October 2020, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 883-899 Conceptualising the Agency of Migrant Women Workers: Resilience, Reworking and Resistance
by Agnieszka Rydzik & Sundari Anitha - 900-918 Indie Unions, Organizing and Labour Renewal: Learning from Precarious Migrant Workers
by Davide Però - 919-936 It’s Not All about the Economy Stupid! Immigration and Subjective Well-Being in England
by Peter Howley & Muhammad Waqas & Mirko Moro & Liam Delaney & Tony Heron - 937-948 A Capability Approach to Understand the Scarring Effects of Unemployment and Job Insecurity: Developing the Research Agenda
by Valerie Egdell  & Vanessa Beck - 949-958 Stressed, Depressed and Exhausted: Six Years as a Teacher in UK State Education
by Robin Burrow & Rachel Williams & Daniel Thomas - 959-961 Book Review: Enda Brophy, Language Put to Work: The Making of the Global Call Centre Workforce
by Aditya Ray - 961-962 Book Review: Olena Fedyuk and Paul Stewart (eds), Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe: Migration, Work and Employment Perspectives
by Pilar Luz Rodrigues
August 2020, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 533-549 An Ageless Gift: Reciprocity and Value Creation By and For Older Workers
by Barbara Foweraker & Leanne Cutcher - 550-570 How Skill Requirements Affect the Likelihood of Recruitment of Older Workers in Poland: The Indirect Role of Age Stereotypes
by Konrad Turek & Kène Henkens - 571-586 The Ghost of the Stable Path: Stories of Work-life Change at the ‘End of Career’
by Jesse Potter - 587-604 Connecting Employers and Workers: Can Recommendations from the Public Employment Service Act as a Substitute for Social Contacts?
by Fabienne Liechti - 605-625 The Rise in Pay for Performance Among Higher Managerial and Professional Occupations in Britain: Eroding or Enhancing the Service Relationship?
by Mark Williams & Ying Zhou & Min Zou - 626-643 Ameliorating Workplace Harassment among Direct Caregivers in Canada’s Healthcare System: A Theatre-Based Intervention
by Elizabeth Quinlan & Susan Robertson & Ann-Marie Urban & Isobel M Findlay & Beth Bilson - 644-660 Negotiating Tensions on the Front Line: Circuits of Accountability and Self-governance in Institutional Care of Adults with Intellectual Disability
by Khalilah Robinson Johnson & Nancy Bagatell - 661-677 Breaking Fragmentation through Mobilization: The Development of a Collective Identity during Movistar’s Contractors’ and Technicians’ Strike in Spain
by Martà López-Andreu - 678-695 Reconfiguring Economic Democracy: Generating New Forms of Collective Agency, Individual Economic Freedom and Public Participation
by Andrew Cumbers & Robert McMaster & Susana Cabaço & Michael J White - 696-712 Managing the Menopause through ‘Abjection Work’: When Boobs Can Become Embarrassingly Useful, Again
by Clare Butler - 713-725 The Evolution of Generalised and Acute Job Tenure Insecurity
by Joseph Choonara - 726-736 ‘There’s a Price to Pay in Order Not to Have a Price’: Whistleblowing and the Employment Relationship
by Luca Carollo & Marco Guerci & Nicoletta Parisi - 737-738 Book Review: Shani Orgad, Heading Home: Motherhood, Work, and the Failed Promise of Equality
by Erika Kispeter - 738-740 Book Review: Liana Christin Landivar, Mothers at Work: Who Opts Out?
