISBN: 9780199547159), 224 pp
by Roland Paulsen - 397-399 Book Review: Alan McKinlay and Chris Smith (eds) Creative Labour: Working in the Creative Industries Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, £26.99 pbk (ISBN: 9780230222007), xi + 270 pp
by Paul Brook - 399-400 Book Review: Patrick Reedy The Manager’s Tale: Stories of Managerial Identity Farnham: Ashgate, 2009, £55.00 hbk, no price stated pbk, (ISBN: 9780754646648) vi + 194 pp
by John Chandler - 400-402 Book Review: D. Hugh Whittaker Comparative Entrepreneurship: The UK, Japan, and the Shadow of Silicon Valley Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, £45.00 hbk, no price stated pbk, (ISBN: 9780199563661), ix + 209 pp
by Aleksandra Pawlik - 402-404 Book Review: Casper van Ewijk and Michiel van Leuvensteijn (eds) Homeownership and the Labour Market in Europe Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, £55.00 hbk (ISBN 9780199543946), 255 pp
by Pierre Walthery - 404-405 Book Review: Richard Croucher and Elizabeth Cotton Global Unions, Global Business: Global Union Federations and International Business London: Middlesex University Press, 2009, £30.00 hbk, no price stated pbk (ISBN: 9781904750628), 220 pp
by Steve Belzak - 406-408 Books Received
by N/A
March 2010, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 9-26 Class and employment
by Rosemary Crompton - 27-45 Parenthood, policy and work-family time in Australia 1992—2006
by Lyn Craig & Killian Mullan & Megan Blaxland - 47-64 Not the right job, but a secure one
by Luis Ortiz - 65-84 Rethinking ‘mobile work’: boundaries of space, time and social relation in the working lives of mobile hairstylists
by Rachel Lara Cohen - 85-103 Giving older workers a voice: constraints on the employment of older people in the North West of England
by Lorna Porcellato & Fiona Carmichael & Claire Hulme & Barbara Ingham & Arvin Prashar - 105-125 Social origin and the risks of disadvantage in Denmark and Norway: the early life course of young adults
by Øyvind Nicolay Wiborg & Rasmus Juul Møberg - 127-144 Labour, organisational rescaling and the politics of production: union renewal in the privatised rail industry
by Andrew Cumbers & Danny MacKinnon & Jon Shaw - 145-156 Labour market or labour movement? The union density bias as barrier to labour renewal
by Richard Sullivan - 157-168 Organising for what?: Where is the debate on the politics of organising?
by Melanie Simms & Jane Holgate - 189-191 Books Received
by N/A
December 2009, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 597-615 Whose skill is it anyway?
by Irena Grugulis & Steven Vincent - 617-634 ‘Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing’
by Caroline Lloyd & Jonathan Payne - 635-654 Partner effects on labour market participation and job level: opposing mechanisms
by Ellen Verbakel & Paul M. de Graaf - 655-671 ‘No matter what I did I would still end up in the same position’
by Sian Moore - 673-691 The mobile phone, perpetual contact and time pressure
by Michael Bittman & Judith E. Brown & Judy Wajcman - 693-710 Meanings and dilemmas in community unionism
by Miguel MartÃnez Lucio & Robert Perrett - 711-726 Regulatory enforcement of labour standards in an outsourcing globalized industry
by Michael Bloor & Helen Sampson - 727-745 Redundancy as a critical life event
by Jean Gardiner & Mark Stuart & Robert MacKenzie & Chris Forde & Ian Greenwood & Rob Perrett - 747-773 Workplace incivilities: the role of interest conflicts, social closure and organizational chaos
by Vincent J. Roscigno & Randy Hodson & Steven H. Lopez - 775-786 Owners and managers
