October 2003, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 371-381 Principals, agents and research programmes
by Elizabeth Shove - 382-383 Understanding who we conceive ourselves to be
by Brad McCormick - 383-385 Community stewardship and inclusive decision-making
by Sharon McKenzie Stevens - 385-386 Future of genetic technologies
by Robert Frost - 386-388 Policy trends in information and communication technologies
by Esther Ruiz Ben - 388-388 Scientific ethos in a knowledge society
by Mentzel Maarten
August 2003, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 235-238 Boundary organisations in science: From discourse to construction
by Tomas Hellström & Merle Jacob - 239-250 The ‘user’ in research funding negotiation processes
by Sally Davenport & Shirley Leitch & Arie Rip - 251-260 The ‘discipline’ of post-academic science: reconstructing the paradigmatic foundations of a virtual research institute
by Tomas Hellström & Merle Jacob & Søren Barlebo Wenneberg - 261-272 The conceptual organization: An emergent organizational form for collaborative R&D
by Diane H Sonnenwald - 273-284 Multi-sector collaboration: A stakeholder perspective on a government, industry and university collaborative venture
by Michel R M Rod & Stanley J Paliwoda - 285-294 Role of competition policy in the US innovation system
by Thomas A Hemphill - 295-300 The varieties of experienced time
by Katharine Wright - 296-297 Reading genes, heavens, and computers
by Ulrich Teucher - 298-299 Shaping public policy and opinion
by Dawn House - 299-300 Collective memory
by Dianne Newell
June 2003, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 146-150 ‘Democratising’ expertise, ‘expertising’ democracy: What does this mean, and why bother?
by Angela Liberatore & Silvio Funtowicz - 151-156 Democratising expertise and socially robust knowledge
by Helga Nowotny - 157-162 (No?) Accounting for expertise
by Sheila Jasanoff - 163-170 Democracy in the age of assessment: Reflections on the roles of expertise and democracy in public-sector decision making
by Steve Rayner - 171-176 Public participation and risk governance
by Bruna De Marchi - 177-181 Science out of step with the public: The need for public accountability of science in the UK
by Sue Mayer - 183-188 Social control and knowledge in democratic societies
by Reiner Grundmann & Nico Stehr - 189-192 Drawing up guidelines for the collection and use of expert advice: The experience of the European Commission
by Alan Cross - 193-198 Technology assessment at the German Bundestag: ‘Expertising’ democracy for ‘democratising’ expertise
by Armin Grunwald - 199-203 Can consultation of both experts and the public help developing public policy? Some aspects of the debate in France
by Claire Weill - 205-211 The precautionary principle and democratizing expertise: A European legal perspective
by Theofanis Christoforou - 213-218 The precautionary principle and democratizing expertise: A US perspective
by Joel A Tickner & Sara Wright - 219-225 Politics, risk management, World Trade Organisation governance and the limits of legalisation
by Christian Joerges & Jürgen Neyer - 226-226 Contributing to the risk debate
by Jack Stilgoe - 227-228 Deserves a wide audience
by Cooper H Langford - 228-229 Need for system change
by Hans Keune - 229-231 Whistleblowing, anybody?
by Brian Martin - 231-232 Green experimentation
by Gary Kass
April 2003, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 70-84 National innovation policies in an IT society: The myth of technology policies focusing on supply sides
by Chihiro Watanabe & Shinji Tokumasu - 85-96 University-industry research collaborations in the UK: Bibliometric trends
by J Calvert & P Patel - 97-105 Iraqi engineering: Where has all the research gone?
by Alan L Porter - 107-116 Innovation and dynamics in public research environments in Denmark: A research-policy perspective
by Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt & Ebbe Krogh Graversen & Kamma Langberg - 117-125 Cultural framework for the development of science and technology in Africa
by Azeez Olugbenga Mabawonku - 127-135 Transforming technological regimes for sustainable development: A role for alternative technology niches?