by Tania Toffanin
June 2020, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 371-387 Management Millennialism: Designing the New Generation of Employee
by Glynne Williams - 388-406 Platform-Capital’s ‘App-etite’ for Control: A Labour Process Analysis of Food-Delivery Work in Australia
by Alex Veen & Tom Barratt & Caleb Goods - 407-423 Harmonic Dissonance: Coping with Employment Precarity among Professional Musicians in St John’s, Canada
by David Chafe & Lisa Kaida - 424-440 ‘It’s a Puzzle You Have to Do Every Night’: Performing Creative Problem Solving at Work in the Indoor Canadian Sex Industry
by Tuulia Law & Menaka Raguparan - 441-456 Sacrificial Labour: Social Inequality, Identity Work, and the Damaging Pursuit of Elusive Futures
by Torin Monahan & Jill A Fisher - 457-475 Work Precarity and Gig Literacies in Online Freelancing
by Will Sutherland & Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi & Michael Dunn & Sarah Beth Nelson - 476-494 ‘If He Just Knew Who We Were’: Microworkers’ Emerging Bonds of Attachment in a Fragmented Employment Relationship
by Niki Panteli & Andriana Rapti & Dora Scholarios - 495-513 Occupations and the Non-Standard Employment Career: How the Occupational Skill Level and Task Types Influence the Career Outcomes of Non-Standard Employment
by Lucille Mattijssen & Dimitris Pavlopoulos & Wendy Smits - 514-525 Cold Winds and Warm Attachments: Interrogating the Personal Attachment to Neoliberal Work and Economy
by Karel MusÃlek & Kimberly Jamie & Linda McKie - 526-527 Book Review: Arne L Kalleberg and Steven P Vallas (eds), Precarious Work (Research in the Sociology of Work, Volume 31)
by Asiya Islam - 528-529 Book Review: David Peetz and Georgina Murray (eds), Women, Labor Segmentation and Regulation: Varieties of Gender Gaps
by Laura Shand
April 2020, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 147-154 New Insights into the Nexus of Work and Family Care
by T Alexandra Beauregard & Daniela Lup - 155-173 Gender Divisions of Paid and Unpaid Work in Contemporary UK Couples
by Anne McMunn & Lauren Bird & Elizabeth Webb & Amanda Sacker - 174-192 Hebdomadal Patterns of Compensatory Behaviour: Weekday and Weekend Housework Participation in Canada, 1986–2010
by Kamila Kolpashnikova & Man-Yee Kan - 193-210 Provider or Father? British Men’s Work Hours and Work Hour Preferences after the Birth of a Child
by Stefanie Hoherz & Mark Bryan - 211-227 Life-Course Influences on Extended Working: Experiences of Women in a UK Baby-Boom Birth Cohort
by Josephine M Wildman - 228-261 An Intersectional Approach towards Parental Employment in Families with a Child with a Disability: The Case of Belgium
by Julie Vinck & Wim Van Lancker - 262-280 The Same, Only Different: Doing Management in the Intersection between Work and Private Life for Men and Women in Small-scale Enterprises
by Emma Hagqvist & Stig Vinberg & Jonathan Q Tritter & Erika Wall & Bodil J Landstad - 281-298 The Constant Caregiver: Work–family Spillover among Men and Women in Nursing
by Marci D Cottingham & Jamie J Chapman & Rebecca J Erickson - 299-316 From Professionals to Professional Mothers: How College-educated Married Mothers Experience Unemployment in the US
by Aliya Hamid Rao - 317-335 Skill Underutilization and Under-Skilling in Europe: The Role of Workplace Discrimination
by Anthony Rafferty - 336-355 Labour Market Participation for Young People with Disabilities: The Impact of Gender and Higher Education
by Jannike Gottschalk Ballo - 356-368 Rainbow Lanyards: Bisexuality, Queering and the Corporatisation of LGBT Inclusion
by Thomas Calvard & Michelle O’Toole & Hannah Hardwick
February 2020, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 3-17 Solidarities In and Through Work in an Age of Extremes
by Vanessa Beck & Paul Brook - 18-34 Solidarity at Work: Concepts, Levels and Challenges
by Glenn Morgan & Valeria Pulignano - 35-54 Riders on the Storm: Workplace Solidarity among Gig Economy Couriers in Italy and the UK
by Arianna Tassinari & Vincenzo Maccarrone - 55-72 The Moral Economy of Solidarity: A Longitudinal Study of Special Needs Teachers
