May 2012, Volume 485, Issue 7397
- 264-268 Systematic discovery of structural elements governing stability of mammalian messenger RNAs
by Hani Goodarzi & Hamed S. Najafabadi & Panos Oikonomou & Todd M. Greco & Lisa Fish & Reza Salavati & Ileana M. Cristea & Saeed Tavazoie - 269-270 Enterprising science
by Peter Fiske - 272-272 The appropriate response
by Jeff Samson
May 2012, Volume 485, Issue 7396
- 7-7 Mutant flu — the view from the newsroom
by David Brown - 13-14 Mutant-flu paper published
by Ed Yong - 15-15 Trial tests Austrian integrity body
by Alison Abbott - 16-16 Neutrino project changes focus
by Nicola Jones - 17-17 US satellite laws under scrutiny
by Sharon Weinberger - 19-19 Brazil set to cut forest protection
by Jeff Tollefson - 20-20 Pre-term births on the rise
by Eugenie Samuel Reich - 21-21 Universities clash by the Nile
by Katharine Sanderson - 24-26 Human migrations: Eastern odyssey
by Tim Appenzeller - 27-29 Archaeology: Date with history
by Ewen Callaway - 30-32 Ancient migration: Coming to America
by Andrew Curry - 33-35 What makes a modern human
by Chris Stringer - 36-37 Natural history: The wilder side of Edward Lear
by Robert McCracken Peck - 39-39 Earth science: How a world came to be
by Birger Schmitz - 40-40 Q&A: Relativistic composer
by Philip Ball - 41-41 No silver bullets for African soil problems
by Ken E. Giller - 41-41 PhDs: Acquired skills good for marketplace
by Henrik G. Dohlman - 41-41 PhDs: Adapt training for developing world
by Robert Colebunders - 41-41 Keep 'reproducibility' in context
by Brad Picha & Matthew Thompson & Thomas M. Vondriska - 44-45 Focus on ancient bombardment
by Frank T. Kyte - 45-46 Time in a bottle
by Joseph Bass - 46-47 Electrons do the split
by Ralph Claessen - 47-48 Double protection for weakened bones
by Mone Zaidi & Jameel Iqbal - 49-50 Two-armed silicon
by Robert West - 50-51 The director's cut
by Antonio Gentilella & George Thomas - 51-52 Lower mantle may be rich in silica
by Ian Jackson - 52-53 Mercury's mysteries start to unfold
by David J. Stevenson - 55-61 The translational landscape of mTOR signalling steers cancer initiation and metastasis
by Andrew C. Hsieh & Yi Liu & Merritt P. Edlind & Nicholas T. Ingolia & Matthew R. Janes & Annie Sher & Evan Y. Shi & Craig R. Stumpf & Carly Christensen & Michael J. Bonham & Shunyou Wang & Pingda Ren & Michael Martin & Katti Jessen & Morris E. Feldman & Jonathan S. Weissman & Kevan M. Shokat & Christian Rommel & Davide Ruggero - 62-68 Regulation of circadian behaviour and metabolism by synthetic REV-ERB agonists
by Laura A. Solt & Yongjun Wang & Subhashis Banerjee & Travis Hughes & Douglas J. Kojetin & Thomas Lundasen & Youseung Shin & Jin Liu & Michael D. Cameron & Romain Noel & Seung-Hee Yoo & Joseph S. Takahashi & Andrew A. Butler & Theodore M. Kamenecka & Thomas P. Burris - 69-74 Osteoprotection by semaphorin 3A
by Mikihito Hayashi & Tomoki Nakashima & Masahiko Taniguchi & Tatsuhiko Kodama & Atsushi Kumanogoh & Hiroshi Takayanagi - 75-77 Impact spherules as a record of an ancient heavy bombardment of Earth
by B. C. Johnson & H. J. Melosh - 78-81 An Archaean heavy bombardment from a destabilized extension of the asteroid belt
by William F. Bottke & David Vokrouhlický & David Minton & David Nesvorný & Alessandro Morbidelli & Ramon Brasser & Bruce Simonson & Harold F. Levison - 82-85 Spin–orbital separation in the quasi-one-dimensional Mott insulator Sr2CuO3
