February 2016, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 198-199 Book review: Stephen Sweet and Peter Meiksins, Changing Contours of Work: Jobs and Opportunities in the New Economy, 2nd Edition
by Maria-Carmen Pantea - 199-201 Book review: Adrian Wilkinson, Jimmy Donaghey, Tony Dundon and Richard B Freeman (eds), Handbook of Research on Employee Voice
by Andrew R Timming - 201-202 Book review: Eileen Appelbaum and Rosemary Batt, Private Equity at Work: When Wall Street Manages Main Street
by Paul Thompson - 202-204 Book review: Jake Rosenfeld, What Unions No Longer Do
by Mark Williams
December 2015, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 895-911 Workplace partnership and legitimacy: a multi-layered analysis of the shop steward experience
by Peter Butler & Olga Tregaskis - 912-931 Militant partnership: a radical pluralist analysis of workforce dialectics
by Tony Dundon & Tony Dobbins - 932-949 The labour of learning: overcoming the obstacles facing union-worker centre collaborations
by Gabriel Hetland - 950-968 The work-related affordances of business travel: a disaggregated analysis of journey stage and mode of transport
by Donald Hislop & Carolyn Axtell - 969-988 The evolution of false self-employment in the British construction industry: a neo-Polanyian account of labour market formation
by Felix Behling & Mark Harvey - 989-1006 Resistance to teamworking in a UK research and development laboratory
by Denise Thursfield - 1007-1018 Work beyond the bounds: a boundary analysis of the fragmentation of work
by Erin Hatton - 1019-1028 The expectations and aspirations of a late-career professional woman
by Carol Atkinson & Jackie Ford & Nancy Harding & Flora Jones - 1029-1030 Book review symposium: Ã…ke Sandberg (ed.), Nordic Lights: Work, Management and Welfare in Scandinavia
by Ann Bergman - 1031-1033 Book review symposium: Ã…ke Sandberg (ed.), Nordic Lights: Work, Management and Welfare in Scandinavia
by Gerhard Bosch - 1033-1035 Book review symposium: Ã…ke Sandberg (ed.), Nordic Lights: Work, Management and Welfare in Scandinavia
by Stephen Ackroyd - 1035-1037 Book review symposium: Response to reviews of Ã…ke Sandberg (ed.), Nordic Lights: Work, Management and Welfare in Scandinavia
by Ã…ke Sandberg - 1038-1039 Book review: Michael J White and Jennifer E Glick, Achieving Anew: How New Immigrants Do in American Schools, Jobs and Neighborhoods
by Natalia C Malancu - 1040-1041 Book review: Linda Milbourne, Voluntary Sector in Transition: Hard Times or New Opportunities?
by Lee Gregory - 1041-1043 Book review: Eric S Brown, The Black Professional Middle Class: Race, Class, and Community in the Post-Civil Rights Era
by Rima Saini - 1044-1045 Thank you to referees
by N/A - 1046-1046 Books for review
by N/A
October 2015, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 703-719 Households’ responses to spousal job loss: ‘all change’ or ‘carry on as usual’?
by Karon Gush & James Scott & Heather Laurie - 720-737 Coping with unemployment among journalists and managers
by Petteri Raito & Eero Lahelma - 738-756 The health and well-being of bankers following downsizing: a comparison of stayers and leavers
by à sta Snorradóttir & Kristinn Tómasson & Rúnar Vilhjálmsson & Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir - 757-774 Flexible working and work–life balance: midwives’ experiences and views
by Julie Prowse & Peter Prowse - 775-791 Managing patient emotions as skilled work and being ‘one of us’
by Ian Kessler & Paul Heron & Sue Dopson - 792-807 The ideal worker as real abstraction: labour conflict and subjectivity in nursing
by Magnus Granberg - 808-825 Trade unions and labour market dualisation: a comparison of policies and attitudes towards agency and migrant workers in Germany and Belgium
by Valeria Pulignano & Guglielmo Meardi & Nadja Doerflinger - 826-842 Trade unions, special structures and the inclusion of migrant workers: on the role of union democracy
by Stefania Marino - 843-854 The essence of trade unions: understanding identity, ideology and purpose
by Andy Hodder & Paul Edwards - 855-865 Examining hybrid nurse managers as a case of identity transition in healthcare: developing a balanced research agenda
by Graeme Currie & Charlotte Croft - 866-874 ‘For this I was made’: conflict and calling in the role of a woman priest
by Adrian Madden & Catherine Bailey & Reverend Canon Jean Kerr - 875-880 Parenting, work and the marketization of family life
by John G Cullen - 881-882 Book review: Saskia Sassen, Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy
by Tom Gillespie - 883-884 Book review: Guy Standing, A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens
by Nathan Hudson-Sharp - 884-886 Book review: Tom Malleson, After Occupy: Economic Democracy for the 21st Century
by Alex J Wood - 886-887 Book review: Eileen Boris and Jennifer Klein, Caring for America: Home Health Workers in the Shadow of the Welfare State
by Gemma Wibberley - 887-889 Book review: Christel Lane, The Cultivation of Taste: Chefs and the Organization of Fine Dining
by Rebecca Stanyer - 890-890 Books for review
by N/A
August 2015, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 531-549 Gendered work–family conflict in Germany: do self-employment and flexibility matter?
