February 2023, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 97-116 Structural Change Shapes Career Mobility Opportunities: An Analysis of Cohorts, Gender and Parental Class
by Dirk Witteveen & Johan Westerman - 117-136 The Association between Family Care and Paid Work among Women in Germany: Does the Household Economic Context Matter?
by Ulrike Ehrlich - 137-156 A Bridge over Troubled Borders: Social Class and the Interplay between Work and Life
by Samantha Evans & Madeleine Wyatt - 157-175 Working from Home in Urban China during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Assemblages of Work-Family Interference
by Li Sun & Tao Liu & Weiquan Wang - 176-195 Working from Home and Work–Family Conflict
by Inga Laß & Mark Wooden - 196-214 Influences on Employment Transitions around the Birth of the First Child: The Experience of Italian Mothers
by Francesca Fiori & Giorgio Di Gessa - 215-235 Gender-Specific Duration of Parental Leave and Current Earnings
by Benedikt Gerst & Christian Grund - 236-256 Flexible Working and the Division of Housework and Childcare: Examining Divisions across Arrangement and Occupational Lines
by Heejung Chung & Cara Booker - 257-273 The ‘Grey Zone’ at the Interface of Work and Home: Theorizing Adaptations Required by Precarious Work
by Valeria Pulignano & Glenn Morgan - 274-292 Participation in Job-Related Training: Is There a Parenthood Training Penalty?
by Gundula Zoch - 293-305 Father Parental Leave Use in Spain: The Role of the Female Partner Labour Situation
by Almudena Moreno-MÃnguez & à ngel L MartÃn-Román & Alfonso Moral - 306-311 Decline of the Centrality of Work? Critique of a Contemporary Ideology
by Francesco Della Puppa
December 2022, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 999-1017 The ‘Gender Face’ of Job Insecurity in France: An Individual- and Organizational-Level Analysis
by Clotilde Coron & Géraldine Schmidt - 1018-1037 Trade Unions, Bargaining Coverage and Low Pay: A Multilevel Test of Institutional Effects on Low-Pay Risk in Germany
by Chiara Benassi & Tim Vlandas - 1038-1059 Who’s Milking It? Scripted Stories of Food Labour
by Lucy McCarthy & Anne Touboulic & Jane Glover - 1060-1077 Public Service, Private Delivery: Service Workers and the Negotiation of Blurred Boundaries in a Neoliberal State
by Asa Maron - 1078-1096 Upgrading China through Automation: Manufacturers, Workers and the Techno-Developmental State
by Ya-Wen Lei - 1097-1117 Staying Down with the Joneses: Differences in the Psychological Cost of Unemployment across Neighbourhoods
by Peter Howley & Sarah Knight - 1118-1138 Professionalism, Payment by Results and the Probation Service: A Qualitative Study of the Impact of Marketisation on Professional Autonomy
by Matt Tidmarsh - 1139-1154 Working Lives in India: Current Insights and Future Directions
by Anita Hammer & Janroj Yilmaz Keles & Wendy Olsen - 1155-1156 Book Review: Ana Cecilia Dinerstein and Frederick Harry Pitts, A World Beyond Work? Labour, Money and the Capitalist State between Crisis and Utopia
by Daniel S Lacerda - 1156-1158 Book Review: Mark Williams, Ying Zhou and Min Zou, Mapping Good Work: The Quality of Working Life across the Occupational Structure
by Ruth Elizabeth Slater - 1158-1160 Book Review: Stephen R Barley, Work and Technological Change
by Deniz Tuncalp - 1161-1162 Book Review: Phillip Brown, Hugh Lauder and Sin Yi Cheung The Death of Human Capital? Its Failed Promise and How to Renew It in an Age of Disruption
by Vageesh Vishnoi - 1162-1164 Book Review: Nilanjan Raghunath, Shaping the Futures of Work: Proactive Governance and Millennials
by Stephen J Frenkel - 1165-1168 Thank You to Referees
by N/A
October 2022, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 791-797 Meaningful Work and Sociology: An Introduction to This Themed Issue
by Knut Laaser - 798-815 Towards a Sociology of Meaningful Work
by Knut Laaser & Jan Ch Karlsson - 816-840 Alienation Is Not ‘Bullshit’: An Empirical Critique of Graeber’s Theory of BS Jobs
by Magdalena Soffia & Alex J Wood & Brendan Burchell - 841-857 Families under Pressure: The Costs of Vocational Calling, and What Can Be Done about Them
by Stephanos Anastasiadis & Anica Zeyen - 858-874 Killing Them ‘Softly’ (!): Exploring Work Experiences in Care-Based Animal Dirty Work
by Linda Tallberg & Peter J Jordan - 875-892 Disabled People Working in the Disability Sector: Occupational Segregation or Personal Fulfilment?