by Ian Clark - 787-796 Autonomy, control and job advancement
by Linda McKie & Gill Hogg & Laura Airey & Kathryn Backett-Milburn & Zoe Rew - 797-800 Joint Review: Helma Lutz (ed.) Migration and Domestic Work: A European Perspective on a Global Theme Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008, £55.00, (ISBN: 978-0-7546-4790-4), 224pp. Toby Shelley Exploited: Migrant Labour in the New Global Economy London: Zed Books, 2007, £50.00 hbk, £14.99 pbk, (ISBN: 978-1-8427-7785-24), 192pp
by Zinovijus Ciupijus - 801-802 Book Review: Jacqueline Scott, Shirley Dex and Heather Joshi (eds) Women and Employment: Changing Lives and New Challenges Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008, £79.95 hbk (ISBN: 978-1-8472-0249-9), xv + 375 pp
by Malcolm Brynin - 802-804 Book Review: Miriam Glucksmann (aka R. Cavendish) Women on the Line Oxford: Routledge, 2009, £16.99 pbk (ISBN: 978-0-4154-7642-3), x1 + 172 pp
by Andrew Smith - 804-805 Book Review: Tim Strangleman and Tracey Warren Work and Society: Sociological Approaches,Themes and Methods Oxford: Routledge, 2008, £65 hbk, £19.99 pbk, (ISBN: 978-0-4153-3648-2), x + 344 pp
by Fabio Bolzonaro - 805-807 Book Review: Catherine Theodosius Emotional Labour in Health Care:The Unmanaged Heart of Nursing London: Routledge, 2008, £76.99 hbk, no price stated pbk (978-0-415-40953-7), xiv + 232 pp
by Kevin Walby - 807-808 Book Review: Anne Martin-Matthews and Judith E. Phillips (eds) Aging and Caring at the Intersection of Work and Home Life: Blurring the Boundaries Basingstoke: Taylor and Francis, 2008, £45.00 hbk, (ISBN 978-0-8058-5917-1) xli + 270 pp
by Agnieszka Piasna - 809-810 Book Review: Paul Boreham, Rachel Parker, Paul Thompson and Richard Hall New Technology @ Work Basingstoke: Taylor and Francis, 2008, no price stated hbk, £24.99 pbk, (ISBN: 978-0-4152-6897-4) xiii + 224 pp
by Vaughan Ellis - 810-812 Book Review: Donald Hislop (ed.) Mobility and Technology in the Workplace London, New York: Routledge, 2008, no price stated hbk (ISBN 978-0-4154-4346-3), xii + 244 pp
by Aleksandra Pawlik - 812-814 Book Review: Saniye Dedeoglu Women Workers in Turkey: Global Industrial Production in Istanbul London: Tauris Academic Studies, 2008, no price stated, (ISBN: 978-1845-11478-7) xii + 215 pp
by Utku Balaban - 814-815 Book Review: J.A. Piqueras and V. Sanz Rozalén (eds) A Social History of Spanish Labour: New Perspectives on Class, Politics, and Gender Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007, £45.00 hbk (ISBN: 978-1-8454-5296-4), vi + 330 pp
by Chris Grocott - 815-817 Book Review: Leighton S. James The Politics of Identity and Civil Society in Britain and Germany: Miners in the Ruhr and South Wales 1890—1926. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2008, £60.00 hbk (ISBN: 978-0-7190-7497-4), x + 226 pp
by Raf Vanderstraeten - 819-822 Books available for review
by N/A
September 2009, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 405-421 Medicalization of unemployment: individualizing social issues as personal problems in the Swedish welfare state
by Mikael Holmqvist - 422-441 The consequences of caring: skills, regulation and reward among early years workers
by Patricia Findlay & Jeanette Findlay & Robert Stewart - 442-459 Public sector trade unionism in the UK
by Gemma Edwards - 460-476 Networks of aestheticization: the architecture, artefacts and embodiment of hairdressing salons
by Shalene Chugh & Philip Hancock - 477-493 ‘Switch on’: sensory work in the infantry
by John Hockey - 494-511 ‘Technical, but not very….’: constructing gendered identities in IT-related employment