by Adrian Smith - 136-137 A model to clarify concepts in evaluating S&T
by Benoît Godin - 137-139 Tackling environmental concerns productively
by Jane L Lehr - 139-140 Multilevel analysis effective for mapping a complex entity
by Dawn House - 140-141 Engineering terror
by Brian Rappert - 142-143 Technological change as knowledge change
by Naubahar Sharif - 143-144 Making space for McLuhan
by Gordon A Gow
February 2003, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 2-3 The global STI system — science, technology and inequality
by Peter Senker - 4-12 Six major challenges facing public intervention in higher education, science, technology and innovation
by Philippe Larédo - 13-23 Choosing and evaluating technology policy: A multicriteria approach
by Lucio Biggiero & Domenico Laise - 25-39 Assessing the economic impacts of the China-Brazil resources satellite program
by André Tosi Furtado & Edmilson Jesus Costa Filho - 41-45 Emigration of Mexican talent: What price development?
by Heriberta Castaños-Lomnitz - 47-54 Assessing the assessment: An analysis of the UK Research Assessment Exercise, 2001, and its outcomes, with special reference to research in education
by Ian McNay - 55-61 Can ‘the public’ be considered as a fourth helix in university-industry-government relations? Report on the Fourth Triple Helix Conference, 2002
by Loet Leydesdorff & Henry Etzkowitz - 63-64 Science is too important to be left to scientists
by Alphonse Buccino - 64-65 Cyborg or cyber-goddess?
by Jennifer Keelan - 65-67 A device (paradigm) that does not work
by Michael H Goldhaber - 67-68 In defense of the silent majority — the animals
by Greg Whitesides
December 2002, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 402-408 Globalisation, science, technology and policy
by Josephine Anne Stein - 409-417 The elusive partnership: Science and foreign policy
by Caroline S Wagner - 419-429 Taking the (right?) fork in the road: Canada's two-track approach to domestic and international science and technology
by Paul Dufour - 431-437 Catching up through international linkages: Science, technology and the Korean experience
by Sungchul Chung - 439-450 Foreign policy and international R&D collaboration policy in Greece
by Effie Amanatidou - 451-461 International dimension of research in Portugal: The European Research Area and beyond
by Tiago Santos Pereira - 463-477 Science, technology and European foreign policy: European integration, global interaction
by Josephine Anne Stein - 478-479 Practice makes perfect
by Sean Johnston - 479-481 One Europe or many?
by Gerad Middendorf - 481-482 Get to know your history
by Colin Axon
October 2002, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 314-330 Do US Congressional earmarks increase research output at universities?
by A Abigail Payne - 331-343 Strategic research partnerships and economic performance: Empirical issues
by Donald S Siegel & Vasilis Zervos - 345-365 Universities and industrial transformation: An interpretative and selective literature study with special emphasis on Sweden
by Staffan Jacobsson - 367-383 Attempts to survey innovation in the Hungarian service sector
by Annamária Inzelt - 385-396 The geography of innovation: A new model of technology and innovation policies in a decentralised country
by José Ignacio Pradas Poveda - 397-398 Ships, chips and whatever is next
by Morley Lipsett - 398-399 Contextual values and regulatory decisions
by Peter W B Phillips - 399-400 Here we go again, creationists and evolutionists in battle
by Jack Maze
August 2002, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 242-244 Innovation strategies in European agricultural life sciences: Introduction
by Susan Carr - 245-251 Public policies influencing innovation in the agrochemical, biotechnology and seed industries
by Jos Bijman & Joyce Tait - 253-258 The life science industry sector: Evolution of agro-biotechnology in Europe
by Joanna Chataway & David Wield - 259-266 The technological trajectories of the agrochemical industry: Change and continuity