by Anne Revillard - 893-910 It’s Not Just Sex: Relational Dynamics between Street-Based Sex Workers and Their Regular Customers
by Sharon S Oselin & Katie Hail-Jares - 911-927 Betwixt and Between: The Invisible Experiences of Volunteers’ Body Work
by Katharine Venter - 928-944 The Worth of Their Work: The (In)visible Value of Refugee Volunteers in the Transnational Humanitarian Aid Sector
by Patricia Ward - 945-966 Reproductive Work in the Global South: Lived Experiences and Social Relations of Commercial Surrogacy in India
by Madhusree Jana & Anita Hammer - 967-976 Moral Dilemma of Striking: A Medical Worker’s Response to Job Duty, Public Health Protection and the Politicization of Strikes
by Yao-Tai Li & Jenna Ng - 977-986 When Values and Ethics of Care Conflict: A Lived Experience in the Roman Catholic Church
by Krystin Zigan & YingFei G Héliot & Alan Le Grys - 987-988 Book Review: Paul David Harpur, Ableism at Work: Disablement and Hierarchies of Impairment
by Emma Partlow - 988-990 Book Review: Rebecca WB Lund and Ann Christin E Nilsen (eds), Institutional Ethnography in the Nordic Region
by Órla Meadhbh Murray - 990-992 Book Review: Ergin Bulut, A Precarious Game: The Illusion of Dream Jobs in the Video Game Industry
by Carolyn Hunter - 992-993 Book Review: Saori Shibata, Contesting Precarity in Japan: The Rise of Nonregular Workers and the New Policy Dissensus
by Stephen Jaros - 993-995 Book Review: Mike Saks (ed.), Support Workers and the Health Professions in International Perspective: The Invisible Providers of Health Care
by Caroline Murphy - 995-996 Book Review: Rachael A Woldoff and Robert C Litchfield, Digital Nomads: In Search of Meaningful Work in the New Economy
by Tim Butcher
August 2022, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 591-609 Dementia, Work and Employability: Using the Capability Approach to Understand the Employability Potential for People Living with Dementia
by Louise Ritchie & Valerie Egdell & Michael Danson & Mandy Cook & Jill Stavert & Debbie Tolson - 610-629 Deservingness, Conditionality and Public Perceptions of Work Disability: The Influence of Economic Inequality
by Rossella Ciccia & Declan French & Frank Kee & Mark O’Doherty - 630-647 Trouble in Direct Payment Personal Assistance Relationships
by Tom Porter & Tom Shakespeare & Andrea Stockl - 648-664 Residential Care Aides’ Experiences of Workplace Incivility in Long-Term Care
by Heather A Cooke & Jennifer Baumbusch - 665-682 Emotional Labour and the Autonomy of Dependent Self-Employed Workers: The Limitations of Digital Managerial Control in the Home Credit Sector
by Esme Terry & Abigail Marks & Arek Dakessian & Dimitris Christopoulos - 683-700 Conflictual Complementarity: New Labour Actors in Corporatist Industrial Relations
by Assaf S Bondy - 701-721 Working Conditions in Global Value Chains: Evidence for European Employees
by Dagmara Nikulin & Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz & Aleksandra Parteka - 722-740 Disability and Academic Careers: Using the Social Relational Model to Reveal the Role of Human Resource Management Practices in Creating Disability
by Katherine Sang & Thomas Calvard & Jennifer Remnant - 741-757 Divide and Conquer: Social Assistance Clients’ Competing Frames of Social Justice
by Melissa Sebrechts & Thomas Kampen - 758-768 Organized Crime and Employment Relations: A Personal Story of ‘Ndrangheta Control on Employment Relations Management Practices in Southern Italy
by Marco Guerci & Roberta Sferrazzo & Federica Cabras & Giovanni Radaelli & Paolo X - 769-780 ‘You Can’t Eat Soap’: Reimagining COVID-19, Work, Family and Employment from the Global South
by Ameeta Jaga & Ariane Ollier-Malaterre - 781-782 Book Review: Lynne Pettinger, What’s Wrong with Work?