by J. Schlappa & K. Wohlfeld & K. J. Zhou & M. Mourigal & M. W. Haverkort & V. N. Strocov & L. Hozoi & C. Monney & S. Nishimoto & S. Singh & A. Revcolevschi & J.-S. Caux & L. Patthey & H. M. Rønnow & J. van den Brink & T. Schmitt - 86-89 Liquid-crystal-mediated self-assembly at nanodroplet interfaces
by J. A. Moreno-Razo & E. J. Sambriski & N. L. Abbott & J. P. Hernández-Ortiz & J. J. de Pablo - 90-94 A perovskitic lower mantle inferred from high-pressure, high-temperature sound velocity data
by Motohiko Murakami & Yasuo Ohishi & Naohisa Hirao & Kei Hirose - 95-98 Evidence of non-random mutation rates suggests an evolutionary risk management strategy
by Iñigo Martincorena & Aswin S. N. Seshasayee & Nicholas M. Luscombe - 99-103 Restoration of vision after transplantation of photoreceptors
by R. A. Pearson & A. C. Barber & M. Rizzi & C. Hippert & T. Xue & E. L. West & Y. Duran & A. J. Smith & J. Z. Chuang & S. A. Azam & U. F. O. Luhmann & A. Benucci & C. H. Sung & J. W. Bainbridge & M. Carandini & K.-W. Yau & J. C. Sowden & R. R. Ali - 104-108 An RNA interference screen uncovers a new molecule in stem cell self-renewal and long-term regeneration
by Ting Chen & Evan Heller & Slobodan Beronja & Naoki Oshimori & Nicole Stokes & Elaine Fuchs - 109-113 A unifying model for mTORC1-mediated regulation of mRNA translation
by Carson C. Thoreen & Lynne Chantranupong & Heather R. Keys & Tim Wang & Nathanael S. Gray & David M. Sabatini - 114-118 A Xanthomonas uridine 5′-monophosphate transferase inhibits plant immune kinases
by Feng Feng & Fan Yang & Wei Rong & Xiaogang Wu & Jie Zhang & She Chen & Chaozu He & Jian-Min Zhou - 119-122 A novel putative auxin carrier family regulates intracellular auxin homeostasis in plants
by Elke Barbez & Martin Kubeš & Jakub Rolčík & Chloé Béziat & Aleš Pěnčík & Bangjun Wang & Michel Ruiz Rosquete & Jinsheng Zhu & Petre I. Dobrev & Yuree Lee & Eva Zažímalovà & Jan Petrášek & Markus Geisler & Jiří Friml & Jürgen Kleine-Vehn - 123-127 Regulation of circadian behaviour and metabolism by REV-ERB-α and REV-ERB-β
by Han Cho & Xuan Zhao & Megumi Hatori & Ruth T. Yu & Grant D. Barish & Michael T. Lam & Ling-Wa Chong & Luciano DiTacchio & Annette R. Atkins & Christopher K. Glass & Christopher Liddle & Johan Auwerx & Michael Downes & Satchidananda Panda & Ronald M. Evans - 128-132 Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor regulates hepatic gluconeogenesis in fasting and diabetes
by Yiguo Wang & Gang Li & Jason Goode & Jose C. Paz & Kunfu Ouyang & Robert Screaton & Wolfgang H. Fischer & Ju Chen & Ira Tabas & Marc Montminy - 133-136 Stereospecific binding of a disordered peptide segment mediates BK channel inactivation
by Vivian Gonzalez-Perez & Xu-Hui Zeng & Katie Henzler-Wildman & Christopher J. Lingle - 137-139 Research: Uncovering misconduct
by Virginia Gewin - 142-142 Loyalty beyond seasons
by Mohsen H. Darabi
April 2012, Volume 484, Issue 7395
- 13-13 Malaria
by Michelle Grayson - 14-15 The numbers game
by Priya Shetty - 16-18 Drug development: Holding out for reinforcements
by Michael Eisenstein - 19-21 Public health: Death at the doorstep
by Amy Maxmen - 22-23 Perspectives: The missing pieces
by Brendan S. Crabb & James G. Beeson & Rogerio Amino & Robert Ménard & Andy Waters & Elizabeth A. Winzeler & Mats Wahlgren & David A. Fidock & Solomon Nwaka - 24-25 Vaccines: The take-home lesson
by Sarah DeWeerdt - 26-27 Vector control: The last bite
by Lauren Gravitz - 417-417 Commercial space flight is a game-changer
by Alan Stern - 423-424 Europe loses sight of Earth