by Stefanie König & Beate Cesinger - 550-570 The gender gap in employment hours: do work-hour regulations matter?
by Liana Christin Landivar - 571-589 Gender differences in working at home and time use patterns: evidence from Australia
by Abigail Powell & Lyn Craig - 590-606 Towards a Bourdieusian analysis of the social composition of the UK film and television workforce
by Keith Randle & Cynthia Forson & Moira Calveley - 607-623 On the role of habitus and field in apprenticeships
by Wolfgang Lehmann & Alison Taylor - 624-640 Alone in the back office: the isolation of those who care to support public services
by Clare Butler & Anne Marie Doherty & Jocelyn Finniear & Stephen Hill - 641-660 Spillover and conflict in collective bargaining: evidence from a survey of Dutch union and firm negotiators
by Alex Lehr & Agnes Akkerman & René Torenvlied - 661-672 Rethinking the relationship between gender and technology: a study of the Indian example
by Namrata Gupta - 673-681 ‘Yes Chef’: life at the vanguard of culinary excellence
by Robin Burrow & John Smith & Christalla Yakinthou - 682-684 Book review symposium: Linda McDowell, Working Lives: Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945–2007
by Miriam Glucksmann - 684-686 Book review symposium: Linda McDowell, Working Lives: Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945–2007
by Cathy McIlwaine - 686-688 Book review symposium: Linda McDowell, Working Lives: Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945–2007
by Beverley Skeggs - 689-691 Book review symposium: We are labour: response to reviews of Linda McDowell, Working Lives: Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945–2007
by Linda McDowell - 692-693 Book review: Nicole Constable, Born out of Place: Migrant Mothers and the Politics of International Labor
by Sean H Wang - 694-695 Book review: Satnam Virdee, Racism, Class and the Racialized Outsider
by Jane Holgate - 695-697 Book review: Savita Kumra, Ruth Simpson and Ronald J Burke (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Gender in Organizations
by Tessa Wright - 697-698 Book review: Emily van der Meulen, Elya M Durisin and Victoria Love (eds), Selling Sex: Experience, Advocacy and Research on Sex Work in Canada
by Mary Laing - 699-699 Books for review
by N/A
June 2015, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 1-11 The transformation of work and industrial relations in the post-Soviet bloc: 25 years on from 1989
by Martin Upchurch & Richard Croucher & Hanna Danilovich & Claudio Morrison - 371-391 Why migrants earn less: in search of the factors producing the ethno-migrant pay gap in a Dutch public organization
by Hans Siebers & Jilles van Gastel - 392-408 Migrant workers and the north of Ireland: between neo-liberalism and sectarianism
by Brian Garvey & Paul Stewart - 409-426 The dynamics of union responses to migrant workers in Canada
by Jason Foster & Alison Taylor & Candy Khan - 427-443 ‘Flexible’ workers for ‘flexible’ jobs? The labour market function of A8 migrant labour in the UK
by David McCollum & Allan Findlay - 444-461 Social movement unionism in practice: organizational dimensions of union mobilization in the Los Angeles immigrant rights marches
by Cassandra Engeman - 462-478 Getting your hands dirty: critical action research in a state agency
by Monder Ram & Paul Edwards & Trevor Jones & Alex Kiselinchev & Lovemore Muchenje - 479-495 Transient craft: reclaiming the contemporary craft worker
by Helen Holmes - 496-507 Towards Critical Human Resource Management Education (CHRME): a sociological imagination approach
by John Bratton & Jeff Gold - 508-516 Pills, ills and the ugly face of aesthetic labour: ‘They should’ve discriminated against me’
by Clare Butler & Joanne Harris