by Pierre-Benoit Joly & Stéphane Lemarié - 267-275 Industry responses to the European controversy over agricultural biotechnology
by Gérald Assouline & Pierre-Benoit Joly - 277-285 Policy influences on innovation strategies of small and medium enterprises in the agrochemical, seed and plant biotechnology sectors
by Nick Barnes - 287-295 Agricultural public-sector research establishments in Western Europe: Research priorities in conflict
by Villy Søgaard - 297-306 Agro-biotechnology, innovation and employment
by Anthony Arundel - 307-308 Add people to science and it' risky business
by Paul Kariya - 308-309 Hard-to-shake ideas shape energy policy
by Tony Weir - 310-311 Creating a responsible system of oversight
by Jeffrey W Lewis - 311-312 Influence of Nelson and Winter 20 years on
by David Bruggeman
June 2002, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 154-168 An evolutionary Triple Helix to strengthen academy-industry relations: Suggestions from European regions
by Riccardo Viale & Sergio Campodall'Orto - 169-180 A tale of two ministers: Attempts at reform of research systems in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
by Simon Dresner - 181-188 Private technological capabilities as products of national innovation systems: Four ways of looking at the state
by David M Hart - 189-200 Measuring national ‘emerging technology’ capabilities
by Alan L Porter & J David Roessner & Xiao-Yin Jin & Nils C Newman - 201-220 Scientific? democratic? effective? Towards an evaluation of Norway's first medical consensus conference
by Ann Rudinow Saetnan - 221-233 Good practice in best practice: The use of best practice case studies in service innovation by local public administrations
by Tony Kinder - 234-240 Are the poor medically disenfranchised?
by Greg Whitesides - 237-238 Towards a self-reflexive society
by Brad McCormick - 239-240 How America produced ships
by Christopher James Tassava
April 2002, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 82-94 Science and technology policies towards research joint ventures
by Yannis Caloghirou & Nicholas S Vonortas & Stavros Ioannides - 95-104 Building technological capability in the less developed countries: The role of a national system of innovation
by John Olatunji Adeoti - 105-113 Random selection of citizens for technological decision making
by Lyn Carson & Brian Martin - 115-128 Incubation of incubators: innovation as a triple helix of university-industry-government networks
by Henry Etzkowitz - 129-136 Tackling the brain drain from India's information and communication technology sector: The need for a new industrial, and science and technology strategy
by Ashok Parthasarathi - 137-145 Public attitudes, scientific advice and the politics of regulatory policy: The case of BSE
by Lynn Frewer & Brian Salter - 146-147 Experts under scrutiny
by Sharon Beder - 147-149 Scientists under arms
by Jacques Richardson - 149-150 Data protection dangers
by Kai Jakobs - 150-151 A reflexive turn in social science
by Jack Stilgoe - 151-152 Utopian and dystopian narratives of the future
by Sophie V Taysom
February 2002, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 2-12 Of being seen to do the right thing: Provisional findings from the first Australian consensus conference on Gene Technology in the Food Chain
by Alison Mohr - 13-24 Science and uncertainty in environmental regulation: Insights from the evaluation of California's Smog Check program
by Louise Wells Bedsworth & William E Kastenberg - 25-35 Scuppering the waves: How they tried to repel clean energy
by David Ross - 37-46 A theoretical review of co-operative relationships between firms and universities
by Eva María Mora Valentín - 47-58 Defining a safe genetically modified organism: Boundaries of scientific risk assessment
by Katherine Barrett & Elisabeth Abergel - 59-68 Evaluation of governments' scientific output: A bibliometric profile of Canada
by J-P Robitaille & B Godin - 69-75 Ultra-left science policy and anti-modernization in Argentina: Oscar Varsavsky
by Mauricio Schoijet - 76-77 Actors' evaluations
by Cooper H Langford - 77-79 Don't mention the war!