by Geoff Brumfiel - 424-425 A bloody boon for conservation
by Ewen Callaway - 426-427 Space-station rendezvous set to spur research push
by Eric Hand - 428-428 RNA studies under fire
by Erika Check Hayden - 429-429 Ancient asteroids kept on coming
by Helen Thompson - 430-430 Mexico sets climate targets
by Erik Vance - 432-434 Controversial research: Good science bad science
by Geoff Brumfiel - 436-438 Superstars of botany: Rare specimens
by John Whitfield - 439-440 A recipe for disaster
by Anna Git - 440-441 Understand how it works
by David W. Piston - 442-442 Make social sciences relevant
by Luk Van Langenhove - 444-445 Psychology: The aesthetic brain
by Simon Mawer - 445-446 Oceanography: Ultra marine
by Stephen R. Palumbi - 446-446 Philosophy: What we don't know
by Michael Shermer - 448-449 Behaviour: Life interwoven
by James H. Fowler - 449-450 Robotics: Enter the evolvabot
by Noel Sharkey - 451-452 Fiction: Wondrous machines
by Minsoo Kang - 452-453 Ecology: Trashed world
by Sonja Vermeulen - 453-454 Corvid cognition: Feathered apes
by Nicola Clayton - 455-455 China's bear farms prompt public outcry
by Xia Sheng & Haolin Zhang & Qiang Weng - 455-455 Enhance visibility of India's academies
by Abhay Sharma - 455-455 Reaping the benefits of no-tillage farming
by Howard G. Buffett - 455-455 Validate gene findings before telling donors
by Mats G. Hansson - 455-455 Protect the DNA of museum specimens
by Lara Shepherd & Leon Perrie - 458-459 Allergy challenged
by David Artis & Rick M. Maizels & Fred D. Finkelman - 459-460 Heart under construction
by Deborah Yelon - 461-462 Simulating magnetism
by Christian Roos - 462-463 Stars throw their weight in old galaxies
by Nate Bastian - 463-464 Tighter ties that bind
by Eric T. Boder - 465-472 Allergic host defences
by Noah W. Palm & Rachel K. Rosenstein & Ruslan Medzhitov - 473-478 Multiple dynamic representations in the motor cortex during sensorimotor learning
by D. Huber & D. A. Gutnisky & S. Peron & D. H. O’Connor & J. S. Wiegert & L. Tian & T. G. Oertner & L. L. Looger & K. Svoboda - 479-484 Clonally dominant cardiomyocytes direct heart morphogenesis
by Vikas Gupta & Kenneth D. Poss - 485-488 Systematic variation of the stellar initial mass function in early-type galaxies
by Michele Cappellari & Richard M. McDermid & Katherine Alatalo & Leo Blitz & Maxime Bois & Frédéric Bournaud & M. Bureau & Alison F. Crocker & Roger L. Davies & Timothy A. Davis & P. T. de Zeeuw & Pierre-Alain Duc & Eric Emsellem & Sadegh Khochfar & Davor Krajnović & Harald Kuntschner & Pierre-Yves Lablanche & Raffaella Morganti & Thorsten Naab & Tom Oosterloo & Marc Sarzi & Nicholas Scott & Paolo Serra & Anne-Marie Weijmans & Lisa M. Young - 489-492 Engineered two-dimensional Ising interactions in a trapped-ion quantum simulator with hundreds of spins
by Joseph W. Britton & Brian C. Sawyer & Adam C. Keith & C.-C. Joseph Wang & James K. Freericks & Hermann Uys & Michael J. Biercuk & John J. Bollinger - 493-497 Thermal and electrical transport across a magnetic quantum critical point
by Heike Pfau & Stefanie Hartmann & Ulrike Stockert & Peijie Sun & Stefan Lausberg & Manuel Brando & Sven Friedemann & Cornelius Krellner & Christoph Geibel & Steffen Wirth & Stefan Kirchner & Elihu Abrahams & Qimiao Si & Frank Steglich - 498-501 Deposition of 1.88-billion-year-old iron formations as a consequence of rapid crustal growth
by Birger Rasmussen & Ian R. Fletcher & Andrey Bekker & Janet R. Muhling & Courtney J. Gregory & Alan M. Thorne - 502-505 Antarctic ice-sheet loss driven by basal melting of ice shelves