by Yvonne Guerrier & Christina Evans & Judith Glover & Cornelia Wilson - 512-530 Leaders of men: women ‘managing’ in construction
by Jacqueline H. Watts - 531-548 In critical defence of ‘emotional labour’
by Paul Brook - 549-560 Getting to the heart of the emotional labour process: a reply to Brook
by Sharon C. Bolton - 561-570 WERS the validity? a critique of the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey of employees
by Andrew R. Timming - 571-573 Joint Review: Alison Pullen, Nic Beech, and David Sims Exploring Identity: concepts and Methods Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, £26.99 pbk, (ISBN: 9781403989833) 368 pp. Lin Lerpold, Davide Ravasi, Johan van Rekom and Guillaume Soenen (eds) Organizational Identity in Practice Oxford: Routledge, 2007, £85.00 hbk, £27.99 pbk, (ISBN: 978041539840) 4264 pp
by William C. Murray - 574-575 Book Review: Carol Wolkowitz Bodies at Work London: SAGE Publications, 2006, £70.00 hbk, £21.99 pbk, (ISBN: 9780761960645), ix + 224 pp
by Kate Purcell - 576-577 Book Review: Naila Kabeer Mainstreaming gender in social protection for the informal economy London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 2008, (ISBN: 978—0-85092—840—2), xviii + 411 pp
by Laia Castelló - 577-579 Book Review: Dennis Briscoe, Randall Schuler and Lisbeth Claus International Human Resource Management: policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises, 3rd Edition London: Routledge, 2008, £29.99 pbk (ISBN: 9780415773515), xix + 397 pp
by Nadezhda Gotcheva - 579-580 Book Reviews: Joseph S. Lee (ed.) The Labour Market and Economic Development of Taiwan Cheltenham: Elgar, 2007, £69.95 hbk, (ISBN: 9781847203427) xxiii + 329 pp
by Wei Huang - 580-582 Book Review: Gerry Mooney and Alex Law (eds) New Labour/hard labour? Restructuring and resistance inside the welfare industry The Policy Press, Bristol, 2007, £22.99 pbk, 312 pp. ISBN: 978-1861348333
by Paul Stewart - 582-585 Book Review: Gary Daniels and John McIlroy (eds) Trade Unions in a Neoliberal World: British Trade Unions under New Labour Oxford: Routledge, 2009, £75.00 hbk (ISBN: 9780415426633), xix + 380 pp
by Ralph Darlington - 585-587 Book Review: Craig Phelan (ed.) Trade Union Revitalization: Trends and Prospects in 34 Countries Bern: Peter Lang, 2007, £50.00 pbk (ISBN: 9783039110094), 582 pp
by Peter Prowse - 587-588 Book Review: Carl Rhodes and Robert Westwood Critical Representations of Work and Organization in Popular Culture Oxford: Routledge, 2008, £70 hbk (ISBN: 9780415359894), viii + 236 pp
by Hsiao-Hui Tai - 589-591 Books Received
by N/A
June 2009, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 213-230 Trade unions learning representatives: progressing partnership?
by Catherine Cassell & Bill Lee - 231-248 Partnership agreement adoption and survival in the British private and public sectors
by Nicolas Bacon & Peter Samuel - 249-266 The actuary as fallen hero: on the reform of a profession
by David Collins & Ian Dewing & Peter Russell - 267-284 Professional competition and modernizing the clinical workforce in the NHS
by Graeme Currie & Rachael Finn & Graham Martin - 285-304 WorkChoices, ImageChoices and the marketing of new industrial relations legislation
by Janis Bailey & Keith Townsend & Edwina Luck - 305-322 Entrepreneurship and institution-building in the case of childminding
by Ian Greener - 323-341 The knowledge economy and the restructuring of employment: the case of consultants
by Rory Donnelly - 343-362 The vulnerable worker in Britain and problems at work
by Anna Pollert & Andy Charlwood - 363-375 The outsourcing of social care in Britain: what does it mean for voluntary sector workers?