by Karin Sardadvar - 782-784 Book Review: Jenny Chan, Mark Selden and Pun Ngai, Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn, and the Lives of China’s Workers
by Charlie Smith - 784-785 Book Review: Stephen Edgell and Edward Granter, The Sociology of Work: Continuity and Change in Paid and Unpaid Work (Third Edition)
by Mihajla Gavin
June 2022, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 391-406 At Least I’m My Own Boss! Explaining Consent, Coercion and Resistance in Platform Work
by Christina Purcell & Paul Brook - 407-426 McStrike! Framing, (Political) Opportunity and the Development of a Collective Identity: McDonald’s and the UK Fast-Food Rights Campaign
by Tony Royle & Yvonne Rueckert - 427-444 Organisational Social Mobility Programmes as Mechanisms of Power and Control
by Louise Ashley - 445-464 The Making of Cheap Labour across Production and Reproduction: Control and Resistance in the Senegalese Horticultural Value Chain
by Elena Baglioni - 465-484 Lordly Management and its Discontents: ‘Human Resource Management’ in Pakistan
by Syed Imran Saqib & Matthew MC Allen & Geoffrey Wood - 485-502 Keeping It Quiet? The Micro-Politics of Employee Voice in Company Strategic Decision-Making
by Catherine Casey & Helen Delaney - 503-521 ‘This Is the End’? An Ethnographic Study of Management Control and a New Management Initiative
by Darren McCabe & Sylwia Ciuk & Margaret Gilbert - 522-538 Labour Controls, Unfreedom and Perpetuation of Slavery on a Tea Plantation
by Khandakar Shahadat & Shahzad Uddin - 539-556 Workplace Bullying and Intensification of Labour Controls in the Clothing Supply Chain: Post-Rana Plaza Disaster
by Md Shoaib Ahmed & Shahzad Uddin - 557-568 Organising Against Precarity: The Life of a South African Labour Broker Worker
by Carin Runciman & Khongelani Hlungwani - 569-579 Too Scared to Go Sick: Precarious Academic Work and ‘Presenteeism Culture’ in the UK Higher Education Sector During the Covid-19 Pandemic
by Anastasios Hadjisolomou & Fotios Mitsakis & Steven Gary - 580-585 Book Review: Sanford M Jacoby, Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd-Frank and Jo Carby-Hall and Lourdes Mella Méndez (eds), Labour Law and the Gig Economy: Challenges Posed by the Digitalisation of Labour Processes
by David Jacobs - 585-587 Book Review: Alex J Wood, Despotism on Demand: How Power Operates in the Flexible Workplace
by Alejandro Castillo - 587-588 Book Review: Kate Kenny, Whistleblowing: Toward a New Theory
by Kath Atkinson
April 2022, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 199-216 Training Regimes and Diversity: Experiences of Young Foreign Employees in Japanese Headquarters
by Harald Conrad & Hendrik Meyer-Ohle - 217-234 ‘We Don’t Have the Same Opportunities as Others’: Shining Bourdieu’s Lens on UK Roma Migrants’ Precarious (Workers’) Habitus
by Patricia Harrison & Helen Collins & Alexandra Bahor - 235-252 Work Identity Pause and Reactivation: A Study of Cross-Domain Identity Transitions of Trailing Wives in Dubai
by Tatiana S Rowson & Adriana Meyer & Elizabeth Houldsworth - 253-270 Otherness in the Workplace among Highly Skilled Labour Migrants: Swedes in Germany and the UK
by Ylva Wallinder - 271-289 Migrant Entrepreneurship Enablers: From Chance Encounters to Community Development
by Lisa Berntsen & Tesseltje de Lange & Ivana Kalaš & Romy Hanoeman - 290-309 Business or Pleasure? A Comparison of Migrant and Non-Migrant Uber Drivers in Australia
by Peter James Holtum & Elnaz Irannezhad & Greg Marston & Renuka Mahadevan - 310-327 Algorithmic Integration and Precarious (Dis)Obedience: On the Co-Constitution of Migration Regime and Workplace Regime in Digitalised Manufacturing and Logistics