April 2015, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 1-13 Re-engagement with the employee participation debate: beyond the case of contested and captured terrain
by Paul J Gollan & Ying Xu - 191-212 Work-time underemployment and financial hardship: class inequalities and recession in the UK
by Tracey Warren - 213-232 Discrimination in the labour market: nationality, ethnicity and the recession
by Gillian Kingston & Frances McGinnity & Philip J O’Connell - 233-249 Gender, age and flexible working in later life
by Wendy Loretto & Sarah Vickerstaff - 250-266 Making sense of self-employment in late career: understanding the identity work of olderpreneurs
by Oliver Mallett & Robert Wapshott - 267-277 The (performance) management of retirement and the limits of individual choice
by Vanessa Beck & Glynne Williams - 278-294 Branding resources: extractive communities, industrial brandscapes and themed environments
by Rebecca Scott & Elizabeth Bennett - 295-313 The importance of socio-spatial influences in shaping young people’s employment aspirations: case study evidence from three British cities
by Richard J White & Anne E Green - 314-330 Rethinking job satisfaction in care work: looking beyond the care debates
by Gail Hebson & Jill Rubery & Damian Grimshaw - 331-341 Intersectionality: are we taking enough notice in the field of work and employment relations?
by Anne McBride & Gail Hebson & Jane Holgate - 342-353 Workplace bullying: exploring an emerging framework
by Adriana Berlingieri - 354-360 From the middle to the margins: addressing job insecurity, income inequality and social fragmentation
by George Lafferty - 361-362 Book review: Paul Edwards, Joe O’Mahoney and Steve Vincent (eds), Studying Organizations Using Critical Realism: A Practical Guide
by Christopher McLachlan - 362-364 Book review: Rebecca Selberg, Femininity at Work: Gender, Labour and Changing Relations of Power in a Swedish Hospital
by Hans Rollmann - 364-366 Book review: Carol Wolkowitz, Rachel Lara Cohen, Teela Sanders and Kate Hardy (eds), Body/Sex/Work: Intimate, Embodied and Sexualized Labour
by Eileen Boris
February 2015, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-22 Gender, work orientations and job satisfaction
by Min Zou - 23-40 Sharing the load? Partners’ relative earnings and the division of domestic labour
by Clare Lyonette & Rosemary Crompton - 41-59 Building China: precarious employment among migrant construction workers
by Sarah Swider - 60-78 Visible tattoos in the service sector: a new challenge to recruitment and selection
by Andrew R Timming - 79-98 Cabin crew collectivism: labour process and the roots of mobilization
by Phil Taylor & Sian Moore - 99-118 The bigger the worse? A comparative study of the welfare state and employment commitment
by Kjetil A van der Wel & Knut Halvorsen - 119-136 The political economy of ‘lap dancing’: contested careers and women’s work in the stripping industry
by Kate Hardy & Teela Sanders - 137-153 Transnational regulation of temporary agency work compromised partnership between Private Employment Agencies and Global Union Federations
by Elizabeth Cotton - 154-165 Sociology of professions: international divergences and research directions
by Tracey L Adams - 166-176 Making interview transcripts real: the reader’s response
by Clare Butler
December 2014, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 847-864 Precarious work, protest masculinity and communal regulation: South Asian young men in Luton, UK
by Linda McDowell & Esther Rootham & Abby Hardgrove - 865-881 Mobility strategies, ‘mobility differentials’ and ‘transnational exit’: the experiences of precarious migrants in London’s hospitality jobs
by Gabriella Alberti - 882-903 Do options for job flexibility diminish in times of economic uncertainty?