by Ian Cunningham & Philip James - 377-380 Joint Review: Ulrike Muehlberger Dependent Self-Employment: Workers on the Border between Employment and Self-Employment Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007, £55.00 hbk, xi + 217 pp., 9780230515499. Stella Vettori The Employment Contract and the Changed World of Work Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, £99.95 hbk, ix + 210 pp., 9780754647546
by Kevin Walby - 381-382 Book Review: Patrick McGovern, Stephen Hill, Colin Mills and Michael White Market, Class and Employment Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, $45 pbk, 978 0 19 921338 2, xii + 331pp
by Hsiao-Hui Tai - 382-384 Book Review: Chris Baldry, Peter Bain, Phil Taylor, Jeff Hyman, Dora Scholarios, Abigail Marks, Aileen Watson, Kay Gilbert, Gregor Gall and Dirk Bunzel The Meaning of Work in the New Economy Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, price not stated hbk (ISBN: 9781403934079) 277 pp
by Irena Grugulis - 384-385 Book Review: Sangheon Lee, Deirdre McCann and Jon C. Messenger Working Time Around the World: Trends in Working Hours, Laws and Policies in a Global Comparative Perspective. London and New York: Routledge, 2007, £70.00 hbk (ISBN: 978—0-415—43937—4), xvii + 240 pp
by Johanna Muckenhuber - 385-387 Book Review: Gay W. Seidman Beyond the Boycott: Labor Rights, Human Rights, and Transnational Activism New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2007, $26.00 hbk (ISBN: 0871547619) xvi + 176 pp
by David Bartram - 387-388 Book Review: K. Bronfenbrenner (ed.) Global Unions: Challenging Transnational Capital through Cross-Border Campaigns. New York: Cornell University Press, 2007, £30.50 hbk, £11.50 pbk (ISBN: 9780801473913), 280 pp
by Edward Webster - 389-390 Book Review: K. Dale and Gibson Burrell The Spaces of Organization and the Organization of Space: Power Identity and Materiality at Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, £28.99 pbk (ISBN: 0230572685), xvi + 328 pp
by Philip Hancock - 390-392 Book Review: D. Muzio, S. Ackroyd, and J.F. Chanlat (eds) Redirections in the Study of Expert Labour Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007, £55.00 hbk (ISBN: 9781403998705), 272 pp
by Scott. A. Hurrell - 392-394 Book Review: J. Bennett, B. Crewe and A. Wahidin (eds) Understanding Prison Staff Devon: Willan Publishing, 2008, no price stated hbk, $44.95 pbk (ISBN: 9781843922742), 384 pp
by Karen Lumsden - 394-395 Book Review: Geoffrey Wood and Chris Brewster (eds) Industrial Relations in Africa Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, £60.00 hbk (ISBN: 023001366X), xiii + 264 pp
by Adam Rostis - 397-398 Books Received
by N/A
March 2009, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 7-11 On the front line
by Phil Taylor & Chris Warhurst & Paul Thompson & Dora Scholarios - 12-29 Career plans and aspirations of recent black and minority ethnic business graduates
by Gill Kirton - 30-48 Lack of sleep, work and the long hours culture: evidence from the UK Time Use Survey
by Stella Chatzitheochari & Sara Arber - 49-65 Stuck in the middle with who? The class identity of knowledge workers
by Abigail Marks & Chris Baldry - 66-83 Social reproduction as unregulated work
by Siobhán McGrath & James DeFilippis - 84-101 When the working day is through: the end of work as identity?
by Michael Doherty - 102-119 Identity work and the `unemployed' worker: age, disability and the lived experience of the older unemployed
by Kathleen Riach & Wendy Loretto - 120-141 Vital conjunctures, shifting horizons: high-skilled female immigrants looking for work
by Anika Liversage - 142-159 The rhetoric of the `good worker' versus the realities of employers' use and the experiences of migrant workers
by Robert MacKenzie & Chris Forde - 160-168 Before the disaster: health, safety and working conditions at a plastics factory
by Phil Taylor & Laurence Connelly - 169-180 Intermediate occupations and the conceptual and empirical limitations of the hourglass economy thesis
by Pauline Anderson - 181-187 Review Essay: Reconfiguring gender in late modernity
by Marjolaine Roger - 188-191 Joint Reviews: Low-skilled workers in America
by Christopher D. Gjesfjeld - 192-193 Book Review: Christine von Oertzen The Pleasure of a Surplus Income: Part-time Work, Gender Politics and Social Change in West Germany, 1955—1969 (Translated by Selwyn, P.) Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007, £50 hbk, (ISBN 1845451791), xi + 238 pp
by Anna Schröder - 194-195 Book Review: Ruth Woodfield What Women Want From Work: Gender and Occupational Choice in the 21st Century Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2007, £50 hbk (ISBN: 9780230549227), ix + 250 pp