by Sharon C Bolton & Knut Laaser - 73-90 I’ve Got Your Back: Danger, Volunteering and Solidarity in Lifeboat Crews
by Michelle O’Toole & Thomas Calvard - 91-108 Building Labour Internationalism ‘from Below’: Lessons from the International Dockworkers Council’s European Working Group
by Katy Fox-Hodess - 109-125 Reconceptualising Solidarity in the Social Factory: Cultural Work between Economic Needs and Political Desires
by Anke Strauß & Alexander Fleischmann - 126-144 Blue Solidarity: Police Unions, Race and Authoritarian Populism in North America
by Mark P Thomas & Steven Tufts
December 2019, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 895-912 Precariousness, Gender, Resistance and Consent in the Face of Global Production Network’s ‘Reforms’ of Pakistan’s Garment Manufacturing Industry
by Muhammad Ayaz & Muhammad Junaid Ashraf & Trevor Hopper - 913-928 Disconnecting Labour? The Labour Process in the UK Fast Fashion Value Chain
by Nikolaus Hammer & Réka Plugor - 929-947 When Welfare Professionals Encounter Restructuring and Privatization: The Inside Story of the Probation Service of England and Wales
by Gill Kirton & Cécile Guillaume - 948-965 Mental Illness, Social Suffering and Structural Antagonism in the Labour Process
by Megan Woods & Rob Macklin & Sarah Dawkins & Angela Martin - 966-982 Intersectionalized Professional Identities and Gender in the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries
by Gabriele Griffin - 983-1001 Care More, Earn Less? The Association between Taking Paid Leave to Care for Sick Children and Wages among Swedish Parents
by Katarina Boye - 1002-1019 National Board Quotas and the Gender Pay Gap among European Managers
by David J Maume & Orlaith Heymann & Leah Ruppanner - 1020-1038 Sexual Orientation, Legal Partnerships and Wages in Britain
by Sarah Bridges & Samuel Mann - 1039-1057 Back to the Shop Floor: Behavioural Insights from Workplace Sociology
by Andrew Pendleton & Ben Lupton & Andrew Rowe & Richard Whittle - 1058-1067 Why Artificial Intelligence Will Not Outsmart Complex Knowledge Work
by Lene Pettersen - 1068-1069 Book Review: Ching Kwan Lee, The Specter of Global China: Politics, Labor, and Foreign Investment in Africa
by Chris Smith - 1070-1071 Book Review: Megha Amrith and Nina Sahraoui (eds), Gender, Work and Migration: Agency in Gendered Labour Settings
by Lilith Brouwers - 1071-1073 Book Review: Sergio Bologna, The Rise of the European Self-Employed Workforce
by Martà López-Andreu - 1073-1074 Book Review: Gregor Gall, Employment Relations in Financial Services: An Exploration of the Employee Experience after the Financial Crash
by Robin Klimecki - 1075-1076 Book Review: Yasemin Besen-Cassino, The Cost of Being a Girl: Working Teens and the Origins of the Gender Wage Gap
by Merita Jokela - 1077-1079 Joint Book Review: Susana Narotzky and Victoria Goddard (eds), Work and Livelihoods in Times of Crisis: History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis and Jong Bum Kwon and Carrie M Lane (eds), Anthropologies of Unemployment: New Perspectives on Work and its Absence
by Francisco Arqueros-Fernandez - 1080-1080 Thank You to Referees
by N/A
October 2019, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 739-758 The Hiring Prospects of Foreign-Educated Immigrants: A Factorial Survey among German Employers
by Andreas Damelang & Martin Abraham & Sabine Ebensperger & Felix Stumpf - 759-776 Migrants and Low-Paid Employment in British Workplaces
by Alex Bryson & Michael White - 777-793 Becoming a ‘Labour Migrant’: Immigration Regulations as a Frame of Reference for Migrant Employment
by Jukka Könönen - 794-811 Emotional Compliance and Emotion as Resistance: Shame and Anger among the Long-Term Unemployed
by Michelle Peterie & Gaby Ramia & Greg Marston & Roger Patulny - 812-828 The Struggle to Reconcile Precarious Work and Parenthood: The Case of Italian ‘Precarious Parents’
by Stefano Ba’ - 829-845 Discourses of Professionalism in Front-Line Service Work: Insights from a Case Study in an Italian Bank
by Luca Carollo & Luca Solari - 846-864 The Value of Self-Employment to Ethnic Minorities