by H. D. Pritchard & S. R. M. Ligtenberg & H. A. Fricker & D. G. Vaughan & M. R. van den Broeke & L. Padman - 506-509 Sexual selection enables long-term coexistence despite ecological equivalence
by Leithen K. M’Gonigle & Rupert Mazzucco & Sarah P. Otto & Ulf Dieckmann - 510-513 NLRP10 is a NOD-like receptor essential to initiate adaptive immunity by dendritic cells
by Stephanie C. Eisenbarth & Adam Williams & Oscar R. Colegio & Hailong Meng & Till Strowig & Anthony Rongvaux & Jorge Henao-Mejia & Christoph A. Thaiss & Sophie Joly & David G. Gonzalez & Lan Xu & Lauren A. Zenewicz & Ann M. Haberman & Eran Elinav & Steven H. Kleinstein & Fayyaz S. Sutterwala & Richard A. Flavell - 514-518 Pathogen-induced human TH17 cells produce IFN-γ or IL-10 and are regulated by IL-1β
by Christina E. Zielinski & Federico Mele & Dominik Aschenbrenner & David Jarrossay & Francesca Ronchi & Marco Gattorno & Silvia Monticelli & Antonio Lanzavecchia & Federica Sallusto - 519-523 IFITM3 restricts the morbidity and mortality associated with influenza
by Aaron R. Everitt & Simon Clare & Thomas Pertel & Sinu P. John & Rachael S. Wash & Sarah E. Smith & Christopher R. Chin & Eric M. Feeley & Jennifer S. Sims & David J. Adams & Helen M. Wise & Leanne Kane & David Goulding & Paul Digard & Verneri Anttila & J. Kenneth Baillie & Tim S. Walsh & David A. Hume & Aarno Palotie & Yali Xue & Vincenza Colonna & Chris Tyler-Smith & Jake Dunning & Stephen B. Gordon & Rosalind L. Smyth & Peter J. Openshaw & Gordon Dougan & Abraham L. Brass & Paul Kellam - 524-528 Infection regulates pro-resolving mediators that lower antibiotic requirements
by Nan Chiang & Gabrielle Fredman & Fredrik Bäckhed & Sungwhan F. Oh & Thad Vickery & Birgitta A. Schmidt & Charles N. Serhan - 529-533 Exploiting a natural conformational switch to engineer an interleukin-2 ‘superkine’
by Aron M. Levin & Darren L. Bates & Aaron M. Ring & Carsten Krieg & Jack T. Lin & Leon Su & Ignacio Moraga & Miro E. Raeber & Gregory R. Bowman & Paul Novick & Vijay S. Pande & C. Garrison Fathman & Onur Boyman & K. Christopher Garcia - 534-537 An inverse relationship to germline transcription defines centromeric chromatin in C. elegans
by Reto Gassmann & Andreas Rechtsteiner & Karen W. Yuen & Andrew Muroyama & Thea Egelhofer & Laura Gaydos & Francie Barron & Paul Maddox & Anthony Essex & Joost Monen & Sevinc Ercan & Jason D. Lieb & Karen Oegema & Susan Strome & Arshad Desai - 538-541 The anti-Shine–Dalgarno sequence drives translational pausing and codon choice in bacteria
by Gene-Wei Li & Eugene Oh & Jonathan S. Weissman - 542-545 Live-cell delamination counterbalances epithelial growth to limit tissue overcrowding
by Eliana Marinari & Aida Mehonic & Scott Curran & Jonathan Gale & Thomas Duke & Buzz Baum - 546-549 Crowding induces live cell extrusion to maintain homeostatic cell numbers in epithelia
by George T. Eisenhoffer & Patrick D. Loftus & Masaaki Yoshigi & Hideo Otsuna & Chi-Bin Chien & Paul A. Morcos & Jody Rosenblatt - 550-550 Correction: Corrigendum: DNA-binding factors shape the mouse methylome at distal regulatory regions
by Michael B. Stadler & Rabih Murr & Lukas Burger & Robert Ivanek & Florian Lienert & Anne Schöler & Erik van Nimwegen & Christiane Wirbelauer & Edward J. Oakeley & Dimos Gaidatzis & Vijay K. Tiwari & Dirk Schübeler - 553-555 A lab app for that
by Kendall Powell - 555-555 Turning point: Lisa Kaltenegger