by Sue Child - 195-197 Book Review: Ruth Simpson and Patricia Lewis Voice, Visibility and the Gendering of Organizations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, £26.99 pbk, (ISBN: 1403990573), 112 pp
by Valerie Antcliff - 197-199 Book Review: Paul du Gay Organizing Identity: Persons and Organizations `After Theory' London: Sage, 2007, £21.99 pbk (ISBN: 9781412900126), x + 193 pp
by Jana Costas - 199-200 Book Review: Carolyn L. Hsu Creating Market Socialism: How Ordinary People are Shaping Class and Status in China London: Duke University Press, 2007, pbk (ISBN: 9780822340362), 240 pp
by Jane Nolan - 201-202 Book Review: David Denemark, Gabrielle Meagher, Shaun Wilson, Mark Western and Timothy. Philips (eds) Australian Social Attitudes 2: Citizenship, Work and Aspirations Sydney: UNSW Press, University of New South Wales, 2007, £37.50 pbk, (ISBN: 9780868408613), 320 pp
by Antje Bednarek - 203-206 Books Received
by N/A - 207-207 Erratum
by N/A
December 2008, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 581-599 Knowledge and the discourse of labour process transformation: nurses and the case of NHS Direct for England
by Chris Smith & Raffaella Valsecchi & Frank Mueller & Jonathan Gabe - 601-613 `Doing things right', or `doing the right things'? Call centre migrations and dimensions of knowledge
by Diane van den Broek - 615-634 The next division of labour: work skills in Australian and Indian call centres
by Bob Russell & Mohan Thite - 635-654 Have stethoscope, will travel: contingent employment among physician health care providers in the United States
by Angelo A. Alonzo & Arthur B. Simon - 655-674 Preference or constraint? Part-time workers' transitions in Denmark, France and the United Kingdom
by Vanessa Gash - 675-693 Idealism and the applied relevance of research on employee participation
by Martin Beirne - 695-712 Role redesign in the National Health Service
by Julie Prowse & Peter Prowse - 713-730 Too much pressure? Retailer power and occupational health and safety in the food processing industry
by Caroline Lloyd & Susan James - 731-736 The nightmare of temporary work: a comment on Fevre
by Hazel Conley - 737-748 “Clawing back time†: expansive working time and implications for work—life outcomes in Australian workers
by Philippa Williams & Barbara Pocock & Natalie Skinner - 749-751 Joint Review: R.W. Kolba Corporate Retirement Security: Social and Ethical Issues Oxford: Blackwell, 2007, £40.00 hbk (ISBN: 978—1405150—484), 201 pp. H. Pemberton, P. Thane and N.Whiteside Britain's Pensions Crisis: History and Policy Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, £14.99 pbk (ISBN: 978—0197263—853), 280 pp
by Jo Grady - 753-755 Book Review: Jean-Pierre Durand The Invisible Chain: Constraints and Opportunities in the New World of Employment Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, £55.00 hbk (ISBN: 9—780230—013636), 256 pp
by Carol Wolkowitz - 755-756 Book Review: Charles N. Darrah, James M. Freeman and J.A. English-Lueck Busier than ever! Why American Families Can't Slow Down Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007, no price stated hbk, $19.95 pbk, (ISBN: 978—0—8047—5492—7), 288 pp
by Valentina Cuzzocrea - 756-758 Book Review: Drew Whitelegg Working the Skies: The Fast-Paced, Disorienting World of the Flight Attendant New York: NewYork University Press, 2007, $70 hbk, $20 pbk (ISBN: 978—0—8147—9408—1), xi + 290 pp
by Randy Hodson - 758-760 Book Review: P. Pangsapa Textures of Struggle: The Emergence of Resistance among Garment Workers in Thailand. New York: Cornell University Press, 2007, £27.95 hbk, £9.50 pbk (ISBN: 978—0—8014—7376—0), 232 pp
by Maurizio Atzeni - 760-761 Book Review: Pierre Cahuc and André Zylberberg The Natural Survival of Work: Job Creation and Job Destruction in a Growing Economy Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006, £17.95 hbk, (ISBN: 0—262—03357—7) 165 pp
by Jacqueline H. Watts - 763-766 Books received
by N/A
September 2008, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 387-406 Working without commitments: precarious employment and health
by Wayne Lewchuk & Marlea Clarke & Alice de Wolff - 407-425 Non-regular employment in Japan: continued and renewed dualities
by Arjan B. Keizer - 427-446 Forms of capital, mixed embeddedness and Somali enterprise
by Monder Ram & Nicholas Theodorakopoulos & Trevor Jones - 447-465 An exploration of small firm psychological contracts
by Carol Atkinson - 467-484 Guanxi networks and job searches in China's emerging labour market: a qualitative investigation
by Xianbi Huang - 485-506 Mismatching of persons and jobs in the Netherlands: consequences for the returns to mobility
by Maurice Gesthuizen & Jaco Dagevos - 507-526 Highly educated immigrants in the Norwegian labour market: permanent disadvantage?