by Simon Schaupp - 328-344 Labour Market Segmentation within Ethnic Economies: The Ethnic Penalty for Invisible Kurdish Migrants in the United Kingdom
by Mehmet Rauf Kesici - 345-361 Cultivating Precarisation: Intersecting Vulnerabilities of Syrian Refugees in the Turkish Agricultural Sector
by Saniye Dedeoglu - 362-371 ‘Working While Feeling Awful Is Normal’: One Roma’s Experience of Presenteeism
by Helen Collins & Susan Barry & Piotr Dzuga - 372-380 ‘Dances with Daffodils’: Life as a Flower-picker in Southwest England
by Constantine Manolchev & Ivan - 381-382 Book Review: Tom Vickers, Borders, Migration and Class in an Age of Crisis: Producing Workers and Immigrants
by Gianna Maria Eick - 382-384 Book Review: Ruth Milkman, Immigrant Labor and the New Precariat
by Ben Ledger-Jessop - 384-386 Book Review: Banu Özkazanç-Pan, Transnational Migration and the New Subjects of Work: Transmigrants, Hybrids and Cosmopolitans
by Bing Lu - 386-387 Book Review: Preet S Aulakh and Philip F Kelly (eds), Mobilities of Labour and Capital in Asia
by Jonathan Winterton
February 2022, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 3-20 Gender Differences in the Social Consequences of Unemployment: How Job Loss Affects the Risk of Becoming Socially Isolated
by Jan Eckhard - 21-39 Job Satisfaction and Sexual Orientation in Britain
by Sait Bayrakdar & Andrew King - 40-58 University or Degree Apprenticeship? Stratification and Uncertainty in Routes to the Solicitors’ Profession
by Caroline Casey & Paul Wakeling - 59-79 Economic Inactivity, Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) and Scarring: The Importance of NEET as a Marker of Long-Term Disadvantage
by Kevin Ralston & Dawn Everington & Zhiqiang Feng & Chris Dibben - 80-100 Desperate Housewives and Happy Working Mothers: Are Parent-Couples with Equal Income More Satisfied throughout Parenthood? A Dyadic Longitudinal Study
by Laura Langner - 101-118 Negotiating Gendered Ageing: Intersectional Reflexivity and Experiences of Incongruity of Self-Employed Older Women
by Elina Meliou & Oliver Mallett - 119-138 When Following the Rules Is Bad for Wellbeing: The Effects of Gendered Rules in the Australian Construction Industry
by Natalie Galea & Abigail Powell & Fanny Salignac & Louise Chappell & Martin Loosemore - 139-155 Relationship-Based Care Work, Austerity and Aged Care
by Donna Baines & Annabel Dulhunty & Sara Charlesworth - 156-166 On the Front Line of the Circular Economy: The Entrepreneurial, Identity and Institutional Work of a Female Entrepreneur towards the Circular Transition
by Ödül Bozkurt & Mirela Xheneti & Vicky - 167-178 Leveraging from Racism: A Dual Structural Advantages Perspective
by Penelope Muzanenhamo & Rashedur Chowdhury - 179-189 Why Do Humans Remain Central to the Knowledge Work in the Age of Robots? Marx’s Fragment on Machines and Beyond
by Emrah Karakilic - 190-192 Book Review: Paul Stewart, Jean-Pierre Durand and Maria-Magdalena Richea (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of the Sociology of Work in Europe
by Steve Taylor - 192-193 Book Review: David Etherington, Austerity, Welfare and Work: Exploring Politics, Geographies and Inequalities
by Jamie Redman
December 2021, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 995-1013 ‘I Have a Newborn at Home’: Multi-actor Attributions and the Implementation of Shared Parental Leave
by Sara Chaudhry & Ishbel McWha-Hermann & Sophie Flemig & Arleta Blackley-Wiertelak - 1014-1033 Fathers’ Perceptions of the Availability of Flexible Working Arrangements: Evidence from the UK
by Rose Cook & Margaret O’Brien & Sara Connolly & Matthew Aldrich & Svetlana Speight - 1034-1052 Don’t Work for Free: Online Discursive Resistance to Precarity in Commercial Photography
