August 1997, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 273-280 Information technology promotion in Thailand: Constraints and challenges
by Tanai Khiaonarong & Jonathan Liebenau - 281-282 It's physics, Jim, but not as we know it
by Charlotte Sleigh - 282-284 Worthwhile, broad and thought-provoking
by Andrea Bunting & Stewart Russell - 284-286 Improving emergency plans
by Peter Hughes - 286-287 Meeting the needs of eight billion people
by K Ravi Srinivas
June 1997, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 146-160 Why production technology is not a measure of competitiveness in the biotechnologies
by Bénédicte Callan - 161-172 Ownership of plant genetic resources: screening and industrial utilisation
by Carlos Zamora & Sandra M Thomas - 173-182 Implications of industrial relationships for universities: a case study of the UK Teaching Company Scheme
by Jacqueline Senker & Peter Senker - 183-188 Relevance of research and technological activities for economic development in some less-favoured European countries
by Dimitris Deniozos - 189-195 Policies for competitiveness in less-favoured regions of Europe: a comparison of Greece and Portugal
by Nikos Kastrinos & Fernando Romero - 197-205 Science and technology policy for a medium-sized industrial country: the case of Spain
by Xavier Ballart & Joan Subirats - 206-208 The promise of nuclear energy
by Berol Robinson & Jacques Richardson - 208-210 Facing the problems of information technology in health care
by Hilary Arksey - 210-211 Time for a revival of moral imperatives?
by Marja Alestalo - 211-212 Questions of betrayal?
by Nick Hunt
April 1997, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 70-78 A policy for science innovation: the New Zealand experience
by Barbara Simpson & John Craig - 79-92 New intellectual standards for intellectual property: Impact on technology flows and innovation in developing countries
by Carlos M. Correa - 93-99 New developments in science—industry linkages in Poland
by Andrzej H Jasinski - 101-112 Determining an efficient structure for the US R&D enterprise: the onion model
by Steven D Beggs - 113-122 Translating national R&D investment into trade success: An exploration into some dynamic linkages
by Peter L. Daniels - 123-134 Research and ecologically sustainable development: ‘How will we know what we want to know?’
by Adrian Deville & Tim Turpin - 138-139 Whispered controversies
by Tom Wakeford - 139-140 The causal intertwinement of economic and technical change
by Arnoldo Cabrai & João P C Escosteguy - 140-142 Scientific Conduct and Policy
by Richard C. Jennings - 142-143 Scientific knowledge
by Hilary Arksay
February 1997, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 2-5 Introduction to special issue on science policy dimensions of the Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations
by Henry Etzkowitz & Loet Leydesdorff - 7-14 Government, academia and the private sector in Mexico: Towards a new configuration
by Rosalba Casas & Matilde Luna - 15-20 Can a strategic project for a university be strategic to regional development?
by Artur da Rosa Pires & Eduardo Anselmo de Castro - 21-27 The ‘well-stirred reactor’: Evolution of industry-government-university relations in Canada
by Cooper H Langford & Martha W Langford & R Douglas Burch - 29-35 Dealing with issues at the academic-industrial interface in interwar Britain: University College London and Imperial Chemical Industries
by Gerrylynn Kuszen Roberts - 37-43 How French academics create hi-tech companies: The conditions for success or failure
by Philippe Mustar - 45-52 Publicly supported non-defense R&D: The USA's Advanced Technology Program
by J-C Spender - 53-62 Biological medicines in the age of biotech: Public policy issues
by Norma Morris - 63-64 Science, government and the public in Nazi Germany
by Sean Johnston - 64-66 Science in India
by Roy H W Johnston - 66-67 The social science of science
by Paul Nightingale
December 1996, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 330-342 Egypt's industrial technology system
by Sanjaya Lall - 343-352 The post-modern research system
by Arie Rip & Barend J R van der Meulen - 353-360 The ‘bit tax’: The case for further research
by Luc Soete & Karin Kamp - 361-367 Integration of immigrants in science, medicine and engineering and the structure of collegial networks in Israel
by Nina Toren - 369-374 Firm-level analysis of determinants of Canadian industrial R&D performance
by J A D Holbrook & R J Squires - 375-384 Adaptation of some former research units to the new economic environment in Russia
by Marie-Laure Couderc - 391-392 Home-grown advances in developing countries
by Jacques G Richardson - 392-394 Science is ‘used’ in policy decisions
by Alison J Greig - 394-396 Partial to representation
by Joan Leach - 396-398 Science and environmental politics
by Julia Garritt - 398-398 Fishy story
by Jane Hunt
October 1996, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 266-277 Ukraine: Developing innovation policies for a recently independent economy
by Leonid V Yurevich - 279-286 Emergence of a Triple Helix of university—industry—government relations
by Loet Leydesdorff & Henry Etzkowitz - 287-296 The participation of higher education institutions in European Union Framework Programmes
by Aldo Geuna - 297-304 Hospitals: The hidden research system
by Diana Hicks & J Sylvan Katz - 305-310 Contract research as an indicator of science—industry co-operation in Croatia
by Jadranka Švarc & Goran Grubišić & Sunčana Sokol - 311-322 Innovation and energy conservation: Electric motors in Brazil
by Adilson de Oliveira & Edmar Luiz Fagundes de Almeida - 324-325 Against the tide
by Hilary Arksey - 325-327 Internationalism and Utopia
by Paul Rosen - 327-328 Can lawyers save the Earth?