by Idunn Brekke & Arne Mastekaasa - 527-545 Care strategies among high- and low-skilled mothers: a world of difference?
by Maja Debacker - 547-558 Time, caring labour and social policy: understanding the family time economy in contemporary families
by Jane Maree Maher & Jo Lindsay & Suzanne Franzway - 559-560 Book Review: L. Aguiar and Andrew Herod (eds) The Dirty Work of Neoliberalism: Cleaners in the Global Economy Oxford: Blackwell, 2006, £19.00 pbk (ISBN 978—1—4051—5636—3), xi + 263 pp
by Glynne Williams - 561-562 Book Review: P. Lewis and Ruth Simpson (eds) Gendering Emotions in Organizations Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007, £26.99 pbk (ISBN: 978—0—230—00148—0), xiii + 208 pp
by Frank Bonner - 562-564 Book Review: Jieyu Liu Gender and Work in Urban China: Women Workers of the Unlucky Generation Oxford: Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2007, £70.00 hbk, no price stated pbk, (ISBN: 978—0—415—39211—2), xiv + 178 pp
by Orla McVicar - 564-566 Book Review: Michael A. Witt Changing Japanese Capitalism: Societal Co-ordination and Institutional Adjustment Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, £50.00 hbk (ISBN: 10 0—521—86860—2), xiii + 221 pp
by Jane Nolan - 566-568 Book Review: Gary Paul Green Workforce Development Networks in Rural Areas: Building the High Road Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2007, £45 hbk (ISBN: 978 1 84542 872 3), ix + 144 pp
by Ian Greer - 569-572 Books Received
by N/A
June 2008, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 203-220 Work, Employment and Society, 1997—2007
by Helen Rainbird & Michael Rose - 221-242 Labour market mobility and employment security of male employees in Europe: `trade-off' or `flexicurity'?
by Ruud Muffels & Ruud Luijkx - 243-262 The vanishing flexible: ambition, self-realization and flexibility in the career perspectives of young Belgian adults
by Mark Elchardus & Wendy Smits - 263-280 Gender differences in occupational wage mobility in the 1958 cohort
by Shirley Dex & Kelly Ward & Heather Joshi - 281-299 The paradoxical processes of feminization in the professions: the case of established, aspiring and semi-professions
by Sharon Bolton & Daniel Muzio - 301-318 Dead men working: time and space in London's (`illegal') migrant economy
by Ali Nobil Ahmad - 319-336 Working knowledge as performance: on the practical understanding of machines
by Boel Berner - 337-349 No more heroes? Reflections on the 20th anniversary of the miners' strike and the culture of opposition
by Harriet Bradley - 351-362 Skill, education and credentials in the new economy: the case of information technology workers
by Tracey L. Adams & Erin I. Demaiter - 363-366 Joint Review: Rosemary Crompton, Suzan Lewis, and Claire Lyonette (eds) Women, Men,Work and Family in Europe Basingtoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, £50.00 hbk, (ISBN: 978—1—4039—8719—8), 288 pp
by Natalie Sappleton - 366-368 Joint Review: S. Prideaux Not so New Labour: A Sociological Critique of New Labour's Policy and Practice Bristol: Policy Press, 2005, £24.99, pbk, (ISBN: 1861344597), 170 pp
by Colin Lindsay - 368-370 Joint Review: J. Fine Worker Centers: Organizing Communities at the Edge of the Dream Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2006, $49.95 hbk, $21.95 pbk, (ISBN: 978—0—8014—7257—2), 336 pp
by Miguel MartÃnez Lucio - 371-372 Joint Review: Steven C. McKay Satanic Mills or Silicon Islands? The Politics of High-Tech Production in the Philippines Ithaca: ILR Press, 2006, £12.50 pbk (ISBN: 0 8014 8894 X), xii + 253 pp
by Matt Vidal - 373-374 Joint Review: D. Walters and T. Nicols Worker Representation and Workplace Health and Safety Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, £55.00 hbk, (ISBN 978 0 230 00194 7), xi + 177 pp
by Phil James - 375-377 Books available for review
by N/A