by Holly Patrick-Thomson & Michael Kranert - 1053-1072 A Heterodox Re-Reading of Creative Work: The Diverse Economies of Danish Visual Artists
by Ana Alacovska & Trine Bille - 1073-1090 ‘They’ve Been with Me the Whole Journey’: Temporality, Emotional Labour and Hairdressing Work
by Oonagh M Harness & Kimberly Jamie & Robert McMurray - 1091-1114 Conceptualizing Responsible Return to Work: Corporate Social Responsibility in Relation to Employee Return to Work after Cancer
by Layla Branicki & Senia Kalfa & Stephen Brammer - 1115-1132 How Occupational Pensions Shape Extended Working Lives: Gender, Class and Chance after the Norwegian Pension Reform
by Anne Skevik Grødem & Jon M Hippe - 1133-1143 An NHS Doctor’s Lived Experience of Burnout during the First Wave of Covid-19
by Sara Chaudhry & Emily Yarrow & Maryam Aldossari & Elizabeth Waterson - 1144-1154 Working Hard for the Ones You Love and Care for Under Covid-19 Physical Distancing
by Lander Vermeerbergen & Valeria Pulignano & Markieta Domecka & Marieke Jansens - 1155-1166 Thursday Night and a Sing-along ‘Sung Alone’: The Experiences of a Self-employed Performer During the Pandemic
by Philip Hancock & Melissa Tyler & Mark Godiva - 1167-1167 Thank You to Referees
by N/A - 1168-1170 Corrigendum
by N/A
October 2021, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 819-836 Why Queer Workers Make Good Organisers
by Michelle Esther O’Brien - 837-855 When Can a Disability Quota System Empower Disabled Individuals in the Workplace? The Case of France
by Sarah Richard & Sophie Hennekam - 856-871 Youth, Work and ‘Career’ as a Way of Talking about the Self
by David Farrugia - 872-890 Means of Control in the Organization of Digitally Intermediated Care Work
by Paula McDonald & Penny Williams & Robyn Mayes - 891-913 On the Biopsychosocial Costs of Alienated Labor
by Melvin Seeman & Sharon Stein Merkin & Arun Karlamangla & Brandon Koretz & Joseph G Grzywacz & Margie Lachman & Teresa Seeman - 914-930 Reproducing Global Inequalities in the Online Labour Market: Valuing Capital in the Design Field
by Pelin Demirel & Ekaterina Nemkova & Rebecca Taylor - 931-947 Informal Practices in the Making of Professionals: The Case of Engineers in Soviet and Post-Soviet Azerbaijan
by Ayça Ergun & Leyla Sayfutdinova - 948-967 The Worker Capabilities Approach: Insights from Worker Mobilizations in Italian Logistics and Food Delivery
by Lorenzo Cini & Bartek Goldmann - 968-978 Doing Double Time: Women, Incarceration and Employment Discrimination
by Diane van den Broek & Prudence Black & Nicki - 979-988 Doing and Negotiating Transgender on the Front Line: Customer Abuse, Transphobia and Stigma in the Food Retail Sector
by Anastasios Hadjisolomou - 989-991 Book Review: Colin C Williams and Friedrich Schneider, Measuring the Global Shadow Economy: The Prevalence of Informal Work and Labour
by Jen Lendrum
August 2021, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 615-620 Gender Equalities: What Lies Ahead
by Elizabeth Cotton & T Alexandra Beauregard & Janroj Yilmaz Keles - 621-639 Women’s Vulnerability to the Economic Crisis through the Lens of Part-time Work in Spain
by Valeria Insarauto - 640-656 ‘I Wanted More Women in, but . . .’: Oblique Resistance to Gender Equality Initiatives
by Owain Smolović Jones & Sanela Smolović Jones & Scott Taylor & Emily Yarrow - 657-676 The Menopause Taboo at Work: Examining Women’s Embodied Experiences of Menopause in the UK Police Service
by Carol Atkinson & Fiona Carmichael & Jo Duberley - 677-695 Career Advancement for Women in the British Hospitality Industry: The Enabling Factors