by Malcolm Brynin & Mohammed Shamsul Karim & Wouter Zwysen - 865-876 The Revival of Labour Movement Studies in Argentina: Old and Lost Agendas
by Maurizio Atzeni & Juan Grigera - 877-887 ‘Off My Own Back’: Precarity on the Frontlines of Care Work
by Donna Baines & Paul Kent & Sally Kent - 888-889 Book Review: Marcus Taylor and Sébastien Rioux, Global Labour Studies
by Constantine Manolchev - 889-891 Book Review: Stefania Marino, Judith Roosblad and Rinus Penninx (eds), Trade Unions and Migrant Workers: New Contexts and Challenges in Europe
by Mai Lundemark
August 2019, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 551-559 ‘Good’ Jobs and ‘Bad’ Jobs: Contemplating Job Quality in Different Contexts
by Maria Adamson & Ian Roper - 560-579 ‘Bad’ Jobs in a ‘Good’ Sector: Examining the Employment Outcomes of Temporary Work in the Canadian Public Sector
by Natasha Stecy-Hildebrandt & Sylvia Fuller & Alisyn Burns - 580-595 Utility Manning: Young Filipino Men, Servitude and the Moral Economy of Becoming a Seafarer and Attaining Adulthood
by Roderick G Galam - 596-612 Captive in Cycles of Invisibility? Prisoners’ Work for the Private Sector
by Jenna Pandeli & Michael Marinetto & Jean Jenkins - 613-630 From Contract to Speculation: New Relations of Work and Production in Freelance Travel Journalism
by Tim Rosenkranz - 631-647 Can Dirty Work be Satisfying? A Mixed Method Study of Workers Doing Dirty Jobs
by Stephen Deery & Deanna Kolar & Janet Walsh - 648-665 ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’: The Implications of Lost Autonomy and Trust for Professionals at Sea
by Helen Sampson & Nelson Turgo & Iris Acejo & Neil Ellis & Lijun Tang - 666-681 Job Satisfaction and Bad Jobs: Why Are Cleaners So Happy at Work?
by Alexandre Léné - 682-699 Active Enactment and Virtuous Circles of Employment Relations: How Danish Unions Organised the Transnationalised Copenhagen Metro Construction Project
by Jens Arnholtz & Bjarke Refslund - 700-708 Dealing with the Dead: Life as a Third-Generation Independent Funeral Director
by Peter Jordan & Jenna Ward & Robert McMurray - 709-718 ‘I’m Not a Bloody Slave, I Get Paid and if I Don’t Get Paid Then Nothing Happens’: Sarah’s Experience of Being a Student Sex Worker
by Jessica Simpson & Sarah Smith - 719-730 Speaking of Contradiction
by Geraint Harvey & Peter Turnbull & Daniel Wintersberger - 731-732 Book Review: Kevin JA Thomas, Contract Workers, Risk, and the War in Iraq: Sierra Leonean Labor Migrants at US Military Bases
by Marcus Curran - 732-734 Book Review: Wing-Chung Ho, Occupational Health and Social Estrangement in China
by Desai Shan
June 2019, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 351-373 Ethnicity, Gender and Household Effects on Becoming NEET: An Intersectional Analysis
by Carolina V Zuccotti & Jacqueline O’Reilly - 374-400 Learning from Mum: Cross-National Evidence Linking Maternal Employment and Adult Children’s Outcomes
by Kathleen L McGinn & Mayra Ruiz Castro & Elizabeth Long Lingo - 401-421 The Downward Spiral of Youth Unemployment: An Approach Considering Social Networks and Family Background
by Mireia BolÃbar & Joan Miquel Verd & Oriol Barranco - 422-443 Household Employment and the Crisis in Europe
by Núria Sánchez-Mira & Jacqueline O’Reilly - 444-461 Politicising Women’s Part-Time Work in Norway: A Longitudinal Study of Ideas
by Anne Lise Ellingsæter & Ragnhild Steen Jensen - 462-482 Gender Quotas or Girls’ Networks? Evidence from an Italian Research Selection
by Daniele Checchi & Simona Cicognani & Nevena Kulic - 483-499 ‘Don’t Use “the Weak Word†’: Women Brewers, Identities and Gendered Territories of Embodied Work
by Agnieszka Rydzik & Victoria Ellis-Vowles - 500-517 Defence is the Best Offence: Horizontal Disintegration and Institutional Completion in the German Coordinated Market Economy
by Markus Hertwig & Johannes Kirsch & Carsten Wirth - 518-528 Reframing the Measurement of Women’s Work in the Sub-Saharan African Context
by Jocelyn E Finlay & Yvette Efevbera & Jacques Ndikubagenzi & Mahesh Karra & David Canning - 529-538 Being a Self-Employed Older Woman: From Discrimination to Activism