by Virginia Gewin - 558-558 Perchance to bleam
by Ronald D. Ferguson
April 2012, Volume 484, Issue 7394
- 289-289 Deep-water drilling remains a risky business
by Donald Boesch - 295-296 European groups go global
by Geoff Brumfiel - 296-297 Tsunami simulations scare Japan
by David Cyranoski - 298-299 A question of science
by Declan Butler - 301-301 Japan gambles on displays
by Katherine Bourzac - 302-303 Gene hunt is on for mental disability
by Ewen Callaway - 304-306 Science in court: Arrested development
by Lizzie Buchen - 308-310 Particle physics: A matter of detail
by Eugenie Samuel Reich - 311-313 Prepare for the coming space weather storm
by Mike Hapgood - 314-316 Medicine: Leonardo's anatomy years
by Martin Clayton - 317-317 Evolution: Work–life balance
by John Whitfield - 318-318 Boost water safety in rural China
by Hong Yang & Jim A. Wright & Stephen W. Gundry - 318-318 Getting a handle on biological data
by Dave Roberts & Alex Hardisty - 318-318 Keep a way open for tailored treatments
by Jeffrey T. Leek & Roger D. Peng & R. Reeves Anderson - 318-318 Soil remedies for small-scale farming
by Marijn van der Velde & Linda See & Steffen Fritz - 320-321 Search for the compass needles
by Henrik Mouritsen - 321-322 Carbon nanotubes finally deliver
by Franz Kreupl - 322-324 Fossil raindrops and ancient air
by William S. Cassata & Paul R. Renne - 324-325 Tunnelling across a nanowire
by Alexey Bezryadin - 325-326 No lazing on sunny afternoons
by François Rouyer - 327-332 Deformation cycles of subduction earthquakes in a viscoelastic Earth
by Kelin Wang & Yan Hu & Jiangheng He - 333-338 A novel ChREBP isoform in adipose tissue regulates systemic glucose metabolism
by Mark A. Herman & Odile D. Peroni & Jorge Villoria & Michael R. Schön & Nada A. Abumrad & Matthias Blüher & Samuel Klein & Barbara B. Kahn - 339-344 A unique regulatory phase of DNA methylation in the early mammalian embryo
by Zachary D. Smith & Michelle M. Chan & Tarjei S. Mikkelsen & Hongcang Gu & Andreas Gnirke & Aviv Regev & Alexander Meissner - 345-350 The 2.8 Å crystal structure of the dynein motor domain
by Takahide Kon & Takuji Oyama & Rieko Shimo-Kon & Kenji Imamula & Tomohiro Shima & Kazuo Sutoh & Genji Kurisu - 355-358 Coherent quantum phase slip
by O. V. Astafiev & L. B. Ioffe & S. Kafanov & Yu. A. Pashkin & K. Yu. Arutyunov & D. Shahar & O. Cohen & J. S. Tsai - 359-362 Air density 2.7 billion years ago limited to less than twice modern levels by fossil raindrop imprints
by Sanjoy M. Som & David C. Catling & Jelte P. Harnmeijer & Peter M. Polivka & Roger Buick - 363-366 Formation of the ‘Great Unconformity’ as a trigger for the Cambrian explosion
by Shanan E. Peters & Robert R. Gaines - 367-370 Clusters of iron-rich cells in the upper beak of pigeons are macrophages not magnetosensitive neurons
by Christoph Daniel Treiber & Marion Claudia Salzer & Johannes Riegler & Nathaniel Edelman & Cristina Sugar & Martin Breuss & Paul Pichler & Herve Cadiou & Martin Saunders & Mark Lythgoe & Jeremy Shaw & David Anthony Keays - 371-375 Unexpected features of Drosophila circadian behavioural rhythms under natural conditions
by Stefano Vanin & Supriya Bhutani & Stefano Montelli & Pamela Menegazzi & Edward W. Green & Mirko Pegoraro & Federica Sandrelli & Rodolfo Costa & Charalambos P. Kyriacou - 376-380 Local generation of glia is a major astrocyte source in postnatal cortex
by Woo-Ping Ge & Atsushi Miyawaki & Fred H. Gage & Yuh Nung Jan & Lily Yeh Jan - 381-385 Optogenetic stimulation of a hippocampal engram activates fear memory recall