by Janet Atkinson-Grosjean - 79-80 Cyberspace USA
by David Bell
December 2001, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 403-412 Policy and science: Options for democratisation in European countries
by Martin de Jong & Maarten Mentzel - 413-421 Science advice, democratic responsiveness and public policy
by Albert Weale - 423-426 The challenge ahead for deliberative democracy: In reply to Weale
by Michel van Eeten - 427-437 The role of social science in environmental policy making: Experiences and outlook
by Ortwin Renn - 438-440 Social science political counseling: The good, the bad and the enticed
by Frans A J Birrer - 441-451 Information, access to decision-making and public debate in France: The growing demand for deliberative democracy
by Jean-Michel Fourniau - 453-464 Developments in parliamentary technology assessment in Finland
by Ahti Salo & Osmo Kuusi - 465-476 Epistemic communities, European Union governance and the public voice
by Anthony R Zito - 477-479 If I ruled the world
by Christopher Freeman - 480-481 European Union drug regulation
by Brian Rappert - 481-482 Nature conservation and social justice
by Chikako Takeshita - 483-484 Delivering science that people want
by Philip Gummett - 484-486 Re-thinking relations between texts and contexts in science
by Loet Leydesdorff
October 2001, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 330-344 Technology transfer or incubation? Technology business incubators and science and technology parks in the Philippines
by Stuart Macdonald & Richard Joseph - 345-360 Science and governance in Europe: Lessons from the case of agricultural biotechnology
by Les Levidow & Claire Marris - 361-370 Singapore's manufacturing sector as engine for economic growth: Past, present and future
by Thompson S. H. Teo & James S. K. Ang - 371-380 The direct and indirect impacts of new technologies on employment: The example of the German biotechnology sector
by Stefan Wörner & Thomas Reiss - 381-388 Coronary heart disease versus BSE: Characterising official British expert advisory committees
by Mark W. Bufton - 389-393 Science advice in the knowledge economy
by Jerry Ravetz - 394-395 Kuhn revisited
by Sujatha Raman - 395-396 Entertaining drama
by David Bell - 396-398 Blood and guts in the museum
by Nik Brown - 398-399 Problematic nature of scientific advances
by Steven Glynn - 399-400 Risk in perspective
by Oliver Todt
August 2001, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 238-246 Contribution of socio-economic research to the benchmarking of RTD policies in Europe
by Nikos Kastrinos - 247-258 Benchmarking industry—science relations: the role of framework conditions
by Doris Schartinger - 259-266 Sense and nonsense of S&T productivity indicators
by Rémi Barré - 267-276 Comparing economic performance in the presence of diversity
by Keith Smith - 277-284 Changing organisation of public-sector research in Europe — implications for benchmarking human resources in RTD
by Jacqueline Senker - 285-294 Benchmarking of RTD policies in Europe: ‘research collectives’ as an entry point for renewed comparative analyses
by Philippe Larédo - 295-302 Can we benchmark the contribution of research and development investment to growth and competitiveness?
by Lena Tsipouri - 303-311 Benchmarking the provision of scientific equipment
by Luke Georghiou & Kieron Flanagan & Peter Halfpenny - 313-321 Benchmarking national public policies to exploit international science and industrial research: a synopsis of current developments
by Jakob Edler & Patries Boekholt - 323-325 Public trust in science and technology
by Paul Rosen - 325-327 Modal models
by Janet Atkinson-Grosjean - 327-328 Inspiration and innovation among the ivory towers
by Anon
June 2001, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 154-168 European Union enlargement: economic restructuring in candidate countries and the roles of technological change and education
by Werner Meske & K Matthias Weber - 169-178 Technical roles and success of US federal laboratory-industry partnerships
by Barry Bozeman & Dennis Wittmer - 179-194 Changing policy cultures, phases and trends in science and technology in India
by V V Krishna - 195-204 Science and scientists in regulatory governance: a mezzo-level framework for analysis
by G Bruce Doern & Ted Reed - 205-218 Old and new strategic roles for the European Union Framework Programme