by Valentine Calinaud & Jithendran Kokkranikal & Maria Gebbels - 696-715 Motherhood 2.0: Slow Progress for Career Women and Motherhood within the ‘Finnish Dream’
by Charlotta Niemistö & Jeff Hearn & Carolyn Kehn & Annamari Tuori - 716-734 Women Managers’ Impact on Use of Family-friendly Measures among Their Subordinates in Japanese Firms
by Makiko Fuwa - 735-752 Bringing Women on Board? Family Policies, Quotas and Gender Diversity in Top Jobs
by Helen Kowalewska - 753-773 Broadening of the Field of Corporate Boards and Legitimate Capitals: An Investigation into the Use of Gender Quotas in Corporate Boards in Norway
by Cathrine Seierstad & Ahu Tatli & Maryam Aldossari & Morten Huse - 774-792 Women Professors across STEMM and Non-STEMM Disciplines: Navigating Gendered Spaces and Playing the Academic Game
by Colette Fagan & Nina Teasdale - 793-814 A Cross-Country Comparison of Gender Traditionalism in Business Leadership: How Supportive Are Female Supervisors?
by Carly van Mensvoort & Gerbert Kraaykamp & Roza Meuleman & Marieke van den Brink
June 2021, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 411-431 Nonstandard Employment and Job Satisfaction across Time in China: Evidence from the Chinese General Social Survey (2006–2012)
by Kritkorn Nawakitphaitoon & Can Tang - 432-450 Consuming Worker Exploitation? Accounts and Justifications for Consumer (In)action to Modern Slavery
by Michal Carrington & Andreas Chatzidakis & Deirdre Shaw - 451-469 Upskilling, Deskilling or Polarisation? Evidence on Change in Skills in Europe
by Žilvinas Martinaitis & Aleksandr Christenko & Jonas AntanaviÄ ius - 470-489 Absence from Work after the Birth of the First Child and Mothers’ Retirement Incomes: A Comparative Analysis of 10 European Countries
by Giulia M Dotti Sani & Matteo Luppi - 490-508 Gender Wage Gap and the Involvement of Partners in Household Work
by Eleonora Matteazzi & Stefani Scherer - 509-526 Building Inequality: Wage Disparity between Bangladeshi and Thai Guestworkers in Singapore’s Construction Industry
by Katie Rainwater - 527-544 ‘Good’ Bad Jobs? The Evolution of Migrant Low-Wage Employment in Germany (1985–2015)
by Torben Krings - 545-565 Can Active Labour Market Programmes Emulate the Mental Health Benefits of Regular Paid Employment? Longitudinal Evidence from the United Kingdom
by Senhu Wang & Adam Coutts & Brendan Burchell & Daiga KamerÄ de & Ursula Balderson - 566-583 The Partner Pay Gap: Associations between Spouses’ Relative Earnings and Life Satisfaction among Couples in the UK
by Vanessa Gash & Anke C Plagnol - 584-594 A Feminist Political Economy Critique of ‘the Militant Minority’
by Adam DK King - 595-605 ‘It’s My Passion and Not Really Like Work’: Balancing Precarity with the Work–Life of a Volunteer Team Leader in the Conservation Sector
by Peter John Sandiford & Sally Green - 606-607 Book Review: Carl Benedikt Frey, The Technology Trap: Capital, Labor, and Power in the Age of Automation
by Daniel Nicholson - 607-609 Book Review: Lynn S Chancer, MartÃn Sánchez-Jankowski and Christine Trost (eds), Youth, Jobs, and the Future: Problems and Prospects
by Andrew Kozhevnikov
April 2021, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 203-220 Sticks and Stones: The Naming of Global Talent
by Susan Kirk - 221-238 Precarity as a Biographical Problem? Young Workers Living with Precarity in Germany and Poland
by Adam Mrozowicki & Vera Trappmann - 239-255 The Relative Quality of Sex Work
by Cecilia Benoit & Michaela Smith & Mikael Jansson & Priscilla Healey & Douglas Magnuson - 256-276 ‘Working to Live, Not Living to Work’: Low-Paid Multiple Employment and Work–Life Articulation
by Andrew Smith & Jo McBride - 277-295 Flexible Work, Temporal Disruption and Implications for Health Practices: An Australian Qualitative Study