by Xu Liu & Steve Ramirez & Petti T. Pang & Corey B. Puryear & Arvind Govindarajan & Karl Deisseroth & Susumu Tonegawa - 386-389 DBIRD complex integrates alternative mRNA splicing with RNA polymerase II transcript elongation
by Pierre Close & Philip East & A. Barbara Dirac-Svejstrup & Holger Hartmann & Mark Heron & Sarah Maslen & Alain Chariot & Johannes Söding & Mark Skehel & Jesper Q. Svejstrup - 390-393 Differential positioning of adherens junctions is associated with initiation of epithelial folding
by Yu-Chiun Wang & Zia Khan & Matthias Kaschube & Eric F. Wieschaus - 394-398 Hsp72 preserves muscle function and slows progression of severe muscular dystrophy
by Stefan M. Gehrig & Chris van der Poel & Timothy A. Sayer & Jonathan D. Schertzer & Darren C. Henstridge & Jarrod E. Church & Severine Lamon & Aaron P. Russell & Kay E. Davies & Mark A. Febbraio & Gordon S. Lynch - 399-403 Crystal structure of a membrane-embedded H+-translocating pyrophosphatase
by Shih-Ming Lin & Jia-Yin Tsai & Chwan-Deng Hsiao & Yun-Tzu Huang & Chen-Liang Chiu & Mu-Hsuan Liu & Jung-Yu Tung & Tseng-Huang Liu & Rong-Long Pan & Yuh-Ju Sun - 404-404 Correction: Corrigendum: Recovery rates reflect distance to a tipping point in a living system
by Annelies J. Veraart & Elisabeth J. Faassen & Vasilis Dakos & Egbert H. van Nes & Miquel Lürling & Marten Scheffer - 405-406 Alien encounters
by Naomi Lubick - 407-407 Turning point: Marc Modat
by Virginia Gewin - 410-410 Monkeys
by Ken Liu
April 2012, Volume 484, Issue 7393
- 1-1 Multiple sclerosis
by Herb Brody - 2-2 Aetiology: The X factor
by Lauren Gravitz - 3-3 Genomics: A complex code
by Virginia Hughes - 4-4 Drugs: An injection of hope
by Duncan Graham-Rowe - 5-5 Stem cells: Don't believe the hype
by Michael Eisenstein - 6-6 Perspective: Deconstructing a disease
by David A. Hafler - 7-7 Diagnostics: Getting a clear picture
by Cynthia Graber - 8-8 Perspective: Let the sunshine in!
by Richard M. Ransohoff - 9-9 Animal models: Not close enough
by Jocelyn Rice - 10-10 Progressive multiple sclerosis: The treatment gap
by Courtney Humphries - 11-11 Alternative therapies: Desperate measures
by Jennifer Berglund - 143-143 Scientists and bankers — a new model army
by John Liechty - 149-150 China’s stem-cell rules go unheeded
by David Cyranoski - 150-151 Post-mortem on mutant flu
by Declan Butler - 151-152 Slow progress to cleaner coal
by Jeff Tollefson & Richard Van Noorden - 152-152 Roche chases stake in medical sequencing
by Erika Check Hayden - 153-153 Dreams of water on Mars evaporate
by Eric Hand - 154-154 Giant telescope may get two homes
by Geoff Brumfiel - 155-158 Children of the 90s: Coming of age
by Helen Pearson - 159-160 Bold strategies for Indian science
by Gautam R. Desiraju - 161-162 Cleaning China's air
by Qiang Zhang & Kebin He & Hong Huo - 163-164 Q&A: The playful dramatist
by Richard Van Noorden - 164-165 In retrospect: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
by David Kaiser - 167-167 Primate studies: Fix welfare issues first
by Crystal Miller-Spiegel - 167-167 Primate studies: Trials don't always translate
by Michelle Thew - 167-167 More credit due to India's scientists
by Jagadeesh Bayry - 167-167 Primate studies: Hear the public's views
by Lawrence A. Hansen - 167-167 Higgs can claim name of massive boson
by Frank Close - 168-168 F. Sherwood Rowland (1927–2012)
by Michael J. Prather & Donald R. Blake - 170-171 Aerosols and Atlantic aberrations