by Elina Meliou & Oliver Mallett & Shoshanna Rosenberg - 539-540 Book Review: Triin Roosalu and Dirk Hofäcker (eds), Rethinking Gender, Work and Care in a New Europe: Theorising Markets and Societies in the Post-Postsocialist Era
by Arianna Radin - 541-543 Book Review Symposium: Ulrich Jürgens and Martin Krzywdzinski, New Worlds of Work: Varieties of Work in Car Factories in the BRIC Countries
by Tom Barnes - 543-544 Book Review Symposium: Ulrich Jürgens and Martin Krzywdzinski, New Worlds of Work: Varieties of Work in Car Factories in the BRIC Countries
by Chris Smith - 545-546 Book Review Symposium: Ulrich Jürgens and Martin Krzywdzinski, New Worlds of Work: Varieties of Work in Car Factories in the BRIC Countries
by Sarosh Kuruvilla - 546-548 Response to Reviews of New Worlds of Work
by Ulrich Jürgens & Martin Krzywdzinski
April 2019, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 191-207 An American Solution to an Irish Problem: A Consideration of the Material Conditions that Shape the Architecture of Union Organizing
by John Geary & Sophie Gamwell - 208-225 Overcoming Barriers to Transnational Organizing Through Identity Work: Finnish–Estonian Trade Union Cooperation
by Kairit Kall & Nathan Lillie & Markku Sippola & Laura Mankki - 226-243 Inclusion of ‘Outsiders’ by Japanese Unions? The Organizing of Non-Regular Workers in Retail
by Arjan B Keizer - 244-261 ‘You Can’t Win’: The Non-Profit Double-Bind and Experiences of Organisational Contradictions in the Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector
by Katharine Venter & Denise Currie & Martin McCracken - 262-279 Selective Consent and Dissent: Professional Response to Reform in the Post-Crisis Greek NHS
by Sharon C Bolton & Vasilis Charalampopoulos & Lila Skountridaki - 280-297 Multiple Dimensions of Work Intensity: Ambulance Work as Edgework
by Edward Granter & Paresh Wankhade & Leo McCann & John Hassard & Paula Hyde - 298-313 The Aesthetics of Work-Readiness: Aesthetic Judgements and Pedagogies for Conditional Welfare and Post-Fordist Labour Markets
by Marguerite van den Berg & Josien Arts - 314-325 Unpacking the Category of Migrant Workers in Trade Union Research: A Multi-Level Approach to Migrant Intersectionalities
by Maite Tapia & Gabriella Alberti - 326-335 Losing the Faith: Public Sector Work and the Erosion of Career Calling
by Laurie Cohen & Joanne Duberley & Pete Smith - 336-344 ‘We Were the Ones Really Doing Something About It’: Gender and Mobilisation against Factory Closure
by Margaret Robertson & Andy Clark - 345-346 Book Review: Thomas Amossé, Alex Bryson, John Forth and Héloïse Petit (eds), Comparative Workplace Employment Relations: An Analysis of Practice in Britain and France
by Sylvie Contrepois - 346-348 Book Review: Jeffrey Rothstein, When Good Jobs Go Bad: Globalization, De-Unionization, and Declining Job Quality in the North American Auto Industry
by Glynne Williams
February 2019, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 3-20 Have Mobile Devices Changed Working Patterns in the 21st Century? A Time-diary Analysis of Work Extension in the UK
by Killian Mullan & Judy Wajcman - 21-38 A Typology of Crowdwork Platforms
by Debra Howcroft & Birgitta Bergvall-KÃ¥reborn - 39-55 Older Workers and Occupational Identity in the Telecommunications Industry: Navigating Employment Transitions through the Life Course
by Robert MacKenzie & Abigail Marks - 56-75 Good Gig, Bad Gig: Autonomy and Algorithmic Control in the Global Gig Economy
by Alex J Wood & Mark Graham & Vili Lehdonvirta & Isis Hjorth - 76-95 Market Exposure and the Labour Process: The Contradictory Dynamics in Managing Subcontracted Services Work
by Damian Grimshaw & Jo Cartwright & Arjan Keizer & Jill Rubery - 96-111 ‘A Minute’s a Life-Time in Fast-Food!’: Managerial Job Quality in the Quick Service Restaurant Sector
by Peter Butler & Anita Hammer - 112-130 The Fearful and Anxious Professional: Partner Experiences of Working in the Financialized Professional Services Firm
by Scott M Allan & James R Faulconbridge & Pete Thomas - 131-148 Looking beyond Average Earnings: Why Are Male and Female Part-Time Employees in the UK More Likely to Be Low Paid Than Their Full-Time Counterparts?