March 2008, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 7-25 Organizational professionalism in globalizing law firms
by James Faulconbridge & Daniel Muzio - 27-43 Sociology contra government? The contest for the meaning of unemployment in UK policy debates
by Matthew Cole - 45-66 Does gender trump money? Housework hours of husbands and wives in Britain
by Man Yee Kan - 67-87 Shift work and child behavioral outcomes
by Wen-Jui Han - 89-108 Skills and occupational attainment: a comparative study of Germany, Denmark and the UK
by Martina Dieckhoff - 109-128 Age and labour market commitment in Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden
by Carl Hult & Jonas Edlund - 129-148 Disability employment penalties in Britain
by Richard Berthoud - 149-166 Corruption in the post-Soviet workplace: the experiences of recent graduates in contemporary Ukraine
by John Round & Colin C. Williams & Peter Rodgers - 167-180 Organizing homeworkers: the use of mapping as an organizing tool
by Rosaria Burchielli & Donna Buttigieg & Annie Delaney - 181-184 Joint Review: Ursula Holtgrewe Flexible Menschen in flexiblen Organisationen: Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten kreativen und innovativen Handelns [Translation: Flexible People in Flexible Organizations:The Conditions of and Possibilities for Creative and Innovative Action] Berlin: Edition Sigma, 2006, 19.90 pbk, (ISBN: 3—89404—544—2) 317 pp. Ingo Matuschek, Katrin Arnold and G. Günter Voss Subjektivierte Taylorisierung: Organisation und Praxis medienvermittelter Dienstleistungsarbeit [Translation: Subjectified Taylorization: The Organization and Practice of Technology Mediated Service Work] München: Rainer Hampp Verlag, 2007, 29.80 pbk, (ISBN: 978—3—86618—105—2) 355 pp
by Virginia Doellgast - 185-187 Book Review: Huw Beynon and Theo Nichols (eds) The Fordism of Ford and Modern Management: Fordism and Post-Fordism Volumes I and II. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 2006, £285 hbk (2-volume set), xix + 992 pp. ISBN: 978—185898—948—8
by Ahu Tatli - 187-188 Book Review: Andreas Bieler The Struggle for a Social Europe: Trade Unions and EMU in Times of Global Restructuring Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006, £55.00 hbk xvi + 254 pp. (ISBN: 0—7190—7252—2)
by David J. Bailey - 188-190 Book Review: Simon Down Narratives of Enterprise: Crafting Entrepreneurial Self-Identity in a Small Firm Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006, £45.00 pbk, vii + 144 pp. ISBN: 1—84376—767—8—160
by Andrew Greenman - 190-192 Book Review: Olympia Kyriakidou and Mustafa F. Ozbilgin (eds) Relational Perspectives in Organizational Studies: A Research Companion Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006, no price stated, hbk, xiii + 321 pp. ISBN: 10—1—84542—125—6
by Mallika Banerjee - 192-194 Book Review: Mary Barrett and Marilyn J. Davidson (eds) Gender and Communication at Work Aldershot, UK and Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate, 2006, £60 hbk, xv + 294 pp. ISBN: 0—7546—3840—5
by Jyothsna Belliappa - 194-195 Book Review: Marek Korczynski, Randy Hodson and Paul Edwards (eds) Social Theory at Work Oxford: OUP, 2006, £63.00 hbk, xiv + 502 pp. ISBN: 978—0—19—928597—6
by Stuart Winchester - 195-197 Book Review: L. Pettinger, J.Parry, R.Taylor and M. Glucksmann (eds) A New Sociology of Work? London: Blackwell, 2005, no price stated, pbk, 247 pp. ISBN: 1—4051—3903—X
by Grainne Ketelaar - 198-200 Books Received
by N/A
December 2007, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 613-614 In Memorium: Richard Kemp Brown
by Ian Roberts - 615-616 In Memorium: Richard Brown
by Huw Beynon - 617-634 Worker voice in the context of the re-regulation of employment: employer tactics and statutory union recognition in the UK
by Robert Perrett - 635-652 Gambling partners? The risky outcomes of workplace partnerships
by Jean Jenkins