by Amato Evan - 171-172 Running to stand still
by Tommy Kaplan & Nir Friedman - 172-173 Fresh light on stardust
by Susanne Höfner - 173-174 Adaptation by target remodelling
by Gerald L. Hazelbauer - 177-185 High-valent organometallic copper and palladium in catalysis
by Amanda J. Hickman & Melanie S. Sanford - 186-194 Emerging fungal threats to animal, plant and ecosystem health
by Matthew C. Fisher & Daniel. A. Henk & Cheryl J. Briggs & John S. Brownstein & Lawrence C. Madoff & Sarah L. McCraw & Sarah J. Gurr - 195-200 An elementary quantum network of single atoms in optical cavities
by Stephan Ritter & Christian Nölleke & Carolin Hahn & Andreas Reiserer & Andreas Neuzner & Manuel Uphoff & Martin Mücke & Eden Figueroa & Joerg Bochmann & Gerhard Rempe - 201-207 Teneurins instruct synaptic partner matching in an olfactory map
by Weizhe Hong & Timothy J. Mosca & Liqun Luo - 208-213 Structure of the mitotic checkpoint complex
by William C. H. Chao & Kiran Kulkarni & Ziguo Zhang & Eric H. Kong & David Barford - 214-219 Structural basis of ultraviolet-B perception by UVR8
by Di Wu & Qi Hu & Zhen Yan & Wen Chen & Chuangye Yan & Xi Huang & Jing Zhang & Panyu Yang & Haiteng Deng & Jiawei Wang & XingWang Deng & Yigong Shi - 220-222 A close halo of large transparent grains around extreme red giant stars
by Barnaby R. M. Norris & Peter G. Tuthill & Michael J. Ireland & Sylvestre Lacour & Albert A. Zijlstra & Foteini Lykou & Thomas M. Evans & Paul Stewart & Timothy R. Bedding - 223-227 Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN-based devices
by Yasuyuki Kobayashi & Kazuhide Kumakura & Tetsuya Akasaka & Toshiki Makimoto - 228-232 Aerosols implicated as a prime driver of twentieth-century North Atlantic climate variability
by Ben B. B. Booth & Nick J. Dunstone & Paul R. Halloran & Timothy Andrews & Nicolas Bellouin - 233-236 Adaptation at the output of the chemotaxis signalling pathway
by Junhua Yuan & Richard W. Branch & Basarab G. Hosu & Howard C. Berg - 237-241 Trans-synaptic Teneurin signalling in neuromuscular synapse organization and target choice
by Timothy J. Mosca & Weizhe Hong & Vardhan S. Dani & Vincenzo Favaloro & Liqun Luo - 242-245 Transcription factor PIF4 controls the thermosensory activation of flowering
by S. Vinod Kumar & Doris Lucyshyn & Katja E. Jaeger & Enriqueta Alós & Elizabeth Alvey & Nicholas P. Harberd & Philip A. Wigge - 246-250 Role of corin in trophoblast invasion and uterine spiral artery remodelling in pregnancy
by Yujie Cui & Wei Wang & Ningzheng Dong & Jinglei Lou & Dinesh Kumar Srinivasan & Weiwei Cheng & Xiaoyi Huang & Meng Liu & Chaodong Fang & Jianhao Peng & Shenghan Chen & Shannon Wu & Zhenzhen Liu & Liang Dong & Yiqing Zhou & Qingyu Wu - 251-255 Genome-wide protein–DNA binding dynamics suggest a molecular clutch for transcription factor function
by Colin R. Lickwar & Florian Mueller & Sean E. Hanlon & James G. McNally & Jason D. Lieb - 256-259 A new understanding of the decoding principle on the ribosome
by Natalia Demeshkina & Lasse Jenner & Eric Westhof & Marat Yusupov & Gulnara Yusupova - 260-264 Telomerase RNA biogenesis involves sequential binding by Sm and Lsm complexes
by Wen Tang & Ram Kannan & Marco Blanchette & Peter Baumann - 265-269 Visualizing molecular juggling within a B12-dependent methyltransferase complex
by Yan Kung & Nozomi Ando & Tzanko I. Doukov & Leah C. Blasiak & Güneş Bender & Javier Seravalli & Stephen W. Ragsdale & Catherine L. Drennan - 271-275 The interaction map
by Monya Baker