by Ginny M Sargent & Julia McQuoid & Jane Dixon & Cathy Banwell & Lyndall Strazdins - 296-315 Configurations of Boundary Management Practices among Knowledge Workers
by Stefanie C Reissner & Michal Izak & Donald Hislop - 316-331 ‘My Life Is More Valuable Than This’: Understanding Risk among On-Demand Food Couriers in Edinburgh
by Karen Gregory - 332-349 Data Scientists’ Identity Work: Omnivorous Symbolic Boundaries in Skills Acquisition
by Netta Avnoon - 350-368 Masters of None? How Cultural Workers Use Reframing to Achieve Legitimacy in Portfolio Careers
by Allyson Stokes - 369-385 Resisting Patriarchal Cultures: The Case of Female Spanish Home-Based Teleworkers
by Ana Gálvez & Francisco Tirado & Jose M Alcaraz - 386-395 ‘It’s Like a War Zone’: Jay’s Liminal Experience of Normal and Extreme Work in a UK Supermarket during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Minjie Cai & Scott Tindal & Safak Tartanoglu Bennett & Jay Velu - 396-405 Profit over People? Evaluating Morality on the Front Line during the COVID-19 Crisis: A Front-Line Service Manager’s Confession and Regrets
by Anastasios Hadjisolomou & Sam Simone
February 2021, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-20 Healing or Deepening the Scars of Unemployment? The Impact of Activation Policies on Unemployed Workers
by Lukas Fervers - 21-36 ‘When I’m 65’: On the Age-negotiated Duty to Work
by Monika Wilińska & Bo Rolander & Pia H Bűlow - 37-56 Employment Trade-Offs under Different Family Policy Constellations
by Karen M Olsen - 57-77 The Influence of Household Pension Wealth, Partner’s Health and Spousal Employment Status on Heterogeneous Early Retirement Transitions among Women in England
by Jennifer Prattley & Tarani Chandola - 78-96 ‘You Just Had to Get on with It’: Exploring the Persistence of Gender Inequality through Women’s Career Histories
by Jackie Ford & Carol Atkinson & Nancy Harding & David Collinson - 97-115 Possible Selves in a Transforming Economy: Upwardly Mobile Working-Class Masculinities, Service Work and Negotiated Aspirations in Australia
by Garth Stahl & Sarah McDonald & John Young - 116-136 Reflexive Self-Identity and Work: Working Women, Biographical Disruption and Agency
by Diane Trusson & Clive Trusson & Catherine Casey - 137-156 Precarious Education-to-Work Transitions: Entering Welfare Professions under a Workfarist Regime
by Barbara Samaluk - 157-177 The Impact of Unemployment and Non-Standard Forms of Employment on the Housing Autonomy of Young Adults
by Katerina Gousia & Anna Baranowska-Rataj & Thomas Middleton & Olena Nizalova - 178-188 No Voice, No Choice: Assessing Danish Active Labour Market Policies Using Sen’s Capability Approach
by Roger Fernandez-Urbano & Michael Orton - 189-190 Book Review: Helen Bound, Karen Evans, Sahara Sadik and Annie Karmel, How Non-Permanent Workers Learn and Develop: Challenges and Opportunities
by Katy Jones - 191-192 Book Review: Jürgen R Grote and Claudius Wagemann (eds), Social Movements and Organized Labour: Passions and Interests
by Calum Carson - 192-194 Book Review: Jean-Pierre Durand, Creating the New Worker: Work, Consumption and Subordination
by Carol Wolkowitz - 195-196 Book Review Symposium: Maurizio Atzeni and Immanuel Ness (eds), Global Perspectives on Workers’ and Labour Organizations
by Steve New - 197-198 Book Review Symposium: Maurizio Atzeni and Immanuel Ness (eds), Global Perspectives on Workers’ and Labour Organizations
by Martà López-Andreu
December 2020, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 965-984 Resisting Colonization: Worker Cooperatives’ Conceptualization and Behaviour in a Habermasian Perspective