by Madeline Nightingale - 149-161 Professional Misconduct in Healthcare: Setting Out a Research Agenda for Work Sociology
by Graeme Currie & John Richmond & James Faulconbridge & Claudia Gabbioneta & Daniel Muzio - 162-173 ‘The Only Way is Essex’: Gender, Union and Mobilisation among Fire Service Control Room Staff
by Lynne Hudson & Sian Moore & Kate Tainsh & Phil Taylor & Tessa Wright - 174-183 ‘Going Underground’: A Tube Worker’s Experience of Struggles over the Frontier of Control
by Emma S Hughes & Tony Dobbins & Stephen Murphy - 184-185 Book Review: Michael K Corman, Paramedics On and Off the Streets: Emergency Medical Services in the Age of Technological Governance
by Leo McCann - 185-187 Book Review: Gilberto Antonelli and Boike Rehbein (eds), Inequality in Economics and Sociology: New Perspectives
by Constantine Manolchev
December 2018, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 975-991 The ‘Problem’ with the Employment Tribunal System: Reform, Rhetoric and Realities for the Clients of Citizens’ Advice Bureaux
by Eleanor Kirk - 992-1010 Labour Market Attachment Following Major Workforce Downsizings: A Comparison of Displaced and Retained Workers
by Arja Jolkkonen & Pertti Koistinen & Arja Kurvinen & Liudmila Lipiäinen & Tapio Nummi & Pekka Virtanen - 1011-1028 Can Religious Affiliation Explain the Disadvantage of Muslim Women in the British Labour Market?
by Nabil Khattab & Shereen Hussein - 1029-1043 Institutional Logics and Low Skills: The Case of the Private Security Sector in Singapore
by Soon Joo Gog & Johnny Sung & David N Ashton - 1044-1060 The Exclusive Nature of Inclusive Productive Employment in the Rural Areas of Northern Ethiopia
by Crelis F Rammelt & Maggi Leung & Kebede Manjur Gebru - 1061-1077 Powerful Times: Flexible Discipline and Schedule Gifts at Work
by Alex J Wood - 1078-1098 Linking the Sectoral Employment Structure and Household Poverty in the United Kingdom
by Paul Sissons & Anne E Green & Neil Lee - 1099-1117 Is Employment Polarisation Inevitable? Occupational Change in Ireland and Switzerland, 1970–2010
by Emily C Murphy & Daniel Oesch - 1118-1129 Research Ethics in an Unethical World: The Politics and Morality of Engaged Research
by Claudio Morrison & Devi Sacchetto - 1130-1139 Working for Change in India’s Civil Society
by Darryl Humble & Hiresh Mani - 1140-1141 Book Review: Colin Hay and Anthony Payne, Civic Capitalism
by Jeffrey Kahana - 1141-1143 Book Review: Jamie Woodcock, Working the Phones: Control and Resistance in Call Centres
by Julie Monroe - 1143-1144 Book Review: Eli Friedman, Zhongjin Li and Hao Ren (eds), China on Strike: Narratives of Workers’ Resistance
by Xuebing Cao - 1145-1145 Thank You to Referees
by N/A
October 2018, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 811-830 Understanding the Perception of the ‘Migrant Work Ethic’