by Stephen Sweet & Elyssa Besen & Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes & Tay K McNamara - 904-925 Unemployment and attitudes to work: asking the ‘right’ question
by Andrew Dunn & Maria T Grasso & Clare Saunders - 926-945 Do investors avoid strong trade unions and labour regulation? Social dumping in the European automotive and chemical industries
by Martin Krzywdzinski - 946-962 An exploration of the professional habitus in the Big 4 accounting firms
by Crawford Spence & Chris Carter - 963-984 High-involvement work processes, work intensification and employee well-being
by Peter Boxall & Keith Macky - 985-1002 Gender, sexuality and male-dominated work: the intersection of long-hours working and domestic life
by Tessa Wright - 1003-1015 The birth of French labour sociology after the War: some reflections on the nature of the corporate state and intellectual engagement for the sociology of work in the UK today
by Jean-Pierre Durand & Paul Stewart - 1016-1025 A query on research methodology and ethics: defending Citizens Advice, its work and goals
by Siew-Peng Lee - 1026-1031 Response to protecting research participants: in defence of Citizens Advice
by Jane Holgate & Anna Pollert & Janroj Keles & Leena Kumarappan
October 2014, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 683-701 Job satisfaction in the judiciary
by Sharyn Roach Anleu & Kathy Mack - 702-717 ‘I’d rather work in a supermarket’: privatization of home care work in Japan
by Kaye Broadbent - 718-734 Wanted – straight talkers: stammering and aesthetic labour
by Clare Butler - 735-753 Out of the shadows: a classification of economies by the size and character of their informal sector
by Colin C Williams - 754-770 Sacrifice and distinction in dirty work: men’s construction of meaning in the butcher trade
by Ruth Simpson & Jason Hughes & Natasha Slutskaya & Maria Balta - 771-787 Built to last: ageing, class and the masculine body in a UK hedge fund
by Kathleen Riach & Leanne Cutcher - 788-807 The effects of work experience during higher education on labour market entry: learning by doing or an entry ticket?
by Felix Weiss & Markus Klein & Thomas Grauenhorst - 808-824 Trusting technical change in call centres
by Jane Prichard & Joanne Turnbull & Susan Halford & Catherine Pope - 825-837 Gender, work, employment and society: feminist reflections on continuity and change
by Linda McDowell
August 2014, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 515-532 ‘Make do and mend’ after redundancy at Anglesey Aluminium: critiquing human capital approaches to unemployment
by Tony Dobbins & Alexandra Plows & Huw Lloyd-Williams - 533-550 Training for the unemployed: differential effects in white- and blue-collar workers with respect to mental well-being
by Antti Saloniemi & Katri Romppainen & Mattias Strandh & Pekka Virtanen - 551-570 A social net? Internet and social media use during unemployment
by Miriam Feuls & Christian Fieseler & Anne Suphan - 571-588 Creative labour and collective interaction: the working lives of young jazz musicians in London
by Charles Umney & Lefteris Kretsos - 589-610 Information and communication technology use, work intensification and employee strain and distress
by Noelle Chesley - 611-632 The return of the male breadwinner model? Educational effects on parents’ work arrangements in Austria, 1980–2009
by Caroline Berghammer - 633-650 Female employment and fertility trajectories in Spain: an Optimal Matching Analysis
by Maria A Davia & Nuria Legazpe - 651-662 Global labour governance: potential and limits of an emerging perspective
by Guglielmo Meardi & Paul Marginson
June 2014, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 355-371 Organizing immigrants: meaning generation in the community
by Kyoung-Hee Yu - 372-389 Recruitment processes and immigration regulations: the disjointed pathways to employing migrant carers in ageing societies
by Alessio Cangiano & Kieran Walsh - 390-406 Picking on vulnerable migrants: precarity and the mushroom industry in Northern Ireland
by Michael Potter & Jennifer Hamilton - 407-429 Mental and physical health: re-assessing the relationship with employment propensity
by Gail Pacheco & Dom Page & Don J Webber - 430-451 Employer disability practice in Britain: assessing the impact of the Positive About Disabled People ‘Two Ticks’ symbol
by Kim Hoque & Nick Bacon & Dave Parr - 452-468 Reframing employee voice: a case study in Sri Lanka’s export processing zones
by Samanthi J Gunawardana - 469-480 We, the people at work: propositions for revitalizing industrial democracy through the use of Étienne Balibar’s concepts
by Catherine Casey - 481-494 Using occupation-based social classifications
by Paul S Lambert & Erik Bihagen
April 2014, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 155-167 Clear, rigorous and relevant: publishing quantitative research articles in Work, employment and society
by Andy Charlwood & Chris Forde & Irena Grugulis & Kate Hardy & Ian Kirkpatrick & Robert MacKenzie & Mark Stuart - 168-188 Compromising conventions: attitudes of dissonance and indifference towards full-time maternal employment in Denmark, Spain, Poland and the UK
by Jacqueline O’Reilly & Tiziana Nazio & José Manuel Roche - 189-205 The intersections of work time and care time: nurses’ and builders’ family time economies