by Frédéric Dufays & Noreen O’Shea & Benjamin Huybrechts & Teresa Nelson - 985-1003 ‘This Happens All the Time’: Organizations, Rationalization and Ethical Dilemmas in Engineering
by Tracey L Adams - 1004-1026 Estimating the Wage Premium to Supervision for Middle Managers in Different Contexts: Evidence from Germany and the UK
by Leone Leonida & Marianna Marra & Sergio Scicchitano & Antonio Giangreco & Marco Biagetti - 1027-1044 Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The Challenge of External Work Arrangements for Industrial Manufacturing Unions in Germany and Italy
by Chiara Benassi & Lisa Dorigatti - 1045-1061 Rethinking Situated Learning: Participation and Communities of Practice in the UK Fire and Rescue Service
by James Brooks & Irena Grugulis & Hugh Cook - 1062-1078 Trade Union Power Resources within the Supply Chain: Marketisation, Marginalisation, Mobilisation
by Pedro Mendonça & Dragoș Adăscăliței - 1079-1096 Digi-Housekeeping: The Invisible Work of Flexibility
by Rebecca Whiting & Gillian Symon - 1097-1113 ‘I Get Money for What I Like Doing Best’: The Class Origin of Young Blue-Collar Workers and their Commitment to Work
by Carina Altreiter & Jörg Flecker - 1114-1130 Workers’ Power in Resisting Precarity: Comparing Transport Workers in Buenos Aires and Dar es Salaam
by Matteo Rizzo & Maurizio Atzeni - 1131-1132 Book Review: Antonella Ceccagno, City Making and Global Labor Regimes: Chinese Immigrants and Italy’s Fast Fashion Industry
by Nikolaus Hammer - 1132-1134 Book Review: Fariba Solati, Women, Work, and Patriarchy in the Middle East and North Africa
by Henriett Primecz - 1134-1136 Book Review: Andy Furlong, John Goodwin, Henrietta O’Connor, Sarah Hadfield, Stuart Hall, Kevin Lowden and Réka Plugor, Young People in the Labour Market: Past, Present, Future
by Anna Paraskevopoulou - 1136-1138 Book Review: Philip Rathgeb, Strong Governments, Precarious Workers: Labor Market Policy in the Era of Liberalization
by Mihajla Gavin - 1139-1140 Book Review: Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick and Richard Hyman, Trade Unions in Western Europe: Hard Times, Hard Choices
by Jen Remnant - 1140-1142 Book Review: Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick and Richard Hyman, Trade Unions in Western Europe: Hard Times, Hard Choices
by Liam Kennedy - 1142-1144 Book Review: Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick and Richard Hyman, Trade Unions in Western Europe: Hard Times, Hard Choices
by Christopher J McLachlan
October 2020, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 745-748 Migrants at Work: Perspectives, Perceptions and New Connections
by Alessio D’Angelo & Eleonore Kofman & Janroj Yilmaz Keles - 749-768 Trapped in Precariousness? Risks and Opportunities of Female Immigrants and Natives Transitioning from Part-Time Jobs in Spain
by Jacobo Muñoz-Comet & Stephanie Steinmetz - 769-788 With a Little Help from My Friends: Social-Network Job Search and Overqualification among Recent Intra-EU Migrants Moving from East to West
by Janine Leschke & Silvana Weiss - 789-808 Migrant Workers in Beijing: How Hometown Ties Affect Economic Outcomes
by Menghan Zhao & Yongai Jin - 809-825 Between a Promise and a Salary: Student-Migrant-Workers’ Experiences of Precarious Labour Markets
by Olivia Maury - 826-843 Do Equal Qualifications Yield Equal Rewards for Immigrants in the Labour Market?
by Akhlaq Ahmad - 844-863 Perceptions of Diversity Management Practices among First- versus Second-generation Migrants
by Sophie Hennekam & Sabine Bacouel-Jentjens & Inju Yang - 864-882 The ‘New’ Migration for Work Phenomenon: The Pursuit of Emancipation and Recognition in the Context of Work
by Dimitria Groutsis & Joana Vassilopoulou & Olivia Kyriakidou & Mustafa F Özbilgin