by Chris Dawson & Michail Veliziotis & Benjamin Hopkins - 831-849 Palestinian Arabs and Jews at Work: Workplace Encounters in a War-Torn Country and the Grassroots Strategy of ‘Split Ascription’
by Asaf Darr - 850-867 From Labour Migrant to Stay-at-Home Mother? Childcare and Return to Work among Migrant Mothers from the EU Accession Countries in Ireland
by Antje Röder & Mark Ward & Carmen-Adriana Frese - 868-886 Social Skills, Workplaces and Social Remittances: A Case of Post-Accession Migrants
by Izabela Grabowska - 887-905 ‘Chicken and Duck Talk’: Life and Death of Language Training at a Japanese Multinational in China
by Yu Zheng & Chris Smith - 906-924 Barriers for Highly Qualified A8 Immigrants in the UK Labour Market
by Ibrahim Sirkeci & Necla Acik & Bradley Saunders & Andrej PÅ™Ãvara - 925-941 Unfreedom Unbound: Developing a Cumulative Approach to Understanding Unfree Labour in Singapore
by Sallie Yea & Stephanie Chok - 942-962 Bricolage as Survival, Growth and Transformation: The Role of Patch-Working in the Social Agency of Migrant Entrepreneurs
by MarÃa Villares-Varela & Monder Ram & Trevor Jones - 963-964 Book review: Gregor Gall, Sex Worker Unionization: Global Developments, Challenges and Possibilities
by Eva Klambauer - 965-966 Book Review: Violaine Delteil and Vassil Kirov (eds), Labour and Social Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe: Europeanization and Beyond
by Phil Almond - 967-970 Informality, Precarious Work and New Approaches to Complex Realities
by Lorena Poblete
August 2018, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 623-628 The Many Faces of Gender Inequality at Work
by Daniela Lup & T Alexandra Beauregard & Maria Adamson - 629-649 Convergence or Divergence? Educational Discrepancies in Work-Care Arrangements of Mothers with Young Children in Germany
by Juliane Frederike Stahl & Pia Sophia Schober - 650-669 Unemployment and the Division of Housework in Europe
by Tanja van der Lippe & Judith Treas & Lukas Norbutas - 670-686 Transnational Labour Migration and the place of Reproductive Labour: Trailing Wives and Community Support in Boddington
by Robyn Mayes & Paul Koshy - 687-706 Flexible men and Successful Women: The Effects of Flexible Working Hours on German Couples’ Wages
by Laura Antonia Langner - 707-725 The Institutionalised Undervaluation of Women’s Work: The Case of Local Government Sector Collective Agreements
by Paula Koskinen Sandberg & Maria Törnroos & Roosa Kohvakka - 726-746 Dynamics of the Gender Earnings Inequality in Reform-Era Urban China
by Guangye He & Xiaogang Wu - 747-767 Good, Bad and Very Bad Part-time Jobs for Women? Re-examining the Importance of Occupational Class for Job Quality since the ‘Great Recession’ in Britain
by Tracey Warren & Clare Lyonette - 768-788 Workplace Variation in Fatherhood Wage Premiums: Do Formalization and Performance Pay Matter?