by Jo Lindsay & JaneMaree Maher - 206-224 The impact of foreign ownership on gender and employment relations in large Japanese companies
by George Olcott & Nick Oliver - 225-246 Occupational segregation and gender inequality in job quality: a multi-level approach
by Haya Stier & Meir Yaish - 247-264 Gender in the UK architectural profession: (re)producing and challenging hegemonic masculinity
by Katherine JC Sang & Andrew RJ Dainty & Stephen G Ison - 265-284 Unions, joint regulation and workplace equality policy and practice in Britain: evidence from the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey
by Kim Hoque & Nicolas Bacon - 285-304 Flexibility, performance and perceptions of job security: a comparison of East and West German employees in standard employment relationships
by Janine Bernhardt & Alexandra Krause - 305-322 Working on the edge: remediation work in the UK travel sector
by Kirstie Ball & Ana Canhoto & Elizabeth Daniel & Sally Dibb & Maureen Meadows & Keith Spiller - 323-334 New corporate elites and the erosion of the Keynesian social compact
by Anne Daguerre - 335-337 Book review symposium: Kathi Weeks, The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries
by Franco Barchiesi - 337-339 Book review symposium: Kathi Weeks, The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries
by Frederick H Pitts - 339-342 Book review symposium: Kathi Weeks, The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries
by Gabriella Alberti & Camille Barbagallo & Katie Cruz & Manuel Cruz & Laura Schwartz - 342-344 Book review symposium: Response to Reviewers of Kathi Weeks, The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries
by Kathi Weeks - 345-346 Book review: Michael Barry and Adrian Wilkinson (eds), Research Handbook of Comparative Employment Relations
by Wei Huang - 347-348 Book review: Carrie M Lane, A Company of One: Insecurity, Independence, and the New World of White-Collar Employment
by Kathryn Densberger - 348-350 Book review: Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Maternal Employment and Child Health: Global Issues and Policy Solutions
by Pierre Walthery - 350-351 Book review: Kevin Stainback and Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, Documenting Desegregation: Racial and Gender Segregation in Private-Sector Employment Since the Civil Rights Act
by Malcolm Brynin
February 2014, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-20 ‘Commodifying institutions’: vertical disintegration and institutional change in German labour relations
by Hajo Holst - 21-39 Employer occupation of regulatory space of the Employee Information and Consultation (I&C) Directive in liberal market economies
by Tony Dundon & Tony Dobbins & Niall Cullinane & Eugene Hickland & Jimmy Donaghey - 40-57 Liberalization, flexibility and industrial relations institutions: evidence from Italian and Greek banking
by Andreas Kornelakis - 58-77 Re-conceptualizing member participation: informal activist careers in unions
by Kyoung-Hee Yu - 78-94 Choice or necessity: do immigrants and their children choose self-employment for the same reasons?
by Teresa Abada & Feng Hou & Yuqian Lu - 95-111 The close supervision of further education lecturers: ‘You have been weighed, measured and found wanting’
by Kim Mather & Roger Seifert - 112-123 Critical realism in social research: approach with caution
by Andrew Brown - 124-138 Critical realism and systematic dialectics: a reply to Andrew Brown
by Steve Fleetwood
December 2013, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 1-7 The customer in the sociology of work: different ways of going beyond the management–worker dyad
by Marek Korczynski - 915-931 Skill as a relational construct: hiring practices from the standpoint of Chinese immigrant engineers in Canada
by Hongxia Shan - 932-951 Trade-based skills versus occupational capacity: the example of bricklaying in Europe
by Linda Clarke & Christopher Winch & Michaela Brockmann - 952-963 What we know and what we need to know about graduate skills
by Susan James & Chris Warhurst & Gerbrand Tholen & Johanna Commander - 964-981 ‘The future’s bright, the future’s mobile’: a study of Apple and Google mobile application developers
by Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn & Debra Howcroft - 982-1003 Understanding changing disability-related employment gaps in Britain 1998–2011
by Melanie Jones & Victoria Wass - 1004-1020 ‘Being Santa Claus’: the pursuit of recognition in interactive service work
by Philip Hancock - 1021-1038 Exploring the interplay between Buddhism and career development: a study of highly skilled women workers in Sri Lanka
by Weerahannadige Dulini Anuvinda Fernando & Laurie Cohen
October 2013, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 747-767 ‘Stressed out of my box’: employee experience of lean working and occupational ill-health in clerical work in the UK public sector
by Bob Carter & Andy Danford & Debra Howcroft & Helen Richardson & Andrew Smith & Phil Taylor - 768-784 Customer abuse to service workers: an analysis of its social creation within the service economy
by Marek Korczynski & Claire Evans - 785-801 Emotion management from the client’s perspective: the case of personal home care
by Cynthia J Cranford & Diana Miller - 802-822 The quality of healthcare jobs: can intrinsic rewards compensate for low extrinsic rewards?