by Lawrence Souder
August 1996, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 202-214 Trends in transforming R&D potential in Russia and Ukraine in the early 1990s
by Igor Egorov - 215-228 Incentives for industrial R&D: The Australian experience
by Peter Hall - 229-240 Principal-agent theory and the structure of science policy
by David H Guston - 241-249 Problems and prospects of bottom-up policy formulation: Towards user-defined innovation and technology policy?
by Philip Wegloop - 251-260 Research priority areas and research programmes in Norway
by Werner Christie Mathisen - 261-262 Citizens and science policy
by Brian Rappert - 262-264 Power of knowledge
by Paul Dufour
June 1996, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 134-134 Biotechnology risk regulation in Europe
by Les Levidow & Susan Carr - 135-157 Regulating agricultural biotechnology in Europe: harmonisation difficulties, opportunities, dilemmas
by René von Schomberg - 158-163 Netherlands: deliberating biotechnology regulation
by René von Schomberg - 164-170 UK: disputing boundaries of biotechnology regulation
by Les Levidow & Susan Carr - 171-174 Denmark: seeking a broad-based consensus on gene technology
by Jesper Toft - 175-179 Germany: splicing genes, splitting society
by Bernhard Gill - 181-184 Spain: transposing EC biotechnology Directives through negotiation
by José L Luján & Orlando Mirabal & Daniel Borrillo & Maria J Santesmases & Emilio Munoz - 185-189 Belgium: federalising biotechnology regulation
by Katrin Bilmeyer - 191-194 Luxembourg: regulating and deterring biotechnology
by Norbert Campagna - 195-200 Austria's biotechnology regulation: from ‘virtual releases’ to public protest
by Markus Mikl & Helge Torgersen
April 1996, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 66-75 Basic research — a new funding climate?
by Hans Skoie - 77-90 Formulating and managing the HAN Projects in Korea: lessons and policy implications for developing countries
by Yooncheol Lim - 91-97 The science-policy dialogue in transformation: model-uncertainty and environmental policy
by Tomas Hellström - 99-107 Technological self-reliance: the Indian pesticides industry
by N Mrinalini & G D Sandhya - 109-116 From community to ‘collaboratory’? The Human Genome Mapping Project and the changing culture of science
by Peter Glasner - 117-122 Biotechnology in Europe: contentions in the risk-regulation debate
by Simon Shohet - 123-124 Science and technology in Africa: emphasis on education and research applications
by S Jugessur - 124-125 Embedding integrated assessment models in social discourse
by C C Jaeger - 126-127 Science as power?
by Paul Dufour - 128-129 Personal influences and memories
by Alan Mackay - 129-131 True or not, how relevant is the question?
by Simon Shackley - 131-132 Scientists in retreat?
by Paul Dufour
February 1996, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 2-12 Reculturing science: politics, policy, and promises to keep
by Daryl E Chubin - 13-26 Losing our bearings: the science policy crisis in post-Cold War Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union and USA
by Henry Etzkowitz - 27-38 From job-less growth to growth-with-less-jobs: employment and equity impact of technical and organisational change
by Sverker Alänge & Staffan Jacobsson & Per Lindberg - 39-44 Science policy for a highly collaborative science system
by Diana Hicks & J Sylvan Katz - 45-53 Proof and the computer: some issues raised by the formal verification of computer systems
by Donald MacKenzie - 55-58 Science and public policy — has the 20th century made any progress?
by Ian Lloyd - 59-59 Of flat earths and level playing fields
by John de la Mothe - 60-60 Social morality and cultural ethos
by John W Forje - 61-61 A view through the clouds
by John de la Mothe - 62-62 Practical knowledge from a systems perspective
by Paul Dufour
0000, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 447-457 Changing managerial roles in Danish universities
by Hanne Foss Hansen & Jonas Krog Lind & Andreas Kjær Stage - 458-473 Corporate R&D intensity decomposition: different data, different results?
by Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello & Sara Amoroso & Michele Cincera - 474-489 A framework for mission-oriented innovation policy: Alternative pathways through the problem–solution space
by Iris Wanzenböck & Joeri H Wesseling & Koen Frenken & Marko P Hekkert & K Matthias Weber - 490-502 Public procurement and innovation: a systematic literature review
by Oishee Kundu & Andrew D James & John Rigby - 503-513 A virtuous circle? The effects of university–industry relationships in a region with low absorptive capacity
by Jaider Vega-Jurado & Liney Manjarrés-Henríquez & Ignacio Fernández-de-Lucio & Gloria Naranjo-Africano - 514-524 Overlapping certification and technical efficiency of ICT convergence companies in South Korea
by Kyunam Kim & Chung Choe & Daeho Lee - 525-535 Evaluation criteria versus firm characteristics as determinants of public R&D funding
by Martin Thomas Falk & Roger Svensson - 536-547 New Methods in Creating Transdisciplinary Science Policy Research Agendas: The Case of Legislative Science Advice
by Karen Akerlof & Alessandro Allegra & Thomas Webler & Erin Heath & Emily T Cloyd & Carla-Leanne Washbourne & Chris Tyler - 548-560 Media attention and policy response: 21st century chemical regulation in the USA
by Kira J. M. Matus & Marie N Bernal - 561-570 How practitioners between bench and bedside evaluate biomedical translation?
by Arno Simons & Barbara Hendriks & Martin Reinhart & Faten Ahmed - 571-580 Challenges and solutions in developing legitimate online participation for EU biodiversity and ecosystem services policies
by Liisa Varumo & Riikka Paloniemi & Eszter Kelemen - 581-593 University characteristics and probabilities for funding of proposals in the European Framework Programs
by Fredrik Niclas Piro & Pål Børing & Lisa Scordato & Dag W Aksnes