by Sylvia Fuller & Lynn Prince Cooke - 789-805 The Good, the Not So Good and the Ugly: Gender Equality, Equal Pay and Austerity in English Local Government
by Hazel Conley & Margaret Page
June 2018, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 447-457 In, Against and Beyond Precarity: Work in Insecure Times
by Gabriella Alberti & Ioulia Bessa & Kate Hardy & Vera Trappmann & Charles Umney - 458-474 Lost in Administration: (Re)Producing Precarious Citizenship for Young University-Educated Intra-EU Migrants in Brussels
by Anna Simola  - 475-492 Paying for Free Delivery: Dependent Self-Employment as a Measure of Precarity in Parcel Delivery
by Sian Moore & Kirsty Newsome - 493-508 Masculinity and Precarity: Male Migrant Taxi Drivers in South China
by Susanne YP Choi - 509-527 Challenges and Contradictions in the ‘Normalising’ of Precarious Work
by Jill Rubery & Damian Grimshaw & Arjan Keizer & Mathew Johnson - 528-545 Post-Wage Politics and the Rise of Community Capitalism
by Silke van Dyk - 546-563 Tackling Precarious Work in Public Supply Chains: A Comparison of Local Government Procurement Policies in Denmark, Germany and the UK
by Karen Jaehrling & Mathew Johnson & Trine P Larsen & Bjarke Refslund & Damian Grimshaw - 564-580 Contrived Competition and Manufactured Uncertainty: Understanding Managerial Job Insecurity Narratives in Large Corporations
by John Hassard & Jonathan Morris - 581-598 Resource Mobilisation and Precarious Workers’ Organisations: An Analysis of the Chilean Subcontracted Mineworkers’ Unions
by Omar Manky - 599-615 Class and Precarity: An Unhappy Coupling in China’s Working Class Formation
by Chris Smith & Ngai Pun - 616-619 Book Review: Creativity and Precarity, from New Labour to Alt-Labour: Angela McRobbie, Be Creative: Making a Living in the New Culture Industries and Nicole S Cohen, Writers’ Rights: Freelance Journalism in a Digital Age
by Frederick Harry Pitts
April 2018, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 239-256 Anticipatory Socialization and the Construction of the Employable Graduate: A Critical Analysis of Employers’ Graduate Careers Websites
by Karen Handley - 257-273 Pride Against Prejudice? The Stakes of Concealment and Disclosure of a Stigmatized Identity for Gay and Lesbian Auditors
by Sebastien Stenger & Thomas J Roulet - 274-291 The Academic Game: Compliance and Resistance in Universities
by Senia Kalfa & Adrian Wilkinson & Paul J Gollan - 292-311 Work Orientations, Well-Being and Job Content of Self-Employed and Employed Professionals
by Peter Warr & Ilke Inceoglu - 312-329 Femininities in STEM: Outsiders Within
by Pat O’Connor & Clare O’Hagan & Breda Gray - 330-347 Eroding ‘Respectability’: Deprofessionalization Through Organizational Spaces
by Sabina Siebert & Stacey Bushfield & Graeme Martin & Brian Howieson - 348-367 Occupational Prestige and Gender-Occupational Segregation
by Inmaculada GarcÃa-Mainar & VÃctor M Montuenga & Guillermo GarcÃa-MartÃn - 368-386 Workplace Skill Investments – An Early Career Glass Ceiling? Job Complexity and Wages Among Young Professionals in Sweden
by Katarina Boye & Anne Grönlund - 387-406 Are You Moving Up or Falling Short? An Inquiry of Skills-based Variation in Self-perceived Employability among Norwegian Employees
by Ida Drange & Vilde Hoff Bernstrøm & Svenn-Erik Mamelund - 407-425 Something to Celebrate (or not): The Differing Impact of Promotion to Manager on the Job Satisfaction of Women and Men
by Daniela Lup - 426-435 Sports Psychology in the English Premier League: ‘It Feels Precarious and is Precarious’
by Sarah Gilmore & Christopher Wagstaff & John Smith - 436-437 Book Review Symposium: Caroline Lloyd and Jonathan Payne, Skills in the Age of Over-Qualification: Comparing Service Sector Work in Europe
by Françoise Carré - 438-439 Book Review Symposium: Caroline Lloyd and Jonathan Payne, Skills in the Age of Over-Qualification: Comparing Service Sector Work in Europe
by Mark Stuart - 439-441 Book Review Symposium: Caroline Lloyd and Jonathan Payne, Skills in the Age of Over-Qualification: Comparing Service Sector Work in Europe
by Angela Knox - 441-443 Response to Reviews of Skills in the Age of Over-Qualification: Comparing Service Sector Work in Europe
by Caroline Lloyd & Jonathan Payne
February 2018, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-19 Capabilities and Choices of Vulnerable, Long-Term Unemployed Individuals
by Vanessa Beck - 20-37 Influence of Work–Welfare Cycling and Labour Market Segmentation on Employment Histories of Young Long-Term Unemployed
by Alexander McTier & Alan McGregor - 38-56 Rewarding Work: Cross-National Differences in Benefits, Volunteering During Unemployment, Well-Being and Mental Health
by Daiga KamerÄ de & Matthew R Bennett