by Terttu Luukkonen - 219-229 Development of transgenic Bt cotton technology in India and China: a policy perspective
by Bhagirath Choudhary - 230-232 Back to the future
by Axel Gelfert - 232-233 Devastating environmental poison
by Devorah Slavin - 233-235 Riddled with imprecision
by Chris Harty & Elizabeth Shove & Luis Araujo - 235-236 Concise and cogent
by Michael Keenan
April 2001, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 86-98 Contribution of basic research to the Irish national innovation system
by Erik Arnold & Ben Thuriaux - 99-112 Politics of expert advice: Lessons from the early history of the BSE saga
by Erik Millstone & Patrick van Zwanenberg - 113-121 US university research contributions to industry: Findings and conjectures
by Robert P Morgan & Donald E Strickland - 123-129 Privileging process over ‘fact’: The Sydney water scare as ‘organised irresponsibility’
by Stephen Healy - 131-137 Exploitation practice in social science research
by Puay Tang & Tom Sinclair - 139-144 Comments on the use of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development's Oslo Manual in non-manufacturing based economies
by J Adam Holbrook & Lindsay P Hughes - 145-146 Women in science: Outsiders and insiders
by Joan Mason - 147-148 Science as a passionate pursuit
by Sean Johnston - 148-149 Origin of scientific revolutions
by Carlos D Galles - 149-150 Historiography of science according to Needham
by Anon - 151-152 Trapped in the ironies of history
by C A J Chilvers
February 2001, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 2-10 The American research university system as America's de facto technology policy
by Michael M Crow & Christopher Tucker - 11-22 Patents in a world of complex technologies
by Don E Kash & William Kingston - 23-40 Building absorptive capacity in a learning region: a socio-technical model
by Tony Kinder & Nick Lancaster - 41-47 Technology diffusion in China: some new evidence in computer-aided design
by Jiang Wen & Shinichi Kobayashi - 49-55 Managing university research in the triple helix
by Erik Ernø-Kjølhede & Kenneth Husted & Mette Mønsted & Søren Barlebo Wenneberg - 57-67 Patterns of innovation organisation in service firms: postal survey results and theoretical models
by Faridah Djellal & Faïz Gallouj - 68-78 In bed with a stranger: finding partners for collaboration in the European information technology programme
by Rebecca Marschan-Piekkari & Stuart Macdonald & Dimitris Assimakopoulos - 79-80 Provocative and disturbing
by Jeff Howard & Edward J Woodhouse - 80-82 Innovation and the multiplicity of expertise
by Alex Faulkner - 82-84 Take your partners and bow
by Janet Atkinson-Grosjean
December 2000, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 394-386 Introduction to a special issue on changing organisation and structure of European public-sector research systems
by Jacqueline Senker - 397-408 Beyond Humboldt? The relationship between teaching and research in European university systems
by Uwe Schimank & Markus Winnes - 409-419 Faculty involvement in research in mass higher education: current practice and future perspectives in the Scandinavian countries
by Hans Skoie - 421-431 Convergence and differentiation in institutional change among European public research systems: the decreasing role of public research institutes
by Bianca Potì & Emanuela Reale - 433-442 Public-sector research in small countries: does size matter?
by Halla Thorsteinsdóttir - 443-454 Inertia and change in Scandinavian public-sector research systems: the case of biotechnology
by Mats Benner & Ulf Sandström - 455-460 Why European Union funding of academic research should be increased: a radical proposal
by Keith Pavitt - 461-462 Abandon current standards and accept new ones
by David Chart - 462-463 Comprehensive coverage
by Kieron Flanagan - 463-464 Who knows what tomorrow brings?
by Janet Atkinson-Grosjean - 465-466 Greening of industry
by Andrea Bunting
October 2000, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 310-320 Research excellence and patented innovation
by Diana Hicks & Anthony Breitzman & Kimberly Hamilton & Francis Narin - 321-326 Public debate on science and technology: issues for legislators
by Gary Kass - 327-336 Science and governance in the European Union: a contribution to the debate
by Jerry Ravetz