by Jennifer Craft Morgan & Janette Dill & Arne L Kalleberg - 823-841 Employability of offshore service sector workers in the Philippines: opportunities for upward labour mobility or dead-end jobs?
by Niels Beerepoot & Mitch Hendriks - 842-859 Firm-level restructuring and union strategies in Europe: local union responses in Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands
by Valeria Pulignano & Paul Stewart - 860-879 Diverging top and converging bottom: labour flexibilization and changes in career mobility in the USA
by Young-Mi Kim - 880-890 Why are social scientists still reluctant to embrace email as data? An ethnographic examination of interactions within virtual teams
by Yee Wei (Carol) Au & Abigail Marks
August 2013, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 563-580 The gender wage gap and its institutional context: a comparative analysis of European graduates
by Moris Triventi - 581-599 The role of technical progress, professionalization and Christian religion in occupational gender segregation: a cross-national analysis
by Girts Racko & Brendan Burchell - 600-620 Occupational sex-segregation, specialized human capital and wages: evidence from Britain
by Francisco Perales - 621-638 Work, welfare and gender inequalities: an analysis of activation strategies for partnered women in the UK, Australia and Denmark
by Jo Ingold & David Etherington - 639-657 Age and sex differences in gender role attitudes in Luxembourg between 1999 and 2008
by Marie Valentova - 658-673 What is work? Insights from the evolution of state foster care
by Derek Kirton - 674-693 Workplace injury and voice: a comparison of management and union perceptions
by Andrew M Robinson & Clive Smallman - 694-710 Access denied: employee control of personal communications at work
by Emily Rose - 711-721 All work and no pay: consequences of unpaid work in the creative industries
by Sabina Siebert & Fiona Wilson - 722-724 Book review symposium: Sylvia Walby
by Joan Acker - 724-726 Book review symposium: Sylvia Walby
by Susan Durbin - 726-728 Book review symposium: Sylvia Walby
by Val Moghadam - 728-730 Book review symposium: Response to reviewers of
by Sylvia Walby - 731-733 Beyond unemployment rates: measuring job quality
by Martin Olsthoorn - 734-735 Book review: Kate Hardy, Sarah Kingston and Teela Sanders (eds)
by Karin Sardadvar - 735-737 Book review: Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead
by Michael Gebel - 737-739 Book review: John Hassard, Leo McCann and Jonathan Morris
by Ödül Bozkurt - 739-740 Book review: Andrew Dawson and Sean P Holmes (eds)
by Keith Randle - 740-742 Book review: John W Budd
by Paul Gilfillan
June 2013, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 379-395 Reflections on work and employment into the 21st century: between equal rights, force decides
by Mark Stuart & Irena Grugulis & Jennifer Tomlinson & Chris Forde & Robert MacKenzie - 396-413 Unsustainable employment portfolios
by John Buchanan & Gary Dymski & Julie Froud & Sukhdev Johal & Adam Leaver & Karel Williams - 414-432 Women and recession revisited
by Jill Rubery & Anthony Rafferty - 433-450 The nature of front-line service work: distinctive features and continuity in the employment relationship
by Jacques Bélanger & Paul Edwards - 451-471 Postfordism as a dysfunctional accumulation regime: a comparative analysis of the USA, the UK and Germany
by Matt Vidal - 472-488 Financialization and the workplace: extending and applying the disconnected capitalism thesis
by Paul Thompson - 489-507 Finance versus democracy? Theorizing finance in society
by Sylvia Walby - 508-525 Work, employment and society through the lens of moral economy
by Sharon C Bolton & Knut Laaser - 526-536 Ethnographic fallacies: reflections on labour studies in the era of market fundamentalism
by Michael Burawoy